Why is everyone so scared of Genshin Impact? Everywhere I look people are really scared of Genshin Impact and saying it's going to replace Breath of the Wild.
Why is everyone so scared of Genshin Impact...
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>it's going to replace Breath of the Wild.
How would it do that.
Viral marketing.
This is pathetic, dude
or you know, just use cemu, anyway, I highly doubt genshin can pull out something as good as craptendi
Noboday talks about this game outside of here, and nobody is scared about that shitty chink gacha game
>Genshin Impact
Literally who?
>Everywhere I look people are really scared of Genshin Impact and saying it's going to replace Breath of the Wild.
Literally fucking who is saying that
What game?
Replace? They are just different games. It would be nice to play both. I'm not going to live in them forever, I just want to play for a while and then go on with life.
>Everywhere I look people are really scared of Genshin Impact
nigga you're the only one making daily threads, so wtf are you talking about?
S-shit guys. I'm quaking in my boots right now. I can feel it... BotW is fading into obscurity. My copy of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild for the Nintendo Switch that I'm holding in my hand is literally disintegrating the more popular Genshin gets. What the fuck do we do bros!?
>Breath of the Wild on PC?
Stop shilling this holy fuck. I hope it gets taken down. It literally clones botw assets but doesnt even bother to improve on the visuals. Like why the fuck does grass still have no draw distance. This is an embarrassment. Ill play it if they actually improve the stolen assets though but stop fucking shilling it.
shitposters and chinese shills
I think they mean one that doesn't crash every five seconds.
This. It's like Horizon Zero Dawn all over again. Only with a Chinese game this time.
>Genshin Impact
Literally only just heard about it
it doesn't, zhang. it actually made me regret buying a switch
Hahahahahahahahahaha fucking chinks are at it again i swear
Why is that chinks can't ever produce anything of value and always resort to blatantly ripoff actually successful IPs?
I played it to completion 1080p @ 144Hz with no crashes
Only issue was the two shrines that required gyro controls
Shit, I remember the "Zelda killer" statements. Why is it that whenever somebody describes a game as that it's never true?
I've put around 40 hours into it now and it works perfectly. Get a better pc retard.
>Love BotW
>See another game like BotW
>Neat, I get more of the thing I like!
>If it doesn't pan out then there's an official sequel on the way
Be an adult about it
But our chink bosses say you can only like one
I also felt the same.
I don't currently own a Switch and I can't get CEMU to work on my PC so I will check this out if it's cheap, on Steam and translated.
Literally who
That looks like a generic Korean MMO
I don't want to play as a girl
>Breath of the Wild on PC?
>Just emulate it with CEMU, it's basically the same thing.
Pic semi-related
There are four or five men you can play as. One of them even has an eyepatch.
>it's basically the same thing
So it's shit.
Chinks didn't make all of those successful Kickstarter games though.
helloooo literal marketer
how much do you get paid?
I actually have very little issue if this is copying BOTW, but like, is it copying it GOOD? I played dozens of sidescrollers that 'took inspiration' from Mario back in the NES and SNES days but most of them were fucking shit, but a couple were damn good and I still emulate them. I've got no stakes in if a game copies another, but my issue is this kinda looks like a shitty watered down version of the game. Why would I want to play the same game but worse?
I've decided to jump off a bridge.
He looks like a girl
>literal, unironic chinese shilling on Yea Forums
And they said i was crazy.
Go away Chang.
Human Rights Tiananmen Square Massacre Winnie the Pooh
The battle music sounds really similar to BotW's battle music but from what I've seen so far, the game has a few creative ideas but yeah it's a BotW clone.
Just listen to the battle music.
you need to bait the consolewar-fags to work as free advertising. If OP respectfully shilled this game then everyone would ignore it.
some game that doesnt let you shield surf on fire
then why play BOTW
Okay, I will say, that flying fight looks pretty damn boss. The story makes me think more about Xenoblade than BOTW though.
You can play the best version of botw on pc already. How can these people be this disconnected?
Noice, I though the emulation was still shit
That MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE CASE... if it wasn't weeb shit
You know, Ms. Shill, I actually hope this game does well. Even more, I hope it actually improves on whatever it can over BotW, so when BotW 2 comes out, Nintendo can improve on that, and we get an overall better game.
You still are crazy.
I am, Still enjoying it.
>Ms. Shill
How is someone shilling for a PC game a Microsoft shill, you fucking idiot?
It really is strange how blurry and washed out BotW is. Genshin isn't even that far above it graphically but it looks so much better due to having actual colors.
Is the complaint number one since the release. Some people are in denial about the fact.
rent free
>it’s going to replace a 2 year old singleplayer game with a sequel already in development
what did chang mean by this?
It's going to replace the sequel too. The name BOTW will soon be forgotten.
but the sequel won’t be called botw, lee
Lee isn't even a Chinese name.
but cemu already exists
>>it's going to replace Breath of the Wild.
>How would it do that.
Already happened
I've never heard of whatever this is. Maybe it will be good, maybe it won't. Either way, stop trying to create controversy.
Why? This gets people discussing the game and
despite what people say about "Ugh you made me not want to try the game by posting about it" the fact of the matter is more people will try the game than people who were put off by seeing threads about it. That's just a fact.
No, it's shitposting and will turn people off from what could be a good game. I
is it strange that i find a Breath of The Wild style game way fuckign more appealing when it's not attached to an already established IP
If it dialed back the weebness it'd be great.
But it has the weeb looks even without the characters.
Not really. For example the relentless shitposting against Bloodstained (a game I've been following for years and right now I'm enjoying) convinced me to stay away from Hollow Knight.
>using muh grass and muh lighting to make the game look good when botwfags have been called out for doing the exact same thing