Only an hour left for Americans
Mario Maker 2 Thread
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*checks my apple watch*
Hm... not quite.
why the fuck am i on the east coast
I can't. That's not even particularly "high level" tech and it's very fun/useful. The changes disappoint me but I won't let it ruin the game.
Even for PST?
>Preordered physical on amazon
yes, game unlocks at midnight est, so 9pm for pst
why did g*d put you on this e*rth, h*man?
Just realized the nintendo switch doesnt have a dpad. The fuck. What a shit system. Was a dust collector 2 years ago when i bought it and now this. How the fuck am i suppose to play mario games without a fucking d pad.
>Trust me guys
alright fellas the hour is now upon us, now the real wait begins
i dont know if i want to use a voucher for this hmmmmmm
>tfw UK
It's good lads, enjoy yourself
The joycons are so fucking garbage the sticks drifted down to the "add $100" option while I was trying to buy the game.
the buttons on the left joycon function as a superior d-pad. please tell me you aren't sperging out because there isn't a 3 cm piece of plastic connecting them all together
Why the fuck do you keep posting this? No one is going to change their opinion on it and neither are you apparently so fuck off.
Are the text blocks from SMW in?
Nah, but you can give your courses descriptions
Why was it never patched in Mario Maker 1 then?
Probably because they didn't want to break tons of pre-existing levels.
Aww, that's too bad. I wanted to be able to have short story/lore fragments scattered around my levels.
I'm watching youtubes of others playing the game while I wait, still comfy and salt free
I think you might be able to emulate that with comments. I remember doing something like that in MM1 when Miiverse was still around
>Can-Can dosent play while invincible with superball
This makes me so angry I could post a wojak
Hoping it will be at Walmart when I go in a couple hours but I doubt it.
user, people have had this game for like two days already.
play my shitty level, I'll play yours
also, did they update that super mario maker bookmark site yet?
I will be mad if I can't get it at Wally World. The only time they couldn't give me a game was for Tropical Freeze
Because shitposters who don't even play video games love to stir up shit on Yea Forums, especially making minor things seem huge.
Might want to post this again in 45 minutes. Europe and Asia has the game but America isn't on board yet, except for reviewers and a few lucky Mexicans.
So to the people who have it.
How do you play with each other?
2 hours left for me.
Why 2 hours?
Steelbook anons are you here?
Doesn't it release midnight for everyone on their respective times?
My eShop still says prepurchase.
No, midnight EST.
No, user. Midnight Eastern. 40 more minutes.
These threads are so fucking slow, bros...
Midnight EST, 40 minutes for NA.
Will I be able to pirate this and play online? If so u may buy a switch
AH SHIT, thanks my bros.
>forced to buy Nintendo Online to play a fucking Mario game
Yeah I'm thinking its trash
kill yourself
You can pirate Switch games and play online but you will 100% be banned and you'd still have to pay for online to begin with. Best solution is to just pirate offline games on EmuNAND and pay for the odd ones with real online functionality.
Anything that makes onions kaizo streamers seethe is fine by me.
Digital. Saving $10 on MM2 and $10 on another game was a pretty good deal. I like having boxes too but MM2's the game I want to easily access
The one near my place isnt very good with games. Took them a week and a half to put out FF12 on the switch
I only have smash for the switch, I was thinking of getting this and heard they nerfed like basic techniques.
Any good art of the redesigns made for other themes
Digital for me. Seems like the kind of game to have with me always.
Also having not to worry about Online renewal for another year is great I guess.
Are you guys gonna either
>make a level
>play online levels
>play story mode
First? I’m thinking of playing story mode first, as I would assume that’s how I get one of the 2 unlockable powerups (I don’t know how you unlock them)
I bought digital so I didn't have to go back to the store again and also because I got $100 eShop credit for $82, effectively making this game $41 digitally.
Please let me know as soon as it becomes available
Literally every "nerf" was autism. The game runs fine if you're a normal human being. The only change I hate is that bob-ombs don't bounce off of walls anymore.
making first
Squeeze out a level, try some other ones (maybe from Yea Forums), and then hop onto story mode.
31 minutes, user.
Story mode, have not played Mario in years.
>muh autism
I really wish people could stop being mindless fanboys that defend objectively bad things. You can be excited for the game without excusing every bad decision they made. There's zero reason to remove any of this shit, less options is always going to be worse.
Who else has work early tomorrow morning?
Probably story, online, make. Got a NOS, some beef jerky, and some chips. Gonna go to town on this shit.
>not taking the day off
Probably play a few story levels and then hop in bed so I can make with the stylus. I'm thinking of making either a SMB3 sky level, 3DW sky level or SMB3 Ghost House first. Haven't decided.
>no costumes
Shit game. I'm looking forward to Pokemon Masters far more.
I have no idea how to make levels
This just changed the game
>not retiring early via bitcoin moon
>when the new soup also has soul
where my WAHOOchads at
Let the bird teach you.
>I can't play it until late tomorrow because my mom won't give me the allowance money until tomorrow.
anyone gonna try and get a lunchbox tomorrow? lol
The only notable ones are the Angry Sun and the goombrats, bit disappointed that a lot of the 3D world enemies didn't get new sprites but some of the original new ones look pretty great
>tfw my local target has shitters on the inside who give first dibs on unsold inventory to scalpers
if they still have any sure
for the moment I'm currently unemployed but I have to get some papers signed tomorrow morning specifically
>I really wish people could stop being mindless fanboys that defend objectively bad things
I know, but Kaizo fags just won't shut up.
>You can be excited for the game without excusing every bad decision they made.
I know. That's why I still liked Mario Maker 1 despite all the bullshit levels fags made because "muh skill ceiling"
>There's zero reason to remove any of this shit
It was exploiting the game's programming for unintended results. This is called bug-fixing, moron.
>less options is always going to be worse.
Yeah, but it was shit that I hated so fuck off.
Don't forget nintendo also forces you to buy a TV to play the game on. Also they force you to buy a chair to sit in.
god damn this game is comfy as fuck
been playing it since i got it 5 hours ago
>not gaming with your mind while standing
Is this like the previous one where you have timed unlocks?
>no super mario bros 2 theme
>no super mario 64 custom level creator
>no mayreeoh odyssey theme/cappy
As retarded as this statement was in context, it's pretty funny when applied to actual things people bitch about that don't matter. You have my (you) based retard. Godspeed.
>nintendo also forces you to buy a TV to play the game on
did you forget the switch has a screen?
should have saved up them good boy points, she's trying to teach you to be lower time preference but you didn't listen
t. fucking her
You literally do not need a TV to play Switch games, user.
no timed unlocks
night courses are unlocked by placing the moon
super ball unlocked in story mode
builder hammer unlocked by beating story mode
I don't play much Mario
What is this actually good for?
No. That's been done away with. As far as we know the only unlocks are the two story mode powerups and Mii assets.
wtf amazon says i wont get mare-io maker until tuesday WTF!!!!!!!!!!!
post styluses
Who /TryingToBootTheGameEvery10MinutesOrSo/?
I hope they add the new features in updates as unlockables for story mode, that would be a great way to incorporate them into the game
I would have more money if I had a job but nooooooo, she want's me to finish school first.
For anyone who got the physical copy already with NSO, does it have a reversable cover that isnt an eye sore?
Spin jump off of an enemy while carrying an item and you can then use the item to clear another obstacle without touching the ground.
That's the price you pay for getting $10 off NSO.
>arriving tomorrow by 11 pm
I don't think I can make it, bros...
there is art but it wouldn't look great reversed
Damn that's a sexy box. Wish I could have gotten a good deal on physical.
Mine's arriving via USPS. Mail usually comes around 2:00 pm. Gonna take some benadryl and see if I can sleep until then.
>all these cucks not getting a digital version
So is someone gonna make a Google Doc for levels like last time or are we gonna wait until we know we have some levels that aren't ass?
my gamestop releases games at 9 PM instead of midnight
im already enjoying it
Here's your Night theme music, bro
Whats the first thing you're gonna do when you get the game, or if you have already what did you do?
make a penis
Look forward to pirating this
imma noob who didn't MM1, so play through campaign
This will extend my will to live for a few more months.
>game requires electricity for you to play
Sounds like a fucking phone ringing
I prefer playing levels rather than making them so I'll be playing story mode because most levels today will be timmy's first hot garbage
Why would anyone need the other 8?
same bro
I'm probably going to play a bit of the story mode and then I might try to make my own level. I didn't play the first one but I'm pretty hyped to play this one.
>mfw i lost the charger for my pro controller
pretty lame desu
no idea why they did this
Quality is actually at its peak right now because the only people that have been playing so far are reviewers/autists.
>mr eraser jerks himself off to death to erase things
>no flooding
any usb 3 you pleb
just use ur switch charger dumbo
Next time you're using handheld mode just unplug the switch charger from the dock and put the pro controller on instead.
I was gonna ask but decided not to bother. Figures the ghetto ass stores would be the ones that most closely follow the rules
it's time
I hope this is Gamecube controller friendly. After Smash dropped, I cant play any Switch game on any other controller except the Gamecube controller.
God dammit I still can't get in
It's time!
ITS UP!!!!
>You cannot play this software yet. Please try again later.
>You cannot play this software yet.
>Try again later.
Why is the switch so bad at playing digital games at launch...
>mfw i'm actually retarded and haven't used my expensive pro controller in weeks because of that
It's up!!!!!
3 more hours
finally in
It’s live!!!!
Fuck you fags for making me thing it unlocks at 12 am EST
>still not unlocked
Fuck this gay shit I’ll just play tomorrow
Fuck u
Why do you guys lie
Go go go go its live
Papa Miyamoto saw that bug and deemed all those who would use it faggots. Then he promptly removed it.
If you're in EST it's up. Otherwise it will be up at midnight wherever you are.
>I still can't get in
Not any of them, but I iterally just launched it. Open the eshop game page or something.
>Kek 3 more hours
Should've figured.
I swear I hate Japan and them wanking to California's timezone.
this is not what you faggots said FUCK ALL OF YOU NIGGERS
Why must they make us conform to their shitty west coast standards?
So I have to wait another 2 hours? What is this bullshit?
PST here, it's unlocked
>it unlocks at midnight your timezone, not eastern time
PST here and just got in, stop lying to the nice user.
You lied to me Yea Forums
I can't get in
Nevermind working now.
It's in now. They finally moved it over to recent release on the eshop and now it works.
early fag here, I got the game earlier today, and I'm about to finish a recreation of the 1-1 Boo Challenge from SMB DX
back to /pol/
I restarted my Switch and it let me in!
Turn your system off and on again, I swear it worked for me.
what if no one plays my levels
Fucking dfck steps on the reset rocket
chances are they won't
been playing it a all day a day early. so thats the deadline for when the onine turns to shit. fuck amerizionists.
Reset your consoles
That damn dog!!!
they will
100 mario challenge will get people at least attempting your level. Post it in Yea Forums threads if you want actual feedback.
I'm in
5 minutes playing and Nina is already best girl.
if it's anything like 1 then they won't, just make an obnoxious autoscroller if you want epic upvotes because everything else i made got zero traction in the last game
lets do this bwos
It's launch hype. Strike while the iron is red hot
When does the stupid online pass come in if you bought the game and the pass? I'm already in the game, but I can't connect to the membership
>this is why I'm a dog person
/an/ was right.
it's 12 EST why hasn't my game unlocked
If you can't get in, reboot (hold power and click restart)
>even the title screen has dynamic music depending on whether you have yoshi or not
Feels good to be back. It really does.
>play my shitty level, I'll play yours
alright americans, play my 5 a.m. level
They should've given you a code.
Redeem it.
>game finally about to start
>corrupted data found
>switch wont fucking autoconnect to the wifi even though its set to
god i just wanna bash someone's head in im so fucking mad
>you can sticky items on the toolbar
Oh I'm retarded. I thought it was just automatic
Should I play story mode or is everything unlocked?
>your maker name has to be unique
>only 10 characters
What the shit is this?
nice meme, now play mine
Superior Japanese naming. Get ready for random numbers.
>Sonic 1-3 pressed button sound effect
so when exactly are we getting multiplayer with friends online
What’s the opposite of boo?
At any point between the instant after this moment in time and the heat death of the universe
are you allowed to change it after you set it?
I forgot how slippery Mario is. Anyone else here stuck with the joycon controllers for now...?
there is no 100 mario challenge anymore user
>he hasn’t mastered the joycons through brokeness
Creating is an absolute chore with a controller holy fuck
My left joycon has drift so I just use the buttons.
this shit is hard to play without a stylus
yeah that's what I'm doing. not quite as shit as I thought it would be but still shit
Hell no, bro.
I'm using the pro controller, which isn't much better since I got a bad d-pad one.
wish there was a checkpoint after the cloud hopping :/
awww yeah, what a banger. Koji always delievers.
reminder for anyone with drifting
all you need is to apply contact cleaner under the analog rubber
I bought a $1 contact cleaner spray and I've been playing every day for a month since then with no drifting
>can't spin jump over the plant things
was that always like that in super mario world?
What did you use the other voucher on? I'm thinking Dragon Quest stuff but idk
Not him but I am thinking about putting my distain for the graphics aside and getting the new Fire Emblem
Making a level with a controller sucks. Time to dirty up my handheld screen by touching the shit out of it.
I want to get one of those. my GameStop claims to sell them for under$10 but none in stock. Is it good?
best stylus coming through
>Underground Coin Collecting.
lol pathetic buyfags having to wait i been playing 2 days
>bf would rather play this than come to bed with me
fuck nintendo and fuck mario
Is this true? What makes it the best, might consider.
Nice! How is the online, my friend?
Fuck it,I had enough for tonight, can't wait for my rank to go above 10000 when I wake up tomorrow
comes with 2 of them, the discs are super accurate. the one that comes with pre orders is trashy.
That's what I was going to do too. The only thing is figuring out how to make a way for the blocks to reset a bit after striking them.
I miss the Wii U gamepad
Took a bunch of tries, pretty unforgiving for its length (could use a checkpoint) but seems fair, good guidance with coins
Here's mine
>not hundred thousand
Stop being a bitch.
Everyone gettin fucked except you!
...and me
>not having a modded one for single player and one for online games
Please no, at least I have proof that I got below 100
i figured out something with thwomps, it will be done soon
the physics in 3d world levels is throwing me off...
let me know how it goes
It was $8 on my local gamestore.
It's great, my only complain so far as it is the first time I am using it for an extended period is that my thumb for the Dpad is getting kinda sore, but maybe I am holding it wrong.
the problem with the checkpoint is how to make it work with the clear condition
your level was pretty fun, short and sweet. difficulty was a bit over the place though because the koopa troopas at the end made the segment a lot easier since you can bounce on them
Too lazy to read the tutorial. How do I make layered platforms like this?
Beat it. Found that star on a rail.
I preordered on Amazon so now I have to wait until it shows up tomorrow.....
>implying it will
Semisolid platforms in the magnifying glass menu
>Got the Wii u gamepad beside me to start porting over a level.
It's going to be a long night
man this multiplayer is chugging,
There's a separate platform object
Does story mode give you anything ort should I juist play player levels?
well I mean everyone is playing at the exact same time, what did you expect?
Who /onlydoingJaplevels/ here??
>Spent 511 nok on a game that's literally just old mario games
God damn it, i regret this so much
>3D World has long jump
fucking SEX
It was a bug on the original SMW, anyone who cares about that feature knows this.
My brother and I are trying to do couch co op, where's the option to select it?
I am loving 3D World so much, I don't know why people gave it so much shit.
christ, user, get a bigger shirt or a razor, maybe a salad while you're at it
>hurr i cant look at a game before i buy it
it's your own fault, you idiot
How do you jump with a shell.held item?
What the fuck were you expecting?
I don't have a stylus, and I hate using my switch undocked anyway. How gimped am I if I go controller only on course making?
enjoy never getting your money back if you want to sell it
enjoy losing access to it when nintendo stops serving the switch downloads in the future, and being stuck with a useless brick instead of a nice collection
enjoy sucking the jews dicks
Try my level anons, if you dare!
It got shipped this morning and I live in the bay area so I very rarely have problems with Amazon preorders, but fuck you. Now I am going to be checking my doorstep all day.
I liked it. I got the WR. Could use a checkpoint.
Here's mine:
if you want to play with someone on the same switch you have to download the course to Course Bot, select it there and there will be an option to the right to start it with multiplayer
I'm OK with it, it's harder than stylus but not unusable
Hold Y to move the cursor faster (slow cursor is probably what people hate)
you guys suck at making levels. someone post an actual good level you made please
post yours
not found
press the jump button while holding the item button?
post body
not that hard i believe
used to made LBP stages with controller only, and its fine. MM2 is grid based anyway. a stylus just make everything a bit more intuitive
>Switch doesn't come with a stylus/stylus holder
>DS did
What the fuck were they thinking?
>these control options
who the fuck thought this was a good idea
i don't want to use screen protectors for handheld mode it's ugly as shit nor do i want to point at a fucking screen in my hand
I never played the first one, but would I enjoy this? I like Mario but I am not very creative at all and any game with map making or extensive creation tools goes severely underutilized by me, such as LittleBigPlanet or DOOM 2016. I want to get gud but never have any ideas.
Okay story mode is boring.
I'll play your levels.
No, I mean, I've watched people playing MM and they were able to throw the item to get a higher jump. How do you do that? Or is that only possible with a P Switch?
literally the reason why they have Story Mode and Yamamura's Dojo
Had some fun with this level. Boy is timing tricky but I had a good time making it Yea Forums
Designed for multiplayer versus in mind but should be fine solo. Remove hitchhikers with prejudice
I don't make levels. I was one of the most popular critics of the levels in MM1 and LBP1 + 2. nobody has impressed me yet
>I was one of the most popular critics of the levels
How? Where did you critique?
very short like you said. not bad. like the "secret" koopa shell to get the mushroom. recommend expounding upon the idea
it depend on how much you like playing fanmade stages. Some people just cant stand the fact that its "not official"
still theres story mode with 100 dev-made stages thoo
None of these IDs fucking work.
played it, was fun. but that one segment where the tornado's supposed to push you upwards into the icicles is easy to pass when you rush through the level since the tornado needs a second to get to full strength.
Not mine, but good. How did people make these stages so quickly?
>I was one of the most popular critics of the levels in MM1 and LBP1 + 2
What a load of shit
Cool, I like the twister into spikes obstacle
made two smaller levels meant for speedrunning
Never played the first one either but I am loving the Story mode levels, can't wait to try user made ones AND multiplayer.
If you like Mario games, its an unlimited Mario level game + 100 Nintendo made ones. For $60, that's a steal.
Where is the mode where you play like 10 courses in a row with a difficulty setting? I liked that
replaced by the endless challenge mode
is anyone making levels in docked mode? is it unbearable?
you unlock a couple of things through story mode iirc
netcode is so fucking bad man.
How the fuck does a bootleg game like Mario Royale have better online than this crap?
GAME doesn't open until 9 am sadly
The story mode courses are pretty dull, there's some neat ideas but no tension cause there's hardly any enemies.
Liked it user. Try mine.
It's extremely slow.
Buying it just to play levels and never make any is a legit option. You'll never be lacking courses to play.
Is there a single person who actually makes normal levels
Every single level is a gimmick
its ... fine. slower than with a touchscreen for sure, but at least the game is grid-based
drawing shits on Smash docked was a true nightmare
Too bad most levels are unfun kaizo bullshit.
Bought digitally, downloadin. Fifteen minutes to go. Gonna forgo story mode since I already watched some other chump play it. Just gonna hop online and play some courses.
Damn it.
Physicalfag here.
Just let me back in the glory of you digitalbros for a while.
I'll get it tomorrow, but who knows when.
But I don't want to fucking play forever. Also why is every level in multiplayer 5 seconds long?
i did not need that mental image
Not mine but I thought this one was neat:
That's what normal Mario levels look like. Post your's, user.
try it
I'm waiting for my copy so I've been thinking this.
Is it input delay like typical peer to peer?
Because that sounds fucking great bringing back the painful memories of trying to play New Wii on Dolphin netplay.
Don't worry bros, once I get the game, I'll make traditional levels.
fuck you
i made one but im not confident enough in it to post it here
i like trying to make a normal Mario levels instead of weird puzzle gimmick shit
>Spend the whole afternoon making a non-meme, honest and fair level
>0 fucking plays after 5 hours
Fuck this game
Online co-op/versus has so much potential. If only it wasn't super laggy most of the time, I will way the few times it wasn't laggy I had a blast. Hopefully the add lobbies soon.
How many courses do you need to clear to get the endless emblems in your profile?
Post it, user. I'll play it
Just made my first level, and its fucking terrible.
Holy shit, playing without a stylus is torture. I really didn't want to shell out another 10 bucks but it's looking pretty much mandatory.
reality is a meme
>Heya, Big Bro! If you're having trouble with a course, cheat!
what he said
Post it
post ID
It seriously takes insanely long to make a level in docked mode
If you use it you get a Luigi flag next to the level instead of a Mario flag after you beat it.
>>Heya, Big Bro! If you're having trouble with a course, git gud
>SMB 1-1 recreation
kind of voimited everwhere after drinking little alcohol.
I'll try making a level
By not dyin three times, you weenie, hahaha.
Eh, why not.
I might of went overboard in a few places.
>superball can press p switches
This could be neat
Have fun
Be fair to other players when making courses
How do I throw someone in multiplayer?
slight troll warning
Super Mario Maker 2, here I come.
Switch touchscreen is not a touchscreen? It detects only heat? I can't use any pen or pencil like I did on WiiU. What the fuck?
Anyone else disappointed?
you need a capacitive stylus
unique take, i liked it.
Probably have experience with older mario maker and remake their previous levels.
its standard touchscreen you fuck
capacitive, not resistive
just buy your standard phone stylus and go to town
It's a capacitive touch screen dumdum.
So you need a capacitive stylus.
The Wii U was the absolute perfect device for Mario Maker. They did their best but building wise the original cannot be beaten.
>Euro's get a stylus with the game
>Digital copies get a voucher to redeem to have one sent to you
>Americans get nothing
Wtf NoA?
If I never make a stage, is it worth owning this anyway? I like challenging platformers. Do people release like full sequential games if you search their stuff properly? Is that even possible on Nintendo’s potato online interfaces?
applebee's made me fat
how does the scroll stop work? I can't seem to get it to work.
its quite literally an official Kaizo platform, so that you dont have to mod old games
iirc put a wall as high as possible, to the top of the stage
I really don't know why they didn't have a special edition with a stylus in the US too.
I already have one but if I didn't this would annoy me.
Its probably hardest 2d platformer ever. Only people's imagination is the limit.
longshot but can you transfer levels from the first game?
Nope. But i think its a good thing, people can remade stuff better, with more parts.
Play my courses user!
>Super Shmup Bros.
>SMB1.5: 1-1 Goomba Valley
need a checkpoint before the last segment, otherwise its great.
is this worth it if you don't have nintendo online?
They always give euros cool shit for some reason but not Americans. I don;t get why
hoping they implement level making with the mobile app or something. make it useful for once.
Dude it’s 20 fucking dollars
I get the idea. I’m more curious about the execution - is it full autism Kaizo stages, or are there quality hard platforming stages that come out and consistently come up in searches for hard levels?
A complete line of blocks the size of one screen vertically or horizontally.
Why do the characters fart when running in 3d world style
i should be angry at undo dog....but he's so cute
On the Mario Brothers tileset. Are those the same physics as the original SMB? It seems more lenient.
that's how they ran in 3D World
I just finished this course. You gotta add in more spots where the player can recover from failed cannonball jumps. Also, the theme doesn't really develop, so the difficulty is similar throughout the level when it should progress to something more difficult by the end. Didn't care for how tight the timing was between bouncing on the balls and avoiding the grinders. Not kaizo level hard, but not fun, either.
>moon as a smart bomb
nice. going to use in my shooter stage
which mario game is most similar to this in terms of physics?
Any rooms?
if MM1 is any indicator, well there will be popular creators and stuffs. back then i just follow them on twitter and use the code they upload
MM2 do have a boo system tho, so maybe good stages are much easier to find
and yes, tons of quality stuffs
how the fuck do you zoom out in making mode? shit is so cramped I can't think ahead..
also does anyone else think this feels less intuitive than the first one? I'm using it in handheld mode w/ a stylus btw
>If I never make a stage, is it worth owning this anyway?
Don't be so boring. Creating stages ain't rocket science. How do you NOT see fun in creating a level?
My recreation of 1-1 You VS Boo from SMB DX is completed, let me know what you guys think.
Course ID:
>Dude it’s 20 fucking dollars
can you play with friends yet
NSMBU, unfortunately. Going from Mario Maker to Mario World is extremely jarring.
Why's toadette so bossy?
Jew as fuck, i know, but at least it aint 60
and with family plan and a circle you can take it down to 5
I thought you could get rid of the arrow sign at the beginning of the stage in this one? Also you can’t place stuff there now like semisolid platforms anymore?
In a market where everything else is $60. Its not that big a deal. You can even get it for $10 right now as a bundle with mario maker.
I want to fuck nina
i fucking hate the arrow
I compared it to a video and I guess it's accurate, but what the fuck
Moon as a smart bomb, not a bad idea. Knew it was good to save it for the end. 1.5's kinda blah, but I'll cut some slack since the game just came out and I'm sure people are rushin to make courses.
yuck. we all know world is the peak of mario physics, why cant we just stick with that.
No, you want to make good courses FOR Nina
so the Mario world tileset doesn't actually use Mario world physics? are the physics at least different from the other tilesets in here?
>a bit overboard
You don't say? I had fun with it though
Nice stage, user
I don't wanna pay ANY money for shitty online and ancient nes games that nintendo dug up next to dinosaur bones.
>play multiplayer
>incredible lag
>someone disconnects
>suddenly game is running at like 120 fps it feels like
What the fuck
Nope. Mario Maker 1 was noticeably different in physics from World. I assume it's the same here, don't have 2 yet.
The physics aren't horrible, mind you, just different
>naked pipes
This Multiplayer Versus mode has to be the most tedious thing mankind has ever created.
Have you figured out how to throw people?
Nintendo threads are always so gay, holy shit
there needs to be rooms
i don't think you can.
Got it a day early.
Japs are already making terrible speedrun levels.
Its really fucking good overall though
been a few years since I last did any mario maker in 1, my course design for standard stuff is rusty.
especially after you post in them
So you can pick them up but not throw them?
Oh don’t get me wrong. I wanna give it a try, and those tutorials sound like even if they don’t make me a great designer, they would at least be a really special and interesting peek into the Mario design philosophy which I’d pay $20 for alone. I just also know I’m fucking bad at creative anything and don’t wanna feel buyers remorse if I end up being too shit at the creator tools to use them often.
But yeah Yea Forums you’ve convinced me. Have fun with the opening weekend. I have to wait til my paycheck comes in on Monday.
rekt to death
can you just use any stylus on the switch? or do i need a special one. is there a version of smm2 that comes with one?
>mfw whiteoids lose to the BBC masterrace
You need a capacitative. If you’re American there isn’t an official bundle
>Ordered online
>Not coming until Tuesday
Should have went digital
>tfw /physical/
Gonna pick it up from Best Buy later, this thread has me hyped, bros
>Everyone having a happy ole time is bad
t. incel whiteoid
S'cuse me while I style on your race's bitchass
>Agent 1
Is there an agent 2? :3c
Beat it. Didn't like it. The snake block segment's too precise. At the same time, having the cape completely trivializes it. The Bowser Jr. fight was too cramped, and also made easy by the fact that you can run to where the door is and bounce on bullet bills while he's attacking. Consider making an alternate path if you fall off the snack blocks that could still be challenging instead of just guaranteed death.
>the Big Baby Clothing masterrace
>The Russian version of Super Mario Maker 2 may be hinting at additional rideable characters other than Yoshi to be included in the game in the future due to template-like wording of the Yoshi Clear Condition. Details can be found in the provided image.
I'm not gonna design any courses because I suck at level creating and it's too early for any great levels to be made yet, but I must say, the campaign is alright. The limited 3D is also rather sweet too. Maybe they might do 3D courses for the next game.
how do I make a good level
>literal manbaby
What other characters do you ride in Mario?
>ordered online
>arrived a whole day early
I already have a head start on you fucks
You aight brobro.
I'd hook you up wit a big tittied dumb white bitch if I could
goat outfit
>24% through rebuilding the castle
And now I sleep. Forcing us to wait until midnight was stupid. A 10PM release would have been so much better. Night, Yea Forums
Actually yes, there is.
sorry but it doesn't feel like mario world without this motherfucker
I can imagine them doing some "sorta-3d" shit for Mario Maker 3. like, not exactly full 3d areas, but multiple layers to put shit in and move between, i.e. LittleBigPlanet.
I assume there's no way to play as Luigi in single-player?
That would be cool. That or some Donkey Kong Country-esque "3D" where you have background and foreground paths.
You assume wrong, unless you mean story mode
I thought people would think that. I wanted to break the usual course design principals and have a little fun with my first course
Oh shit waddup. I meant in general. I didn't even think to look in the settings.
you can definitely swap characters in the setting menu for non-story modes, but i think i saw some video with a 100% achievement worded as "You beat all levels as Mario" so you might be able to switch there too eventually?
Where's the 100 Mario challenge?
it's endless mode now until you lose your lives
replaced with endless
Fuck man, I never played MM1 and wanted to try it.
If I wanted a "play till you lose" mode, i'd play a fighting game.
Yousa bitch. No cap.
Who cares about a missing bug?
I’m just deciding do I want to get the game digital and download it at my friends house, buy a voucher and save the other 1/2 for astral chain or just buy it physical in the morning.
Decisions decisions
Can you increase the course upload limit?
man I wish you could play as your mii. Even if it was restricted to NSMB and 3D World, that would be fine.
That sounds cool. maybe something like...
>different layers are treated like separate rooms, in that they are actively loaded in the foreground/background, and certain elements move between them, but you need do use a pipe/door to switch between them yourself
Not too engaging, well placed enemies, though, just enough someone who's rushing into trouble.
I like the idea of panicking because of the quick jumps required to keep off the boos on the blocks, but that's all the level is, it needs more development on that idea.
If anyone else's got a course I'd be happy to play it and give the best feedback I can.
yes, the more stars you have the more courses you can upload
Same. With all these outfits and personality traits, this is the most expressive I've ever seen the Miis. Who knows? Maybe that'll be free DLC sometime soon.
What are stars? Like a rating?
Fuck looks like I have to go scope out target at 6 am tomorrow
>tfw no amiibo costumes for non-SMB styles
>tfw no amiibo costumes at all
>dying in the easy-ass Nintendo-made levels
the tutorial is extremely cute. this is the real story mode. makes me feel like a kid again
>With all these outfits and personality traits, this is the most expressive I've ever seen the Miis
those expressions and poses are based on the ones from Miitomo and Tomodachi Life
What a bad game.
on the bright side, now you get three non-amiibo costumes in all styles
Gonna post courses I think are decent as I play through em.
SMB Forest 1: GJW-VGS-Q0H
Forgot about that game. Whatever happened to that mobile Mii game?
There’s wireless GameCube controllers with gyro too
No HD rumble but why would you care?
Nintendo shut it down because nobody bothered touching it after like a week.
Good. Not a fan of expensive, physical DLC.
it's a mystery