aaand dropped
Aaand dropped
I dont understand. You can just make a man or woman and say it's a tranny. Why is a specific choice needed?
have sex
Cyberpunk is Dystopia. Its not a proper Dystopia unless there are rampant disgusting social issues and society is decaying. Its the perfect setting to display trannies.
Trannies are friggin weird, man. I still say they get off on making people do stupid shit like calling them their opposite gender.
>claims to want to be female
>still needs to have a man voice and to have situations where you can tell the CISHET white males to check themselves and call you your preferred pronouns
seething cdtrannys
now shut up about it already.
what do people tell me to dilate when I let them know I'm MTF?
I'm so sick of you fucking trannies spamming this false flag shit. FUCK. YO. SELF. NIGGA.
how does that make any sense? a male tranny would just look like a woman ingame since they obviously wouldn't make him look like a hideous abomination.
how would you even tell, do the villains misgender them or what?
Almost every RPG has transgender options. You get the ability to pick male or female and everyone will call you he or she. That's something those butcher jobs you call a human being will never achieve 100%.
Falseflagging discord tranny. Off yourself you useless to society maggot.
Reminds me of when trannyera got real mad at the joke in Doom eternal trailer and everyone laughed at them, when few weeks later they tried to turn it around so it seemed like no one was angry and it was just a clickbait thing (which wasn't true).
They said just choosing voice
you could say that saints row allows tranny protagonist because you can make male character with female voice
they are just not locking character customization options behind gender. every game with custom characters should do this.
What kind of retard gets upset about something you could already do in Souls games?
Reminder that Saints Row 2 literally had a gender slider and none of you said shit then. Why are you crying now?
They're only adding it to be seen as "progressive". Either that or for virtue-signalling libtards that want to experience it for some perverse reason.
user think of all those people that would've died before puberty in a past era, they now play video games and go to conventions.
This is what the Sims 4 did. You could make Sims with male/female frames, voices, outfits, whether they could get pregnant/others pregnant, whether they pissed standing/sitting.
The result was male to female sims looked liked men in makeup and vice versa. They even look buffer in female outfits because they weren't designed for male bodies so dresses look like they're tearing at the seems.
I'm not sure what Cyberpunk will do because in the Sims 4 it looks almost comical.
how is this bad?
>makes a girl character
Yea Forums calls me gay
>makes a girl(male) character
no one calls you gay
Nobody bought saints row.
>Futuristic cyberpunk game
>don't expect weird sexual quirks and the like
Strange people. There's probably a shop for gloryholes attached to some sort of alien leech is a universe like that.
This game will allow him to.
>Futuristic dystopia has futuristic dystopia features.
Why is this an issue?
I'll still like you gay. You prissy la la man.
It's just the non passable and lazy ones that bitch. All the ones who look like and sound like women have no issues.
Because if they're focusing on trannies and romances the game's going to be dogshit.
>multiple classes
Who the fuck speaks like that?
>poltard surprised that cyberpunk, a genre that involves degeneracy, has degenerates
People who actually know what an RPG is
Everywhere I saw talk about romance and trannies was journalists asking the questions. Where did they specifically say they're focusing on it?
Trannies have always been a part of cyberpunk though
You don’t expect transgender options in a game of transhumanism?
>select male on creation screen
>turn on female dialogue options
>groundbreaking and progressive
Your gaping bleeding wound where your dick used to be? You don't want it to turn into a second smelly belly button do you?
-on my head as a child
WTF They're adding more character customization?! I am very disappointed, CDPR.
Will they let me periodically rush to dedicated Dilation Station checkpoints to remove the debuff and refresh my freshly augmented hole by holding the X button for twenty minutes? Because if not my immersion will be broken.
>tfw if shit like just quietly started showing up in games I'd shrug, possibly call it weird, and move on
>tfw this SJW garbage keeps making headlines and being pushed as a huge deal so I fucking hate it and want it gone
I'm so fucking tired of hearing about SJW shit in video games.
Make it stop.
So NPC can look at you with disgust for better immersion.
>remove the debuff
dilating refreshes it though
I don't even know anymore, should I support CP2077 because they are based a trigger the libs? or should I hate CP2077 because they are cringe and bluepilled and pander to trannies? TELL ME Yea Forums WHAT DO I THINK OF THIS GAME???
>CDPR: Customization won't be gender locked
>"I need a fucking bed to dilate or my vagina will start closing"
In modern games, if you've been paying attention, romance is done extremely poorly. The fact that it's even included, and the fact that they're now hinting at trannies means they're more inclines to pander to discord trannies than their actual community.
More isn't always better. I'd rather take 10 cute well crafted or even samey presets than 1000 horsejaw tranny sliders and clown options that only 1% (if that) of the player base will use unironically while the rest will intentionally make abominations for funny Youtube thumbnails and twitch memery.
Similarly I'd rather take a blank slate silent protagonist with more dialogue choices than a fully voiced and personality fleshed out character that developers forced onto us.
Pretty much, though really it's OP's fault for posting the bait headlines written by ""journalists"" trying to scrounge ad revenue, which would get far less exposure otherwise.
thanks for telling us dude. we really fucking cared a lot whether or not you bought this game
>well crafted
doctor kim crafted her face pretty well
Let's asume I was a trans woman.
Then I would consider myself as a woman.
Why can't I just pick "woman" ?
Playing a trans character would be like a constant reminder of "hahahaha, you're not a REAL woman, kek".
Trans characters are transphobic.
Because trannies need an asterix or a little star or smiley face next to "male" or "female"
aaand i don't give a shit you fucking retard
you buying it or not doesn't change a thing, it will still be a success.
have a good one
She's a masterpiece. Pity Cyberpunk 2077 won't have an in-universe Ripperdoc Kim to let us craft similar looking dolls.
Transgenders are a bunch of weirdos but their inclusion fits with the setting of the game I think.
Trannies hate themselves. I mean what else would it be when they lop off their dick and balls or have a flesh dildo stitched onto their clit?
Not good enough for me to drop. Hell it even could be part of the story and a source for reticule.
Don't fucking care if someone wants to pick a trans character. Just don't force me to.
There should only be two genders in video games
It'd be more of a sign of social decay if a society denied the existence of transgender people.
Romance and trannies were in Witcher 3 yet didn't take up much screen time overall, and it didn't affect the quality of the experience they provided. You are making many suppositions so far but aren't really backing it up. Just sounds like your biased opinion, but I'm still interested to see you back up your claim.
I would pick girl every time, yet I'm a man. What does it say about me that I find girl (male) absolutely disgusting, yet don't mind playing as a girl in a game?
It isn't even a choice, you still have to make it a man or a woman you can just choose your voice and maybe the pronoun they use to call you. OP is just dumb and hasn't made any research
Is it really still a "tranny" if it's an actual biological woman that's had a fully functional robot cock grafted to her body and nervous system
Saints Row 2 had that and it is still incredibly based.
Not really but they're not talking about that anyway. There's no confirmation that you'll be able to install dick.
They're just talking about dumb shit like making a female looking character but giving "her" a male voice and making all the NPCs treat her like a male V. Just stupid worthless shit.
>romance in Witcher 3 didn't affect the quality of the experience
lmfao this book
Nice 10th grade diary
The source material that inspires this work also has transgender characters. You're asking to have things removed to suit your sensibilities.
he doesn't want to play as a constantly lactating biological female with 5 fully functional prosthetic penises of different shapes and sizes and a set of cloned boobs, also constantly lactating, on her back cyberraping everyone in the city
there's gay and then there's OP gay
>b-but what about the other complaints?
this was Yea Forums's preplanned GOTYAY literally the very second before human augmentation in a game about human augmentation were "announced" (mentioned by a dev then lazily spammed by clickbait sites; knowing with certainty that neocons are useful idiots)
homosexuals and transexuals have existed since recorded history and will continue to exist no matter how triggered you teenage snowflakes get. deal with it and have sex.
I had Tucker Carlson's face the whole way through but I lost my shit at the final
>and with cocaine
fucking LMAO
You can't fly in this game? What a fucking shit of a game
Why? It's cyberpunk, sexual deviancy in all of its guises is thematically appropriate. Transgenderism is almost low hanging fruit for the genre.
>in real cyberpunk you can swap every piece of your body except for genitalia
fucking abysmal
Annnnnd no one gives a shit. Thanks for adding to the dick suckery of this board
It didn't. Unless you want to explaining and backup why you thought it did?
>Game has additional content
>So, hang around cocaine users long enough, and they will tell you about dead people.
>Monster hunters know dead people
>that title
No wonder they're trying to give it away for free to people as "prizes" in the summer sale event
>Yea Forums is unironically defending trannies
time to close this shithole
You be saying that I can make a cute trap?
imagine being upset by something that doesnt affect you at all and that you can ignore completely
We've always loved trannies newfag
shut up faggot
I'll defend its existence in a cyberpunk narrative, it makes less sense to not have it in. Kinda falls under the transhumanism umbrella.
Bailey Jay calls himself a "trap" without taking offense to it, still has a dick, sees himself as a guy, doesn't care about identity politics, is fine with people referring to him as a "he" or whatever they want and most importantly he calls you a faggot if you jerk off to him.
if you are gender x irl and you pick gender y aren't you already playing as a transgender? seriously why make it an option to slice off your dick...
This game is looking less and less appealing
Trannies wouldn't exist in a cyberpunk world where you can switch your body parts like clothes.
>if you are gender x irl and you pick gender y aren't you already playing as a transgender?
Only if you're a self-insertfag.
Oh I don't know, very single Witcher 3 thread begin about romance since the game came out.
>western game
That's a no-no.
>Cyberpunk lost Game of the Show at E3 to Tifa's nerfed tits
Uh bros?...
This, you can have cyberpunk stuff with people literally becoming their fursonas through DNA grafting and bodymods, swapping genders is nothing.
>swapping genders
You mean swapping sexes. right?
You really think that there wouldn't be guys that felt most comfortable exclusively using female parts and vice versa? People are still people, most people would make their ideal form and stick with it, the people swapping bodies every day would be the minority.
You're on a board where people fap to trap feet and futa.
Is the game forcing you to fuck trannies or become a trans cyborg? No?
Then why does it fuckin matter mate.
So... The game is lesser because Yea Forums is a bunch of low lives nerds who fantasize about vidya girls all the time?
You'll always be a guy with a guy brain and guy chromosomes. Changing a cybernetic body still won't change that.
So no, you're not changing sex. You're just roleplaying as a feminine gender. Futuristic cyber trannies are just as delusional as regular dilatotrons of today.
No, the game is lesser because it's a CDPR game and will focus heavily on romance, also because as they have talked about, they're thinking about putting trannies in the game.
They're staffed with Californians.
To think, these are the words written by a well-adjusted and mentally stable individual who by no means, are at fault for their current condition.
The point of that post is that devs are wasting their time and money on worthless shit.