Was it even good? Honestly. No memes
Silent Hill 2
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Yes it IS good.
Go and see for yourself
It was good. Hopefully that answers your question.
It alright
It's okay. Had great atmosphere and creature design, but that's about it.
No. It wasn't good.
'Good' doesn't even do justice to how FUCKING AWESOME it was.
Unironically best game ever made
Yes, it was, and still is exceptional.
Definitely. I cried during the ending and cried again when I watched it on YouTube a few days later.
I prefer 1 because 2 felt like it put more emphasis on being cinematic and the enemy design wasn't as good though.
No moimes its fooking toisty moite
I played this game in my mid-30's. Yes, it was very good.
The story is very sad. They leave it open for a little interpretation. The main story is relatable in a human way, but it's delivered through horrifying, phantasmagorical imagery and action.
I played through it with a small group of friends over the course of several sessions. We would take turns controlling, and invest in the scary/tense parts. This approach made it very fun.
As an adult, who's been playing games since childhood, I found it to be excellent.
This. Hands down the best video game ever made.
that's not a spoiler, silly.
Last 30 minutes or so minus the last boss is great. The rest of it is sluggish and repetitive.
The town was making him stupid
>and the enemy design wasn't as good
>pyramid head is one of the most recognizable and iconic enemy designs in VG history.
What did this poster mean by his post?
I often fantasize about being in these offices, during this time... especially to stop by the sound designers desk, and see what he's up to.
If it is good, it's not good as a video game
I don't remember even a single point where I thought I would run out of bullets.
Fuck off Anderson.
No kidding, Anderson's SH2 steam is some next level idiocy.
I forgot to add that the soundtrack is absolutely one of the best video game soundtracks (maybe even multimedia soundtracks) that I've ever heard.
I keep it on rotation in my car. I can play the rock songs when I'm driving, and the ambient songs whenever it's cloudy/rainy out.
Incredible soundtrack.
You should play it op great when Harry kills his own wife the whole time he was searching for ger
I just played 1 and 2 This year and had an amazing time with both, 2 is definitely better but both are worth your time
Some games are satisfying when you "play them good". And others are not.
As I said, a group of us played this together over time, passing control between us. We all had various skill levels. Between our different skill levels, overall the game is great.
I mostly meant from a gameplay perspective. Each enemy in 1 functioned in a unique way and forced you to use different tactics. 2's enemies didn't seem to have as much thought put into them in that regard. 1 is better as an actual "game".
>and forced you to use different tactics
Name one other tactic besides running past enemy. Nigger this isn't no Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell, it's fucking Silent Hill.
My only gripe about the game is the the In Water ending's credit music.
This just seems like a really inappropriate song to play after a very depressing and subdued ending.
Even just running away from the flying enemies felt different from running from the dogs which felt different from the nurses and "Rompers". But running away from most enemies in 2 felt the same, since the enemies themselves were more similar.
I enjoyed SH2 and its music was kino but it's nowhere near as amazing as it's hyped up to be
Still miles better than those dogshit overrated resident evil games
They all have pretty good soundtracks desu. Even the ones that sucked like Homecoming still had good music because of Akira
nowhere near as good as people like to say
but better than the shit we get today
What you mean it alright?
zoom zoom zoom
Atmosphere is elite and it's arguably scarier than resident evil. However, the building design is very bland (fuck those apartments) and the combat is forgettable.
I finally got around to beating SH2 a year or two ago and I gotta say
it's by far the weakest of the first 4, but a pretty decent game
>Thinking SH2 is the worst
>Thinking SH4 is better than anything
yeah it was pretty cool and didn't have what was genuinely the worst streets of any SH game where the camera actively works against you and makes you nauseous while a filter rolls across the screen and makes you tired
It's better than all American and most Japanese games. Not on par with the best European titles though.
yes, even though it was basically a proto movie-game
Was it really only 10 people?
Massively overrated shit
Huge disappointment after SH1
I really hate how that took SH1, a golden concept, and decided to shit on it by making it "THE TOWN IS EVIL NOW AND ALSO INSTEAD OF ALESSA'S MIND IT'S ALL FROM YOOOOUUUUUR MIIIIND" and it was gay as fuck
Also, fuck Konami
Fuck off Anderson
setting hard rules to surreal shit like that just ruins it
I played em all recently for the first time (been playing all the PS games I missed out on as a N64 kid) and I thought SH1 was the best. It did the dreamlike horror vibes the best. And the occult shit was cool.
SH2 was kinda up its own ass sniffing its own farts. But maybe my expectations were too high because no one can shut the fuck up about how deep it is. Still a good game but maybe tried too hard.
it was good when it was just SH1
SH2 was completely unnecessary and made it feel cheaper
but konami's always been like that and had to get them sweet shekels by bleeding a new ip dry
Just mentioning that you think SH2 is REMOTELY deep sets people into absolute contrarian mode
As much of a dogshit game as Homecoming was it really did have some legit good, creepy music
>it was gay as fuck
Ironically the only thing good about SH2 is that it was pretty frank about James' love of tits and pussy
that's literally the opposite of how it is
I kinda miss sleazy protags
It's better than SH1 in every aspect
it's worse than SH1 in every aspect other than graphics, user
Sh2 have better atmosphere, better graphics, better story, better characters, better gameplay...
How is it worse?
because its atmosphere isn't anything special, its story is genuinely retarded, it's got 5 characters and 2 of them are hardly actual characters as opposed to everyone being fleshed out in SH1, and its gameplay is a legitimate downgrade because of how fucking awful the camera is with fighting against you vs how it worked with you in 1
dilate sh1trannies
Cool opinion
How can one user be so wrong and present such non-argument without any substance
Do you need to ask? Jesus, play Resident 6.
truly sh2fags are brainlets of the highest order
- braindead easy gameplay compared to 1
- more linear, less exploration, fewer optional quests
- worse atmosphere
- story that excessively relies on its twist ending
- was the catalyst for cinematic games
- it's fucking boring
Yes. I love the sequence leading down to the Labyrinth.
>catalyst for cinematic games
>worse atmosphere
>more linear
You are deeply retarded
Fuck this bait
It's good but I think the first game is the best in the series.
not a good game but a good horror game
A decent game overall, and an excelent horror game.
most horror games aren't really "good games"
for instance, rule of rose and haunting ground are excellent horror games, but as actual games they suck
theres no obfuscation in my post, its not a very good interactive medium, you barely press buttons at all and the game rarely visually updates. its absolutely only good if you enjoy 'that' kind of game, trudging through corridors and rewarding NOT playing the game, conserving ammo inventory management etc
These four cutscenes basically make the game. The stuff in between could be complete garbage (it isn't) but as long as these cutscenes are able to resonate with the player then they'll enjoy the game.
They're action adventures of the 2000's
Don't be so harsh
No, both games have good concepts brought down by terrible gameplay hence bad games.
Why did they suck as movies then? Or are horror games better as "interactive movies"? If so, why do todays interactive movie games suck so much dick compared to past ones that were made on old tech, small team, and almost no budget?
What year were you born?
Every mainline Resident Evil is great
Silent Hill 1 and Downpour are great
Splatterhouse arcade is great
The Evil Within is great
Dead Space 1&2 are great
whats with that one gay eceleb that shit talked this game, and people keep posting him?
Yes. Although hard mode is pretty much just health sponge enemies that make the game a lot worse and only the puzzles slightly improve. But just playing it on normal and taking in the atmosphere its great.
Dude, just play it
I take back what I said. They're good games.
I know this may be a little bit of a generic and played response but it's literally "soul"
modern designers don't really have that same passion, and even if they did their writers fucking suck
look, man, I absolutely love horror games but I can tell you, straight up, outside of resident evil, almost all of them suck to play
hence the 'most'
And none of those are as scary or disturbing as RoR.
dude combat is gameplay xd xd xd
Games don't need to be fun to be good. Frustration, confusion, fear, etc are capable of being evoked by a game and they're just as valid as enjoyment. It just so happens that horror games are the only genre that gamers give a pass to this idea.
dafuq is RoR?
What the fuck is ror
rule of rose
I wouldn't say scary but definitely disturbing, which is why it works so well
I know, which is why horror games can be good while generally having bad gameplay
RoR isn't disturbing... it's kind of silly and pretentious.
Raugh out roud
>5 reviews
should've been this one
it was kinda disturbing, man
that ending was wack
>I know, which is why horror games can be good while generally having bad gameplay
That's where I disagree though. Bad gameplay is good gameplay if it does what the developers intended. An fast moving, combo focused combat system may be great in DMC5 but it would be really out of place in Silent Hill. Silent Hill Homecoming's combat isn't bad in a vacuum. It's just bad because it's a horror game that's supposed to emphasize player disempowerment.
holy shit this board is so fucking bad now
user the board's been shit for 9 years, how can people discussing whether or not sh2 is actually good be your wake up call
>TFW I first watched the video in the hotel
>when this starts playing
>was able to play through it multiple times and still want to
>music and scenes that I still think about
>memorable sound effects
Yeah I know. Trying to have any real discussion on modern Yea Forums is pretty pointless. I only still come here to shitpost in loli threads.
eh, even then most games don't really succeed
in terms of pure survival horror games, the only ones with decent-good gameplay are from capcom and maybe a handful of others
Lad the story works when you know the twist, it's not some one-trick pony shyamalan story
it really doesn't, user
knowing the twist made the story even dumber honestly
>Resident Evil
Uhhhhhhh cringe?
Yes, I played the Director's Cut a few years ago and I think it's a masterpiece.
I agree, but you need the caveat that what the developer intended is also good as a whole. If a game dev wanted to make a game that's just shit on purpose, that doesn't sound like a good game to me.
Promise (Reprise) from Silent Hill 2 is my favourite song ever along with this: soundcloud.com
>tfw i played the HD collectiom first because i didnt know
I literally couldn't see what happened on the fucking screen, it just looked like grainy shit FUCK that collection is so bad.
i don't know what the fuck happened with that collection, since MGS had a good collection
Look up a youtube channel called Twin Perfect, they did a kino couple of videos looking into why the HD Collection was so bad (mostly because it was a totally different team doing it who didn't know BluePoint's methods of remastering, combined with konami no longer having the fucking source code for the games)
yes and 1 is better
What makes it dumb user?
SH3 > SH1 > SH2
That's all there is to it.
I just knew james kilt mary, but I thought there was gonna be more to it and there wasn't, the revelation itself was even lackluster
The game isn't about revelations, it's about acceptance.
Maybe for 1
But for 2 they bumped it to around 50 I believe
Fuck off you're the gay one here.
Everything to do with the cult is the most boring generic shit.
The cult is boring, Claudia is boring, whatever that butches name from sh1 was is boring, Alessa is boring. Vincent is pretty cool though, I like Vincent
t. gay
What the fuck is this opinion?
absolute unironic kino full on
It's garbage. Everyone here likes it because they like garbage.
Silent Hills might have been good, but Death Stranding will blow it out of the fucking water.