Real talk, Why do we hate Epic again?

Competition is good...

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Because it infringes on Steam's monopoly

I agree, competition is good, which is why I bought game pass for PC and downloaded the Xbox app.

God, gotta love competition!

It's an anti consumer system. They pay devs to not be on the platform with objectively more features, making the product worse for the consumer. They're the super villains of the video game world, and I will never support them.

Like clockwork.
Who do these shill threads always come in waves?

Thank you! Monopolies and taking 30% is bad.


Because a monopoly is better than a system with exclusivity contracts completely destroying competition of anything other than features and appealing to niches.

Then use GOG you retard. Instead of providing a better service than steam and making people willingly move to their platform, they buy exclusive rights to games. How dumb are you to support such scummy behavior?

They're pro dev.. you know.. the guys who makes the games the consumers play.

Because they don't compete.
They just offer an inferior product and bribe developers for exclusivity.

Got it on the third post.
That said I dont fully blame indies for taking the deal, it is only timed exclusivity, and they need money.
Except kickstarted games who took the deal. Fuck them

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This is all I need

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Because Tim Weeney Peeney is a faggot kike who wants to destroy Valve for the sake of political correctness and deny us nazi weeaboos the ability to have hitler avatars and racist usernames.

>pro pubblishers

user I don't think you get what I was doing with that post

honestly i wouldent put it past him to have part of that as his reasoning.
Because it sure as hell aint profit.

Epic? More like Epic fail

Steamfags are pathetic. The store has stagnated for years and the sales haven't been good for at least 8 years now.
I'm glad EGS, Stadia, and Xbox Game Pass are giving steam real competition on the PC market. Maybe there will be an incentive for Valve to improve their services. If not and the other platforms become better than steam over time, then it'll be time to move on and stop holding on to your 500+ games library you mostly got from bundles and will never touch again.

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Why are Yea Forumsedditors so fucking stupid
This is a shill thread
You are a retard if you take OP seriously

The competition is absolutely terrible and there's zero reason to get a game on Epic if you can get it on Steam. Tell your chink superior that they start investing in storefront features instead of astroturfers.

Here's a question that frightens Epic shills more than references to Winnie the Pooh: If the EGS is really so much better for developers and publishers, why do they have to drop millions on exclusivity deals to get anyone to switch?

You this retarded but know how to type?


Competition is good. Paid exclusivity is not. Epic have just been pumping out propaganda to justify their monopolistic tactics. The China tie is overblown but Tencent almost owning a majority share should still be worrying. Unreal cancelled in favour of further monetising the Fortnite cash cow. EGS is still feature deprived and there have been legitimate lapses with Epic's security. Tim Sweeney creepy as fuck and throwing shade at an otherwise unphased Valve. GoG a thing and otherwise invalidates many of Epic's claims.

Are you doing this cause of summer sale?

Because it's not GoG aka the only legitimate gamestore, pcbros can fuck off with their rental programs.

all popping up at the same time
what did chinkshills mean by this Yea Forums?

a) chinks
b) fortnite
c) tim dweebney looks like a fucking rat and i dont trust him
d) dont feel like installing 20 different launchers to play videogames to this exclusive garbage
they're sneaky little faggots that use fortnite skin money to buy off developers to make people install their shit ass chink spyware fuck them all

Because we feel threatened. Steam has been in our lives for 15 years and in that timeframe they've perfected the pc platform. Then some faggot company comes along and makes their own platform but this time they are aiming for the zoomers.
We're afraid they are going to take away our future games from us when really we should be focusing on our careers and starting families lol.

they gave me gungeon for free so

>perfected the pc platform

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The devs have already been given the money, the extra stuff goes to the publisher.

to make steamtards salty

Anything that compliments the Fortnite playerbase is going to sell really well on the EGS. The "other" type of games like single player stories and indie games are probably getting fucked.

I hope Tim burns Steam to the ground you fucking subhuman

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becasue we dont want to end up like consolecucks
especially when epic gets in on the "subscription" style that consolefags refuse to admit is ruining gaming

Imagine in the future where it costs $10 per month in order to be allowed to play the games you own on the epic store but its okay because steam doesnt have a monopoly on it anymore

Fuck off China. PC gaming is not your $2 whore.

Gonna need a source on that picture, Xi.

>doesn't say how many copies were from AMD GPU purchases

>that first reply
Motherfucker got owned.

I don't want any kind of DRM attached to my games, thank you.

>competition is good
Steam is an investment you've made, since it stores all your games (basically) permanently unless another competing stock wins out which makes your steam investment (bought games) worthless when it goes bankrupt.

Why is it alright that Valve took away choice by getting rid of physical copies and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC and making it so going through some console wannabe platform like Steam is the only legal way to play new games on PC and making games more expensive than ever and normalizing paying for a download etc etc?
The fat kike said the fact that he had to buy HOMM three or four times because he kept breaking it is a reason to give him a donation for a download.
>This is just a more reliable and dependable situation. I mean, I bought Heroes of Might and Magic four different times now, I swear."
The fat kike said that the fact developers used to have to release their game finished, at least on consoles, and playable without a patch because they had no way of patching it was a bad thing but tried to spin it in a positive way.
Valve paid developers to make it so their physical copies weren't actual physical copies with the entire game on the disc(s) and not require any anti-consumer console wannabe platform like Steam, but instead be Steam codes. It doesn't matter if it comes with a disc(s), if it requires Steam or any other platform then it is a download code, not a physical copy.
EGS and the others wouldn't exist if PC gamers said "no" to Steam when Valve was pushing it with literal brainwashing.
>they wouldn't brainwash, that is just a conspiracy!
Valve monitors game testers' brain activity when testing Valve games and changes the game based on that brain activity, their games are still shit though.
Holidays were created just so cards and jewelry could be sold. There was billions of dollars difference between them pushing it or not pushing it.
Death to Valve
Death to Epic
Death to Bethesda
Death to Blizzard
Death to EA
Death to CDPR/GOG
Death to all the others
Death to anyone that gives them money for a download

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>This meme again

You shills seem to fundamentally misunderstand the customer-company relationship. The ONLY thing that you are entitled to from customers is payment for your product. Everything else is a gift. Why should we care that you get more revenue thanks to Epic lowering their cut? It's not like you pass that saving on to the customer.

>Muh reinvestment!

HAHAHAHA NO. That profit goes straight into publisher/shareholder pockets.

Combined with the shitty functionality of the EGS, you have a situation wherein developers/publishers shifting their games to the EGS provides no benefits to us customers in any way shape or form. Thus we dislike the EGS.

Steam never had a monopoly and hasn't had anything that resembled a monopoly since like 2012

>physical copies and giving digital distribution
>What are Securom and Starforce?
Based retard.

Because this competition doesn't benefit consumers in any way and just makes it a hassle to deal with multiple launchers because of artificial exclusivity instead of better deals or some other plus.

exclusivity rights are anticompetitive

they also technically lead to monopoly, so the whole practice is in violation of antitrust laws, but the world is so fucked right now that no one will enforce this

>muh launchers
just fucking open the .exe you bitch

same dog shit threads that been posted lately too

>it's almost weekend
>the very same chink spam threads appear again
Like a fucking clockwork.

The publisher argument I bought, until you started using it as a meme.

As a dev myself, I've been reluctant to put the game on Steam because of their cut. But a few years back they had exposure as their main argument why you should put your game on Steam, now, it's so cluttered and indie games gets put into a separate shit pile UNLESS you have a publisher, only then do you get removed from the shit pile and get exposure.
I like that Epic is challenging Steam. I mean, without challenging Steam we wouldn't even have the return policy Steam has today. Do you think they came up and implemented that idea on their own? If so you are either very young, or you are in denial.

>exe launches the launcher first

What now?

Monopoly on what you fucking retard? Selling videogames on the internet? Stupid.

I've been wondering about this for a while now but does shilling and astoturfing in Yea Forums actually work? What game has actually had even the slightest increase of sales because of someone shilling on Yea Forums?

click that fucking EXE

Steam has third party exclusives?

Epic Games is trying to be this strange crosebreed of Steam and Electronic Arts, doesn't help that Tim Sweeney looks like a soulless serial killer.

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>I mean, without challenging Steam we wouldn't even have the return policy Steam has today.

That has nothing to do with storefront competition and everything to do with Valve not wanting to get sued into oblivion for violating consumer protection laws.

You need EGS on to play the games you retard, go play in Tiananmen Square.

Because now I have to install more bullshit middleware if I want to play Phoenix Point.

no problem with it in theory but the software sucks ass
Reminder that Sweeney is this retarded.

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>he can't double click an exe before playing a game
jesus christ you idiot

thats why he fits in so well with the chinese

Publishers pay for marketing. Indie devs do not. That is why their oh-so-deep-and-revolutionary-8-bit-but-not-really-sidescroller game gets the same treatment as the asset flips.

That being said, I'm more forgiving of indie devs going to the EGS. They don't have a publisher sugardaddy funding their self-indulgent art project.

>he thinks he can do this without having the EGS running in the background

> malaysia mike
ok retard

Now this is epic!
Kill yourself, my man

wow, having an exe in the background while playing a game, almost like just like steam WOW

Do you really think the only type of games in existence are AAA games and 8 bit art project indie games? There's nothing in between. Now, this is why I don't argue with black and white world people.

>Valve wont provide Steam keys for games that aren't releasing on Steam

Am I a brainlet who can't conceive of Tim's 7D chess or is this really as retarded as it looks?

real competition would be epic and steam selling the game at the same time and letting them duke it out arena style. not shattering steams knee and getting the win over a technicality

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Of course not, I was being facetious. The point is that indies seem to believe that their project should be given more exposure despite being unwilling for pay for it.

But the government of China, who is partially bankrolling this travesty of a storefront, is very, very bad.

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>not shattering steams knee and getting the win over a technicality
Epic wishes they could do that.

My bad, I replied to the wrong user.

This entire faggot fucking idea of competition and monopoly between DRM platforms is fucking stupid. Key resellers like g2a and gmg are where competition occurs. Developers set their price on Steam. They don't "monopolize" a fucking thing.

no the analogy fits cause we have yet to see a game on steam after the exclusive deal, that is when we'll see if epic's gamble works and steam suffers low sales. i wonder if valve is waiting to see that as well.

Because they shit on the paying consumer with this exclusivity bullshit. I'm an idort with a PC, PS4 and Switch and I would love to be able to make all my game purchasing choices around what best suits my desires on where and how I play a game I'm willing to pay for. However instead I have to put up with bullshit by platform manufacturers setting up inconveniences for their interest over mine. EGS is pulling the exact same shit by saying that if I want this game I have to put up with using their inferior store front that can't communicate with my friends and groups that I would be able to if they hadn't bought the exclusivity rights and gotten the game pulled from Steam. I'm getting nothing but annoyance and inconvenience from their practices: why should I be happy about it when EGS is at fault?

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>competition good
Says the Microsoft cocksucker

Shattering the knee implies they actually did damage to valve.

But this recent steam sale has shown us that Gaben just doesn't give a fuck. They released the most obtuse, incorrigible, and most likely the worst steam summer sale of all time just because they can. You'd think they would actually be scared of the generous sale Epic did but nah.

devs wanted out as soon as epic but there games up for sale.

and they may suck my dick i want pro consumer policy and steam offering me that 90% of games that are released today are in beta stage so i have zero sympathy for developers who constantly trying to scam me

How many times has the "world war z sold 2M on EGS" thread been made? I swear I saw it 2 days ago at least


tiananmen square massacre june 4th 1989

>Who do these shill threads always come in waves?
I'm surprised you even have to ask. It's called a "shift change."

Because it's using hyper-aggressive practices while offering an infinitely inferior service and being thoroughly anti-consumer on every level. Their sales pitch was no reviews, if you support this shit you're supporting getting what little voice that consumers have, quashed even further.

They're just buying their way into the market. That's hardly competing.

And why the fuck are you on the developer's side? Developers, the scumfuckers who do nothing but shit half-baked games and aggressive monetization into your mouth - they saw Steam's willingness to let them release games that aren't even fucking finished and decided it wasn't enough. They don't deserve any more leniency or power.

GoG is best but no corporation is on your side.

Hasn't that been outed as bullshit since the Samurai Shodown director (iirc) said that Epic were willing to pay them the equivalent of x amount of copies sold in exchange for exclusivity?

Oh you don't need to post proofs that steam subhumans are reddit subhumans

>Competition is good
I agree, that's why exclusives within the same platform shouldn't exist.

Hey hey. I fully understood what their silly race meant.

But you and I both know that the average steam user, fuck the average gamer in general even, are complete fucking retards and the walls of text that they throw at you to explain it doesn't help. Just like the recent news articles said, people are removing low-profile indies on their wishlists because they want the big daddy AAA games to get hit by the free game promo when the only thing they actually needed to do was to put the game they want to get on the top of their list.

>They're just buying their way into the market. That's hardly competing.
This behavior was spurred by the board members that Tencent installed in Epic Games after buying some 40% of the company. Chinks don't own the company but they're running it and the rest of the board are more than happy to play sycophant.

Exclusivity kills competition.

Because consumers don't get anything out of a game being on the epic store.

Fucking chinese.



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>Just like the recent news articles said, people are removing low-profile indies on their wishlists because they want the big daddy AAA games to get hit by the free game promo when the only thing they actually needed to do was to put the game they want to get on the top of their list.
>it's real


this looks like an old shill post

Steam has no monopoly on anything you braindead retard.

Best post. This blows the fuck out of shill retards.


Steam drones genuinely hate all signs of competition

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So what were all these exclusive games that Steam allegedly denied to other platforms?

I love GOG though.

Just wait until the Chinese realize their mistake and simply buy Valve.

I just don't want my data to be leaked. Maybe if they had decent security, I would use epic.

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Epic shills are so fucking desperate.
>It's okay to pay for exclusivity 2 weeks before release
>It's not okay to have the game be exclusive just because any other store is worthless.

They can't make it too secure or the Ministry of State Security won't be able to doxx all of EG's customers.

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GOG is a cucked whipping boy for Steam, not real competition.

I love Epic! They pay for games I want to play so I can pirate them guilt-free.
Then later I can buy them for my Steam collection when they stop being Epic exclusives.

>Try to talk to kids about how shit this dependency on one company really is
>Kids call you a faggot for not using glorious Steam

>Gabe dies
>EA buys Valve
>Try to talk to kids about how shit this dependency on one company really is
>Kids call you a faggot for not using glorious Stadia

There is no such thing as "competition" between DRM platforms outside of the actual UI and store software. Steam and Epic don't set the prices of games on their platform, developers do. Price competition only occurs on key resale websites.

Why are Epic drones so retarded? Exclusivity does NOT create competition. It makes competition completely impossible, because how can platforms compete with each other on the price of a game when said game is only available on one platform?
Call me when Epic starts selling 60$ titles for 55$ instead of making games unavailable everywhere else and still charging $60.

That's just wishful thinking though, zoom zoom.

>If we s-suck Epic cock the industry will magically improve! Steam will have better sales! Muh competition!
Gullible retards. You're just opening the door to even more DRM and hostageware than we already have to deal with.

Gaben has used his billions to make himself immortal. He's so big because he needs space for all the extra organs.

>Exclusivity does NOT create competition.
ummmmm steamdrone...

remember the hey-day of xbox and playstation's competition? they had good exclusive games by the truckload

I don't hate it. In fact, I find it increasingly funny to see Timmyboy sperging out because Valve doesn't give a shit about him.

attacking your customer != competition

outrage culture
social media
mob mentality

exclusivity is cancer i don't give two shits what the dev cut is. name literally anything ebin does that benefits the consumer because all i see is a store ran by people who have no clue what they're doing and can't even make a shopping cart or run a sale without some hilarious results.
why doesn't timmy tencent use the bottomless pit of money to make a store that's better at what everything steam does and offer me, a consumer who wants to buy some video games, really great incentives?? instead all i get is the iron fist attitude of buy game here or you can't have it anywhere else. they even opened sales to third parties but of course they can't even discount the games making it pointless. it's all so tiresome.

>valve needs to improve their service
>that already eclipses that of the "competition" by miles
Loving every laugh.

Ok you're being retarded and making stupid comparisons, everyone would still rather have good multiplats than good exclusives, I don't give a fuck what's good for the publisher, I'm the one who's going to be paying for/playing the game so whatever.

Dragons Dogma after it "leaked".

Fuck China.

the devs literally only exist through the will of the consumer fuck off

was gonna say this
Probably many other indie titles too, if I made a game you guys are probably the first people I'd shill it to, I don't see anything particularly wrong with that either.

Competition is good, like GOG giving their client a major overhaul to add functionality. Epic isn't even at the level of a digital storefront from 1999, they already had a shopping cart feature then.

>Steam sucks so let's help create ANOTHER Steam
Epicdrones are legit retarded

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It's about a new policy of Valve after Shenmue 3. You get only keys if you agree to make the game is buyable and that you'll give refunds should you withdraw it. No more free advertisements on the steam store.

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>No reviews allowed
>If you live outside of US, you need to pay more money.
>No Social Game community like steam does to upload screenshots and videos

Oh I wonder why we hate epic games

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Got a link to the steam post they made?

So it's Valve's first party titles? Are you retarded?

seriously fuck PC gaming with all their fucking uplay, origin, steam, epic, etc.etc. FUCK

>games made by Valve

Ah yes, all first party titles i see.

>DOTA2, Counterstrike, and Portal
Those were all developed by VALVe you dumb nigger.

>Valve published game
>Valve published game
>valve developed game
Good point this is exactly the same Tim thanks for clearing that up I shall now downlaod your storefront :^)


I remember the intro of Unreal running on my 3dfx
I love Epic

No, fuck indie devs in particular for choosing an anti-customer platform for their game just to get a few more bucks. Being successful with indies means being in touch with the community, something that the EGS can't offer.

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Competition is good which is why Epic bribing developers and publishers to use their store and their store only is bad.

cope, samefag

So you're equivocating a company publishing its own products to a distributor signing deals with developers to keep other distributors from selling their games? Wow you're fucking stupid.

steam takes 30% from devs to support their platform and giving players an almost tax-free purchase every time, it makes things like paying with

the epic store has the consumer pay full price + full tax thus making the game more expensive, its a corporate scheme to give people more money
as an average person with a stable income you dont have to care because you will buy it anyway, if its popular people will buy it, its mindless consumerism that always works and turns others into wonderful paypigs because nobody ever acknowledges whats going on

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>promise steam release on kickstarter
>oops EGS store exclusive now
>no refunds too xD
>wtf why people hate EGS?

Salty about what? Steam is a fully competent platform, Gabe and Steam live inside the heads of Epicucks and Timmy Tincent. Exlusives? Just pirate em, who cares.

Reminder that "Epicfags" are just baiting shitposters.

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being such a conflux of normalfags, much like reddit, Yea Forums is constantly brigaded with marketing material by pajeets in sweatshops that get paid peanuts by US corporations

Because it's like Steam, and despite what Epic Shills would have you believe, Steam is generally regarded as hot garbage that is only tolerated because it's the only option. Adding another equally bad option isn't a good thing, we want a GOOD option for our games.

Because their practices are worse than valve's.
>needs the launcher as a distribution platform and dosent work without it, so its also DRM and unlike steam, dosent have a rate system or workshop or comunity forums
>like sony, exclusive deals by straight up giving money to developer studios just to not having them on steam for enough time to take the majority of their userbase
>like windows 10, is not about if its good or not, its about how far it can spread for "telemetry" reasons, the more computers it has the software the bigger the data

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>bribing studios
That's not competition.

I refuse to believe that this is his real twitter account. No one can be this retarded. The fact he's not even verified gives credit to my claim.

>why do we hate Epic
After seeing this latest steam sale, I've realised they're as criminal as one another.

Oh look it’s the exact same fucking thread again


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>seething piglet

"Fuck niggers and FUCK Jannies"

Seething hare actually.
Being a corgi doesn't change the fact that the sale is the worst in years.

God forbid that PiggerNenis69 is running around with some transphobic message on his Conscientious Objector in tf2.