>PS5 & Scarlett launch
>native 4k
>60 fps
>ray tracing
>complex physics systems
>virtually no load times
>4k blu ray support
>tons of third party support

>mobile processor
>sub 30fps
>720p - 900p
>long load times
>360/PS3 tier games
>abandoned by third parties

How does Nintendo plan to respond to evolving technology, industry, and consumer expectations?

Attached: u4PfUiM.jpg (693x1034, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Same way as always: making fun video games.

By making exclusive games that matter and are enjoyable. Something Xbox and the PS4 has been lacking.

FACT: if what they've been doing for the last decade didn't work, they wouldn't still be doing it.

Attached: 1ns8tg.jpg (2524x1419, 232K)

nobody cares about specs on console its all about games. If you want good specs buy a pc

>Make very popular vidya regardless of hardware

Boy i wonder how nintendo competes

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Nintendo don't have to do shit, they have a monopoly on the handheld market now because everybody else gave up.

>Native 4k and 60fps
Boy, you must be either young or fucking retarded.
Or both.

Attached: snoy.png (327x316, 208K)

I buy every Nintendo console for Zelda and Metroid, but I play 95% of games on Sony consoles.

PC is for virgins

Nice. I'll buy Super Mario Maker 2 on the PS5 instead. Oh wait...