I will give you 1 billion dollars if you can explain how you would have fixed Mass Effect 2

I will give you 1 billion dollars if you can explain how you would have fixed Mass Effect 2

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Other urls found in this thread:


make chakwas fuckable

welp, pay up op

Don't make it

make samara fuckable

make Garrus unfuckable

Keep the RPG elements
Have your Choices from ME1 Matter
Have Shepard die at the end instead of the beginning
Keep the Original Cast
More Exploration on the Planets
No Cerberus Bullshit, save it for Mass Effect 3
Give Shepard her ME3 face

add dialogue where Shepard expresses his love of thermal clips and how they are superior to the old methods of heat dispersion just to make those faggots seethe

and make Gianna Parasini fuckable

Shhh, you're going to trigger the retards who go on about "maleshep canon because he on cover"

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More gay romance, obviously.

I wouldn't have retconned the weapon heatsinks because you could actually expand on that system and make it better. Also, keep RPG elements and retool the dialog system so that you don't know which direction on the stick means what all the fucking time and have paragon choices and renegade choices not work out more often.

Make the plot not be fucking filler.

Mandatory NTR

First post best post motherfucker

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Remove EA as publisher.

A man of culture!

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You can't fix what's already perfect.

Make the squad sideplots to be other than parent-child relationship bullshittery

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If it's perfect then why did 3 does the game better?

I would like the paragon/renegade system not to be broken. It forces you to take one extreme or the other, or else miss content.


Not even baiting, 3 did the gameplay better
>better melee
>can sprint forever
>better gun customization
It has shit story but the combat is better than 2

Mass effect should have kept Kotor combat and made it more complex instead of this horrible bare-bones c-tier third person shooter trash.

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have them elude to commander shep being indoctorinated and then finally release me3 with an indoctrination theory. Id make shepard progressively more fucked up in the head and it would be visible even in the dialogue choices. When shephard is on the crucible he realizes he's being controlled by the reapers then idk..

Main rules to follow:

1. Don't fucking ruin the lore!
3. No thermal clips are not alright
4. The story needs to logically follow the first game, it needs to be good and needs to set up for the conclusion in the third game.
5. Enhance the RPG mechanics not take them away

>minor but still important stuff
- improve planet exploration
- improve equipment and fix the menu's to be more user friendly
- improve the RPG mechanics,
- I would give each ability 3 paths rather than 2 but this isn't a deal breaker either way
- make paragon and renagade less moral faggotry and allow players to freely dive into both more often without harsh penalties or stupid crappy writing interfering (it is how this should have worked even in ME1)
- all guns besides the special weapons have infinite ammo
- ammo types come back as equipment, not as abilities for the already too good soldier class (how it was supposed to be since the start)
- grenades come back but this time mapped to a button that isn't back or select for consoles
- regenerating health is slower and you'll need either the right ability or equipment again
- no screen blocking stupid bloody effect when health is low
- just one quick button to scan for planet minerals if this needs to stay in, not have to scan the shit autistically launching probes

I mean really as long as my main rules are followed the game would have been millions of times better. The lore fuckery is really what ruins things since it pretty much soft rebooted the series that didn't need rebooting to begin with. ME1 wasn't exactly heavy on the RPG mechanics either but that doesn't mean they should have gutted it the way they did in ME2. I really like the idea however of fewer abilities per class but each ability getting more than 2 paths to master. Thermal clips of course I hated and I really wish they never took out planet exploring with the mako.

Wish we got the proper Mass Effect 2.


Continue the story from the first game and lead into the third game. If you're going to focus on "characters" like retards like to say it did, then have more than:

>mission where you meet the troubled person
>mission where you solve all their parental issues

Also have a fucking plot and a villain and give me choices. I don't want to genocide an entire species just because you couldn't write a script.

Bioware put out that statistics graph that showed over 90% of players choose maleshep. Femshep is only praised by an extrenely loud vocal minority of redditors.

Since you could die at the end of ME1, have the Lazarus beginning only apply if your Shep didn't survive the first game.

Otherwise, you retain your Specter status and are assigned to infiltrate and gather intel on Cerberus. Being the only human Specter, you are a natural choice, and you already know they are up to some shady shit.

You can choose to recreate Shephard's face to help with the infiltration, or Shep will start with a helmet that masks the face and alters their voice. Either way, by the end of the tutorial mission where you pretend to be a new Cerberus recruit, Miranda tells you to drop the act. Cerberus has spies in the Citadel and knows who you are and what you're up to.

The Lazarus start and the Survivor start converge when you have a digital chat with the Illusive Man. He is willing to work with you, though he distrusts the council. If you confront him about Cerberus's past, he'll deflect or try to downplay the atrocities as rogue agents. Eventually, the conversation leads to Shep and their team joining Miranda and Jacob to investigate a recent human colony that's been attacked.

You make a series of choices here that leads to half of your old team getting abducted by the enemy. Your choices impact who stays with you and who gets removed. By the end of the level, you have two old team mates, plus either Miranda or Jacob (the other is wounded). After making a narrow escape in a damaged Normandy, the game opens up.

You can choose to talk with the council, who will push you to pursue the mysterious enemies and learn more about them, you can speak with the Illusive man and get dossiers on potential allies to replace your lost team mates, or you can talk with your crew and get missions that address their needs. (Tali = missions helping Quarians, Garrus = hunting major C-sec criminals, Ash/Kaiden = Human colony attacks, Wrex = Krogan issues, Miranda/Jackob = Rogue Cerberus agents).

how exactly did ME2 ruin the lore? the story going in a different direction than what you would have liked or expected is not "ruining" the lore

>End of ME1 - oh no it's the reapers
>End of ME2 - oh no it's the reapers
>End of ME3 - oh we got the reapers

ME2 was just killing time.

I guess you could argue that ME2 is where they ruined the mystique around the protheans by making them generic humanoid bug-people instead of the cool mysterious statue figures depicted in the prothean ruins on ME1.

Shepard dying is dumb yeah. In fact they could have used ME2 to set up Cerberus into becoming a powerful force by ME3. Not they are just suddenly super powerful in ME2 after just two years. They could have used Shepard dying in ME2 at the end to then have Cerberus find him and revive him that way instead if your Shepard dies. This would require different starts for ME3 though but its fucking EA. They got money to develop great games if they actually allowed it.

Man I hate what they did to this franchise. Pisses me off since virtually everybody has better ideas than those shitheads at Bioware.

Fuck off cuck. Stop asking stupid shit when you already know they did ruin the lore. Your bait is crap.

>Have Shepard die at the end, not the beginning
>No Cerberus bullshit
These are both pretty central to ME2's story.

Mass Effect 2's story is the problem in the first place. Everything about it was off since it was basically a soft reboot of Mass Effect without being acknowledged as such.

Jennifer Hale's VA is objectively better than Mark Meer's.

storywise just go straight to the Collectors first encounter, the attack on the Normandy never happens. bring back infinite ammo. and your companion's skill mastery determines their survival at the end, not their sidequest.

>actually follow through on choices from the first game
>Shepard doesn't die, none of that gay robot reset shit
>fix planet exploration instead of deleting it (less planets to explore, but more content on each of them and more interesting things to do there)
>heat sinks can be ejected to enable sustained rapid fire at a cost but the weapons will cool down on their own just as well as in ME1
>elemental and status effect ammo is unlimited but you have to install the special ammo clips in place of ejectable heat sinks, trading firing rate for utility
>deepen the RPG mechanics so you can't just use all weapons equally well as easily as in ME1 and you actually have to make choices about what weapons you and your squad use
>none of those retarded QTE-style interrupts where you have no idea what Shepard might do
>at least some of the original squad members can come with you

I think that about does it.


The lore established in ME1 was left intact until ME3. Unless youre on of those "muh thermal clips" fags, in which case I want to smack yoh

Agree and it doesn't even make sense in the context of the games. Shepard should be able to dive into both of them for whatever the situation calls for. He isn't a jedi he's a specter.

redditor hands typed this post

Keep the basic concept that I imagine they had in the first place about exploring themes like the Terra Firma party (and general human/alien racial superiority movements?) along with the geth/heretic divide but make it in the first game's engine and keep the loot system and talent system. Focus more on exploring the galaxy and overall plotlines that aren't optional and can be carried into the next game without requiring a save import like when you destroyed Saren's krogan cloning facility on Virmire because gathering allies doesn't work as a standalone game as seen by Mass Effect 2/3. Pare down the morality system (it was useless in ME1 which was the best example of it) to something resembling ME3's reputation system. Keep Cerberus and even the Illusive Man but put them into optional questline content and stop pretending TIM is anything other than Renegade Shepard on steroids when their modus operandi was always "we inject people with thresher maw venom to test the effects of injecting people with thresher maw venom".

Really, just make the first game again but with ideas from the second game.

make it a rimjob pegging gangbang where your choices matter and everyone bangs, but with no thermal clips

I chose female Shepard because I preferred her VA performance. Male Shepard's VA is lackluster.

weak reply

Which was the problem. I don’t know what Bioware fucking expected, they wasted an entire game on a side story. ME2 should’ve been about researching the origins of the Reapers so we could find a way to beat them. Instead we put together a Suicide Squad to go kill bugs. I knew there was no way the Collector Bass was going to mean jack shit after the way they handled the Council choice.

No you chose her because you’re a fag. Hale’s shitty impression of Bale’s Batman voice fucking sucked. Meet nailed the final line of the Citadel DLC while Hale just grunted it out.

>has the opportunity to remake ME2
>still includes jacob

Not have cover be the same key/button as sprint

Not mess up the storyline just to fit on 2 disks the most retarded way possible.

And even that was rendered obsolete when all 3 games became backwards compatible on Xbox One (and uses one disk).

>Hale’s shitty impression of Bale’s Batman voice
You and I heard very different game audio...

>Hale’s shitty impression of Bale’s Batman voice fucking sucked.
>Bale's Batman voice

>Since you could die at the end of ME1
Wait, fucking WHAT? No you couldn't.

Shit, I forgot all about the 360 version having 2 discs

He thinks that a slightly smoky female voice is the same thing as WHERRZATRIGGRRRR

Bioware flat out stated that Shepard was originally designed as a female

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ME2's story is dogshit, literally worse than Persona 5

Gameplay wise, thermal clips are optional. All guns resort to the cooldown system if you run out of ammo. Thermal clips are a mod you can slot in your guns, the same way you could slot in friction-less materials or longer barrels in ME1. Thermal clips let you burn through rounds fast, but have a penalty to cooldowns if you don't have ammo. Speaking of which, alternate ammo types remain a weapon feature, not a class ability.

Some ammo types and abilities count as non-lethal, and you can choose to do some missions, particularly loyalty missions without spilling blood. (For example, capturing Garrus's most wanted alive). Doing so has ramifications for both your Paragon/Renegade score, and your standing with various factions. (You might have to choose whether or not to kill a rogue Cerberus agent, and if you spare them, do you send them to the council or to the Illusive Man?)

The RPG elements from ME1 remain, but are revamped slightly. Now you have raw stats (accuracy, health, power cooldown rate, etc.), and powers. These require different types of points, and there are branched effects as you go deeper down each tree.

You can explore a planet or two in each system from the galaxy map. This lets you visit the surface and find a handful of points of interest without scanning.The Mako is replaced by a shuttle. There are randomly generated mini dungeons on explorable planets.

After completing a handful of missions, you get an opportunity to engage the enemies from the start of the game. Whether this confrontation goes well or ends in disaster is on the player's shoulders.

There are a a handful of challenging combat areas culminating in a mid game boss fight, all of which have a non-standard game-over if you loose. (Bad end, abducted team mates die). If you are successful, you will have a timed opportunity to fight towards your captured teammates and reclaim them. If you fail, they die.


the "bug people" in ME2 aren't protheans

yikes, can't even take 10 seconds to explain how, the ME trilogy is one of my favorite in all of gaming, btw, it's the one reason I have origin installed on my pc
they didn't ruin the lore at all, unless you're talking about stupid shit like thermal clips and prothean statues don't look like Javik, the story of ME2 makes perfect sense in the trilogy, people see it as filler because of the setting, but it does advance the plot of the reapers

Remake ME1, fix lore problems, completely change story for ME2, but keep characters and ideas that were liked.
also less garbage DLCs, keep RPG elements and most of all MAKO

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The only thing that really bugged me about this game was the planet scanning mechanic. That wasent fun. Other than that all i can really do is either nit pic (like all you fags). Or judge the game for what it could be rather than what it is (like all you fags.)

Stopped the series after ME 1

remove all cover shooter elements.
kill every party member at the midpoint. you get the ones you didn't recruit.
no voiced dialogue. no fetch quests.

so a third person shooter with no cover?

>kill every party member at the midpoint. you get the ones you didn't recruit.
Absolutely and completely retarded

>remove all cover shooter elements
If done right might be okay
>kill every party member at the midpoint. you get the ones you didn't recruit.
>no voiced dialogue.
Would rather some voiced dialogue for major things and massive amounts of text for elsewhere like morrowind, lore galore
>no fetch quests.
one or two fetch quests, no more

The collectors are former protheans. You might have been able to argue theybwere mutated into bug people, but then ME3 came out and confirmed that protheans are just shitty generic humanoid bug people.

ME2 would need to be drastically rewritten to truly fix it since its primary failings are in its story-telling.

If the Colony abductions/Collectors are to remain then you have to write some reason that it made sense for the Reapers to do that. Stopping this also needs to do more than save human lives; it needs to advance the whole plot of the series. We need to learn something meaningful about the Reapers. There needs to be a revelation that changes how we perceive the central conflict in the story.

If working with Cerberus is to remain then Cerberus needs to be written and designed in such a way that they make sense. The bigger your clandestine organization the harder they are too find. The richer and more widespread they are the more competent they are, or else they'd get exposed and destroyed. If you want them to be morally grey then we need to get some serious and detailed explanation of their past actions, ideally with new information that reveals why these acts were carried out and there was some benefit from it all. We should not be herded into working with Cerberus by writing other factions or characters to be dumb.

Whatever is decided, the plot in ME2 needs to build off of what was set-up in ME1 with some surprises to keep us, and the protagonist, on their toes. Don't make it predictable but make it logical. The situation in ME2, the state of the galaxy, should be a logical and detailed result of the events of ME1.

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Here are some suggestions

>Lazarus Station
Just reveal in the main plot that the disaster here was the result of spy unleashing a cybernetic attack supplied by the Shadow Broker, perhaps at the behest of the Reapers. The goal was to capture Shepard before he regained consciousness while eliminating all other witnesses and research.

As well, it should be revealed later in the story that TIM plans to use the technology to bribe politicians, CEO's, and other such important people by promising them eternal life. The clout this would give them would make it believable that Cerberus could start to expand in scope.

>Derelict Reaper
Dialog should establish that at first the team examined the Reaper remotely with drones to avoid indoctrination. TIM did not reveal the Reaper to anyone else because this would have caused all the other factions in the galaxy to start scheming or fighting to obtain it. The remote examination was slow and once TIM knew that an IFF was there and had been identified he ordered the scientists to abandon safety protocols and retrieve that IFF as quickly as possible, even knowing it would condemn them to indoctrination. TIM felt this was necessary because the Reaper's orbit was destabilizing and it would soon fall into the brown dwarf, losing forever any opportunity to obtain the IFF.

>Collector Ship
Just have TIM tell Shepard that the ship may be a trap but that it doesn't matter because they absolutely NEED to scan the ship's internals to data-mine it. Then in the debrief afterward he reveals his prediction all along was that the Collectors would not anticipate EDI, whom he partially unshackled for this mission.

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More suggestions

>The Council
When you meet with the Council they should be diplomatic enough to ask Shepard to go ahead and keep cooperating with Cerberus, to observe and learn all they can about the organization and to report back to them. Ideally, Shepard should be told to try and persuade an Operative to become a spy for the Council.

We really ought to get to meet some of the colonists that we save here. Make this place a mini-hub world with a couple of quests. The dialog with the VS just needs to be logical and reasonable. It is fine if the VS doesn't join since, as an Alliance Officer, they don't have the freedom to choose where they serve.

Switch around who Shepard is sent to recruit so that he is looking to recruit Morinth but in trying to find her he finds Samara instead. This makes it more believable and rational that a Renegade Shepard might choose Morinth over Samara.

Give her a disfigured Cerberus Assault Armor as her primary battle outfit. Also her loyalty mission should begin with her jumping ship as soon as you land at the Citadel or Omega and then Shepard and co track her to Pragia. Speaking of armors, give everyone more realistic armor; no cleavage, no high heels, fully-skin covering for hostile environments.

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>Just have TIM tell Shepard that the ship may be a trap but that it doesn't matter because they absolutely NEED to scan the ship's internals to data-mine it
This right fucking here. Shepard is exactly the sort of guy to go into the situation willingly. It was completely unnecessary to deceive him, and it makes IM out to be sort of an idiot, because he's putting his greatest asset at risk without actually preparing him for it

Genuine question. Is mass effect even good?

Why in the fuck would jack wear anything cerberus?


It makes way more sense if you think about it from the perspective of an "idea guy".

>so this.. Illusive Man right, he's MYSTERIOUS and stuff! And he like.. he SENDS YOU into a COLLECTOR SHIP! Actually it's the SAME collector ship from earlier! But then it's all spooky and mysterious inside and.. and after you explore it the aliens come out and attack you inside it! And then it seems like the Illusive Man was trying to BETRAY you which makes him MYSTERIOUS and COOL! It keeps the player on their toes, they won't know what to expect next!!

No. It was never good, same as every Bioware game.

The first game is an above average rpg and a troubled everything else. Two tried to improve on the everything else part but forgot how to be an rpg along the way. Three is bad in just about every way.

Even more suggestions

>Omega-IV Relay and Suicide Mission
Shepard should at some point notice that it is really odd how TIM is choosing specific people for a mission of a totally unknown nature since nobody has seen beyond the Omega-IV relay. Upon realizing this, Shepard should be able to confront TIM about this and force him to admit that he already knows what is beyond the relay.

He has been spying on Collectors for more than a decade, primarily by doing business with them and clandestinely gathering as much info as he could. He observed the comings and goings of the Collector ship in the Omega system for years and by carefully studying the rock formation it is made out of determined it is the same ship. Passive scans of the ship revealed it was heavily irradiated on its surface and that it's rear was clearly designed to dock with a space station, which would by necessity be large. The high levels of radiation, combine with the ship's design (thick piece of rock with plenty of water-ice to shield against radiation) and the Collector's need for secrecy told him that the Omega-IV must lead to the galactic core.

As such, TIM already knows your mission will be one of infiltration and sabotage.

>The Collectors
They should be a sister-species of the Keepers, bred from the same initial stock. This makes more logical and thematic sense rather than making them modified Protheans.

>The Geth
Switch around the Heretics/Geth. It should be Legion and a minority of geth who are now turning against the Reapers after Sovereign's defeat at the Citadel. They're having doubts and Legion is their attempt to send an envoy to begin making peace with organics and common cause against the Reapers. Legion's philosophy of following their own pure development path is something he forms through his interactions with Shepard and organics.

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They shouldn't be.

>Three is bad in just about every way.
Three has the best gameplay in the trilogy

I think they definitely tried to improve it and made some progress but combat still felt wonky. For me it was rarely satisfying in any of the games and I played them despite the garbage combat.

Remove all the women, my paypal is [email protected] pay up

I would go back to Mass Effect 1 and remove the reapers.
Have Saren be a rogue terrorist using the geth's religion to take over the citadel and have the Turians be in charge
Basically Shepard would be James Bond in space.

It's a defaced Cerberus armor. It's a trophy.

Walters has plenlty of good ideas but he doesn't have the kind of mindset to translate those ideas into actually good PLOTS.

yet more suggestions

>Shepard's death
Don't do it is one option (thus no Lazarus plot), but if you do, then do something with it. Have Shepard troubled by what it meant to be dead and question why he has no memory of an afterlife (if he ever believed in one). Ashley especially should ask Shepard about this if alive. If you keep in the cybnertics then they should have a real effect on Shepard's capabilities. Dialog and cutscenes should show that Shepard is far stronger and tougher than an normal human now, real super soldier. There is also no reason Shepard shouldn't be able to train with biotics now if he so chooses (expensive upgrade if you are playing a non-biotic class and you can only select the non-unique biotic attacks or Samara/Morinth's bonus ability). Otherwise, drop the cybernetics and instead reveal that only Shepard's brain is part synthetic with a specialized VI used to fill in the damaged portions of Shepard's brain. Most of the rest of his body was grown from cloned tissue.

Shepard's death should not occur in space with him implying to have fallen onto a planet. Instead have the Normandy shot-down and Shepard is presumed killed in the crash; crushed and burned before the hostile atmosphere put out the raging fire and froze him in extreme temperatures.

Also, explain why the Collectors either didn't capture Shepard then and there, or else have the Geth or somebody else be responsible for taking down the Normandy.

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chawkas is so lame. i always exchange her in mass effect 3 for that other chick.

also mass effect 2 whats wrong ehh its not really a bad game. some argue its the best in the series. one thing i found annoying was on insanity there were a handful of areas where enemies spawn non stop.

also the renegade paragon system they botched in this one. luckily you can use the exploit at the beginning to alter your paragon/renegade so you can play how you want and still get the dialogue choices.

they actually fixed this in 3 though so.

another thing was the way the game forces you to do story missions. it felt a little defeating of the point. you have a whole galaxy to explore but they force you along a path to some degree

>It's a defaced Cerberus armor. It's a trophy.
Jack wouldn't take a Cerberus Armor as a trophy even.

I'm also down with that.

Continued suggestions

>The Normandy
Delay when we get the Normandy a little. Getting the new ship will be more rewarding if we first really feel its loss. Have TIM send us to Korlus to grab Okeer on our way to the Citadel. Then after we are unsuccessful with the Council TIM sends us to the Normandy crash site to place the monument there and after doing so he has the SR2 pick us up. (undoubtedly this setup was a deliberate ploy to make it seem like he has a heart)

>hub worlds
We need more hubs. I'd rather ditch the Citadel as a hub. Going there should just be in a cut-scene where we talk to Anderson/Udina/Council the one time. It's not necessary after that and any further conversations can always be via quantum communications. Instead, Horizon should be our second hub-location. Thane/Garrus' missions can still take place there, but only the actual mission areas are rendered in game.

Garrus should only cameo in the story based on what you taught him in ME1. Sorry, but Garrus' character arc was ruined by ME2 so let's give it back to him. He'll help you in one mission as a either C-Sec agent or a Spectre, with the mission's plot being altered depending on his role.

Tali should join you on Freedom's Progress if you gave her the data in ME1. Her recruitment mission will still appear and she'll need to do it before her loyalty mission appears, only a little dialog needs to be changed for this to make sense.

It is pieced together by Shepard that Cerberus is STILL Alliance Black Ops and never went rogue. Hackett and other Alliance officers pushed the "rogue" narrative for plausible deniability. However the events of ME1 and the Collector attacks are empowering the Terra Firma party and if TIM gets the Collector base he may actually have the political support and financial/technological edge to go rogue for real. (Cerberus is the CIA, basically)

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I think she would. It's a more sensible and interesting option than her current design. You are the first person I've met who has any objections to it. Regardless, this isn't worth arguing about nor would doing so achieve anything. So if you don't like that idea then don't bother thinking about it.

Yeah I don’t think anyone is really arguing that 2 has better gameplay.

It could have been. First game was good while everything after is less so. ME2 is still a pretty good game despite being inferior to ME1 in most ways. It did play better and way more polished though. ME3 is literally Gears of War in space with a godawful story.

Guy earlier mentioned removing cover mechanics. Would you guys be in favor of jumping in place of cover TPS mechanics?

Multiple methods, starting with space battles / ship combat / relevant technology, going against the major ME1 subtheme of war over limited resources in multiple ways from thermal clips to a fucking minigame where you go around strip mining random planets for eezo without even needing to colonize them or anything literally what the fuck is this shit

Do you have a screencap? I'm not doubting, just want to have it myself.

ME2 is the best TPS-VN hybrid out there. It's not terribly deep both in gameplay and story perspective, but they complement each other really well.

In ME1 I barely used cover at all, simply ducking and using cover without a press button to invincible is fine, being able to lean/prone/jump would be good, the addition of rolling in ME3 was a step in the right direction after they took 5 steps back in ME2
more control over yourself>context sensitive shit

I think the combat is better in 2. Better gunplay and better feedback. Some more interesting powers. However there was certainly a trade-off so it isn't a blanket improvement, just a general improvement.

Andromeda had a good direction of making the cover system not being the focus of the combat and promoting good mobility over camping in a same spot

The combat in Andromeda looks fun. It's too bad fails it most everything else.

Man this ain't a bad idea user. Sounds way better than what they ended up giving us. Although I think maybe keep the reapers in ME1 and just make it so that you see and defeat them in ME1. They end up being trapped in dark space forever. Or maybe even Sovereign simply lied to you and it was the only ship of its kind and you defeat it in ME1. Then Saren could have been the main villain for the sequels, perhaps with even his own ship, his own goons, etc.

One problem though is Saren is a sympathetic villain. It is part of what made the original work.


Normal man > Maleshep (Reminder: Vast majority of players picked this option)

Redditor Tranny > Femshep (Insert list of excuses here)

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Andromeda could had been the true sequel of ME1 if not for its utter incompetency.

Ironically it wasn't even that bad. It was just so mediocre, which made it a bad, bland, and forgettable experience.

>not just playing both anyway
Played as Sheploo first, then when I eventually wanted to play again it was Femshep time

Here is the outline for how you'd do the series

Rogue turian Spectre engineers a crisis so the Hierarchy can take over

Batarian terrorists launch catastrophic strikes on Garden Worlds, which threatens to force the Council to go to war with the Hegemony (the "terrorists" are abolitionists who want the Council to invade batarian space and destroy the Hegemony)

The quarians have armed up and are going to war with the geth to reclaim their homeworld. This act will further reshape the Terminus after the events of ME2, with some factions aiming to stop them. However the real threat is a quarian admiral who wants to tame the geth and use them to elevate the quarians to the highest echelons of power

A human supremacist group finds and reactivates the Klendagon gun and use it to violently decimate the Council races and hold the entire galaxy hostage. Shepard will have to end their tyranny and also try to prevent a violent alien backlash that could see humanity blown back into the stone-age

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Be honest: Would you be happy if the Reapers were retconned & the plotline for the trilogy was a large scale Galaxy wide conspiracy like Deus Ex?

>the addition of rolling in ME3 was a step in the right direction after they took 5 steps back in ME2

Nah that shit just started becoming more of a typical TPS. It was basically a less fluid Gears of War. ME2 at least forced you to use your powers more rather than rely on run, dodge and gun. For that ME2 I think was at least better than 3 gameplay wise.

Acceptable, but only if in ME2 you could ignore the false flagging terrorists, give the council false information and just kill all the Batarians anyway

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Have the end of Mass Effect 2 be coherent and relevant to Mass Effect 3 without purchasing multiple DLC's.

I'm sure you'd have several options for how to resolve the conflict in the end. I'm sure one of them is one in which the rebels regret their rather audacious and destructive plan.

Keep all RPG elements and customization from ME1. There. Perfection.

>Normal man > Maleshep
I agree, a normal man would be greater than the voice actor that male Shepard got.

I think Mark Meer is fine and that Jennifer Hale's Shepard is incredibly overrated.

Really good suggestions

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Yep great stuff user. ME background lore/details was much more interesting than the shit they gave us. Bioware however wanted to seem smart and so progressive.

Not him but
>Would you be happy if the Reapers were retconned

>& the plotline for the trilogy was a large scale Galaxy wide conspiracy like Deus Ex?
Yes. They aren't really mutually exclusive, if you have talented writers.

Make it a sequel to Mass Effect 1's story and gameplay.

you retards act like someone can't do a playthrough of the game as each version of shepard

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Mark Meer's performance is just pretty bland is all. It's not offensive or anything, it's just pretty standard. Jennifer Hale puts a little more personality into the performance and I find it more enjoyable for that reason.

Gross she is old an shit

The RPG elements from 1 were the worst fucking parts of that game and quite frankly I'm glad they toned it down so they could actually focus on making a game that actually had fun gameplay. Hence why nowhere outside of this board is 1 looked at with anywhere near as much positivity as 2

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ME1 wasn't perfect man. It was dumb to have to put points into charm and intimidation. Also I like that 2 and 3 give you options on which way to branch your powers. ME1 could have benefited from that.

Just to elaborate on something. Each game causes the events of the next.

Saren utilizes several factions in his plan. He has batarian terrorists attack Terra Nova and Therum. These terrorists were trained and funded by Saren but his intent was to cull them as soon as he had victory. He works with a quarian Admiral to devise an early version of tech that influences some geth, but that the admiral will use later to control all of them. Saren utilizes the rouge human group, Cerberus, to conceal his operations in the Attican Traverse, with both sides planning to turn on one another once Saren is ready to make his big move.

The weakened Council after ME1 prompts the Hegemony to expand, but too far. Thus the rebels have the perfect opportunity to orchestrate the downfall of their oppressive government. Then once the Hegemony and the rest of the Terminus have been destabilized during the events of ME2 the quarians have the opportunity to finally retaliate against the geth. All throughout these events the Cerberus group has been building up their assets and acquiring useful intelligence and technology, which positions them to finally make their own Saren-esque power play at the climax of the series.

Of-course everything is brought full circle with the story beginning with a human Spectre trying to stop a seasoned Turian spectre and exposing a plot by members of an established Council race, but now Shepard is up against other humans and his own race is being painted as villains.

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I think the reapers were a mistake
Having this big unstoppable force from thousands of years ago never works. When you finally beat them it just looks cheap and you have nowhere to go.
Same thing happend to Game of Thrones and the White Walkers.

Meer sounds natural where-as Hale's Shepard sounds like she's trying to be cinematic. She sounds fake.

- remove neutral dialogue options (I'm surprised it took them two games to realize they were useless)
- make Kasumi and Zaeed fuckable (also what this user said)
- bring back infinite ammo and weapon overheat
- make Jacob white and Zaeed black

>- remove neutral dialogue options (I'm surprised it took them two games to realize they were useless)

They exist for roleplaying you nigger

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I urge you to reconsider.

The series was enivisioned as a roleplaying game, thus why the first game was all about roleplaying through dialog.

>- remove neutral dialogue options (I'm surprised it took them two games to realize they were useless)
You are what went wrong with Mass Effect, and what's wrong with Bioware's morality systems in general. Dialogue should be about roleplaying and making choices, and ME1 has that to an extent, but in ME2 and ME3 you might as well just be given a choice of Paragon or Renegade during character creation and just let every dialogue and cutscene play out accordingly with no input from the player, because ME2 and ME3 very strongly encourage you to just pick a path and stick with it unquestioningly anyway.

>She sounds fake.
Agree to disagree at this point, I guess. I enjoy her performance.


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Didn't Renegade and Paragon give you bonuses in the first game, too? Either way it's a problem with any morality system in games, where you're almost always punished for not capping out good boy or naughty boy points. I will admit that not only did ME1 have better gameplay systems it had much better roleplaying options, too. But you did get to fuck Tali in 2 and 3.

you should have been allowed to be more racist towards aliens.

Aye, I was just having a laugh. It's just so vile that despite what they were vaguely hinting at in ME1 they've turned every fucking alien species into "it's totally, exactly like boring old humans except for X thingy!"

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>Didn't Renegade and Paragon give you bonuses in the first game, too?

Yeah, but that was only with Charm/Intimidate choices or when you made a quest-ending decision. In ME2 however you get Paragon/Renegade points for EVERY dialog choice you make in the game. Every single one. If you play ME2 and speak nicely to your squad but make Renegade decisions in quests, then you'll wind up unable to charm/intimidate because the game thinks you are neutral-aligned.

Give me a billion dollars and I can make it good. Can make the best fucking piece of media in existence mate.

Yeah. The series drifted away from actual science fiction into pop-sic and action schlock. The first game took inspiration from Heinlen, Arthur C. Clarke, Larry Niven, and with a dash of Roddenberry.

ME2 is inspired primarily by comic books.

ME3 is inspired by Michael Bay.

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>never get to kill volus, hanar, elcor, drell or quarians outside of cutscenes

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Get rid of planet scanning.
Add more gear, guns and loot.

>Didn't Renegade and Paragon give you bonuses in the first game, too?
Yeah, but you could choose to ignore them. My first playthrough I just tried to make decisions as I saw fit, regardless of morality, to see how things would shake out. I always felt like I was given interesting choices that I could lean either way on and though I did end up mostly Renegade (enough to spare Wrex at least), I did make some Paragon choices along the way, too.

In ME2 and ME3 they include shit like those blind cutscene interrupts that are clearly designed on the assumption that you will have just pre-chosen Paragon or Renegade before starting and will want to just follow the railroad, and it just loses all sense of roleplaying.

Why would you want to hurt quarians?

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>ME3 is inspired by Michael Bay.
Wouldn't he take offence to that?

Yeah, wasn't a fan of that. I did like how my Shepard just happened to look like a bug eyed psychopath because of the Renegade spooky face system. Still mad 3 didn't properly let you carry over your face.

The Terminator look is my guilty pleasure in ME2, actually. I just wish that other characters would notice and comment on it.

Honestly I don't have any complaints for ME2 as a single title. It has the issue where it doesn't really push the important story of the trilogy very much. This could be easily rectified with some required linear story missions in between recruiting Legion and going on the suicide mission. Something to push the plot a bit and make some of the stuff in ME3 feel more natural.

Imagine if at least some of the fiction became real and Duke Nukem, albeit with a makeover of this variety, walked up to you for a chat. Would you mention it? To his face?

Sure, ME2'd be a fine game if it wasn't a sequel to a game called Mass Effect.

Well you'd think the squad would mention it. Why doesn't your romance pick ever ask if the scars hurt? I mean when you go full Renegade it looks like Shepard's face ought to start oozing blood.

What if you could hear people commenting on it behind your back in side conversations you could overhear happening in other rooms?

Those weren't Prothean, those were Innosanon

Yeah as a trilogy, ME is always felt incredibly forced for me
If ME1 is like a solid season 1 with a concise story and ME3 is like the final season with rushed and troubled production, ME2 felt like "that" season in middle of the series that is filled with nothing but fillers.

Go suck Mac Walter's cock

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Yeah, that makes sense. I never made a full run while keeping the intimidating visage so I didn't know. ME2 as a whole can't hold my attention for long. After I'm done with the highlights I just start making more and more excuses to avoid the disappointments further on.

Instead of removing features from ME1, improve upon them instead.

I myself wouldn't risk even that with a special operative with license to kill first and maybe ask questions later of the highest possible order whose ship was blown to pieces, who apparently survived re-entry somehow and doesn't even care about such nasty scars. The other user rises a good point, though.

I enjoyed ME2 quite a lot but in the run-up to ME3 I went back and re-did ME1 to set-up what my final import would be and realized that ME1 is so much better. Sure, ME1 hasn't the budget of ME2. It's not as flashy. The combat is a bit clunkier... but the whole game is just so much more consistent. The story and world and characters and even armor designs all make a lot more sense. ME2 continually pulls me out of it all with its bad writing and questionable design decisions, but ME1 never does.

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fpbp op give user his money

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>The combat is a bit clunkier...
Re-make the combat of ME1 into turn-based or RTWP where you either only give commands to all player-controlled characters but can float around or watch from a particular squadmate's visor and you've both fixed the combat issue and removed the dudebro crowd. "Story-mode" and/or extensive use of scripting a-la Dragon Age 1 for the muh cinematic experience.

In retrospect I think a turn-based system or something like that would have been a smart choice indeed. The 'action' side of Mass Effect ruined it in the end.

Pic related is what the series should have been to keep it in the right niche.

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Despite its flaws, ME1 is one of my most-replayed games of all time. Certainly my most-replayed RPG of all time. Needless to say, its sequels really ripped my heart out.

I never really had a problem with the combat in ME1 and I don't understand why so many people seem to. My only complaint is that I wish you could control your squadmates a bit more thoroughly so you could set up better tactics.

That looks pretty cool.

>I never really had a problem with the combat in ME1 and I don't understand why so many people seem to.
The problem, strangely enough, lies with a certain huge demographics willing to dish out $60 for a couch shooter having a problem with ME1 not being a good TPS.

>I never really had a problem with the combat in ME1 and I don't understand why so many people seem to.

I don't have a problem with it but I do recognize that it has its short-comings. Mainly, you and enemies can become huge damage sponges which is just tedious rather than fun. Secondly, it has no real feed-back. Enemies don't react to being shot at all; they just keep doing what they are doing until they fall over dead.

Compare that to ME2 where you have head-shots, where they can catch on fire. So I think ME2 adding location based damage and enemy reactivity was a good thing.

I also think the guns in ME1 are pretty bland; there is basically just one of each type of weapon. The various brands of gun you pickup just have different damage, accuracy, and heat generation rates. They all essentially function and sound the same though.

In ME2 each weapon is unique with very different characteristics and function. This was a good change. I would have liked ME2's cloak, drone, tech armor, vanguard charge, and flash-bang grenades, as well as ME2's wepaons, but in ME1's world and design philosophy. Mind you, I'm not saying that ME2 doesn't also have its shortcomings or that it doesn't do something things in an inferior way to ME1. I just wish the stronger aspects of both could have been combined.

I suppose in some ways Andromeda did this. It has the open maps and freedom of ME1, but it has weapon designs and powers from ME2, without being stuck to cover like ME2 is. It's a happy marriage of both concepts.

but maleshep is canon, tranny

Instead of making a conversation simulator with occasional bland 3rd person shooter segments, I would make a good game instead.

Mass Effect fucking sucks.

There is no canon, it's not like there's any future games that (need to) reference the continuity of the original ME trilogy. Andromeda is completely divorced from Shepard's story, and there's never going to be another ME game.

> and there's never going to be another ME game.
dumb reddittranny go the fuck back already


ok console kiddie, but ME2 is made specifically for your kind

imagine being too retarded to see through corporate speak

imagine being as retarded as (You), they won't say shit like that if they will absolutely won't even plan to make anything ME related you fucking dumbass. It could be a mobile game or whatever but still a new ME game which makes you lose the argument

Not really

fuck off back to whichever subreddit you came from


cope with your lost argument harder, redditfag


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you still can't prove how you "won" it you shithead

It's just the true power (and true evil) behind the AIDScum-stained throne that is EA showing itself clearly. It was not some high-level exec with an incandescent hatred for sci-fi (even if rather "soft" sci-fi) or just video games in general who did this. The analytics strongly supported a certain course during the sequel's development (feedback on the forums-in-process-of-being-turned-into-social-media) that would maximize ROI and the marketing answered.

Physics is the most powerful weapon you have. That was by far the best part of the gameplay in 1.

>an actual plot that continues the events of ME1 and isn't just the biggest glorified side quest of all time
Bonus points for significantly dialing back the paragon/renegade system that removes all player agency from decisions, the role playing part of the RPG. I don't give a shit if the gameplay and characters go completely unchanged, this game set up the failure of ME3 by showing the writers had no idea to carry through with their promise that the Mass Effect trilogy would effectively be one long story where your choices actually mattered. Second bonus points for the suicide mission lasting longer than the final half hour and being nearly impossible for anyone with double digit brain cells to lose a party member. It was a major selling point and it ended up being hardly relevant.

You can edit the main PCC file to make this a reality afaik.
I changed it so that abilities all had individual cooldowns instead of that global CD bullshit.
Made the game a thousand times better.

Counterpoint: in ME2 you can't turn your sniper rifle into a howitzer capable of clearing entire rooms with a single shot.

After ME1 you couldn't turn enemies into improvised kinetic projectiles, that's what much worse.

>Oh shit, this guy's made out of hitpoints and sponge, lemme toss him out of the map with my 500% overheat sniper

White Jacob would still be boring but I admit black Zaeed would be great

This would significantly tone down the obnoxious faggotry of the fanbase

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Firing Mac Walters would have fixed all of ME2's problems

>guns are the only thing worthy of note because ME1 is a Call of Gears clone with blue waifus!
Wow, memearrowing sure is fun.

But it's an RPG though, so you play it multiple times and at least once you go femshep.
It's the same fucking argument with KotOR and people whining about The Exile being female, well then play it a second time as a dude, there is a canon but when you're playing it YOUR choice.
Stop being bad at roleplaying.

Uhhh... what? Is that this gay thing you nerds do when we're banging hot bitches? Who cares about that dumb shit. What, did you count all those numbers on the screen with boxes and this dood's stupid face too? I bet you picked some faggot wizard class, lmao.

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Nigger, that along with all the other customisation you could do build wise was what made ME1 so much fun compared to the others, not to mention the far more intriguing plot and world. Do you NOT like melting enemies with absurd toxic damage? Killing them and their friends by bouncing a krogan mercenary off the wall and into them?

No, sarcasm. What the hell happened to this place, no one can tell obnoxiously blatant sarcasm apart from genuine retardation anymore.


Well I mean
>Is that this gay thing you nerds do when we're banging hot bitches?
was kind of a clue, but you never know these days.

He replied to a post talking about biotics, my man. But since his experience with the game's actual mechanics is barely skin-deep, he went for the only thing he knew anything about, and the one mentioned literally two posts above his at that. I was the one who brought up this Rail Extension + HE Rounds combo a few moths ago (I don't claim to have invented it, just reminded about it recently), much to several anons' surprise. Very few bothered to explore and experiment, unsurprisingly.

Lair of the Shadow Broker was the best part of the entire trilogy. If every mission in a given game was LotSB quality, it would not only be the best Mass Effect but one of the best games of all time. I wish they would reboot the series using the LotSB team.

I won't pretend that all 3 have don't have horrendous scaling when it comes to enemy beef on Insane but c'mon, there was so much cool shit you could do. I loved it all. I know the shooting wasn't the tightest, or the maps all that detailed beyond boxes, lamp, large rock, Thresher Maw but it still felt like you were actually exploring. The codex was fucking PACKED, the Citadel felt massive, the characters had a ton of character dialogue that wasn't presented in 1-4/4 friendship points, the aliens felt ALIEN. I'm still mad.
Also, yeah, I remember bringing that up to my friends back in '06. They couldn't believe it, or how powerful it was.

Mass Effect 3 combat to make it less hard maybe

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>Very few bothered to explore and experiment, unsurprisingly.

Guess that being worried about overheating after every shot (like it matters when you can kill +90% of enemies in the game with a single shot) could had discouraged people from experiencing the joy that is double rail extensions + HE ammo.

There's so much more than that, too. Stack elemental effects, or make a gun into a hose that you have to try to overheat. Use your biotics in tandem with a techie and Wrex to make an enemy explode upon being tickled by his burly shoulders.

Make it like Mass Effect 1 so the series would've died early on.

Of course not. I just like to make shit up to try and get internet points

bring him back and watch him filter casuls
would make more sense as a final boss than human reaper

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I played this recently and companion interactions felt so disappointing. I ran with Miranda and Jack the whole game, you'd think they would say things to each other considering how much they hate each other but no, except for a single line in their companion quests they didn't say anything special
In DLCs also companions are all so silent

>less hard
I wouldn't call it hard, just super tedious

>there was so much cool shit you could do
But that's exactly my point. And I agree with all you've said in general.

right? remember when they marketed it as if your crew dies at the end of 2 they're gone? but then even if they die some random character replaces them in three

It was the only good one. Reapers a shit.

yes, me2 was really a reboot of the series. The writers wanted to do another game, and not follow the plot.
Reaper plot is ignored really, there's no urgency in stopping them. Prothean stuff is totally ignored, the council doesn't believe in the reapers and the alliance is dumb.

Everything was engineered just so we could get cerberus happy go fuck time with a new crew. Moronic. The entire plot needs to be scrapped for ME2 to be good.

Jesus he was scary

Surrender. Or don't.

Mark Meer was the perfect hire for ME1. He was not a good actor, which fit the 1980s sci fi aesthetic they were going for with the film grain and synths and the goddamn credits theme.

As the series progressed and evolved into this larger than life sci-fi epic, he improved as an actor, to the point where he had scenes in ME3 that were better than Hale's performances.

Meer was the better experience

Just put in all the shit that ME1 took out, make the plot revolve around something more compelling than the Collectors, generally just improve everything to be more atmosphere-focused instead of boring character drama.

Also no character romance because that brought out the worst in Bioware's fanbase.

Changed my mind.
Fucking based.

Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL

>literally nothin personnels you
fucking bioshits who thought this was a good idea

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I don't know what was more hilarious. That, or
>Commander Shepard has become a legend by ending the Reaper threat. Now you can continue to build that legend through further gameplay and downloadable content.

DA:O pulled the same shit with regards to DLCs way before that.

>"Victory. At any cost"
Much of ME3 was a dumpster fire, but this mission was pretty great, add some more open environments and more dialog and bam perfect

so basically make more like this rather than human reapers and kai lengs

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yes, thermal clips would've been forgiven

Don't pretend the neutral choices were any good or made the dialogues and RP in Mass Effect any better. The whole RP system in those games was shit. Dragon Age did it right. Even Andromeda was better in this aspect.

>removing choices and options is good!
Fucking how you dumb nigger

Because there's literally no incentive to pick those choices other than curiosity.

Instead of taking the rpg-shooter mechanics of ME1 and making it a full shooter, go the opposite direction and make it a Realtime with Pause rpg like KOTOR.
Put the Reapers story on the back burner. Reapers shouldn't have shown up until Mass Effect 5 or 6.

Remove paragon and renegade points from any character discussions that just involve voicing opinions


It just sounded like someone trying to put on a deeper grunty inflection to sound badass, this just made it come across as a poser playing at being a badass space warrior. It's okay though you have like 3 other people in the thread to agree with you.

So why remove them? You didn't explain shit you big baby.
Just because YOU don't use them does not mean they should be removed. Do you have brain damage?

You just don't understand how things work these days. RPG elements = periodically increasing attribute numbers on a character sheet that improve your character's ability/-ies to pnws noobs, or whatever it's called now. Dialogue options giving no bonuses to weapon damage or arnor, or some magic/other powers, or at least some power-ups = no incentive to use = meaningless.

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No, she isn't. She sounds like the same in everything meanwhile Mark Meer has a goofy charm to it.