He plays with the japanese dub instead of english

>He plays with the japanese dub instead of english

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>he cares about how people like to hear their games

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Tell them to stop using the gross brit voices they get. I'd rather have everyone be mumbling scotts


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It can't be helped

>not setting voice volume to 0 and just reading subtitles

i usually play once in english and then once in jap for comparison

Kizuna is built for sex

>choosing subs over dubs

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>If i’m going to listen to cringe dialog i would rather it be in Japanese haha
>I always choose female because i don’t want to be seeing a dude’s ass all the time haha

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Caring dialogue is better in nip because I can't understand exactly what they're saying and it's much tolerable breading cringe than hearing it.


If I'm playing a Japanese game, I'm usually playing the Japanese version, so 99% of the time the VA will be Japanese as well. If I'm playing the English version of a Japanese game for some reason and have a choice between English and Japanese VA, what I use depends on various factors.

>he thinks emotional nuance is something expressed purely through word choice and not tone and spends his free time trying to convince others he's right

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>The English dub still Japanese words
>"Fucko-san is my kyodai"

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>Character gets gradually phased out and replaced with chinks

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>he's an EOP

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>plays with the english dub

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>such a weeb plays Japanese dub of western game


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>he doesn't play the game purely in Japanese

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Pure cope

Yikes! Cringe! Cope!

Don't lewd AI-chan, she's not even 3 years old yet.

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I've been doing that for 7 years, but sometimes I get bored of it and play in English. I want to replay Trails in the Sky in Japanese because the localization felt very liberal, but I don't know where I'll find the time. I still need go through the next 6 games in any language.

>limiting yourself to the same 4 fucking voices japs have

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>don't like japanese tropes
>still play japanese games
>needs them to be bastardised with third rate dubbing
but why?

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Hate to break it to you, but Japanese people actually do this.

You can see this shit even on the fucking news, especially weather forecasts for some reason if there's 2 weather people showing you the forecast together, as well as during "downtime" when news anchors are allowed to deviate from strict scripting of whatever story they're talking about.

Of course, it will vary from person to person. The average person probably won't go all out like EEEEEEHHHHHH unless they're truly shocked, but some people just do.

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>needs them to be fixed with third rate dubbing*
Japs are annoying

Yea Forums is reddit now. Wojak is rageface.

Why play jgames then? Do you also watch gay porn with female moaning dubbed in?

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There's the cope again

>game is a rip-off of another series
>it ends up being better
what games do this?

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In BoTW I chose jap because it sounded close to hylian gibberish.

Because some shitty anime tropes won't stop me from enjoying a game. The dubbing just makes them more beareable

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They're both so similar anymore I don't know why one group pretends to be superior.

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Rune factory > Harvest moon
Now post Megumin.

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If any of you didn’t play breath of the wild in German you didn’t experience it properly. Don’t you fucking dare reply to this post.