Comfy girlfriend co op games?
>Captain toad
>Yoshi wooly/crafted
Comfy girlfriend co op games?
>Captain toad
>Yoshi wooly/crafted
latina with braces... hmmmmmm
based and blindpilled, shes filipina
Asians are the only race I will impregnate with using my very own black penis. Give me the source, Original Poster.
Both got that conquistador blood
raine from a lame yt channel: whattoplay
the conservative outfit & bushy eyebrows are the cutest things in this pic, braces are bait
animal crossing
good taste but idk who she is
Timesplitters, all the stories have co-op 2nd player characters (in Future Perfect they're actually a part of the story, too)
Kirby Star Allies is probably a safe bet.
My lonely man self regrets buying it though.
I'm thinking dropped
problem officer?
My gf and I just started playing Monster Hunter. We started with world, then she wanted to see the older ones, so we picked up 4U, she likes 4 more.
Think I'm gonna marry this one.
Is she a lesbian?
i don't think they have lgbqt++++ in Philippines
>Think I'm gonna marry this one.
woah woah user slow down, first of all what weapon does she main
All those videos about fiilipino traps tell me otherwise.
>Android gaming
She started with Glaive because she thought the bug was cute, but she's been playing hunting horn a lot lately
>Think I'm gonna marry this one.
Yeah, that's not a decision you can take.
heal/support slut
>still no source
We like Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Stardew, Terraria, Trine, Plague Inc.
Any suggestions?
My gf played a ton of trine 2 with me but she doesn't really like video games. She likes watching me play psychonauts lately though
yeah that guy's retarded. horns are the thinking man's weapon. godspeed user. my wife uses GS and it's good enough.
i gave it, see
dios mio
Persona 3-5
Beat Them Ups
Mario Games (bitches love mario)
Three ways with strangers
>back when someone loved me
>tfw gf only cares about esports
How do i get het to have some taste?
She chose you as her boyfriend, she's a lost cause
shes thirsting after some dota chad to cuck you with
wow yikes
bump need suggestions
Oh god, what an absolute cute.