What's your honest opinion of the Remake so far

what's your honest opinion of the Remake so far

please leave the memes at the door, I only want real talk ITT

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Other urls found in this thread:


Everyone looks better than their original designs except for Tifa.

Absolute shit and not because of the character designs (though they are shit, except maybe aeris). The fail boat has only just set sail. It will only get worse as they reveal more stuff.

I only played 1st game on my smartphone and since JRPGs combat is irredeemable I see no point in playing other titles to make a conclusion.
My honest opinion is that the series is trash and remake is overhyped garbage.


Combat looks much better than I thought it would, don't mind the Tifa "redesign."

Still won't buy it until all 2-3 parts are out.

> the "Watchmen of Fate"

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The drinks that they had were so weird. They looked gaseous. It was like they had cups of cold chlorine gas.

Give Tifa her tits back. Dissidia did it. You can do it.

Looks good. I’ve been let down before but Nomura’s interview answers about the characters and story show promise and that he “gets it” better than 95% if fans do. As does him saying Compilation stuff is left at the door

Personally I'm blown away by what they've shown. They took me from skeptical, to excited as can be. I am on the fence with Tifa's design, but I already expected tweaks to her from the get go.
Combat looks great, and the music is fantastic.

The only thing that still has me worried is how the "parts" is going to work.

This would be my only “?” right now
Hopefully it’s to add more Ancient stuff into the story but it seems heavyhanded

>mfw squenix's fanfic characters will be inserted into the game and the backstory will be altered

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I like everything I’ve seen but I’m worried about how long it will take for them to complete the game at this rate.

everyone and everything looks good.

gamers are just digging their gave deeper and making their virginity chastity belt tighter complaining about something they know nothing about.
case and point

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>Give Tifa her tits back. Dissidia did it.
But her tits in remake are the same size as in dissidia

I've never played the original and most of my experience with FF was older stuff and then spinoffs (Crystal Chronicles, Tactics, etc...) but I was extremely impressed by the E3 presentation. At the same time I wish the remake was turn based.

I'll likely be buying the special edition.

Paid shill detected.

Other than the skin color Barret looks pretty damn white in that render.

Very based.

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Could you post a link? I'm really worried about those watchmen of fate.

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I am so fucking excited and it has thoroughly exceeded my expectations

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im sick of looking at ugly chinks

t. ResetEra

I am beyond excited. FF 7 is a fucking classic and I only played it ~8 years ago. Redesigns are solid and the combat looks good. If they do midgard as it was in the original game + 1-2 hours and are selling it for $60 im boycotting the rest of the episodes regardless of quality

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Combat looks boring, they need to show off materia systems customization, the combat makes me think it'll be too much pause and watch for what is supposed to be real time combat.

Why the fuck is Barret white?

why do people keep saying this

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To what? We know nothing to of the Watchmen. I assume they’re Ancient relatee just because they manifested with Aeris

If you mean the compilation stuff, here it is: finalfantasyunion.com/news/3357/tetsuya-nomura-reveals-compilation-of-ffvii-is-not-canon-to-ffvii-remake/

Because only light skin niggas are likable.

Barret's not white you dumb fuck. Please meet a black person irl before posting on Yea Forums again

God I can't wait for the sfm. Clouds gonna get his little boi hole BLACKED

Coming out years later than anticipated for god knows what bullshit? A fraction of an old game for the full price of a modern AAA game? Redesigns that range from uninspired to dog shit? Changes made to appease Snoy's sex negative censors. No thank you.

He does look white in that render but not in the gameplay. I think they changed it after realizing. His hair is more curly, his nose upturned and his lips bigger for instance.

If you think that render looks like an actual sub-saharan african then you've either never seen one or just choose to believe race is only skin deep.

how tall is cloud?

combat looks probably fun. I don't support censorship and I'm not buying a game that's releasing in multiple parts until all parts are finished and released together. might give it a pirate when it's finished and on PC.

>Coming out years later than anticipated for god knows what bullshit?
an actual good game
>A fraction of an old game for the full price of a modern AAA game?
the content of a full game per episode, you homeless faggot
>Redesigns that range from uninspired to dog shit?
every redesign is better than the original
>Changes made to appease Snoy's sex negative censors.
muh sjws as the last resort when I can't find a legitimate thing to complain about



Because the OP picture looks nothing like what you posted.

I live in Alabama so I'm an expert on what black people look like. I can't help but think you're some person that has never met a black person in your life.

Oh, additionally, it goes without saying I think Aerith looks gorgeous. Which I like, having recently replayed the game for the first time since I was a kid I got a real kick out of her. Which made her death hurt all over again. If they can pull off an experience like that with people this time by expanding the characters, not just her, they can really revitalize the well known story beats and have a successful game.


Tifa looks fucking terrible.

This isn’t about tits. She has the same breast size in Dissidia NT, yet she still looks 1000x better.

Japan’s autistic thigh high fetish has killed my interest.

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His allure at that height is the most unrealistic thing about this game

Everything looks awesome. And the reception proves it.
Can't wait for march

The problem with Aerith, which actually effected me on my first playthrough, is that everybody other than people who know what they're doing are gonna view her as jsut the dead girl walking. That saps away all the emotional weight of her death. Luckily for Aerith, she's an interesting enough character on her own for her death to be a big deal outside of the surprise factor. That may take more than one play through for kids and idiots to realize that though

can't wait

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sex with tifa and aeris

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can’t wait to see Sephiroth penetrate her body with his sword

I think it loks unfaithful af and I don't plan on buying it.

came here to post this

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You think they'll radically change the layout of the scene, or do it shot-for-shot?

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Yea, she’s the best candidate for “expansion” overall and especially at the early parts of the game for this reason. There’s a lot to add with just her OG character and there’s no need to have mystery for disc 2 like with Cloud

Make people dread losing her, and maybe play with the possibility she won’t die in marketing (Jessie living would help sell that)

>late is a good thing
>so is padding out old content
>lazy changes are too
>Snoy is not a problem
kys shill

i'm impressed so far. i would have preferred turn-based, but the combat system they're using at least doesn't look like ffxv's "hold o to win" garbage. the visuals are also on point. based nomura is a genius.

Hm yes. The true OTP

I did not like FF7 at all but I am excited for this game.

I'm only afraid of increased Sephiroth presence, and the first scene we've seen of him is Advent Children tier "CLOUD, I AM YOUR DARKNESS, SURRENDER TO THE SHADOWS AND LET ME ENTER YOU" Was he like that in the original game?

I'm just glad that they did my girl good

The FFVII Machinabridged verison was pretty heart-wrenching.

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that's not how he is in AC at all

I remember being surprised at how likable she was as a character when I first played it. Before then, I was just assuming she would be a Jesus-like caricature with death flags every five seconds in her scenes.

Not at all. He was pretty understated. Now he’s all dramatic. Hopefully that’s just Clou being a baby and not actually how the Seph we “see” will be acting

Yea, the fanbase has done a lot to warp perceptions about the game

Pretty sad that it's the only decent voiceover of that scene out there.

>Hopefully that’s just Clou being a baby and not actually how the Seph we “see” will be acting
we will get our answer during nibelheim flashback


No problem

i don't like the gameplay change but i was going to buy it anyways if the tifa model looked good and wasn't censored (rip)

honestly i feel like the complete remake is going to be the next "shenmue" and possibly not be completed

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>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"

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stop samefagging falsflagging resetranny -kun

Tifa looks like shit.
Cloud & earith look really good.
combat seems ok. the hitstun mechanic being a bar that you have to fill before enemeis get staggered seems really stupid and should only be used for big enemies and bosses not the smaller ones. it could ruin the whole game as an action game potentially.

>shall I give you despair
>People are a virus, and I will purge that virus and the planet shall be a vessel that I shall pilot through the cosmos!

Pretty amazing that it surpassed the original scene imho

Part 1 is going to be awesome.

None of the other parts will ever be released.

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so much shit is going to get removed and replaced with filler cinemas

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Have you seen in game screenshot? its already looking like a ps3 game and you dont even get out of midgar so like 5 hour of gameplay for 80 buck i think im gonna stick with original.

thanks for your dumb opinion idiot

based clerithbro

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What about the scenes following the FMV? What facial expression is Cloud going to have? How's he gonna deliver his lines? How's the Jenova fight supposed to work out? Is Aerith's dead body just gonna sit there while you fight her?

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my man

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>tfw there is a 100 percent completion ending which brings her back from the bottom of the sea a la FFX-2

I was actually quite surprised that it looks playable, and the materia shown off shows a huge amount of promise for battle customization especially when later materia and characters get introduced; gimme Cid Highwind playable with a Jump materia. The biggest surprise for me was that Cloud sounds as he should for FF7, not the faggoty half-way point between himself and Vincent Valentine that Kingdom Hearts set precedent for.

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The dead body thing is actually a concern with this new system.

Probably you leap to another platform, which is where Jenova falls down and manifests in her monstrous form.

Square would have invented a torture device then, I’d have to.

I can't wait to climb up 60 flights of stairs in glorious HD.

midgar is the fucking tutorial level and they making a whole game about it

Since characters are getting new abilities to flesh out their playstyles I really hope Cid has both jump attacks and gadgets so plays like the Dragoon/Machinist hybrid he should be

That'd probably be for the best.
The scene wouldn't feel quite right if the alter was big enough for a huge boss fight.

Cloud looks like a pretty lesbian, which given the crossdressing scene makes sense. It starts to really stand out next to Tifa.

Tifa looks too much older than Cloud with an ordinary chest.

Barret looks too mixed white or middle eastern. I thought he was supposed to be THE final fantasy black character.

Aerith looks great.

Well in preparation of being called a faggot by no less than 6 different people

I think Midgar as a city looks good. I do like the sort of middle ground between action RPG and the ATB. Barrett's redesign isn't bad. I feel like there's at least an attempt to maintain Cloud's character. At least they got the aloof part right for the start of the game. Materia being present within weapons is good attention to detail and I hope it's maintained.

I don't necessarily care about Tifa's tits being nerfed but I also don't like the reasoning for it. Claiming that you want the game to faithful to the original and then creating an "ethics department"to make sure the game stays in line with modern sensibilities is very scary because FF7 as a whole does not jive well with 2019 ethics. I also do not believe the game will maintain the visual fidelity we saw in the gameplay. I just don't. I understand wanting to establish Sephiroth early since this whole game takes place in Midgar meaning we would never see him otherwise but I don't like forcing the CLOUD X SEPHIROTH DESTINED TO CLASH shit. Especially in light of their depiction post FF7 in the past 2 decades.

>What I hope for
Mainly to see more of Midgar itself. In the OG game we barely get to see the top of the plate before it's destroyed

All in all my hype is at 7/10. I'm interested and curious about it but I also have concerns about it

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And you just clipping through her body.

Cid genuinely disappointed me in the original, this seems like his time to get a redemption in terms of abilities and actual utility. Had the same problem that characters in FF8 and FF9 did, the actual defining aspects of his abilities were just his limit breaks.

>Especially in light of their depiction post FF7 in the past 2 decades.
user, lets be real. No one really remembers their FF7 classic depictions.

I don't care and if you do care you're a faggot zoomer. This style of remake that changes everything about the original while trying to replace it needs to fucking end. This game is not FFVII and it never will be, because it tries to erase FFVII instead of simply being a better version of FFVII.

I wonder if Red's even gonna be a party member in the first part. If it does just end right after leaving Midgar, he'd only be showing up at the very last few moments. Feels like it'd be almost a waste to integrate him just yet when there's likely only going to be a handful of fights left for him to even participate in.

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I feel the whole "Cloud/Sephiroth destined battle" thing could work if they play it off as either part of Cloud's delusions or Seph/Jenova trying to manipulate Cloud mentally for their purposes.


OP asked for no memes

>jump attacks
how about flying attacks.

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That proves they were shrunk. Sports bras compress. Dissida Tifa should have about 20% more breast volume than Remake Tifa.

Unfortunately, that came at the cost of being able to customize your characters which is present in almost every FF besides like FF4

Looks good. But I know Nomura won't be able to resist telling the story in his usual fashion.

>This game is not FFVII
Says who? you?

ok grampa time to take your medicine again

first reply by someone with an actual brain

>Cloud thinks he's destined to fight him
>It's just Sephiroth fucking with a clone for the reunion
>Cloud gets even more broken at the north crater
That's the only way to do it.

I know it's going to be gross no matter what. But when I saw the Sephiroth ghost in the trailer that first thing that came to my mind was this


Sephiroth barely gives a fuck about Cloud during the first half of the game. Prior to Nibelheim he couldn't even remember his name. The actual Sephiroth doesn't even have a spoken line of dialogue outside of flashbacks. Fast forward to modern day and Cloud can't even take a shit without Sephiroth's head popping out of the toilet trying to give him despair

I'm happy with how the cast looks so far besides Tifa which I think would be fine with a couple changes. Barret is pretty different but I love his new look. I look forward to seeing Red.

I am hopeful about the gameplay, the footage had a lot of things I liked like instant switching through party members and magic being more traditional and not the lame elemental grenades it was in XV. I just hope stun isn't necessary to kill every single enemy and it's only really relevant for tough enemies and bosses.

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Looks really good.
Gonna enjoy paying $80 for not even a whole game.

What puzzled me was no Jump materia, most of all. It seems like such a simple thing, just take you out of the action for one ATB turn, then deal 2x damage. I was expecting it after walking into the game knowing Yuffie came equipped with a Throw materia and was patterned after Ninja.

I imagine they’ll take the route of Cloud being shaken by Aeris’ death still and that’s what really breaks him.

They need to keep the idea that Cloud was a literally-who to Seph though. Maybe a line about how Jenova Cells “made you believe what you wanted to believe, all that mattered is you came to me”

nomura is the director, not the storywriter. The storywriter is one of the original storywriters.

>muh turn based battles!

Fuck off, they were always a subversion to technological limitations. This is the superior battle system that takes skill into account and doesn't bore you for 80% of the game.

Will buy when they release complete edition with all parts and all dlc in, at $5 sale
Otherwise pirate of course


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Ermagahd 80 whole dollars, I'll have to take out a mortgage.

I really hope they make the fucker sit on the corner and reign him in or he'll ruin the whole thing.
don't let him anywhere near the dialogue & don't approve any big idea he wants to add that he thinks is ground breaking.

the new ones are fine

>button masher
>takes skill into account

Aesthetically it looks fantastic, gameplay looks promising but I'm not completely sold on gameplay yet.

The original didn't have any voice retard.

no they aren't dickbag
cloud sounds like a generic anime protag from the new era of pussy protag talent pools
sephiroth lost all menace, intimidation and spook factor in his voice
tifa is whatever, maybe a bit too high pitched for my tastes

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Because it's soooo skillfull to rifle through menus

You're button mashing way more in the original than what we've seen so far. Being able to block/dodge/choose spells in real time at least allows some player agency and increases the skill ceiling.

A combination of all of them would be the best.
Aerith's death should have been a factor in his mind breaking in the original. I always thought it was weird how they all just sort of forget about her (except for Red in one line) until they learn about Holy.
I get if they want it to be an "elephant in the room" sort of situation nobody wants to bring up, but there were several moments where it felt weird they didn't mention her.

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>don't approve any big idea he wants to add that he thinks is ground breaking.
This right here. FF7 shockingly is pretty tight as far as FF7 plots go. There's not a whole lot that just ends up forgotten about and the things that are there don't overstay their welcome. But you just know Nomura is going to want to blow his load with all the fanfiction ideas he's had since 1997 and I want somebody to restrain him from doing that

>sidequest to Deep Ground
>Cloud says "I'm sure that door leads nowhere"

low iq post

>and I want somebody to restrain him from doing that
No one will. I imagine Nomura has so much clout at SE now that he can do anything he wants.

Aerith was only drawn to cloud because of his Zack persona. Aerith belongs to Zack

>your honest opinion
The gameplay mechanics actually look significantly better than what I was expecting, and it legitimately looks really good. FFVII shows a lot of potential, and may even be the first Final Fantasy product I've purchased in a decade, by the time it comes out. My opinion of Square is pretty negative overall, all things considered.

I really like most of the character designs, Cloud isn't as masculine as I pictured him as a kid, and he Tifa downsizing bothers me for multiple reasons.

My biggest complaint, by far is the wy they're going to be releasing it in multiple parts. That seems really lame, and I'd even be willing to sit around and wait if it meant getting it all at once.

Lastly, I'm legitimately curious as to how the hell they're going to do a lot of the scenes from the original. Most people seem to forget that a lot of crazy-ass shit happens in VII.

I think it looks great, very much looking forward to it. I do kind of wish it was the full game but I'm just glad we're finally getting something and that it doesn't look like shit.
Combat looks interesting and I like all the new designs.
Hell, my gasp when they revealed Tifa was so loud my roommate came down the hall and asked if I was okay.

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>Cloud copied Zack's persona
t. someone who did not understand FFVII

Yes that would be best. In Costa Hojo suggests Cloud doesn’t “really know” why he is pursuing Sephiroth so it would be easy to call back to that.

The Aerith thing was indeed a weird oversight in the original. Especially when you find those old videos of her parents in Icicle Inn.

The through-line from Aeris’ death to Cloud’s breakdown is obvious because it makes so much sense. There are even events to remind you, granted I think the tapes were optional hence why had no impact in the original.

Have fun waiting another 5 years...minimum

oh yeah?
oh whats that, you have nothing of substance to say to refute anything i posted???
ok bro understandable have a nice day

1. That’s not how it is explained. cloud’s disc 1 persona is an advanced version of Cloud’s childhood persona when he had no friends even.

2. It’s contradicted constantly, even by Aerith herself. And has no solid proof at all.

3. The game would be awful if the events of disc 1 and half of disc 2 (75% of the game) were not actually relevant to our MCs development

I think they saw how detrimental him being surrounded by dicksuckers was with KH3.

when i first watched the trailer, everyone sounded the same, only reason i knew they switched the VA's is cause of a article i had to dig for.

TL;DR Shut up u dumb autistic retard, they sound fine/better.

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Yep. The tapes were optional and nobody reacted to them. They wouldn't have needed a huge monologue or any actual lines, just some sort of animation from Cloud would have been enough to drive the point home.

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Beat Jenova without stepping on Aerith to revive her

they literally don't, not my fault you have 0 hearing skills and can't differentiate between different voices

I like that they are sticking pretty close to the original designs for all the enemies despite updating the setting and characters. Makes me have hope for the big silly ones like Hell House.

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Honestly I kind of want Compilation characters as secret bosses that don't mean anything. Like going to the Gold Saucer before fighting Sephiroth in the Crater gets you some secret fights against Kadaj/Yazoo/Loz from AC, 8 on 8 with the Before Crisis Turks, or Genesis and Angeal.

Clouds VA is really good at sounding like cloud.

I don't like railroading in games but I think the Aeris tapes should be mandatory. Mainly because out of everything those tapes are absolutely critical to understanding the major upcoming events. What WEAPON is. The fact that Jenova is a fucking alien from space. Where Aeris came from and what happened to her parents. Why Shinra knows for absolute fact that she's a Cetra descendant. That's some important information for some optional content

I like what I see so far, though then again I've only learned about the basic plot and characters through cultural osmosis.

I don't have nostalgia goggles and the original's pretty cheap on Steam; just bought it to prepare for the remake.

Also got the X/X-2 remaster because why not

I just hope heavy tank makes it in

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No game deserves money for overpaying an entire department to determine the ethical size of a fictional character's honkers. Looking back on it, maybe this is one of the retarded reasons they're selling the game in episodes, to recoup the loss from making a decision that fucking stupid.

T. missed this line where Aerith said cloud reminded her of Zack
T.Missed this whole Tifa and Cloud lifestream section

Yea. You’ll probably have to stay the night with a full inn so they put you in that shack.

I personally don't give a shit about Tifa's tits or whatever, I'm not buying it because it's episodic.

Which do we like Yea Forums?

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the "Old" VA dont exist because the original doesnt have voice acting. If you heard the new voice actors in AC, and heard the AC voice actors as the new ones, you would be complaining. It's not one being better than the other, Its you and your nostalgia.

The whole episodic complain tells me you don't have a clue how it works and you are thinking some walking dead or life is strange.

And the combat is not a button masher, we already have seen that in the gameplay demo.

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Aerith says Cloud has some of Zack’s mannerisms which initially perplexed her, and then in the next line says he’s actually different from Zack.

And again, the subplot of Cloud’s memories are never explained to be him pretending to be Zack. He created HIS own illusory world using some of what Zack directly told or showed him in places.

Looks amazing. Absolutely hyped for it. Tifa's redesign is a bit won't but she was never a favorite for me anyway. Totally hyped.

FF8 will tide me over. For some reason I'm more hyped about that.

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Looks braindead so far
Why the fuck do you need a slow down/pause for using items or give commands to other party members

I'm not a fan of bisheroth but I'm not a fan of canceroth either. That said his AC look isn't terrible

I have to see more of Tyler Hoechlin's performance to make a good decision.

Anyone else find it funny that they got another Superman actor to do Sephiroth

>be exploring the slums with aeris
>get near an abandoned house
>suddenly hell house attacks
ok great
>its a boss battle

>Over twenty years later and people STILL think Jenova was in Control.

the voice actors from AC are considered the old voice actors, and they sound way better than these new ones in the remake see this post and well if you're so optimistic about the episodic bullshit do you know how it works?
do you know how square is gonna work out zones, what places you can visit, how levels will work, materia, what parts of the story will be ballooned like midgar??
no you don't so you can't really expect me to be a little bit cautious about cutting up a massive rpg into parts and release it over decades

and honestly, as long as it isn't XV combat, and runs at a good stable 4k 60fps i really couldn't give a fuck man the more i think about it

They seem to have a purpose in the gameplay. For example they showed Barrett being the solution for ranged enemies.

I hope the hell houses blend in with the other slum houses. Make its random when you enter an area too. I want an air of suspense and impending doom.

Who does Seph? It’s fitting, Sephiroth was an attempt at an ubermensch and an oddly human-looking alien

struggle all you want, you've been outted as someone who didn't understand the story. Go play it again and come back to discuss it when you do understand it next time

>do you know how square is gonna work out zones, what places you can visit, how levels will work, materia, what parts of the story will be ballooned like midgar??
They have already said that its not a 1:1 remake. So expect more story, events and content in midgar.
If you go "but muh first 3 hours", then you are retarded.

there is no way this game is going to be good.

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>it can grab you with the robot arm coming out of the roof

His first point is qualified in literally the very next line too

He looks more anime-esque, which is fine by me.

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hell house being so big and iconic it should be a boss battle, and a reminder how dakr and dangerous the slums are.

What's the best way to play FFVII?

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This would be funny. In all honesty I hope they have good balancers for the difficulty. Now that you have as much freedom of movement as you do it can be really easy for the entire game to either be a cakewalk or a grind. Especially with a stagger system. The really obvious solution is to make low-level enemies easy to stagger but they attack in groups. While larger enemies are more difficult to stagger but there's usually very few of them. Yes I know this is really obvious game design and yet people are still messing it up

Tyler Hoechlin's doing Sephiroth in FFVIIR, taking over from George Newbern.

Golden saucer date
Aerith" I think I must have seen him in again in you"

On a smartphone

That makes me sad. Newbern really liked playing the role from what I recall.

Some of the goofy enemies have to go like brain pod

IIRC they'll still have the old cast for non-FFVIIR stuff

>tfw didn't get to play ff7
gonna fap so much to the resurgence of tifa porn

I don't care about the game but I will fap hard to the resurgence of the porn

You didn't get to play it? Final Fantasy 7 is so ubiquitous it takes more effort to find something that doesn't play it. I bet there are calculators that are running that game now

sure I have

Genuinely excited. Gameplay looks great, and I appreciate the new designs (helps that I can still play the original so I can always go back to that when I want to see the classic looks).

Literally next line:

“But you're different.
Things are different.”

And previously she specified superficial qualities. Not something akin to personality

I'm looking forward to it and don't care about the Tifa stuff too much as I always prefer a better design, even if the new one shows less skin.

that should be an action figure

I’d like it if the Sephiroth Cloud is seeing is a complete delusion and we still don’t see the form that blew through Shinra HQ.



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These are true anons

I want to GLAZE her FACE

yeah yeah but i mean is

i want to meet...you.

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Don't you like being with me?

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She senses his personality is lost and in turmoil. Does not mean he is acting like Zack because... what we briefly see of Zack in the truck to Nibel and the truck to Midgar is totally different from how Cloud acts. Duh.

Again, she only specifies superficial similarities as well. There’s no leg to stand on here, what the writers chose to show contradicts your already groundless claim

I can't wait for Clerith to be confirmed canon Yea Forumsros

grew up with sega, famicom and PC. Never had PS

im not the debating the whole cloud = zack shit, i just remembered the gondola scene and i wanted to post that

They won’t be confirming nothing I bet.

The goofy enemies must stay, guys like Ghost Ship, Killbin, Grangalan, Skeeskee And Hungry because reasons . Any of them being missed is unacceptable.

FF7 was on PC way back when

Oh okay.


Worried they won't finish it. Worried I'll have to buy a PS5 to play the later parts. Worried about how they'll handle my part 1 progress being carried to part 2.

This. Aerith actually managed to distinguish between Zack and Cloud despite the similarities and was genuinely curious to get to know the "real" Cloud more.

Some People want a game where our MC might as well have dreamed the first 3/4ths of it

That little teardrop looking fucker who would shrink your party members and eat them.

Haven't been keeping up with news but is it confirmed concretely that Part 1 is the entirety of Midgar? For some reason I read someone saying it would be split in two which would be absolutely godawful so I'm hoping I heard wrong.

"But you're different..." As she lowers head in almost like she is still thinking of Zack.

Attached: Thinking of Zack.png (1279x677, 1.19M)


Or she’s about to get sensitive and potentially broach a touchy subject

I am sure she doesn’t like that he’s gone either.

fuck hungry
annoying, gives no exp no ap that is worth
and worse, comes alone

Yes. It's true. The rest of FF7 will be on the other part.

Game is Midgar, split into 2 Blu-ray discs

I legitimately never fought this bastard

he's between sleeping forest and the city of the ancients. In that bone-like trail.
you maybe did but dont remember

Zack being dead was obviously a touchy subject and Cloud acting like him was a whole can of worms on its own. Also couple of lines later
>"I want to meet... you."

It's more like Aerith was never attracted to Cloud but she was drawn to him because he reminded her of Zack.

So it's all of Midgar but split into 2 discs? That's not too bad then.

The irony of this all: the real Cloud is simply more open and less uptight. Ironically making him... more like Zack than his disc 1 persona

Too bad she says otherwise, and Square has kept that up in all their cashgrabs.

You have no real evidence to hang this hat on

>Cloud looks like a pretty lesbian, which given the crossdressing scene makes sense.
Parasite Eve remake confirmed.

They've specifically mentioned that they're expanding Midgar. Which I don't mind personally because Midgar is an interesting city and would like to see more of.

She literally says his walk and gestures like Zack.How would a Shinra security soldier who spent 5 year is a tube learn to wield a sword to the point where everyone believes his was a solider first class the answer Zack.

Too bad advent children happened

Combat already looks miles better than FFXV's combat.

>he learned some mannerisms from observing Zack
>this means he apes his whole personality so well it fooled Aerith even though they do have demonstrably hae the same personality

You’re a clown

Rest of the game
>Sephiroth Returns:FFVIIR
Advent Children rewrite

I don’t see them cutting something as big as a unskippable party member. Maybe leaving HQ and Midgar will give more opportunities to use him this time.

Yea, uh, I never got the impression she didnt like Cloud in that. Clownish

Don’t have* I mean

>Has taken 5-6 years to make a game out of the first 2 hours of the game the remake is based on

We're all going to die before they release all 20 episodes of the FF7 remake.

Being episodic means it cannot be good

I can't wait for her to die and meet Zack in the lifestream.

>2 hours
>using speedrun numbers
don't worry user the rest of the game is only 5 hours after that point

Design-wise? I only like how Aerith looks.
>Cloud needs better hair and to have more sharper face (especially eyes).
>Barret needs to get rid of his dumb sunglasses and grow his old beard back.
>Tifa needs to get rid of DOA tier censorship (fuck off plebbit, she does not look good) and look like how they made her look in fucking NT (for fucks sake Square).
>Sephiroth needs to look like someone who is near his 30's (LIKE HE ALWAYS DID), and not like Kadaj in a wig who had lip injection.

Overall, I'm not that extremely hyped from what I saw so far.

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Compilation not canon to remake, whatever that means

They’re under her sports bra. They’re as big as always and being pushed to her chest.

Usually when a girl is interested in you she doesn't keep comparing you to her ex

Circumstances are weird in that world. Dunno if you noticed.

Straw grasping. You’ll say anything at this point

In the lifestream with Zack "She still likes cloud"

Except by the point of the saucer date she explicitly mentions interest in the Cloud after reconciling her baggage with her ex.

Zack is still died and Aerith is still going to die. you can't be in a relationship with a died girl.

>People complaining about Tifa the most when it's obvious that Barret was given the biggest fucking makeover

What the hell is with Barret's hair, that isn't a black guy, that's southeast Asian. He doesn't look as angry or disgruntled.

*the actual Cloud

Circumstances pushed her and Zack together again, idk if you know what happened to her in the original game... but it made things difficult

Neither. Why are they so incompetent at recreating his original design? Fucking KH did it right.

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The first FF game that actually looks good since FF12 WoFF looked alright but I don't think that counts
Only concern is the music and hopefully battles aren't as scripted as Guard Scorpion (though that's a tutorial battle I guess).

FF is all about love beyond death actually

Schmaltziest game series ever and you guys think they’re something else

that cop out

Agreed. Even though I preferred the sexy tight button down dress on Aeris, they made her face so goddamn beautiful that I don't even mind the granny frock

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I didn't mean cut him entirely, I just meant if they'd bother making him a full functioning party member just yet. I'd mostly expect him to still be there and playing the part he always has, just isn't somebody you ever have any control over in battles, if he'd even actively participate in them at this point.

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I liked how inhumanly-beautiful-while-still-looking-manly AC Sephiroth looked if I'm being honest.

She exhibits that she likes him throughout, your evidence it’s fraudulent gets shot down, you try a mealy-mouthed little explanation... and say I am copping out?

This is why you’re a clown.

One that acted like he came out of resident evil franchise aka original aka none of these two.

ghost girlfriend confirmed

As an aside, it was only recently that I realized that RE5 Wesker shares a very similar circumstance to Sephiroth except he took on a more self-destructive path and had a more "devilish" vibe than an angelic one, what with the snake/ouroboros motif.

>ghost girlfriend confirmed

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Sharing baggage makes the scene more heartfelt, which makes sense since it is a romantic scene. There’s nothing to suggest it is insincere or erroneous, and you tried to show that. It didn’t work.

Because his original hair would look extremely dumb with more realistic graphics.
Because he was originally inspired after Kojiro and Kojiro's hair is more closer to how it was in CC over dumb roach hair.

I'm actually a big sucker for the schmaltz.

>implying that nu-hair isn't dumb looking
He looks like he's fucking balding.

What the fuck does rendered chicken fat have to do with this

that usually happened when you try to explain a relationship with your headcannon. she compared Cloud to Zack because the "circumstances are weird in that world." If your girl is constantly talking her ex you better keep your eye on her.

>nothing concrete about how many games they're going to take
>boring XV-style chatty, chatty combat
>working in Compilation tripe
>adding new bullshit like Watchmen of Fate
>lame new English VAs
The nicest thing I can say is that it inspired me to just replay the original.

>If your girl is constantly talking her ex you better keep your eye on her.
Ah yes, let's put aside the fact that you're also walking around doing your best autistic impression of her dead ex. Totally ordinary.

"Sharing baggage" what did Cloud do beside listen to her compare him to Zack that sound very romantic.

Looks promising but it's modern SE so it will most likely suck.


I get what you mean. I just think they will keep him as playable cause even if he still doesn’t get a lot of allowed playtime this time they still need to make his moveset for the rest of the game.

>she shared baggage
>clearly this is bad

Dude you got proven wrong several times and now will say absolutely anything to save face. You’re a clown.

Censored shit, and not just the characters

I love how these idiots conveniently ignore that Aerith even tries to put away the similarities between the two and insists on wanting to meet the real Cloud.

He’s saving face. He never said this stuff until he got proven wrong. Now he’s trying to pretend there’s still a point to his presence

Someone gave up. it doesn't matter I won from the start whatever relationship they had died when Sephiroth killed her. She is now in the lifesteam with her true love Zack the guy she keeps coming Cloud to

>lame new English VA
Doesn't even matter if you're not retarded and just play with the Japanese voice acting. Most retarded thing on your list.

Still surprised how good this thread actually is. Actual opinions that aren't just hyperbolic memes.



Can't wait for Tifa getting drunk and ranting about how much she hates niggers

>whatever relationship they had
So basically you admit you were wrong about their relationship. Good to know.

Meant to add as the second link

>Mentions it twice because Cloud does do a lot to remind her of him, and that’s a plot point for later

Reminder you got proven wrong like 3 times before you tried this route

You're dead to me and I'll never go to your generals again

It's because it's not just another autistic Tifa thread.

I wish we know more then we do about how this entire "parts" thing is going to go when the PS4 is on deaths door & the PS5 is fast approaching

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Last time I checked, Kojiro was a bugman while Sephiroth looks white as fuck. While Kojiro might've been an original inspiration for Sephiroth's design + sword, he looks nothing like him. They don't even act alike. Kojiro is meant to be childish, playful and bit of a playboy. None of this sounds like Sephiroth. So using Kojiro as an argument is stupid.

I really hope they flesh out Tifa a bit more. Of all cast members she got the shaft the most since all her character development is directly tied to Cloud's character development

Attached: Tifa-FFVIIArt.png (255x532, 139K)

Relationships away include love

>Sephiroth looks white as fuck
>his bilogical father is HOJO, Japanese looking man with Japanese name
What did user mean by this?

I don't want to bog this down in a dub vs sub debate, but just after they mentioned how pleased they were to get the VAs to return they just replaced them all. Even if you don't care for them, that's a shitty thing to do.

She likes to get fucked by dogs, chocobos, and selling her body to corporate pigs for expensive wine

I'm cautiously hyped about it after hearing about the press only demo and how far they're going to make sure it feels like FF7 to people who loved the original, much like Capcom did during RE2 remake's development. My main concern is that the wackier parts of the game, the more horrific parts of the game, and basically anything that isn't serious/cinematic is going to be either swept aside or toned down for the sake of keeping that "epic" feel to the game.

As much as I want to believe this is going to be everything I dreamed, this is still Square that has managed to fuck up just about everything not named FFXIV in the past 5-7 years. I feel like one of the things that made FF7 so great and memorable was that it really had all the parts of a classic adventure while having that fresh setting (in FF terms at least) and great story. I think I'll end up playing the first part regardless of how it turns out, but I think how they handle stuff like Wall Market and the funnier bits will determine whether I get the other parts.

>the romantic tickets for two enchantment night gondola ride means nothing!
Aerith calls it a date

it looks unbelievably good, you kind of expect a shit company like squee to fuck it up.

The major drawback, ofc, is it being episodic. This is a staggering degree of incompetence imo. and not only is it episodic, they're saying it's going to take years to pump each one out and we still don't know how many. If each game was 50-60+ hours worth of content, side quests and minigames included, I wouldn't really have a problem with it. But after watching the final fantasy franchise in recent years (sans the mmo shit i know nothing about) I have zero confidence in this game. I feel like they'll put out the minimum with some episodes have ~10 hours of content and they'll just ride this one out to milksville.

Worried about her. Since what they seem to want to expand would be a little redundant with Barrett (regret over AVALANCHE activity)

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This is actually a genuine fear. More is not always better.

No it literally looks identical to type0/XV combat

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Yeah, doesn't look good on their part. They should have planed it out more, and this would give people more confidence in the game. Though, I'm not happy it's episodic at all, I would be less reproachful if they could at least say how many parts it's going to be.

Yeah, not in the mood for a dub vs sub debate either, but I do see your point better now.

lol some type 0 nerd was like
>te fuck i know those fucking moves
and then made some autist webm
really looks like they just dusted off and cleaned up some shit they had on tap.

Then precedes to compare him to her ex.
Wanting to meet the real cloud doesn't automatically indicate a sexual attracted that line clearly show how before the ride she was constantly reminded of Zack through him.

Is FF7 truely the best game ever Yea Forums? Vote now in this strawpoll

The combat looks like a grounded Hack N' Slash similar to Darksiders, but with menuing from Kingdom Hearts and Overly Flashy supers. Could be good.

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Not necessarily. Barrett has a long history with Avalanche. But Tifa's hatred of Shinra stems from the Nibelheim incident and lies surrounding it. She could learn how to let her hatred go while Barrett can't.

>compare to ex
You keep saying this. Which is funny because it conjured the image of her berating Cloud for not being as good as Zack or something similarly meanspirited. When actually she is baring a personal burden and explaining how being with Cloud had changed things for the better, then expressing a desire to get closer.

And actually we do not know your second contention of “being constantly reminded” until the Gondola ride. At some point she realizes, and shares it at the Gondola ride, and that growth is what matters.

But keep trying to convince us you played the game.

See it's grounded like type0/xv and you can hold to attack

I like it a lot. It has that RE2 vibe that seems to go the right firection for a remake, there's heart and effort put into the project.
Still not fan of the episodic format though.

I would like to add it takes you like 15 minutes to write 3 lines. You don’t know what you’re talking about... literally.

What? Really? Gross.

It's as if Sephiroth is some freaky alien experiment whose genetics were altered by said freaky alien called Jenova.
Both of you are dumb. This is not about Sephiroth's non-existing ethnicity, but his design.

If that really is the route they're going, this is gonna be a 5 part game at the very minimum. It'll turn out like:
>1: Midgar
>2: Up until just before Temple of the Ancients
>3: Temple of the Ancients to Aerith's death
>4: Up until you find Cloud again
>5: Weapon fights/rescuing Cloud/opening the Northern Crater/End


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Hope not. Dyne was powerful because Barrett confessing he’s not innocent either. And it figures into the final midgar raid. We’ll have to see.

>muh meme boogeyman

Half of those picks don't belong anywhere near that list.

get fucked
7r is another hold to attack simulator

Too little too late. Asking for too much money for so little. I don't really care about FFVII that much anymore and I don't want wait 5 years to play a 4th of the game. They missed the boat in the 7th gen.

Looks pretty good from what they've shown already, but I'm not gonna be rushing out to buy it day one. I also need to beat vanilla FFVII first. It just wouldn't feel right if I haven't experienced the original before seeing what happens in the remake.

Darksiders isn't grounded. the amount of cool shit you can do with air combos into gadget & air dash cancelling is crazy.

anyway Darksiders & Kingdom hearts feels decent because enemies have mostly consistent hitstun. with hitstun in FF7R being nonexistent unless you trigger an enemies threshold & get to stagger them for a shirt period of time. it could feel bad. like some of the worst fights in darksiders. i'm sceptical.

Might as well add xeno2, you don't even need to hold down the button to attack, it automatically does that.

>while Sephiroth looks white as fuck
Didn't you dumb fucks already got BTFO when it comes to "white Tifa" bullshit?

>How can we possibly believe the enchanted evening in the gondola she calls a date means she likes him?!

It’s “proceed” btw. Clown.

This. Barrett fights Dyne and realizes that he's just as much a hateful, spiteful person as Dyne is. In another universe it's Barrett that's the one in prison. The ONLY reason Barrett has the opportunity to be a better person is because he has Marlene. He doubles down on this when Cait Sith calls him out on being a crazy terrorist too. Barrett became a disgusting person. But he has the opportunity to fix it.

Tifa's development could be her coming to terms with being a bystander. She watched Barrett blow up a reactor and kill innocent people and just let it happen. She watched Cloud fall apart and just let it happen. Her development can be taking things into her own hands for once in her life.

No fucking way they do it shot for shot, which is a shame being that it's the most iconic/memorable scene from the game

Good explanation.

Indeed. He looks Asian as fuck. Just look at this very Asian-like face.

Attached: Asian 100%.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

>we wuz anime
Yea, we get it senpai.

Man come the fuck on with Barret's hair. Gave this nigga a goddamn big boss man flat-top that ain't how black hair works

He looks super white there. Almost like Domnhall Gleeson

That's the point I keep trying to drill into your thick skull. What was my main point? That Aerith showed interest in cloud because he remind her of Zack. Any point you try to make is invalid. what did she do after is wanted to meet the real cloud she went to the temple of ancient left the party and was then killed.

Ebin counterargument, SENPAI.

When was the last time you played the game.

Your point was actually she only like him because of Zack. And that he copied “Zack’s persona”

You. Are. A. Clown. And like all clowns you’ve tried to retcon the debate right after you got proven wrong too many times

can you disable hold to attack?
who the fuck wants to do that? it's an action game. hold should trigger charge moves.

>with hitstun in FF7R being nonexistent unless you trigger an enemies threshold & get to stagger them for a shirt period of time
how'd you reach this conclusion? Cloud and Tifa juggle mooks

Attached: Tifa_combo.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

I you ever played crisis core

man you didn't listen to the e3 demo did you?
they have a mechanic from an older FF. the enemies are all brick walls until you fill their stagger bar up by attacking them then they stagger for a short time. the only exception seems to be the soldiers. but even tiny robot bugs won't stagger until you fill the bar.

You still haven't proven me wrong If the date was the first time she was intersted in the real cloud that would indicate that every romantic event before that was fueled because of Aerith still thinking about Zack.

The game where Zack acts even less like Cloud? Are you going to say the circumstantial and superficial allusions to Cloud and Aeris’ meeting are more proof than the fact they do not behave the same way?

Cloud’s memory never actually fractures and goes static when he meets Aerith you know, which is how you would know if his “persona” was making adjustments.

The animations look awesome, but I dislike that it's basically just "Press triangle to awesome." Would've preferred if they went farther with it for some characters. Like have Cloud's/Tifa's specific moves tied to certain inputs, but have characters like Barret and Vincent be easier with just point and shoot/charge mechanics.

from what i can guess here is that tifa normal attacks dont stun, and that omni punch is a stun skill.
once you finish your omni punch you can combo it with bash, which is an aerial extended combo

It would not because Aerith even says the similarities were still superficial.. and you made the claim so you actually need to prove it.

All we know is she shares her feelings at the Gondola. No reason to believe up until she entered that Gondola she though Cloud and Zack were identical personalities.

And again, it’s your claim to prove anyway.

>his entire appearance and the way he fights was inspired after real life Japanese man from Edo period
>has fantasy Nipman as biological dad

Attached: you.jpg (400x491, 18K)

my guess is that tifa can do well vs single targets but sorrounded she's bad

looking at the gameplay at 1:43 every enemy staggers without their focus meter being filled, yes even the flying bug enemies are being knocked around

that's obviously just the super basic shit, you can combo Tifa's specials with eachother

Attached: FFVIIR_AirBuster.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Okay so how the fuck did Jenova get out of Shinra HQ. Was it just Sephiroth controlling it from the Northern Crater?

and apparently axe kick is a skill you can only use while being in the air and with atb

No, I mean the one where Cloud get mako poisoning and then mixes his and Zack memories
and my Aerith's own word walks like Zack and Gestures like Zack.

And what did taking her head at nibelheim mean? She clearly gets it back when she busts out

Yea Forums what the hell is this thread? You're suppose to be shit!

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And then again in her own words says they’re not the same personality? Yea I know. You probably don’t know what was being argued if you're asking that desu

>tifa can't handle getting pounded by multiple guards at once
weak bitch

I'm guessing that was just part of Sephiroth going fucking nuts and thinking he'll be closer to mommy if he has her head with him.

See , moron. There is a difference between inspiration and basing someone off of something. Sephiroth was inspired after Kojiro, but that doesn't mean that he's completely meant to be as Kojiro.

I mean, did she grow her head back or did some Seph lackey make it in, reattach it, and that’s what started it?

>walks like Zack and Gestures like Zack.
and dress like zack, walk, talk, and act like zack

That’s fairly hilarious

>still literally does not act like Zack

One day you guys will understand a pastiche is not a replica

I think the source of this hitstun confusion is the Sahagin. Enemy affinities like in FFX have been confirmed in interviews. In the original there were minor instances of stuff like this where the Sahagins shell would sometimes nullify physical attacks resulting in 0 damage. In the remake they've translated this as them having high resistance to and being difficult to stagger with physical attacks. I saw a lot of arguments last month about this using the Sahagin as evidence.

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That doesn't matter if Aerith is consistently comparing them. a different personality doesn't change cloud's inside knowledge of shinra. his surprise when president shinra didn't recognize him since first classes are rare and cloud combat abilities both from mako poisoning and Zack's memories

>Cloud does an autistic impression of Zack
>Aerith draws similarities to them and is understandably confused over someone purposefully doing a weird impression of her dead ex
>regardless she looks past those similarities and admits in wanting to get closer to the real Cloud
How is this not easy to understand? How autistic do you have to be to still not get this after all these years?

She doesn’t consistently compare them. And saying that’s all she is doing when she does means you don’t get that she is baring a burden to Cloud because it’s emotionally intimate. Furthered by her wishing to be even more emotionally intimate with him.

Most people get this without being told

The rest of what you said is just more confusion with no real point.

Just gonna say a Pastiche is not a Replica again.

i was quoting the real slim shady as a joke please don't take it seriously

Aerith was his girlfriend. Aerith was clearly wrong when she compared them

He wanted to be with Mommy. He can't take the whole body, so lets just take the head.

Autism and stubbornness. They need to show their posts had a point.

Emotional intimacy is the point of those dates, and Aerith did the best because she actually shared a lot about herself. Both her struggle, how Cloud’s gotten her over it, and her wish to continue further.

More like she was confused why he's got Zack's sword and she's probably projecting similarities onto him because even what we saw of Zack in the OG is nothing like what we saw from Cloud.
Admittedly it's hard to tell similar mannerisms and speech from text bubbles and polygons.

I’m in too deep!

Either way, the point is that last part

but there's plenty of footage of them not staggering aswell. so I don't get it. maybe their focus meter is actually filled there but we don't see it.

post said footage please

More like even though she who never knew the real Cloud she could tell his mind was fucked up, which it was as we later find out.


>she was confused why he's got Zack's sword
That's what I mean by autistic impression. Early Cloud obviously wasn't a 1:1 Zack, it's like watching someone do a bastardized cosplay of someone you knew.

Point is: nothing about him originates from Western culture.

One their first interactions about about Cloud's eyes who else has mako-infused eyes Zack. why does it take her so long to meet the real cloud because she a consistently thinking of Zack.

i want aeris to gaia's wrath my dick

This would be more accurate but belies another misunderstanding: the real Cloud is more open, less uptight, a dork... I doubt Aerith would prefer the self-serious Cloud

Oh you changed your argument again. Now you’re mad she didn’t have the Gondola ride moment sooner essentially. Just read this

Thank you very your well written and thoughtful reply.

>Emotional intimacy is the point of those dates
Dang FF7 was before its time with the Cloud and Barret date.

>very your
*very much for your
How'd I fuck that up so hard

0:07 bugs don't stagger. other mid size enemies not staggering is seen in every other trailer.

thinking too hard about how aerith will use her staff like a stripper pole

I'm a well known FFVII crossplayer. Perhaps we can continue this conversation in a more private and intimate location? I'm sure I can stretch you out a lot user :)

The outfits look too modern and fashionable.

i like women, not trannies
fuck off faggot

I was responding to your point. I have no idea what your even saying at this point. I'm starting to think your the one getting mad

The female ones, that one was definitely different in tone lol. But even those two have a heart to heart really

Who did it better?

Attached: cloud dissidia 7r.png (854x666, 603K)

In the dark you won't know the difference :) Cum to me little one.

I'm not sure what that is. best case scenario all instances of smaller enemies not staggering is due to them guarding, having super armour during certain attacks, or having a certain buff.

what do you mean by Enemy affinities & Sahagins shell?

fuck off faggot

I don’t think there was even a point there to get mad at

My point was that Aerith was drawn to Cloud because of Zack that post validates my agrument

I'm not feeling how the music that I've heard so far is orchestral pieces. Wish they also didnt do the obvious thing with Cloud's hair and give me back his original hairdo.

we don't know how air combos work so we can't tell if it's staggering or not so we'll have to wait and see more before we draw conclusions since at the moment we have an instance where this enemy is being staggered from ground attacks but not air. with the rest it's a lot clearer, Barret's gunfire is staggering the turret, the grunt seems to already be in his backflip attack stance so Cloud would've probably needed something like a braver to stagger him out of it and the sweeper does stagger

You point was much more than that. I linked it before because I know you’re backpedaling that. Btw it’s dumb to try “you don’t get it” anywhere except at the start. It makes it look like an excuse.

You act like you never seen some wapanese anime’s where the pretty boy protagonist is 5”7 which is average for Japan.

what we know so far is that you dont press jump to go to the air, you just press attack and if it's necessary, the character will jump to attack.
Happens with those enemies in the reactor that look like birdsand fly around

For ref, keywords are “only”, “persona” and “belongs.”

Does much more than explaining initial interest based on some mannerisms.

I just watched it again. they seem to have their wings wrapped around their body. is it possible they're just guarding in the air?

Wasn't there a conflicting report that says that the compilation being left out entirely is not entirely true. It's still possible that some compilation stuff will be merged into the remake. I have a mixed feeling about the compilation stuff, the only good stuff in CC is Zack, wished they'd expand a bit more on the war with Wutai. DoC I haven't played, but I'd like for them to add more stuff about Lucretia who's basically Sephiroth's biological mother and Vincent's crush/lover in the remake. Don't know about Before Crisis. Hated Kadaj and gang. AC is just as unnecessary as Genesis.

We are all one.

>Bruh, Tifa is totally white and made after muh Jewfu because I said so even though Square never confirmed such thing and only times they commented about Tifa's looks are when they said how they made her look like her Japanese VA in AC and how she has Eastern features now, but she's totally white bruh.
>Bruh, Sephiroth is totally white as well even though his father is man by the name of Hojo and Nomura literally said that his appearance was based on Sasaki Kojiro, but he's totally white as well bruh.
When will this autism end.

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Based Keith.

Attached: myboy.png (1911x1377, 2.61M)

I don't think NT's Tifa is not that big. It's about the same size as Remake Tifa.

And what was one of Aerith first questions to Cloud? It was about his involvement with Solider and his eyes. Who does she know form Soldier? Zack. she was projecting her affection of Zack onto Cloud since she never got closure in their relationship . Again why does she say she wants to meet the real Cloud because she was always thinking of Zack.

Idk desu.

Zack would be nice unless they do the CC thing where he set up everything about the main game from aerith selling flowers to yuffie hating shinra

>buzzwords, buzzwords, and more buzzwords. No thank you.

>why does she say she wants to meet the real Cloud unless she was always thinking of Zack

Imagine outing yourself for not having played the game.

You made a bunch of assumptions you could not prove btw (“she was just projecting”), just singling out that sentence

>mash autocombo until you can do your super move
>use super move
looks fucking terrible

Huh, come to think of it. How the hell did that ship survived all the way to Costa Del Sol? We literally fought a huge ass alien in the cargo compartment of the ship. Won't that ship at least sway like a motherfucker.

Actually you outed yourself go play aerith's date again.
She was just comparing him to cloud and they decide she what to meet the real cloud. that means before that she took no personal interest in him beside his resemblance(don't take that literally) to Zack

>Prior to Nibelheim he couldn't even remember his name.
They actually talked about Sephiroth plenty of times in Midgar.

I like how fags keep forgetting that final fantasy isn't exactly using realistic faces, but doll like ones, like Koei does.
Speaking of Koei and said Sasaki Kojiro, they literally made Kojiro in their game look like black haired Sephiroth with purple eyes and makeup. Go figure.

You’re still making assumptions, strong language like “no interest” is contradicted by the very idea of the Love Triangle dynamic and affection mini-game.

Not that it particularly matters. The point is character development after all.

Exactly. So trying to figure out someone's race in the fantasy game that has nothing to do with real world and races, is fucking retarded.

*blocks your path*

Attached: Riot Officer.png (650x752, 419K)

Whatever you say dude
Aerith is dead Zack is dead their together in the lifesteam
Tifa is Alive and Cloud is Alive their together in Gaia

You're talking to a crowd of people who wants shit like gambit to return.

Your argument also suggests that aerith picked up on the superficial similarities in mannerisms right away but didn’t notice the personalities were totally different.

No matter how nuanced you tried to make it sound my initial dismissal remains relevant

I like the new pose. It's not slumped forward and downcast like he's been for a while, he's leaned back and confident.

Also, none of this was a denial of that state of affairs. I even said “circumstances put them together again” or something similar

One of the first questions was about solider and his eyes.almost like she a thinking about Zack since he was the only known soldier to interact with her.

Dissidia wins in every way when it comes to every character design.
>better looking Cloud
>better looking Sephiroth
>better looking Tifa

Dissidia has the more classic hair but his face is a bit too plastic looking.

Although faithful, I just don't like NT's Cloud design. Something about the hair and face just doesn't mix well. The Remake is closer to his AC design. It's ok. I would love the hair to be a bit more faithful. And btw Square, Cloud doesn't have equal length side bangs. The one on the right was ALWAYS longer than the left.

>better looking Cloud
Only the hair. His face is low effort.

I don't think their cloud is necessarily better. FF7R cloud is really good, maybe we'll be able to change the hair too. but yeah tifa and sephiroth are much better in Disidia NT.

Nobody denies her interest was sparked in that way. You think it’s more significant than a way to involve Aerith in the story by her own volition. I linked you to a post saying as much earlier

It's basically a soft reboot of the Final Fantasy series, after FFXII-XV have turned off the fanbase. The FF fanbase will buy anything with the FFVII name on it, so knowing this, SquareEnix is changing as much as possible to appeal to new players.

They're basically doing to Final Fantasy what Hollywood has been doing with all their remakes like Ghostbusters, Terminator, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Give the fans the finger and remake a popular product to appeal to a new audience. Hence the focus on realism, action combat, more cutscenes, linear events, etc.

Once enough people get fooled into buying it, they'll start releasing tons of DLC and "episodes" to milk the game for a decade. They using FFVII as a trojan horse to do what they wanted to do with FFXV, but couldn't because the game lost public support.

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people are overreacting to the stagger mechanic so hard

I just wish that his hair was better. That blonde XV guy that got compared to Cloud back then (forgot that faggot's name), has face and hair closer to Cloud's original concept. I just wish Cloud himself looked more like that instead of AC.

>They're basically doing to Final Fantasy what Hollywood has been doing with all their remakes like Ghostbusters, Terminator, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Give the fans the finger and remake a popular product to appeal to a new audience. Hence the focus on realism, action combat, more cutscenes, linear events, etc.
You dont even have a clue on what you are talking about but whatever

>You dont even have a clue on what you are talking about
Why don't you give examples as to why I'm wrong?

>but whatever
I'll take that as a sign you don't have any.

You don't really have an argument as to why you're right, either, aside from rhetoric not seen outside of conspiracy theories.

Prompto? Yeah. They should've made Cloud's face more like his. They made both Cloud and Sephiroth too baby faced in the remake.

Attached: 120294728174.jpg (640x640, 37K)

Finally reassured about the gameplay, but now worried about how breaking it up into spaced out releases will chop things up.

>spend 60 dollars
>get a 5 hour long tech demo that took 9 years to make
>have to wait another decade to be drip-fed your next taste of ff7r

This is a joke, right?

Attached: cloudsmile.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Were these blue things on its head not its eyes?

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No, plebbit or fujo-kun. It's not. Nu-Cloud looks like shit.

I like how everyone took huge shit on Cloud's AC design when AC did it, but when God Nomura takes AC Cloud and makes it his own, it's based all of a sudden.

I think it'll be pretty good, but I honestly think the FF7R project as a whole is already dead.

>Squeenix won't tell us how many episodes are planned & won't even label this one Episode 1
>They won't talk about how future games will handle save files or character progression
>Midgar is the most iconic part of the game, nostalgia will wear off fast
>Extending the rest of the game to the same level as part 1 is unsustainable (who the fuck would ever want to play the Fort Condor chapter)
>Making the pace of future sequels the same as the original game will require an ungodly amount of art assets
>The sequels will never make as much money as this one

I honestly think Squeenix has no plans of actually continuing this. They're doing this to make the fans happy and get them excited for Final Fantasy again.

Then they'll announce and release FF16, news on FF7R will dry up until everyone forgets about it. Then it's quietly announced that the project was cancelled.

>defending advent children k-pop fujo design
Tumblr fujo or reddit shill ... which one are you out of the two?

I made plenty of points. You just ignore them because you don't agree with them. But that's not how arguments work. Well, it does in the modern day sadly, because the media and education systems are making it standard to just smear and deflect anything that's not part of the mainstream narrative. So I can't blame you for lacking the ability to argue properly.

>Extending the rest of the game to the same level as part 1 is unsustainable (who the fuck would ever want to play the Fort Condor chapter)
Fort Condor was entirely optional in the original, so there's no reason for it to take up much of full release, but otherwise you are worryingly correct on everything else.

that hair looks terrible what the fuck. that's not clouds hair.

Remake Cloud looks like a fag with lifeless hair. Guy in XV was insuffrable faggot as a character, but as far as his face goes, it's closer to how original Cloud is meant to look like.

i understand the sentiment but honestly this was the only way. the game is fucking massive by today's standards, if it wasn't episodic they would have had to cut so many goddamn corners just to fit the essential shit in. imagine Aeris dying and Cloud being sucked into the lifestream within the course of an hour; that's roughly what a non-episodic release would have looked like.

Just keep putting on that tinfoil hat, user. Godspeed.

I'm so confused by this response. Especially with this dude acting like Nomura didn't design AC Cloud. And you defend wanting Cloud to look like a character from Fujo Fantasy XV by calling me the fujo? What the hell is wrong with you kids.

Attached: applesurprise.png (475x403, 96K)

I'm not defending shitstain from XV. I'm just saying that his face + hair are more Cloud like than shit Cloud got, Mr. I think that advent children are the original designs of 7's characters.

Or, you know, they could have followed of the original release.

followed the pace of*

Nobody is defending the guy from XV, moron. They are saying that Cloud always -except in AC- had a sharp face like THAT FAG. Even shit like Mobius had that part right about Cloud's face.

Attached: MobiusCloud-838x471_c.jpg (838x471, 36K)

>I made plenty of points.
Nah man. Your only point was "they're gonna change it so the normalfags will buy it", which is not necessarily a bad thing per se, but you've already decided that it is; exactly like a conspiracy theorist.

If there's one thing I've learned, conspiracy theorists are better off ignored. Enjoy this last reply.

and I have no idea why you'd ever say that unless you had some strange obsession with said character

show me a shot where he looks closer to this than remake Cloud because the image you (or another user) posted looks nothing close


Attached: Cloud_Menu.jpg (453x597, 110K)

There are parts of the original that definitely could have been expanded.

Midgar was not one of them.

Everything in Midgar happens in the span of like, three days and is incredibly straight forward. Making an entire 30+ hour experience out of it feels like they're trying too hard.


K-Pop fag Cloud looks nothing like how he did in said 2015.


Attached: Cloudcomparison.png (960x2160, 2.76M)

Prosopagnosia is sign of autism.

Jesus, it's night and day.
Well, not really "day", you probably shouldn't wear shades in Midgar.

Attached: barret2.jpg (992x617, 58K)

it's literally the same model but polished up I'm done with your autistic bait

i seriously hope we can remove the sunglasses, i hate them


>Left: sharper face, fuller lips, sharper eyes, white features
>Right: softer face, thinner lips, can't give sharp stare for shit, Korean plastic surgery features



He looks like absolute faggot on both sides.

He looks like black Wesker

>If you think that render looks like an actual sub-saharan african

literal retard confirmed. sub saharan africans range from dark as concrete darkies to lightskins

t. Sephiroth

Replying to this, because it's extremely relevant when it comes to current autism.

Here is your original Cloud, my Western bro. Happy?

Attached: bd0942be159e93412616ac5ad3eff514.jpg (480x272, 14K)

>imagine the cross dressing scene if this was how cloud looked like

Combat looks fun. Except the fact that you can hold square for Cloud, hope they'd remove that for melee characters and Vincent. I hope to god that they don't listen to retards who wants gambit to return for the Remake. "muh control" my fucking arse, you have MORE control if you don't have A.Is controlling every aspect and abilities of your other party members. Sorry for the rant. Anyways, Remake Tifa's face looks too much like Anri Okita while not giving her Anri's tits but it looks like it's Julia's size, tits ok, face, not so much. Watchmen of fate screams of Nomura's autism. Could be a hit or a huge ass miss. And why haven't we see RedXIII? And when's the next info/trailer? Next month's State of Play? Gamescom?

Sooo--- how did Nomura went from Musashi look-alike to blonde twink with dumb hair again?

He wanted the fujo audience. Do you honestly think that 7 would be icon for YAOI as it is if Cloud looked like Angeal? Exactly.

>And why haven't we see RedXIII?
Because, unless it's changed due to things getting added or moved, Red won't appear until the final section of the game.
Still, this scene right here is one of the things I'm looking forward to the most.

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Screenshot Aeris Red XIII Breeding.jpg (1280x1024, 148K)

Why are you posting Angeal as a reply to my post? I don't get it. I don't give a fuck about what race the character looks like. I just don't like how the bangs are of equal length. It's autistic, I know. But I love how unbalance Cloud's overall look. The left have tonnes of accessories. While his hair is more heavy and concentrated more to the right.

Attached: 1561438355352.png (565x569, 278K)

>7 comes out
>Tifa hentai left and right
>"50 Shades of Rape" starring Cloud and Sephiroth left and right
Those were fun times.

Made mistake. It was meant for .

but... that's not how that works Hojo

How much of fujo fan-service will remake have? Mobius was borderline Cloud/Sephiroth fanfic, and that makes me worried.

Attached: 15028472184728.jpg (1280x669, 272K)

50 shades came out like a decade after the game, what the fuck are you talking about?

Hojo's kinda crazy, but he's smarter than we are so I trust him on this.

I expect on_your_knees.jpg type of shit.
Or... you can fuck Barret this time around.

Are you German, or just autistic?

>A TRAP to RIVAL Astolfo

Remake will pull KH/DMC5 plot and make "everyone is just Sephiroth" plot. So, when you fuck Tifa, it will be revealed that she was just Sephiroth and that you just fucked Sephiroth.

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user, I...

Attached: (you).gif (448x352, 959K)

That blonde faggot doesn't even look like cloud

tonal shift, it went from a grimdark detective story set in new york to an animu cyberpunk fantasy city

Blame Fujomura. He's the one who wants that type of shit between the two as much as possible.

Attached: Sephiroth.jpg (640x480, 59K)

Was Angeal the original concept for Cloud? I know the game was supposed to be an entirely different genre. Something about a detective or mystery. Angeal's look would probably fit that theme a lot closer. Has there been scrapped art concept for the original game that got released to public?

Nomura said that Cloud was originally meant to have have black slicked back hair in order to contrast Sephiroth's long white hair. However, in the end that ended up beign discard and his supposed original design was given to Angeal instead. Also, Nomura said that he originally designed both Cloud and Sephiroth after Musashi and Kojiro in mind. Which makes sense considering that Angeal does look like Musashi, unlike current Cloud.

pretty sure this is the oldest version of Cloud they've shown publicly, older designs probably aren't relevant to the final version of FF7

Attached: Cloud_Strife_Sketch2.png (1392x836, 608K)

Have sex

I'm not sure what's taking them so long to make it.

Never noticed the mini seph on Cait

This is why that will be changed. And also because that kind of stuff is no longer funny thanks to the internet

You might be getting confused about how the people who went on to make Xenogears and Parasite Eve pitched their ideas as contenders for Final Fantasy VII first.

Massive lips. God damn.

Basically, they're spending all their time making flashy animations and detailed assets that people will only see once and forget.

They wanted of Cloud to have black slicked back hair because of limitations and because Nomura thought it would be cool to make yin and yang symbolism between Cloud and Sephiroth. Also, this when it comes to whole Musashi Miyamoto/Cloud thing. Something however happened and Nomura ended up changing the design to blonde kid with spiky hair in the end and when making CC, they gave Angeal the so-called discarded Musashi Cloud design.

This would upset me more than any amount of skin/muscle/fat on Tifa.
It's not just this scene either, Hojo i think is the character I will be the most critical of. I identify with that man more than anyone else with a role in this game.

Ah, that's kinda neat. But I think the redesign is more to what Square execs thinks which design is more marketable. Didn't they told Matsuno to add and make Vaan as the MC simply because they didn't think Basch will be a "marketable" protag?

Ah, square.

I do criticize FF7 for unintentionally starting their love of spectacle (X is when it got really bad) so it’s like poetry

You identify with him because you want to watch girls get knotted?

Sounds delightfully retarded so I buy it