Why haven't you bought Deep Rock Galactic yet???

Why haven't you bought Deep Rock Galactic yet???

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What is it

I don't have any friends to play it with. It looks fun though.

i have no friends

OP, be honest or post a screenshot. Does this game have more than 10 people playing it right now?

I have a friend who has it but
>Early access
>That price for an Early access game
I'll wait

I have, FOR KARL. Just wish they'd give us Xbros the new patch
Play it with Bosco (AI minion) and make webms to convince your friends to play with you

>dude flat shading and no textures cuz lol we lazy

opinion discarded

>send it to your friends that dont exist

I play it with a couple of my buddies

>Weenie Hut Jr. General
>Weenie Hut General
>Salty Spittoon
>Without any milk

its too expensive for early access

I bought it, but I assume it's because people don't partake in the Early Access meme, and that's alright.

Already done and best small investment I've made ever.
Rock and Stone

>no friends
>computer is 10 years old


>Why haven't you bought Deep Rock Galactic yet???
But I bought it last year user. Just haven't had enough time to play it much. I have to say, the game feels so much tighter than last September. Those last few updates were pretty good.

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I don't have friends

because its not in early access anymore...

I don't really have any idea what this is but I'm glad PC games are getting unique art styles. I love it. Games run better and graphics won't be dated in 1 year.

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Because it's in early-access and I'm not a fucking retard.

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They seriously need to give Scout and Engineer new voices. That horrible high pitched halfling sounding voice isn't Dwarfy at all. Did something happened to their balls that made them sound like partial unichs or something?

zoomers cant handle it

Neither do I. Matchmaking is sufficient for this game since delves just take about 20-30 minutes a piece. Know your role in a team and you don't really need a close knit group.

this. im not playing it if they're still making it.

The game already feels complete. Each patch adds substantial content and I've already clocked almost 100 hours into this "early access" game. All the "Early Access" means now is they intend to keep adding content for a while yet. That's just gravy.

There are 2-4 teams running every mission every time I log in. Getting a team of 4 going is very very easy.

I don't understand this mindset. If a game is already "good enough" all Early Access says is there's more content coming. What exactly do you think is going to happen between now and release?

It's a L4D clone with semi destructible terrain that adds little to the L4D formula

You go in, look for the "thing" and get out after a horde comes for you.

Literally anything can happen, including the dev taking the game in a completely new direction or even just dropping it as a whole and calling the project a failure. Neither of which options they have to give their money back.

>the dev taking the game in a completely new direction
Won't happen with this one. Every patch has been following a very clear path and only adding more options. This last patch added a shitton of custom grenades. And a couple patches have added additional enemies and weapons.

>or even just dropping it as a whole and calling the project a failure.
It's already in a playable state. How could that possibly happen? I'm sorry, but that's just alarmist bullshit you're spewing.

because it has less than 2,000 people playing and its early access so that means itll probably die in a couple months
I really want to buy it, but thats what keeps from purchasing it
if it shows an upward trend of people playing i'll buy it, but right now it seems like its gonna die out

don't like the weapon designs, they look too bulky

can I play it singleplayer
fuck people

>Won't happen with this one.
Unless you're the dev there is no way to say this with certainty.

>It's already in a playable state. How could that possibly happen?
I don't know dude, look at the many other games that are half-finished and then dropped. There are plenty of examples of Early Access games being dropped by the developer.

That's the point. Dwarf tech is bulky and impractical because they're bulky and impractical.

Yes. You get a robot companion who can do most things a player can, like dig out or you command it to, or fight enemies that come at you. Though I don't think I'd recommend the game to someone who doesn't like playing coop. The classes are complementary of each other. And the drone is only so fun to work with.

How high is the actual combat skill ceiling? I'd be coming into this from the likes of Vermintide, Killing Floor, and L4D, all cranked to the highest difficulty possible. I've watched some gameplay but don't get the sense of it being much more than just shooting shit with whatever weapon you've most recently gotten to try.

Since Vermintide 2 has been suffering from content droughts and confusion in its beta, Deep Rock has been a welcome substitute. It's close enough to scratch the same itch while being absolutely its own thing.

I love the extraction missions where you gather the blue aquarq stones because the spawns go absolutely nuts solo and it's like a tidal wave of insects every time I run one, constantly running out of ammo, kiting huge hordes everywhere, trying to kill banner bug, etc.

I definitely recommend it, even if you're playing solo. I'd argue that your robot friend that joins when you play alone is actually better than a second person would be most of the time, and it's just relaxing enough that you could put on podcasts or music in the background and lose a couple hours.

This marketing shit scares me sometimes. I recently picked this game back up and I don't remember why. But now I see all of these ads for it. Was this the reason I thought to revisit it? Or is there something more, something much more awful to contemplate at play here?

There's multiple enemy types that bring different combat scenarios with them. Some examples:

Armored glyphids resistant to frontal attacks
Flying creatures and ones that prefer to climb along the cave ceilings and fire from long distance
Swarmers that do miniscule damage but assault you by the fuckton
A boss creature called a Dreadnought that can only be damaged from behind and requires good team coordination to take down, because it has an armored shell that regenerates if you wait too long

There's a few others like one that acts like the TF2 medic at a radius and heals nearby enemies, and some that roll at you and knock you around like a ragdoll. And something called a leech that is essentially a Half-Life Barnacle that will grab you if you venture off alone.

my friends haven't taken the plunge yet

I bought it but I am waiting until is finished to really get into it. The few hours I played I really liked it. Mining is very satisfying for some reason.

Make it less obvious you are shilling faggot. No one can be this ignorant of the dozens upon dozens of early access games that get pumped and dumped.

I guess that didn't really answer your question. But hazard level is very important. Hazard level 3 is pretty manageable if you quick on the draw and manage your very limited ammunition. But the real challenge is Hazard 4 and 5 which are pretty merciless. Your ammo is one of the deciding factors of if you'll survive, and at the higher difficulties you'll have to kill a lot more, so you'll need to salvage lots of "Nitra" which will allow you to call for more. If you drag your feet or don't make your shots count, you will be fucked at these higher levels.

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That doesn't get anywhere near answering the question. Vermintide, for example, requires effective usage of multiple weapon swings, management of attack sequences, blocking and dodging, effective usage of ranged while avoiding damage without being able to block or push, manipulation of various enemy types with various attacks at various ranges, etc. Literally all you've told me is that that are various enemy types.

Yeah I know, But here's a bit more to go on. Grenade types make things more manageable. There's special ones that do things like distract, or slow enemies. There's one primary and one secondary weapon for each class. And making the most of them or playing to their strengths will help conserve your ammo. You can also buy upgrades to determine these roles yourself, a bit. For example, if you want to make heavy armored targets easier for your team, you can opt for armor shredding tech. Or focus on crowd control with upgrades that pierce multiple enemies.

I'm ignorant of them, simply because I haven't been burned on one. Tell me, what games in particular were you referring to?

>semi destructible terrain
It's fully destructible. You can literally tunnel wherever you want, I've bypassed hundreds of meters of winding tunnel by drilling straight to where we need to be, the only limit is that there's near-indestructible stone after a SUBSTANTIAL distance, which prevents you from drilling 2km off in a random direction or to the surface.
>adds little

>4 (will likely be at least 5 in the future) classes with unique weapons and equipment
Every class has (unique to them, all customizable except for grenades)
>2 primaries
>2 secondaries
>4 grenade types
>A utility equipment (flare gun, shield generator, autoturret, c4)
>A mobility equipment (zipline, grappling hook, deployable platforms, bigass drills)
>+ the shared melee equipment and armor
>these are all actually balance fairly well and you'll see a pretty even split between the users

>drop-in drop-out coop
>procedural generated cave system each time you go in
>randomly generated missions every 30 minutes
>long time progression milestones
>in-depth character-customization (eyebrows is separate from sideburns is separate from mustache is separate from beard etc) while still remaining casual (no individually sculpting each cheekbone)
>multiple continents with their own environmental hazards (sandstorms, earthquakes, explosive flora, etc) and cave system styles
>Multiple mission types (mining a simple tunnel out, finding eggs in a massive cave system, hunting massive predators living within the caves)

Next update adds what is basically endgame raids with more customization options for gear and cosmetics

>half-finished and then dropped
If they just closed up and said
>that's it, this is 1.0 release, bye guys
It would still be better than most games that went through early access.

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Because a friend bought it for me months ago

>all customizable except for grenades
You must not have played since the last major update, grenades are customizable now. Every class has 3 options available to them, for a total of 12 grenade types.

>>half-finished and then dropped
>If they just closed up and said
>>that's it, this is 1.0 release, bye guys
>It would still be better than most games that went through early access.
They would be shit developers and it would be an awful waste of money for a game with little replayability to have zero support.

>with little replayability
But... it has tons of replayability. Look at his screencap. I'm at half that myself, but the game still feels great to me.

>putting hours into a game means replayability
If you're doing the same thing literally every round, it gets boring after you've hit the max. Killing Floor is a good example, once you've hit level 6 in everything unless you're playing with friends on suicide, it's boring as fuck.

>Your ammo is one of the deciding factors of if you'll survive
Did they atleast change the ammo drop to not be 50% per use? Having to steal one package from my teammates each drop because Engineer turrets just chew right through it was fucking suffering

Literally every one you speak of has warning signs. Simply looking at gameplay videos and reviews that account for the update scheduling over however long early access has been running is more than enough to determine with pretty damn good accuracy whether the game is worth getting in early access. user is talking about a game in early access that is already fun and worth playing - already proven as NOT a pump and dump. You're bitching about the wrong thing anyway. The thing to fear is a dev that goes full retard and ruins an already good game, which can happen after formal release just as easily as in early access.

There's multiple mission types, so you're really not doing the same thing "literally every round." This isn't a wave-based survival game or a L4D "Get to the exit" game exclusively. But I feel like you aren't really interested regardless of what I say. The "early access" thing really has some people irrationally spooked.

It isn't the most mechanically demanding, you just have to use your head sometimes. In that sense, i'd say it's a little shallow in regards to combat depth, although i'm inclined to give it more of a pass. I just find the actual movement and navigating of areas generally satisfying.
A lot of enemies tend to keep their distance or have armor, so accuracy in general is a must to avoid wasting shots just to finish a single target. Positioning is really important in this game, because it's easy to get trapped with some classes and it isn't like Vermintide where you can just shove a group over or dodge-dance your way around a horde. It's more like kiting the mob, I guess. Finding myself running around a lot in the game to avoid explosions and projectiles. Depending on the scenario, being able to freely move is super important; having an escape plan, knowing how to navigate hazardous areas quickly when backpedaling, just general awareness, etc.

>that adds little to the L4D formula
That's a GOOD thing - L4D perfected the formula on the first try and the reason most of it's clones fail is because they try and reinvent the wheel. DRG and Vermintide both set out to be "L4D but a little better", they both accomplished it, and they're both coincidentally the only L4D clones worth playing.

>hit level 6 in everything unless you're playing with friends on suicide
retard detected. opinion discarded.

Sorry bro, it's 50% per slot, 4 slots per pod. Play with smaller teams I guess, that way you can take extra.

i'm being evicted because i made a ramen sandwich for my landlord's birthday. is deep rock galactic any good

>The "early access" thing really has some people irrationally spooked.
It's not irrational to ask for a game to be finished instead of requiring consumers to become part-time investors in your company.

>it's a gunner plays the jukebox and passes out drunk again episode

the only guy I know who wants to also get it is a poorfag russian, so I am waiting for it come on sale for a good discount

If a game is fun already, any additional updates are akin to free updates post-release. Having "Early Access" in the title doesn't change the fact it already feels like a finished game. The only argument against this is alarmist "What if they change everything at the drop of the hat??" panic when they've had a publicly available roadmap they've been following this whole time.

Combat depth is reduced because part of the difficulty is put into both the scarcity (and management) of your resources, accumulating said resources, and the fact that the environment is as much of a threat as the enemies. It's a much more balanced approach compared to Vermintides "lmao 2 shot by a rat" and "lmao 6 billion temp health".

That's probably going to take forever. They're going to raise the price when it leaves early access, so you're going to have to wait until years after release for it to cost the same as it does right now, let alone cheaper.

Meh, I get the sentiment behind 50% instead of 100, but for engi it just means you spend more effort removing your turrets than deploying them lest they drain ammo shooting irrelevant mobs

>Multiplayer bullshit
No thanks

I found your problem.

>because Engineer turrets just chew right through
Found your problem bro, Gemini upgrade is straight trash for that reason. Mono turret with Defender upgrade does everything you need AND is super ammo efficient.

Does engi not have two turrets anymore? I didn't follow the updates I only know they added guns for each class

Is the single turret really worth it? Technically, 2 turrets can dish out more damage faster. I just don't know how much more range the single high level one has.

One of the turret sidegrades is a single bigger turret, or 2 smaller turrets. I didn't care for the single turret when I tried it, personally.

Will Bosco become my friend and play with me??!

I don't disagree, just trying to point out its differences and all. I agree that Vermintide's in a weird spot. The beta has been interesting but I don't think it'll be enough to hold my attention. The stagger gameplay is just tedious.

Engie now starts with one turret and one of your upgrade tiers is to choose between either one turret or one suped up turret.
"Damage per bullet" is a much more important stat than "damage per second". Gemini turrets rip through ammo too fast to be useful.

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Bosco won't judge you, and loves you exactly as you are, user.

Oh I was just adding onto your post to further explain

There's really no such thing as an "irrelevant mob." Everything needs to die, except possibly lootbugs.

Alright so they changed that. Last time I played I could only buy upgrades for the two turrets to hold +50 ammo

That's what I was talking bout, but I misstyped
>4 grenade types
was meant to mean each class has 4 grenade types to choose from I never change them from what I chose when the update hit, so I forgot it was only 3 per class
I was meaning that you can't actually customize each grenade, like explosive radius vs carrying capacity vs thrown distance stuff

>little replayability
If it didn't have replayability, no one would play it, that's central to this kind of game. Since so much of the stuff for each mission is randomly generated, it gives tons of replayability.

Every 30 minutes new missions are generated, which have:
>Primary Objective
>Secondary Objective
>continent location which determines cave environment/hazards and certain enemy types
>cave size (sheer cubic space) 1-3
>cave complexity (branching paths) 1-3
>random mutators, both positive and negative (gold rush increases gold vein spawns, Exploder Infestation spawns waves consisting exclusively of exploders frequently, Cave Leech Cluster drastically increases the number of Cave Leeches that spawn, and they spawn in groups)
>also the beer (buff) available on tap changes

Then you can control:
>5 difficulty levels, which then scales further based on party size (the new raids will have set difficulty levels and no drop-in drop-out)
>Team/equipment composition (bringing duplicate classes can be useful at times, such as if you feel like ignoring the cave system during exit so you brought 2 drillers who take turns tunneling straight to the escape pod, or bringing extra gunners on a dreadnought hunt)

Then during the mission
>exact cave layout is randomly generated each time
>enemy waves that spawn can be varied (this wave is mixed, all swarmers, all praetorians, all grunts, has extra exploders, is a dreadnought, etc)
>some enemies will spawn in as hazards sprinkled throughout (glyphid spawners, cave leaches, clusters of grunts, swarmer tunnels, spitters)

>I was meaning that you can't actually customize each grenade, like explosive radius vs carrying capacity vs thrown distance stuff
Oh, yeah. That makes a lot more sense to me when you put it that way.

That's his job.
Also unrelated to anything but when Christmas came around they put up decorations in the space rig and had traditional carolling music played on piano, it was touching in a way it almost made me cry

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>Kill a Bulk Detonator for the first time
>Thermonuclear explosion deletes have of the cave
what the fuck

I wish the game would put in shit like drill tanks or some kind of vehicles. The driller class is fun and all but I love industrial vehicles and shit. Maybe they could make an escort mission where you have to defend something like this as it tries to reach a big mineral deposit or something.

Attached: RF1Driller.png (960x564, 644K)

Turret got buffed a huge amount recently. Firstly because they added the option of a single super turret with more damage/range, and secondly because they added a different upgrade which means the turret can only shoot in a limited angle but does double damage (it used to be triple but they nerfed it because that was ridiculous).
We went from two turrets doing 5.5 damage per shot to one turret doing 14. So more DPS for half the ammo used. It's crazy. And the only drawback is you have to put it in a good spot for good coverage, which makes it more fun to use since you actually have to think instead of just putting turrets down randomly.

Sounds like it addresses exactly what I found frustrating about the engi turrets, felt more like ammo meter management than actually thinking about positioning

They day will come when we don't have to leave him behind!

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Brendan please get it, if you do we might be able to convince Dan and Matt as well.

There's literally only 1 voice and the pitch is adjusted for the 4 classes.

Honestly after playing Hasard 5 for a while it feels pretty easy now. Pretty much only no-shield point extractions still give me and my friend issues.

The salute tells you all, user. This is his purpose, don't take his pride away. Just make sure to salute back.

The game has tons of replayability.

I played it for 200 hours with randoms.
Still loving the game, but I'll wait for more content now

Are you looking for a game where you mine ore, dig holes, shoot aliens and craft bases/objects? This isn't it. I expected this game to have some form of building and crafting. It does not. Coffee Stain Studios took the most boring aspect of any crafting game and made it a core feature with out any of the interesting and fun aspects. Then they slapped some boring gun play on top of it and called it good. All you do is a dig a hole in an area the game tells you to and then shoot some aliens. You gather ore to sell and not craft.

There are 4 classes, all of which are pretty bland. The melee class's special melee weapon takes fuel. Yup it has ammo and it can jam. The engineers turrets are pretty derpy, shooting walls all the time and running out of ammo quickly. The typical gunner guy was probably the best of the 4. Scout just has some boring weapons, shotgun and assault rifle, and doesnt bring much to the table besides light. But everyone had flares. Flares replenish automatically thus making the scout less impressive.

You can dig holes and destroy any part of the games world. But for no reason. You cant dig into a new part of a map if that part doesnt exist. The tunnels are very linear. It even tells you to dig around brown dirt patches to find new tunnels. Nothing is very imaginative. There's no true exploration.

I only played for an hr which was about 4 missions with the tutorial. But from what I saw, its not worth it to go any further. If you want an L4D like experience with a good progression system, I'd advise Vermintide 2. if you want a neat game with mining/crafting, this isnt it. Unfortunately this game did not merge the two genres like I hoped. It had potential but fell very short.

I'm poor and every time I buy a game with the intent to play with friends they move on after a couple days

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Legit kill yourself.

Surviving is more about placement/environmental awareness, movement and managing your resources than straight up combat. At higher difficulties you literally get swarmed by dozens of mobs at a time so if you haven't found or made a good chokepoint you're going to eat shit. And even then they can just dig up from behind you so you have to stay alert.

Alternatively you can explore and clean out the place and kill stuff while you keep moving but that increase the risk of falling down, getting stuck, getting separated, etc. It's not always easy either dependingont he kind of enemies you're facing.

And then depending on the mission, zone and team composition you need to adapt your build. Driller's flamethrower is great against swarms but not too good againt flyers and big though enemies. He can spec for either but not both. Driller's other main weapon is a cryo gun. It does wonder in specific situation where freezing stuff prevents explosion and stops enemies form moving but does much less damage so you can rely on him to help out much during waves. If there's a gunner with me I know I'll be fien with the cryo gun and make everyone's life easier but if instead I'm playing with a scout, I'll keep the flamethrower as the scout just doesn't have enough damage to compensate.

Rock and stone brother!

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It honestly sounds like you played a very early version alone and didn't pay attention to anything.

>crafting game
It never sells itself as one, not sure why you though it was.

>the melee class's special melee weapon takes fuel
It's not a melee class. Drills happen to do damage but you're dumb if you use them as a main weapon, they're meant for mobility.

>it can jam
The drills can overheat, just like the gunner's minigun. It balances out not having to reload. Pay attention to the big glowy meter, the red-hot metal and the smoke.

>turrets are pretty derpy, shooting walls all the time
They shoot enemies only and have near perfect accuracy. Put on your glasses grandpa

>Scout just has some boring weapons, shotgun and assault rifle
Well his other weapons are twin SMGs and a sniping rifle
>and doesnt bring much to the table besides light. But everyone had flares.
The regular flares are thrown on the ground and rather weak. The scouts' flares can be shot at the ceiling and walls, they stick, last longer and shien brighter. Also they have theiur grappel gun which is godly for reaching higher places and combo real nice with the engineer's plateform gun.

>You can dig holes and destroy any part of the games world. But for no reason
You dig to get big mineral chunks, to reach places, to make shortcuts, to remove obstacle while preparing for a wave, etc.

>You cant dig into a new part of a map if that part doesnt exist
What does that even mean? You want to dig in a straight line for a mile and reach another cave?

>The tunnels are very linear
They aren't if you play anything that isn't a 1-1 mining mission

>It even tells you to dig around brown dirt patches to find new tunnels.
Dirt patches are conceptually doors, you open them to proceed.

>There's no true exploration.
Well the caves are procedurally generate and not infinite. What do you expect, a crossover between Skyrim and Minecraft?

Game looks great and runs really well. what more do you want.

What other early access games are good and get updated as much as deep rock?

it seems like the developers actually give a shit and the content updates feel frequent.

Because it looks exactly like No mans sky and I dont care for it

>It's a L4D clone

It plays nothing like left4dead and if you are really going to reach for "Get thing deal with enemies" you just summed up the majority of video games.

How is it anything like No Man's Sky you seething retard?

bruh, he copypasted a shitty steam review
A pretty funny one, actually. My favorite detail is "Coffee Stain Studios".

Those exploding giant ones are my favourite, its great seeing them turn into nukes.

It's not semi destructible you fucking retard.

>when a bulk detonator emerges between you and the drop pod and Molly hasn't caught up yet

Attached: Shookwave.png (130x130, 26K)

Why would I play a game that has an art style made for ten year olds and trannies?

>Bulk detonator spawns right next to the mining plateforme
>aggroes the turrets and instantly fires an explosion
>kills me and the scout
>engineer has to kite it away while fighting the bugs
>BD finally dies but carve a huge hole where the path from the list zone to the platform was
>engineer is out of platform ammo

It's great how he can be such a game changer

Go back to installing horse cock mods in Skyrim faggot

Don't forget the anime paedophile and rape simulator stuff.

I don't have time for progression based (unlocks and shit) MP games and it seems repetitive.

Wow you really copied and pasted this from the steam review page. Nice pasta Faggot

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It's starship troopers but you play as dwarves mining shit.
That's the whole game and it's pretty fun slaying hordes of actually threatening bugs and running for your lives to escape to the extraction.

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whatever you just wrote interested me more than op's pic did so now i'm going to find out what this game is

Solo play is surprisingly comfy

You get a floating bot companion you can order around

>Neither of which options they have to give their money back.
When steam games leave early access you get another chance to refund the game

Why is this so common? I had a friend buy this game for me so we could play it together. We played it twice and then never again.

>Killing Floor is a good example, once you've hit level 6 in everything unless you're playing with friends on suicide, it's boring as fuck.
Hell on Earth is a completely different game
Youre just an idiot user

I don't play video games

Greenskins when? Just added to the future lore terminal will make me happy. To distinct them from Warhammer boyz they're insectoid and reproduce through two stages, one having broodmother matriarch known as "Big Mamma" who is the centre of every greenskin tribe that produces thousands of clusters of greenskin eggs to replenish the horde. The second way is all Greenskins are capable of producing eggs but at a much slower rate every hour or so via the mouth, and keep one egg in their stomach that will discharge incase they die to continue to keep the species alive.

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looks and plays like shit and has horrible voice acting. Trust me i bought it day 1 and played 100+ hours on it.

I think you need to give it a rest, pal. This obsession of yours is starting to get autistic and creepy.

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No fuck you Greenskins are the best thing ever made.

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>When steam games leave early access
Key word there chief

I played during a free weekend at some point. Are there any more main objectives than just collecting a certain amount of that whatever rock? I'd be more convinced to pick it up some day if there's a little variety.

>being a git
you'z jus' mad dat we get killy on all da stuntyz

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Yes, there are different mission types

>going and stealing alien eggs from big fleshy nests
>going and killing boss bugs
>defending a mining platform instead of bringing along the mule
>repairing derelict mules and recovering lost drop pods

But I did OP, I even bought the support DLC... This is my favorite game on steam right now. Previously, it was frostpunk.

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$19.49 where I live. That's why.

Come back to me when it's $4.99 and we'll talk.

I have. Played it with 2 friends yesterday. We got so drunk at the bar that we passed out, and after we woke up in the infirmary, we went to the bar again, got drunk, went on a mission and failed because we were all drunk.

Game of the fucking year.

>Starship Troopers

I got EDF 4.1 for that user

waiting for it to come to consoles

>Some nigger keeps whining the caves are too small

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Legit, I got a Crystal Caves room where it was this huge stadium sized cavern with a bunch of bridges branching across the entire expanse. One wrong step and you were a dwarf pancake.
I fucking love going on complexity 3 Mining Expeditions.

Oh but I did. 160+ hours so far. I'm really excited for the big update in aug/sep

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There is nothing more panic inducing than seeing a 2nd bulk detonator while you're still fighting the first one.

That'd be pretty cool. I'd like a mission where you either start or end on the surface of the planet.

>playing multiplayer games

I dont think I got a screenshot of it, but I once had a L3 C3 mission in Salt Flats that was literally 1 giant cavern. It was the biggest single room I've seen in the game by a magnitude of 3-4

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because I have absolutely no friends online or irl
I am sad and completely alone

would rather wait for the game to be finished before I play it. tried it a while ago and there is barely anything to do.

Neither do I. People like you make too big a deal of matchmaking. Just join a team and do your best after taking the tutorial. Random dorfs will gladly help you most of the time.

The hell are you talking about? There's a solid 50 hours of just obtaining the basic upgrades ahead of you. If you don't like slowly seeing your guns and tools become more effective, what were you hoping this game would provide?

>Being a PoorFag

I'd wish satchel charges could do that desu.

There is a dirt remover upgrade, but why you'd take that over damage is beyond me. You have drills for that.

>Bought the game a few months ago
>Played nothing but driller

I love the drills ability to not give a fuck about following a path back to the escape pod and neurotoxin grenades are pretty fucking top tier.

Nah, i mean the explosion radius, i know you can up the radius, I'd just wish for some mega upgrade that'd do that.

Would never happen, not balanced, but it'd be funny to see. Throwing a hand held MOAB.

Having an engineer to seal off the tunnel behind you as you drill to the escape pod makes pretty much any escape trivial.

Rank dwarves from the most to the least useful.

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They're all useful. The devs did a great job having all dwarfs be pretty different but still very useful in their own way. If I really had to rank them I'd say
but the difference is very minimal.

I'm with you there. I love satchels, and a nuke satchel would be fucking amazing.

The terrain destruction upgrade goes in a different slot to the damage ones, so that's not a choice. It's extra fear/extra stun/extra terrain destruction.
I don't like the damage upgrades anyway. If you take ammo upgrades in those slots you get twice the amount of bombs so you can be way more free with them. They don't need the upgrades to kill most enemies anyway.

What said. They're all useful. But in terms of personal favorites:
Engineer > Driller > Gunner > Scout

Driller used to top my list, but I really enjoy the Breach Cutter.

As long as a single satchel can 1-shot a Praetorian, sure. If it isn't strong enough to finish the job, I don't care about having a little more ammo.

I bought it.

It is shit.

Using bombs on praetorians is a huge waste. Let the scout or gunner do that, they're good at killing single targets. As driller your job is to clear swarms and that's what you should be using bombs for. Using one to kill like 20 warriors is much better than using one on a single praetorian.

I've had praetorian swarms of 3-4 and thrown it in the middle of them for good results. But anything hazard 3 or less doesn't have any swarms really worth switching to satchels for anyways. When you're surrounded by normal glyphids, hosing things down with fire or ice works just fine.

I've had the same in Egghunt in Sandblasted Flats, it was pretty fucking cool

>Scout with Engineer in the team
>Scout without Engineer in the game

Ok im interested but I have 2 question

1) how is the game on solo?
2) how is the game with randoms?

Have no friends that have this game or interested in this game

These questions have been answered multiple times in the thread.

1) how is the game on solo?
Still good. You get a little support robot that helps you out and it's AI is alright so you'll be able to do most things solo. Except maybe for one type of mission that you might struggle with depending on your loadout

2) how is the game with randoms?
also quite good, I've never really had problems with randoms being overly retarded. They're often quite capable. They're nowhere near Vermintide randombad

Alright sounds decent, will pick it up tonight and give it a shot, thanks

I'll be honest though, my favourite patch so far was the one that made your arm models different depending on what armor you were wearing. It finally made cosmetics feel much better

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