Space games

Is there a real proper space exploration game? I just want to fly spaceships and explore planets mang, and everything I found was old ass games.

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Space engine

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I was looking for something either multiplayer or co-op, kind of like elite but with actual stuff to do in-game, tho I do think such game doesn't really exist. I need my fix of space and I can't get it anywhere.

Try EVE then.



Space Engineers is kind of fun.

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I haven't played since engineers, did they make this game in any way shape or form even slightly bearable, let alone fun? I got my corvette fully upgraded and realized I didn't want to play ever again. The pvp was okay fun, but you hardly ever saw anyone organically, and I'll never join some LARPing faggot skirmish guild that hosts pvp "events".

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Outer Wilds is almost entirely about exploration, but it's completely single-player in a single solar system.

Nothing wrong with old ass games, Freelancer is good.

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well often the problem with these games is they rely on procedural generation which makes everything beyond boring to explore, elite dangerous falls pray to this, a billion star systems and fuck all to actually do or see in them.
play something that is set in scale instead of trying to do an infinite universe, like one of the X games, X4 is out these days and prett yok I beleive.

Unironically, No man's sky. It has base building and coop/multiplayer now, you can get a big fleet of space frigates and send them on missions and shit.

Fully explorable planets with life on them and shit, they added a bunch of variations and new content so it doesn't get as stale as before. It's not perfect but they keep adding more stuff.

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Fuck space exploration, I want space horror single player TPS. When will Visceral show us a trailer for Dead Space 3? It's taking them too long.

I played that and had more fun making pixel art statues lol

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all of them are shit
as much as i want them to be good

Do people still play Yea Forumslancer?

There's still a server up but nobody plays and pasta's working on that Freelancer 2.0 clone that he just put up a steam store page for

star citizen has you covered dude

this. space games are dead.

Trainwiz? Is that you?

He already said he didn't like Elite, why would Star Citizen be better?