

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-27 Razer drops streamer for tweeting ‘men are trash’ in response to sexual ha (821x578, 223K)

Other urls found in this thread: culture

Good. I'm sick of us men being oppressed like this.

women don't deserve human rights

>Reminder that was Razer Brazil that drops her
you know the world is crazy when fucking BRs are more based than americans

Women with tattoos are trash, sweetie.

>partner with walking hole to advertise your products to hole-worshiping normalfags
>the hole gets lippy (no pun intended) and pisses off your main demographic
>drop it like it's hot
imagine my shock

She single?

Hey look, video games

wtf i love brazil now

let me guess: "and here's why that's a bad thing!"

>People should be banned for sexism
>Get banned for sexism
Progressives be like what the fuck. Rules that only apply to certain groups is the literal definition of privilege


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Imagine being such a cuck that you advertise for a corporation

>corporations are now silencing women
Time for us to rise up, girls.

Men are oppressed though. We literally pay for everything, our money is stolen from us to pay for shit we don't want, shit that attacks us. Family Court exists to destroy us.

based FUCK women

She'll probably die soon, people already got her address after the twitter thing

The gamers rose up

Sexism = Prejudice + Power.

Women do not have power over men which means they can only be prejudice against men. Prejudice is wrong, but it is not sexism. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.

Name the bully

Bbbbut women aren't accountable for their shitty actions? They're special and need to be- wait they're equal to men but need extra protection!

cringe opinion

She plays with a bunch of men and she's a 3rd worlder. She's probably single but takes each of their dicks every night


Quite literally, BRased and redpilled

No nudes no fucks given

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>Women do not have power over men

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>when fucking BRs are more based than americans
every single nation in the world is more based than clapistanis except bongs, leafs and cucked euro countrys like sweden

>make sex related joke
>someone makes another sex related joke in response to it

i love women

It's bait and you fell for it.

>in response to sexual harassment
bullshit damage control as always

>Family Court exists to destroy us.
user, that's bullshit and you know it. It's exists to give women whatever they want in a divorce, destroying men is just a side-effect.

baseado e verdeeamarelopilled

The context was clearly "The men who are harassing me are trash"
If a man who just got cheated on said "Fuck these bitches and hoes" would you axe him, too?

Good thread everyone.
I hope you all die. Fuck men.

Joke's on you feminists cuz I have a femdom fetish so calling us trash just makes me hornier.

I suddenly want to buy Razor products,even if they are over priced. not even being sarcastic.

>Women do not have power over men
That's where you're wrong, mongo.
All societies are structured over female preference.

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Those men are customers.

cringe and 40%

this is why you gonna die a virgin

Based girl gamer. Men are trash.


>"s-she called m-my sex trash?f-fire her now!"

the absolute state of """""men"""""

and whatever country you come from

Fair enough.

What about the I-slams

that was bait and you fell for that

>Sexism = Prejudice + Power
Full retard culture

she cute, i would fuck the misandry out of her

You are a man yourself tranny

good for the goose, good for the gander. suck it.


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equality sucks dont it lmao

see It's not about women's preferences, it's about the benefit of women.

Why does there have to be power involved? It's a word, what difference does it make?

Oh well that's different. Should've specified she was attacking customers.

Lmao imagine if some guy called women trash, he would be btfo as a misogynist

Lowest IQ take in this ocean of idiocy.

I know this is bait but the fucked up thing is this is what SJWs actually believe.

context matters dumb bitch

>"Sexists should lose their jobs!"

>"N-no, not female sexists!"

the absolute state of feminists.

A slave strikes a master: it is a crime.
A master strikes a slave: it is discipline.

The skin is the biggest absorbent organ of the human body and since tattoos are permanent, she is perpetually bombing her heart with harmful tattoo chemicals 24/7. God, women are so fucking stupid.

You may not have come from someone's digestive system but you're still a piece of shit.
Fuck your context.

Unironically, they started it.

The shrill cunts should be forced to play by their own retarded rules.

Because "it is justified to hate your oppressors". So if they can define one group as the oppressors they can vilify them all they want with a clear conscience.

Don't get married
Don't EVER have children
Have sex, but do not have children.
Marriage and children exist only to drain your financial resources.

>muh slaves
women were never slaves, try a different meme response

Women literally get driven everywhere by men, if men do anything like touch a woman or look at them even they are severely punished.

It's far from a male power paradise because men are segregated from girls basically until their arranged marriage not allowed to drink or do anything fun.

>"Band" shirt
>Dyed hair
>Gamur gurl
>American woman
I could've guessed this news article without reading

don't bother they'll never know until they're memed into thinking they're marrying "the one"
probably at the moment

Name one instance in history where "they started it" was justice.

She's Brazilian, actually...

you should probably get attention from a woman first before spouting this off

That's what NPCs literally believe.
A stronk and rich black woman could kick a sleeping white homeless man in the nuts for no reason and be applauded for being "brave" and "standing up to oppression." And if the homeless man takes any action to defend himself or tells her to stop, he's an "evil white supremacist confederate nazi" out to "oppress" the black woman.

>men bitching about how they can't use racial or homophobic slurs because the world is too pc
>woman tweets an obviously hyperbolic statement about men and they get so butthurt that the woman gets dropped from her platform

the modern world never fails to disgust

This bait would work on reddit

She was...

>The context was clearly "The men who are harassing me are trash"
No it wasn't. She literally doubled down and reaffirmed that ALL MEN ARE TRASH.

This is why it is so difficult to argue with the right: they literally do not understand metaphor.

You will never have sex. You will remain a failure until you kill yourself.

The Holocaust if it actually did happen


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based JIDF keeping white population numbers down

>get old
>listen to this user
>be alone in a retirement home
>some nigger worker abuses you and nobody cares
>have kids/marriage
>you and your wife take care of one another
>kids take care of you until you pass on
>get to play with your grandchildren and be grandparents


Based on the number of replies, it works here as well, but then again this is Yea Forumseddit.

hey it's ok man
there aren't any girls here
you can speak freely, no one will give you pussy here
whats your REAL opinion?

you can try not being a brain damaged libshit loser then.

come here faggot
say that to my face ur probably a clapistein faggot

ironically supports the opposite

actually I was engaged in my mid-20s and I broke it off after getting cold feet. She moves out of our condo, I proceeded to have sex with countless women and tinder sluts, and now that I'm almost 30 I feel worthless and shallow despite having money and crap. You need to grow up child.

She's hot, she'll have other opportunities.

I hope Bolsonaro's supporters get their hands on her.

words do and should have objective meaning. without agreeing on objective meaning, communication and understanding is impossible, thus making societal and institutional evolution impossible.

you're not one of those morons who thinks otherwise, are you?

But that gives context, user

stop using metaphor then
give a real life response to why it matters who uses the series of words

You have no legal power over anyone. You cannot touch another person, regardless of gender; without being charged with battery. Acting aggressive or intimidating towards someone will get you charged with the apprehension of assault, this includes verbally abusing someone. Forcibly moving a person against their will, even in an attempt to save their life is kidnapping. You cannot enter another person's home without their permission, that is breaking and entering as well as criminal trespass. You cannot compel another person to do anything, regardless of their gender. You have no power over anyone, you have no rights over anyone. You'll see prison time in your life with your warped perception of the world.

so you only better?

This is horrible. We should kill all the niggers just to be safe

clearly a razer shirt and also shes from some subhuman country not america

But I thought women were equals to men? How can women be equal whilst not having any power?

how do you afford internet in that shithole


good goy
women are trash and marriage is bad

Sounds like you're a depressed tranny. Better kill yourself.

>grandchildren forsake you in favor of a political agenda

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Nobody cares about this double-standard e-celeb sjw/anti-sjw bullshit, it's not vidya, fuck off cucks.

Yeah, cam girl it is

if you think you're getting any of that nowadays you are a clown.

É a Nova Era, sua vagabunda!

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I always knew razer was based

ironic considering you're the bitter cry baby here

you guys sure are obse+ssed with women

are you sure they're actually relevant to your Ncel existence??

You live in a patriarchal society. Whether you realize it or not.

Not him, but yes he would be axed and labeled an "incel" regardless of context and attacked online by white knights or women.

Did you forget about the time a player hid (his) identity to pose as a girl gamer and anyone who questioned " this woman's " identity was a labeled a troll and harassed? It seems like women are treated like shit in the gaming world but only because it seems ordinary for male gamers to be seen and treated as shit in general. Wishing for equality was the worse thing gamer-girls could have done.

Haha what if one side could have men with guns come and arrest the other side with nothing but a phonecall

I was right, but I'll at least give you respect for owning up to it, unlike the pussy Europeans and South Americans that are ready to talk shit, but are at the same time afraid of stating where they come from.

>needs to use metaphors because the reality isn't enough
If you're going to argue with metaphors then your metaphors are going to be argued, retard.

>not trash
>streaming for a living
>not trash
>thinking a girl can be better than a man
>not trash

>calls men trash
>men from all over the world immediately prove her right


>makes a ''joke'' in a insult/sex tone
>gets a response in the same manner

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Yeah, only psycopaths have sex.

I can't believe he isn't black, but sure sounds like one

you're right tho


This ain’t math club faggot, you can’t change the definition of words.

buy fucking ur mum gaylord and uploading it to pornhub

based razer

this but unironically

I literally could care less.
On a more relevant note, does being a man give me power over anyone? I'm not physically powerful. I don't have a position of influence. What power do I have?

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WHOA! We live in a matriarchy cunt, quit fucking lying about it.

>Women do not have power over men
No that's just you. You don't have power over men, and it's because you're an ugly cunt.

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I would apply this to everyone

>Yea Forums

she cute
shame about the tattoos and being a bitch thing

>a female was held accountable for her words and deeds
Historical day

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So you, me, and Razr Brazil know this. But companies like Bioware will flame out and keep scratching their heads about why they went bankrupt.

cool now suck some wingull cock

you live by the sword you die by it. If it were up to me she could say what she likes, as could anybody instead of this cucked privledge system we are instituting now.

Inj that context it wouldn't matter the context the man would get axed regardless, as has happened already before. Like when those two male co workers said something in private, slightly inappropriate, where a woman eavesdropped, and got the both fired.

>Cry about sexism
>Have sexist behavior
Poetry indeed

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>have sex
I see what you did there

Bolsonaro delivered
Unlike Trump

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Men are collectively treated as the disposable sex and robbed of everything we earn in the name of "equality". Fuck off.

The funniest part is that in her weak kinda backtrack attempt, her sample of men used for this most astute conclusion were men in her twitch chat or whatever, but was also talking about how some of them are cool and send her nice comments. Stupid fucking e whore doesn't realize that every man in her chat is indeed an absolute waste of skin, but to say that is fucking moronic because those are the only people on Earth who fucking care about her shitty stream. It makes them feel like they have a chance to get in her pants. Whether they are a creepy pervert or the White Knight nice guy, they are her fucking gibs train.

Then that means women aren't equal to men. It's a dichotomy you see, you cannot oppress someone if they are equal to you in physical or mental capability. Women can only gain power through men, that's why you say society is patriarchal.

Evolutionarily, women have developed the worst traits:
manipulative, dishonest, disloyal, physically weak, panic easily,
a predilection for hypergamy and victimization.
The two things that get them through their life are their manipulation and their vagina.
Never forget, that your love is one sided, period.

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Yes but she's asexual.

I like her tats.

her face looks like that momo bitch

>The absolute state of white people

MEN with guns. Women can only influence society through men, if mem stopped supporting their bullshit for a bit of pussy their "power" would vanish over night.


now watch call you out with some fragility type response

>act sexist
>get shit on for it just like men
Don't you just love equality?

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unless she has some kind of hormonal problem she isn't

Unironically this
I'm glad people are finally starting to fight the sexism

Projecting doesn't hurt anyone here except you, user.

that was bait and you fell for it

Feminism exists because women are not treated as equals.

Before my kids have my grandkids I'm going to tell them point blank if they fuck them up I will kill them and adopt the kids

Japan got it right

more like
>women get away with shit that a man couldn't
>woman finally doesn't get away with it
>haha have a taste of your own medicine

You can't be sexist towards men shitlord.

This but without the possible irony. Fuck genetic slavery, anyone who has kids ESPECIALLY in today's economy and social climate is a fucking moron.

yes if they were treated as equals then feminists would be recognized as /r9k/ femcels and bullied into the corners of society
sadly we live in a hierarchical society that privileges women's voices

Reap the whirlwind faggot

Feminism exist because women is worse than men in everything, even at being an woman

Based, Redpilled

You are disgusting...

>Prejudice + Power.

You know this bullshit started with a mediocre student that never did anything with her life right?
This is not only stupid but factually wrong.


Yep, mentally break up with your girls. Give them love in small doses infrequently. They do not understand the sacrifices or struggle a man has to make for her, they do not care about you, or the road.

keep yourself as your number one. Kids are different though, raise those fuckers right.



Who cares? Now that men are getting sex reassignment surgery, pretty soon we won't need biological women at all. Tick tock roasties, gravy train is almost at the station, everybody off.

my wife is half black half white, and we have our 4th kid on the way. the JIDF didn't tell us to fall in love at the age of 6.

>muh white population

illegal immigration and migrants should receive the death penalty, but a natural demographics change was always going to happen, especially from white guys like me.

based and blackpilled user may the gods guide you. Women are and will always be stock

I haven't talked to a woman that either wasn't completely destroyed by drugs or had the mind of a child in the past 5 years.

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Feminism exists because women can't distinguish between feeling hurt and actually objectively being wronged.

If you're going to play semantics, fine. How about, don't be a dick towards people because of sweeping generalizations?

She just needs a good dicking.

Cool story bro

Because women aren't equal to men. How did men "magically" oppress the other half of the population? It's impossible unless some biological distinction makes it possible. Feminism is womens attempt to seize power by using sympathetic men, there have been no rebellions or battles or coups. Feminism is women nagging men gor a seat at the adults table and when they get the seat they promptly shit everything up.

>academia redefined bullshit terminology
Fuck off. Sexism is discrimination by sex, regardless of power.

>her name is faithful

>fall in love at the age of 6.
Not going to lie, that's adorable, user. I'm not even kidding, childhood friends who grow up and marry each other is a nice thing.

yeah, I wish I was treated as well as even a bottom of the barrel woman instead of having to eek by on looks, charm, and talents. The latter two took years to cultivate.

Brazil is based because Bolsonaro

I'm sure she gets plenty of dick

Because they aren't equal retard. Giving them the right to vote was one of the biggest mistakes mankind has ever made, the problems are still to this day accumulating because of it.

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Narrator: "It wasn't"

Go back to /pol/.

>a woman cannot physically overpower a man so they can't be sexist
thats not how it works

>Our money is stolen from us
No taxes are not theft stop pushing this bullshit



but i don't think think people should lose their jobs for saying dumb things

>Prejudice +
This is brainwashing.
A sociology course doesn't change the existing definition of words.

it's amazing, her and our kids are my world. on date night, we still act like teenagers on our first date. we're 29, and still getting butterflies from each other.

That's not what he meant retard

this is a lie though. im always poor because im a heroin addict and my gf is an upstanding freshly college graduated go getter who has a 85k a year job and she takes care of everything for me :) she lets me work on my passion projects instead of working and covers food, rent, insurance, vehicle, videogames, going out etc, only thing she refuses to buy or give me money for is the heroin of course. she is a 10/10 half mex half puerto rican goddess too. i hit the jackpot. we've been together for 7 years now i love her so much. i think the reason you guys have such a shit views on women is because youre ugly and have crappy personalities, so youre only seeing the sucky women.

Why? It happens to men all the time.

Green-yellow pilled?

They should if they are representing a company. A company shouldn't suffer because someone wants to insult customers. If you hire someone and they publicly say kill all niggers you shouldn't be stuck with them sabotaging your business.

I recommend you to try cooking classes or going to church, that's the only place you won't meet women destroyed by our current system.

This is only if you want a long term partner though.

A small disclaimer go for the 19-23 in the cooking classes, most good women already know how to cook by being useful in their house and helping their mothers but the young ones that lack this skill and actively try to improve themselves on their own will are keepers even if they lack a good background.

T an economics teacher that was invited to a lot of weddings.

>My shitty situation is everybody's reality

Put the needle down, your brain isn't working right

Are you fucking serious?
No like really you're not joking around right?
No one can be this helplessly ignorant
You can't just beat it raw, bust in 5 minutes and call it a day.
Do me a favor, next time get some lube and play with your prostate and testicles for AT LEAST 10 minutes.
You don't even need to sodomize yourself just rub underneath your balls and give your balls a subtle squeeze until you start leaking
I promise it will be the best nut you have

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Two wrongs don't make a right

She's right though, Yea Forums is evidence enough of that

>Sexism = Prejudice + Power
>Racism = Prejudice + Power
Oy vey! We probably should have thought about this a little more because we """taught""" it at colleges!

That's your fault for handing women all your attention and money for being pretty.

Good thing I'm gay and respect men.

taxes are only not theft because the notion of theft you use is a product of the legalism embedded into your nation
taxation is literally an armed group of humans taking the product of your labor from you regardless of consent and then telling you that you consented because you didn't resist or flee them
this same rationale also means that colonization cannot be theft, because the sovereign decides that's not what theft is

understand that most things are now owned by a few mega corps. By going along with this you're essentially giving corporations carte blanch to repeal the first amendment since they're quickly replacing our own governments world wide.

i dont shoot up, usually only snort. my situation is great

I'm amazed how this story got traction and how foreign people aren't understanding what exactly happened, because they understand portuguese
>Girl posts some dumb shit
>Some guy harasses her saying she's getting fat
>She answers in kind and say that all men are trash
>Some fan/follower says in a well meaning manner that she shouldn't generalize
>She goes nuclear on the second person and say all men are trash and have to be treated like trash until they "learn"
It was because of the second answer that she got cut off, not because of the first one

your little nuts are gonna start quaking buddy

>Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.

Go say that in the mirror faggot.

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how are taxes not theft when you literally have to pay for other people's shit!?!?
>be smart with your money and save up
>have to pay tuition and housing for other people who can't even afford the food they eat or choose to have children without the means to raise them

Ironically, since it is happening to a woman, it might raise more awareness about that very same problem

razer cannot decide who their own representatives are that's tyranny!!!
end yourself

>ESPECIALLY in today's economy and social climate
Quality of life has never been higher. Your solution for social problems is to... stop reproducing? End your genetic line while third world shitheads overrun the planet? Fuck off retard.

>A slave strikes a master: it is a crime.
>A master strikes a slave: it is discipline.
Didn't America have a whole war to make it so both are a crime? Why are you acting like that never happened?

>I recommend you to try cooking classes or going to church, that's the only place you won't meet women destroyed by our current system.
That's not true, women are always like this, this is jsut them in their purest form. If you cannot learn to wrangle them as they are, then you will be blindsided by them when their antics surface and not know why.

>No one can be this helplessly ignorant
Have you read literally any of this thread? The idiocy is off the charts.

I mean sometimes they do. But its only when you alternate between the two wrongs in a strategic manner.

Maybe Bolsonaro seems based to you, but he is ruining our country with the most retarded governament ever. Everything he does is because his manchild kids told him to do so, and I'm not even memeing. He selected most of the ministers because they told him to do so.
Today he went to Japan because of the G20 and after the morning realized that he had literally nothing else to do, so he went to a brazilian themed restaurant to eat to pass the time.

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>that thot cincinbear at it again showing nips
>gets banned for a day

how many times do these thots have to get banned before its permanent?

*they don't understand portuguese

just like an estrogen filled retard creature to take an hour to say nothing.

>"they started it"
That's literally the entire point of the feminazi SJW belief system.

She deserves to die, but I agree, Bolsonaro deserves another stab

Brazil is the most based gaming territory now, don’t you know?

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There's no point living past 60 user.

>implying they'd permaban a women

you first you dipshit loser.

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good response smooth brain

>Women do not have power over men

>not committing suicide the moment you can't care for yourself anymore

best post in this thread

Women SHOULD be oppressed and silenced

based retard

Why do women only have collective opinions on topics?

>Shaggy for SD looking ass
>got on dating sites
>Male looking for females
>Sub looking for Dom
>Come across "Shaggy looking for Scooby Doo
that would be wild

god i wish some cute girl would oppress me in real life

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IGN BR tried to stir up shit, american Kotaku and Gamespot tried to make it a huge deal too, but brazilians don’t care, the majority praised Razer Brazil for not letting her get away with it

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Brazilians dont understand portuguese either

Uma delicia

It's the truth, you fucking faggot. The reason women can't into math is because they're incapable of abstract reasoning. Schopenhauer was unironically correct.

Good on you man. I moved around a lot as a kid, so I never had the opportunity to develop close friendships like that until I was in high school. I'm happy for you two, as much as I can for two strangers.

she doubled down and said “let me reiterate: men are trash. All men are evil, the small number that aren’t evil are the exception”

>be prejudice
black knight exposed

>alimony doesn't exist
>neither does child support
>family courts side with the mother nearly 90% of cases despite her ability to be a good parent
real life is rigged so I'm just going to smoke weed, shitpost and play video games

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I see BR lefties are having a meltdown like US lefties did with Trump

No. Women need to be held accountable for their actions. No more double standards. If a man said that all women are trash, he would be lynched on social media.

really not that bad and she deserves to be mad in that moment
but I'm mildly amused that a woman actually suffers a consequence for "sexism"

why do you continue to respond to a jewish roleplayer

abs on women is gross

I wish I could have that, but unfortunately I'm only really into girls under half my age.

>those dates
God, I forget how long this culture war has been brewing sometimes.

This. Justice must be enforced blindly with no discrimination whatsofuckingever.

how the fuck you get so toned stomach without bulking overall, especialy arms?

Don't worry she's got a dick.

thanks user!

based retard, being an incel and blaming the jews.

hi jew
you will never have sex with a woman without paying

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>leftard literally can't fathom being held to his own standards

you literally just do light strength training and don't eat. It takes a long time for men to build muscle, and double that time for women.

Statistically speaking she will cheat on you eventually. She likely already is.

SJWs are so fragile, sorry your feefees got hurt trigglypuff but it's a man's world so deal w/ it B^)

>wow men are thirsty losers lol, get a life and stop hitting on me it doesn't work
this is male oppression

who hurt you user?

ok retard

Has nothing to do with oppression. Just has to do with being a decent human being. Pull the aircraft carrier sized cock out of your ass.

women get preferential treatment in courts. They receive lighter sentences, even for serious cases of assault/murder

user he is a mentally ill roleplayer. stop humoring him

you always pay for sex in one way or another, kiddo

Men are statistically more likely to cheat though

Reality did.

Lots of crunches.


Do you know the definition of privilege? Its a composite of "priv" as in private and "leg" as in legislation aka the law. Privilege = private law ie a law that benefits or penalises certain groups

You can't even make a consistent statement. Fuck off.

this but with booze

razer is chink

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user you’re trying too hard with the bait here. Replace heroin addict with something more believable and it’s maybe 7/10.

cool story harvey weinstein

Sexism and Racism is literally belief.
Women are X
Blacks are Y
Asians are Z

Prejudice is literally to come to a conclusion without looking into the subject

Its the same fucking thing, shithead.

To come to the conclusion that Asians are X is to have a racial belief not backed by reality/fact
Get your head out your ass, what youre talking about is systematic/political discrimination/isolation/ostracisation BASED on sex

I like how you go off on insulting him but offer absolutely nothing in terms of a counterargument or rebuttal. It's how I know you respond only with your feelings and offer nothing in terms of intelligence.

I'd say that's a bit of an overreaction to immediately pull the contract but the fucking faggots who are mad about this are the same ones who demanded that anyone who says anything hurtful be immediately fired and lose their income so fuck it, this is what they wanted

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No you fucking idiot. Clearly you're trolling but I'll bother responding to you just in case someone takes you seriously.

1.) When you get off it should be an enjoyable thing. Ending it in 5 minutes makes it pointless. You should want to make it last and be at the height of your climax when you reach the tipping point.

2.) The only way for men to do this is to play with their prostate. Edging is cool too but it doesn't increase the intensity. Edging can make your sessions last too long and result and erectile disfunction in some cases. Teasing your prostate/playing with your testicles on the other hand is extremely healthy and beneficial your sex life.

>calls other people trash

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I read all of it, pretty depressing.

i think they're from singapore so only ethnically chink

You listen here, shut the fuck up. The problem isn't he going to the restaurant, the problem is that he had nothing else to do after whatever the fuck he did in the morning.

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user didn't you know that academia can redefine words all they want and we have to change the meaning to suit them? It's not like they're a bunch of arrogant navel gazing twats high on their own farts.

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based etymologyanon

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>Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of

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get life experience mate.
I don't believe it, especially when women are the ones who dictate who is and isn't their husband/boyfriend in most studies.

based macacos

Unironically this.

>Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
>Don't you know the meaning of words can change indiscriminately at any time
Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound right now?

Look at this genius (You) farmer. You’ll have enough to last you through the long winter.

It just pisses me off that people literally think their quick wanks amount to anything when honestly they could be getting so much more out of it. Like what's the point of having a huge lewd collection if you're going to do that?
My response was extremely solid you can't handle the truth.
Enjoy your wasted drive space

He went to Japan for the G20 and then went to eat at a restaurant while he was there, what's the problem here exactly?

Well I can't make you believe it, if you want to reject the bulk of evidence to put all your faith in a little bit of counter evidence then more power to you

God I would love to consensually rub against her naked body while I played video games like fallout new vegas and paper mario

Have sex (with a white person)

Dictionaries exist for a reason. You can't just rewrite definitions behind closed doors and then come out and go "tadaa!" to the rest of the fucking world as you try and shoehorn in a word that has never been used that way before.

Ah yes, the custom made, one way victimization definitions that SJW's use.
Like how some blacks say that "racism = prejudice + power" and when you remind them that black on black crime is nearly double that of crime between different races, they now have to defend their own kind killing each other off. Meanwhile, Chris Rock states "blacks are ok, but fuck niggers stealing my shit"

what the fuck are you even talking about you estrogen seeped clown.

I feel you dude. Currently on a ten year jobless meth binge while my sweetheart just got her first seven figure contract for a soon to be published book. She's hot, kind and loving and all I do is fuck things up.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

the first amendment only applies to the government.

fucking based and sexpilled

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I disagree
Read the bible or at least follow something like Buddhism or Hinduism
Meet a nice woman who is similar to you
Have sex
Raise a familiy
And of course play some video games.

you can but expecting people to go along with you is pretty special
symbols don't define meaning but people over time associate meanings to symbols and when you try to coerce them into changing those meanings to your advantage they are going to shit in your mouth

>women are getting raped
>men are being told rude things on twitter
It's not fair bros...

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Please, do the correct thing and kill your mutt wife and children.

It should be enforced on all mass communication platforms.

Just like you people have drooling inbred redneck retards, we have idiots like this. Quit acting like you actually believe that this is normal behavior

Singaporean Chink, so basically one of the cool ones. Which is all of them except Mainlander scum.

So you agree with me then?

You'll never be a real woman.

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a white american whose ancestry goes back to 1801.

>bulk of evidence
like the evidence that most women have husbands when it's defined BY THE WOMAN IN OFFICIAL CENSUS STUDIES.

Or how about the study that says women on average have more than double the sexual partners of similar men.

What you're saying insinuates that the few men comparatively who do copulate cheat more often than teh ones fucking several different men. I'd be willing to be the cheating is self reported by both parties and absolutely worthless bunk data made by special intterest groups.


>I don't believe it
Of course you won't, you millennials are too proud to admit you have flaws, even though you are the generation that's single handedly ruining the very fabric of society because of your inability to do anything at all.

Key to have a six-pack is low % of fat, not muscle bulk.

>End your genetic line
Yes. Because my genetic line does not benefit me at all after I'm gone and continuing it ultimately isn't even my choice, a descendant of mine could end up smarter than me and just end it anyway instead of getting cucked. And what should I care who overruns what after I'm gone? Loling @ ur life

It's confirmed that the CIA and the air force post here trying to steer discussion.

>women get raped
>it's a tragedy except for all but the most edgy comedians
>men get raped
>everyone jokes about it

the first ammendment was made before giant corporations controlling everything you do existed. You are being conned into being a corporate whore, bitch boy.

At least when a woman is raped it's a crime.

Agreed, and deservedly so. But academia does that all the time. Sociologists who don't interact with the world went and changed the definition in their little group and now liberal arts majors are trying to shoehorn it into normal conversation.

based monkey eaters

a mentally ill ashkenazim whose residence in the u.s. goes back to the 20th century that thinks pretending to have black children is trolling
get medicated for your genetic defects

Six pack is basically about having a low body fat percentage.

the amount of women getting raped is so infinitesimal it shoudln't be used as a de-facto defense by dishonest dipshits like yourself. In america it's like plane crash death numebrs, you wanna start a war on those?

Yes. My initial post was sarcasm.

She looks like she sucks huehue cocks for free.

damn, you're never getting out of whatever rabbit hole you fell down.

Wait. Just so you know, I'm not .

I'm glad to see leftists getting censored too, the only way to defeat tech censorship is as a unitied force. They win when half the populace is convinced the other half should be silenced due to moral reasons.

man if a boutique game peripheral manufacturing can't stop paying an advertiser to promote their products then nothing will stop google from unpersoning you
this is you btw

>tfw it's another "anyone who disagrees with me is a jew" episode

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I don't hate women, but they hate me, why?

Who is she? With those eyes and tattoos she deserves a BJ.

>yes, it is you who is incorrect, I'm very smart
You can't just disregard an entire arguement just because you want to be right. That's not how it works. I'm just asking you to try it. That's it. Just give it a try and tell me how much better it feels when you finally reach that orgasm, eyes rolling into the back of your skull, semen pouring out like it never has been before and you're just laying in bed helplessly moaning. Doesnt that feel so much better than just having your normal boring session?

State Government


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eat shit loser, come back when you've got an argument, or blow your brains out it'll be better that way

i see your curly hair you unloved italian rape baby

Yeah but i was talking about the Brazillian Branch silly boy
i mean you really think current year American would do the same? top HUE

>kids take care of you until you pass on
Big if true

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Because you're not Chad.

Because they think you're weak. Women respond with contempt to weak men.

>men get raped
>hehe haha hoho funny he should have just fought them off lmao! not a real man!
>women get raped


>this is you btw
nah it's you being a twat, don't let the brain splatter on the way out of your head parasite.

>I have no idea why I'm single

What if I'm not sexually attracted to women though? I've had girlfriends but whenever we reached the stage in our relationship when we start having sex it inevitably fell apart because I wasn't able to respond. I like women, don't get me wrong, but no matter how hard I try I can't find them sexually appealing, and no matter how much boobs and pussy are waved in front of me I can't get a boner from it.

I want to get married and have kids, I've always planned to since I was in high school, and around age 22 is when I began seriously considering it and looking for long term girlfriends, but now I'm 34 and it's yet to happen because of this.

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>painting of eyebrows on top of real, actual eyebrows

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not reading this, neck yourself loser.

so incels and men buy razer trash?

Top fucking kek, the absolute state of men.

good argument
we should pass laws forcing razer to not be able to stop paying people that say stupid things online, lest mark zuckerberg delete your facebook account for being a racist

I like how they put some context to try and justify it lol

Imagine a headline saying
>Razer drops streamer for tweeting "blacks are trash" after getting mugged and beaten

The First Amendment applies to public spaces, government owned or otherwise.

It's an eye for an eye, bud. Men are already getting axed for much smaller things, so it's only fair for girls to get the same treatment. No pity.

I fucking hate women.

Yea, except drooling inbred redneck retards generally aren't running PR for anyone.

That kind of girl just needs a good dicking.

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>being this triggered

Brave and powerful statement.

gods this looks like one of my old coworkers, she was so fucking hot, but she wasn't feminist and based as fuck

yeah what the fuck does green and yellow have to do with brazil... idiot.

Should have given her the D.

That's what happens when we live in a society. In an ideal world, the companies and people who take the most from society are taxed at an equal or greater level than those who make much lower wages. I agree with certain concepts of socialized services like school (not higher ed unless it's reformed and the admins are murdered in the streets), firefighters, police and parks. Medicine could work if it were compartmentalized to pool people into their own tax havens based on health... is healthy people are taxed less than fatties (based on personal responsibility where you have control to dictate your health... it would need to exclude genetic factors out of people's control, but fatties for sure can go to hell and be taxed five times the amount of regular people).

It's funny that corporations used to be taxed at a much higher rate in the early 20th century and now they barely pay a pittance. Some corporations should be taxed more than anyone else if they destroy the land around them or add a huge amount of pollution via the products they produce.


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Most kids lookout for their parents unless they were just completely shit parents or somehow raised shit kids. Like my dad told me everything comes full circle and just how parents changed their kids' shitty diapers, the parents might need their shitty diapers changed one day and it better be by somebody with some vested interest in you

>taxation is literally an armed group of humans taking the product of your labor from you regardless of consent and then telling you that you consented because you didn't resist or flee them
fuck i never thought about it like this wtf?

I'd axe the man for saying "hoes".
People who speak like niggers deserve the rope.

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i did, but so did everyone else working there

Daily reminder that literally every single Resetera tranny is no different from Dayton Hypernova, a man who literally abuses his own parents.

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It blows my mind that I'm a vastly better cook than my sister.
Cooking is extremely fucking easy, you can't microwave everything forever.

Well, at least you weren't left out, that's an even worse feeling.

Just see the fucking flag, you brainlet dumbfuck.

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That dude would literally be canceled too user you dipshit

but that would racist! you shouldn't marginalize a whole group of people like that just from the actions of one. oh wait

Didn't get banned from twitter though? Wouldn't a dude get banned if he said "women are trash"?

>men are trash
But women are equal to men.

yeah feels bad man, she has pput me through programs to get clean and therapy and stuff but i just cant stop, and weirdly she just kind of accepts it.



If a man said women were trash they would get dropped immediately. Razer is being unbiased which is a good thing

I actually don't care because white women deserve to be oppressed.
They spent literally 400 years whining about being oppressed while being some of the most privileged people on the planet and literally getting men killed by falsely accusing them of rape, so as far as I'm concerned they're reaping what they sow.
If you're a white woman, just know, it's going to get worse, and you deserve every last bit of it because you're a shitty person.

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Actually, a lot of parents mock their tranny children.

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the secret to getting banned on twitter is being reported by 6000 neets

>literally hits his own mom because she wouldn't order a pizza

holy fucking shit

Society be like.

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Uma delicia

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Get that incelshit back to /r9k/

not the same thing tho. saying men are trash and women are trash are utterly different situations

My wife caught me drowning the neighbor's infants in our bathtub (her bathtub, she technically bought our mansion) but she was very understanding with me. She forgave me, as long as I promised not to drown any more infants. She's very kind and forgiving, which is amazing since her 500k-a-year modeling job is so stressful on her. (She travels all over the world to model, she's an objective 10/10 with DD tits and she's asian). I mean honestly, you guys must all be pretty ugly to not have better girlfriends lmao.

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And for good reason.

Only white people believe that.

well since the farms is 2/3 trannies i'm sure you have experience with that

go back to tumblr

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>facebook stream
for what purpose

Dumb isekaiposter.

any feet pics?

>SJWs are a pecking order of literal crazy people that will try to deplatform you to the best of their ability if you so much step out of line. Almost every single major corporation has adopted their philosophy, and they will literally conspire against you if you so much as step out of line.

>Incels are people who don't have sex


fuck off

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Your case is exceptional. It does not represent what the rest of us experience

Oh nonononono

Sounds like somebody got raped lololol

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You're going to smoke weed, shitpost, and play booze? Dafuq?

I'll be sure to support Razer with my next accessory purchase.

have sex

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Taking into account prison statistics men are more likely to be raped than women, and society makes a literal "rape culture" revolving around the idea that if you do crime, you will be sent to a cage where you are raped.

When will females get an equivalent phrase to "don't drop the soap" ?

I'm going to bate onto your face

why do you people reply to every roleplayer on this website

Look at this fucking imbecile that doesn't even know what "alimony" and "child support" is.

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Retard, he is talking about women getting favored so hard in divorces.

Are Brazilians white now?

Never because society is shit

Thats not an argument, faggot

I thought that picture in the back was something else

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>aquaposter is retarded
aqua is wet.


That's how things work tho, you can say shit like that when you have sponsors.

i demand singapore enact legislation forcing razer to pay brazilian women that damage their brands to protect anglo political theory

>Female gets money for existing in a public form and shilling products
>Says dumb shit that might negatively impact the image of the brand
>has contract rescinded
Where's the problem? Had a man said "women are trash", everyone would have shat on him.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates tatts
what happened?

I wonder what it's like being able to get away with lying by not having to explain what she said that cost her contract.


>google translate doesn't even recognize machismo as a word

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>when your enemy hurts themselves with the dumb policies they try to inflict on you

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Imagine the outrage if Game Grumps or Pewdiepie tweeted out "all women are trash"

Youtube would probably ban their channel.

Tats are for trashy sluts man, they're disgusting.

Because this is classic "Look at this snow white angel. She's as pure as the driven snow. Of course she's innocent. So if she's innocent, then society is to blame. She was pushed to that point." Double standards still exist, but don't worry, we know how to play your game now and we play it better.

>check some comments
>see this
>2 women disagree with what she did while 2 men come in and attack them in her defense
clown world

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You guys are so petty.
Just proving her right.
Stop being hurt by this if you are not trash.

>prison rape
Well, it's more than just rape, it's also a faggotry.

Which is true. Men would've been doxed, had his social media taken down, the works. But such is society that they don't want to admit.

anyone who gives money to a female streamer or any kind of e-thot deserves utter contempt, what else would you expect.

wait a minute that white knighting...

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I have tattoos because I liked Motley Crue and Metallica and bands like that when I was a kid. I don't know what these dudes who get "XANAX" tatted on their foreheads now are doing it for, but whatever.


Pewdiepie already posts shit like that regularly. The dude literally platformed Ban Shepiro. I'm surprised Youtube hasn't taken him down yet.

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>gamers suddenly LOVE censorship when they feel like the victims (which they still are not)
So much for principles I guess.

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*extremely white male voice* let me tell you ladies why i'm one of the good ones but all of other ones are bad and you are misogynists
bro needs an ankle monitor for public safety reasons

>Woman in general tend to be trash. This, obviously, is not sexist in any way, unless you're completely lteral.

>She wasn't saying that all black men act like niggers. She was saying that black men in general tend to act like niggers.
Watch people try to say this statement and what she said are not the same.

Raped and monkeypilled

Just gonna point out that all white women are indeed trash.

self hating faggots are the worst people

Betamale simps who never had father figures are a root cause to many issues.

Literally the only person allowed to use the word machismo is Razor Ramon.

He pulls a fuckload of traffic and his viewers move on to other channels as well. So youtube gets them juicy ad revenues.

>Not all men
No shit dumbass, but that doesn't excuse a thing.

Why would they? He makes them shitloads of money.

Who cares if you ignore women and get a job at a decent company you literally don’t have to deal with them.

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What rights do women not have? What are they even talking about? They're arguing about something that doesn't even exist.

"Niggers steal shit" is not a racist statement in the context I used it in,and anyone who insists that is either an SJW or a libcuck.

I obviously wasn't saying that niggers constantly steal stuff. I was saying that niggers in general tend to steal stuff. This, obviously, is not racist in any way, unless you're completely literal.

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they're virgins who can't adapt to changing styles

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>As a man, men are garbage
And people wonder why the insult "cuck" was latched onto so hard.

Don't even need to use nigger just say "Most of black men are trash"

akshually everyone steals stuff when you really think about it

kek same

If you ever want to know why Yea Forums is bad for its topic, it's because thinly veiled trash is openly allowed.


but honestly though men are horrible. 95% of all violence and rape is by men.

the internet was ultimately a mistake. Correction: social media was a mistake. If the internet was kept to websites with encyclopedic knowledge databases and forums, we'd be fine. Giving every crazy lonely weirdo fuck in the world a voice was a mistake. These people used to just scream at the walls and only bother their neighbors. Suddenly they have a platform for national broadcast of their shit head ideas. Crazy shit heads have always existed.


Pick one.

based unga bungas

90% of girls these days have tatts anyway.

v is bad for its topic because no one wants to talk about mario kart for 20 years

This was an amazing Video Games thread, good job everyone!

What happened before then? Were your forefathers made in a pre-victorian lab?

It's weird how social media has given the crazies a disproportionately loud voice.

>tattoos on a woman screams "I'm a whore"
>every woman has tattoos nowadays
what do we do bros

Mario Kart is the only game to have come out or be announced in the last 20 years? That's pretty interesting VIDEO GAME news.

But the majority of infant and elderly abuse is by women. Only reason men cause more shit is because women are literally unable to be violent they're so weak.

Enjoy your hep c

based mods letting my political shitpost threads hit bump limit as usual

It's because some retards men keep saying "Yes we are all trash you are right gurl" that woman keep saying this.

>tfw self medicated

adapt instead of remaining a virgin forever

Everybody wants to think they're special. Whether that means tattooing your body with colorful pictures, or deciding you're superior because you don't tattoo your body with colorful pictures. 2 sides of the same shit coin Randy.

You can love women without having sexually attracted to them

Tattoos are like branding yourself with your low IQ. Unless it's on your face, then you're branding yourself with that time you were sexually molested as a child.

They're hypocrites, because they're the same people who will turn around and act outraged when someone like Donald Trump makes a flippant statement like that. If you pointed that out to their face, they'd start convulsing and leaping through hoops on how you're "wrong" and aren't worth talking to (because it hurts their feelings to hear the truth).

yes the rest have been movies and walking simulators
i think you want Yea Forums
actually what you want to do is talk about the board instead of video games

talk about a non fucking issue

>dumb men are....
fixed that for you.
The game only punishes the stupid.

Only white people think tats on a woman aren't shit.
You throw some cum at them and leave it at that.

100% of abortions are by women

cringe and blue-pilled

maybe don't date poor people

At least men usually have the balls to fuck up people who can fight back instead of killing babies.

that's a good idea if you wanna get metoo'd

>Niggers are trash!
>Heh, your upset responses just prove me right!

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They stickied a nigger eceleb thread, this isn't strictly a video game board anymore, buddy.

>deluge of international news about some random brazilian thot
>everyone's conveniently leaving shit out of translation to soften the message and amplify victimhood
>she said a vague generic "men harass women online hurr, ALL MEN ARE SHIT" while being a representative of a company with a male audience

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At least meta discussion shows I'm concerned about the state of the board and the topic, instead of pretending everything here is fine. This hobby deserves better that what it gets. Even moderation spites it.

>changing styles
I thought straightedge zoomers these days are turning away from tattoos?

no one implied you had to marry them.

i don't mean niggas stealin shit, i mean niggas be stealin shit. fo real

>Sexism = Prejudice + Power
but also
>Racism = Prejudice + Power
does that mean that
>Sexism = Racism ?
if so, is racism inherently sexual or is sexism inherently racial?
Are women hated on a racial basis, by members (male and female) or all races but their own?

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i bet you have a really important job to lose from all of the attention you'll get from casual sex

Not literally you mongoloid.
But if a woman tries to #metoo me I can just call her a racist Trump supporter and countersued for defamation.
I ain't into that Emmett Till type shit.

It shouldn't punish anyone.

That was my point. And this board is unironically better for it.

no it shows you're a narcissist with delusions of grandeur

women with tatts tend to be shallow minded retards that hump that trend pole to the extent of defacing their bodies to be part of the herd. To add to it, they become insanely insecure about their "ink" as if it's their sole character trait while looking/acting like a drunken skank that passed out while toddlers doodled on her.

But go ahead and do the "muh incel" argument like every other tard does.

What would happen if a man did what she did and take a picture, put it on social media, and a women said a "tasteless sex joke"

too bad women are to be listened to and believed, and men aren't

See, non-white men don't really tolerate that kind of shit, especially from some pale white-looking cunt.
If she said that shit in the street she'd get her teeth knocked down her throat.

"adapt"? do you mean "give up and settle for because they lowered the bar"?

Maybe the world's just getting worse. I think we need another mass extinction event. Like how they let wildfires burn to clear the way for brand new healthy growth sometimes. That's my platform I'm running on. Vote for me 2020.

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Lawfriend here, leave the house more often instead of parroting whatever shit other anons here say.

No, adapt instead of crying on anonymous image boards

>adapt to changing styles
but tattoos are permanent...

I agree, of all the chicks I talked to and gone out with, yet met one with tatts that wasn't a dull minded tard. Might as well lobotomized them, no loss

we are a mass extinction event
it'll sort itself out in the long-run

Nah, that doesn't apply if you're black and she's white.
White women innately have more privilege than black men (unironically) and as such cannot be believed over a black man, even if he actually raped her (though let's be honest, she's white so she probably deserved it).

So her argument is "Men are trash because they make jokes"?

Good on them

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but how do you craft that and what monster drop the prejudice?

only a retard would think abortion is a bad thing. it isnt murder

men kill their children all the time.

Increasingly, I wonder if Ted Kaczynski was right.

no one cares how insecure you are about your mario tattoos

One can only hope.

women don't need the law to ruin your life lol

>Changing the subject when you get backed into a logical corner.

I see your a practitioner of the old Hebrew arts.

Only white women think abortion isn't innately evil.
At least other women have enough integrity to just admit that they're evil, white women STILL try to pull this "I-it's not murder!" bullshit that only dumb white guys still believe.

Dumb bitch, who do you think pays your bills.

t. seething incel

Not him but I think he was referring to the court of public opinion. Not an actual court of law. That's kinda the whole idea behind the metoo# crap.

there is hope

95% of anything good or bad is done by men.
Women, y'all need to do better sweeties~

who's crying? We are just saying women with tatts are trash. Just because many of them do something stupid, doesn't mean we should all just bend over and accept it. That's some lemming-tier crap right there man

no because he attributes too much of the work to technology and not intelligence itself

actualy feminism exists because jews needed workers to make bullets and bombs during world war 2

look it up

both him and McVeigh were right about everything

10/10 platform. Make it humane and you have my vote.

Inb4 a zoomer goes "Whos Ted Kaczynski"

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>men are trash
>women are equal to men
>therefore, women are trash
at last, I truly see

Isn't it great the mods care so much about social media drama, pornography, and politics that they allow it to frequently overtake the topic of the board? But of course if anything ever goes "awry" (See: Whatever they personally dislike.), it's only the fault of the end user.
Authority is never responsible for anything. But if that were really true, then why would authority exist in the first place?

You're talking to people who absolutely refuse to be held responsible for their own actions.

remove welfare and warning labels, and bring back lawn darts for good measure. That should do it

roasties mad

That Ted Kaczynski shit is some thought provoking material, ngl.

Want to know how I can tell you're lying? Because statistically women almost NEVER go to jail for rape, yet there's so many cases of women ADMITTING that they're rapists and face no consequences.

>hey wait a minute why did I think islam conquering the world and slaying basedboyry and feminism worldwide was bad again

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>never touched a woman
>dont even talk to then unless i need to
>act like a asshole on purpose so they avoid me most of the time
>have a hidden camera on me 24/7 when im out so they cant acuse me of rape

>dont have to deal with their bullshit

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>cutting up a baby in the womb isn't murder

toasty roasty

>lawn darts

blast from the past right there.

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this board exists to generate revenue for this website, like all of the other boards
any higher purpose you assign to it is a personal delusion
if this board is the most active board on the website discussing only kitting then it is a knitting board and that is its true purpose

"muh holes!" argument. Wow didn't see that one coming. Swear your kind are just incapable to argue beyond your hole or other holes. Is that your sole value? At least produce some actual argument other than "durr incel" like some brainwashed npc. Even a child can at least hurl some curse words, come on.

Why don't you just have sex instead of bitch all day about 3D women?