Is this peak Tifa design?
Is this peak Tifa design?
No, but it's certainly better than the remake's.
Tits too big
it's 1000 times better than remake that's for sure.
Still think Duodecim has the best one, but she's only in like 10 seconds of an intro video
Well now she looks like my cousin
Thanks Yea Forums
Is this Dissidia NT? Shame the game is hot garbage and dead on PC.
Was she not in it?
pics of your cousin plz
Tifa is HAPPY!
I'm speaking of her intro movie render specifically. There are still picture renders but they look terrible and her in game model is low poly thanks to being on PSP.
This particular one still fucks with me.
Bad design bad.
good design good.
They're both hot you total fucking faggot.
don't you dare post that one
you know, that one
Yeah she looks so beautiful there.
FMV NuTifa isn’t so bad either, it’s her in game model that looks awful.
that's not an fmv
Yes, she looks as good as her best fanart
I don’t see it
It’s like halfway between the fmv and the battle models
Change for the worse is bad, yes.
you mean a fucking cutscene model?
Better than the ETHICS COMMITTEE's version.
This butthurt
bad designs subjective
good designs subjective
ok, kiddo.
>someone took the time to make this
Have sex
big eyes are also unethical?
I will not understand why Tifa OF ALL CHARACTERS is wearing leggings
Fuck off post-modernist
>preferring the virgin "bare legs with big shoes" look over the chad "black thigh highs and skirt wombo combo"
actually baka my head
Who has the most porn? In Gelbooru Tifa has more results. In Danbooru Chun has more results.
Both have more than Shitmus.
I like bare legs as much as thigh highs and I would rather die than have to choose between the two.
try using pixiv or something, those are both terrible metrics
so is pixiv though if you want a semi accurate number you'll have to do way more work than you should want to
Bare legs can work if there's the correct attire with it. Thigh highs is better to me because there's something more "classy" about it, it leaves more to the imagination, and it seems a little more practical. Not to mention it compliments the long gloves, giving the outfit a bit of horizontal symmetry.
Oh yes
Huh. I don't think I have ever seen an FF character smile like that before.
this one is fucking terrifying
Leggings *and* spats.
Glasses Tifa is best Tifa.
>Horizontal symmetry
>Nearly the exact same design but her legs are mostly covered baaaaaad!
>no cleavage
People who whine about her having thigh-highs are absolutely just bitching to bitch. Thigh-highs are patrician and the single sexiest piece of clothing a woman can wear.
Her black stockings makes her red clown shoes look less silly to be honest
>as good as her best fan art
>model's boobs don't even reach over her shirt like he artwork
>brown suspenders ruining the simple b/w design
yeah okay
I want her to have thigh highs IF only Nomura had the fucking sense to give her skindentation instead of it looking like it's painted on her stick legs.
He should be fucking ashamed that KT was able to make a proper Tifa model than his team/.
listen me am average brain oog who know how do thing in head but sometime word salad unga dunga when trying to type out moving picture in head
>Smaller tits than the remake one and no sports bra
>Incel doesn't understand women's bodies the post
Have sex
what's the fucking point of wearing a mini skirt if you use high socks in the end
yes, baka gaijin
The remake Tifa looks fine to me, but i think they should of used the model they used for her in Dissidia NT.