Final Fantasy XIV

>Final Fantasy XIV

Wow, more proof the game is crap. Just play WOW.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>just play a 15year old ugly piece of shit

And it still looks better than wow

Both games are dogshit, the amount of shitflinging back and forth blows my mind.
There are 0 acceptable mmos on the market right now.

What a ducking joke of a game

>still no chat bubbles and talking animations
how can anyone erp like that?

But there are talking animations.

>le need more than 90 fps meme

If I’m spending $400+ on a card I better be able to get more than 100fps

Nobody says you "need" them, but it looks nice.
A game in 2019 being so incompetently coded that it has to cap framerates is simply unacceptable.
Disagreeing with any of this simply makes you seem like a jealous poorfag, which you probably are.

It's because boob physics are tied to fps

it doesn't sadly, FF XIV is fucking ugly because it goes on the realistic look meanwhile WoW has the cel shaded look which is more cartoony. FF XIV is fucking ugly with bad lighting and literal pixel looking terrain textures.

Its for the boob jiggle
uncapped removed the boob jiggle

Only autists care about games with physics tied to framerate, half the time they're validating their expensive GPU purchase by cranking everything to absolute max and getting 144+FPS instead of playing the fucking video game

No need for more than 60.

Do you have no concept of art direction?
Maybe XIV is technically inferior, but WoW has some of the most hideous visual design i've ever seen in a video game.

t. jealous poorfags
Let me guess, you buy Radeon cards?

Most of you WoWfags couldnt even get 90fps in ffxiv with your 2007 built PC's running AMD processors.

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>blizzard added candy crush to wow

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realistically you couldn't reach more than 100fps consistently in FFXIV unless you AFK in a house or exclusively do casual dungeons.

just being in town or a raid with a i9 9900k+rtx 2080 and it averages around 80-90FPS already

Who is the cutest XIV influencer?

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That's some horrendous optimization, jesus christ.


Whats with the FFags fighting with WoWtards?

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that's all MMOs, especially modern ones.

Have you seen Nazjatar? It's really beautiful. Keep in mind they achieved this with an engine made in 2000. FF XIV engine has 10+ years advantage and it still look worse. How? I don't know, maybe because PS limitations, but then again they could have just made different PC settings, just look at the 90 fps limit cap, its fucking laughable.

Attached: nazjatar.png (1027x568, 980K)

>simply unacceptable.
Didn't you die from ass cancer, Totalbiscuit?

Assmongoloid went after FFXIV because people were shitting on 8.2 and streamers ruining the Classic beta so his little minions are now attacking XIV

Blizzard sure knows how to beat the competition am I right?
Shadowbringers dead on arrival

Attached: Asmon mad.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

>both physics and graphical engine looks better in WoW

thats fucking sad FFXIV bros.

Did the subhuman actually get mad? I wanna see please.

user, I played WoW since Vanilla, and since Cataclism the aesthetics have changed so now everything looks like it is made of plastic used in children's toys. I fucking hate it,

>Very"Hey guys just dropping in to say im still struggling with my """""depression""""""Merri

>playing games solely for looks

i cant imagine how shit your taste must be

why is he depressed?

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its amazing how the game is even breaking him

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Asmongold is such an unlikeable cunt

I mean their engine is older than FF XIV and they still compete with FF XIV. Its sure not pretty but FF XIV isn't pretty either. Both games old zones look shit for example. FF XIV engine is worse though, Movement, Action etc is sluggish, menu is worse than any mmo i know and the world is flat. (no physics except the clothes)

So the retard walked into a wall and sperged out?

Why do people hate Asmongold? He is entertaining. I agree with most of what he says.

It was a delayed reaction to the mount.
He's not happy about it.

He's waiting for his jump cooldown to keep going up the mountain.

Is this the new XIV thread?

WoW has physics now?

Wait they advertise shit ingame?

Same. It looks weird because it's not actually a bright and colorful setting.

>baseddrinking bugman

Reminder boob jiggle is affected by fps and playing at 60+ makes you a homosexual.

Time to go back LilZoom.

>jump cooldown
And they laugh at 2.5 GCD lmao

explain why he's angry and what does the name mean in < >?

This guy looks like he talks about the "toxicity of the community" and how we can make women feel more at home in MMOs a lot.

>xiv movement is sluggish and the menu is worse
What the fuck are you on lol

>max 90 fps
>max 90 players

I see. His face doesn't convey much when he just spends 30 secs with his mouth open and a blank look.

he literally shits on blizzard every chance he gets yet Yea Forums hates him? this is new

certain armor pieces and weapons have jiggle physics on them, nothing particularly mind blowing though



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He's angry because all the store mounts are unique and well made but the in-game rewards are different colored horses or gyphons you can buy after a month long rep grind and paying 90k gold.

This game can be locked to the fucking Switch and STILL look better than WoW

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>ffxiv has the realistic look

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He hates the game but he's too addicted to ever quit so even when something he hates happens he knows he just has to accept it.


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>tfw ffXIV is full of store mounts


He's a total normalfag mongoloid retard, i don't understand how it's possible for you to watch even 1 minute of his "content" without wanting to smash his skull in.

bro, even bloodstained looks better than your game

>shits on blizzard
>keeps paying to afk in their trash pile of a game
No he doesn't shit on blizzard you fucking retard. It's all for the camera so his zoomer viewers can think he's "based" and against the system so he gets more donations.

It was a mistranslation and is meant to say 1.5x your monitors refresh rate

Looks like a realistic american to me,

its because he says the truth. Retail WoW sucks and speaks for the people who think the same.

I hate him because I'm tired of seeing his disgusting goblin face everywhere.
It was bad enough with jewtube relentlessly shilling all of his reaction videos, now I have to see him spammed here too.

who gives a shit about mounts, you can only use one at a time.

You're actually retarded

Do they use them to bribe players during a content drought?


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No one would watch him play other games and he sucks at them. He has been a WoW player since the end of Vanila and he loves the game and wants it to be better.

It's just falseflaggers. They post same shit in WoW and XIV threads.
This is the best on the whole video

>be smart good job good job
>boss walks away while slowly vanishing

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We don't like it either, but at least they're not trying to scam 6 months of sub out of us for ours.

This looks bad

>missing the point entirely

It absolutely does lmao cope harder

>he shares an opinion with me and therefore he is worth watching
literally everyone who isn't lacking a brain hates retail WoW, if you have to watch someone at least watch someone entertaining

There was no boob jiggle in FF14.

>There are 0 acceptable mmos on the market right now

Take that back.

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Wow has better graphics, too bad most ffags are too dumb to take a second and look at textures of their game

Only 3 months.

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if you have 90 players in xiv in the same place you have 9 fps anyway

WoW looks like a scuffed Pixar movie while FFXIV has soul.
Vanilla WoW was never trying to look so cartoonish, it was just limited by the tech.

I doubt he's actually addicted, he just realizes it's his only source of income and he has no other marketable skills.

user this Asmo guy literally shitting at wow non stop. And video other user posted has nothing to do with shitting on XIV

maybe on your shitty rig

Well these images aren't cherry picked at all. Nope.

It seriously feels like they will be limiting our enjoyment with powerful gpu and monitor.

Just play WOW instead it’s a much better game anyway.

Can you still play this

He has enough money to be set for life, he does genuinely love the game but his love for it also makes him hate it. He doesn't enjoy other games either.

>Wowfags shitposting instead of playing their "glorious" WoW 8.2 because they have nothing to do in it
Feel really good man, I'll be playing a game with real content tomorrow.

Attached: Feels good man.gif (360x346, 170K)

Which was right as the expansion came out so 3 months would've came naturally anyway. Not really 100% acceptable, but its better than doing it during content draughts that WoW has pulled at least twice in BFA's lifetime alone.

Running ffxiv at 144 fps fries my 2080 and ryzen 2700x

it's funny cause xiv sells new cash shop mounts and costumes constantly but they just eat that shit up like good goyim.

on anyone's rig, have you ever been to a full eureka instance?
probably not because xiv players don't play their own games content and just erp all day.


Her name is Lady Titania. Praise the arrival of your new goddess.

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during S ranks the game caps out at 90FPS anyways.
skip to 4:14

>plays mhigger rap

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what a weird thing to tie to FPS

The only think worse than seeing 15 Smash threads is seeing you trannies worship this godawful expansion on the daily. Take it to /vg/ already.

Can someone redpill me on DRG? I heard it’s a nice balance between DPS and utility.

>he thinks the soulless Blizzard/WoW/Overwatch art style looks good

In red = Old event items that were given for free during the event period and added to cash shop the next year.

In green = purchaseable ingame.

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Asmongold is actually based and quite charismatic and funny despite still playing WoW and despite how disgusting his room is. I'm not sure why people hate him so much.

It shut down on 2013 sadly

WoW is fucking shit. I will never in a million years play anything by Blizzard and their fag pandering. Deal with it, trannies.

Because of the youtube reaction videos

he's living the dream

Your seething jiggle caused you to fat finger your keys, honey. Just wait until 12 hours when we'll all be enjoying our game and you'll still be mad.

If you can't run ffxiv you have a shitty rig no matter what you put in it
I didn't have fps problems running ixion on SB release, I don't know what they put in eureka but I doubt it's worse than that

>meanwhile FFXIV sell transmog and mounts and house furnitures for 60 usd


He can be a bit abrasive sometimes and is very dismissive of things he doesn't care about. I think he's fine, most of his opinions are good.
His fans are fucking awful though.

A lot of the scion minions were cashshop only, like Y'shtola.

>spends entirety of stream repeating himself and having (((woke))) comments on shit that any random Yea Forums poster has
I have no idea why anyone could ever enjoy watching his stream

There is you idiot

but why does it say 2.x though
isnt it at 5.x now

and who knew he posted on Yea Forums

I agree that WoW looks like scuffed Pixar, but FFXIV looks like it has soul? LOL. its as generic anime as you can get. It has neat designs ill give you that, but WOW looks like it has heart in a derpy kind of way, FF is copypasta.

physics are often tied to FPS in many games.

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You are right, Wowfags should really fuck off with their shitty expansion.

2.x updates apply to everyone, including those who don't have the expansion

it means all versions are affected in case you only have the base game, if it only affected 5.x it would say 5.x.

guess your pc made of fairy dust and magic is just that good then

Nobody gives a shit because they actually have good things to get in-game rather than another recolored horse.

>I know nothing about what I'm shitposting: the post

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All these PC's now could hardly run 1.0 :^)

I know there's a scion one but I can't remember which.

I miss those flower pots.

and this isn't bait then? dissapointed

I've only watched a few of his videos. His stuff is a lot better when he's not playing WoW. I honestly didn't know he was so big and that he made a lot of money until people started posting about him here and mentioning that he did.

no one cares you still "has" to pay for that car everyone wants

>for 60 usd

I watched his classic stream for about a week to see what the big deal was
>handed everything
>has all of these dickriders but still fails shit constantly
>doesn't listen to people when it comes to how to play, insists that battleshout didn't give aggro and was too retarded to try it
>is quite literally only in the spot he is in on classic because of people rushing over each other to help him get to the top

Are there even any other games with a job as based as BLM? I can't think of any.

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Why this is still called anime is beyond me. It's like no one even read any fantasy.

>ctrl + f "dilate"
>"no result"
you guys are making progress

are you sure? I am really curious about this.
Would be a game changer for me since I have been planning to upgrade my rig to SLI

Chloromancer from RIFT

yeah like when he was playing DS3 and cheesed the entire game with Vordt's Hammer then got stonewalled by Nameless King and gave up


>If you want more space you have to pay real money
>Can't pay your sub with gold



The videos are alright since they cut out a lot of the dead air of repeated responses and shoutout bs he still has an issue with sounding like any other poster on Yea Forums though

because final fantasy is for gay niggas

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>no one cares you still "has" to pay

>cel shaded look

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Doesn't Shadowbringers have it's own mount for game time special?

>no talking animations
There are. Your character's mouth moves as you type.

any game with a wizard, i guess?
dragons dogma sorceror shits all over it

Which mount. outfit or house item is exactly 60 USD? Enlighten us.

Xelor from Dofus, you need 400iq to play

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What's the size of 5.0 patch?

AST are already on suicide watch with today's patch notes, you don't have to remind them they took away their dilate spell. That's just kicking someone while they're down

you get a mount for spending $20 or more on anything from amazon. big difference from getting a mount for buying 6 months of WoW gametime only

>WoW has the cel shaded look

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christ, his chat community is even worse than he is

>cell shaded
It's not cell shading. Shit like BotW is cell shading.

Attached: 1549267218401.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Peak fantasy.

>no more useless cards
>suicide watch

wtf bros this can't be happening

will the new tomestone gear be better than antiquated gear

>more proof the game is crap
Well I mean it is an mmo.

now you know why all the hype for classic wow is dead
those are the type of people that will be infesting every realm

It's going to be okay man, I know the WHMchads are laughing at you but you still have a chance to be relevant. Just wait for the pre-savage patch


>what did it cost to get bland uninspiring buffs?
>literally every other facet of the job.
Fair trade all things considered.

They don't pull that shit when the game is dying and nobody wants to play.

>will the gear you have to earn be better than the gear you get for free
gee I dunno

Are you already done playing through the new content from the patch that dropped like yesterday?

being subscribed for 90 cumulative days is a lot easier to do than paying for 6 months of gametime upfront.

iirc antiquated chest only gives left side shit, how do you get level appropriate accesories, msq?

Actually a huge difference here, cumulative total 3 months is very different from buying 6 months upfront just before a content drought.
Emphasis on cumulative. XIV isn't going to force you to commit to anything.

I'm going to miss arrows desu.

i was down to play classic and XIV since i find interchangeable qualities between them, but if its going to be like this i might give it a pass for a while

at least we dont have that high cancer levels in yurop

ex primal should drop right side stuff

Tataru is mogstation only.

level 80 dungeons for the basics, then tomestone and one of the EX primals

tfw no zepla gf lads

>Cell shaded
Dont you have a patch to play bro?

>It's totally different goys

bros it's killing me i just want to play...

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Unironically the laser matching mini game from legion was something I sunk a lot of time into and it was fun to me.

Then again at the time I was just happy to be playing since I expected BFA to give me more fun things to do, and I was wrong.

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>DirectX 9

>HRT spreading nerfed
>dilate removed

I played it when it was new. Was ok, but I got burnt out after hitting 50 on a few jobs and doing coil. Came back recently, played about 2 weeks. Housing, fishing, and cards were fun, but not enough to keep me around.

It is, and we explained why.

Rift is actually still alive, but Trion being the retarded faggots they are pretty much squandered any potential comebacks they had after making such good ground with the F2P shit. If they never shifted focus to Defiance my boy would still be around today at more than 2k people online.

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don't worry it got discontinued today

It's a store mount you get for paying for subs. It doesn't matter whether it's upfront or paid cumulatively, it's a store mount.

It's in maintenance mode. Trion no longer owns it, they sold it to a holding company who will keep it in limbo until it stops making any money at all. It won't receive any more developer support beyond minor QoL and UI improvements.

It matters a lot.
If it's cumulative you can make a decision at the end of each month and decide if it's worth continuing or not?
Am I having fun? No? I'll stop playing now.
The alternative is, am I having fun? No? Oh I already paid for another 5 months and can't get my money back.
You retain your ability to terminate the contract at any time in XIV, it locks you into nothing.
But they will hold your player housing hostage!

They have a specific menu that's conveniently placed to trick you into clicking it and viewing their microtransactions. Almost like it's made by some greedy cunt from EA.
It's so fucking tacky and jewish that I dropped the game the second it was introduced. Fuck that noise.

>Still no pre download

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I'm fine with that, at least I know those faggots can't touch it and ruin it any more than what they already have. Nobody holding it is better than Trion, actually.

The only joy to get out of seeing his shit is watching him get btfo and his half hearted damage control that follows along with lil zoom handing him $200 to rub in how shit he is.
If I wanted to watch someone I actually like I'd watch another person, which is what I do when I do decide to turn on twitch.

You can stick to just having an apartment

They've already ruined it beyond repair. The current game isn't any good and will never be fixed, the damage was done years ago.
RIFT didn't die. It was murdered.

ummm sweetie, time to upgrade the toaster

>I want a game that has Barnie the Dinosaur

WoW Kiddies of 2004 will forever be kiddies.

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If you buy something that is $20 on the video game sect in amazon. Which people just responded with getting in game time cards since they were already planning on playing ShB. Blizzard is just doing it for the sake of relling in old players or people that left. Which just makes them look silly because they are doing it on the wake of ShB.

Here, sis

Will be surprised if it is less than 25GBs.

It's impossible to get more than 90FPS in Limsa unless you stare at the sky or you play on a absolutely dead server.

How can anybody praise XIV's visuals or art direction? Everything looks so fucking flat and lifeless, like it's made of clay. Colors are muted, architecture is boring, attacks have too many fucking particles to see what's going on, and as said the lighting and shadows are awful. Nothing has any clear direction besides vaguely fantasy looking. It has unironically the most soulless visuals on the market.

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You have to be over 18 to post on this website.

Most store mounts are ones that you can actually get by playing the game on certain events, iirc. After that they are put on the store, so in the end, there arent many store exclusive mounts

Looks like a pile of garbage

I don't care about WoW. Watched few videos with him because of Yea Forums shitposting unironically shill him. if not "asmo layer webm" I would never watch his videos looks like turbo normalfag but kinda honest normalfag. Not pseud. Hell he don't even trash xiv. A lot of shitposts are just exaggeration or out of context lie. However his audience is very cancerous. But well a lot of them are kids.

>people who are autistically screeching about the cuckshed instead of just playing what they want to

Faggots, the lot of you

You can't blame FFXIV for being this stupid.

you can get them by doing the weekly bingo, no?

I play whatever I want but I can still laugh at people in the cuckshed

hello war/sch/mnk/brd main

>Game has a dedicated RP tag for characters
>No chat bubbles

Missing this feature sucks so much. I don't like having to find who is talking by going through all the names I see on screen.

Fucking Storm Legion, it was the sign of the end.

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>Defending the bad optimization of a game


I'm convinced MMO's are just fucking terrible games, and the only reason anybody plays them is sunken cost fallacy. I'm sure Shadowbringers will be just as garbage as BfA, I'm sure people will defend it because they're mindless shills.

Rest in peace, MMO genre.

I play DRK/BLM, but nice try

It was over when they started selling raid gear.

As someone who has played both extensively what WoWfags should focus on is the responsiveness of the controls and netcode. That's where XIV falls short and for you retards to focus on graphics where it's subjective, it's a waste.
Every WoW player is also looking forward to Classic and they all love the old graphics more than the new cancer. Why the fuck are you even defending something that almost no one likes, even the players of the game you're defending.

Even nu-WoW's shrek graphics look better than XIV's lifeless clay trashheap

>literally handfeeds you a good point to make as to how WoW is truly better than XIV
>hurrdurrhurrdurr muh graffics

You're insufferable.

>As someone who has played both extensively what WoWfags should focus on is the responsiveness of the controls and netcode
>Every WoW player is also looking forward to Classic
Yeah and in Classic they're intentionally making the game less responsive through the spell batching thing. People fucking loved that though so calling FFXIV out on the same thing would be beyond retarded

>injects MXAO
wow game fixed

It can look good, its a shame the UI covers so much though.

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Yo when the FUCK is this shit going up for download

>why does the desert city look like it's in a desert

I haven't played classic personally so I don't know how it feels with them trying to replicate shitty net, but comparing it to the BC days it's still much less responsive.

Literally every single place looks souless and dead but it looks like shb zones are lot better in this regard

7 hours

Not sure I agree with this. The entirety of ffxiv including hw and sb currently only takes up 36gb on my machine no way a single expansion adds that much to it

Wrong. Modern MMOs are basically RPGs with multiplayer functions. I play xiv because I like setting, characters, classes and game mechanics.And because it is designed to play with both gamepad and KB.[/spoiler] It's like aRPG for me. I don't like MMO as genre anymore. Of course some mechanics from classic MMO will be great world design, not this teleportation mambo-jambo.

Anyone else think Asmon still likes WoW and just acts pissed and wacky for views? Its like his persona to be fake mad, like DSP.

spell batching in classic is fucking horrid, you can probably find some videos of it if you look for them. But that's what the fanbase wants so that's what they'll get

He's already admitted to being an eternal wowfag.
He will keep playing so long as people will keep watching him play.

Of course he likes wow he can't play anything else

Maybe. But I hate modern Yea Forums but still here being grumpy. Pretty similar behavior.

Considering that's where his income comes from, the moment he switches to something else, he will lose that gravy train and be unable to live in his moldy shithole anymore and have to get a real job.

Wouldn't you play a game if you were being paid thousands of dollars just to sit there and play it?

*rolls up in regalia*
get fucked ali mhigger

not really, tons of people still watched him play other games

>Nearly every single in game mount looks like fucking shit

At least chocobos are cool

The thing is he's literally too retarded to play anything else.
Dude has a single digit IQ and anything that isn't WoW is completely alien and incomprehensible to him. When WoW dies he will be left with nothing.

I don't think any expansion has increased the size of the game folder by more than 5 or 6 gb

Pre-download will drop 3:00:GMT. I work for nintendo


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Because he has a "core product", people will stick around for ancillary shit.

He, like most bigname streamers fucking knows it too, you can see it in his eyes, how dead he is inside.

I feel bad for him. No marketable skills, no real prospects, nothing except video games as your one and only thing, and he's not even particularly good at them.

ARR zones are peak comfy though.

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what's there to feel bad about?
if he wasn't streaming he'd be the same, just without tons of money, dude is just doing what he would being regardless and making bank off it.

He played ESO and got a lot of views, he just admited he is incompetent to playing anything else than WoW because he doesn't consider himself a gamer and doesn't like other games that are not WoW.

Imagine living in that smell.

ARR zones are way better than HW and SB and probably SHB too, dunno why they decided to suddenly make the maps 10 times as big and make them absolutely empty.

FYI, FFXIV is supported by Nvidia Freestyle, which makes the game look 10x beter

I don't need him to tell me how to shit on XIV "correctly" you insipid fuckstain. I'm telling him he's wrong about the graphics.

Because of flying, and flying was a mistake. Looks really bad when you fly high up and can visibly see the fucking bounding box they put the zone in.

XIV is garbage, but WoW is also garbage. The MMO genre is fucking stale and dead.

it's just sweetfx but with less customization and requires an Nvidia GPU

what the hell is a freestyle

If i get into ff14 now, i need to to entire story through the all expacs until sb?

When the FUCK will we get Ansel support, Nvidia?!



Attached: 81iE-CPLETL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1065x1500, 242K)

What do you think of my freestyle shaders user?

Attached: FFXIV Freestyle.jpg (1920x1080, 1.8M)


all I can hear is coil whine

Attached: vaporwave.png (1622x1280, 1.4M)

>Fighting Polygon Team

>patch still not up

Wizards from RO. They even got instacast bullshit in renewal

>New Polygonia

>attacks have too many fucking particles to see what's going on
I thought you were talking about XIV. I need DBM because all the particles in WoW don't mesh well together, making everything look weird.

Don't you have an $80 mount to buy?

>Wizards in RO
>Needs Bragi to do damage to packs/MvPs

Ok someone humor me.

Was 8.2 THAT BAD that Wowfags are here in XIV threads?

Turning off spell effects is such a godsend in FFXIV, I can't understand how some people play with them on

Hasn't Asmongold outright stated that there's no point playing any other game than WoW? Coulda sworn I heard that somewhere.
I seriously can't imagine being that fucking cucked by a video game company.

Mind running that by me in English?

Eureka made me turn them off and I haven't turned them back on since.


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Better than 8.1 but it's not even NEAR to fix BFA smelly shitty stuff. They literally got just more daily quests.

Blizzdrones are in total damage control mode, yeah.
Not to mention assmon rallying them all against FFXIV specifically.

Question: Are there any real rewards for doing the Extreme/endgame content for a mostly casual player?

This is the first time I'm going into an expansion while at the previous level cap, so it's my first chance to do more endgame stuff at the same time as everybody else. However, a lot of the fights just seem like you and everyone else on the team needs to do everything absolutely perfectly to have a chance of winning. I still kinda suck ass at the game, so is it worth it to try and complete this junk or is it more designed for people who have done everything else in the game and need something to brag about?

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>Not to mention assmon rallying them all against FFXIV specifically.


It's a special move warriors get that lets you basically climb up walls nobody else can.

Stay seething, tranny.

whats a real reward?

It's mainly for the satisfaction of doing it + the gear/glamour + the mounts. If none of that interesting to you then don't bother

Mostly glamour and bragging rights. You decide what you wanna do this expansion.

Just higher iLvl gear plus bragging rights.

What's good about joining a raid when it first drops is that everyone is dog shit. So if I were you and want to try it, do it now.


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The friends you make along the way.

SAMchads report

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stop lying god damnit

He said
"WoW is your wife, you love her, she's special.
XIV is some cute girl you met at the club and you think it's love at first sight and you start messing around with her and it's a lot of fun but at the end of the day you still love your wife.
And once that honeymoon period of excitement ends you'll go back to WoW because you love her."

It's for anyone who does not suck ass. So if you suck ass, go get good and then do them.People like a challenge, and the Ex content gives gear which a) has good stats for the next thing b) drops extremely rare mounts c) gives fancy weapons for bragging rights.

but i divorced my cunt of a wife and moved on

>Just play WOW.

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That can't be real.

patch is up on ps4

Asmon really is delusional at this point, WoW is now an abusive relationship that some people just don't have the balls to leave and they probably never will.


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>wowfags filling the threads with anti xiv shit
dont you guys have 8.2 to play? or did you do all the content in about an hour?

Doesn't fry my GTX 1080 TI at 1440p/144 fps. Sound like your hardware's starting to fail, famalam.

>"WoW is your wife, you love her, she's special.
That's more applicable to games like Maple and RuneScape and even then you'll still leave them if things don't work out or they betrayed you.

who the fuck plays on a goddamn ps4 user

No, they got it done in 3 hours.

He also said
"Nobody plays XIV because they like it, they just play it because they're unhappy with the current state of WoW."

But then you go back to your house and you find yourself getting cucked by none other than this handsome chad.

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There's no excuse for having a cash shop in a b2p game with a fucking subscription - that's true. But when both games do the same shit then I prefer to play the one that doesn't suck dick.
That's FFXIV btw

>People said we haven't given them much content
>And I asked them "What level is your necklace?"
>And they fall silent
>And I know the team is doing a great job at providing content to our players
Chad as fuck

does anyone have footage of max height viera running/jogging? kinda afraid that they get the looking goofy treatment at max height

wow is the western thot wife that was once wholesome but is now an overweight karen with shit hair and even worse attitude

XIV is the asian wife descendant of japs that came to the west, she's got flaws and she'll sometimes yell your fucking ears out for random meaningless shit, but at the end of the day she gives you a hug because shes trying to be a good wife

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they both suck mega donkey dick to be honest, i can't see how either of them got popular especially with such a high price to even play them.

Was this in this video?

They'll be alright..right bros?

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That is an actual, unironic, in a non-meme sense of the word, COPE.

Attached: COPE.png (606x315, 235K)

Ion is just like Todd. I love their sweet sweet lies and cannot hate either for them.

>cumulative 90 days
>continuous ~180 days
Same thing. Ok.

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Stop acting like you didn't play Go Fish for extended Balance every fucking time.

>b-b-but the Spear!

No, you only used that as a last resort. Why are AST even mad at these changes?

then no

half of the playerbase

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No, some other time.
I don't fucking know when, he streams like 6 days a week.


Hey I know what game she's playing on her phone!

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at least try a convincing argument.

WOW sucks big dick. Lol.

If I played AST I'd be more bad about shit like Collective Unconsciousness being a complete fucking joke of a cooldown now compared to Sacred Soil.

All cel-shaded games look like shit to me anyways, so whatever you said is a load of shit.

>Just play WOW.

No lol

>overhealing is good if sch do it
actually embarassing

It's pretty much like Assize right? And anyway you still have Earthly Star.

The potency nerf was massive and you can't extend it with CO anymore either.
I'm not really upset about it because we have other tools instead but I don't understand why it was so harsh.

You're out of your mind if you think the modern iteration of the WoW engine is even slightly comparable to the one from 1.0.

>damage mitigation

>"You have a robotic rooster with a wizard hat on, okay? That's anime shit."
Did we play the same game?

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Is there an estimated time the servers are supposed to come up? Like midnight EST?

5am est

Check the loadstone dumbass

Wait what? I just resubbed an hour ago and I played AST mainly. What happened?

5am EST

It's EDT this part of the year REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

11h40m. No less. Go to fucking sleep or some shit. Big patches NEVER go up early.

how do i pick up cute IRL girls in this game

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they both mitigate

WoW full of anime. And WC3. They were heavy inspired.
>Arthas vs Illidan in WC3
>literally anime fight with speedlines

Daylight savings is fucking stupid and should be abolished

You don't have to dump cards until Balance anymore since all cards have that same effect now.

I can't sleep until we get to download the patch. Knowing Square it's gonna slow down to a crawl and I don't want to be downloading it when the game's already playable.

Time isnt real

I'm so sorry user, if you don't wanna feel bad about that you can start dancer or gunbreaker.

scholars are useless for the second time since 4.0 and are trying to shedpost ast now that whm was confirmed meta

But the farmers user!

240hz displays

Downloading patches go up 3-5 hours before launch. Go to fucking sleep.

not to mention he started bitching about sci-fi elements even though they've been present in WoW since day 1
even fucking lightsabers for that matter

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But one spell is strictly better than the other

someone said 8am japan time so in an hour and a half

stop being weird
just be social

Savage is just about memorizing the fight and then performing actions from muscle memory.

patch is up on JP PSN account

>just b urself bro
that's been a losing strategy for 27 years for me now


If you want girls in game you're going to have to pretend that you're not ERPing with a tranny. If you want a IRL girl go outside

Even as a majority PC gamer, PC gaming is a meme. It's just butthurt consumers trying to justify their overpriced hardware and peripherals. The barrage of complaints about ultrawide support is the best example, they are a tiny minority of screens and yet they threaten and review bomb over their meme ratio not being supported when 99% of consumers are on 16:9. Ever wonder why it's so seemingly easy to mod it in for many titles? It's because the devs didn't have the time or couldn't justify the time to playtest or alter assets across the whole game at a different aspect ratio but left the ability to force it in anyway.

They both mitigate but AST heals for half the potency and disables the caster for the duration to boot.
It actually sucks dick now that I look at it closer.

>Titania's theme perfectly nails the feeling of a whimsical fairy queen

How the fuck does Soken just keep on doing it bros, over and over again

socializing is hell in XIV. no chat bubbles so no one notices what you say unless its party chat or tells, you can't even tell where the /say is coming from if you do catch it in the log

The fuck? Why would they change it instead of just adding it as a different option? Did they accidentally break the physics on higher than 90fps or some shit?

i didn't say be yourself. in fact i said DON'T be yourself you weird cunt

stop being a loser than, be a better version of your self

Based retard

He gets paid in tendies, his favorite currency

I've never even bothered to set the frames over 60 FPS because it looked good enough to me that way, am I really missing out on anything?

i don't know if my bunny is actually brown or red

Maybe it's because of PS4 bros?

Imagine being such a tunnel visioning retard WoWfugee.

Let me guess, you have trouble with raids without ACT because you can't handle the game not flashing big "DANGER" text in your face and telling you how to move like DBM used to do for you.

>Titan lore
>Old Gods lore
Really makes you think.


Depends of the refresh rate of your monitor.

no it's pretty much screen tearing for higher end pc users though cause they need the higher fps to stabalize.

>All those retards with no self-awareness saying "BUT MOP? LUL" conveniently forgetting how fucking negative MoP was actually received when it was announced
His chat really does consist of 12 year olds

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They confirmed it is because going above 90fps breaks some things.
Just japan making spaghetti code like usual.

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It looks smoother if you have a high refresh rate monitor or you load slightly faster than others even if you have a SSD. Other than those, you get a bunch of drawbacks including:

>PC runs hotter/uses more electricity
>boob physics stop working
>can clip out of bounds

The bigger issue is when you have higher refresh rate displays or something like adaptive sync. The game slows to a crawl when it's supposed to just limit your fps.

At unlimited or 1/1 ratio (144 fps) I get around 100 fps at most times but if decide that 1/2 ratio or 72 fps limit is good enough, my fps drops to 40. It makes no sense and there's a chance that the 90 fps cap does this as well.

>japanese game
>well coded
pick one

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when will the fucking patch be available for me to download on my fucking third world internet THIS ISNT FAIR

You know people always joke about the Japanese and how behind they are with computers but half their media always has some programer with a dead end job.

>While these actions are still affected by the global cooldown timer, they will not share a recast timer with other weaponskills.

>A timer will display over the icon of weaponskills and spells with unique recast timers.

what does this even mean

Reminds me of when Blizzard had menus in Starcraft 2 uncapped and people without vsync on would run the menus at 700+ FPS and their GPUs were literally melting.

I still don't know what to level first bros...

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>Parrying is now less effective in reducing damage.
>Blocking is now less effective in reducing damage.

Can we just say

>we just made tanking harder


they are classified as weaponskills but they have a longer gcd than regular 2,xx

It means that they have their own cooldown on top of the GCD, and that there is a special icon to show the CD.

whilst the skill is off cooldown you will only be able to activate it if your GCD allows it, once on cooldown instead of going onto the GCD cooldown it will have a specified cooldown similar to an ability

It still scales to whatever your refresh rate is if you choose 1:1. Unlimited just caps at 90 because boob physics are based on FPS and variable FPS fucks them up.

You have innate damage reduction now though.


>free 20% mitigation

Certain actions consume a GCD but they aren't on a 2.5s cooldown, they are on their own separate timer.

>best friend been playing since 2004
>screaming for past three weeks about 8.2 and Nazjatar
>says he's gonna no-life that shit for at least a month after it comes out, won't play anything else
>gets mad at me when I leave for the night because he said there's nothing left to do in the update after three hours

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They are on GCD, and take multiple (15-20) GCDs to cooldown.

I just somewhat decided that I'm a caster main for this expansion. I've never played them in any serious content so maybe this will reignite the spark.

You can't weave it, basically

Pander to socially isolated losers and office zombies

Can someone explain goetia to me? Is it the catch all tome system now they're using?

DRK for MSQ kino
Best DPS BLM for everything after

>Parrying is now less effective in reducing damage.

Can we just say

>GNB is in the shed


Golden Saucer vs Darkmoon Fair


You leave my wife the fuck alone!

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you buy the welfare gear with it that's an upgrade from your job gear and first dungeon drops

Not being able to weave skills is anti fun.

It's literally tomestone of the month.

Every few months they change up what specific kind of funbux you get from dungeons; this is just the latest iteration.

they're just the new uncapped tomestone for the new tier nothing special

we must meet our 2nd quarter deadline user, please consider subscribing to world of warcraft instead of shadowbringers.

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>playing any MMO

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They better let me still use my native 120 fps they've let me have for years, or I'm flipping my shit at customer support.

I don't trust Japs when it comes to PC settings.

Weak ass false flag attempt, Blizzdrone.
FFXIV beat out your piece of shit game fair and square. No amount of crying "b-b-b-but they're both b-bad!!!" is going to convince anyone, zoom zoom.

sounds like WoW is more like that fat cunt he married prematurely

I get 120 fps+

They don't trust themselves, that's why they capped it.

They literally fucked something up so that, if left uncapped, your GPU will fucking disintegrate .

post proof

i have 130+

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This is just the AO and reflections you could already enable in-game though.

That's just DX9 vs DX11 my dude, I remember this from when Heavensward launched. DX9 doesn't support reflections and ambient occlusion.

Well I was only level 52 before I had quit due to some shit, so I guess there is no end-game difference. I picked AST because it looked cool.
What's the most fun healer job then?

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white mage

Why can't we just live in peace as fellow MMObros?

>caring what other people think
Its time to end yourself.

>Being a sociopath

Wow i didint knew asmongold was that full of shit.

I'm at work. Give me discord and I'll show your dumbass. I'm not lying.

i4770K at 4.4 GHz
1070, not To
16gb 1866 ram iirc
Velociraptor hdd ( been in storage for years, was new)
BenQ monitor, can't remember the model

I have most settings at medium or more, some less, effects off for everyone except me and party.

Where are these patch notes?

>was on cerberus
>see moogle

oh fuck me I'm glad I'm not still playing and feeling the full DESOLE

Still anything but WHM.

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yeah its really fucking dumb
at 60 cap i get 59 fps
But unlimited, it shoots to like 1000fps and my pc starts screaming in pain

that's pretty much every game, what do you think is meant to happen when you let the game run at unlimited frames per second?

Caster faggots act like you are literally the only players in the whole fucking raid group that ever have to deal with any mechanics at all.


>tfw no vaporwave song in game yet

Attached: tfw.png (838x1048, 872K)

patch up

SMN """complexity""" is the biggest fucking meme created and I still can't believe those head dildo fucks manage to keep fooling people into believing it.

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If you're playing SAM in a party with another SAM, you owe it to yourselves to assert dominance over each boss. Stand your ground and Midare those fucks into the ground.

BLMs have to know the fight because their rotation functions on strict time constraints and they need maximum uptime on leylines possible. If you’re a SMN or a BRD or something you can just flail around like a retard and it doesn’t fucking matter.

Holy fuck you are retarded

I actually got out of bed and got blinded by my monitor you motherfuckers

>b-b-but muh point blank AoEs
that's literally the only thing in the game that could possibly support the argument that melee have it harder than casters. There are no mechanics that require melee DPS to leave melee range, every mechanic of that nature is assigned to ranged players - Every time. In fact melee are catered to specifically in order to maximize uptime.

Casters don't have 100% free unhindered movement. Try one and you'll probably become a better player.


>There are no mechanics that require melee DPS to leave melee range

literally fucking false

If he's so depressed maybe he'll Etika for us.

What's the best way to buy this game?
>just buy the complete edition
>wait for Shadowbringers to go on cheap since it's not like I'll get to that content any time soon
>Some special promo

user from other thread explain what did you mean when said Bahamut can fuck up your timings. He never fuck ups my. And ShB Baha will get wyrmwaves only from casts.

Not all casters bro.

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>There are no mechanics that require melee DPS to leave melee range

Attached: pod bait.png (624x624, 43K)

>tfw boss texts you asking if you can work extra hours tomorrow or Saturday

Attached: guts_dislikes_your_post.jpg (800x1165, 191K)

>There are no mechanics that require melee DPS to leave melee range,
This is wrong.

tell him you can't?

That's not even half of it.
1.0 was outsourced to 3 different companies that didn't talk to each other and 2.0 was coded by SE proper with using parts of the zombie code
XIV has a notoriously shitty spaghetti code and it's the main reason why they can'd do a lot of shit like just increase inventory a lot due to every single item space working like a tab in an internet browser.
That's why we get different inventory systems like chocobo saddlebag and glam closet instead of outright more inventory tabs.
I'd be surprised if the game didn't break by 7.0

consider tomorrow will be likely a laggy mess, maybe even with emergency maint going

Nigger there are no complex classes in the game.
Ninja is more stressfull than others, but it's not exactly rocket science.


Believe me, if your boss texts you about "if" you can work extra hours, it means he fucking expects you to work extra hours.

>Nigger there are no complex classes in the game.
Are you KB+M player? It's easy job.

This. If you don't accept it, they'll fucking hate your guts til you quit

>just tell the guy who essentially controls your life thru financial dependence "no"
lol not under capitalism

Wow, life must suck if you have no confidence.

please respond

>knows japanese and english
>bangs a 9/10 asian qt
>travels around the world
>gets to insert his memes into the game

you will never live a good life like koji

Attached: koji the localizer.jpg (415x283, 14K)

can anyone actually notice a difference in fps once it gets into the 90+ range

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t. neet



i bamboozled you all for days. i was never actually perma banned for anything.

>I have to go back to my wife, it doesn't matter how bad it's gotten

Buy starter edition, get Heavensward for free (this is the last day). Work through ARR & HW and buy ShB when it goes on sale.

It's just something to get mad at

just buy the complete edition, user.

It's good fun. Also make sure to play with your friends on the same server group. There's a shit ton of catchup exp mechanics at play, not to mention the amount of exp the main story quest shoves down your throat. You won't regret it.


it's literally impossible to see above 24 fps anyway so no, it's just a meme

>Find someone who got a free XIV base game key from the twitch promotion that gave it to everyone
>Redeem a free Heavensward with the promotion going on right now
>Buy Shadowbringers, which includes Stormblood

that's not how it works dumb smelly NEET
there is no actual free will in capitalism and voluntary actions don't exist

Remember T12 when the bard was handling the fire balls, the healers were handling the swap mechanic, tanks were doing swaps and adds and melee was doing absolutely jack shit but 123ng the boss?

Good times.

Not when using controller and hiding the cross hotbar when not pressing the triggers.
Also, playing at 1440p but I cant

Attached: ffxiv_08252018_005654.png (1920x1080, 3.28M)

>The game is unavailable for play during maintenance.

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (640x420, 2.76M)

Prolly best to just buy ARR, then if I recall if you buy shadowbringers it adds HW and SB to your account too or maybe im misremembering.

Attached: ratto.gif (250x319, 3.99M)

yes. my game would always run at 130-144 but would drop to 80-90 in limsa and the difference is massive.

hm. Alright. When does the promo run out? It's in maint, so will I even be able to redeem it?


but that's every fight

>it's ok when my japanese company does it

>have shitty toaster and can't afford a better one anytime soon
>played war first
>had to give up because content started getting harder and tanking at 10 fps would be a literal sign of 'i'm an idiot'
>get recommended to try blm because casted range and easy to play
>now people are telling me that blm is actually hard to play later on because rotations requires you to be playing smoothly and knowing the fight by heart
>ask about a third option
>just be yourself
maybe i should go back to some less demanding gook mmo

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>FPS race
300 fps when?

Man, I love slutty catgirl

How do i get 140 in o12s?

What the fuck are you talking about
it's like 10 more hours.

lol just upgrade your computer bro

Play on ps4!

Attached: PS_Messages_20190625_044116.jpg (1920x1080, 430K)

Play Bard.

Imagine finding it unimaginble that job exsits where you don't have to slave away for nothing. Learn to say no you fucking retards, it's the most valuable skill in exsitance. Unless you're expendable, in which case, good luck.

which of the store mounts have an extra seat?

Please tell me you're merely pretending to be retarded.

Why are you ignoring the problem? That you're playing on a shitty toaster.

>played war first
>had to give up because content started getting harder
tanks are getting easier and WAR already requires you at most 65 IQ to operate well

>just a bikini
Yea Forumsirgins