Which series is better, Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

Which series is better, Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

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Resident Evil

silent hill has more fantastic games than RE, but RE is more consistently good.

Resident Evil is the less quality series but also still alive so it wins by default

Silent Hill has the better girls

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What a dumb question

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If you only take the actual good games into account, Silent Hill.

Team Silent SH >>>>>>>>> RE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post 4 SH

Silent Hill, not even a question

I'm playing Silent Hill for the first time. Fuck the touch buttons on the Vita. Also playing through RE2. Gonna do RE3 next as i've never played that one.

waifufags have ruined every single RE thread so SH is clearly the winner.

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SH is better as horror, RE is better as fun (so not scary whatsoever) games

>has more fantastic games
>1 2 and 3 v 1 2 4 and both remakes

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But Lisa is literally a junkie slut

I think its clear

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Resident Evil. It's not even a contest. SH hasn't been relevant in nearly 20 years. RE is still going strong. There's a reason for that.


I could never get into the whole "it's goofy but charming" thing with RE. The horrible voice acting and retarded plots are just... retarded.

The first 4 games SH

I recently got into RE with the remake and I am hooked. Can't wait to play R3.

That said in terms of spookiness I will say SH2. I just hate some of the puzzles in SH. RE has easier puzzles fa sha (again only played RE2remake)

You could argue Silent Hills best is better than REs best but in sheer number of good games RE wins. At this point over half the silent hill games are terrible and only like 3 of them are good.

This. I don't get why people call the RE games "survival horror"... where is the horror aspect? More like "survival action". A bunch of zombies moaning isn't spooky or unsettling or creepy. They're just targets to shoot or obstacles to avoid.

>enters RE room
>hears zombie moaning
Okay, where are you...

>enters RE hallway
>sees zombies in it
Okay, gotta get past these guys...

>enters SH room/hallway
>hears nothing, sees nothing moving
>knows there won't be any jumpscares
>still creeped out and on edge

>be almost anywhere in SH
>feel a disturbing, unsettling atmosphere

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The original 4 games made by Team Silent surpass anything RE related. Its due to the sheer retardartion of Konami that the series died. If they didnt disband Team Silent or didnt sabotage any attempt at a good entry the series would be just as popular as RE today. A remake of any of the original games would sell like hot cakes, judging by how excited people were for Silent Hills.

The Silent Hill series are the better horror games (probably the best), but Resident Evil is more fun to play.

>I don't get why people call the RE games "survival horror"...
I can answer that. Because they literally invented the fucking term. The first time the phrase "survival horror" was ever used was in the marketing campaign for Resident Evil. If RE is not survival horror the fucking nothing is.

>Its due to the sheer retardartion of Konami that the series died. If they didnt disband Team Silent or didnt sabotage any attempt at a good entry the series would be just as popular as RE today.
This is just not true. Konami did not disband "Team Silent" (which doesn't really exist, by the way) until after the fourth game and yet the biggest decline in the franchise took place with the release of the third game. SH has never even come close to being competition for RE. RE has always absolutely destroys it in sales. SH has just never really been all that popular a franchise. Get the fuck over it, you dumb fanboy retards.

You dont know what the fuck are you talking about, dont reply to me RE brainlet. Silent Hill 3 was great and had the best gameplay in the series, hardly a decline.

Resident Evil. List of good Silent Hill games:
List of good Resident Evil games:
>REmake 2

>RE5 and RE6 aren't good!
Shut the fuck up they're great action games.

>"Team Silent" never existed
Absolute retard.

>not good
It wasnt perfect, but its definitely a good game

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Decline in sales, retard. Konami didn't decide to retool the franchise for fun. It was bombing. They were trying to salvage it. And you morons think if they had just let your beloved "Team Silent" do whatever they want it would be on par with RE? You're fucking retarded. They did exactly that for four games. Once the novelty wore off after the second game the franchise plummeted in sales. Meanwhile, RE sales were increasing with each new game, not decreasing.


>muh sales
I just wanted good games. Whatever Team Silent would cook up after 4 would be thousand times better than Homecoming.

Team Silent is a moniker for an inconsistent group of people that happen to be working on a Silent Hill game. That's all. They weren't the same people every time. They didn't even have the same key personnel like writers and directors every time. For fuck's sake, the guy who came up with Silent Hill in the first place left Konami after the first game and had nothing to do with the rest of them. "Team Silent" is basically a mythical development team the retard fanbase has made up.

You've got a lot of learning to do. Here's something to get you started on your journey: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL87676CF7D0B816B4

Fuck off with you fanboy bullshit. Look at the credits for the games. You don't see the same people doing the same shit for them all. The development team was different every fucking time.

>>muh sales
That kind of fucking matters, you moron. Games are only financed if it makes financial sense to do so. And besides, I'm not the one who was claiming SH would have been just as big as RE. What metric are we going by except sales to judge that?

There were different people, but not all of them. They just come and go and hand over their vision to the other people. Hiroyuki Owaku was a writer on the first 3 games, Masahiro Ito did the enemy design for all 4 games. Akira Yamaoka continued to make music for the games even after the team was disbanded.

Well, it would seem the people who "took over the vision" killed the franchise because their games sold like shit.

As I already said, people were really excited for Silent Hills even after all these years and remakes or new entries done by a proper team would make the series just as popular as RE is today. Its all speculation of course, but thats what I think.

If sales indicate a quality of a videogame for you then I dont know what to tell you. Alot of great games sold poorly.

Silent Hill is smarter, has a much better universe and atmosphere. Resident Evil is still alive and kicking though and the last couple of games have been really great.

Resident Evil exist through constant ups and downs but still manages to be relevant and give us some good games. Silent Hill has been on a downward spiral since 3/4 and is practically dead at this point.

SH is not some super secret under the radar franchise. Everyone knows it. It's a novelty franchise. The novelty wore off. It happens all the time. It's not a tragedy that shit gets old. Would have happened to RE too but Capcom saw the writing on the wall and did something about it. Konami saw it too late and did too little.

Resident Evil quadruple objectively. Silent Hill has 2 good games that arguably didn't age well because of weak gameplay.

I agree, but Konami didnt do too little, they just handled it in the absolute worst way possible for years and killed the franchise in the process.

>but Konami didnt do too little
I disagree. Their plan basically began and ended with giving it to western devs and hoping they could do a better job. I think that's too little. Capcom basically rebuilt RE from the ground up with RE4 and they did it all internally. What drastic changes did Konami ever make to SH? Even at the end all they had "Uhhh, give it to Kojima maybe?" He didn't have a plan either.

Pretty drastic decision to juggle your franchise between dev teams from different countries that were all kinds of sizes when you had a pretty consistent team at your company. I think Kojima had a pretty clear vision for the game and it would be really nice to see what he wanted to do. I suppouse Death Stranding has some leftovers from Silent Hills.

I'm replaying re6 now and I'm enjoying it. Idk why it was so panned when it came out.

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Silent Hill. It's stories have depth and emotion and the horror is stark and brutal. Definitely better then most modern games.

Re4 and Remake > Siren 1 and 2 > SH 1, 2, 3

RE 1, 2 and 4 are fucking awesome
Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3 are fucking awesome

There is no vs., just avoid all other games in their series.

Shit taste.

I don't see how it's a close contest though. Even if you prefer story and presentation Capcom already blew every Silent Hill out of the water with Killer7

It's like comparing The Godfather with Goodfellas

Sam Lake should return as Max.
I think 6 had really good gameplay but was badly received because the story felt too stupid and rushed by fast pacing way too many arcs like Wesker's son, Ada's clone, the shitty incel villain that was Simmons, PTSD Chris, etc...

Given that Goodfellas is a brilliant film whereas The Godfather is overrated pretentiousness I'm assuming Goodfellas = RE and The Godfather = SH?

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