>go on Yea Forums
>waifu garbage
>complaining about AAA publishers and sjw politics
What happened to threads about GAMES?
>go on Yea Forums
>waifu garbage
>complaining about AAA publishers and sjw politics
What happened to threads about GAMES?
Other urls found in this thread:
"furfaggotry" is more Vidya than your weeb trash you pedo
how'd you guys make out bros?
XIV thread?
ff14 is a game
You clearly don't know what mmorpg stands for then.
Is this the xiv thread?
So basicaly old Yea Forums
>XIV isn't a game because I don't like it
Really not helping your case, user.
Is this the xiv thread? Gas the furries and trannies before we proceed though
no this is an asmonmold thread.
>Senei nerfed
>Shoha unchanged
>Jinpu and Shifu got a ONE PERCENT buff from media tour
>SMN cucked
>NIN cucked
>AST cucked
Sweet justice
scholar and ninja
seems fine to me
how does it feel to be top of the damage charts SAMbros, numbers not final of course
>posting best roll while trying to slander a videogame because you don't like it
Don't use my daughter as your personal mouthpiece; you make me sick.
>Wants threads about games
>Makes a thread that isn't about games
(You) are part of (you)r own problem OP
MMORPGS aren't games. They're social software with tacky game elements.
>the absolute state of
>reddit mage
Feels amazing SAMbro (numbers subject to change)
>BLM got even easier to play
worried.jpeg is how I feel.
Hello newfag, everyone know Yea Forums is only for general shitposting, meme of the month and if there is some room for it discussion about current gen games on page 5.
If you actually want to talk about video games try /vr/ or /vg/ but be warned they are also shit but for different reasons.
XIV is a game that consistently makes mmo autists seethe because it's not social enough and 2.5s between attacks is not enough time to type chat messages out.
I should've screencapped that post.
no one likes ffxiv because it's second life but with an anime skin
You forgot about
>Cute feet
Oh shit I might actually be a smooth brain, BLM seemed more complicated to me
XIV has few social elements whatsoever.
I still lament the loss of Shadow Flare, but i'll take a 600 potency Bio and the ability to use Deployment on myself
second life is already anime
Through prayer and sacrifice the will of the star was made manifest
Wait... you listed c*nny as a negative?
>saying the c word
I wonder why discussion has gone to shit on this board when personal biases like this towards things you don't like result in you dismissing them as not being real or substantial. Those two things cannot possible be related, right?
>not playing Furry Waifu Cunny Simulator 2020
Imagine being this much of a pleb.
I think at this point you can play ff14 as a single player rpg without ever interacting with other players
This board has been reddit since forever
me on the top right
no, second life is furries, xiv is anime
Cunny is based because it repels normalfags
I for one, am sick of Yea Forums's inability to discuss anything without the words:
have sex
I can't wait until summer is over. I've already switched to infinity chan at home and now I only browse Yea Forums at work.
Ironic weebs ruined this board.
I wonder why Yea Forums is now the most active thread
You absolutely have to interact for ex/savage. The rest of the game doesn't matter though
Want a truly kirito lone wolf antisocial game? PSO2. I've been at endgame for 400 hours and haven't yet uttered a single word in chat
What’s the not shit board for talking about videographic gaming entertainment on 4 channel ?
go away raidtranny
>go on Yea Forums
>create a thread to rant about shit like in OP
you are even worse you fucking faggot
>Yea Forums
>What happened to threads about GAMES?
They get deleted by the mods
>trash that high
>go on Yea Forums
>ffXIV isnt a video game
an erp simulator isn't a game, it's like calling vrchat a game
reminder he'll kill whatever server he goes onto
What thread?
But it has enemies jobs leveling up a story strategy grouping killing things risk of failure progression and basically anything a standard rpg has along with those other things ;^) I think that’s a game friendo !
is that a jojo reference?
Why do furfags always ALWAYS deflect to "b-but what about w-weeb pedos!"
>/pol/ that high
so that's why people seem more concerned about cyberpunk having tranny pcs but not really than the removal of rpg elements
it also has mahjong and that's most certainly a game
>/trash/ that high
that board should have been read-only, fucking hell
or at least have a "no making new threads" restriction
>wanting to discuss videogames rather than playing them
literally in the wrong place honey.
/vr/ is an elitist hellhole on the same level as Yea Forums.
/vg/ is more about the threads than the game the threads are about.