Started playing destiny 2. Gun play is decent but story is retarded. Wonder who the fuck wrote it...

Started playing destiny 2. Gun play is decent but story is retarded. Wonder who the fuck wrote it. Pic related is the head writer of the destiny franchise.

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Destiny’s plot is literally the plot of a Disney channel cartoon

they hired her on to be diverse because activision told them to
and now everything that was cool and mysterious and had years of building up in destiny 1 was absolutely ruined
thank you ms thompson it was really cool of you

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I would say it's cliche as hell but not retarded, am I supposed to say it's retarded because some fat white person rope story and not a qt.Jap girl?

You have to write retarded stories when your player base is retarded, and Destiny's definitely is.

Was user. Was. They shuffled her off somewhere else for Forsaken.

i legit turned off voices and it made the game that 10x better also dont worry about story its pretty bad

Never played d1 but was the story more vague? I was thinking it would be better served if it was more mysterious kinda like warframe. Kinda blows that they have this bitch and the other girl who designed community features as non existent as possible because she was traumatized by people being mean on counter strike

good times.

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Is forsaken better? Story wise? I mostly just like the gun play and set pieces.

Yes. I mean, I know it's not saying much, but holy fuck it was a 180 in tone and quality. Kinda wish they'd ease up on the edge a little though.

there was tons of mystery and really cool potential in my eyes
but literally at every turn when they introduced it in 2 they fucking dropped the ball hard
like mortal kombat story levels of dropped balls and wasted potential
and i fucking hate both for it

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No, she wasn't and she recently left bungie.

it kind of feels like an episode of power rangers

>they basically had not a single white man in Destiny 2
>people point it out
>suddenly one patch you can see blonde guys walking around
So shameful.
So blatant.

Poor Vicarious Visions. You can tell how much more passionate they were working on Warmind and SoO than whatever shitty port Activision shoves on them. Too bad they're no longer working with Bungie.

yeah its a goddamn shame
they put in so much effort for the concept art and introducing some cool new stuff and it was all put to waste
i remember laughing at the line ghost says "ive never seen hive like this before" when they were just frosted hive
but then when i saw the concept art i understood why he probably said that line
too bad about none of it being used

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cast her

I think the biggest issue is the engine.I remember that before the D2 version came out, if you wanted to edit a map, you had to leave your workstation on overnight while waiting for the program to load. And of course there was a risk of the editor crashing too.

Path of least resistance is to just make a quick and lazy reskin rather than seriously remodel or god forbid make new enemy types.

I feel bad for people who never got the chance to complete a raid.

She's so fat her high school yearbook picture had to be taken from a helicopter.

>One Pound
>One Pan
>One Happy Family

The story in D2 starts off extra retarded. Not that the plot in the first game was anything brilliant, but the game had strong world building and a ton of lore hidden in the grimoire books that D2 initially shits all over and contradicts constantly and the tone clashes with the light hearted comedy they kept trying to cram in 2 early on, luckily they were met with a ton of backlash over this and have been getting things back on track since forsaken