Post your possibly controversial vidya opinions

Post your possibly controversial vidya opinions

Hitscan is objectively bad. Real projectiles are always better.

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your a faggot

unless you are playing on UV, faggot, hitscan isn't a FUCKING issue.

i know, because playing DOOM was easy as fuck on UV, but doom and doom 2? yeah, get wrecked fag, you are getting minced by those assholes hard.

You know what this is

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>hitscan isn't a FUCKING issue
>except that it is, lol rekt FAG
Damn, you sure convinced me

Agreed. This should be a common opinion

a gif

Hitscan was necessary back in the day but today there is no excuse to have it unless you are shooting lazers

MGS V is the best MGS game, and no amount of fanboy tears will ever change that

It is not about difficulty. It is sbout it not allowing you to skillfully avoid damage by dodging projectiles. Real life guns don't fucking hitscsn. Everything should be projectile based so you at least can use skill to possibly dodge, or have it miss if you are in motion when the enemy shoots

Don't forget about leading and bullet drop.

That too. Also not being able to avoid taking damage is bad game design.

You can't dodge bullets in real life, though...

Yeah because bullets are easily dodgeable amirite

It forces you to prioritize targets retard.

I don't think that EVERYTHING needs to be dodged but the harder it is to dodge something the weaker it should be and the easier it should be to play around it and punish.

I know, but they don't have perfect accuracy like hitscanners. There is a very tiny delay between the trigger being pulled and you being hit. Im not saying make it easy to dodge, just make it possible for them to miss

That can be done with speed of the projectiles. Im not saying it has to easily be dodgeable. Just needs to be an actual projectile

perfect accuracy and hitscans are different

you ALSO have fucking hitscan, asshole!

you think the fucking shotgun is projectiles in doom?!!?

No, Im just talking about enemies anyway.

I'm in my mid 20s and have tried to get into ff7 and chrono trigger multiple times and never have an ounce of fun with either one of them. I love JRPGS, etrian is one of my favorite game series but I just can not see the appeal of these two games no matter how hard I try

wtf hahahahahaha

Some people are little bitches.

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as i said before, unless your a pussy, which i KNOW you fucking ARE, hitscanners are ONLY a problem on UV difficulty.

and i beat both dooms on UV on fucking XBOX with a damn CONTROLLER.


Chrono Trigger is overrated as fuck, FF7 is genuinely great

You are correct, my mistake. Though with current technology I see no reason not to use projectile based weapons with enemies. Not that hitscan makes it awful or anything. Just my preference

I don't. I'll reverse search it when I get back, there's some asshole screaming outside

I played Doom 2 first time recently and I had far FAR more problems with regular black shotgunners than these dudes. I died quote often to shotgunners. Barely to these dudes.

Hitscan enemies gives you a priority target. If you shoot at imps before chaingunners then you're playing the game wrong.

Not my thread. I dont have any issues difficulty wise you sperg. I just prefer projectile based attacks.Doom is not hard on UV regardless

So why even have projectiles you are just gonna get hit by it anyways?

Thats true, though it could be done with really fast projectiles. Not neccesarily in Doom since it is older. It is great the way it is regardless

Why am I taking damage?

Visual preference. I prefer to be able to see it coming even if it will probably hit. It could miss if you are already strafing though

One thing I like about Brutal Doom and similar mods is that it turns all hitscanners into projectile shooters. Even though their projectile is by far the fastest in the game, making so they may as well be hitscan at shorter ranges, it makes it a hell of a lot easier to deal with former humans at long ranges.



>causes infighting

Absolutely devilish, Doomguy.

Doom is easy hitscan or not. Does not mean I have to prefer hitscan. Dodging projectiles is more skill based


It's the burst damage, it's harder to deal with burst damage mitigation. The problem with the niggers that don't like them is they want to operate in wide open areas with impunity. And the chaingunner was designed specifically to stop that.

You would not see anything in real life. You would be dead almost immediately. I think having a possibility to avoid attacks through movement is more engaging for a game

Just play the Babel mod. It improves everything about the vanilla gameplay while not changing it too much like brutal Doom. All enemies have projectile attacks now but those projectiles generally come at you a lot faster than in vanilla Doom. Imps are actually quite dangerous in the mod. Your weapons also are a lot more powerful to compensate. Its really fucking good.

consider that YOU are objectively bad.

without them, game would be way too easy.

you can choose to either go defense or offensive against them.

defensively, they force you to use LoS to avoid their attacks, which gives the dev an opportunity to ambush you with non-hitscanners as you look for cover.

offensively, they are low HP and incentivise knowing which monsters to kill first. while you strafe the non-hitscanners.

basically the game mechanics is making you make a lot of moment to moment micro-decisions which keeps your level of engagement up

also the reason Chaingun exists (only garbo players dump their ammo into pinkies)

It smells like all these zoomers didn't even try to play Plutonia

Ive had this same issue with Chrono Trigger. Action RPGs like it tend to feel really clunky to me. Its all just going through menus.

Plutonia can go fuck right off.

Doom is an easy game on anything but Nightmare. Not having hitscan would not work well since it is older, but newer games that can have projectile based bullets and whatnot are something I prefer since them missing is not purely RNG but reliant on distance and if you are moving

You should talk to your eye doctor about glasses, tell him you have a case of being a fucking casual at DOOM

I'm glad that apparently I'm half right. Maybe I'll give ff7 another try, it certainly had way more character put into it that chrono trigger

Not preferring hitscan is not due to difficulty. The doom games are not that hard unless it is on Nightmare

Truth, but also just learn the starting arrangements, the rest of each level aren't as bad

Doom is not fucking hard. Im talking about hitscanners in general not specifically Doom. Doom did it fine imo


Cultists literally make Blood a 4/10 game from a 9/10 game

Guns are hitscan, they can miss, and you aren't Neo.


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if the bullet speed is high enough hitscan makes way more sense as it's simpler to avoid having bullets miss a target because they are going too fast

They are pretty tricky. I still love the game. Hitscanners should not be the most common enemies you face. They should be used sparingly. Doom did it right. Though I dont think hitscan is necessary for new games since they can handle bulets as projectiles better

at least doom hitscanners have wind up time

Try Nightmare

A lot of the heavy hitters that people talk about when discussing the greatest games (FF7, Chrono Trigger, OoT, etc) are good games but nowhere near what the >20 years of nonstop fellatio would have you believe. It's a problem because every game that comes out immediately gets dismissed as inferior to these games because they remember them being perfect due to telling each other they're perfect for decades. Nothing can advance anymore because "lol not as good as OoT"

Pig cops have suuuuuper long wind up animations in Duke.

I know they can. I just prefer the type of gameplay where most damage is avoidable through your own skill. It is more rng not getting hit by hitscanners. If they are used sparingly it can be ok. As long as every single enemy is not one

I don't think I agree that hitscan is always bad but chaingunners are a trash enemy type. They needed some sort of short wind-up time so that you have an opportunity to find cover before they start unloading on you. Also they needed to have a bit less range. I've had so many times where I just started losing a shit ton of health with seemingly no enemies around and its just a fucking lone chain-gunner thats sniping me from across the fucking map.

You haven't played Plutonia yet, have you?

>being this much of a pleb
Cultists are what make Bloods combat so fucking good. Unlike other hitscan enemies, if you jump around they won't magically lock onto you and you can avoid A LOT of their shots. If you're good at the game they will barely ever hit you. That is what separates them from other hitscan enemies. They have to take the time to raise their weapons at you so if you run in and get the jump on them you can shoot them directly in the face and they won't even have the chance to shoot back. Also they have to take time to turn around so if you jump behind them you can easily kill a few of them before they even have a chance to shoot at you. You can manipulate the shit out of them and because they are so deadly it makes the combat super satisfying when you come out of a room full of hitscanners with full health. Basically get fucking good.

Doom falls apart at the end purely because of the mazelike elements.
Slamming into every wall trying everything after you've killed all the enemies isn't fun

I played Plutonia. There were too many Chaingunners. That is for sure. It is still not too bad, but getting sniped half way accross the map is bullshit. Those enemy types need to be used in moderation

Hitscan is the reason instagib modes are fun

There's almost always a tell for where a secret is hidden.

>enjoy playing Doom on UV with fast monsters
>feels like just the right level of difficulty
>Get to episode 4
>jesus fucking christ it's hard

But slow monsters or lower difficulties feel so shitty now

Its ok for the player. Less so for AI controlled enemies

Use the map, it fills itself in so you can tell what you haven't explored yet
Dying once is all you really need before you know where those bullshit chaingunners will be, doesn't make them any less bullshit but they don't make it impossible

This meme needs to end. I just played Doom for the first time like a month ago expecting to get lost a bunch and I almost never did. The level design is pretty straightforward. I got lost a lot more in Duke Nukem and Blood.

Episode 4 is honestly an objectively bad mapset imo. It's not fun

True. You can also hit them with a chaingun from just as far too so at least you are evenly equipped


It is really well designed and generally naturally leads you where you need to go

Yes, and as the other user said, Plutonia is literal Hell and the devs did all they could to make you feel like you were in it.

>two levels
Notice how I said almost. The later episodes have some pretty shitty maps.

It definitely makes Doom and Doom 2 look like a cakewalk

Its only hard for the first like 2 or 3 missions. Its piss easy after that.

>Slamming into every wall trying everything after you've killed all the enemies isn't fun

This is how I feel playing Hexen

Attached: hexlet.png (475x258, 96K)

You fellas play any decent wads lately?

Hexen gets really tedious due to this. It holds back good fps gameplay

Lately? No, but the Dorner wad is surprisingly replayable

got those backwards chief.

I think the better question is why am I NOT taking damage
Fuck you I'll scream all I want

>chrono trigger
>action RPG
what the fuck are you even talking about?

The PS1 version of Doom is the best way to play Doom.

Attached: PSXDoomBoxArt.jpg (999x1454, 357K)

Yeah those maps are absolutely terrible

Great music. It is a unique experience

I would argue DOOM64 is a comparable experience, maybe just for the music alone.

Doom 64 is fire as well.

What is the best way to play Doom in The Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Nineteen?

>Browse /vr/ for the doom thread
>Download and play DOOM
Alternatively a kind user might post Yea Forums's DOOM list

I would also like to know this, but for Blood, since I don't see an image for that game in the /vr/ thread

It has two versions on steam

Hitscan is fine. People who complain about them are just bad at fps games.

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Smooth Doom.

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But which one is best? I remember hearing that one of them had some serious problems, but that may have been fixed. Even then, Doom is on steam, but that's just DOSbox, not the best way to play. I don't know if there is any sort of unofficial port that is good

did she just fukken gulp down that whole ice tea or whatever in one slurp?

Chocolate Doom or bust

shes a big girl

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1. You can't dodge bullets.
2. Hitscan enemies improve the gameplay by adding a different type of threat that can't just be circlestrafed around. Compare the gameplay of Doom to Heretic (no hitscanners). Heretic is really boring in comparison.

Hitscan is only really bad when you let it be. Keep moving and don’t get backed into corners. Fuck Archviles and their fire all the same though

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Not the user you replied to.

I don't know why this response is the default when people talk about realism in video games even when the suggestions brings interesting concepts or depth into games. I get tired over this automated and boring response to people talking about taking aspects of real life and adopting them into games.

>It forces you prioritize targets
In a close quarter situation with enemies that have chain guns you will priortize them first hitscan or not, they would be far more dangerous than someone who shoots a pistol or a shotgun.

>You can't dodge bullets in real life
and bullets in real life don't go fucking warp 9.9 and immediately hit their target without any relation to time, gravity and other factors. Besides in games that aren't realistic it isn't really important to represent all projectiles as fast and in shooters that take on more realistic aspect of physics there's still bullet drop.

>You can't circle strafe hit scanners
You can simply have them lead targets and use different firing patterns based on difficulty and or player movement, this offers far more depth to the enemies than if they were just standard damage dispensers.

Did you know that you can add more velocity to projectiles? The only thing hitscan add to any shooter is making the player hide behind cover and wait until the enemy has to reload.

Just fucking shoot them before they shoot you, doom is not a hard game unless you get sorrounded.

If you let yourself get surrounded it’s your own fault

Well you got your wish at least, the only hits an attack in nudoom has a heavy charge up.

The irony is real life laser weapons do act like hitscan but in videogames are usually projectiles.

Me outside your home with a bat to spank you into a coma is your fault to trying getting of your house.

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Nice, good thing I have the foresight to look out my window to make sure unhinged scrubs like you don’t get the chance.

You got what? The foreskin to look out your window?

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>You will never get to own your own personal laser gun

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>boomers minds are literally too slow to learn how to prioritize targets so they just want every game be strafe/circle strafe to win

He ded

>Clicks on and deletes you with a super shotgun blast while bunny hopping
Step it up, junior

DUSK had no hitscan at all and as a result most encounters devolved to "just run circles around everything lmao" because you were so fast that nothing ever could hit you, to the point where the game could only ever pose a challenge on the setting where you get killed in one hit of anything.

The beauty of hitscan of Doom is that they force you to make the most of your movement by expecting you to be aware of your surroundings and taking cover when necessary; and prioritize the enemies who impose such restrictions on your movement. This is why Archviles and Shamblers are so effective, when you see them they force you to play differently and adapt your playstyle.

In Doom having most grunt enemies be hitscanners means that every encounter counts. They may not deal much damage and have some wind-up, but the chip damage they deal when you are being careless can build up over time and be the cause of your death when a later big encounter does your in. Even the basic grunt encounters are tense because they have a large chance of hitting you, forcing you to respect them. This wouldn't be the case if their attacks were easily sidesteppable.

You should use skill to avoid a situation where enemies with guns get a clear shot at you you mongrel. I hope you learn the hard way that you don't just dodge bullets by naruto running and zig-zagging.