Shadowbringers XIV

You wouldn't cheat on me with Minfilia, would you?

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Other urls found in this thread: &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=fr

please colors her nipples I'll pay in exposure

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>here's your thread, bro



I'm not into girls Lyse.

>SCH are screeching their DPS has been gutted
>ASTs are screeching their Healing has been compromised, also potencies on next tier of their 2 skill DPS rotation is suspect
Guess which one will be buffed during 5.01 and 5.05?

Already run out of content in 8.2 Asmond?

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haha that's like Shadowbringers on instead it's shadow NIGGERS xD

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But my love is for Cid

Shes underage you sick fucks

Fucking Wind aether

>you have to be a WoWfag to point out the glaringly obvious decline in thread quality

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Preload not up yet? I'll have to leave Yea Forums when it is to avoid data mined spoilers.

she's a pure being of light she's fair game

Tope tier taste right here.

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>both blue eyed, blonde highlanders with midlanders bodies
>but Minfilia gets to have highlander tiddies unlike Lyse
Dream on, even her teenage version has a better body

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That's the best part

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Minfilia is an old hag, don't believe her glamours

Reminder if you're stuck in crystal, tell every fucker you meet how glad you are we don't have male viera. Enjoy the salt.

This too shall pass.

I can't wait to be reunited with my husband Alphinaud, I'm going to force him to breed me all day long

Brothers.... I can confirm...... it is not yet up.....
it IS in fact DOWN....

is this accurate?

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Yes, but SCH won't admit it.

Maybe if you were Yda and not an imposter.

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Absolutely not.

It was supposed to be ninjas expansion.

Well then while he's dicking you I'll just make use of his butt.

>below BLU

No, I'd cheat on you with Zenos

swap WAR and DRK

is there ANYONE that doesn't hate yda with a passion? She's the most unlikable cunt in the game

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As an ex ninja I am glad to see them finally getting dunpstered

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Pretty sure SCHs with a functioning brain already recognize that they'll be fine as healers, their gripes come from the fun aspect which was losing significant complexity in their DPS oriented playstyle.

**brriing brriiing!**
>user I know you called out for Shadowbringers, but we need you to come in for work

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Why even?

Yda was fun, Lyse a shit

>dps estimates
no one knows the calculations yet fag

Yda's dead.

Are we getting more Miqittens?

>answering your phone

I'm going to have a threesome with Lyse and Minfilia

i wish


why tf does only drk get his aoe so late

oh boy here comes the SMN tears

This, my phone will be in airplane mode


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you get flood very early and unleash is highest potency aoe combo starter


I don't find her annoying but.. she is certainly not as fun as when she used to be with papalymo. Miss you, you beautiful bastard.


Their tools
>DNC, DRG, BLM, BLU icons
A heart, a dragon, meteor and a mask, all related to the jobs
What the fuck are these?
Literally 3 lines

Hopefully Drak's old crew comes back for ShB
His Stormblood videos became cancer when Tate appeared, that screaming monkey

Jesus christ does Yoshi have an insecurity about the job or something? It's basically BLU tier at this point

>DRK is now the lowest DPS tank
FUCK. I guess I'll do the MSQ as PLD then.

>What the fuck are these?
hilt, barrel, glasses

say you were caught playing sam and have to be tested for brain damage at the hospital LOL

tell him to have sex

Unless they have DRASTICALLY changed fight design (like literally putting permaDOTs on the whole party and other constant unavoidable damage) there won’t be nearly enough healing to do. Broil is so expensive and SCH has no more good mp management skills, so we can’t even spam that. If Yoshi doesn’t do something, SCHs are going to spend half of every fight literally standing there doing nothing

floridians should kill themselves already

Lyse/Yda is that girl that you sleep with once then never call again.

have sex means get fucked doesn't it?

does that hold up to the other tanks though


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>BLM S tier
but muh utility

MNK is supposed to represent a fist punching your retarded ass.

Shut up already retard.

Why? According to that thing they're still very strong, and all the tryhards will rather bring a SMN than a BLM.

>depends on how X works
kill yourself

minfillia is not asian

Stop posting this awful image.

Patch is ongoing but will NA/JP get to play first or do europeans not get cucked for once seeing as how xiv isn't american? I never was around for a xiv launch before. Started playing my trial during early HW and didn't care about Stormblood.

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get fucked tranny

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>the balance
really nigger?

SAM = katana tsuba
GNB = gun barrel/sights being cut in two
SCH = scroll

Think you mean it represents the shit stains they leave on their underwear

tell him you have an appointment.

Those numbers are literally pulled by a desperate reddit points farmer out of his ass and have nothing in common with objective reality. If you rub even 2 brain cells together you can see how they're nothing but bullshit.

Throw up on his shoes at the end of the day

>BLM in S tier when it brings no utility

>Guy who made list literally admits to not knowing how to play jobs
>admits that it is subject to change

imagine trusting this chart

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You're at the adventurer's guild when suddenly a WAR comes up and fell cleaves your gf's ass 8 times in a row, what do you do?

All the servers should open at the same time.


I didn't know the katana disk thing has a name.

From what I know the balance has nothing to do with that image and some cuck is just posting factually wrong and skewed numbers.

>62 KB can cause this much bootydevastation

>Tfw Elidizenos bodied the fuck out of her and the other two
Best part of SB honestly

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Might fish for upvotes now, but Yous feel more direct

Every part of a katana, or any sword, has a name

Yoshi said before that he wants RDM to fill the progression niche and he's fine with it doing lower dps

utility means less now that DNC utility only applies to 1 party member

Oh no bros... Blizzard pulled their trump card out just before Shadowbringers
How can we stop them?

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>Cinematic and art department all gave Lyse big tits
>Ingame team made her flat as fuck

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Link to the reddit thread so I can see all the posts BTFOing OP.


It's high tier autism.

it literally says balance on it, like everything they make
They have their heads up their asses and always slap "balance" somewhere on something they create

Summon myself but black and spank WAR girl with a giant sword

Well friends, it's quite exciting looking forward to Shadowbringers. I know we all didn't love Stormblood as much as Heavensward. But surely you have at least one good memory. Please post one screenshot of something you enjoyed in Stormblood. It can be anything from story to an interaction with other players. For me, it's lantern festival in Doma.

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Will he ever be relevant?

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>when the MCH reworks hit but you're still 140 ping

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smns bitch until they're on top

Ethics Department at work there

It must've been that damn ethics department again.

>$77 mount


>that dead look on his face
I want to say I feel bad for him but he's physically unable to play anything but WoW so fuck him

Honestly he's kind of in a shit spot right now because he's been left for so long. Everything he thought based on what Elidibus told him has been tweaked and changed to the point that he's just some misinformed kid from the 13th.

i have no mounts except story ones and a yojimbo outfit for my chocobo, what should I try to get

Well too bad, BLM chads are always on top.

This has deeply troubled him.

I hope your tv show turns out to be shit.

>Yoshi said before that he wants RDM to fill the niche of being useless and he's fine with it doing lower damage than SMN and NiN while also having less utility
Ok so he just hates the job and is a retard, got it

I mean he makes a shitload of money doing it. He also supports his mother apparently.

Really? I can't tell the fucking difference, he looks dead inside.

Cinematic and art departments didn't have to deal with her shit character. In-game team knew she was a shit, so adjusted her tits to fit that.

*except the misinformed theorycraft shit we post of course
The fucking irony and hypocrisy.

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I really don't know why people like Tate so fucking much. He's a literal goblino and is only popular because of the people he associates himself with, rather than his own merits. It's like all those faggots that orbit Xeno in his static trying to make it big (namely that Fox faggot)

>it's not okay to have jobs with different strengths

Clench your hand into a fist
Look directly at it from the front

Red mage is gay, who cares?

He also admitted to being unable to quit the game since it's been such a large part of his life and he is in it until the game is actually put down officially.

No, i only want to fuck Yshtola.

I hope so also. It looks like a disaster and seems se got a bunch of gooks to do it as fast as possible. If anyone wants to watch a mmo anime there are plenty of other garbage to watch than watching something burn alive in real time

holy shit that guy is so fucking mad lmao

Being able to insta rez the entire party and see more of the fight is more useful for prog than slightly more personal and raid dps

I am autistic like him and there are minor facial expressions that reveal this

I'm glad I don't know anything about this community and don't talk to anyone that listens to this community. Fuck if it wasn't for Yea Forums I wouldn't know this shit existed.

That is what he gets for supporting a team of devs that don't give a shit about their players.
I'll stay on Yoshi P's team, I know he likes to spoil us all.

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Hopefully this keeps the bandwagon NINs a way we don't need them.
Real NIN play the class because its fun not because they are a Trick Attack slave or because their personal dps is the lowest.

Balance tranoids are hilarious

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10 to 15% is not slight.

patch when

But yoshi hates you for looking at the leaks, user.

post yshtola

Of course. Tranny assblasted his MUH UTILITY job is in the SHED for Shedbringers.

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I never knew who he even was, but having him screaming in my ears was enough to know that he's not worth bothering with

This guy could very well be in this thread RIGHT NOW

>It's totally ok to make a job so bad it becomes useless after people learn the content and stop needing a crutch
Retard. It's a terrible way to design a job or game

Yes it is during prog it's not a speedrun group

yeah, but.. having to raiton now, maybe sam will be fun

crystalchads ww@

so glad the bulk of parsetrannies are gone

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Who is in the shed this expansion?

Whats the ffxiv tag on pixiv?

Good times. Thanks user. Going to have fun playing in a new expansion with everyone being new for the first time in xiv. Launchdays in mmos are amazing.

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Your favorite job

He doesn't hate the playerbase, just the leaker. Yoshida said only the people who leak the actual information are pieces of shit.
Since they're trusted with that information, once it's in the public eye how can he hate the public?

Horse bird

(You) are, user.

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healers, supports, WAR, MNK

He'll pop up in the one of the later patches to be a Trust

Bull preppers like NIN/DRG/AST.

Haha, who the fuck would be stupid enough to get stuck on fucking CRYSTAL?! hahahahahaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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I only knew who he was because my static kept talking about him and using him as the focal point for pro ninja play. Not really impressed, desu

Why didn't RDM get any new heals?

>Talk about how MCH is 4x more punishing despite the WF rotation being similar to SB's but with 2-3 more 1.5 GCDs

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I'd rather cheat on you with Fordola.

To play devil's advocate he isn't saying anyone should trust balance theorycrafting in that sperg out. He's obviously just ass blasted over the morons who think pre-expansion subject to change theorycrafting is worth more than a 'huh' and who try to make definitive calls based on them. And he's right that they're fags

Shes a fictional character you fucking mutt

the base game

Anyone that is not a tank and WAR

why does NIN look broken in pvp? it has like 70% damage up, how is this allowed?

It's really hard to get actual real advice and opinions that isn't just false parroting shit, like these threads.

first time or coming back?


Who /bunny/ here?

Leave us alone

>Different strengths
RDM have no strengths, that's the problem
Also summoner
>b-but what if 3 people die
That's what the healers are for
>b-but what if the healers all die
That's a wipe

It is she now, stop misgendering her.

Guys, I need help. I’ve mained MCH since HW and was gonna switch to GNB cuz it’s finally a tank with an aesthetic I like, but I also really like the changes to MCH. Should I stick with MCH til all the tank hype dies down?

Im playing bunny hunny

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Just peeped gnb job guage is a revovler chamber from the top view

ファイナルファンタジー14 you can find the rest of the variations through there.


Stop shitposting.

I want to potentially level a healer at a later time, what is the most CHAD healer

play what you want


Well i've been playing for 2 weeks but had to reformat.

It's true though.

None of the world first for ultimate raids have ever taken an RDM with them.
It's literally a worthless meme job

I wouldn't be so sure actually
you can't make this shit up &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=fr

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He did get one new line in prep for Shad.

no it's not

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Chocobo, user. Fuck.

the time of the white mage is now.

If I hear about wiping to any fucking dungeon otw to finishing the msq it will PROVE this games community is full of casualshit zoomer players who are so fucking brain dead and idiotic that they can’t handle even the tiniest amount of mental stimulation.
The classes were all made absolutely brain dead to play, you have no excuse to fuck up anymore, none.

I want both, but I gotta start somewhere

>more punishing
>wildfire is now 2min cd instead of 1
It's not going to be the bulk of the dps anymore, so fucking one up by missing 1-2 GCDs isn't going to matter.

lol i think all the butthurt drk posts are coming from one guy

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Adorable that you think that, but 10 to 15% is not slight. If you look at any graph you can notice a 15% difference as more than slight.


Bun Bun bros ww@

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Don't play tank, so I can play tank.

>new job info comes out
>scholars go right to looking at their dps numbers
i was told you guys werent just fags wanting to be a green dps

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ファイナルファンタジー14 you can find the rest of the variations through there.
Whoops no wonder. I was trying to use roman numerals and it wasnt working

>actually advocating jobs becoming more homogeneous
If a job can be strong in prog and then is perfectly able to crush all content in the game in the hands of a skilled player then there is literally no problem. The only reason to care beyond that is if you want to squeeze out the last 5% you're missing to measure your dick against people who cut theirs off.

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Only cleared bardam's mettle for MSQ before the servers went down, how far am i from doing Shadowbringers content?

HAHAHAH i wish

Here's what I use when looking up XIV art on Pixiv:
FFXIV OR FF14 OR FinalFantasy14 OR FinalFantasyXIV -ララフェル
The last bit you can remove if you like looking at potatoes. I don't.
the XIV variants will net you a lot of gaijin art because the japs mostly use arabic numerals for FFXIV, contrary to the west.

I'm surprised Drill and Air Anchor are 700 pot now and on separate cooldowns, but it's still nice to get max pot for wildfire.


Why the fuck do you still need proof for that?


any bardbros left? im tryin to hang on..

Yeah but I don’t understand what that has to do with the post you quoted

Did they change saber dance?

DRG bros...
It's over isn't it....

>bardam's mettle

You got a ways to go



They swapped saber dance/devilment names and the buff is now 20% down from 30% of the earlier builds.

there he is


Half way through the base stormblood expansion. Then you have all the patch content to go through. So I'd say you're 1/4 of the way through all of stormblood.

Fuck off Lyse, youre useless.

dont even worry about it and just take your time m8, you dont get anything for clearing shadowbringers asap

>SCHs make fun of WHM for overhealing
>now they have to drop 1-2 sacred soils a minute just to burn aetherflows

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If you go hard on the MSQ you could probably do it in a week, or a little over.

The new jump LOOKS cool as fuck. The way you zigzag your way up when jumping is cool.

>Feel the Bern
>TWO scoops
What the FUCK is this shit? You didn't tell me this game was lefty shit.

The problem with RDM is it's not viable in high level content, after prog it gets actively excluded from groups in favor of literally any other job.
Furthermore, there's zero skill expression in this game so you can't simply "play better" for more damage unless you have super low ping I guess

>game filled with gays, furries, and trannies
>not leftist
user i...

It's a progression group you dumb fuck. In a static you'll have your RDM switch to BLM/SMN to clear

>bardam's mettle
Still quite a lot of story, trials and dungeons. Atleast you are getting into the empire stuff which is the best part of SB.

Why are people getting mad lmao

>not viable
>literally able to clear every fight in the game with ease
t. ranny


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But the game is redpilled

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No problem, senpai has the right idea too, fuck potatos
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, getting everything into Wildfire and having it work at the most optimal numbers WOULD be great. I just don't think saying how MCH is ruined because WF is still a kike is really all that valid when there is way more things in the kit for us to do/use. I'm interested in the Battery gauge myself, doesn't seem like a whole lot of things will fill it.

Koji at it again. You don't get it, it's F L A V O R

The translator loves to add shit like that.

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>only two scoops

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why do trannies pick those unrealistic names? jesus


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These edits keep getting worst fuck off already.


literally can't make this shit up

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World first groups are the top 0.5% of the player base

Pretty sure thequest was before the the meme happen

In a fucking hearbeat you ala mhigger

If the person is retarded enough that they needed to play the easiest job in the history of MMO's they are not gonna change to BLM/SMN.

If its pink on the inside.... :)

>More Japanese vocals
I though we finally escaped with the end of SB.

user its going to be alright. Lets just wait 12 more hours.

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Godbert is so based.

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t. Crystal trash
You probably only think this because you only ever set foot in content post echo. Fucking moron

>World first groups are the top 0.5% of the player base
No they are much less than that if they are a WORLD FIRST GROUP.

How comes a bunch of people in speedrunning/hardcore gaming communities are trans?

1 hour left until we hit the halfway point of the maintenance.
When's the datamining gonna start?

Based Godbert.

>in an FC where the discord is full of us making fun of ERPers and trannies
Feels fucking good, if your in a cucked FC find a new one you actually enjoy being in, its worth it no matter how many you have to leave to find that right one.

So is RDM still shit tier DPS?

Made for BBC

>fan made

>Shield Oath
>Always Off.

Attached: cyrus sword oath.png (578x473, 484K)

When the download is available, obviously.

I want an FC where people talk shit and don't get offended. Do those even exist?

Also the same people who have small divisions of gil farmers and army of instance/raid/trial runners to have people pay for content


Based. Brown nipples are better than pink, no matter the skin tone

>fuck potatos
Don't mind if I do.

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Preload when?

Someone forget their titty skittles? need to dilate soon?

I love Godbert.

Autism. Or in Cosmo's case depression.

It has bow become quite literally lowest personal and raid dps, even fucking NiN and DRG do more

the stats are minimal after all

Attached: i only tank when its vital.jpg (580x700, 310K)

Great counter argument.


Where does this narrative come from retard? If your static isn't a top 1% static your group will benefit more from unlimited rezs during prog than extra dps. You playing a single role doesn't make you good. A good BLM or SMN will have no problem being RDM during prog

If you use rdm for progression than you can fucking clear content with it, because progression only ends when you kill the boss first time. If rdm wasn't viable you wouldn't be able to kill the boss with it at all, which is absolute bullshit. Any job in the game can clear any and all content except for solo potd.

>It's ok to let jobs remain in the dumpster
Fuck off retard, I bet you're some zoomer who never even played XI and experienced a game where RDM was actually good


>fan made

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Imagine going to every FF XIV thread in order to false flag the patch like an idiot when people already keep the server status up.

The servers only go up at 7am local time for me so i'll sleep and play tomorrow. Sleeping the day before the patch always makes me feel like a kid though, i can barely do it because of the excitement and i always end up waking way earlier than usual.

Should i?

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i feel it

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I guarantee theres going to be some retards who try playing with tank stance off still because they want to "challenge themselves" and look cool.

>Still no pre-download

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Shut the fuck up jesus you massive retards.

>titty skittles
What the fuck is a titty skittle?

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They absolutely do, they just don't advertise themselves as that and keep that shit on the low in the hopes of not getting assblasted by an SJW. Like in any group of friends, someone has to be the first to make that dark/offensive joke so that the others realize they are in the company of someone with a similar mindset, and then the curtain eventually rises to the point where everyone is on the same wavelength.

Looks pretty based to me

Why would I play this when destiny 2 shadowkeep will kill it come September?

Every job is viable though. The gap between the best/most optimal and other jobs or comps is negligible. If you can't clear content, that's because you're terrible. Pretending this statement isn't true makes you 100% a discord tranny faggot.

don't expect it till like midnight pst

If you want to look like a faggot, then yes.

And i'm gonna kick or leave those retards if we wipe just once in a dungeon.


Thank you for making ffxiv what it is today.

>software dev
Every fucking time.

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I did a dungeon a couple days ago with a paladin that literally refused to use any aggro tools and stayed in sword oath. I kept taking aggro away from him. He tells me to just use diversion and lucid dreaming. Fucking tryhards.

If you static isn't a top 1% you will benefit from playing what you enjoy playing instead of caring about trying to optimize raise. RDM being the easiest job in the history of MMO's raises a question about the kind of person that enjoys playing it more than anything else.

Hahahaahahaha tough luck.
I haven't even taken the day off for Shadowbringers.

>got btfo because he outed himself as a balancetranny
>can only resort to generic insults

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What’s the best balance between utility and DPS? How is Dragoon? Or is it Monk?

>I want MY job to be better than the other casters at everything because I say so
Your damage is barely 10% worse than a BLM, the highest damage in the game overall.
Reddit mages unironically deserve the rope.

The fact that Godbert can be both one of the most down-to-earth voices of reason and also the goofiest person in the entire cast is a mystery.

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They may challenge themselves outside of my party.

Nerevar guide you.

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My faggot friend tried doing this to me today so i could cover for him.
Fuck that gay shit.

Low testosterone compared to actual athletic events.

>red eyes

Change the eye color and then do it faggot, you're making the right choice

Wow she has the same beliefs as me....
Kill all brown people and hang all jews, btw.


Hydaelyn bows to the Mandervilles

Estrogen pills, the freaks call them titty skittles to make them sound cutesy.

>mfw getting late in here
>when I wake up tomorrow ShB is released
>if I wake up

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Who here indecisive enough to level 2 jobs simultaneously
Can’t choose between DRK or PLD yet so I’ll level both, at least until I can decide which of the 2 is more fun to play, hopefully by lvl 74 or so

Do we have any idea when the download's gonna start? I wanna do it before I go to sleep.

Looks like the Elezen I was going to Fantasia to, pretty based

>Implying my phone will be turned on tomorrow
Heh...... nothing personnel..... bosso.........

>easiest job in the history of MMOs
You obviously haven't seen 1 button macro classes from WoW

still cant fucking choose between starting as bard or whm

It's retarded how this isn't even racist but people took it that way when this cutscene first happened.
He's literally promoting that the refugees better themselves not out of superiority but out of the need for self sufficiency.

get fucked wagies

Sucks to be you.

don't die on me user, we have to experience this shit together.

Okay xi/v/, I need to know. If you're a guy who wants to rock an absolutely based, huge epic beard, who the fuck do you play in this game?

>Oh yes, I roleplay as an elezen mommy, how did you know?

Attached: mommy.png (712x867, 1.18M)

>this is apparently not a mental illness
>but playing video games is a mental illness
clown world

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>if i wake up
a-user are you ok

Attached: 239781.png (112x112, 19K)

>want to start download and go to bed
>realize that my downloads always stop every 100 megabytes or so
>have to manually cancel it and restart it or I lose all progress

what do

>36 minutes until pre-order theme will be available for PS4
Maybe pre-load will start too

Any britbongs here? I want to sleep but if this download is at like 4am then holy shit.

remember all the speed trannies we had in hw? me neither because they had bad ping

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Why is everyone so mad at this? It confuses me so much

Playing video games isn't a fucking mental illness, you triple nigger. Video game ADDICTION is. Just like gambling addiction.
Trannyness is a mental illness too, but you can't say that right now. Wait a couple years.

>cave nigger
Just kidding user, you're pretty cool for joining us other malelezens. He looks good.

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Just wake up 1 hour before and download?

We've got this. The rest of you can go home.

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Who MCH main here?

god damn

UK nigga reporting.

I can say whatever the fuck I want.
Transgender "identity" is a mental disorder. It is a death cult perpetuated by psychologically disturbed and broken freaks.

Doing the same because I'm autistic and want my WoL to be like Cecil

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I wouldn't be surprised if part of the MSQ is used to take some of the extra light from the 1st and push it into the 13th.


Balance trannies are mad they weren't the first ones to make a chart and cucks are mad they're in the cuckshed, see: MNK WAR NIN etc

im terrible at sleeping, if i wake up theres no fuckin way my eyes are closing again.

>used to be in an FC with a big titty milf that played a femelf
>would log in and tease everyone and offer to help people
>ended up having to leave that FC due to other people being faggots
>still friends with big milky elf
All she does is craft and gather while being an extreme primal hero, but its pretty comfy playing with her.

Attached: catto.jpg (605x811, 46K)

I meant that a fucking international institution can't say that, you fucking delicate MUH FREE SPEECH turbo faggot.

the music better be fucking good this expansion

But that picture is of Leon Belmont

Ever since Heavensward I have done the MSQ as a MCH. I will be keeping up the tradition.

Yeah. I like SMN and DRK enough that I can't chose between them

Your options are:
All Roegadyn faces
One Highlander face but it looks pretty old
One Elezen face but it looks very old
One Midlander face but it looks like shit
This game isn't kind to beards

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Bong here, have a nice breakfast and stay hydrated during the Saturday heatwave.

it's objectively the best soundtrack yet

>all these replies about optimization and changing job because muh DPS
is Yea Forums a parser tranny too?

Attached: moomin.jpg (522x490, 53K)

*guitar riffs*
It'll be pretty cool, bro
Trust Soken

Godbert is actually the strongest primal.


What are you talking about It was like the 3rd choice “I GUESS you can heal since there are no WHMs online”

Refugees from Morrowind come even to Eorzea.

>theres still not many good pants for glam

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Have you heard about the elves?

im playing bard and there is nothing you can do about it



people who are better than me are dilating california trannies, people worse than me are reddit shitters.

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Yea Forums are eternal tier whore shitters.,

Maybe 5 of the 122 posts at the time of this post will ever hit orange or even purple.


OH no

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12.5 hours remain, what fucking DO

The problem is that first impressions in an expansion can ruin a lot of chances at finding decent PF groups, especially as a solo player. The amount of people parroting the 'dps' meta in simple shit like Primal EX farms makes me sad, this shit spills too much into non essential stuff. I also want to drive away as many MCH players as possible so I can get the weapon ASAP.

I'm talking about waking up before expansion, isn't it at 11 bongs? Just wake up at 10 or 9, unless your Internet is garbage and it takes more than 1 hour to download around 7gb.

The wait is killing me bros. I need something to do maybe I will play cities skylines

Come and look upon the heart

Bong here. My sleep schedule is fucked beyond belief as it is, so I'll probably still be up when the download is available, but asleep when the servers go live.

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They better give cool mask/helmet for casters, I'm sick of using the lvl 60 PvP helmet for my SMN glamour.

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My lala brothers and sisters WW@!

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>actually playing Destiny 2

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1-3 I play DRG through the MSQ
4-6 I play PLD
7-9 I play WHM
If I get 0, I level DNC

SAM if you like doing damage by yourself, DRG if you like helping other do more damage, SAM is more braindead

Do you think Minifilia 2.0 and Alisaie are going to start getting catty around each other?

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Her room is too clean for that, every woman that plays MMOs lives in filth.

Both are WoL sexual so probably.

>He isn't going to listen to this on repeat while leveling DNC

MNK (to an extent)
That's about it really


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Bong here
I'm going to get an early night in bed, wake up early for eggs and bacy, then I'll start downloading the patch before I leave for work.

>get 9 hours of sleep
>go to the gym
>come back to a fully downloaded ShB ready to play

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No female this cute/attractive play this game, nice try though

Yda was a good girl and a fun ditz, Lyse is just a stupid cunt.
Learn the difference, it could save the only good scions remaining.

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Meta whores.

>A+ enfeebling skill

nah it was objectibely much better than WHM pre-abyssea

1-5 smn
6-0 whm

Is gardening worth ones time? Is it useful or does it convert into an actually respectable amount of gil?

I can't decide between NIN and SAM for my weeb urges, I love both. Odds for NIN and even for SAM.

>not listen to Michael Sembello

Because they usually also suffer from autism.

>easiest class in the history of mmos
Hold my beer

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Stop making Miqotrash?

can't download it yet


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I bet that if you leave both out of a Trust run they'll scissor furiously while you are gone.

If you know what you're doing, yes.

Didn't even think about that, forgot about that song

Depends on whether or not (you)'ve levered your cooking skill.

Attached: the peace of cooking.jpg (1059x736, 194K)

Let the gods decide
0-4 Bard
5-9 White Mage

NIN for more involved gameplay, SAM for if you just want to ungabunga big damage

I'm here, I really hope it's not that late. My download speed is shit so I absolutely have to start it as soon as it's up.

TBC BM was one hell of a thing.

Lets take a moment to remember Shinryu EX and how the second phase is timed so that the music hits "that" point as you are sprinting up its tail.

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i can't drop brd bros. just open up the shed I'm coming in

people who got their physical copy early can install the disc

He looks like a potato on life support. Brainless and numb.

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>Haha elezen master race am I right user?

Attached: elezen.png (577x458, 494K)

Yea Forumsbros...I will unironically miss you for one-two weeks because of MSQ. Sorry for funposting and rudeness.

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Anyone else find it funny that people want war to be shit when it never will be?

Not a bong, swedistani. Early morning and tired as fuck since there's actual sun and heat these days. Suffer you fucking anglo just as I am and at least get the pre-download going before going to bed

Preload when?

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Ah fucking hell. Really? God damn they actually did a real physical release and not just a box with a code? Kinda jelly now.

True. I also prefer NIN's toolkit, it feels more complete and fun to use.

>Tfw you realize the "shed" is literally like a 1-5% damage difference and you can literally play what you want because that has never actually made a difference in content clears anywhere at any point

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Same but what pisses me off is I will download from steam at around 20mbs but ff patcher its like 4mbs

can i finnaly fuck the cat girl?

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I like those moments.
>Nidhogg normal
>The OST
>it's peaked with last Akh Morn when healers can't fully outheal

nah i'll download it right after i wake up

we'll meet again user

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Reminder that Lalami will teach you how to reverse healing, in your Shadowbringer WHM job quest.

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DRK bros..can you hear him? he's calling for us.

Holy fuck, those SAM changes.
>Almost every skill does more damage.
>Can repeat your nuke for even more damage
>Core buffs last longer and are even stronger than before
>Don't have to sacrifice Sen anymore
>Even easier to fill your kek gauge
>AoE skills give more duration to your core buffs
>Fucking Hissatsu: Senei for an additional single target nuke
>Iaijutsu even faster to cast
Mega fucking based.

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>mfw shrill Anons shackling themselves to the whims of insular tranny run statics instead of just enjoying the game

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how is nin getting dumpstered? are they dropping TA or something?

>post slut reaction webm
Like clockwork.

Be like me user and drop NIN, we had a long run together but all good things must end

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We should be friends user.

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>removed all the bind in pvp instead the most annoying one, holmgang

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the new primals look garbage

Not in my groups you wont.

Lamimi is just a female version of Gegeruju

>>AoE skills give more duration to your core buffs
I'm excited.

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When ravana ex was current his first dash coincided with the HAH part in the music

What the fuck is this shit

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Why are there meta whores in a game where the content is literally casual console kiddy trash that requires zero brainpower.
Meta whoring happens in wow because some classes are simply unable to clear raids but that is not the case in casual fantasy. What gives?

i will skip all non voiced cutscenes

>40 second buffs

what snacks should i get bros

literally, l i t e r a l l y the only time the "meta" has ever mattered is no double scholars because shields don't stack. The game is design for every class to beat it.

It's autism, that top 1% of players who do ultimate would care, but I bet my money that no one in this thread even cleared a ultimate with a "meta" comp. God, i'ts like people want to ruin the others fun because their virtual job does more flashy things and bigger numbers in some very reduced scenarios

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Aqua is pure

my brothers

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get your ass back here white mage boi

reminder that "shed" classes got all the world firsts of SB.

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When were you ever dropping them before except for phase transitions?

*squirts in your face*

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>Why are there meta whores in a game where the content is literally casual console kiddy trash that requires zero brainpower.
Because "muh orange parse". That's all there is to it.

>tfw mana poisoning will be canon

Titan HM and EX both sync up to the music quite well. I think the best instance of it though is Brute Justice, when the build up hits and he does his combination attack, with him returning when the song loops around again

I blame BLMfags. They are always the top DPS so they start shit because they are fucking bored of their lame boring turret gameplay.

What is the beard from the becnhmark pre made character? Can't find the option even in the benchmark CC


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a stealth buff

We haven't seen any primals

Is this your first online game? It happens every time doesn't matter what kind of game it is.

>hackers who bot and cheat for world first
Just because SE can't risk banning them and 90% of the playerbase for cheating doesn't mean there is any merit to their '''achievement''''

Best to fuck off back to WoW where fat is a race and you can tithe to your favorite streamer he may even mention you in chat.

Seething DRGlet.


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I wish there were more pregnant miqo'tes getting asphyxiated and railed

>He plays Midlander

Often times certain things like effects and clientside physics are reliant or tied in inexplicable ways to your fps' timer. I wouldn't put it past FF14's shit coding for them to have done something like that in shadowbringers to save time and cut corners considering how fucking fast they have to work. Note >468307846

Is this the angle were taking now?

Seething snoynigger
Have fun whaling for Japanese EA

>Monk GL meter will change colors

post ultimate clears, user

BLM didn't get a single world first.

Fuck dps I just want to summon shit

Titania and Innocence are the new primals.

>90 fps lock

this will stop people from exploiting clipping through walls, they can just change FPS from Nvidia menu or something though

I run the game at 120 FPS. People told me that there were jiggle physics but I never saw them. This explains everything.

It doesn't even need to be an online game. Whatever it is, some autists will always try to minmax the shit out of it.

well of course. BLM is the speed killer, not the one you learn the fight with

BLM ain't a shed class.

Can't wait to see the sheer speed of MNK towards the end of the xpac once Skill speed is at it's highest

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I think I am going to run TRUST dungeons for each msq first for the story aspect first while I play tomorrow.

>Objective fact
>an angle
Retarded DRK nigger spotted

Your assumptions ignore the impact of both direct hit rate and determination in creating the output that you're utilizing. You didn't standardize skill speed across all jobs, which forces you into a situation where some jobs have significantly higher PPS values than others, due entirely to the fact that *they are hitting more actions than others*.
Wildly inaccurate results, and I cannot believe you would actually post this publicly the day before release without vetting it by anyone who could have called you out on these absolutely insane estimations.
You actively state you have low confidence in your work. You somehow believe yourself to be smart enough to properly organize and execute calculations for the optimal rotation for every single Job in the game, when not even the best theorycrafters waste their time trying to do that. This is why we work as a team, rather than a solo operation.
I'm just floored that you would actually post something so abhorrently controversial and flat-out wrong in such a public space without even consulting anyone besides yourself. Legitimately terrible work. Thanks, I hate it.

>actual heat


You do know Minfilia's Ala Mhigan, right?

Got proof to your claims or are we done here?

The only thing you'll be playing tomorrow is the queue.

You have to do them with people first to unlock them for Trust I thought

Which tank do I pick if I want to provide utility, save asses and be valuable addition to the group?

Are we posting miqote sluts

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Taffeta/coliseum shawl loos like shit.

You already missed it. It’s down until official release now

Because a dps job with more healing output than AST would be unfair

I play on ps4

You say this while schilling for Blizzard and activision? No one is jealous of WoW anymore its a complete fucking dumpster fire that had made it self irrelevant. Its only going to get worse too

Going to sleep right now, m80. Logged out next to the GNB quest with gear ready to go.

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they're speedrunning real life

but mostly PLD

Shit really ? Aw


RDM has never gotten a world first

I think i will
Only thing i'm not sure about is the height, i feel like i should leave it low since Elezen is so tall already, but is this a mistake?

Good luck logging in in an extremely populated area, retard.

Get pizza

If you want to be my dance partner, all you have to do is say 'please', Yea Forums.

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No you do not. All you have to do is talk to your teammates in front of the dungeon.

That dude is an idiot.

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no duh
the parse trannies got eternally btfo when the world first ultimate was by a japanese group with a DRK who literally played DRK because it was fun, and not for any other reason

Gosh... imagine if they had a chubby slider...

Attached: colo.png (1045x878, 2.15M)

the anime for my favorite arc just had to be fucking dogshit, at least the OST turned out alright

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PLD is a holy wall to safeguard the party, with a heal and all that.
WAR is UNGA BUNGA INNER CHAOS with some utility tacked on for good measure.
DRK is like PLD, sorta, but better suited to protecting one person really well.
GNB is an enigma to me currently. I'll report back in a week.

>all the tanks are completely interchangeable in damage
>all the tanks are completely interchangeable in durability
>all the tanks are viable and on par with each other
Oh my...

I'll make it with sheer force of will

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GNB is a bodyguard that aggressively fucks up anyone that threatens their charge.

Then why have people been adamantly telling me you have to do the dungeon first before it's available for Trusts?

Everything have to play the same.

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The only job the shed meme should be used for is BLU.
Every other job can clear any content they wish if the player is skilled enough.

Probably a bodyguard or gun for hire.

>with the desires of the paying customer

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They're stupid and didn't watch the live letter. They said you can go in with trusts or with a party for your first time.

fuck off tranny nigress

DRK and WAR are basically the same job, PLD and GNB both have unique playstyles

yeah that's boring and lame. people wonder why BR is taking off

What people.

Because they are idiots.

Do you still get experience with trusts?

Trusts seem neat but... 1/4 loot... Dunno bros.

They all play differently enough, user.
>GNB is very technical with the combo weaving
>DRK is high APM with a focus on OGCDs
>PLD is heavy support
>WAR is straight forward and effective

it would look fine if they got rid of the hood, or let them put it up and replace the hat slot

Yes, it's not like you're unsyncing. If anything it takes more effort than with a group.

1/4 loot but you’re guaranteed to win the roll

>>DRK is high APM
Nobody tell him, it's better this way

You're supposed to weave an OGCD after literally every attack, user. How is that not high APM?

Someone just posted gore in that discord

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>roll tank
>boss mechanics completely ignore
>spend the entire fight wailing on the boss as DPS and Healer cucks have to run around and get to the safe spot
Tank chads ww@

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What's this? I took a break during SB


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The new skills are WAY less common than Dark Arts. In 4.0 each Souleater combo nearly gave enough MP to do another DA. In 5.0 at least from the videos posted during the press event, MP return is much smaller from all sources.

12 hours to go, my dudes.

im going to bed bros
when i wake up im going to level my WHM

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ultimate trannies broke the game using the unlimited fps option to phase through arena walls in order to clear the fight.

Will SHB have a new housing area? What happened to ishgard?

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They use ACT audio clues. Like DBM.
It's tells you what boss do and what others do by completely negating human factor.

Where is the god damn patch I want to start it and go to bed

Twelve hours until WE FALL

I'm not gonna make it bros...