>game has blinking mechanics
Game has blinking mechanics
SCP containment breach
manual samuel
Death Stranding will have blinking mechanics. The entire pre-e3 trailer was through the baby's eyes and multiple times we see eyelids briefly closing over the screen
alone in the dark
I hope to God that it's just a cinematic effect. Nothing is added to a game by forcing players to manage fucking blinking.
is this me?
>your blinks are in sync with the game's blinking so you never notice
Green Eyes > Blue Eyes > Brown Eyes
What was the first game to have blinking npcs?
Brown eyes are high-risk, high-reward. I have brown eyes and they look like shit, they're kind of murky and look a bit like pondwater or something. My girlfriend on the other hand has these deep, rootbeer-dark brown eyes that are really piercing and intense.
Black eyes and brown skin is pretty hot though
what the fuck is this wojak
This SCP game I think
im not even going to post an image because this was beyond anything i was prepared for
cursed image
Debilitating cascade event in my parietal lobe every time I stare directly at this gif. The ache of a deeply hostile noumenal form emanates from it
what the fuck
my eyes tear up when I yawn
and since I'm always tired
my eyes are always too wet
every moment I live is agony
damn, trannies exposed
>have sex
explain this
Can't blink if you staple your eyes open
>file deleted
Janny gets triggered if you say anything bad about trannies
what was posted anons?
Well it was possibly the most disturbing wojak edit yet
>people think 'the scp game' is the first one to have manual blinking management
I'm convinced nobody here actually plays games
What was it?
>Game lets your MC get cancer
A very crudely animated wojak. Unnaturally smooth and warp-y. Unpleasant to look at
Check an archive.
If you take a picture of a baby/kid and one or both of his eyes are white inside like this instead of red, take him to a doctor immediately. You could save his eyesight.
No shit retard