Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Kingdom Hearts III (3½ hours btw)
Next: Super Mario World
Later: Super Mario Bros. 3 (All Forts Stomping Race)
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Kingdom Hearts III (3½ hours btw)
Next: Super Mario World
Later: Super Mario Bros. 3 (All Forts Stomping Race)
Full Schedule:
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wait there's still more of this shit?
what the fuck is this enemy
Cute snek
So are they going to shill prizes for an hour?
Have a good day xir
who else here /stinky/
Don't you wish there was more singing Yea Forums?
Have nice day, fren.
what the fuck is wrong with that guy's head in the middle of the couch
KH3 was ZZZ
Do you have any exciting plans for summer?
Guy is so gay he can't hide his lisp when he's singing. I hate that sound.
Post some disgusting trannies. I'm here to get angry not to watch some autismos play Pokemon.
You just know.
did they fug?
S is ZZZ runs, user
list is flipped
have a _bad day
FFXIV expansion releases tomorrow so I will be busy playing that.
This looks fucking crazy
who thought it was a great idea during development to make the main character yell 'back off' every other hit
fucking jesus christ
Fuck larxa, fuck Kingdom Hearts and FUCK ANIMES
Back off, dude.
back off
reminder that bald people are NOT allowed to post ITT
Found a nice MMO with a sexcellent crafting system, will probably work on maxing everything out there.
This looks fucking boring
its really not
wtf its out now?
It's over
Every. Fucking. Event.
This shit and having 3+ hour let's plays on during primetime need to stop.
Quarantine all runs over 2 hours to late night/early morning.
I bet they touched mics shortly after this
It's called docking
sorry to see you go, user
>Only halfway decent part of the run was the donation incentive
classic wow naturally
>Magic spam
Kh3 everyone
early access starts in about 15h I think.
>the beta combover
Is there anything funnier?
what does a /gamer/ smell like?
Why couldnt all KH3 bosses be like this.
I only shower once a week
based nega listposter
because of the runners shirt and chair i legit thought he was disabled and strapped into a wheel chair. The absolute state of KH speedrunners
just woke up did i miss anything good
Whats bonus game 4?
style over substance
Did they get Galvanize Magic at some point, or does it come in too late?
i wish there was of her on stream
Was there anything worth watching in Cringedom Hearts
Ass in my experience
No, you got back at the correct time.
i literally can not understand how someone could enjoy kingdom hearts
Like a normal person. It's disgusting filthy NEETs and shut-ins that smell like shit
Just wait for the dlc and play on lvl 1 crit
I have no problem with some of the long RPG runs, but they should definitely be late night.
The third phase on that thing is absolutely bullshit but tons of fun.
>I'm blind and saw something that wasn't real
>the absolute state of the thing I thought I saw
OK user, whatever you say
>Super Mario World next
wow... this fucking audience, balding, 30 something overweight greasy nerds... yikes, i think im done with watching speedrunning. cant associate with these dudes at all
Pretty much a nintendo game on a playstation.
Are female gamers stinky also or is this a male only thing
>hope you enjoyed the run!
Not even a little bit.
Its fun___________________
Seethe incel
>go eat
>come back
>run is over
Did they mercy kill it?
that kingdom hearts run was painful and im so glad its over
aaaayy back just in time for SMW
You're posting on Yea Forums on a Thursday afternoon.
I skipped about all of the event so far, did any fun run or cringy shit happen?
If they don't memory hack this shit every other stage it's going to be shit but if, if they really all do that and that's the state of chumpchange SMW runners, it's going to be glorious.
if they’re ugly they definitely stink
What a fucking shitfest this has become. All the runners are boring nonames and the chat is full of shills who want to bait donations. I don't understand how anyone still donates for this garbage.
Gamer funk
CovertMuffin is announcing the Banjo-Kazooie FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
This Dire Dire Docks remix makes me want to die
>SJW run up next
Great, follow up peak zoomer with peak boomer
>Thursday afternoon
But it's almost 8pm
>Seethe incel
>You're posting on Yea Forums on a Thursday afternoon.
This is still so relevant.
Why couldn't he just shut the fuck up?
Yall got some weird fantasies
Go dilate mr Xehenort
what is the bonus game?
the only female I know who plays games irl smells like shit and has a patreon where she "models" for money by getting her tits out.
>SMB3 still needs 90k in an hour
Surely this isn't happening.
Do I have 30 minutes to pick up lunch before Super May ree oh?
because kingdom hearts has the worst fanbase of all time
Do you guys know how much fucking money this AGDQ channel is making? The ADDS button that they have is a regular adds button like any somewhat big streamer has. One of the streamers that I know personally gets an estimated 6,000-7,000 dollars for pressing the button while he has 25k+ viewers watching. THIS IS FOR PRESSING IT ONCE DURING A STREAM.
Now imagine with 110k viewers and Twitch pressing that shit after almost every run. Holy fuck. This is most likely multiplied since I am willing to bet the majority of people watching are using their phones where you can't block the adds in the Twitch app.
It's fucking bonkers.
>preorder bloodstained at best buy
>advertising pre-orders for a game that's already out
well i didn't think the concept of pre-ordering could get any stupider.
Oh fuck off, those are never fun to watch.
post link
Why the fuck is the stream not at 60fps anymore?
>Super Mario World
>No Trihex playing
so is there a 1 hour break now or does the scedule simply don't get my timezone?
>romhack speedruns
w-what is mudbutt?
can you shitpost in senran kagura and other porn threads without being a normalfag
grandpoobear is fun to watch
whats your favorite mario game
hard mode: no sm64 or sms
So why is one tryhard user trying to move we love katamari out of D tier? What stupid meme did I miss?
You can tell just by looking at her she dutifully lets cock stretch out all her holes.
dried cum, sweat and weed
worthless NEETs have to make money somehow bro
ill be getting into a new hobby after classic wow, video gamers are just too shitty to be associated with now
Can't wait to see the hours of choke
that's not suidt/sweetyT
combination of sweat and poo
ayo hol' up
>be wagecuck
>wants to poo at work
>use paper to wipe your ass
>stay shitted all day
>be neet
>wants to poo
>take a shower after
>clean and fresh ass all day
there is literally no way you would get 6k for one ad at 25k viewers. are you telling me you get 25 cents because 1 person viewed your ad?
dont under estimate nintendies and the power of anonymous donations
it was ran by an abominable tranny that will make your skin crawl
Races are the best part of GDQ.
>having any faith in Trihex after Odysseygate
Don't count out all these misteriously well timed thousand dollar worth "donations" coming
>Living in Europe or Africa
>stay shitted all day
Change your diet if your shit is that watery.
Paper doesn't clean, user.
>@mist_master1, @ninten866 & @CrispyMe_ beat Kingdom Hearts 3 way below the estimated time and even showed Dark Inferno that THEY are the real super-boss!
Wrong, it's Awful Games
>One of the streamers that I know personally gets an estimated 6,000-7,000 dollars for pressing the button while he has 25k+ viewers watching
he's bullshitting you
Boomer games incoming
Are you ready anons?
it's Ω if you've seen the run
Note to anyone being interviewed: look at the interviewer. You're not a news anchor, so you don't need to look at the camera. And if you don't know when the active camera changes, you look like a retard speaking to the wall.
Where are all the old runs from yesterday listed?
too this day I can't tell if he actually thought that was a good idea or if it's some kind of advanced shitposting to dab on gdq
Anonymous 10k donation soon.
What's that THING on the right
The interviews are my favorite part.
I don't mind watching Ryukahr or grandpoo, but on stream/youtube you have time to "learn" the stage with them, during speedrun like here it just blasts away and you feel nothing because you never saw stages before and would rather watch original Mario. And even for Ryukahr/grandpoo watching super expert runs is more interesting.
Yes. Add money is ridiculous. Though this is an estimate and I've seen it lower, but not by much. I don't even know how much 110k+ viewers does to it. I obviously don't know what deal they have if any.
is there a hi-res pic of icefrog crying
Delicious slutty
>theres never been more discrepancy between working class and the rich
>somehow random anonymous people have $1000 to throw at this
I don't understand how the economy hasn't collapsed yet.
what are their pronouns?
>lists nothing but boomer Mario/Zelda games
This is not the man to be talking to about hacking
hell yeah
please tell me the one on the right isn't a man
>Greetings from the hype couch! The Kaizo relay race is coming up NEXT! Be sure to tune in and donate to a great cause!
>playing emulators on stream
>playing MODIFIED emulators without the consent of the original creators.
Have anyone contacted Nintendo and told them that this event are doing illegal things with their games?
cum + ball sweat in the summer unironically smells really good
$1000 isn't that much.
>Hello guys, Yeti here, with a $90.000 money launder- I mean donation"
>(((anonymous people)))
One / Tile / Man.
I'm feeling comfy anons. I think I can make it until the Banjo run.
They'd look like girls from really far away
>(((anonymous))) donation incoming
Whose that male blonde?
Can't tell if stupid or bait
the rare female soi face
>woman goes to event where she's outnumbered 10 to 1
>gets attention from literally everyone
>pick of the litter, betas slobbering over her feet
>already attention whore twitch thot
Come on, bruh. Women go to these things just to play queen for a week. You KNOW she's not going to go without the dick.
It's money laundering
Anything more than a 100 is probably some streamer or a company laundering.
Are the bonus games usually this ridiculously priced? Seems very jewey
>avg minimum wage worker takes home $12,000 after taxes annually
yeah it's a fucking lot, it's a months pay you dumb nigger and inb4 >get a real job
99% of the jobs on earth are minimum wage or lower
Holy fucking shit, it's just an ugly fat girl you shut ins.
How many more days is this event?
>IaM sO ExCiTed XD
Fucking cunt.
Proto something.
It's not money laundering, I think they're just straight up lying about the totals. There's no way a program like this would show continuous growth year over year for over half a decade, twice a year.
Fucking Terrence Malick has taken control of the camera.
holy shit woman, calm the fuck down
Spokes like a true person who's got nobody in his life
More than that, what possible good idea was it for him to post the script?
>Announcer is a LITERAL tranny
Banjo run when??
>Super Mario World up next
>nice that should be fun
>Kaizo romhack
>what the hell is this shit?
I hope this run isn't complete ass, but i'm not very optimistic.
they need to launder more money this year to pay for Walter White's chemo
>its a Yea Forums pretends they know what money laundering is episode
1000 is a lot of fucking money to waste on a VIDEOGAME MARATHON
that's a vacation even if you want to go somewhere
Looks and sounds like a woman.
I wonder how many of the women at the event like to hang out with the MtF gang.
Why couldn't it have been Terence McKenna...
GOD I want gamer cum
Sorry you grew up in a shit family. Why is that anyone's problem but your own?
Go to college.
Kaizos are usually fun, although if they start choking it can get either painful or hilarious
Aw fuck. Its a rom hack? Screw this.
camera meme is better than the runs
it's a nice meme
You're right. It's called embezzlement.
Mad you’re not eXcItEd?
Fucking late for the Eurobros
Hey anons let's get up and stretch our muscles!
that track was actually p gud
overproduced as fuck
the commentary won't be shit at least
>Subscribers-Only Chat
holy fuck, this GDQ has been extremely drab
have not enjoyed a single run, it's just so tiresome
Like zero. Women hate those fake "girls".
I love this cameraman
Nice argument, oh wait there was none, fuck off shitposting kid
i'm not poor at all but I could buy a new PC or parts for $1000 and that's good for years.
wasting money is bad.
based brainlet, king of egotistical retards who attended a college that never taught him reading comprehension
Is blechy not there this year? He's usually the best commentator for stuff like this. I used to love his blind game races and participated in nearly every one for an entire year.
Any races on the schedule for this year? i had a ton of fun watching the Zero Mission race they ran with 4 people in one of the previous GDQs.
Camera guy just doesn't know when to drop the joke. The guy was being a good sport and that was the perfect time of leaving him alone, but no, the camera autist just had to have his way.
why are these people all SO ugly
i mean fuck man i consider myself like a 7 but i look like an absolute 12/10 compared to these failures
is this what the normal population really looks like?
> Women go to these things just to play queen for a week
Lol she's literally one of the hosts and helps run it. In anycase going for attention and assuming she gets dicked by every guy there is two different things kek. It's okay to admit you're just horny and porn obsessed and like to imagine every female there getting the big PP.
Unf, Wii Fit is so hot, why don't she stretch those legs too!
sorry tried looking but cant seem to find it. it had "hysteria" in the name and she looked like a fat pig with overgrown pubes. youre not missing much.
seethe more incel
Did you draw this?
It's shit.
>is this what the normal population really looks like?
Just americans
>is this what the normal population really looks like?
>mfw I finally dropped watching this shitshow
uh reverse that lmao
im embarrassed for these people why go through your life looking like this
>they hit 800k already
is this a record?
anyone have stats on this shit?
The blonde isn't fat you blind nigger
150k viewers, it'll just be a wall of memestream
Post your belly
what do you think, user? does the normal population attend 'tismraces for old video games?
get a job
Aw that's sweet, you still don't realize women are horndogs as much as men are. Its a literal cock walk vacation for her.
>is this what the normal population really looks like?
Just realised you can dry clothes by hanging them up instead of putting them in a dryer.
Shit Remixes Done Quick
>100k viewers
>somehow raised 800k in """DONATIONS"""
good to see the jews found a way to capitalize on gamers
>i mean fuck man i consider myself like a 7
Why would anyone need to launder money at these events
It would just be a bunch of endless spam otherwise
>2k donation with super generic generated comment.
100% legit
200k per day is pretty decent. It will go to 500k a day on last 2 days
Is werster banned from GDQ?
Fat gamers are a 7 for me
im 6' 175lb with clear muscle definition all over ya idiots
i know im attractive lmao
Because girls who have their pick of mates are just dying to fuck a bunch of speedrunning goblin looking motherfuckers, arent they?
Wait till you find out that you can clean the dishes in a sink, by yourself.
Hahhaahhaahahahaha, fuck that user that said it was dark to photograph when they've got 4 fucking studio lights on, literally lmaoing
take your meds
>is this a record
no, it's about on par with the last 2 or 3 years, they tend to have realistic-ish donation amounts and total up till the last day and a half when they suddenly get tens of thousands of dollars every hour.
No, he just doesn't want to go.
Is this it?
okay, this shit slaps
>implying it isn't already
>implying donating to this shitshow means you have something worthwhile to say
have sex
It's fun trying to spot cute girls when the cameraman goes into the crowd. Its like where waldo
He was temporary banned, but that was years ago. He just doesn't care about coming back.
>tens of thousands of dollars from anonymous donors
>>gdq isn't a money laundering scheme
Average people aren't Hollywood stars. Go outside.
based schizo poster
How many seconds into the run will everybody realize it was a mistake?
>esports commentary again
Never a fan of this shit.
maybe if you remove the mario sound effects
>$1000 is a lot
Not if you work and aren't a fuck up
spikevegeta2 is a nice guy even if he is reddit
Holy fuck.
Why are you so mad though?
Come on, user. You should know what orbiters are. Mad you don't have that kind of power?
he's wholsome
>dat brunette
he's too based for this lame ass event
>kill, fuck, marry
>i mean fuck man i consider myself like a 7
Orbiters typically don't actually get to fuck who they orbit.
literally every older SDA member besides uraniumanchor, dragondarch, and sent all came to Yea Forums and /srg/. Even brossentia, the furfag who makes dad puns went to /srg/ all the time.
This lol, Some songs they play are so funny anid make me smile.
>cool laidback song
>random yoshi sound and mario OOF
instantly liked it.
Why are you? I'm just pointing out that sub chat is absolute faggotry
he's just a generally energetic guy, even if his positivity when he's on camera is forced, he's a very relaxed and swell guy to chat with
It's time for fun?
He's 90% hair.
>6' 175
Fuck off twink
You'll never make it
>kill, fuck, marry
>when a tranny sends you a kiss.
That's sweet, you still think everything revolves around sex and not the fact they enjoy video games. It's a female, so of course they must be attending to get fucked. Especially by 2/10 neckbeard autists who have never kissed a girl before. What amazing picks, not like all the actual females there could do better or anything crazy like that
pretty much everyone there is really nice and friendly
Yea Forums users are very immoral and mentally ill to hate them
>super mario
>rom hacks
Threadly reminder that Médecins Sans Frontières:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
>blind relay race
>no one is blindfolded
I just expected normal SMW.
Run already over
>those icons
this is literally fucking insane
how on earth did they do this?
second from left let me use her phone charger when I left mine at the hotel
she is nice
Imagine all the lice and crabs
>Expected Mario
>Get some cringe rom hack shit
God I wanna cum on their hairy gamer bellies
>it's a fucking rom hack
oh my fucking god I'm gonna go to sleep
Orbiters are literally individuals who orbit around females, thirst over them but don't actually get to get with any of them. That's the whole reason they are orbiters. If you're dicking a girl you're not orbiting her.
>Super Mario World
>it's not Super Mario World
I clear 70k annually and work in the medical field and I love watching speedrunners, but I wouldn't consider ever donating to this, given that a quarter of it won't even reach the doctors without borders program.
Plus isn't the whole idea of donating supposed to be virtue signalling? All of these donations are anonymous. It's all fishy and questioning it is completely valid.
>Boomers actually enjoy this shit
Spikevegeta is pretty good husbando material ngl
Oh god, this is gonna be a fucking mess.
it's unseen levels user
This isn't Super Mario World
BASED no fun
>Super Mario World
This wasn't advertised...
kaizo... NEXT
Shut up KingdomFag
>rom hack
Why is this even still a thing with Mario maker being out?
>blind kaizo relay race
w-was this a good idea?
This is going to be such a trainwreck
Name this band Yea Forums
Tbh I only like barb because he's a cynical asshole
What are you talking about? It's totally Super Mario World.
>Allowing screen looking
This, wtf?
Hazbin Hotel looks awful
but on the other hand Charlie a cute and the werewolf chick is my guilty pleasure
Why not just do a Mario Maker race?
>Zoomers actually hate this shit
>tfw the Nigerian Air Force once blew up an MSF refugee camp by accident
Because Mario Maker is limited as fuck.
A fucking rom hack
this is fantastic Yea Forums has pretty shit taste on this one
Based yuckposter
4 person relay where you switch off every death just seems really inefficient
She could go on tinder for 30 minutes and find hundreds of better looking guys who have actually been laid before that would be more than happy to dick her down.
kaizo fags/streamers are butthurt nintendo is not acknowledging them for mm2
Quick post your waifu while the thread is going to fast!
>Super mario world
This is not what i wanted, outa here again
no SMW level end sound
Jesus christ, this is awful.
women are insanely competitive when it comes to mating, fucking dude is like a dog pissing on posts and hydrants
ah, so not a speedrun
When will AGDQ step up their game and donate to the Insemula Awareness Foundation?
>Kaizo SMW instead of just SMW
I feel cheated
if they do this for the estimate one of them's going to have a heart attack
wtf i love nigerians now!
gril here
I had orbiters in high school but I certainly didn’t want to fuck any of them. I was just glad to easily have a lot of friends who shared my interests despite how awkward I am
I feel so cool right now watching this run while making mario maker 2 levels in bed.
Why did you want the same old shit?
KHfaggots are just burtthurt after such a ZZZ run.
Must be nice to be a girl.
It didn't come out yet
There's no 'custom Marios' on it.
this is garbage
This is literally a let's play.
This was a mistake.
Did user go already? Which run is his?
man redbull loves this guy
it was a god damn bait and switch
wtf I love Charlie now!?
>Blind speedrun
But that's just a let's play.
Weak argument, Kaizo is there every year aswell
Dode carrying the the team
too all anons feeling cheated by SMW
did you even read the schedule? how would it be a blind race if not for a romhack
it's a fucking let's play
it came out in japan like 3 hours ago.
Right is a female?
Mario Maker doesn't even emulate SMW
it makes every game feel like shitty NSMB
Because everything has NSMB physics in Mario Maker.
It's already out in australia and japan, my copy came today.
Finally a fun race to watch.
>entire venue having tons of fun
>underage Yea Forumsedditors "cringing" and feeling secondhand embarrassment because adults should be quiet doomers
like clockwork
Anyone who doesn't love spikevegeta needs to have their ass kicked
we aren't getting SMB3 are we?
These are new levels.
>Super soulless maker 2
>stops the run to announce a 40 dollar donation
An interesting smw race can be way more fun that this shitshow
Uma is fucking retarded.
like zoomers actually matter
>If I spout buzzwords it means I'm right
Oh fuck off.
>on Yea Forums
>whining about Yea Forums
Like you're any different.
>racist italian impression
that fucking impression
I thought he was Etika lol
Lmao this. SMW romhacks are always good, so is this one
>stopped race for insanely shitty donation
wow thanks for that
im enjoying this
>Anyone who doesn't love spikevegeta needs to have their ass kicked
He's insufferable. Come get me, faggot.
How long until poop bear uses his super effective move "stomp" this year? Last level? Penultimate?
>nintendo games
>Guys why don't you guys act more like Reddit?
Were those green blocks in the original game?
Okay you got me there
>snoozefest Kingdom hearts 3
>kept asking when the fuck its gonna be done
>This shits on
>expect another boring game i've played with an old stale rune
>instead its kino and I can't keep my eyes off
And? That's an issue how?
It's funny how speaking ''silly Italian accent'' is not considered racist in USA at this time and age in somehow. I guess it's because Italians don't care.
>an hour of this
wait why the fuck are they rotating in the oposite direction? the person who is going to play next should be sitting next to the player not behind
why is the person who died moving next to the player..
Don't the announcers get forced into reading donations every once in a while? I assume it's why most people donate
>two close as fuck levels right off the bat
kino run
Fun for all ages.
You grow out of angsty panty-quest games once you either reach adulthood, or have sex.
>room of trannies having fun
Did they have the metroid/zelda randomizer run already?
So the person who just played can give relevant information to the current runner.
me too
I agree he's absolutely intolerable, such absolute aids. I actually can't grasp why people like him outside of never actually having an outgoing or extroverted friend in their whole entire lives.
Only niggers.
user it's only bigoted if it's one of the things I care about
this is fun and COOL
it's never fun-time any more
>reddit spacing
sasuga /pol/nigger
>shitting on quality vidya
you know where reddit is
The evolution of man
have they never played this?
Ok, this might actually be pretty good. Thought it was gonna be a mess at first.
They're too white, can't virtue signal with that.
Orange is doing it properly.
So why doesn't Nintendo sue GDQ for playing this hack of their game?
>this ''''''''speed'''''''''' run
>And? That's an issue how?
I was just stating the obvious. Don't be upset.
isnt that saturday?
Its friday night
Best part of the week right now.
based baldbros
Everyone of Italian decent I know sort of embraces it
I know a few who unironically say BADDA BING BADDA BOOM
I'm horny
How's the race so far?
>whole life revolves around people that are nice and befriend you only because they want your pussy
Nah, I'm perfectly okay being a male and not having every single friendship in my life revolve around my looks.
Yes we love watching mario romhacks how could you tell?
this doesn't look so difficult
This is a blind race. None of the runners have seen these levels before.
Watch dad instead
That music. That is from Lands of Lore
How about this commentary?
why doesnt Yea Forums understand that the people who play romhacks are the very last people to lick nintendo's toes?
>Yea Forums hating on smw hacks
What the fuck do you like then?
how can you not love this besides the "isn't a speedrun" argument? the reactive skill and competitive tension is pure enjoyment
>all that hair loss
Yikes. I should really be more grateful I still have hair covering my head.
how the fuck is this an speedrun if they have never played the game before
prob kaizo block everywhere
its pretty neck and neck. Crowd is on the edge of their seats, cheering, awwing, laughing and applauding naturally instead of being told to do so by the runner.
its funny how pizza niggers can larp as the master race and get away with it
I'd watch a good DOOM wad or any other modded game just as happily, faggot.
I thought SJWs are usually pretty bothered by italian accents (pretty sure I've seen Kotaku articles stating that Mario's accent is problematic), but actual italians don't give a fuck.
Been here since 2008, mohammad
you should
tofu suuuuucks
sounds nice when you're young and fertile but once you hit the wall and your eggs starts rotting...
Actual speedruns.
It's possible for a female to have male friends that don't want to fuck them
I miss the older Spike, who was less "bombastic commentator" and more like "dude bro having legitimate fun." Him in the mario party money matches was a lot more honest. He'd just tell someone to eat his ass or suck his balls or something.
I am an Italian and last time I checked I was white
What is this Inalians are black meme?
Kaizo is just lazy and bad level design.
It's only accepted because it looks cool when you beat it.
I missed all the good runs, can someone tell me if any of these were outstanding:
>Silent Hill 3
>REmake 2
>Dead Rising
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Dark Souls 2
>inb4 hurrrrr they were all shit durrrr
they look like nice people
Welcome to SGDQ, please don't enjoy your stay
Oh shit, that song is the name of the Mario Level
>men are so pathetic they can't even land these pigs
>turn into trannies for love
jesus christ.
This is fucking scripted
Post chest hair
Not if you're attractive
Dode carrying
thats the fuckin point, its shit design to bust balls
>Dode carries the other team hard as fuck
>He has got all check points and finished all levels for them
kys zoomer
It's because you are so hairy you look black if you squint or something.
>Every level has a 10 mins limit
>four levels so far have been cleared in less than 5
I'm sorry guys but this is confirmed a kino run
this, finally something entertaining on this shitshow.
REmake 2 was genuinely good. Dead Rising was also good. The rest are memes.
there is literally nothing wrong with people liking you for that
the idea that your relationships are only valid because of personality or character is absolute tripe meant for indoctrinated bugmen who can't think for themselves
Check at the beginning of every thread. There's a ranking for each run.
who is the beast on blue team? the guy with buzz cut who looks like a relatively normal guy?
dark souls 2 had a memory leak the entire run and he had to restart the game like a dozen times
>what is fun
Best way to attract someone with text-based messages: understand what the word 'sentence' means
Let me guess, you live where most "white people" are also Italians?
Southern Italians exist.
Silent Hill 3 and Dead Rising were good, entertaining and not too long.
If you aren't sitting next to a woman you're losing
>yfw suddenly the 1k anonymous donations start rolling in
This wouldn't be as good if they weren't finishing so close every time. As long as they keep it tight like this then it'll be fun.
>was $100k
greedy fucks
Pls be there to shoot up the place
Dead rising run was good
Barb did one of them you fucking dumbass
as opposed to polcels larping as we wuz romans
Lmao no
ohboy, time to raise another $65k in donations
the announcer sounds like a wedding DJ
>donate for autoscrollers 3 race
No thank you
>playing games to look cool and not to have fun
>having fun with your family
nintendo is based.
>clearing kaizo mario levels blind in 5 minutes
>not a speedrun
It's not GDQ that's not fun anymore, it's you.
new bread