>spinoff has better art direction than mainline game
Spinoff has better art direction than mainline game
Left looks better, the shading is nonsensical in the right pic
2 tone vs no tone both kinda eh
Not /vp/ or Yea Forums. Wrong board. Also, you're wrong. Left is a lot better and allows more animation fluidity.
>Left good
>Right bad
They're going back to the XY style with SS.
>Left looks better
but left is the anime and not a game?
>more layers of anime shading = better drawing
I'd be annoyed, but I seriously love that there are people this fucking stupid.
>remake is better than the original
>>spinoff has better art direction than mainline game
>pic related
Yep. Obviously there's a lot to be said for a great looking still character design, but at the end of the day these characters are made to be in MOTION. If they can't be animated effectively then they shouldn't be used at all
But that the ashnime, not the game.
Does she have her own Pikachu? That pokeball looks like's Ash's pokeball for Pikachu. Or maybe she'll just have that electric pokeball
Obligatory. Same with Cloud.
Why can't Ash just get his own clothes?
>Fanart is better than official art
Is misty of legal age to be able to want to fuck her yet?
Controversial opinion ahead: I want to fuck Misty
Damn right.
Ash is getting a scottish gf?
wat ye fookin think m8?
For Pokemon animation standards; thats quite good.
>Let's ruin the best thing they did with the series.
The original Pokemon series looked like complete ass. Don't lie and say it did. It was notoriously cheap especially compared to most anime in the late 90's.
That's fake tho
Don't you know Yea Forums lingo by now? Soul means it looks bad, soulless means it's new and shiny.
Canonically Misty is cucked.
left looks like something i would have drawn with my penis in the 2nd grade. Literal baby tier art
Sun and Moons negative reception led to so many kneejerks
>Misty and Brock come back twice to boost views
>and actual fucking battle royal event goes on where 100+ trainers fight across the island
>movies stopped following the show to avoid SM
>flat May
>Unironicly liking the absolute dog-shit animation S/M had
We're talking about the standards of Pokemon animated series as a whole. When compared to the rest of Pokemon, it looks pretty good.
You say that and then post some of the worst anatomy I've seen all day
How cute that the random ass nobody who can't even draw for shit thinks their opinion about the work of actual professionals getting paid is worth anything but shit.
You posted the wrong version, here have the correct one.
That ash looks fucking sick
Honestly this one was better than the original design
>mainline games
>actually defending the dogshit animation that S/M has
>immediately resorting to ad hominem on top of it
Loving every laugh.
Got anymore? Doesnt have to be Misty. Ill take any poke girl.
user WAIT
Good artist
Absolutely based
Huh, is this the only time in the anime we've seen Misty in her original outfit?
Final Fantasy NT
i didn't watch it, but from webms and youtube videos SM's art looks like trash just like Shintani's Dragon Ball
oh boy its going to be trash
>best Misty
>no art whatsoever
It's not fair, Mistybros
>allows more animation fluidity
You mean it allows animators to be lazy because they don't have to worry about detail. You can still have fluid animation with the style on the right, but it'd require hiring people actually willing to put in effort.
You're talking about a weekly low budget show that's been running for over 20 years with the sole purpose to promote merchandise of a widely successful franchise. Why the fuck would they toss more budget into it?
God, this looks like garbage. Everybody has this weird ass piggy face
God, why is she so ugly?
Sure..... if you're making a film.
But this is an anime show in Japan, literally every show there has South Park's schedule on being done the day of airing or even less
>5 minute clip for a cheap knock off game looks better than series that has to have 120 episodes
At no point has pokemon ever had good animation or art. It's been low budget gook sweatshop shit from day one. Even the movies look like hell
Is Ash getting the Scottish girlfriend? Nice. hated that we missed out on Hilda/Touko from Black and White. His clothes is drastically different now, no more blue jacket/shirt.
Fuck, he's likely not getting all three starters for himself.
Look at this chubby fella
Isn't he adorable?
I just realized there has been no Sun and Moon movie, and even the credits of the I Choose You movie where it shows all of the characters Ash is friends with doesn't show the Sun and Moon characters.
It's fake.
>Ash is still 10
Call me when he gets grown up.
what series is this?
He'll grow up once he becomes a Pokemon Master and the show ends.
Left: Soulless with better colors
Right Soul with worse colors
>animated PV for gachashit looks better than TV anime
Imagine being this stupid
>This is the third time Ash get's a May rippoff as a love interest
It's honestly tiresome really.
>It's fake.