Cute hobo tbqh
Daily reminder that MGS PW is the best MGS.
>Always post the same 5-10 screenshots of eyepatchless Big Boss for the same 5 months
Nigger, show us how it actually looks in game instead of staying in the starting area or the chopper.
Holy shit, I didn't notice. I notice he hasn't eyebrows tho.
>He hasn't eyebrows
He has eyebrows?
To correct you, he barely has eyebrows, and Solid Snake also barely has eyebrows as well.
Difference is that Big Boss at 64 actually grew his in while Solid Snake when FOXDIE rapidly aged him apparently never did.
MGS 4 is not canon.
Why did they make Big Boss so soulless in MGSV? He looks like a weird, fat, and creepy hobo now.
But it is.
What other games let me play as a hobo other than MGSV?
Bum Simulator.
Why didn't venom bang or at least kiss Quiet? Was venom gay? Did big boss ever bang Quiet?
>tfw no matter how much you wish it, you will never, ever, ever get to have Quiet
50 lines in the whole game
And got paid well probably.
>Why didn't venom bang or at least kiss Quiet
>Did big boss ever bang quiet?
Why are you asking the exact same question, using the exact same person twice?
Why is it that guards always immediately notice when someone gets tranq'd right behind them, yet don't notice jack shit if I sneak up behind and and choke someone out right next to them?
You're gay.
Please try to relax, there is plenty of time.
I need to tell you something, please listen and try not to panic.
MGSV has been released... quite some time ago.
Yes, yes, I know. You would like to know how long. I'm afraid it's been... four years.
>Four years
Minus 2 months and 3-4 days.
MGSV is legitimately one of my favorite games of all time. Kojima outdid himself with this masterpiece
The gameplay is great. The story and open world were shit!
No. Secretly the story and the circumstances around it were perfect
>wanting to play as some guy who got cucked out of his own life instead of the real deal
john > venom
Same. Something about the open world makes me want to keep coming back to it. I've beaten it a ton of times. I've almost played it as much as I've played MGS2, which is aying something.
MGS2 is vastly better, even if the gameplay isn't as replayable
>Aurora Borealis?
The main character in The Phantom Pain isn't some guy who got cucked out of his own life. It's you, integrating yourself within the MGSV universe through an avatar.
Point is that The Phantom Pain is not supposed to have a story of it's own asides from the building blocks (The hospital sequence, Diamond Dogs getting revenge on Skullface, Quiet's existence, etc.). The main character is intentionally not supposed to be it's own character, either.
TL;DR Like Seinfeld, it's a game about nothing.
So the cuck is me. Even better.
>tfw there will never be a cobra unit WWII game
>you will never have squad based combat like Republic Comando through the streets of Berlin with the Cobras
>It's a game about nothing.
That's why the story's fucking nothing? It already doesn't impact the MGS canon in any way whatsoever given that it's self contained, but I sure need proof that TPP is "about nothing".
>doesn't want to play as a character who gets cucked out of his own life
>cucks himself out of life with videogames
I’m having a great time with it my second time around. I beat it once and was bummed about the story, but I finally came back to it and I think it’s a masterpiece.
>I sure need proof that TPP is "about nothing".
>Author Hitori Nojima, citing an email from Kojima, explained that the player brings the story full circle in their own way, with the role of Venom Snake making the story truly theirs, and not necessarily restricted to the fate of Big Boss in the early games. Kojima and the player creating the story together "is something traditional movies and books could not do."
>player brings the story full circle in their own way.
>the story [is] truly theirs (the player's)
TPP is, to put into basic words, Metal Gear: Choose Your Own Adventure edition. Do whatever you fucking want, nothing matters, not even if what you do is canon or not because every decision you can possibly make in the game, even if they're all conflicting and contradictory when trying to clash them altogether, is canon, as long as you pick the ones you want to make in your playthrough.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel that chapter 3... and Kingdom of the flies... even Silent hills. The Games I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.
Based and sneedpilled
Don't like the fact that YOU got cucked? Blame yourself for nagging Kojima for more Metal Gear when he was already very tired of the franchise after making MGS2. The only good thing that your fucking endless nagging got us and yourself is MGS3.
If Kaz didn't like the real Big Boss why didn't he ever tell Solid Snake the truth?
What could have been....
>Kaz didn't like BiBo
Do you even Peace Walker? Those guys were in a deep bromance.
Because MG, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, and MGS4 existed before MGSV and thus tell nothing about Big Boss' phantom. That's why Kaz never told Solid Snake anything about Big Boss' phantom at all, it's impossible to include that detail unless an official remake of those games bar MGSV (which doesn't need any, duh) are released.
Reminder that Kaz and Ocelot are fools who think that Big Boss is a person when it's actually a title held by two people.
>the real [title]
Does not make any sense, because a title can not be real.
Please avoid repeating their mistakes in the future, and instead of saying these phrases
>Venom is not the real Big Boss,
>Venom is not Big Boss
>Despite being Big Boss, Venom is not Naked
instead. Learning the facts can save your life!
At least we got some decent R34
>Big Boss fucking Quiet is canon because I said so.
>That means that all of the R34 is canon, too.
Thanks, Kojima! I will buy every edition of Death Standing because you are wonderful and generous enough to let me write MGSV.