It's up

It's up.

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Nice to know your Viagra is working.

you wouldn't know a good classic FPS if it installed itself on your computer in the form of malware, zoom zoom zoomie

I play Doom all the time, dumb ass.

>Watches e-shit
>Calls anyone a zoomer

>let me demonstrate my maturity by typing out noises you'd expect to hear a retarded child make

Release the Daikatana video thx

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It's been up for a full day now, why post this?

>He thinks Doom is a good classic FPS.
lmao could you get any more normie and mainstream? Doom has always been the most normie of FPS then and now.

What's up?

You're right, I should have said Marathon.

Please don't bring Civvie to Yea Forums's attention, thanks

cause he's /ourguy/

/ourguy/'s latest FPS video essay


he makes Yea Forums references all the time, it's pretty obvious that he posts on Yea Forums

duke nukem forever

>"I'm not talking about some kind of Painkiller or Serious Sam backwars Death March where you hold down the S key and shoot"
I love the guy and his content but when it comes to horde shooters the guy is a shitter

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Oh, I thought Daikatana was the 100k one. Still, release it now thx.

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that Second Encounter level with the ziggurat facing the hilltop temple still gives me nighmares years later, so I knew exactly what he meant

Borderlands, gotta keep up with the randy hate.

Sub to him please. I'm dying for his DNF video.

Yeah I got what you said earlier, some sections indeed requieres you retreat, like the kleer corridor in the Babylonian section of Second Encounter, but for the most part that behavior punishes you quickly, specially on Serious difficulty. Civvie struggling on Normal already was a red flag for me when he released the Serious Sam triology video

I don't get how someone who's okay with the bullshit Blood throws at the player can have so much trouble with Sam on normal difficulty of all things

Imagine not doing SS games on Serious with "pistol starts"

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He still does bring up good points about why SS3 was still not as good as SS1 despite his shit taste implying that he liked SS2 the most.

Seriously, he has patreon goals established and won't just do these out of his own good will? What a Jew.

>Playing Serious Sam when Painkiller exists.

>playing Painkiller when Serious Sam exists

At least Serious Sam has more than one good game.


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Shut up nerd

Put your dick in my mouth then :3

kk m8