How come everyone lost their minds when EA started lootboxes but nobody said a thing when Valve did it ages ago for...

How come everyone lost their minds when EA started lootboxes but nobody said a thing when Valve did it ages ago for years with CSGO?

Attached: lootbox.0.jpg (1200x800, 53K)

Why was the shit ok in Team Fortress 2 OP? It started with that.

EA did it with an ultra normie franchise.

I guess because the thing you bought had some value and was transferable, where as lootboxes are a straight up scam selling you something you can't trade or sell.

I can't speak for anyone else but I thought it was just dumb when TF2 started it. I had no idea what kind of rampant cancer it would become.

It was never ok to begin with, but EA makes their games a fucking p2w with the content they lock in the lootboxes

PC fats don't have standards, reminder that they pay monthly fees to play 1 GAME.

we fucking did, but everybody ignored us.

Because it's okay when Gaben does it, but really because you can resell your STEAM loot but you can't you Blizzard or EA shit

Honestly this. EA is way more mainstream (sadly)

Nobody on console should be talking for monthly fees especially when you have to pay TWICE just to play online (or maybe it's only once because your parents take care of that for you )

People were more OK with the CSGO and TF2 system since you could actually trade the items you got, creating a market that could offset the costs of buying keys, and ensure that if you didn't roll what you want, you could just trade for it. You can't do that with most lootbox systems in recent games.

The market theory seems kinda decent, hard to be mad when you sell all your stuff on steam money flows into your account.

Yeah for some reason nobody complained as hard. I'd say its worse because you could resell the things rather than them being worthless baubles.

what necessary stuff is ever locked in lootboxes? Its all just gambling on pretty clothes to play dress up with

cardgames started it all

Because EA broke them and built a game with a entire progression system locked behind them. Most other big games had only had cosmetic optional stuff

Overwatch and Fortnite are marketed at children.
CSGO and TF2 were marketed at neckbeards.

I'm pretty sure Valve got into hot water for CSGO skins

EA never did loot boxes, it's surprise mechanics.

Get a clue, dork. Battlefield 2 had gameplay boosts tied to loot boxes. At least when TF2 had their crates all weapons were available to unlock through cheevos. Still bullshit.

because i can sell a shitton of boxes to retarded streamers for 20 dolars a pop the day they drop using a bunch of bot accounts to farm them.

These boxes massively lose their value a short time after they are new. You end up losing money on shit skins anyway and it's still gambling.

three times if he's talking about MMO subscriptions too

If you just sell everything you never lose money. It's that easy.

People are really forgetting the magic of Steam trading and gifting before Valve ruined it.
TF2 gave keys every once in a while, and you could make any cosmetic with enough scrap metal. It then became a conversion rating for scrap to key trading, which became scrap to anything on Steam gateway. The base value of keys never changed because Valve set the price. Only the conversion rating on scrap was affected by the amount of resale keys, not the value of keys.

Lootboxes aren't an issue. The issue is resale--or rather the lack of it. There's no free market. Its all corporate socialism.

Game companies don't actually give a shit about "unfair advantages". They only care if the IRS will come knocking down their door.

You could've still traded the shit you opened in CS:GO and TF2 , so you can call it as "mechanic" and actually get shit from it back or evne profit. EA,Activision or Ubisoft etc boxes are worthless pieces of shit where you give them money for basically nothing

>but nobody said a thing when Valve did it ages ago for years with CSGO?
Did you miss all the memes about hat fortress when TF2 started this trend? And everyone laughed at the gambling idiots paying thousands for knife skins in CSGO. But the thing is, since you can trade those items, they still have some value to the player. Even though you only get Valve's funbux, you can still buy games with it. I never paid a cent for those things but made enough money off it to buy a few games. The exact argument against EA is that there is no after-market sales like you can get with real life trading cards.

>EA started * sniff sniff* bhehehee
You're way to young for this website

People probably thought it was too stupid to catch on.

Because Valve's lootboxes aren't as cancerous. They're still cancerous, but they don't impede gameplay or progression.

Imagine if you had to grind 4000 hours just to unlock the AWP or just buy a billion keys to get a *chance* to get it. That would have caused an uproar.

>muh boosters
there was literally nothing wrong with them, you knew the card you were buying, the rest was just bonus filler.

fuck off EA

Aren't the most popular/best selling console games currently sports games with that "fantasy team" bullshit?

Because Valve created a market for it. You can trade and sell and their games are planned through updates instead of shitting the latest sequel of the franchise.
My little brother unboxed a Dragon Claw hook in Dota 2 like 7 years ago for 50 cents. Today it's worth like 700.