You don't play in THAT version of Español, do you?
You don't play in THAT version of Español, do you?
Other urls found in this thread:
All versions of spanish are shit.
LatAm is the clear best answer. Lisps are for faggots.
Do you think that American English is better than England English?
name one game written in Spanish
hard mode: name one non-shit game written in Spanish
"american english" is the one you learn at schools so, yes.
>"american english" is the one you learn at schools so, yes.
>America and its territories are the only places in the world where it's taught
What did he mean by this
Depends on the setting. Queen's English has no place in the wild west, for instance. Even if a game was to take place in Spain, I'd rather hear a LatAm dub because lisps are gay.
Why are spics so self conscious about being brown mutts? Use your own butchered Spanish, you guys are literally just Amerimutts x2 lmao
tfw American English and Spanish pronunciations are actually more conservative and unchanged than the europoor equivalent.
Mexico is the reason why people think Spanish is a brown people language and not a white one.
Spaniards are white.
why yes, of course i speak the best spanish wich is the latin american of course
>Spaniards are white.
I'm talking about Mexicans and Central/South Americans.
What games do people from Spain and Latin America play?
They are.
Is all that you know about Spain derived from RE4?
Don't know about spain but latin america plays football coach simulator and dota 2 until they go blue in the face
Don't forget about everything related to DBZ. Hispanics are the biggest normie anime fans there are.
English-only guy here. Is Spain's Spanish the analogue to the British's English, speaking from an American point of view?
El teto
onda vital
tu agachas yo te lo meto
Always pick LA or Mexican, but even after a year I'm still to dumb to tell the difference by just accent.
Certain words are give-aways, but other than that I'm lost.
I just go with it since it closer matches the people I'm most likely to end-up talking to.
Non-indie games generally have plenty of official translations.
If you're looking for something that's originally in Spanish though, then you'd have better luck looking for comic books.
From what I've been told my them, the stereotype of sports games, f2ps, fighting games, and emulators is largely true.
Most of what I see them playing though is emulator stuff, puzzle, mainstream or boomer FPS, and Nintendo.
Never heard of one playing a strategy game for some reason.
Not video games, but apparently the ttrpgs (like DnD) are practically non-existent there.
onda glaciar
Games should have always subtitles, localization, with a very few exceptions, are shit.
>Play Spain version
>Even the text itself is lisping
The absolute state.
>onda vital
>pepe y los globos
>la jungla de cristal
>a todo gas
i rememeber playing Hotline Miami 2 in spanish and doing an overly spanish accent just for the sake of shitty dubbed 80's movies.
>yfw mexicans have 0 muslims terror atacks and are still a proud christian country
How is that inclusivity, and trucks of peace workign for your coun try user?
I don't know man, Latin American Spanish just sounds weird to me.
From what I've been told yes
>From what I've been told my them, the stereotype of sports games, f2ps, fighting games, and emulators is largely true.
>Most of what I see them playing though is emulator stuff, puzzle, mainstream or boomer FPS, and Nintendo.
>Never heard of one playing a strategy game for some reason.
>Not video games, but apparently the ttrpgs (like DnD) are practically non-existent there.
Spic here, can confirm.
I'd care for eshpañol if their dubbing industry wasn't so shit. Seriously, how is it that they're so bad? Don't they have to dub everything there? There should at least be one good spanish voice actor, but nope.
kill yourself faggot hispanics
>not playing all your games in english
Riendo Mi Culo Apagado
It's like you've forgotten cartels exist
Which are even worse, since they're Catholic.
Depends of the availability
LatAm because i'm a dirty beaner and Spanish EU when there is no other option
You most of them Catholic?
Cartels don't mess with normal people user, you need to be willingly working with them to be in danger. Huachicoleros are the ones that gives no fucks, they just destroy everything on their path.
hispanic isn't a real race btw, it's just an American term for "those guys who speak spanish"
>Voz quiereis comer mi ano
How can people play with sPAIN Spanish?
Keep telling yourself that lol
Last I check, Spain was conquered by Arabs.
The VA for the Samurai jack was decent other than that they bottom of the barrel
Mexican here i never heard anyone calling Wolverine "La aguja dinamica" you're retarded.
>spaniards are white
>he doesn’t dress up in renaissance attire and tries to exaggerate the lisps as much as possible when he speaks Spanish
Bloody fucking new-worlders.
I dont have to worry of being runed over by a truck while hanging around in a tourist hotspot, nor im and my culture being slowly replaced by muslims/islam.
So yeah what wast your point again? Because if you believe spain has no drug/human trafic problems let me yous Kek at you. Kek.
Oh also im pretty sure our rape statics are lower than eu in late years
Spain Spanish person here. No one talks like this here, no one says "vos" unironically. That's latam stuff.
If you're in rural north Mexico, then they'll definitely mess with you even if you're just some guy
idk how they've sucessfully memed you into thinking you should trust a bunch of drugged-up thugs who kidnap people to torture and rape them
Muslim Berbers more like
And last I checked, Berberland was conquered by Phoenicians.
To be fair, Spain was under Muslim rule until the reconquista
You've had your brain washed by polacks wey.
Also, a Mexican who can't speak Nahuatl or whatever doesn't have business talking about culture being replaced.
Also, thats more because Mexicans have stopped counting.
>they supposedly mess with normal people in one small part of Mexico
I know some people that are in the business, if you don't snitch or mess with them you are nonexistent to them.
well, i play ck2 so now you have heard of one south american playing a strategy game
juegos de vídeo
If you don't mind me asking, what city or state?
Yo juego en Ingles.
>Playing in Spanish
Dude what, I have multiple friends that have big group DnD "Calabozos y Dragones" sessions every week. Also AoE2 is very popular in the region.
I can safely say, I dont
Yo también.
Especialmente si el único dub disponible es el de Españistán. Siempre usan los mismos 3 actores de doblaje.
I remember him being called Guepardo (Cheetah) here in Mexico but never Aguja Dinamica, must be the eternal spaniard with another sloppy work
>Dark Souls
>Latam localization name: Dark Souls
>Spain localization name: Los sables de la justicia
>Spaniards are white.
Simpsons en Latino > Simpsons en Español Coño
Yeah, what I don't understand is how they named Rogue, Titania, what's the connection?
>The fast and the furious
>Latam: Rapido y furioso
>Spain: A todo gas
I do play too, but is really new compared to the us and not as popular nor part of our culture
>Also AoE2 is very popular in the region
this is true
>muh /pol/ boogyman
>I dont speak an almost dead thonge, so i should do nothing and let another culture take my country
Tipical lazy mexican attitude you are the reason they hate us, you are the reason we are still a 3rd world country.
>american flag
Should be Australian
Thank you for confirming that I'm not talknig out of my ass
FINALLY. Do you play-out the Reconquista over and over again, or what?
Only grand-strategy I've really gotten into is Vic2, in which I spent most of it realizing that losing against America is basically innevitable.
The only time I didn't lose I got bored and tried to take all of central America, but the great-powers intervened and I got carved-up.
Thank you for uhhh... confirming that I apparently am
Is the DnD you play an official translation, fan-translation, or just used as a term for the genre?
I ask since from what I've heard in places like Europe and Asia a more local game tends to be preferred.
Only /pol/ denies /pol/
Pay your taxes.
Of course not, I'm not an indio.
Not Mexican. You're welcome to keep guessing though.
And yeah, choosing not to make even the smallest attempt to revive Mesoamerican culture is betraying your ancestors, and rewarding the conquistadores by speaking their tongue and practicing their favourite sect.
I'm sure Mexicans would trade I-slams over narcos.
Warcraft 3 and AoE is pretty popular in the south
>choosing not to make even the smallest attempt to revive Mesoamerican culture is betraying your ancestors
Literally every civilization ever has killed off unnecessary shit. Imagine being proud of people that got destroyed by faggots with lisps.
>they help people
>also provide delicious drugs
Latinoamerica neutral es para los hombres pensantes.
Seriously how can people think European Spanish sounds good, not only they lock themselves on literal translations but their fucking lisps alienate 90% of the Spanish speaking market.
That's because anime is normal here, people in my workplace stream seasonal shows man, I fucking watched senko San with my boss.
They help American junkies get their drugs I guess. I bet they enjoy them more knowing they are fueling child prostitution rings, murderers and black market traffickers.
Your boss is a potatophile and so are you?
Also broodwar.
Most GMs I know use the English rulebooks, but I am aware of properly licensed translations existing. D&D and Pathfinder are the most popular here.
Nope she is a woman that liked the overworked memes.
Yes, I only play games dubbed in Spanish from Spain, how could you tell?
>women can't be potatophiles
Niggers what are you all on about? Your elongated vowel asses sound fucking horrible, if we have lisps (and that's saying something considering how different people in Spain itself sound) the majority of you have a mental defect.
Specially fucking Argentinians, shoooo boludo.
I can't imagine using the vosotros conjugation.
living rent free in 3rd worlders' heads
>Spain is a first world country
>Not Mexican.
>uses "wey"
you are either lying or just a patronizing retard, i dont really care.
To this day, everytime I replay Warcraft 3 I always play with the spanish voices, it was just so perfect bros...
Well i have played little compared to other people (only 2 games completed) but i made italy and abisinia so i think im doing good, even if i played ironman only with abisinia and savescummed all through my italy campaign
>El Guasón
Zelda Breath of the Wild Mexican dub is the best one
You faggots made Arthas sound like someone permanently slurping cocks.
I don't even know how your shitty language pulled that off.
I think they meant you sound like faggots and faggots use lisps. There I clarified it.
How nice of the government to make it illegal to own guns, but let the narcos get away with it
That's a strange view of history
If centuries from now everyone is a Mandarin-speaking communist, would that be a-ok because they were strong enough to win?
is you saying
that we should be supicious of a bunch of criminals with guns and drugs who consider every time they don't get stopped proof that they're in god's favour?
Only Spaniards and Argentines like that dub.
Spic here, that's a problem of the english language. Unlike you lazy fucks in the US we have a different word for "Latin American Spanish" it's Castellano.
Español is what they speak in Spain with lisps and everything else.
Argentina is white
Castellano and español literally mean the same thing.
>If centuries from now everyone is a Mandarin-speaking communist, would that be a-ok because they were strong enough to win?
Yes and none of the other countries were man enough to stop the chinks since they were so focused on their white race/i-slam shit/policuck.
Well for all I know she likes SoL shit and given how stressful our workplace is shit like Senko and Kinmoza are a welcome change of pace, the only guy I know that doesn't like this is one of the janitors that would prefer to have DBZ 24/7.
Seriously tunning anime in is as normal as watching anything else on the screen.
The only time we like more is abandoning the workplace and getting hammered in a bar whenever la seleccion plays a game.
in the top 10 for best healthcare in the world, third lowest crime rate, highest life expectancy
cope more thirdie
>literal minority
>Spain keeps in check
Imagine being so shit fucking Spaniards keep you in place. They haven't had any real power in 400 years.
Most retarded post award.
Castillian is the language that went to become Spain's language. There are technically other Spanish languages like Leonés or Catalán but internationally speaking they are treated as synonymous.
I'm not from any of those countries though lol. Fucking literal who country the world forgot.
American, duh. Europe a shit
Reminder that the Spanish dubs of the OG Mafia, BioShock 1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2, WarCraft III and Metal Gear Solid are kino.
Pretty much the same 2-brand split thats here in Canada then
If I wrote a paragraph in Spanish, you'd quickly find that Spanish definitely isn't my main language
Wey isn't a secret or anything. Talk to Mexican dude in an informal context and youll hear it.
Jesus christ. So that's like what, 7 states into 1 to make Italy?
Nice work either way.
If it means I don't have to hear british Zelda, I'm all for it
Breath of the Wild Latin American and Spanish dubs comparisons.
Si tu lo dices debe de ser verdaAAD.
God, you South American faggots. Your literal retard way of speaking mixed with your tiny, tiny vocabulary compared to a regular Spanish person is hilarious.
México is the most relevant Hispanic country and comfy one
Cries in spanish lol
Honestly at this point getting raped by Amerimutts feels the same than getting raped by Mudslims
Please use English and only English. Keep your monkey talk to yourself faggot.
>There are south americans in this thread RIGHT NOW who think they speak spanish correctly.
Lmaoing at your lifes.
If based Reverte could he'd genocide the fuck out of you.
Both speak languages of dogs and apes so who cares.
We need more Argentinian voice actors
Hardcore mode: More Chilean voice actors
cant deny that spain is firmly first world so he shifts to ''muh relevancy'' lol (spain is still one of the top economies btw)
cope more in your shithole
pic related
I'm surprised you didn't know this, I assumed that if I did, that any native speaker would
Haven't tried the dubs of any of the others, but on MGS I agree
t. Literal conquered rapebaby who exists halfway alright solely thanks to the grace of Spanish culture.
Americans just don't give enough of a fuck to look up what "mestizo" means or to worry about which of their landscapers has 25% African DNA
Castellano > Español.
>t. Argie
>>There are south americans
Most South Americans speak Portuguese. The posters here are North Americans. Do you not understand what Continents are?
Neither of those can speak, this isnt one of your trendy cartoons
I speak very minimal spanish but vosotros seems like a useful word
like what do the latin americans use instead
Ustedes. Which is odd because "usted" is super formal. I wish I could use "vosotros" without getting weird looks.
I was clearly refering to the south americans that speak spanish.
Are you retarded?
>Implying Central America is a thing
>Implying Mexicans are considered north americans
Lmaoing even harder.
>Central America
They are the reason why murricans thinks we speak shit, Nicaragua and alikes DO NOT speak Spanish, they talk in the SHIT language, they are basically monkeys.
It's kind of like when people call Muslim a race, except in that case it's having religion=race instead of language=race.
There is no shift here. You guys are not relevant and haven't been for 400 years or so. You guys lived cramped in a tiny ass country as well. IMAGINE not half of 1 million sq km in size.
This, fuck Spain Spanish, it's gay as fuck
Ten fold better fag
I think it's pretty funny how there are more native spanish speakers in the US than in Spain right now.
Makes you really wonder about the future of the language...
Nope. I'm not Mexican lol. Cope more Spaniard fag.
>spanglish now will be the average Spanish
Fuck this timeline.
>Southamericans and Spaniards are always and constantly at eachother's throats
Shit like this makes me think the era of independence wars never really ended
Does Americans and the British recent eachother too?
What 'bout Brazilians and Portuguese?
Last I checked* Reconquista happened and finished in 1492
in other 1492 news: Columbus accidentaly discovers America with spanish funding and Spain exiled the whole jewish community
Spain spanish is vulgar as fuck, hey have ingrained swear words whereas LatAm spanish is far more prude.
Brazil is Portugeuse, every other country in SA is mostly Spanish.
Not a native, but I find ustedes way more comfortable than vosotros.
Imo, the three North American countries are Canada, US, and Mexico.
We're all places with shitty diets, lots of uninhabitable wasteland, poor education systems, and "we wuz cowboys".
>spanglish now will be the average Spanish
Fuck this timeline.
You evidently never heard an Argentine speaking.
Ah yes Spain discovers America and gets cucked by the British. Then the French help the ex-Brits start a new superpower and Spain is never heard off again.
>Does Americans and the British recent eachother too?
of fucking course
>What 'bout Brazilians and Portuguese?
from my personal experience you do not want to tell to a Portugese that they speak Brazilian.
North America Map. North America, the planet's 3rd largest continent, includes (23) countries and dozens of possessions and territories. It contains all Caribbean and Central America countries, Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, the United States of America, as well as Greenland - the world's largest island. It is just basic geography fag. I'm American btw to me your language sounds very fucking gay even compared to the Mexican spanish and cuckstellano.
How much do I need to shill XIV to get LatAm servers, Latino dub and special subscription price because everyone here is a poorfag?
chileans and argentines curse every third word
already proven wrong
proceed coping
That's why I fucking hate people pretend that "Latin American Spanish" exists outside of dubs and subtitles. Argentine Castilian is not the same than Mexican Spanish.
ITT los mejores chistes de gallegos
>Era of independence wars
>All Spain's colonies form a coalition and declares war on their metropoli
>Spain gets fucked
Y or N?
A Galician goes to a bank with a kitten. At one point he says "Levanten las manos o aprieto el gatillo".
>already proven wrong
>504,782 sq km
>46.72 million
Tell me how Spain has been relevant in any way in the last 200 years again?
>spanish dub
OK I chuckled.
lol why are gallegos so dumb?
castellano is the more precise, and therefore the correct, term
latm bros, do latino dubs enhance the game experience for you?
Which I hate the most is that the average Mexican thinks his Spanish is more neutral than other varieties of Spanish. I wish there were localized dubs or subtitles for every country.
We just love our countries and can't accept anyone being better than us.
Nationalism runs deep.
Argie here. I actually prefer to play games with the Spain dub since I'm used to it in vidya.
>using dubs
No wonder your countries are shit.
>America and its territories are the only places in the world where it's taught
not true. there are expensive foreign private american schools in some countries for the rich kids that want to learn american english.
Nah I always play the game in its original language, even if I have to undub some shitty American voice acting.
Americans are clearly threatened that Brits will take their women.
Same way Spaniards are threatened by Argies.
Wait, vosotros isn't a thing in LatAm? Did I really study spanish for like 8 years and no one ever told me that? Admittedly I slacked off in spanish classes but that's because I'm half-spanish and I'm comfortable enough with the language not to care about the baby shit they made us do, but still, what the fuck man
to this day whenever I cross to a mexican I make sure to renember him/her what they did to pic related
Derbez was a fucking mistake, NO, the whole fucking dub was a mistake.
please commit sudoku
already told the facts, one of the top economies, best standards of living, most visited countries
the fact that you keep defaulting to ''muh size, muh relevancy'' and not stating your nationality tells me you're a coping shitholer, yup
no, not really. I prefer listening to whatever language was the intended one from the developers
Rent free.
yeah, na
My tier-list of the main English accents:
Africa and the Carribean > America > India > British
The minute I hear either of the latter 2, I have a hard time taking what is said seriously.
Sorry Brits.
Don't worry, it turned-out alright for them in the end.
It's complicated.
Most resentment is over way-of-life moreso than language or history though.
Some of the more right-winged Brits are inclined to idolize America, and some of the more left-winged Americans are inclined to idolize Britain.
I've found many Americans that are fascinated with British history, and cling to the idea of having an ethnic identity beyond simply "American".
Lots of Americans seem to find British accents either sexy, smart, or silly sounding.
There's more detail I could go into, but its probably not worth typing out on this Thai Webcomics discussion forum. Sorry.
This is what Spainiards look like.
The far left and far right especially.
Weak chins, dark brown hair and eyes, brown skin, mixed Arab, and the only video game they play is FIFA.
So they aren't threatened?
>and not stating your nationality
You don't know who Abraham Lincoln is? Also when are you gonna tell me what has Spain done in the last 200 years that was relevant to the world? I'm waiting fag.
lmao gott'em
How do I get a qt Mexican gf?
Go to D.C, New Mexico or Monterrey.
Ramon y Cajal says hi, motherfucker
If you're talking to anyone who doesn't already speak it, they're not going to know what you mean though
Plus, Español takes 1 less syllable to say
I do have to hit alt to put the accent on though, so there's that.
Yeah that is what I fucking thought you literal fucking nobody from a nobody country.
>Weak chins, dark brown hair and eyes, brown skin, mixed Arab, and the only video game they play is FIFA.
so they're mexicans?
La peor version.
I think you meant to write.
Cambias la voz de Krusty por la del actor secundario Bob español y te salen todos los doblajes de videojuegos modernos en España.
>El Sneedo
why would i use a spanish (castilian) word with someone who doesn't speak spanish (castilian)?
>American education
jaja sí
Am I crazy, or is she an asian with plastic-surgery?
Anyways, desu not a big fan of mestizo girls
Not racist or anything (I hope)
However, it seems like the milk-race is the only one where the people age like it.
>Spain isn't obsessed with Soccer
>Mexico has Arabs
You people are legit retarded.
As an American, I actually didn't know Spanish was a nice sounding language until seeing pan's labyrinth. It's amazing just how different it sounds coming out of a mexican.
>All my country has to show for is this guy
Nationalism was a mistake.
>father of neuroscience(contribution to mankind as a WHOLE) vs a president who won a civil war and abolished slavery IN HIS COUNTRY
sorry america but Lincoln is less important than Ramon y Cajal
On the contrary, unlike americans we really dont care about genetic roots since mexico was the melting pot of cultures in the new world during the 1500's we're made of spanish, aztec, mayan, english, indian, african, chinese, japanese and many other smaller countries.
The only people you see shitposting here about color are white mexicans that see themselves as europeans.
tener sexo
Spaniards are pretty chill honestly
god, i hate so much tacos, burritos, coco, dia de muerto, day of the death tacos, coco and niggers
I hate so much this thread
Wait what?
Isn't it pronounced like Es-pan-nyol
The names of languages mostly for those who don't speak them.
And like, we refer to Japan and Japanese as that, but they call themselves Nihongo or some gay shit like that.
why argentine spanish is so awful to hear?
Why are you comparing a President to a scientist user? He literally just posted Lincoln to show the Spain fag he was American.
What's a day of the death taco?
(reminder that if its hard-shelled, its actually American)
not defending Argentinians but: Chilean, Any central American and at some extend Mexican Spanish are far worse than Argentinian.
brb, gonna pretend I'm a Quebecois Catholic and move to Mexico
and I answered to his statement of Spain being irrelevant in the last 200 years
one guy alone did so much for medicine it's not funny
Niggers are only here because of English people though. Your ancestors you nigger.
Mexican here. Platformers, Racing, RPGs, Action-Adventure games and I'm naturally good at fighting games.
>did so much for medicine
What else though? When is a Spaniard scientist gonna cure cancer or aids? I'm waiting fag!
i mean, i hate mejicano niggers, american niggers are black, taco niggers are brown , like wtf
well... most cancer treatments were spanish ideas so there's that
I play mostly FPS, strategy games and a lot of indies
american niggers are tall, fast, big dick,
burrito niggers are short, small dick, slow af
¿Qué hago para conseguir novio/a aquí en chile y que no sea un/a normalfag culia/o?
Solo quiero a alguien con quien poder conversar, jugar vidya y tomarnos de las manos cuando estemos juntos
Thank you for the poem, but more importantly you've reminded me of something.
Mexican nibbas: Do you know what pic related are called?
In English we call them by a Spanish word, and I assumed they were something that would also appear in northern Mexico, but I met a guy who didn't know what they were called.
The word for the large rocky outcroppings.
No le veo nada de malo de tener a una normalfag de novia.
Muy facil date un tiro maricon
>not playing games in their original language
Can you trace your lineage back to your second sister and birth mother's grandfather Cletus?
Bomberman > Don pepe y sus globos
>not learning all 206 languages to make sure you can understand all games
non-beaners in texas: >Lol these beaners here are such pussies. Let's betray them and join America
non-beaners in texas, a couple decades later: >Lol America sux now, our rich people can't own slaves anymore, and now I actually have to work ;_;
non-beaners in texas, the following century: >Damn blacks, whyd they ever come here in the first place? Lets kill and cage them like rats, but not call it slavery
non-beaners in texas, current time-period: >Uhhhhh my ancestors dindu nuffin wrong, Confederacy wuz about freedom n shiet, we was neva racist
I like Spain spanish except for when they use really weird words when they don't have to. The voice directing and actors are usually pretty good.
This but Mississippi niggers/whites.
>only 206
>not learning extinct great-lakes native sign-language, communicative music and dance, and the chemical-signals of ants
baka, get on my level scrub
For real though, I don't know how people with only 1 language can live with the shame
>What games do people from Spain and Latin America play?
Mexicans love Nintendo games
It's the biggest Ninten drone country in the world
>pirates and spics unite against superior white european spaniards
Discovering america was clearly a mistake.
En las experiencias que he tenido dejó de ser grato el estar juntos porque no congeniábamos fuera de lo que era "estar en pareja", el no poder jugar con alguien, mostrarle lo que te gusta o conversar sobre aquello que te parece interesante porque "me aburren un poco esas cosas user" vuelve todo monótono.
Quizá idealizo mucho la idea de relación pero tampoco creo pedir tanto, solo alguien con quien compartir y que no se sienta falso
Perdón por el blogpost, he estado malito ultimamente y quería escribir sobre ello
I'm a peruvian and I only play single player games on my Switch, 3ds and PC. We used to have a group on uni to play Dota 2, but we don't play anymore and playing that game on anything but a 5-stack sucks ass.
>I'm a peruvian
>play Dota 2
Off yourself
underrated post
I'm a kind player, though.
>Dota 2
Why is every fucking university flooded with Dota players? Fuck that was annoying when I studied.
Anyone else here loves the Spanish dub of Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive?
estas bien user
pic unrelated
why are they in haruhi cosplay?
Quit being a fag.
It works for most people unless you are a manlet, women hate manlets.
Estaba frustrado pero ya estoy bien, gracias
I'm 1.80 and also bi so technically just half a fag
Post 14024(catorce mil veinticuatro) games.
It's just something that carried over from the WC3 days and the lan centers where people would gather to play. It's also f2p.
redhead kinda cute
I thought this was NGE cosplay for a second.
Lord, no. I still have nightmares from TF2's spain spanish dub
And that's not mentioning their as ever godawful dubs.
Fuck off, that's totally a Spain and Argentina thing
Chistera chunga.
Spaniards love that particular anime for some reason. They never want to cosplay bunnygirl Haruhi tho
>He doesn't know
Mexico also started with Onda Glaciar, probably to explain why Roshi had to put out the fire from a castle in the first chapters. They changed it midway tho, around the Red Army arc
>Mexico is being flooded by sudacas at this very moment
>They're being nationalized in the next few years to buy votes for CochAMLO
Mexico is nearly fucked
Who the fuck would want to go to Mexico that is not desperate central americans.
Spaniards are white
¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
Only certain games, where they hire high quality voice actors. Breath of the Wild is one of the games I really like its mexican dub. But usually the spanish dubs are crap, so I avoid them
Mas falso que billete de 3 pesos
I really don't like Indian English. It's like they have no real expressive ability despite being fluent. They always sound like they are so happy that they can speak English. American and British, Aussie English, etc. all have some real depth as dialects. But the Indian are just like DANK YOU HELLO HOW A U YES IAM GOOD LET US TALK IN ENGLISH
The voice of the Tom & Jerry shorts can be heard very clearly.
la escoba de cinco
Thousands do
Based Trump telling Mexico to protect its borders
Puerto Rican spanish is so fucking sexy
vosotros are stupid
New Jersey resident here.
I fucking hate Peurto Ricans
They are 100x worse than Mexicans
They all have an extremely arrogant and aggressive attitude, while also being dumb as bricks.
maybe move out of New Jersey? shits awful yo
loads of ricans I know are chill bros
The ones in CT, NJ and NY are the worst.
Texas, VA, FL (as long they don't live in Kissimmee) are pretty based
What the fuck was that Ravioli laugh?
latino dubs, never in my life will play a game with that shit either english or jap with subs , acento latino es horrible onions argentino no me gusta el acento mexicano o venezolano para nada asi que nunca jugare un game en nuestro idioma con esos acentos
Why don’t many japanese games have spanish dubs? I’d unironically play the fucc out of Persona games again if they did this.
Las Malvinas son Bolivianas.
spanish folk are lazy and look like refugees mate. they are the mexicans of europe.
I don't speak any nigger mutt language, faggot. English is superior.
can you say hai to ITS for me
I love latin girls they can't get enough of BWC. They love white guys more than their own people
no atlus of europe
Who /spicbutlookwhite/ here?
How does this [totally accurate] visual representation of international relationships between Spanish speakers make you feel?
Get fucked Sp*niards.
Is there any difference in the two besides minor shit like color being spelled colour?
You 'avin a laugh wit me now, m8?
I don't play in Spanish.
But I will add FUCK SPICS
>have spanish professor from spain
>have to listen to him say "bathelona" like a faggot
God, Europeans are so fucking gay. American english and latin spanish are so much better than bong english and spaniard spanish.
wtf are you talking about. there are arabs there
Enserio activa mis almendras.
There is no "proper" language you dumb fuck
Europeans are subhuman.
Americans are subhuman.
>tfw MexicANO
>tfw 22
>tfw fluently speak both Spanish and Inglés
It took me about 5 years to understand the British accent compared to the American one which was piss easy.
It took me 22 years and I still don't understand the sp*niard accent. What a fucking shitshow.
>joder jolines joder tio macho madre mia cani que mola que te ha quedado topeguay hostias cani que estoy flipando en colores tio joder jolines joder onda vital songoanda bejeta tranks gÓku lobezno a todo gas tu a londres y yo a california la jungla de cristal don pepe y los globos el tio golpetazo
Goddamn it's like autism in the form of sound. And these fuckers still expect to be thanked for "purifying our genes and bringing religion to our land".
Spain Spanish only works in medieval games because it becomes neutral in all the places, outside this it's fucking bullshit,most of the womans sound the same,the accent is horrible and the dub is a fucking joke to everyone,not just LA
most spanish people don't give a shit about their rape babies on the other side of the world
>romance languages evolved from Latin, making them unique depending on the cultural changes of the countries
>like latin america where many cultural transformations happened in only 300 years
Go away, Antonio, nobody wants to say Onda Vital when they're talking about the Kame Hame Ha.
Basado y rojopileado
No, Derbez' Donkey was fucking top tier and I recall the director even declaring it was his favorite of all voice actors who gave their voice. Granted, I believe that was when he was still doing his shorts and before he worked as an actor and director in movies. Nowadays he might as well be a mexican Adam Sandler.
He is totally the mexican Adam Sandler
No mames, como les gusta cagar el palo a estos pinches esp*ñoles pendejos. Cáiganle a la verga, aquí solo se permiten compas. A chingar a su madre, culeros.
A country with rich history an colorful culture
A goddamn zoo
I can see the colorful culture with so many niggers and arabs you're having as refugees nowadays.
>we want the onda vital audience
Me fascina como hablan los Chilenos, es un shitpost entero el acento, la jerga, modismos, e insultos que usan
t. Ecuatoriano
You're thinking of Catalan, boss, not castellano
i have steam set to english because video game localizations here in spain are by and large absolutely dreadful
only nintendo makes decent ones