What is the appeal of Dragon Quest? It's like the most basic JRPG format with zero unique things.
What is the appeal of Dragon Quest? It's like the most basic JRPG format with zero unique things
That IS the appeal, you fool!
Apparently that's part of the appeal, I believe. At least for Japan.
Sometimes you use dip for your chips. Sometimes not.
Sometimes you want every character to blur together into a messy smudge of "hybrid caster fighter" like FF, sometimes you want it to hand everything neatly organized for you in the form of specialized characters.
>inb4 "job systems encourage diversity!"
it mainly appeals to old japanese boomers who want a basic old-school game. simple as that.
>beautiful worlds
>decent characters
>absolute boring slog for gameplay
what's the point of turn based jrpgs?
I unironically think it's the best turn based JRPG this gen. It touches so many good notes for me and honestly being simple isn't that bad. Some of the twists caught me off guard and even the ones that didn't gave me the feels.
Yes I even like it better than Kamoshida is the only good arc and everything else was average.
I've never played a typical JRPG because I always play the unique ones, so I would like to try it out.
Keeping you away from them.
Because it's THE basic JRPG. Almost every JRPG trope comes from DQ.
DQ did all the unique stuff before everyone else so that's why it feels like it does nothing new know.
But they're all highly polished games made by a team of vegerans in the industry
>DQ did all the unique stuff before everyone else
Dragon Quest is to JRPGs what Lord of the Rings is to Fantasy Fiction.
i'm still VERY MAD about act 3
>jrpgs yep
>having a party yep
>classes yep
>switchable party members yep
Animal Crossing of JRPG's.
Chill, have a chill time.
The problem with this post is that the original DQ is just a dumbed down version of old school PC turn based WRPGs. The fucking creator said this himself. The most original thing about DQ are the monsters and art design.
What he meant was DQ laid the foundation for JRPG tropes that we know today.
the graphics, universe and quests
it feels rewarding as you play
Nobody cares, cope.
The Dragon Quest Builders 2 demo is out.
While other JRPGS try to do different things and build the house out of new materials that may or may not hold steady in hopes that you will look at it, Dragon Quest is the brick fucking house. Nothing outstanding about it, just a rock solid foundation that will do the job. That being said DQIII is one of the greatest games ever made.
Without Dragon Quest, most JRPGs wouldn't be what they are today. Whether or not that's a good thing is up to each individual person, but a lot of people give the series a try for that. Almost everything you take for granted in JRPGs is DQ's unique thing because it did it first.
Definitely not the shitty repetitive music.
DQ gives me that played one played them all feeling is this true? I'm about to skip the SFC trio because after playing 4 and getting hardwalled on these faggots I have NO desire to just grind for hours. The difficulty jumps in this game are retarded and I feel like they are grind magnets and I'm too stubborn to grind in a jrpg.
Get better taste.
based and kazap-pilled
Boy I sure love the same unfitting tracks on every town and dungeon regardless of the atmosphere stretched over 60 hours.
Each game has something pretty distinct in terms of gameplay about it. Like 4 with the chapter story and 5 with monster taming. Definitely don't fall into the "just grind" mentality. DQ games are the most fun when you are decent level and are forced to actually think about what you do turn to turn, but they always have easy ways to grind out levels so if you do get stuck its easy to level up on some metal slimes.
I'm guessing he's one of those people who want Wizardry to have more credit
But as far as jrpgs go, it's DQ
DQ was influenced by Wizardry, but jrpgs skipped that and went right to DQ, so they're influenced by DQ
I know I like DQ because its the one of the few traditional jrpgs that give a good challenge if you dont grind but reaching the egg faggots at like level 36 is not a good idea in retrospect I found a king diamond metal slime or whatever its called and got like 60k exp but I grinded for another hour or so looking for one and I haven't seen one since.
filtering out the zoomer plebs like you.
It still flows though. It's not like Lord of the Rings invented Orcs, Ogres, Elves, and Dwarves. It was just one of the first of its kind that meshed them all together in such a holistic way.
try to get to at least 38 on everybody. Try to keep Oomph and insulate on the hero basically the whole fight. Kazap is also pretty strong but I haven't played 4 since it came out on DS. I definitely had Alena with the falcon earrings doing hard ass damage the whole fight.
It's THE classic jrpg. That's it.
What is the appeal of vanilla ice cream? It's like the most basic flavor with zero unique things.
just google for whatever the best metal slime is around your level and farm those shouldn't take long at all cause they all give heaps of xp, there's no reason to grind any other way
>turn voices off
>game gets 100 times better
If it keeps annoying faggots like you out of this shit, so be it.
So? Mario is the most simple platformer out there, yet people love his 2D adventures because they're FUN. You don't need complexity for things to be fun.
same reason people like Kirby dipshit
Vanilla ice cream being considered basic still mystifies me. It's not like they make vanilla ice-cream, then add chocolate to wash out the vanilla taste
Faggot who literally never played the games.
fuck that geezer
I don't know if my pride would let me but I may have to settle since I really want to see the conclusion to psaro
>run button
>hunger meter seemingly depletes at a way slower rate than the first (although the new cooking system probably offsets that)
>can pick things up without having to turn it into pocket sand first
great stories, great characters, great music and simple, straightforward gameplay.
He's not wrong the tracks are iconic and some grew on me but there are only a few tracks that play if the DS one are anything to go by.
>combat is just pick attack and heal when you need to
Cool. 11 is so fucking boring.
getting bootyblasted by everything
it's a game of endurance where everyone has a role to play that fits together like a puzzle
also iconic character designs by Akira Toriyama
That's the appeal you goon.
It's a grand scale rpg that maintains it's traditions of a world separated into towns, castles, and dungeons using a straight forward leveling system with a reasonable plot of mostly good vs evil. It's like people having a flavor of ice cream and some people just liking vanilla.
The real joke is that in the JRPG space, DQ is actually an outlier now because every single JRPG that releases jumps through loops to do those same "unique things".
And you're a stupid faggot. What else?
XI was so fucking good. Then Act 3 made everything meaningless
Hearing everybody stressing act 3 makes me want to pick up this game even more but I can't in good faith start from the 11th installment and the older ones don't interest me much.
Some of the older titles play better.
I did though. Dragon Quest 7 was the worst of the lot. The same 4 elevator music reused on towns and the same shitty dungeon music. 8 had the same problem with the boring town music. 11 also suffered from weak composition where the only passable music were the usual reused ones from the old games.
A lot a fucking retarded smash fags here who pretending to know anything about DQ as a series.
Dragon Quest is always mixing things up and you people don't realize it because its mostly other things than gameplay or story. Like progression for your skills, monster taming, co-op multiplayer, MMO. Stuff like that.
I play JRPGs for the
>Incredible Soundtrack composition
>Ebin narrative plot twists
>Unique twists to the turn based combat gameplay that differentiates them from generic western trash
>Japanese voice acting (because FUCK American VAs, holy shit they are fucking awful)
Dragon Quest does none of this.
Why would anyone play this shit over a generic RPG maker western game or a shit flash game like Sonny?
It's a Steak done with some different garnish or seasoning each time. It's not trying to be made in a completely different way, it just know what it does, how it does, and what it does well, and knows it doesn't need to do more than that.
God, what terrible fucking bait. Honestly, kill yourself. The way you compose it is dime a fucking dozen. Fuck off back to Neogaf or some shithole where you'll post your epic troll.
>mfw it wasn't even bait
Kill yourself, oni-chan.
Bringing up co-op and mmo when those are 2 outliers that two titles out of all of them is concerned is duplicitous as shit. And I like how you use the phrase "stuff like that" when those two only exist in two titles
>profession of skills
next to alchemy these are things that pop up and go away as the games require. The skill progression is either by level or by job but the customization scheme hasn't budged into new unfamiliar territories in 11 titles and 5 remakes.
>monster taming
An also returning (sometimes) feature that itself barely ever deviates.
That's the entire point of the series. Incremental progressions so that in 30 years you can go from the first game to the last and know you're playing dragon quest immediately.
Games like Heroes, Monsters, and Caravan are what shakes shit up.
Of course a post game boss is going to be challenging, my dude. Even still, it shouldn't take long to grind to beat them. Give Alena the Falcon Earrings and go to town on the metal king slimes. Ragnar with the Hela Hammer also helps a bit.
how is it a problem? Your post doesn't contradict his post. He's talking about the jrpg genre.
Yeah yeah, fuck off, try harder.
Oh good, a DQ thread. I was looking for one of these to celebrate the fact that I just beat pic related on my Gameboy. Pretty fun. The last boss felt challenging, but fair. Gonna play 6 next probably.
which game has Goku?
Budokai Tenkaichi 3
>tfw invested into ragnar instead
>tfw invested into meena instead
>sold all cursed weps
>got dicked by the wagon leveling system so most of my party members are like level 30 save for the ones I stuck with
If its just postgame I might just skip it since I know I could do it if I get a few more levels since now I can consistently down the little faggot but I used all my good items on the final boss and its just not fun to me to grind in these games. They are amazing low level though.
Allow me to explain it in the format of a 15-year-old meme
Yes actually, that's part of its appeal.
Because so many jrpgs these days are trying to be innovative, appeal to the west, or change their format entirely, its next to have an options that's basic.
What's the point of getting switch version?
Dragon Quest 8
>Muh dragon ball graphics
JRPG for people that hate anime.
jrpg "combat" is 95% pre battle as in setting up your build and equipment I dont see how people don't understand this
Yeah, those two are just post game bosses that let you recruit an extra party member, who then lets you move on to another post game boss for a very very very slightly different ending. The original NES game didn't have a chapter 6, so anything that happens in it is non canon and is just for fun.
It's knowing what your supplies are, how much you can rough it, managing your stats, using weaknesses when viable and effective; basically just being optimal.
A lot more content and better sounding music
All of them. Look at the characters-- they all look identical. This artist can only draw one face and 2 hair styles.
>zero unique things
it has tons of unique things, it's just been around so long everyone else has copped them as their own
Are plot twists really one of the reasons you play jrpg's most of the time there either obvious or just dumb. The only good jrpg plot twists I can think of is the one in baiten kaitos and ff7
That's Gohan though
they literally all have the same face, that artist is a hack
yeah idk either, I never liked dragon quest
I did love the anime tho, even though it was short, it was fucking great as a kid, but the games?
I played through the whole of 8 (or was it 7?) that came out on ps2 and I honestly couldn't tell you a single thing about it other then there was a metal slime that was a pain in the ass to kill, and the girl had big tits and was a tsundere and....
that's it
I'm guessing it's just surfing on the nostalgia trip and some people are into it and that's basically it
also most likely because it's the lazy and easy way to get money, just get toriyama to design the characters and bam, you already got an audience ready to swallow the load
Actual retarded child, type like a human being.
no, suck a dick nigger
Take your attention deficit back to fortnite
Dragon Quest gameplay is not simple or outdated. This is merely an excuse given by westerners who don't understand. Dragon Quest is the game series you go to when you want your RPG to have good gameplay instead of flashy mechanics and a cinematic experience.
Dragon Quest doesn't need complex, cringe-worthy stories about how everyone's dad is secretly the enemy's general and that their girl next door is actually a queen from a different dimension where god beams will eradicate humanity. Dragon Quest just simply tells its story as a means to drive the robust gameplay so that the player can tell the story later.
Westerners don't understand good gameplay, so this greatly confuses them. The western-addled mind looks at something like ATB, and says "Wow! It's moving!", being tricked into believing that this is a superior system, not realizing that it is a garbage system that both makes them wait for their turn longer than normal and also gives their enemy an advantage. Anyone who would play a Final Fantasy without turning on ATB speed to max is simply a fool.
Dragon Quest does not need to use tricks and bullshit in its gameplay to be good. The mind poisoned by the west says "RPGs live and die on their story", not having ever played a Dragon Quest. In Dragon Quest, if you see a major enemy that isn't a boss, the Death spell will probably work on them. Many of the dragons in the earlier Dragon Quest will have a very high chance of dying to Whack. Final Fantasy cannot create good gameplay, so they simply make all enemies immune.
Bosses are immune of course, but this is necessary for gameplay reasons. The feeble-minded west sees this and says "This is bullshit, I want to kill", not understanding gameplay or narrative that a world with death spells would naturally try to prevent them from working or develop work arounds. The weak-willed west simply wants it to work because they want things to be easy for them.
Dragon Quest is a better series.
So do you have to play them in order or are they self contained games
>This is merely an excuse given by westerners who don't understand
But they do though. It encourages the diveristy of that characters role in battle.
>I unironically think it's the best turn based JRPG this gen.
That is because it is.
Some of them are loosely connected. The first 3 are the Erdrick Trilogy and 4-6 are the Zenithian Trilogy. other than that games might throw in some neat references here and there but are otherwise seperate, save for one that I won't spoil. The games are basically self contained though and you can pretty much start anywhere, although I recommend playing 1 before 3.
Thanks. What about the most recent ones?
>although I recommend playing 1 before 3
Thousand times this. 1 is quick and merely enhances the experience of 3 even more.
Just fought mordegon right now
And I got lucky enough get all 4 of your mates peped up for the final blow. ;)
Erik was fucking destroying him though.
10 is literally unplayable as it's a Japan only MMO. 11 is a perfectly fine starting place, as is 8 or even 9. If you want my recommendation of where to start if you want to get into the series, I would unironically say pick a game that has a Smash bros character on the cover. It just so happens that the games they are from happen to be excellent starting points, save for 3 for the reason I said before and clarifies. 4 is very short and keeps your attention the whole way through, and it also starts the Zenithian Trilogy. 11 and 8 are some of the more modern games that may be easy to hold interest, and while 9 is excellent on it's own, it is way better with friends.
Muh dqV though.
>a lot more
It's superficial at best. What's not acceptable is the shit downgrades that comes with the switch version.
I haven't played this one, but I like the cutie in the background cheering you on. What is she, the childhood friend character or something? I don't recognize her from the promotional art of the playable characters.
Oh and I forgot to mention 7, which I suppose can be considered modern now that it has a 3DS port. That one is very good and stands heavily on its own, but it is absolutely the longest in the series so it might not be the best place to start.
The thing i like about it is that it is a game with no shitty gimmicks and the story is literally "good vs evil". Not this melodramatic cinematic horse shit. I want a ff game like that damn it. Something like ff1 but just triple a graphics. Thatd be nice.
III is so good I'm glad I played DQ in order. I'm also saddened that the west praises VIII as the best DQ game when III and V blow it out of the fucking water.
As much as I love VII, I have to echo this and advise one saves it after playing the 'essentials'. It's DQ for people who already can't get enough of DQ.
Is sylvando the only based "gay" man in video games?
Yeah, in a lot of ways, i would say 8 is almost a bit too simple in many regards. While the weapon thing is cool, I feel like it isn't as good as having a full class system, and only having 4 party members the whole game (unless you play the 3ds version), makes things a bit less interesting to me as well. It's still very good though.
Gettin' old. Please understand.
Joachim in Shadow Hearts 2 comes to mind.
I still find V to be the best game.
fuck this boss
I can dig DQ11 music. It's pretty good and fits the tone. It feels generic but there's a nostalgia charm to his music. Watching the credits right now and God dang the music along with the video of everyone returning back home is getting to me.
He was the perfect amount of eccentric. Eric was just a whiny twink and i would much prefer that he was actually replaced with gemma fighting as the thief instead.
Neither Ultima or Wizardry are JRPGs though, Dragon Quest took from those and spawned the genre, those two were only inspirations
While all these other jrpgs are innovating and taking chances. Dragon Quest is always the home you can go back to.
tranny btfo
I was just thinking about Gemma needing to be a party member. She feels so underused despite being the canon love interest.
Eric was based though so I disagree with you there though.
what downgrades
I love how the only thing that DQ has going for it is that "it did it first!" Just because you did it first doesn't mean it is good. I mean, everything about the game is just awful, the gameplay, the art, the designs, the story. Does it actually do anything well or interesting? The answer to that is no, if you are going to make something simple it better be done perfectly. Sadly dragon quest can't even do that half decently.
I can get why people like him but im just not one of those people.
Part 2 ending spoilers
I'm surprised they kept Veronica dead. But HOLY FUCK THERE'S TIME TRAVELLING NOW?
Make a better jrpg then,smart guy.
Part of me feels like it was deliberately nostalgic due to XI being an anniversary game. XI had some good original tracks but it's hard to deny that Sugiyama's losing his touch, though it's only natural when you've been killing it for the last 30 years.
Who could be behind this post?
Just got to Part 3 myself. Maybe something down the line will redeem it but the time travel ruined the game for me.
The Water
But none of what you just said is true user. It sounds more like you are trying to convince yourself that you haven't wasted your time on consuming such drivel.
I don't know dude. I don't mind this type of stuff. It's like an epilogue. You can just think the game ended after part 2.
Why? You can play any others and they are better.
Ah, DQ fags trying to deflect against the boogeyman that everyone is against them. You guys are worse than DMCfags and Smashfags.
Why do you think it's awful user, did you even play a single dragon quest game or are you just here to make an ass out of yourself.
like a magnet for the two weakest entries lmao. 6 isnt as grindy as 2, but it just lacks something that all of the others have
I'll take a wild shot and guess that the Japanese treat it as a cultural institution much like sushi or the kimono or whatever. You probably aren't considered a red-blooded Nihonjin if you don't like it.
Yet another personafag ruining another thread...
I've pretty much run out of other games to play though. I'm waiting for the Switch port before I play 11. Glad to hear it isn't as grindy, although in 2 I didn't really need to grind for too long, albeit longer than any other dq game. None of my party was above level 29 when I beat Sidoh, so it only took about an hour of grinding.
I listed why, simple story that isn't done well, shit art that makes you wonder if this is what it is like to be autistic with how everyone looks the same. How about that terrible music? Not a single track worth remembering, maybe that is why there are so many rehashes of it, because maybe this time you will remember one of them. Let6not even talk about how unoriginal the monster design is, the first generation dnd book has more variety and looks better. It literally does nothing even half decently. I mean, you guys literally have to tell every day that the west just doesn't get it to try to justify playing it.
If that is what you have to tell yourself.
>he hates jobs
shit taste
Get outta here personafag go back to your shitty waifu simulator
I don't know. I tried to like DQ, but even as far as turn based RPGs go, it's slow and archaic. I say this as someone who likes games such as FF1 and FF3 too.
You win! the party has gained 58 EXP!
>cant even give proper (you)s
To be exspected
It's cute that you think he intended to give you a (you)
Sorry no (you) for (you) again get some better bait
The classic DQ come back, blame another series! Clearly you are as mentally challenged as they come, do you need velcro for your shoes still?
We are talking about DQ, not Final Fantasy
He's still seething!
Dragon Quest always adds one big new thing to every new entry but LOL ITS THE SAME GAME with you faggots.
user, try to play a series before you shit on it. But what else could be expected from crayon eating DQ fans.
tales games are shit, ff15 was shit, and ff7 remake is going to be shit.
Stop being a cynical asshole. It isnt healthy
>It's superficial at best.
Is it? The part where you could visit previous DQ worlds in 2D seemed like it'd be pretty meaty, plus I think you gain access to all the unique 3DS content on-top of that.
Based savage posters rekking reddit quest shills. Based and fucking redpilled.
Hmmm It's almost like these fags don't play the games and are just here to shitpost. Just like the idiots that keep saying DQ needs to innovative yet they forget that the spinoff games exist.
Reminder that DQXI is babby tier garbage even by DQ standards and the most hated game in the series by a country mile
you forgot
You sure about that?
Did you even look at the FF7 remake gameplay
>Smash square until you can do your special!
>Slow down time!
>Wow look at all these pretty lights and effects
>Go back to smashing square!
ARPGs are a fucking mistake they should've just copied DMCs combat.
My all-female DQ3 party has made me rock-hard for the entire game
Dmc5 and ffxv arent that bad. Esoecially considering DMC:dmc exists and ff13 does too.
This is by far one of the dumbest critique I have seen on this site, dragon quest has one of the most unique monster designs compared to most other jrpgs, and what do you even mean by simple stories not done well, why do you think the plots in these games are bad when you know nothing about them.
They werent selling you the product and you never intended buying it in the first place you absolute fuckin chimp of a human bean.
> In Dragon Quest, if you see a major enemy that isn't a boss, the Death spell will probably work on them.
meanwhile in cool games like FF5 and EO3 you CAN use death spells on bosses
>FE game that isn't even out yet when Birthright already exists
Absolutely atrocious effort
>multiple games that arent even out yet
13 is one of the FF games that cant be beat by a drooling ape rolling his face across the controller which automatically makes it better than half of them
>muh just press o
It is far more than just that and you know it. You only hate it cause v says you have to hate it. 13 is a worse version of ff10 and thats saykng alot considering ff10 is just a linear press x to win and walk down hallway simulator. Only good thing about it is rikku and yuna.
>They werent selling you the product and you never intended buying it in the first place
>Im fucking plying
I was hoping it wasn't gonna go the way of XV yet squeenix decided to double down on that shit show of a game and the worst part is the normalfags like you are gonna eat it up despite all the changes.
Only people who have played very few JRPGs or extremely many JRPGs can appreciate DQ. Intermediate players go "why aren't there any flashy in-battle mechanics? where's my timed hits! where's the ATB! where are the summons with 30 second long attack animations! why are all the characters different classes, why can't everyone do everything?! i need more minigames!" Like people frequently cite Legend of Dragoon as a good JRPG. Can you imagine? Fucking Legend of Dragoon?
1. Im not eating it all up until the full game is released.
Secondly,you dont hit people willy nilly in the game if you have seen even a modicum of gameplay yould know that. You are just a shitter with nothing to do on a friday night other than b8 for (you)s.
Some people just like a good quality patty between two buns and nothing else with it.
>tales games are shit
Classic gameplay, charming universe, good humor. It's not trying to be revolutionary. The appeal IS that it's simple and fun
When are they bringing VIII to PC? I wanna replay it so bad
It's mostly zoomers that hate it because they need flashy effects to keep their attention
>get off my lawn you: the webm
Not him but they are. Budget bin JRPG. Shit animes in video game form.
>t. zoomer who takes Adderall while playing with his R6S competitive clan
DQ's been hated on by people who haven't played enough JRPGs since forever, though, so I can't blame just the zoomers. It really is just a matter of "play more JRPGs until you can understand DQ or shut the fuck up and stop swinging your uneducated opinion around." It's hard enough to get people to play """good""" ones, but it's pretty fucking frustrating to see retards on here praising Neptunia as being "actually good" while turning their noses up at DQ.
>tfw I want to replay 7 but no longer have the time for lengthy games
>Not him but
>1. Im not eating it all up until the full game is released
Ah yes in 2030 because they decided to do an episodic release instead of a full fledged game. Jesus you're delusional the fucking boss demo speaks for itself the combat is literally smash square until the next cutscenes happens then repeat until it dies
Tales games are shit. Even the best ones are just mediocre.
old tales games had a very classical appeal to them but there was a while where they had just fallen back on trying to replicate what made phantasia a success without actually looking at why it was good. they had a good thing going for a minute there but there's definitely way more shit entries than good, and there hasn't been a worthwhile release in recent memory. don't even think about responding with "but berseria" that game somehow manages to have even worse combat than graces
I wish they'd change the music desu but I know it won't happen. Or at least make more of it. DQXI was so long but had so little music that it got old fast.
Lmao you literally do just mindlessly spam the same button over and over though, maybe you should watch the gameplay. Its ff15 all over again. Enjoy buying 10 discs of EPIC GRAPHICS SOOO GUUUUUDDDDDD with awful gameplay and censored to hell and back content artificially stretched out with needlesly large hallways of nothing i guess. I hope you dont waste your money tho dude
ironically DQ starting with 7 is guilty of what Gintoki is talking about, millions of cutscenes. Gintoki thought about the Alefgard games as a positive example.
I got tired of the owerworld music in the first 10 minutes, couldn't stand it blasting all the time. Should probably try one of these mods that replace some tracks with 8's stuff. 8 soundtrack was perfect.
>He hated Adventure
I hate DQVIII babys like you
>XI:S allows you to have \VIII's music replace XI's but you have to pre-order the game to unlock the feature.
God damn bastards.
based gintoki
7 was my favorite one, I just like the overall feel and soundtrack of the 8th game. I liked the chill music that played as you explore, and it felt adventurous enough already.
>8 fags getting dabbed on
Based horii
Yeah why is not an offline mmo? Why the villians don't say speeches that I can relate to the current state of America? Why the weapons aren't bigger than the characters? Why it doesn't have interracial romances? Why it doesn't has gay ass TV anime writing? Why isn't the music jpop? Why the main character isn't a confused or angry teenager? Why there are so few numbers on screen when I attack?
God I hate weeabos.
Post a single good monster. You really can't because they don't exist. The only one people remember is the slime, which just looks like a fucking blue Hershey's kiss. Why don't you read a book or play other games so you might know what a fucking story actually is? Then maybe you might know what you are talking about.
11 is a great starting point though. The combat hasn't evolved much, which makes it a lot less jarring to go back and play older titles.
He's still seething!
Your game isn't good if that is the only way you can justify playing it. What excuse will you use next for why your series fails everywhere but in Japan, a country know for it's shit taste.
No matter what monster is posted, no matter how good it is, you're going to say it's bad because you want to be "right" and what's good is subjective.
>I was hoping...
The greatest fact about the world is that you, user with reply number 468365054, do not matter and the world doesn't care about you.
Oh, so there aren't any. Again a classic DQ has no evidence or the ability to make an argument to back up their claims. No wonder everyone shits on your series.
>literally can't read
I listed a bunch of things that DQ doesn't do, and then said that the fact it doesn't do those things is what makes it a good franchise.
>why your series fails everywhere but in Japan
If you're at the point that you legitimately gauge a game's quality based on whether or not it's a "flop," you haven't got any right to be asking me to defend my viewpoints. Now spread em, you little shit.
Keep seething my man!
why does every characters in this game have gigantic foreheads
You just make yourself look worse and worse. Most of the monsters are good. They are super iconic and beloved, but as I said, you are just going to cry and say "nu uh it's bad." You're like a kid who's seething because your parents took you to church every Sunday to save your game so now you have a vendetta.
Nepshit is not that bad compared to some of the gutter trash Yea Forums likes. At least that one let's you instantly skip all the brain melting dialouge with a single button press
Cope with what? You have literally nothing.
If your game was good it would sell user. Simple facts. You just kinda rambled and shit on Neptunia user. I never brought that game up, nor have I played it. What does it not do that makes it great? Because according to you fags posting in this thread it did everything first and all other games were everything to it.
Post one then. Post one of your iconic monsters other than the slime. I will honestly give you the slime, even if I do think it looks like shit. People know that monster there is no denying it.
8 hours of DQ11 and its the most nothing game.
Slow menus, british voice acting, takes 10 fucking seconds to turn in a quest because of an unskippable tune. For God's sake, you can't even save the game quickly because they need to fucking play the organ music to completion before you can get out of the menu. They litter the map with more enemies than necessary and respawn immediately, and among all the needless slowness of the game you can't even enjoy the music like every other good RPG because the music in the game is garbo (MIDI is fine, but this is actually garbage MIDI)
The sad part is I've seen parts of the game after dropping the turd at 50 ish hours in and it looks a lot better. But any game that is boring for that long can go ahead and cease to exist
>someone literally came to defend nep
you can't make this shit up folks
yeah dude madden fifa cod and fortnite are the bestest games evar!!!! shut the fuck up lmao
>if ur game good it sells
Yeah Persona was such a shit series before 5.
Keep being mad bro!
at least Nep lets you delay boss turns with the special attacks known as EXE drives. Already more interesting combat than DQ.
I see your still mad people shitted on your faggy fantasy 7 remake
You are so deadset in your hatred that there is no point in talking to you about anything. Please just go ahead and call me a zoomer incel tranny and that i should dilate,you absute fucking simpleton.
Maybe stop eating shit and open your eyes also
>Is excited for a game were you spam 1 button
>Calls others simpletons
Kill yourself already normalfag
There you go again with the whole one button thing. Its obviously not one button. Its not. You have an atb bar that dictates your big attacks. You have to use the atb bat if you want to get anywhere i the game. You cant just do the simple combos all the time and you know it. They do piss damage compared to the big attacks and even then you cant jist spam the big attacks you have to use them wisely. It isnt some kind of little kid with a wiffle bat going ham on a punching bag ok? There are layers to it and you just refuse to see otherwize,or you are just being willfully ignorant. So which is it?
Only mexicans and black people like DQ because they think its DBZ the RPG, and mexicans and black people mindlessly love DBZ.
At least post the right one
rpgs typically don't have good gameplay
Good fucking lord you're fucking nuts all you do is spam 1 button until you do your big flashy attack for actual damage then go back to spamming 1 button. Did you even look at the gameplay demo? That's literally all they fucking showed. Show me some complex fucking gameplay if you want to change my mind because all I've seen so far is boring fucking fights that keep repeating the above.
fast forward button
Good RPGs always have mediocre gameplay.
>more no YOUR wrong not me nonsense
This is my last (you) to you. Savor it
>There are layers to it
Ah yes I forget you sometimes press a button to dodge which really ups the ante!
>Talks about how deep the gameplay is
>Isn't willing to show it
Wow you really showed me you might wanna stick to making DQ baits because that's all you're good at fag lord
user since you know so much about dragon quest plots, than that means you can at least tell me about the flaws of the plot and characters in one dragon quest game at least try to back up your claims.
This fag is in every DQ thread I guess he has a personal vendetta against DQ but gets mad when you call out FF for being shit
>british voice acting
...why not just switch to the intended voices that were directed on the scenes as they were voicing them by the actual director?
because not everyone is a weeb faggot
No one cares about Trunks and all the fuckboi same niggers that look just like him. Anime lacks an art style and is as cookie cutter as can be. The truth hurts
>the intended voices that were directed on the scenes as they were voicing them by the actual director
so people who watch french movies in french are... ?
they're faggots too
I heard this too, doesn't work for me at all.
Even if it's supposed to be tedium incarnate, it's still just boring tedium. Something being intentionally bad doesn't make it good.
those are hilarious, way better than bugman ching chong
>What is the appeal of Dragon Quest?
The aesthetics are great. Look, the people are wearing clothing that looks like it could be real clothes. 98% of all fantasy puts people into crazy, overdesigned bullshit outfits that don't even fit the worldbuilding.
>you can tell at a glance which characters are going to be party members because they have overdesigned stupid clothes while NPCs have relatively normal
Even Persona 4 was guilty of this, and that was relatively tame.
There is a full class of people wearing identical clothes except for these two girls who wear green and the other red. Hmmm, I was soooooooo suprised they ended up being party members. Shocked.
Just like with every other JRPG, it's for people that like to not think when playing a game and want to feel like they're progressing by doing repetitive shit to make numbers go up.
I thought only the switch version had voices?
Voice acting and additional content.
They also said you're not stuck with the boring village girl for the ending
Isnt this just newest game is the worst?
Zoomers and fags seething in this thread over Chad Quest. If you desperate;y want a *new* experience try having sex with a woman.
>Turn based RPG
>Press X to win
Based retard
how do dq7 or dq3 compare to earthbound or bravely default
i wanna experiment with spells and loadouts and have loads of enemies to destroy en masse
>i wanna experiment with spells and loadouts and have loads of enemies to destroy en masse
play a different series.
youll have to elaborate
is combat really that shallow in dq?
and if so does the series do anything to make up for it?
the writing and exploration of the first 5 (6 too, sort of) games is good. But the combat never gets that interesting. No level manipulation like in FF5. No swapping jobs on the fly. No sparking ala SaGa. No formation bonuses. No reflect bouncing to bypass magic shields. No good limit mechanics like in EO 3/ 2 Untold. And so on.
the person who made this clearly has not played the other games in the series