A speedrunner has been banned from GDQ until 2021 for saying the word 'faggot' on a Twitch stream back in 2018

A speedrunner has been banned from GDQ until 2021 for saying the word 'faggot' on a Twitch stream back in 2018.
His scheduled run for a Spongebob game has also been cancelled.
>Speedrunner SHiFT has been banned from Games Done Quick and his run at SGDQ 2019 has been canceled by the organization, he revealed. He was going to play SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, a game that he holds the current world record for, live on Saturday.
>SHiFT said the GDQ organizers first sent him an email canceling his participation at the event due to the violation of a “zero-tolerance harassment policy.” The message said his suspension from all GDQ events was effective immediately and would last until Awesome Games Done Quick 2021.
>SHiFT requested more information from the organizers, who reportedly replied that “the reports in question involve the use of homophobic slurs that are in violation of our anti-harassment policy.” SHiFT recognized he did use such a term while streaming on Twitch in the summer of 2018 when he “told someone harassing me in my chat to ‘stop being a f****t.'” He was banned from the platform for 30 days after being massively reported by the person in question, he says.

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>His scheduled run for a Spong-
Yeah I knew it was him
GDQ is fucking unredeemable trash

>Actually giving a fuck about the autism olympics
It will come out very soon that the entire thing is a scam and the guy in charge has been taking a bigger and bigger cut every year

The absolute state of american outrage culture
etc etc
I wonder when they'll realise they're the reason trump won

Of course they ban for the faggot word. You kidding? The entire crowd is gay people!

Why would they complain about him shouting out the crowd then?

Is this the same guy who got beat up at the bar?

Get off Yea Forums apollolegend

"progressives" for you

Yeah, also he's a diaper loving furry

>Your relative from 200 years ago owned 50 African slaves, you are now banned from GDQ until further notice

>say word
>means of life stolen

I don't care. Jew organization

I hope no one here actually donates to the scam

what a bunch of faggots

Wow, man, it's almost like, actions have consequences, or something, man. Wow. Man. Heavy.

this year's gdq has been pretty shit, that was one of the only runs i was looking forward to desu

what happened?

>every year
seems like this thing happens every couple months now

Dr Fatbody, the guy who had the really nice sonic run last year, got hit 8 times by a random dude.
Then the Hotel banned him from entering.


God I hate outrage culture. Grow a fucking spine.

>say word
>speedrun stolen
Yea Forums WILL defend this.

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But they told me America was the land of free speech?

>actions have consequences

Unironically not an argument

>say a slur in a situation separate from gdq
>get banned from twitch for a month
>year passes
>gdq bans him for two years

>got his ass whooped
>banned from hotel
>banned from gdq

>say word in the past
>people dig it up and use it against you
>banned, outed as a monster

By this logic, this means Trihex should be banned from GDQ as well, he got banned on Twitch for saying faggot before. If you're going to play word police, you better be consistent at it.

The best thing is he wasn't even fighting back

Can't wait until this retarded argument gets used to victim blame women for dressing slutty in public and getting assaulted.

>wanting to associate yourself with trannies dilate quick
what a faggot

>saying one word years ago justifies a 2 year ban

>"Free" country
>Say a word that hurts some people's feelings a year or two later after the fact
>Blacklisted from society

Nice. I hope you cunts don't let it overtake your entire country to the point where the clown world becomes absolutely fucking real. Don't become another UK. /pol/ is always right and I fucking hate it.

Probably more to the story than meets the eye. I'll wait to get mad when they state the official reason and not some assumption from 2018. It doesn't make sense that they would ban someone a year later for something irrelevant.

Keep accelerating your own demise you left wing fucks. Gamers rise up unironically.

>Say a word that hurts some people's feelings
No one actually gets hurt though.

>"Free" country
>private organization
I love capitalism

Good, keep Yea Forumsermin scum in their dumpster and let the trannies have their autismfest in peace.

nigger faggots

one of the benefits of being a weeb and learning japanese is you realize other languages dont really have the concept of curse words and no-no words.

just further proves how retarded leftists have to invent ways to be angry and offended on other peoples behalf

bro u cant say that shit outside of Yea Forums you might get a 3 day timeout

>say word
>trannie discord pedophiles ban you from "their" cool club events
awww he might not get to molest little kids at some corporate-funded trannycon nao

i think that guy is a sonic runner

I hope we get an actual Hitler 2.0, and he uses this same argument when slaughtering you tranny faggots

Somebody stop this madman

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>be the victim of a random assault
>YOU get banned from the event

Can GDQ be a bigger shitshow?

SHiFT swears like a fucking sailor anyways so he was probably gonna get banned regardless.

I love how people abuse the "Free" aspect to mean "free from consequences".

You can say whatever the fuck you want. If someone owns a business and they don't want you there then you're fucking gone.

And this country is raising a generation of tattle tailing rat fucks it seems. Crying to Mommy because someone you watch on Twitch says faggot? I'm sure that dude makes money off streaming, so ruining people's livelihoods for hurt fee fees is becoming normalized, encouraged behavior. When all it would take is one "Fuck off kid. Don't watch his stream then" to end that shit for good. This kid now is emboldened and believes he was victimized and justice was served. Does anyone else see this slope we're hurtling down with no brakes here? A generation of rats.

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I speak 3 and 2 of them most certainly have curse words. Maybe with the other one I haven't heard or seen any because my jap sucks.

Maybe if you weren't sucha dumbass weeb you wouldn't say that.

This country has become a total shithole. It's only going to get worse if people don't start standing up for themselves.

He should still do the run on his own channel. He could also possibly even do it on the premises if he's still there.

gamers rise up

Then literally everything is always free and the word has no meaning you absolute faggot.

If I was writing a parody about overused meme answers to serious problems, I would copy paste this post word for word.

I don't like GDQ but he said they're on his side and it's all on the hotel being faggots

So what is the statute of limitations on saying bad words?

>everything trannies swarm gets an immediate thought police
funny how you can ban basicly everyone to "protect" a couple people, what a brave new world

Actually, that is wrong. In the US, a business can not deny you service for using your freedom of speech

Neither is your seething.
*A Ben Garrison Comic 2019*

get a load of this roody poo

>In 2018
But it's 2019.

>organization try to show they are righteous
>have never heard of forgiveness

Imagine it's 2045 and you're called in to your bosses office at work, and in his hand is a transcript of something you wrote in 2014 on the internet, and you're fired. Because what is the logical conclusion of all this online interaction where you can find any reason to spin and smear a person's reputation, without the fear of being in real life with them and having to deal with them personally.

one hell of a double jeopardy

>say something literally everyone says at some point
>some farthuffer brings it up to fuck you over years down the line
I know people joked about this but I didn't think it would actually become reality so quickly.

>freeodm of speech
Friendly reminder that means that government can't lock you up for talking shit about them.
It is NOT a right to say whatever you want. People can still fucking kick you off if they find you annoying or something.

all these outraged people probably say faggot and nigger in the privacy of their own home anyway, fucking virtue signaling shitheads

Who says I want a private entity to have a monopoly over these kinds of events?

>Imagine it's 2045 and you're called in to your bosses office at work, and in his hand is a transcript of something you wrote in 2014 on the internet, and you're fired.
>MUH FREEZE PEACHERS complain when their actions might have consequences
Wow! /pol/tards are truly the worst. This is why Freeze Peach shouldn’t exist.

Are you retarded?

You CAN’T suppress someone’s freedom of speech, religion, or press, what so ever.
Read the link, faggot.

This is the fucking SCP wiki all over again god damn. Trannies ruin everything.


>serious problems,
What serious problem? The dude was an idiot and got banned. Who cares.

>massively reported by the person in question
what a faggot

>Say 1 one on a platform many moons ago
>Get banned
kill yourself Tranny.

One day, they'll come for you too, you know. And you'll be all alone. No one will save you.

>In the Summer of 2018
Why even bother inviting him to GDQ in the first fucking place then
Why have him drive or fly out there only to say "Nah, go away"
What the fuck kind of passive aggressive bullshit is that
Fucking faggots I swear.

it's not really suppressing your free speech if i ask you to leave my business because you're calling people faggots. the people at gdq seem to be extremely overly sensitive though and it seems like most of these people are sharks waiting to find a drop of blood in the water.

Those faggots love to play witch hunt. Let's see how they react when they get caught. The dumbest thing about all of this is that there's literally not one person that is not guilty of saying/laughing something -phobic/intolerant. They just haven't been caught yet.

best part of being a real life homosexual is i can say faggot and if any retard sjw tries to correct me i will call them out on their privilege bigotry for trying to harass a minority to not own a word

Really fucking stupid, a lot of people were really looking forward to the Spongebob run. Should've gotten a back-up runner before slapping the ban, what a fucking incompetant crew. Taking Spongebob away from the viewers is bigger punishment than reward to the audience than banning the guy himself.

GDQ isn't ""society"" and thank god it isn't, otherwise I would unironically start a riot packing heat.

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This GDQ is somehow turning out to be a bigger shitshow than the last
>Spongebob runner banned for something he said a literal year ago
>Sonic runner gets beat up but he's the one that gets banned by the hotel/GDQ
>The whole shit with their stupid new mascot

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>20 years ago you said "faggot" to your friends

>you are now purged from society

America is fucking stupid.

I'm not a homo faggot, but I am an obnoxious fucking loser faggot. Do I still get a pass?

actually scripted

>>Sonic runner gets beat up but he's the one that gets banned by the hotel
honestly the hotel was probably protecting him. i mean if you play sonic you must be very autistic, so you are an easy target. for liability reasons and ethical reasons they should not be allowed in a bar or any other non-safe place for autismos

Fuck society we need mandatory military service

>Why even bother inviting him to GDQ in the first fucking place then
someone combed through his Twitch vids looking for a reason to get him banned.

Nah, that's Dr. Flatbooty AKA Mister No-Cheeks.

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Everybody in this thread retarded
The guy who got beat up got banned by the hotel, NOT GDQ. He ran sonic at the last event and seems like a cool dude.

Shift is the spongebob runner who got banned for calling someone a faggot a year ago, he's a different person. He's claiming that there is a discord of people making accounts and mass reporting him specifically targeting him

Nah, the guy who got beat up is Dr. Fatbody

>t. 18 year-old poster that was a toddler when I was yelling "faggot" at brads in high school and got away with it because we lived in the bible belt and being gay was still considered mental illness/degeneracy.

You're right though, I'll never say nigger in public. That was still a big no-no word decades ago as it is today. But that's not the word that got SHiFT b& now is it?

Is this what people are doing now? trying to find as much dirt as they can on othes to satisfy feeling good about their miserable life?

Narcissistic control freaks

fatbody isnt banned from gdq. just the hotel


unironically this, america especially needs it desperately because it would discipline people on gun violence and teach them to have thicker skin and stop them from believing the world revolves around them

Fucking faggot.

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Yes, and Discord is owned by chinks to boot. It's absolutely a weaponized social media tool they're using to sabotage/attack the west.

It’s not really suppression of speech if I ask you to stay within a jail house for several years of your life, which you will spend with little company, bare minimum of resources to keep you alive, and you will be unable to do much of anything while in there, and when you get out, you will be severally restricted on what you can do, and you will be shunned by society.
Oh, wait, that is suppressing freedom of speech because it’s a consequence that otherwise forces people not to give out their opinions or express themselves how they like.

Word of advise, in case you realize you’re penis shows you’ll always be make, if something is an ultimatum (a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations), then it’s not really freedom.

Another word of advice, consequences =/= criticism. Freedom of speech allows for criticism, and in fact encourages it, but it does not allow consequences of those actions.

And one last advice, the founding fathers of America did not come up with the concept of Freedom of Speech, nor did they do so with the other bills of rights. They took what would be the best to creating a checks and balances, and worded said bills to be as future proof as possible. But seeing how people are today, they clearly didn’t future proof them enough as people like you intentionally act like idiots to get back at people you don’t like.

>Watching zallard1 playing punch out Wii blindfolded
>actually the only good thing at this shitshow of an event
>says “are you shitting me” in genuine excitement near the end
Oh well

Good. Hate speech shouldn't be tolerated.
>but muh freeze peach
Actions have consequences children

based, time to get banned

It's just a name he called himself at the Sonic run.

we will. it's literally how an unironic tyrant gets in every single time.


Who even watches GDQ anymore, it's all trash, there aren't fun speedruns and it's full of trannies.

You missed the "fuck" during the shitshow that was Perfect Dark

>It’s not really suppression of speech if I ask you to stay within a jail house for several years of your life
stopped reading

>another race
>Banjo-Kazooie will also be a race

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There needs to be just one case of someone tracking down the guy that got him fired, then breaking his legs with a baseball bat. Something to send a message to the rest of them.

Come to think of it, I'm amazed that some youtuber that got burned by that Vox guy hasn't cracked him in the dome yet.

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as "toxicity" in terms of behaviour and there is no such thing as "hate speech".

why do some people have such trouble with not saying hateful things?

Your link is about property rights first and foremost you blind retard. A company town is a sufficiently public place that freedom of speech trumps property rights. Almost anywhere else, however, is not. See Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner, if a fucking mall is private enough to kick your ass out almost anything is.

>Wow, man, it's almost like, actions have consequences
It's the fact that the consequences are being blown way out of proportion which we are discussing here, tranny.

>le frozen fruit commie comeback
You should be raped as a consequence for being a retarded helpless faggot.

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Are you scared?

i don't like homophobia or racism but i still have fun talking trash while playing games. maybe you shouldn't take everything so seriously.

>Americans wake up
>Thread turns to shit
I want comfy EU hours again.

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At least it's a corp doing it, not the actual government, like on cUK or germanistain.

If you go out dressed like a whore it's only natural you get raped.
Actions have consequences, don't want to get raped? Just, y'know, don't dress like a whore.
Or get a gun if you really care that much.

>zero-tolerance harassment policy
>when he used the word against someone who was harassing him

All these mentally ill speedrunners should try and break Etika's record at the Manhattan bridge.

Why that doesn't apply to bakeries and faggots? And I ask this while being a gay guy.
>"Look actions have consequences, if you like taking up your ass I'd like you to not come to my store"

Imagine spending a year practicing your run, paying money for a hotel and travel and then literally hours before you're supposed to run some numale tells you you're not allowed to run.


There, I have triggered the entire left wing. What now?

>mentally ill
i believe those are mutually co-exclusive

That's not funny
That's hilarious

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this. they aren't really getting hurt, they just have ammo to complain enough to use it as a weapon to get you glassed.
it pretty much greenlights them to use others as petty revenge instead of sticking up for themselves

>Americans waking up
>At 4 pm on a week day
We don't even get out of work for another hour.

>if i ask you to leave my business
If your business has a monopoly in a specific field, and you're threatening their life's earnings, then yes it is.

>gets nuke dropped on house for making this post
>"Welp, gotta accept the consequences"

"Hate" is code for "disagreement with a communist faggot".

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Gotta dive head first and increase muscle density (to reduce air drag deceleration) to get that record

>If your business has a monopoly
sounds like there's another issue going on if that's the case

you know of that concept called "proportionality"?

get a load of this FAGGOT


just wait 10 years amigo this post is gonna come back to haunt you when you get arrested for hate speech and thrown into a concentration camp for racists

iktf, my sleep is fucked up now because I've been staying up extra late for the comfy hours every night. Last night's runs were nice, I liked the Metal Slug runner.
>tfw Fates run kinda sucked ass

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So where did all the Redditors that spammed the old thread go?

not even kidding

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Oh no.

Did you just assume my pronouns?
What if I told you that could get you jailtime in 20 years

fair but on the other hand I should be able to ask you to leave my business if you're a faggot

>Fates run kinda sucked ass
It was kirbymastah, it was to be expected.

Oh absolutely, no one can question whether or not alphabet having a monopoly on video streaming is an issue, the problem is that WHILE they have it, they have to be reigned in by the government and apply the same rules of the constitution.

Do any of you idiots actually speedrun?

Oh come the fuck on, what the hell is going on?



>get banned for breaking tos of twitch
>get banned from gdq because you're representing them and they have similar rules

who woulda thunk

Looks like ResetEra wins again, bay bay.

That is boring.
Who cares on his stream, GDQ would have been hooooype!


i think it's mostly just companies afraid of losing any money because of shit like this but they don't realize most of the people getting outraged about it online probably weren't going to give them money in the first place

We aren't that autistic niggerfaggots

Clown world baby.
I love this shit.

Words hold a lot of power. I've got a few loaded terms myself.

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You're not just a weeb but a dumb weeb too. My native language absolutely has no-no curse words and insults that will cause massive butthurt and people to outright wanting to fight you if used in public.

>not being born a slight shade of brown so you can avoid this by crying racism
lmaoing at you paleskins.

>A speedrunner has been banned from GDQ until 2021 for saying the word 'faggot' on a Twitch stream back in 2018.

I have no idea why this made me laugh so much.

words like faggot and nigger only hold power because these "victims" give them power. If they just stopped caring they'd quite seriously 'win' the "struggle" and the words would eventually fade or change.

I try to explain this basic concept to people and they just call me a fucking bigot. I'm not going around insisting people are lesser than me I'm telling them that the words are just words and apparently I'm still the problem.

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wait is this the current gdq thread? i cant see an actual titled one

No because I'm not trans

gays done quick

He already got punished for it a year ago. Shit like this is basically normalizing the idea that you can be punished for the same mistake forever. Imagine having to pay a $1000 fine every time someone mentions the one time you stole an apple in the 1st grade, and it can keep happening forever. Doesn't this sound a tiny bit completely fucking insane to you?

it seems like their strategy is to half-embrace the words and then tell everyone else that they can't use the words. I've been out with gay acquaintances that regularly call each other fags but they lose their minds if a hetero person says it.

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Penalizing someone for saying words sounds fucking insane to me, never mind that even more insane crap.

Jesus Peaches didn't each well.

you can use this exact same arrogant fucking reasoning for nearly anything in any situation, wrong or not.

>Doesn't this sound a tiny bit completely fucking insane to you?
No, because he's not human.
Which is why he should be shot in the street instead of polluting the planet with his dumbfuck opinions and forcing the rest of us to suffer through his existence.

Good people are doing nothing

Imagine having to money launder to get mario games on stage

Then make one faggot.

>He was going to play SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
I heard that the one hundredth person at dilation station #8 gets to play Battle for Bikini Bottom this year

you do realize that the holocaust was a direct result of jews fucking over Germany right?


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Liberal getting banned because his own creation of outrage culture

My father is racist as hell, guess I can't follow my dreams now.

Tell that to Kevin Hart

>emptyhero has a speedrun later tonight under a fake name and is going to pull his dick out and start doing jumping jacks half way through the run and there's nothing GDQ can do to stop him

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>Losing your fucking job because you called some kid a nigger on the Internet 30 years ago

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I doubt he can do since everyone knows what he looks like

>future employer gets my Yea Forums transcripts
>jokes on him hell be dead before he finished reading it

she* ;)

Games Done Queer.

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I guess you could say, he should have stop being a faggot.

That was the reason

Wow, how he dares to say anything bad about our faggot Lords?

well, is Uncharted 4 a good game then?

>reality is a hyperbole

as an actual irl faggot... what the fuck?

doctors without borders traffics kids from war zones for the rich to have sex with

Whites getting their comeuppance

Damn. A furry and a homosexual.

HOLY SHIT THEY BANNED SHIFT. My dude who plays spgonebob 24/7

jesus christ.

whats actually wrong with this? how is being an asshole a year ago not a big deal just because it happened a year ago?
>he could of changed
so? he could of not. all i hear is people bitching about actually being accountable instead of getting away with their bullshit.

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Shut up faggot

I think most of us would feel the same if it had happened ten minutes ago. We just don't care enough to ban someone.

true. that dosent mean it was okay what germany did. i kick my neighbors dog, he burns my house down with my family inside. karma, but also murder. the consequences of those actions have actions with their own consequences.

>nah its good man i stopped publicly harassing minorities like 8 months ago

its called being a liability. he shouldve been permabanned. from twitch and gdq

theres zero excuse to act like a Yea Forums child in a professional environment.

You didn't get the memo yet? This has been going on for years and years.


>act like a chimp
>someone calls you a chimp so you report them
>they get punished for it

yeah, its their fault, definately.

>meanwhile, at SGDQ this year

i dont think so. if i was to say i was a huge poster on reddit, or a reddit admin 2 years ago, everyone would tell me to fuck right off and gb2reddit. if i pointed out it was 2 years ago, literally nothing would change, id STILL get flooded with gb2reddit`s posts.

"it was x units of time ago!" is just so fucking meaningless.

Doesn't your shining beacon of a country have an online forum for you to post in? Why are you here? If you're countries so great, you must have 1000 moots that have created superior forums right?

saying "faggot" once or a million times if it is in a non-homophobic way only serves to render bigots power of the word insignificant. by letting the word "faggot" be empowering to bigots and justifying their crusade against homosexuality you are only giving bigots power. there is a reason hate crimes are on the rise. and liberals are to blame. oh i forgot liberals almost always live in homogeneous communities. explains it all.

I don’t get queer. I guess that’s supposed to be anything that’s not male or female (that’s a whole other shitshow) but queer, at least for my lifetime, meant weird and to another extent a bad word for gays. But now it’s part of their lgbtq shit. Is there even an organization for this “community” like NAACP for black people?

Explain oh based one

shut up faggot

Hope the person who wrote the tweet and the person in the photo isn't the same. Describing yourself as "nice" is a sign of oversized ego.

You liberal faggots don't even have guns. How you gonna shoot somebody in the street? Get out of here with your dumbfuck opinion you weak faggot.

>it's all on the hotel being faggots
Banned from GDQ

You must not know how charity events work

He was already held accountable. Now he is being punished for the same thing again a year into the future in a completely different context.

The problem with the "actions have consequences" angle is that a precedent is being set where you are expected to inform every single decision you make and thing you say based on an infinite number of hypothetical scenarios that could happen at any point throughout the entire rest of your life. Not only is this completely unrealistic and unreasonable, the people trying to enforce this idea will do everything in their power to ensure they themselves are not held to the same standard despite being just as likely to get swept up in the same net.

would you call them... words that kill

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Shut up faggot

How long will he get banned?

>criticize the leader of the country
>get sent to a death camp
Can't complain man, actions have consequences

You do realize Yea Forums is not only based on a Japanese BBS system but currently administered by the guy who created it, right?

Hi iDubbbz, I really liked your latest vieo. Good on you for not shying away from using the word "faggot", too.

>Japanese doesn't have taboo words.
>Instead, you have to carefully craft your sentences tone or simply rely on Gaijin privilege to have your rude and crude language be considered amusing rather than impolite.


Yes, that's exactly how these communists think.

This is seriously some shit that the old generations would have shot you in the knees and buried you alive for. This is children raised in a warm fuzzy incubation chamber playing with forces they have no idea about. This is probably about to get pretty interesting in the next couple years.

shit that was in 2018

Fallacy detected

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>muh bigots
There is no chance of a gay genocide, fuck off

Isn't faggot against Twitch's ToS now too?
No wonder they canned him.

>if it is in a non-homophobic way
fuck off with that bullshit, faggot. if there was no implication insinuating that being a faggot was bad, then the use of the word in that situation is meaningless, and would be interchangeable with any other word. So why didnt he say "fuck off, rotory motor"? because rotory motor dosent have some sort of negative connotation associated with it.

>and justifying their crusade against homosexuality you are only giving bigots power
probably, but irrelevant. this is about an event owner having the right to determine what is, or isnt acceptable in their own event. if they want to propagate bigots power by giving the word power, so be it. the reality is, if they cant choose what goes on, or dosent go on in their own event, then can you? if a guest walks into your house and starts telling your son about xhe pronouns and about lgdbtqfrwx-ness and hey, maybe becoming a womens a good idea, you kick them the fuck out. and when its 5 years later and they show up at your door, you STILL kick them the fuck out because of what they said 5 years ago.

Does faggot actually hurt anyone's feefees? t. Literal faggot

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if you act that way you are almost certain be the one who is purged by radical leftists in the near-distant future. do yourself a favor and drink bleach for your inability to reason critically before the retards of your generation take over and send you to the gas chamber

fallacy fallacy detected. a fallacy isnt an argument in its own right, as a fallacy means faulty argument, but not actually "right or wrong"'

better luck next time


I do, but I don't speak Japanese and unless you know something I don't know, this forum was started by an American college kid called Moot. What was your point?

Just imagine a war happening with faggots like that in command and on the frontlines?

The fallacy is invalid for reasons explained in that image, which you did not read because the internet has shattered your ability to maintain an attention span longer than a few seconds dont bother replying, I have no interest in reading your low-tier bait

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>people used to joke about searching through decade old chatlogs for three special letters to get someone in trouble in real life
>it's actually happening
Amazing. I imagine there's a lot of extortion happening with this too. Top twitch celebrities getting threatened for money by people who saved that one time they said a naughty word to them in private.

This thread is barely videogames.

>Twitch is considered a professional environment now
End it all

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I hope you're an 18 year old liberal arts girl sitting behind a computer typing this. Because if not YIKES.

>Why would you ever go on Yea Forums and participate in a community with anonymous posting? What's the positive in not having a username that stores and leaves a paper trail of past comments forever?

Why do you hate gay people?

once this circulated he will be removed, then the outrage will commence, then more people like user would want to cause more outrage by searching for more evidence. Then that evidence will circulate, then the cycle continues


This has always been a thing, but typically limited to politics since you used to need money and influence to get that kind of dirt. Now the internet makes that dirt readily and permanently accessible to anyone, anywhere - even dirt which predates the internet.

And why not do it? Social media makes it a super attractive thing. There's virtually no risk with calling someone out unless you were personally involved, and plenty of reward in the form of attention and possibly creating big news headlines. It's legal vigilantism, and everyone likes to fancy themselves Batman. While "I wouldn't want this to happen to me" should theoretically be a deterrent, most people are stupid enough to believe they are immune or that they have no dirt of their own.

Interestingly enough, it's zoomers growing up in the middle of callout culture who are taking it seriously enough to become hyper-aware of the trail they leave behind on the internet. The problem is that they are usually too dumb to understand how to do it effectively, such as the dumbass who got rejected from Harvard (there's this whole thing about students using Google Docs to chat because they think it's genuinely untraceable), but they'll be the ones in the future standing against the nonsense.

I know cringe is an overused word by now that has lost most of its intended meaning, but when I see a group of teenage dudes ooh and aah and panic attack over FAG being written on a save slot, I can't really think of any other word that describes how it makes me feel. How can life not eat these kids alive. Maybe sad is another word I'd use.

she's actually cute

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I don't hate gay people i hate faggots

It happened to YouTube, it’ll happen to twitch. When they need a clean public image, they’ll make it as accessible to the general audience as possible

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I'm going to guessing you've never been televised or on a stream before.

Y'all are retards, it's a speedrunner banned from an optional charity marathon. They're totally within their rights to ban him.

How do trans tits work? Do they inject something?

Pretty sure they would have used a similar excuse to ban the guy if he had sworn on his private stream. Why punish the person for something he said A YEAR AGO.

Even shit on this site can be found if you look with an ounce of effort or care. But on social media it’s just like leaving a bread trail

Ever heard of a tit job?

It’s 5:00 PM here user.

Imagine if you were a britbong and you asked a fellow person if they had a fag at the event. Instant ban for life.

welcome back to consciousness, coma victim! just so you know, sega and atari went bankrupt, sony and microsoft started making consoles, and half life 3 still isn't out

oh yeah, and Donald Trump is President of the USA

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It's more like "how could you be retarded enough not to scrub those files ahead of time, you've literally had days to practice at the event with that exact cartridge and not once did you see it and think yeah maybe I should clean that up before tomorrow"

But you do by posting bigotry by using that slur. You have to post your full name and address so you can be punish and to protect oppress people of the lgbtqa community from your hate.

They literally are not though

it's happened before. twitch has banned brits for stuff like "gonna go light a fag be right back" before.

Well that's disappointing

What a fucking idiot, if he didn't draw attention to it nobody would have noticed in the moment of course later people would have brought it up but he could have brushed it off as just putting random letters as his save files.

they are scared of getting in trouble.

it was a backup cartridge i think.

To be honest, I would have played it off like a boss and totally ignored it. How the fuck don't they know if it's a dude named Frank A. Geofferies that made that save? It's 3 fucking letters where your initials go. That kid just about pissed his pants, the crowd oohed because of his reaction, and then he spaghettied all over himself to point a finger at some dude off camera "H-hey this is y-your game cart?" This is embarrassing, and not for the reason that crowd thinks it is.

lol everyone noticed, you can hear the crowd. You guys really suck dick at damage controlling.

>bigotry by using that slur
I don't give any kind of shit who or what you fuck, but if you act like a faggot i'm gonna call you out onn your faggotry, your feelings don't enter in consideration as i don't give a fuck about them.
I'm not calling you a faggot because you like taking dicks in your ass i'm calling you a faggot because you act like a fucking faggot, you should stop giving so much importance about mere insults as if they were loaded guns

fuck you

If he had any balls he would say " I didn't wanna go it's full of faggots anyway"

Do you have any clips alluding to that?

>could of
>retard makes retarded post

Apparently gdq got some sketchy ass hotel as well.

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I already call the police. You should be sent to the Intolerance Correction Facility in a couple minutes.

This is a stupidly specific case which has to do with a private company literally owning an entire town, and the ruling just holds that the company is still beholden to the same constitutional restrictions that the state would be. The implication is that this would apply in any context in which a private company takes over a state function/service/etc. This has nothing to do with GDQ or likely anything else you ever have or ever will reply to with this link to "prove" that private companies must uphold first amendment.

If you panic attack and act like you're guilty of something, then guess what? Everyone thinks you're guilty of something. 3 letters in a row on a save slot caused this. Adrenaline rushing, blood pumping, heart racing panic attack from shock. Ridiculous.

I hate both

He was guilty of something you retard. You really think putting FAG in big letters up on a charity event stream wouldn't get you a ban?


Considering the guy who was just banned for saying 'faggot' on a stream over a year ago, this is an appropriate reaction.

>If you panic attack and act like you're guilty of something
Turns out he was guilty of something.

My name is Fred Alexander Gascoigne. Where do I go to turn myself in to the thought police? You have the address?

This just makes me so sad. He said faggot, he did his time in twitch jail, it's over. Why are they bringing it up a year later. I'm so tired of it all. Everyone is a fucking nancy now. Don't bother trying to create a dialogue, just ban those fuckers fuck them. Nobody wants to grow or try to understand each other, they just want everyone who does something they don't like to fucking die.

I thought that this was the case for years

Oh? What was the runner guilty of?

You're such a dumb fucker.

So thanks for letting me know you're a brainlet. I suspected, but thanks for edifying it for me.

Putting fag as the file name. What else?

Shut up nigger, go get hung from a tree or jump from a bridge

Good. Spongebob faggots are the worst

Are you gonna ban him for having FAG initials?

There's no point in starting a dialogue with anyone because the outrage mob won't be satisfied with anything other than a ban

>hehe I'm shitposting mommy
The dude's banned for putting FAG up in big letters during a charity stream and there is nothing you retards can do about it.

I don't really care, desu. You're still a nigger.

Proof that he put it there?

>I don't care, that's why I'm replying
Thanks for sharing retard

He was also threatening suicide earlier.

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these skips are pretty cool

I can guarantee there is more than one country in the EU which would require you to change your name.

>places controlled by communists falling into shit

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Unironically gargle drano.


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what? no one's called them out on this?

Dude tried to buy drugs and the hotel kicked him out, so he's spinning a yarn

Tell that to women who get drunk and sleep around.

I'm replying because you're assblasted and its funny to me. So keep replying to me, you loveless sack of filth.

Fags mad

>People shocked that you can't say slurs and not get fucked for it if you have a public persona

There's no good reason to say it anymore, it's not accepted like it was in 00's. If you said it at your job and you're not a day laborer, you'd get canned and rightly so. You need to accept reality

If everyone around me sounded like a nigger I'd kill myself or them too

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There are certain words that will get you permanently banned on Yea Forums, too.

>There's no good reason to say it anymore

Wannabe language police and the culture of victimhood means there's even more reason to say it than there used to be. The word "nigger" has become normal again in certain circles solely because you tried to tell people saying it's a crime.

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The sad thing is you're right. I'm so sick of public forums. Hell I'm sick of private chat rooms. There's always some fucking rat who wants to control everything in their little circle. It doesn't matter what race, age, nationality, religion, financial status, gender, sexual orientation, left wing, right wing. There will always be rats trying to control everything around them. I'm so sick of them being given power, controlling other people, threatening other people.

He's just trying to be the new Etika, hopefully he kills himself too.

While this faggot shit is truly unimpactful to anyone's feeling, people seem to forget words are powerful and that they are used to communicate ideas. Imagine if no one was accountable for what they said ever.

learn a thing or two from this based nigra, fucktard

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Communist faggot.

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>I'm replying because you're assblasted and its funny to me
But I'm happy because the retard got banned. You're just a dumb fuck trying to shitpost. Deal with it, nigger.

>Be public figure.
>Act like a retard.

I feel like we go through this every month. Public figures are held to a higher standard than normal people.

>Man gets banned from queer convention because of homophobic slur.
>Whiny teenagers rush into the thread to screech their outrage signal on an anonymous forum.
The future is bright in the hands of this new generation.

Imagine getting your feelings hurt by a word that lost all its original meaning when everyone started using it in highschool.

>applying grim trigger to a fucking speed running autismo fiesta
Just end those trannies ffs.

You sound pretty mad to me, friendo.

>do thing in 2018
>get punished for it
>pick yourself up, resume life in 2019
>get punished for thing from 2018 again
>you didn't do it again, they just decided to enact double jeopardy

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There's no crime, no one's policing you, it's a slur for minorities. You deserve consequences for saying it

reminder 'take' is a verb
therefore to 'take offense' ie. be 'offended' is an action on your part, and absolutely your choice to make

you don't pick a knife up and stab yourself with it when someone throws it at your feet, so why should you stab yourself with words?


I don't get it.

lol @ people itt acting like "words have consequences" is the normal state of the world and not a predatory policy ruthlessly enforced by a minority of sociopathic, manipulative, power-tripping hall monitors

SJW's and LGBT seeping into every corner, defiles it and leaves a huge fetid patch afterwards

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You seem pretty retarded to me

>no one's policing you

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This guy has an entire regimen of ass kissers. When I was permanently banned from GDQ in 2014 for something I never did (false accusations), I didn't have anyone supporting me in protest.

Please, you already spam this shit in your phone in every single thread about getting b& for talking trash, don't you have anything better to do than baiting people?

Why would you want to be sponsored by diabetes anyway lmao


fuck everything if a "company" is gonna check your twitch shit to make sure you don't curse or didn't say THE BIG THREE. where are these fucks for gov't people? get THEM fired!

>this thread

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Zero Tolerance and Harassment are a contradiction in terms.
No reasonable person in any jurisdiction would call one person, saying faggot once, a year ago, is "harassment". It's ludicrous and it undermines GDQ's credibility.

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You mad cisboy?

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Resetera has taken control over Yea Forums. It's over...

because rich evans needs his meds

Yes this is how image works. The internet does not care how much you've changed, gdq just thought it would be easier to ban a guy who said faggot and endure the wrath of muh free speech retards instead of keep him and deal with people calling gdq homophobic

Watch a video on optics or something, this stuff is pretty simple

hey gamboy watsup?


That's the annoyance. People digging up crap to spite someone.

>charity event doesnt pander to /pol/tards
wtf bros...

Wait, this shit was double jeopardy?

1. Nigger
2. Faggot
3. ???

You bootlickers ought to enjoy the bayonet that will eventually be jammed up your ass by the gestapo your kind invites.

This is privatization of free speech, with the concession that "your actions have consequences" in teh most superficial way and "they can ban you if they want" applied ot nearly every workplace or job, you can effectively be depersoned from life for making any slight about any group deemed protected by the tyrannical despots who control the narrative. What that means is you having even teh slightest difference of opinion on say, the president's policies, immigration, or even somebody who cut you off in traffic, means you effectively can no longer live or be active in the workplace.

Congratulations on your dictatorships anons, you'll have earned it.

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The last SGDQ was in 2018, so it would make sense that his ban would take place during the following SGDQ in 2019.

Am I missing something? Who cares. Some twitch retard acted like a retard, chimped out and ate a ban, is this really a big deal?

>be black
>get to say nigga on my stream
>be gay
>get to say gay shit/call people fags on my stream
>be a woman
>literally get to be a slut on camera without punishment when theres literal cam sites for this shit
>be a mexican
>get to speak in a language nobody understands so cant be punished unless you go out of your way to figure it out
>be any asian
>nobody really has anything to say to begin with other than "theyre asian bro take notes" so you can troll gently and its taken as viable
>be a tranny
>somehow this makes you more important than anyone else and therefore gives you priority on your gdq application even if your history is dogshit
>be a normal white person
>can get banned for shit that you didnt do, or for doing shit people dont get banned for anyway
heres an idea, can we make gdq stop existing since they pocket a fuckton of money anyway

And ZFG is banned for donating against a sjw name in a zelda file name.

Most good runners are banned or rejected to allow tranny runners to run stuff now.

Right, and?

Anyone else think speedruns are boring?

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Umm... it's spelt "freedom of speech" not "freeodm of speech" you goof.

>type faggot on Yea Forums

>10 years later
>fired from job, put on sex offender list, put on house arrest, monitored by FBI
slippery slope is a fallacy btw :^)

All the people banned from GDQ can get together and make a speed running organization where you DONT have to breath the same air as the mutant hordes.

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So did he apologize or is he going to stand his ground and not give in?

>bully person into publicly apologizing for saying a word
>arbitrarily decide the apology meant nothing
>enact full punishment anyway
>also this is the second punishment, you already punished the guy for his actions a year ago

How is this "good optics"? The moment anyone learns the full story it looks terrible for GDQ, unless you're the 1 out of 100 people genuinely brainwashed by leftyfaggotry.

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Everything GDQ does is to maximize the amount of kickback money the organizers are paid. The organizers are also a clique of friends, and anyone who points out the long standing corruption or numerous promises to let the community change some of these things finds themselves banned.

It pleases me that eventually you will be killed by the tyrants you brought into power with your childlike logic and spineless behavior.

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The good news is that already happened, so we know what happens next.

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>White people mad that the minorities that they abused get to say the slurs that white people made up for them.

This is why the Chinese are winning.

The way you keep saying teh instead of the makes you look so silly


Eh. I'm not against them. When they're charismatic, it can be cool. The now infamous Jax and Daxter run is a good example.

>People can still fucking kick you off if they find you annoying or something.
No they actually can't.

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>>THQ proves how based they are and makes an AMA on one of the main chans
>>Ignores seething trannies telling them to fire the people responsible
>>Proves that they are extremely based by remaking Battle for Bikini Bottom and Destroy All Humans
>>Speedrunner for said game seems chill and promotes the game
>>Said speedrunner turns out to be based as well
>Holy shit THQ truly are ourguys. When will their reign of basedom stop?

Why was this post deleted?

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Stop replying to bait ffs is this your first week here?

He wrote a 4,600 word apology post to GDQ.

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It is a fallacy. This dude got banned from an event, he isn't in jail.

>Some faggot says a word that is generally considered offensive by the general population and was banned from participating in an event which is generally overrun by faggots
What a shock.
>Hey man I said the word Nigger in front of the customers and they fired me from KFC.

Sure this is over-reactive of the event but they have the right to be over-reactive. What you're saying doesn't really apply or make any sense.

It's not very "woke" to call people subhuman, libtard.

>It’s ok for X to happen since Y is worse

>dehumanize the opposition while claiming peace and love and empathy above all

>all white people abuse minorities
thats pretty racist amigo
also white people are the minority compared to asians so youre also a hypocrite

The majority of you really aren't capable of nuance, are you?

lol then he deserves everything after this point for giving these crazies an inch. It will get worse.

and 10 years ago he wouldnt have been banned for something he said a year prior to some random asshole on the fucking internet. the slope is, in fact, slippery.

>Gender Done Quick

>Sure this is over-reactive of the event but they have the right to be over-reactive. What you're saying doesn't really apply or make any sense.
If you can't see how it relates you will be the first killed when they start doing the shit they're already doing in the UK fucko.
laugh while you can, it'll be illegal to do that soon.

Coming Soon: Public televised apologies for a word someone heard you say at a bar one time in 2003. We thank this citizen for bringing it to our attention!

>post cunny on Yea Forums
>10 years later go to jail for spreading child porn
see you guys there

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In my opinion, people should either be punished when they say stuff at the moment, or if a year passes by... let's be honest, let it go, words are words at the end of the day, this isn't a murder or a rape case where it's something that is unforgivable even after 30 or 40 years. Words can be hurtful to a person, I undertstand that, hell, throughout my life I have been called some nasty things myself. But at the end of the day, physical violence towards someone of a different race or religion is far, FAR worse than name calling, should we do it?... No. But people shouldn't be withheld against it, most people who say it is usually using it in the context of annoyance like "fuck" or "you asshole" and are usually not racist or homophobic. But we live in the year 2019 where everyone is a winner and words are the spawn of Satan where comedy should be shunned upon and we have to give stuff to the smaller man or woman because they are "trying harder." People need to know that not everyone will repsect you just because you have a trait, sometimes you will be a target for miniscule things, and will call you nasty things. No one is perfect in this world, I've never called anyone anything, but I sure as hell have been called a "dumbass cracker" when I got an answer to something wrong.

>they have the right to be over-reactive
and i have the right to call them assholes for it
deal with it, asshole

If you think you should be punished for saying words, then you ought to leave America. Without that founding principal, we'll wind up like the UK.

digital downloads were taken away...........

what is THIS?
is this even REAL?

>double jeopardy
There is no double jeopardy clause outside of the court system you retarded fuck. You are acting like 2018 was 10 years ago, it wasn't that long. An orginization can rightfully part ways with you if you are a racist or homophobic that's how it works.

I'm not American though.

He obviously wasn't doing it on purpose user, don't know why you didn't catch that yourself, really. I noticed he also wrote "ot" at one point instead of writing "to", but I didn't jump on here to tell him no one will take him seriously because of it. This is what you might refer to as a "typo".

Why do people pretend that America isn't as bad already?

Talk shit, get hit has been a part of society since man first walked the earth.

You are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute!
tic-toc merica

>Man with a chopped off penis thinks saying faggot is the equivalent to commiting hate crimes
>Man with a chopped off penis thinks people deserve to be permabanned to anything ever, no matter the actions they took
>Man with a chopped off penis thinks Twitch and a Tranny scam stream are professional
lmao ok.

>le freedom of speech outside of government prosecution
You don't fucking have the right to say what you want without consequence from society. Please educate yourself on what "freedom of speech" actually means

freedom of speech doesn't preclude that, this is "you are not allowed to say anything I don't like by punishment of gulag" you fucking retard.

Then it's not freedom of speech then is it fuck nuts? Why don't you head on over to Russia and choke on Putin's cock if you want communist Brownshirts to stomp you into the ground so much faggot.

>"you are not allowed to say anything I don't like by punishment of gulag"
Who was gulag'd, you dumb nigger?

Please tell me where this freedom you think you have is written.

wait a few years and see, you brainlet loser.

America is Brave New World
UK is 1984

I don't give a fuck. Private entities having a monopoly is not okay with me.

So, no one then. Shut the fuck up, idiot.

The grow partially with the hormones.
Though certain bust sizes are obviously only achievable with a boob job, or by being a fucking fatass.

lol you are retarded. it doesn't matter if you give a fuck or not, you caring doesn't invalidate the law and make some new bullshit take its place. You might as well be a tranny cause you use their same logic

Why don’t you educate yourself tranny?
Even Google agrees that Freedom of Speech IS freedom from consequences.
The fact that Google even understands this means it’s well known what GDQ is doing is anti-free speech

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what'd you expect from a place full of dilates

only when you drop dead dipshit. Go blow your brains out in a ditch.

It's never really worked like that even in America, if you've looked at literally any of our history.
The real power is the government not being able to police your speech. Businesses, individuals, corporations, angry mobs have literally always done it here.

Slit your wrists.

Fuck faggots
Fuck niggers
Fuck jews
Fuck trannies
Fuck jannies

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>Google is an authority
Holy fuck the american education system is truly trash.

At least read through this material first before trying to argue anything.


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It is against the law you dumb tranny.


Bet you spread around the "Beware wrongthink!" posters in your free time

;) ok tranny boy

>Even Google agrees
Your IQ must be in the single-digits, man.

They want it to be a problem so they can victimize themselves because society glorifies victims, and gives them power over other people.

Thats why we love aris. The only streamer out there whos doing it right. Faggot kids get banned


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Kill yourself commie fuck, if you can just deny people the right to work, eat, live and speak soley based on something they said that's "problematic" or offensive to you then that's restraint, you cannot speak freely or you will effectively die.

This is effectively a mob rule that is decentralized and privatized so that the government "technically" isn';t restricting your free speech, but now private corporations, social hate groups, and think tanks effectively can, and anyone who manipulates them. That's nearly every major workplace owned by these clowns. Do you understand they own 80-90% of all media, production companies of any kind, and overall outlets? That means to survive you'd have to be wholly independent, or have enough money that their shunning of you wouldn't matter, like Mel Gibson and Donald Trump.

Eventually when you're getting your head caved in by a mob for something you said online ten years ago, this post will cross you memory before you consciousness fades into nothingness.


no one says it at work, they say it to assholes online who are faggots and won't stop being lil bitches in videogames.

and then you got 8 or 10 yr old kids saying nigger on XBL all the time..............

fuck you

why should they stop saying them too then

I thought you were trolling but you are actually fucking retarded kek

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so what they're saying is if we dig enough dirt on a runner we don't like saying a slur, we can ban them

>if you've looked at literally any of our history
Of course none of these retards will bother, because it's easier to act like a grandstanding retard than actually try to know what you're talking about.

what a faggot

If getting hit was all that was happening out there, there literally wouldn't be a problem. What you're describing sounds like a Garden of Eden utopia compared to what's really happening. Getting hit means you had a bad day. What's going on right now has potential to lose people their entire livelihoods and be shunned for the rest of their lives, following them around forever with a quick Google search. I would take "get hit" all day everyday.

4 fallacies in just 1 post.

From looking a little more at things, it seems like he has had the unique misfortune of pissing off one turbo autist who is now dedicated to fucking with him. Sad!

I already went of this in a previous post.


not only that, but, again, what GDQ is doing is actually illegal.
Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946)

No arguements from liberal cocksuckers, as usual. You are weakwilled losers, it'll be a good day when you're no longer soaking up tax dollars.

Japs get butthurt if you don't use the right fucking honorifics, they're fucking paper thin pussies

You're late for your summer school class kid

I think it was Harvard that recently took away a kids scholarship and wouldnt let him in the school because they found some racist comments on fucking shared google doc his friends had. I dont get the retroactive punishment of naughty words, especially from young people.

I guess as a boomer I just see the internet as something completely separate from real life. If I were born with the internet like it's been the last ten years then yeah I'd probably be the same. It's crazy to think how many people dont remember a time before the internet that are alive now and adults. We are doomed.

It says the same thing in the Oxford dictonary too. Plus why are you on this site?

I would, too, but my point is that guy basically doesn't know what he's talking about if he thinks no one got varying degrees of punishment for saying the "wrong" thing in America.

Why are trannies and lefties so authoritarian? I thought they were against "fascist" ideology.

Speedruns are pure autism, but the best ones can be a mildly interesting watch.

Hey can you actually point to anyone at all who has lost their right to work and eat and live because of something like that? I'm interested in the US but pretty much anywhere with a functioning representative government will work too.

You fucking drama queen.

Imagine speedrunning spongebob games at the age of 40

I grew up with the Internet and do not conflate real life with Internet life

I don't argue with retards. ;)

That says a lot more about how the event itself is shit than him.

>It doesn't make sense that they would ban someone a year later for something irrelevant.
That wouldn't surprise me, given their record.

>not like this
This is not how we advance as a society. All this is doing is creating nu-segregation. Life would come to a fucking standstill if we applied this nonsense to everyone and every company that has ever existed.

it's not just that, it's people unironically defending the liberties we were supposed to be granted by the nation we live in being stripped away.

These faggots will be cheering for the abolishment of property rights, and the mandate of online ids before you know it.

Because they're "defending" minorities from their fucked up brains' reactions to words.

There's plenty of good reasons, like telling a faggot to shut up

it's hard to have a conversation with yourself ;O

Are you retarded? That image explains perfectly the argument.

This is because white people are individualist over common sense morons who rather "lose with grace" and other dumb shit instead of taking a stand against your blatant persecution. You deserve everything you allow to happen to you, you coward idiots.



stop doing this shit

Where did you find those texts?

;) make me

I hope you flunk out of your shitty community college liberal arts program

Who gives a shit about that tranny infested shithole

This is your society on jews.

Yeah I can, Count Dankula in the Uk for one, if you want a US example, the kid who got accused of Rape by mattress girl. You want a Canadian example Jordan Peterson, Tommy Robinson in the uk, the kid who got kicked out of Harvard for mean words he said IN PRIVATE.

People are advocating for things like what happened to Tommy Robinson here in the states you fucking mongoloid, and you're seeing exactly what happened to these people prior to getting more extreme.

It's a death by inches and you're such a dumb nigger you will not see it till it's kicking down your door and gassing you.

>Throw out random buzzwords cause no argument

>Sure this is over-reactive of the event but they have the right to be over-reactive
Just because a company can do something it doesn't mean you should and it doesn't mean people should defend companies like that. This isn't about legality but what kind of practical effects it has on life.

Good fuck them

You ignored every single argument that was thrown at you, people are more than within their right to mock you.

Weird, I'm pretty sure all of those people you mentioned are still working and eating and alive.

shhhh kiddo. people like you arent worth arguing with. You have to make me want to actually listen to you

>shift banned
okay gdq can literally suck my dick. he’s a cool dude and made a vid telling how excited he was that he got to play his game on stream. absolutely fuck this entire organization

kek you just got rekt! By

Because said main chan isn't 4channel.

>no one's policing you
That fat fuck Sargon got deplatformed from Patreon by saying nigger OUTSIDE of his streams and OUTSIDE the site itself. Stop fucking lying.

Don't fucking reply to my posts, faglord.

People aren’t allowed to make mistakes anymore. If you ever in your life say something that’s considered offensive, that’s it. You’re done. You’re considered a monster and a social pariah. It doesn’t matter if it was years ago, it doesn’t matter if you’ve grown as a person, you’re expected to be born with this perfect understanding of what’s considered right and wrong despite the fact that what these people consider right and wrong literally changes on a daily basis. You have to be perfect and you have to have always been perfect.


check this 5

You're the exact kind of faggot that would say that freedom of speech is just an amendment and not a concept

>He thinks he has the power to stop me
Seething. Rekt, where is your muh freedom now?


>create best countries and societies on earth
>suicide yourselves over extreme pity for other people
>they all hate you anyway
How cucked can you be?

>sign company's TOS
>act like a dipshit teenager
>company doesn't want to work with you
this is like retards who brag about drug use on facebook, their boss finds out and they get fired.patreon is a business relationship, and it was ended by one of the parties. tough shit

Yes, you do things for "Charity" where rich people launder their money and you get a donation to your organization in return after it's done.
The money given to the charity mysteriously turns into "administration fees" on the other end, essentially double dipping for said rich donors.

A concept doesn't mean its automatically a law kiddo. You might as well promote flat earth as a proven law

Sorry, im gay ;)

It's the fact that like so many dev companies and that SCP project a certain group yet again hijacked something that used to be fun. I do agree with you though.

>OUTSIDE the site itself
Dang so its ok if I call someone the n word in my house but outside its not huh? Can I do it at the mall but not at the movies? I would like a list of locations

We'll have the last laugh when you finally replace us and burn our once great societies to the ground. If only you could have learned from us instead of resenting us for our achievments. Have fun with the rubble!

Why wouldn't it be?

clown world

Man I haven't seen this board rape a dude so hard in a while. Its like one guy acting retarded while everyone else if fucking him, its really sad

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Because it's not the government arresting political candidates for saying bad things about immigrants.
Except only one side is being allowed to "hit" so far. The left has been saying shit for a very long time without punishment.

Jordan Peterson is a fucking celebrity and raking in cash, the fuck are you on about with that one.
>functioning representative government

>the n word
Don't let mommy hear you say a no-no word!

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Cause the location for a hate crime doesn't matter


how is it a hate crime to call alt-right racists white niggers?

actions have consequences
just like when a whore dresses inappropriately in public and gets raped

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I am sorry that I am not an edgy kid like you who needs to constantly use it to sound mature. You don't, you sound ignorant and retarded when you use it

>Businesses, individuals, corporations, angry mobs have literally always done it here.
Not every type of business, no.

That's the point. Remember critical theory and racism were invented specifically by the marxists to take down the west. They knew that capitalism would overtake them, so they had to poison the well.

Calling someone a nigger isn't a crime, let alone a hate crime. It's not a threat, it's not violence. Maybe it's unpleasant in polite society, but being an unpleasant person isn't illegal.


thats what sargon did

Should be. It is hate

Why do freedom of speech advocates, who don't actually know anything about the history of the concept, want people to be raped?

Not because their opponents haven't tried to stop that.

>Getting fired is the same thing as physical harm
I love when brainlets think they are being clever

Not an argument.

I'm free to say faggot and they're free to not associate with me. That's freedom you stupid shit. This is literally babies first constitutionality argument. Free to speak my mind doesn't mean anyone has to listen to me or share my views.

WOhhh what a shock, the thread about brittle americans being offended has brittle americans being offended.



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Uncharted was never a good game


so should all buttmad lefties that ever said anything bad about trump be also arrested for hate crimes?

Bad news, faggot. "Freedom from consequences" is literally the definition of having a "right". If you have consequences for an action, then it's not freedom.
We have consequences for murder all the way to public indecency. If this deserves consequence, it's up to the state to put them on trial for it, not you.

Lots of things are hate. If you made it illegal to dislike anything or anyone, you end up with the worst society imaginable.

>sign company's TOS
The site owner came out in public to say that no one would be deplatformed for saying "bad words", right before he actually did that. And no TOS doesn't mean shit, that's not what is being discussed, what is being discussed is that platforms which affect a person't living, like you know an hospital or the only bank in a city, are policing what people can or not say. Which is what was being denied by the idiot I replied to.
It's ok either way. Nigger is a fucking word.

And it just says disturbing things about their frame of mind.

Hate itself isn't a crime. That's not what a hate crime is, you nonce.

>Society without hate would be worse
You are retarded

>Wow lets defend the rapist and racist

You trying to police people's speech is hate, and that's hate crime, you should be arrested because you're offending me.

>the t-word
i'm calling your future wife

underrated post

>Oh I was just calling him the n word in a friendly way

Basically this.
He was never kid friendly and he doesn't have a rack to write on with a pen, so Twitch doesn't want him.

>reduce drag
you fucking bigot your are totally done for, i'm posting on twitter.com to your employer this instant

You're missing the point of why people defend the concept itself.

>If you have consequences for an action, then it's not freedom.
"Consequence" is a neutral term. And every action tends to have a consequence. Therefore, freedom doesn't exist.

Everyone has agreed that the n word is bad. You might say on here that its ok but you would never have the balls in real life so it would pass

>every slight should have a 10 year minimum sentence

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No there is a difference between philosophy and actual laws. Go get into office and make it a law if you need it so bad

>If someone owns a business and they don't want you there then you're fucking gone.
Well you SAY that, but then...

Attached: we-serve-whites-only-no-spanish-or-mexicans[1].jpg (485x366, 35K)

Not even trying anymore.

Attached: bait.jpg (1280x1267, 89K)

I'd think they were just an ugly woman

>Wow lets defend the rapist and racist
You said saying the n word is a hate crime no matter what, Sargon was kicked from patreon for calling literal alt-right racists the N word, not black people. so glad we agree he shouldnt have been

>Everyone has agreed that the n word is bad
Don't try to deperson me, I haven't and your attempt to speak for me is offensive and problematic, you should be banned for trying to rob me of my voice.

Who are you quoting?