How would you make an SCP game Yea Forums?

How would you make an SCP game Yea Forums?

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by moving all scp threads to Yea Forumsg

Stay in my cell like a good d-boy

all the SCPs are waifu versions of themselves
d-class are used to test their orifices

like stalker

this pretty much, + online drop-in multiplayer for some of the SCPs with weird dimensions you can get trapped in with other players

By purging all SCPfags from the site for perpetuating the power level bullshit by pretending they're better than everyone else because of how "intellectual" their series is when it has shit like

You're an employee trying to avoid getting killed by dodging the too dangerous assignments.

First series is the best. Ones you posted are from shitty series with a few good exceptions like 3008

First series is only as good as it is because the bad ones weren't as numerous. There were only like three or five, and those were mostly 682 and Abel.

Make Secret Laboratory but actually fucking update it.

I'd make the homestuck satellite the main character.

>The unfuckable lizard
>Nobody has been able to fuck her yet
>Blink and suddenly your pants are off
>Blink again and its Snu Snu Time

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Digits dont lie. This is what we need

Like Pokemon but badass with like blood and stuff you know?

Lobotomy corporation.

This. Fuck them. Even LCfags, who are the literal waifufag version of SCPfags, are more likable because they don't run into Yea Forums to make "HOW WOULD THE PUNISHING BIRD FARE AGAINST CAPTAIN MARVEL LMAO" threads.

Survival game/roguelite in the IKEA SCP

VR containment like Lobotomy corporation but with more manual interaction instead be just a clicking game.

Some text-based base management game probably

>multiple sites on global map
>can manage staff/security, do research or send squads to capture SCP's or attack rival factions
>random breakouts and faction assaults, casualties depending on how well prepared bases are.
>unlimited resources but limited staff and know-how. Get bonuses from research and certain SCP's at bases.

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That's being done as we speak

But multiplayer.

lobotomy corp is a thing

Make room for more smash threads, right bro?

Tycoon game


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>H-hey guys it's me your favorite old man r-remember me

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i really wanna make a version of scp that's a supernatural black market or some shit that's deliberately shady so it can't be corrupted by SJWs trying to make them out to protect the world

Dark goopy waifu that fades through walls to snuggle you. Imagine.

by remaking secret labratory but better


Favorite SCPs Yea Forums? I'm partial to the VHS recording of a basketball game where the people within the tape became aware they were "reliving" the same game over and over each time the tape was played, and eventually started going insane and sacrificing the players and children in an attempt to escape their fate.

Why are Plague Doctors so cool?

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>controls space, time, and your perception in her dimension
>an eternity of snuggling with your favorite waifu

It's been attempted before. Don't try.

The cave where everything is dead on the other side.

I'm thinking like a multiplayer game with a couple of factions. Have a bunch of class D run around and try to escape, have some guards try to prevent them from escaping. Have some chaotic group try to save the class D, and have maybe Scientists or something that work with the guards, all while SCPs are going around killing everyone. I think these SCP would probably be best to be included:


Would be pretty fun I think. My name's Hubert by the way.

049 got ruined recently

I haven't played since December. The vg server is always dead. What did they do to 049?

Tried making him into a deep character with tragic motives and shit by butchering the original article.

Oh I thought you were talking about the game lmao.

Do people actually like SCP lore?

Nobody besides powerlevel autists on /tg/ and Yea Forums who make off topic threads then autistically screech when you tell them to go back.

Honestly, half the fun of SCP is the mystery. Most of which has been sucked out of it by this point because it's always featuring the same handful of SCPs.
Lobotomy Corp gets the one thing that every single SCP game so far has lacked. The research aspect. You're supposed to be handling these supernatural things we know little and less about, and testing on them to figure out how much of a danger something is, and how to properly contain it.

I do love games that utilize different factions with different goals in the game.
SS13 is another that comes to mind.

>half of the fun of SCP is the mystery
>all scp articles nowadays are the size of love and war that spend 10 hours on their backstory
nice mystery you got there

add this one next time you post it

>Most of which has been sucked out of it by this point
It's almost like I immediately concede all the fun is gone from the source as is.

I sexually identify as an alien death machine. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of orbiting the moon dropping ontological breakdown on disgusting humans. People say to me that a person being a Lovecraftian alien weapon is impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install multiple eyes, an umbilical cord and cilia on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “[DATA EXPUNGED]” and respect my right to kill from orbit and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a xenoarmaphobe and need to check your extraterrestrial privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Add a cute dating sim preface to this. 999 is the basic tutorial girl who lets you fuck for practically free. The greater the class of SCP, the harder it is to please. There's a 999-682 threesome scene, of course..

didn't see it, my bad mate

secret lab perfected the SCP game concept., it needs no further explortaion, just elaboration on this one.

I wouldn't.
The whole website has become so infested with SJWs and trannies whoring for attention, even making a meme of Peanut without their permission will get you doxxed. Trying to make a video game that produces enough profit to pay your dev team minimum wage will get you sued into bankruptcy if you don't let them take over and destroy your game as thoroughly as they destroyed Secret Lab.

>Apollyon is literally 'uncontainable, and inevitable doomsday class SCP'
>there's dozens of them, if not hundreds

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>you will never play a game based around the haunted Grateful Dead album SCP or the ghost of Tupac rewriting rap songs to telepathically tell you where to find and kill serial killers
Life is suffering

>click on a link
>first thing I see is the SCP logo colored in with the shitted on rainbow flag
Any uncucked alternatives?

The RPC Authority is still going strong, they've been around for a year and I've read some good articles on there. They got a long way to go though.

>Thaumiel was the top class once
>now it's Apollyon
>waiting for a YHWH class to show up and end it all

I already have a good few ideas for a possible SCP knockoff.
>Area where status quo is eternal, nobody dies, nothing truly changes until you leave, but you never want to leave once you enter
>Giant snake monster in a hole that's literally the world's biggest glory hole
>Two beings that personify the twisted concept of the Chaoskampf, a god of light and thunder fighting a beast from the sea that represents chaos
>A drug similar to cocaine that makes people get really high and warps their bodies that's actually tiny pieces of a god made of an unknown material
>An Alex Jones-esque entity who inadvertently makes all of the shit he talks about real through unintentional reality warping
>An immortal serial killer similar to Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers, but he doesn't have his timing or master of spooks right so he just fumbles in to kill people and fucks up his "supposed to be epic" kills 50% of the time

Honestly, if they expanded on secret lab's concept and made it more like SS13 where the goal is to keep the facility running as long as possible with lots of stupid jobs and dumbshit to do until SCPs, D-boys, or the facility's own incompetent staff some how manage to cause such widespread damage that the nuke is the only option.

>"but dude, what if GOD was an SCP? huhuhuhehueh"

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They did something like that, once, supposedly the whole reason the SCP Foundation was created.

Long erased by angry fedora-tippers who can't stand even a scientific logbook of a Judeo-Christian god.

>he doesn't know

It’s already been done near perfectly, just with totally-not-SCPs, see Lobotomy Corporation.

maybe scp was doomed from the start

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Here's another one I made.
>A band that makes albums which the covers of are horrific alternate universes where everything goes wrong

>love and war
You mean War and Peace? Lmao idiot

fuck i'm retarded my bad lmao

A lot of the systems are already in place for such a thing. There's a PA system, there's cards for heads of almost all personnel. There's also the janitor card.

I wonder if it would be possible to mod into current SCP:SL or something

How would they find that out? Or do they predict terrible events which humanity ended up overcoming without too much trouble?

The SCP wiki is literally just a hive of dicksucking nepotism where popular writers have free reign to put their untouchable fanfiction up and browbeat the site into confirming.

That's part of the m y s t e r y.

>management/survival game
>managing the different rooms that SCP specimens are kept in
>follow precautions of stupid scientists that want to study them and let them know the rules
>or just let them die horribly/creatively
>every so often one gets out
>its your job to contain them
>specific instructions for each one explaining how to capture them and place them back in
>some require crazy feats of amazing luck
>die and you get replaced by the next intern and you gotta clean up the mess and recapture the escapees from the last guy
>could even make it a co-op

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This. The only way to have a proper SCP game is, ironically, to abandon the dumpster fire altogether and make something like Lobotomy Corp. The current SCP community is not conducive to a proper game being made.

Most SCPs don't seem too hard to replicate but how would shyguy work? Since players look in the direction they move he'd be easy to trigger.

That’s literally lobo corp.

>how would shyguy work
Rough at first but eventually you'd find it easy to swallow.

>If you let scientists keep dying, the research of SCPs will be slower, thus making the descriptions of some SCP be not existent
>>Making the containment even harder because you don't know how to handle them

You'd have to have it so the SCP's are contained at the start of the round and require players to keep them contained. Similar to the Singularity, if it gets loose the rounds over and a lot of people are going to die.

Assuminlgly you could have it be a different SCP with different containment procedures every round

Balance it with self blinding items like sand

Hello there

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The original God-SCP was some creature guarding a gate in the middle of the Sahara Desert, that would [REDACTED] anything that attacked it, and put a geas on anyone that didn't, normally "LEAVE." O1 was an investigator assigned to it, and the only person who was given a different geas, "PREPARE." From that geas he founded the SCP Foundation, and everything else it contains.

It was actually a pretty good article, but the speculation that it was the gate from the Book of Revelations meant that it had to be purged, to make the site atheist-friendly.

Hey bro

1730 FPS Game
Start with inexperienced mtf as a tutorial for memetic mechanics in game, after purposeful loss, drone mission to scope entities
Pull an inevitable failure with experienced mtf, then TRUE final test in extraction with samsara

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Purge half of them, lock further entries from being made, then make the leftovers part of an MMO where you're apart of either the SCP Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition, the Serpent's Hand, or an independent civilian (this would likely be a DLC expansion, and could go into things like being a D-Class). Imagine Secret World but with mostly modern cryptids, basically. Would be very heavy on the roleplay. Raid bosses would be instances where you have to SCP-something, destroy something, or set something free. Civilians would just muck around, or something.

I'm really thinking a Secret World thing with Second Life elements were part of it is fairly heavy normal roleplay.

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>ah shit here we go again
D BOIS lets go

>mfw SCP-001 log

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Thinking about it more, the Civilian expansion would basically be a horror game. Also, the whole MMO would be Iron Man mode.


Two more:
>A sentient color that infects the minds of those it's painted onto and it's only pigment has to be kept under maximum lockdown
>A chair shaped like a man that turns people into the shape of fleshy chairs when sat on for too long
>A shapeshifter who kills people by turning into their waifu/lover and making them come close
>A box of cookies that simply never runs out and always taste like your favorite type of cookies

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but multiple institutes within the area escaped causing the usage of some scp to create a barrier with a few one ways

Have an easter egg where you blow up the tranny homestuck satellite, first off.

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alright just post the fucking images already
based alabama nigger intercommer
god i hate trannies
all trannies should be gassed

I see this as Outlast meets LA Noire


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>researchers get to fuck around with D-class
>guards keep the place safe
>dedicated maintenance workers, could easily be replaced by D-class if they have the equipment
>MTF/CI come in mid-round
>regular maintenance on chambers required otherwise the walls/windows break down or the airlock can be opened
>173's has to be cleaned regularly or else movement is slowed
>keep 049 content and compliant so he doesn't attack during maintenance
>security system in 079 that keeps it in check, less power and damage to the containment gives 079 more control over the facility
>large containment for 106 and 939, have to distract it or keep it content to do maintenance in peace
>096 maintenance has to be done blind/extremely shortsighted
>049, 939 and 079 can chat with visitors
>SCPs can still hurt people inside the chamber but aren't as dangerous while it's intact except for 173 and 096
Might be an interesting game of SS13 but it might be a bit boring for SCP players until they get to break out. Could probably easily fit in a traitor role (but more sabotage oriented rather than murderbone) to keep things chaotic unless D-class get to act like antags.

I think the best way to do it multiplayer would be like Monster Hunter or Warframe, where you queue on certain quests to:
>subdue escaped SCPs
>capture SCPs from other factions
>fix the aftermath of an SCP's escape
>explore areas like the Red Sea Object portal world
>make deals/allies/spies with various factions/governments in the universe
>fight in battles against them.

There could even be faction PVP, by allowing people to join things like the Fifth Church. It'd be a lot of work, but I think it'd be the most fun multiplayer way to play it.
>Fashion based on real world clothing
>Pets because any game without them is fake and gay

Can anyone think of cool things that could be added to an SCP game like this?

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That SCP is absolute cancer. ABSOLUTE. CANCER. How it hasn't been downvoted into deletion I can't understand.

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Would be pretty fun, use the D-Boys as expendable containment objects.
Could have scientists who are trying to release a SCP and escape with some files of some sort.

Because jannies shut down downvotes for it.

Playing Dboy doesnt sound like fun. Sounds like you do what others tell you and get fucked by scps or get fucked up for not cooperating.

Probably better if they get to do maintenance work (along with the occasional researcher helping out or doing dumb experiments with the SCP) while guards keep watch.

They removed the rating option for it, you can imagine how low it would be otherwise

That's basically Assistant in SS13, you have no access, the least chance of survival, and no respect. It makes for a much more fun round when things go your way

It caused so much bickering and shitposting that they removed the rating entirely.

People have SCP games on roblox and they're 100% indicative of how unfun it would be with power tripping, strict rules, literally no fun, etc

am i wrong or did they change the scp with the procedure montauk in it making it less creepy?

if i rembember right, it was explicitly said that the D class perfoming the ritual had to be pedophiles, because the ritual involved brutal child rape. now there's no mention to it

A action game focused around able(079) and his task force would be pretty badass desu.

I wouldnt. It's so full of shit and retarded writing

>Start reading SCP
>It's a barely decipherable mess of """creative writing""".
>Get bored and skip through trying to work out what the SCP actually is.
>It's some boring shit that wasn't worth my time.
The whole point of the format was to stop those sorts of plodding, lame shitshows. Why do they let people do this bullshit?

Never heard of that one, surely it's not that ba-
>SCP-2721-LYRE presents itself on its blog as a trans woman artist and blogs exclusively about social justice issues, its content, and the webcomic Homestuck. It has maintained a large group of acquaintances on the website and is well known for its Homestuck theories, drawings, and discussions.

>SCP-2721-LORD maintains both a primary "aesthetic" blog and a secondary "private" blog in which it talks about its feelings regarding SCP-2721-LYRE.

>Given SCP-2721-LORD's blog posts, it is theorized that a malfunction in SCP-2721-LYRE's programming caused it to become fixated on the webcomic Homestuck instead of its original directives.

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I don't remember there being any mention of pedophiles and it's always just been brutal [REDACTED].
Too much cunny on your mind, user?

RPC has a pumpkin girl and a road that leads nowhere so that's pretty neat

they look like they're part of an ominous bird cult

I dont believe the procedure was changed. I do know however that they did change the stakes from the seventh sister actually birthing the kid being the bringer of the apocalypse to the child being secretly birthed, turn out to be 999 and that 999 was going to be the creature that stops the evil king that started the 7 sisters mess in the first place.

I found the links:

we know its you Mr pendant wearing fat fuck.

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Make it a restaurant sim

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what happened to /scp/?

Due to a lack of updates to the game and us being a magnet for turbo autists, we disbanded the general

Love is Love and War and Peace and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

sure but the problem still exist you have to listen to others what said is what im afraid of.

yea they're similar but assistants have more freedom

it exist something like a legacy scp website? with only the I series and original versions?

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Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon 11, designated Nine-Tailed Fox, has entered the facility.

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*rushes to the intercom room*

updated shitty scp list
post more shitty scps so i can add onto the list

XCOM-like turn based strategy game about capturing SCPS around yhe world and stopping Chaos Insurgency attacks, who will either show up during SCP capture operations or attack your home site

Sanity is more of a mechanic than in XCOM, since SCPs can easily scare and confuse your MTF dudes, and the Base building is more focused around containing SCPs and studying them, like in Lobotomy Corporation
There is also a secret mode where you play as the Chaos Insurgency, raiding Sites and disrupting MTF operations

One where you can collect and use them like Pokemon would probably be the best way to go.

/x/ can't handle their masterwork so tumblr took it from them.

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So what I'm getting from this thread is to make an RPC game, if any.

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complainer won

Strategic base management
Level of difficulty=containment level
SCP capture handled like XCOM
Only good SCPs allowed
My dick is so fucking hard right now

An UnLondon game would be absolute KINO

Get this, a colony development survival game entirely based around SCP-3008

A mix of a typing game and that old Swedish military test game that had four players doing tasks that affected one anothers health.

The players would have different sections of a containment site they would be "watching over" and have to basically type out responses to occurring events. Say if an SCP was breaching containment, one player would have to dispatch security by typing a command to do so. Similar to the chatbox in Duskers.