Does anyone have a favorite glitch from back in the day?
Does anyone have a favorite glitch from back in the day?
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ugggghhh the swingse from gtaiv and xenia nipples in goldeneye
I certainly do.
The Empty Rocket Launcher/Energy Sword infinite lunge combo from Halo 2 was glorious when you were able to pull it off
I always liked playing San Andreas headless.
A bunch of halo 1 and 2 glitches were great.
>drove whole lobbies of strangers together into hours of laughter
The one in Mario Sunshine where you groundpound at the same time a sand dune sinks and just zoom up into the sky.
The swingset glitch was the best party trick at my friends sleepovers. Good times.
that caveman-jump glitch in skate 2 which launched you up in the air, allowing you to get to sick spots you weren't meant to be able to skate like roof tops etc, that glitch alone added probably like 300 hours of gametime for me, I had so much fun finding the weirdest out of bounds spots and skating them
red dead humanimals, some are funny and a few are actually kinda creepy
Not really a glitch, but there was this piece of shit "force push" mod for Oblivion back in the day, it was a real pain to get working and once you did, it just ragdolled the NPCs, but I spent hours as a youngster doing that.
S4 league with certain animation errors that the developers never fixed and wanted them to be part of the game
>comet and meteor (CS shielding + jump + sword dash)
>reload cancel(bump into a wall , reload in the air then cancel the reload with a jump)
>air hugging
>weird aerial jumping shit (jumping into invisible wall and shit , doing reverse jumps to scape or get the objective)
>crossing half the map with wings + CS shielding + dodging to a side
thats what made the game so good , you could do even more weird shit with the newer weapons that came out after the dagger but i stopped playing.
Mirror's Edge wallrun kick jump and the continuous wallrun->turn-> wallclimb->wallrun->turn loop between two walls.
pretty much the entirety of Skate 3
In Ninja on Atari 800 XL you could walk past the solid wall if you did some certain ducking movements. You could get to different floors and if you were lucky you could cross to weird glitched levels, with random effects, colors, enemies with misaligned sprites or infinite loop of the same type of rooms with possibility to go up, down, left or right.
If you were unucky though, you'd land on the first floor that loops constantly the same 5 screens with no way to cross the wall and no way to jump up a floor since you'll jump out from solid first level floor. Also you could be stunlocked with enemy attack that is not draining your life and you have no possibility to run away, playing the same "punch" sound and animation. Good times anyway.
I've always really liked backwards longjump in mario 64, just for how satisfying and retarded it looks when you pull it off.
that reminds me, doghouse world in link's awakening
the best shit
>britfags enter the thread
You could glitch knockoff Tamagotchi by quckly resetting them a lot of times or some shit like that. That produced some strange, buggy creatures.