So, Pokemon is about collecting waifus now?
So, Pokemon is about collecting waifus now?
Other urls found in this thread:
My wife Hilda is so cute.
ever since a girl was champion, yes
Yeah, the Pokemon designs are shit now but the girls still look good.
Why even bother with Sword and Shield?
Considering it's now impossible to collect every pokemon
Have they shown off Dawn yet?
I'm gonna impregnate Rosa and Hilda
Does this mean more porn for old pokegirls?
It already was, this is just the next level
At least with waifus I actually can collect em all
If I were to draw a Dakimakura, which girl should I choose?
Worked for fire emblem
Winner of best girl bowl.
>not thinking of all the femcels and fempedos that will play this and ship 10 year old boys while jerking off to N
As soon as N is in the game women will swam Pokémon Masters.
Are you Black?
I just realized that this game basically makes Murata's oneshot a "hilarious in hindsight.
Best girl better be in it.
Murata always knocks it out of the park.
My phone can't run this shit, I hope it's playable on emulator
As it always should have been.
Your wife hilda is also a midget
How long until Sonia and Nessa are in this?
Rosa/whitwo is closer to the camera.
No it's about collecting waifus AND husbandos
Hilda's breasts are not that big! Shit image!
They are just good faithful handfuls!
not if i get to her first faggot
Hilda is actually closer.
>Your favorite pokemon will be with a shit trainer
Who's it gonna be bros? They already put Gardevoir, the most popular waifumon, with one of the shittiest trainer
seconding lorelei
>Hilda in front
Incredibly based.
More like the previous one. Fucking casuals have no place in my waifu gayman.
Didn't think this was out yet. Even release dates are only showing "2019".
Can't wait for Shauntal and Juniper to finally get the spotlight they deserve.
Still too big.
You can get Professors on your team so Juniper will 100% be on my team at all times.
It isn't out
When are going to get an axtual ending for the BW manga?
I want Bianca, May, Dawn, Hex and whoever else gets drawn with big tits in
you better be going for the oyakodon parry
hit a nerve?
Post teams
Gotta gacha them all
Now go back to and stay there
I want Mismagius, she'll probably be with Fantina which I'm cool with
>essential lolicore
the fuck
Yeah, because most of us lost faith with the main games after E3
>tfw I've only had one waifu for now the past ten years
monogamous chads get in here
>being struck with a tranny
Hilda has the better ass which is what i care about. I also generally like her design more. Makes her looks like a 'comfy' girl.
Did some new trailer or something come out?
Yes. more trainers were shown.
Really hope they add Miror B to the game.
Why is the first playable Pokégirl, Kris, always ignored?
Who is it?
Mirror B is best waifu.
Aren’t they all blank slates? How can they be anyone’s waifu?
That being said, Hilda is the most A E S T H E T I C
pic related
Lyra is right there user.
>having a waifu that is from a harem
poor tastes
Reminder that only one PokeWaifu is CHAMPION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.
10 years, I'm not gonna stop now
>Rosa and Hilda in the front
Atleast they got the best girls front and center.
She's actually in Masters, along with Lyra.
So who's gonna be the most shilled waifu? Misty? May? Lillie?
Cynthia is already the most shilled waifu
About time.
It's a phone game and it looks almost kinda done. They're just doing the finishing touches
Based Rosachad
If they did this 5 years ago, then it'd absolutely be Cynthia. But they're trying really REALLY hard to push Lillie now.
>I'm actually more excited for this than Sword/Shield
Oh no bros.
>draw child pron isn't child porn
Just don't live in a shitty state/country
I would play this if you could dress them up and see their panties
something looks off about Rosa's skirt
>Cynthia already appeared in the main artwork before the game even got a trailer
>Lillie isn't in the trailer at all
maybe because its not a skirt. its never been a skirt.
It was never a skirt.
Best part is that, going by the OP, they actually have about the same chest size.
Lillie will be their rainy day character who gets a huge special event devoted to her.
That's not what waifu means you faggot nigger redditor
Got my attention now, Pokémon may be shooting itself in the foot every gen, but at least the characters are consistently cute
This is... beyond regrettable, but I must kindly ask you to tell me when was it that I gave you permission to post pictures of my beautiful wife, メイ, also known as Rosa. I don't remember doing so and you're damaging her image, so I will have to request you to delete IMMEDIATELY every single image you have of her from your device and desist from keep sharing them online, otherwise I have every intention of taking this to the ultimate consequences. Thank you.
I may use her for my big eyebrow fetish, I don't think any other characters fill that niche
Fucking based, never thought we'd see her again
Was she always so stacked? She looks bigger than Skyla and Cynthia.
mei is gay lmao no one cares about your dumb donut hair onahole
>That anime episode in which she eats air in an erotically detailed manner
What the fuck.
Didn't they like... KILL her in that recent anime?
Shit was fucked up.
They made her eat PS3 games and everything.
Will definitely have a spot on my team.
oh no, i have to play it now, hopefully the gameplay is serviceable
Just started playing pokemon XD which should i play next
She's for the people know, get used to it nerd.
hearty kek
I don't play gatchashit but if I did I'd be after Leaf non stop.
Fuck off back to rebbit.
I hope you didn't skip skip Colosseum.
I wouldn’t say so
>people hate Sword and Shield
>but they're also excited for a Gacha
For fucks sake, WHY?!
so what's this from
>Charizard 5*
>Charizard Summer 5* Seasonal Limited
>El Grande Dinosaurio Charizard Rojo 5* Limited
>Charizard Halloween Monster 5* Seasonal Limited
>Charizard Clone (Trainer: Mewtwo) 5* Strongest welfare freebie in the game
>Charizard Mega X Seasons Greetings 5* Seasonal Limited
>Charizard Mega Y New Yeas Festivities 5* Seasonal Limited
>Charizard El Dorado Legendario 5* Switch promo code only
>Charizard Shiny Color De Negro 5* Regional Exclusive To Spain and Latin America
Negro just means black in Spanish.
I want pretty much any pokegirl to rape me desu
But 200% Lusamine or Hilda. They're so perfect
That's how bad SwSh is.
>Blastoise 5*
>Blastoise Blue 5* Seasonal Limited
>Blastoise (Gary) 5* Welfare freebie, statline lower than a 4*
>Blastoise El Azul & Blanco 5* Legendary Limited
Pay me 45 dollars for these ideas, Nintendo. Or give me a starter account with May/Hilda/Lusamine/Sabrina Silver remake version, or female Hex Maniac.
If they give the characters personality, have them interact with each other in cute bonus scenes and make the gameplay interesting it could honestly be way better than any mainline game we've gotten in the past 6 years.
what is she thingken about?
What are you guys talking about? Did they announce something new since the dumpster fire that was e3's "no pokemon transfers"??
>my boy barry is in at launch
oh shit
I love her
You're still a fag
>Finally a Pokemon waifu game
>Terufuu is gone
this sucks
>loli hilda
o fug
she's in
She's in.
It's been about collecting waifus since gen 2, you're supposed to only catch the female pokemon and ignore all the males in wild encounters.
Get with the times, old man.
>Lizardon (Charizard) (Calvo completado) (Exclusive when purchasing the Sword and Shield double game pack) (Code can only be redeemed during work hours on a Japanese McDonald's locale)
I can't wait.
Oh shit she’s actually in. I didn’t think anyone remembered she existed. Alright, I’m on board with this shitty gatcha game.
Dawn isn't in?
Someone rec me a good romhack
Not in the initial roster at least, and neither is Brendan, but Barry is in with a Piplup.
Don't worry, user. They can't leave her out for any longer than a month after launch.
they're very loose, skirt-like shorts
Brendan is in, I think you meant Lucas
I think you both mean Ruby and Diamond
is my girl in?
Rosa has such soulless eyes compared to the other characters
Is May in?
Yes, got them mixed up.
I want Lusamine to bully me
>Barry is in with a Piplup
But why?
She better come soon so I can ship her with Cynthia...
Hell if I know
itt: Yea Forums men of culture hour
Please have Wes. Literally the swaggiest PokeMC
>first year
>people just want them to add the popular characters from older games that didn't make it into launch
>most new banners are just adding trainers and gym leaders to shill Sword and Shield
This feels like a likely outcome and we'll all hate it.
*Pack in code with Godzilla Bluray.
Will he use Umbreon or Espeon? Or will he be cool enough to cheat and use both to convince people who never played Colosseum to roll for him
I probably won't play beyond the first month anyway. FEH started out okay then went full p2w with skill transfers, I expect the same here.
It's pretty impressive how Hilda and Rosa still make Yea Forums so horny.
She's in
Five burgerbucks says they add in Hex Maniac during some controversial moment in order to get people back.
God I hope it's both
I’ll only bet if there are other NPC classes seen first
Imagine if this game makes a gardevoir-inspired trainer.
I'm really worried they'll do just that, making a shit ton of banners with the characters from new/mainline games instead of giving the characters from more obscure titles like the Ranger series some love.
>Hilda isn't a skin option for PK Trainer in Smash Ultimate
>Trophies gone too
She's inherited the genes of a Nurse Joy.
They've seen some shit and it's ingrained into their DNA.
There are generic trainers in the game.
It seriously makes no sense.
Patricians chose Turtwig, which would give him the flaming poopflinger.
Animefags chose Piplup, which would give him Turtwig.
Just what kind of timeline did this Barry come from?
>Kahili too
Sure, paying has clear advantages over free play but for real, being smarter about your orb usage goes a long fucking way. If there isn't something you want/need on a banner, don't waste your orbs pulling on it. Be patient and just keep saving until something good comes up. It's still no guarantee you'll get what you're looking for but it helps a lot. I've been only using free orbs and I have gotten a bunch of the tier 1 units and the skills to make them worth a damn.
Honestly that's a better game
>beats every other pokemon master and gym leader in the world in the World Championship
>is a movie star
>her hair doubles as emergency cinnamon rolls
How can anybody compete?
worse,is spending money on pic related.
Is spats ace in?
>SWSH can't have Megas but this game does
Diantha will probably get Gardevoir.
I'm still kind of mad that they didn't give Pokefrance's champ a signiature mon that first appeared in Kalos, but they still made it work.
>He didn't read the manga
If you did she would be your waifu
Oh shit, is Acerola in too?
So what app is this?
Don't forget that she also runs the most successful shopping avenue in the world.
I'm kind of upset that there's hardly any art based on that.
Or maybe ANY art, since I don't have any.
They should, I might even buy a Pokemon game then
Alright, she’s definitely in then
Nice, I didn't know she'd be in it. Glad one of my favorite girls is in
It's a Gatcha game and fucking Krys is in, all major mainline characters will be in the game (probably multiple times with different clothes/Pokemon). Side characters and spinoff characters are a greyzone though.
Made for breeding.
Hex when
>Acerola has the sandcastle
>Fatima has Mismagius
Drifblim cucked again
Hex will be flat and a 1* gacha filler.
He certainly is
Fuck all of you, my waifu Fantina is in and there's nothing you can do about it.
I-is that achievable natty?
Keep Fantina, I'll take Sabrina and Elesa, and add Valerie for my team.
Pics of Fatima? I didn't see her
Fine with me. Everyone's a winner!
Is she in?
Best girl
>They're all in
Hagbros can't stop winning
So each trainer only gets 1 partner pokemon? I really want to use my favorites Abra, Sableye, and Shedinja but I don't think any of the trainers really use that. It would be neat if each trainer had a repertoire of ~20 pokemon they could use and you rolled the default on a gacha and could spend [free] resources to unlock new options for your team.
Hags are the best.
>she got the fucking sandcastle instead of Mimikyu
well shit
based tits and ass twist pose
Wait, that yellow thing on Rosa are shorts and not a dress?
It's a very good pose.
In the trailer they showed generic trainers using less popular pokemon, I doubt they'd code in those pokemon without letting you catch them so I assume you'll be able to recruit some generic trainers and they'll put in less relevant pokemon like that.
generic trainers are going to save your day
But they'll likely be shit
>the graphics are actually fucking better than the switch game
>They made her eat PS3 games and everything.
yes, in my thoughts and prayers
Where is my girl?
Drones and literal children.
What graphics? We only saw trainer models and they are on par with models we saw on Switch.
That's going to be my team until Dawn gets in they Cheryl gets the boot
Wake me up when best Grandma arrives
Do we know if this is actually a gacha? Are there any other types of mobile games?
Well, Go isn't gacha...
it has microtransactions according to the trailer
rosa's got a huge cock
QUICK come up with a pokemon for the thicc Wick
Would be way too convenient if we get trainers like Red and Cynthia in day 1 if the game isn't a gacha
Miltank or Clef
That's what it does best, so yes.
So does go and it isn't a gacha
What if they outright have you purchade the characters? That would let them sell the base game at a price. So far they have not mentioned that the base game will be free to download.
Nintendo saw the sweet money Sony was making with F/GO and decided to test the water with FEH.
There is no going back now, gacha will rule everything.
There has to be another Type of disingenuous freemium models out there.
i doubt we'll get buyable characters
its more like buyable healing items and other shit to speed up the battles
No Phoebe? No Lusamine? Literally dropped.
Where is Dawn?
Speaking of Hags, is the dragon gilf in?
Game literally has the standard gacha mechanic of "choose this character to play with"
It is a gacha, if you played one before you know one when you see it.
Rerolling for one of these: Trainer Red, May, Hilda, Lusamine, Hex Maniac (female), or Mina.
lusamine is in
she appeared in the trailer with the mary sue and the edgelord
>the only character to get different clothes besides misty
I don't mind some of them being shit (though Shedinja really shouldn't be). I'm a teacher and a lot of my students are into Pokemon but they're pretty bad at, well, everything so I could likely get by with sub-optimal team composition.
A lot of generic trainers look like trash though. Gentleman/Gambler are pretty based though.
Oh nice. Saved.
It's literally made by DeNA a company that makes gatcha games. And selling each characters instead of gatcha will make the game an instant failure. Just look at that Super Mario game they made.
Best character in the pokemon universe isn't in, so not based
Yeah the pokemon company also has it against difficult games so chances are the story and everything outside cancerous PVP is going to be clearable with 3* generics
>Drawgo pretty much disappeared from internet.
I fucking hate when this happens.
Special event or riot
>only shitty Elesa confirmed
>will likely have to wait months for the good one
More like shareholder pressure, also they tried with full release model with mario before and didn't worked.
What are you talking about? The good one is right there.
The only other successful model is horrifying timer shit that's more popular in western games (e.g. Clash of Clans).
Hopefully he wasn't killed by a tsunami.
Infernape is the most popular Sinnoh starter, user.
If this thread proves anything it's that popularity and quality do not correlate
The timeline where (you) chose Infernape to get a fast lead with Taunt, Fake out, Stealth Rock and STAB Close Combat
What are the chances Hilda comes with Tepig and after 9 long years xxzero is vindicated?
If you don't pick Infernape then the only fire pokemon available until post-game is Ponyta
>even the animations are better
nintendo should just shut down gamefucks and give pokemon to a more competent company
Absolutely BASED.
>your favorite pokemon will have a shitty trainer
>your favorite trainers will have a shitty Pokemon
>longer coat
>actual pants
>huge retarded collar
>flames on pants
>edgy anime catchphrase
holy shit, finally a good male design
Neither Nintendo or Pokemon company did something against him.
Also Hilda figure have a tepig.
>picking your starter pokemon for gameplay
>Timeline where you have stealth rock in 3v3
Shigeru Miyamoto is seething the most.
>BotW was made by new hires who throw out his series conventions and BTFO Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess
>He went out directing Star Fox Zero pn Wii U to dismal reception and pushed the motion gimmicks till PlatinumGames gave up on trying to salvage it
>Pikmin 4 gone, his pet project series
>Mario mobile as a full price title model of $10 got BTFO forever back to back by waifu Free2Plau gachq Dragalia Lost and Fire Emblem Heroes
Miyamoto is the saltiest old guard at Nintendo and I bet waifu dating bait Free2Play gacha Pokemon Masters will be the final straw on his sanity. If there's a mass bow and arrow shooting at Nintendo HQ Japan, it'll be done by Miyamoto.
I thought I was the only one that preferred her original look. Nice to see others with taste still exist.
>Pikmin 4 gone
citation needed
So far so good with the combinations I'm interested in, but I wonder who might come with a Golurk.
Man I cannot imagine the amount of money gacha makes. It's kind of sad that this will become the standard for every single successful franchise. It's like the fast food and porn of video games. It will forever sell bilions.
Nintendo isn't dumping everything on mobile tho. So far their only ip 100% on phones is dragalia.
They aren't acting greedy and putting all eggs on same basket, mobile is there to help console sales. GO and FEH already proved this works.
good, japan is so big and crazy about social medias it's literally freemarketing that is used even by fucking randy to at least deflect the bad attention on himself
What's more it's ultra easy to know where you should concentrate your efforts for the next game since the players are literally saying what they want, the biggest job is to compile datas, which is done in about 2 minutes by watching youtube comments or even making a ****** post.
Good thing, maybe he'll finally understand the japanese hierarchy based on seniority is absolute trash and this is where he belongs
>pokemon bestiality porn
>a highly delicate subject that requires superior drawing prowess
I guess I appreciate his dedication to his craft
What moves or mechanics from the main games were king on 3v3 battles? I never got to see that enough during Gen V
It's been the standard for a while, that's why everyone's surprised it took so long for pokemon to do something like this (I know about duel but this one definitely has more mainstream appeal). That doesn't mean regular games will stop being a thing, that's a stupid thing to think.
She's in!
As long as she’s in, that’s all I need
>BotW was made by new hires who throw out his series conventions and BTFO Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess
Those series conventions come from Aonuma. And BOTW simply went back to the old series conventions from LOZ and ALTTP... which were created by Miyamoto
The redesign is ruined by the coat. It's huge, ugly, and covers her up. Would be alright without it.
Well. they said on some shareholder meeting that they want like 1 or 2 mobages per year.
Isn't exactly far fetched since they have fuckload of IPs. But the whole thing feels like a shut up to shareholders.
But now the next one on hitlist seems to be Xeno.
>a pedophile in a kid show
How is this allowed
>Misty and Psyduck version are SSR
That would be my luck
I prefer her original hair color too.
It's okay when a girl does it according to majority
Don't mind me, just being the best Pokemon game since BW2
Well I think it makes sense that boys would be able to consent at a younger age than girls
fugged girl when?
>No Etika react video
After you reach 100 Affection.
May and Hilda have god tier hair genetics.
Reaction channels are cancer.
Girls mature faster than boys.
im just here to fap to the images
no i mean the girl who got fugged
Girls mature faster than males on both puberty (sadly) and peak maturity.
The main reason age of consents exist is because adults can "deceive" children in order to have sex with them. This is commonly done on affection-starved young girls by showering them with fake love and doing a push-and-pull so they have sex with you or you withhold your love otherwise.
Young boys just straight up want to get laid so they're not being deceived in any way.
Will this kill FEH?
Etika didn't even care about FE, he only played 10% of a game and then asked his fans to draw porn of the characters
“Oh wow a thing, let me open my mouth real wide and scream!” Cringe, zoomer.
Different audience.
God I hope this tanks for the sake of the franchise
I wish there was more straight up sex between the trainers and less cock teasing. Lille, Ultra sun girl and the third one he's adding better be good
only FEH can kill FEH
the playerbase is literal retards so it's probably not going anywhere
>Pokemon go still top revenue charts.
Yeah bro, it totally going bankrupt pokemon company. I mean, who want roll for trainers instead of pokemans.
it won’t
>Best girl is confirmed to be in
>Without her inferior HGSS costume
>Without LGPE's shitty proportions
Her and Grimsley, as well as Elesa all confirmed as being in pleases me greatly. All I need is Shauntal now.
I'll be playing both!
Doesn't make it okay though. They're both children one way or another, and your concept of males aoc being lower would only hurt teenager couples which are the reason why some countries have a low aoc
I don't think he's adding any more, but I might be wrong.
what is this, and is it a real thing
Good taste. American protags > everyone else
Hasn't it always been about the waifus?
See user, this is what you don't get:
Fire types are SHIT and you DON'T need them
I want to suck on tharjas tharjas
then maybe he just hid these for no reason? I don't know
>cock teasing
you have just sold me on this game
I had no idea those were there. Interesting find.
Wes needs a proper sequel
Rip FGO.
Mei :3
>FGO, Gran blue fantasy, boat sluts gachas spawn tons doujins
>pokemon gacha might start a renaissance of less popular pokegirl doujins from older gens.
I won't spend a fime on it, but I am looking forward to how it develops.
8 for me
She is didn't you watch the trailer they had today?
Is Hex in the game?
>tfw just want Touko
This is gonna be the easiest gacha to f2p ever.
Anyone else I get is a bonus.
I know and I couldn’t be happier
Wasn't it always?
It always was but now its not exclusive to fucking furfags.'s ruined
there's no way in hell she won't be
>shortstack hilda
Must haves:
>May (R/S)
>Sabrina (R/B)
>Team Skull Grunt (female)
>Fire types are SHIT
Infernape is straight-up the best in-game mon in any non nuzlocke run of DPPt.
>Why even bother with Sword and Shield?
Because if ya blutty dunt ahm gunta shank ya, ya focking wanksteen.
Who's gonna have my nigga Ferrothorn
She's in
Based Lorelei poster.
>not in the trailer
2019... I am forgotten...
If it wasn't gachashit I'd be legitimately excited for this game. Not gonna suffer through the miserable experience of not getting what I want from some slot machine in yet another game however.
How can one franchise have so many hot women?
So who will be the Jalter of this game, and who will the Bogdanoffs constantly gift us?
I used it in Platinum and it ended up being the weakest link on my team, though granted the other members were stuff like Gyarados, Scyther and Umbreon
Its mixed offenses coupled with middling moves like Mach Punch/Brick Break, Flame Wheel and Thunder Punch weren't enough to score KOs on anything that wasn't a lower level shitmon, and its defenses ensured it took massive hits in return.
>Still supporting The Pokemon Company after the culling
I hope they get even more money from you stupid fucks. Pokemon is dead and you waifu incel assholes fucking killed it.
Nah I'm pretty sure Gamefreak did it
Pokemons a fucking kids game, I dont know what else you expect from the series besides well designed characters to jerk off to.
Phone games killed video games, yes
dios mio
Yes. She’s one of my favorite designed characters
>implying I'm spending a cent in it
I'll just do what I do with all gachashit I pick up. Acquire the character I like most, get tired after 2 weeks, drop. And if the character is too hard to get then fuck it.
She's still in Smash
No, its for everyone. Casuals and stupid uninformed cock sleeves buy the games for Jamal's kids and continue to denigrate the franchise I once held dear.
Game Freak is just a developer at the end of the day, when The Pokemon Company says jump, they say how high. They have no clout, and if they go against their overlords, they get canned. That is how business works in Japan.
>Mach Punch/Brick Break, Flame Wheel and Thunder Punch
Why on earth would you use any of those when it learns Close Combat, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Grass Knot, etc?
You're not doing enough. Tell your friends, if you have any, to not spend any money in this shit. I want TPCi's pockets to hurt. Badly.
We all know what's going on out there! No one says it, but they know!
I can't wait for cute Boys
she was only ever likable in the manga and if they use her non-manga personality what's the point
He's a manlet now, shorter than most of the girls
Very good.
>gets dommed by a taller White
Give me GSC Gold event and Pokestudios Rosa and I'll whale until the dogs come home. Already see all the best girls in the trailer so I'm already on board. If its one thing pokemon hasn't fucked up on, its the waifus
>Close Combat
learnt at lv41, making it an endgame move. Expect to learn it either just in time for or after the seventh gym.
a TM move you might want to save for something else. I forget where you get TM26 in Platinum, but it's probably not very early either.
>Flare Blitz
learnt at lv57, postgame grinding stuff.
>Grass Knot
Also a one-off TM move you might want to save up on using. I listed Brick Break because it's an affordable purchasable TM you can get in the midgame, and Mach Punch because Monferno learns it early. Likewise for the other moves I mentioned.
Finally someone with taste
She's a big girl
Learn to type, Reddit.
Finally, they realized what they should have been doing all along. Unironically, if they switch to ONLY shit like this, it'll be better in the long term, since they're good at everything that ISN'T making a great game, nowadays.
artist of one punch man and eyeshield did some random drawings
>draws ash fucking the girls
I'm glad hes gone
I hope my wife can be acquired easily with free currency.
>thinking noises
Your wife pleases all the shotas, currency free!
FEH is already dying, most of the old whales are gone.
People play FEH for waifu .pngs, anything beyond that are just retards.
She has to pay for /u/ services
Best girl
what a beaut
Hilda is pure sex.
imagine how delusional you have to be to look at this pic and go "yes, i want to escape to world where everything is fine and good " then going back to crying about your life. i will nuke japan.
I-Is t-that an AA2 card?
Big talk from a dragon dick lover
You're wife's a shortstack
>tfw Hun killed himself
R.I.P. in pieces you sick fuck, I'll never understand why you hated Crystal so much.
I WILL get Lusamine and Cynthia, all my Ikuchan Kaoru fantasies will be fulfilled
If you can't catch em all in the main line games, might as well go to mobile
There is literally no way this could fail. It's already brainwashed a shit load of people. Just look at the threads.
Serenachads wya
right here my dude, get to save up until she's added.
Summer time Brock with Kabutops pls.
Rosa is one thicc bih
I hope she makes it in.
Can Wicke join the waifus?
She may not be as exciting as some of them but she'll do everything she can to please.
I am worried that "generic trainer classes" will be only enemies.
No just LoZ. Putting BotW on the same level of even LttP is laughable. BotW sucked.
Doubt it. They have to fill the gacha pool with common shit, and they have to get those pokemon one way or another.
Aren't most of the girls like ten years old?
Yellow is not in, isn't she?
Surprisingly no because being a gym leader is usually a job, and then there's the elite 4. Though if you consider all the generic trainers then yes
The characters never looked their age, fuck their "canon", most of the characters never have their age stated in-game
That's a good thing. Imagine fucking May the huge titted ten year old.
Give me the best Rosa doujins RIGHT NOW
Hilda is fine too
What generic 2* shitter is gonna have my boy? I'm thinking it's gonna be a PokeManiac
>5'9 vs 6'2
Every Pokegirl fucks her pokemons.
Hilda the most
user w-what the fuck man...
A decent shot at being Giovanni unless they're seriously giving him Mewtwo or dicking him over with Persian
Iirc Hilda is 16 and Rosa is an adult
it's canon user face it!
What kind of gacha will we get? Pay money to get trainer or pay money to get pokemon? Maximum jew, pay to get both?
>Ingame trainers tend to have pokemon the same gender as them
Get out with that /u/ shit
I guess it was just me assuming based of their designs, but the B2W2 protags always seemed a lot younger than Hilbert and Hilda.
cringe pokeposter
I think it'll be once you roll a trainer you get it's pokemon as well something like
Free/R Rosa: Snivy
SR Rosa: Servine
SSR Rosa: Serperior
Or they don't be too jewish and just force you to grind to evolve your pokemon.
I have never played Gen5
>Ywn make Dragon Grandma feel young again
You just reminded me of that fact. Do nurse joys all look the same when they age, or is the job uniform just very strict?
Try BW2 sometime, it's a fun gen.
>Korinna and Lucario
>Riley and Lucario
>Maylene and Lucario
R8 and H8 my team.
Beastiality got posted on a front page thread.
sexy armpits
this is a 18+ site, why do you care?
I kind of want to go through the whole series, I haven't finished half of the games and the other half I never did the post-game stuff. I just wish they'd port them all to newer consoles and make them compatible with Pokemon Bank.
can we just talk about how a bunch of chink gacha shit makers managed to translate the concept art of the characters to 3d 10 times better than gamefreak has ever managed to?
I'm r8'ing it a good team for having Korrina.
Only LoZ though. aLttP was still kind of open, but only in the sense that you could get some items in dungeons and them open parts of the world map without completing the dungeon. It was already close to the structure of OoT (which still had a couple of open routes but further locked stuff behind a couple of story events).
And Miyamoto still was heavily involved up to OoT.
Based and waifu pilled
I know how you feel though, people always shit post with fake pictures of my waifu as well
When are we getting a /vykw/ board?
The Gym leaders and generic trainers are mostly older than that. The Black/White and XY protagonists also are older.
>cute Rosa
>dat female Swimmer
I am waiting for the inevitable Trainer equivalent of Wall/Shout/Gorilla USB1 DeNA will release early and realise how badly they fucked it all up again.
>pinching it
just mash the fucking thing with any heavy object on hand
Oops, here's the real one
May > Selene > Serena > Dawn > Lyra >Shield-chan > Leaf > Rosa > Kris > Elaine > Hilda
THE ADS user
what was it
>No one mentions Clair
Where is she anons ??!
red rocket in vagoo
She's in user, calm down.
that misty designis from lgpe
Wow, where did all you rivals I will have to murder come from?
well shit, looks like I didn't need to bother asking
thanks user
I think the point is that it's still based in a game, whereas Red's design is all new.
why couldn't this have been Red's design in Ultimate
user she will rip off your dick with her vagina muscles and feed it to you.
>all those HQ 3d models
we are moving to mobage are we...
and thats a good thing
god i fucking hope so
I don't like lolis but she is sexy
Thanks for making it Clair user.
she has titties, user. she's no loli.
>Bitch knocked out a shiny Budew I was trying to catch
I will never forgive her
There needs to be more art of her movie outfits.
That's kinda hot.
Didn't you hear? Gotta catch em' all.
Is the True Best Girl in?
Seriously, Black 2 is a miracle.
Last I checked, Sword and Shield wasn't cancelled and that mobile games weren't worth a toss compared to consoles.
Now suddenly we have doomsayers just because a sidegame is sprinkling a little bit of personality on the trainers now?
should have been so from the beginning
Will she be in?
>Make a model for every single gym leader and protagonist
>Gamefreak will still refuse to make a post game mode where you get to fight them all like in B/W 2
>mobile games weren't worth a toss compared to consoles.
Have you been sleeping under a rock?
>Misty - Gardenia - Flannery
>Candice - Jasmine - Roxanne
>Lucian - Anabel - Courtney
>Roxie - Maylene - Lana
>Fantina - Olympia - Glacia
>Valerie - Sabrina - Elesa
>Skyla - Mallow - Whitney
>Roark - Morty - Brawly
>Iris - Hapu - Phoebe
>Lorelei - Malva - Karen
>Kiawe - Nessa - Grant
I love Serena!
Maybe they will add them in SwSH.
We live in an age of DLC and updates. It's possible.
The question is if it'll be free?
You will get a boring hour long episode and another Masion reskin and you will love it.
Gamefreak hates dlc and updates, but if we're talking about this phone game then it will be hard enough to make brainlets roll for strong characters even if they don't care for the particular character
May, Rosa, Mallow
To clear up confusion, here is every trainer confirmed to be in so far.
There are 65 Trainers available at launch, with more to come in updates.
Trainers with Confirmed Sync Partners:
>Male Protagonist with Pikachu
>Female Protagonist with Pikachu
>Red (New Design) with Charizard (evolves into Mega Charizard X)
>Blue (HGSS) with Pidgeot
>Brock (HGSS) with Onix
>Misty (LGPE) with Starmie
>Erika (FRLG) with Vileplume
>Lance (HGSS) with Dragonite
>Clair (HGSS) with Kingdra
>Brendan (ORAS) with Treecko
>Norman (ORAS) with Slaking
>Flannery (ORAS) with Torkoal
>Steven (ORAS) with Metagross
>Barry (DP) with Piplup
>Crasher Wake (DPPt) with Floatzel
>Cynthia (DPPt) with Garachomp
>Thorton (Pt) with Brozong
>Cheren (B2W2) with Stoutland
>Elesa (B2W2) with Zebstrika
>Skyla (BWB2W2) with Swanna
>Iris (B2W2) with Haxourus
>Caitlin (BWB2W2) with Reuniclus
>Grimsley (BWB2W2) with Liepard
>Rosa (B2W2) with Snivy (Was shown with Serperior in promo art, maybe Pokemon evolve over time in-game?)
>Korrina (XY) with Lucario (evolves into Mega Lucario)
>Wulfric (XY) with Avallug
>Diantha (XY) with Gardevoir
>Professor Kukui (SMUSUM) with Lycanroc
>Acerola (SMUSUM) with Palossand
>Nanu (SMUSUM) with Alolan Persian
Characters with Unconfirmed Sync Partners:
>Professor Oak (FRLG)
>Sabrina (FRLG)
>Giovanni (FRLG)
>Lorelei (FRLG)
>Kris (Crystal)
>Lyra (HGSS)
>Silver (HGSS)
>Bugsy (HGSS)
>Whitney (HGSS)
>Pryce (HGSS)
>Will (HGSS)
>Archer (HGSS)
>Ariana (HGSS)
>Wally (ORAS)
>Wionna (ORAS)
>Tate and Liza (ORAS)
>Fantina (DPPt)
>Candice (DPPt)
>Flint (DPPt)
>Cheryl (DPPt)
>Palmer (DPPt)
>Hilbert (BW)
>Hilda (BW)
>Cilan (BWB2W2)
>Chili (BWB2W2)
>Cress (BWB2W2)
>Hugh (B2W2)
>Calem (XY)
>Professor Sycramore (XY)
>Viola (XY)
>Siebold (XY)
>Wikstrom (XY)
>Lillie (SMUSUM)
>Gladion (SMUSUM)
>Lusamine (SMUSUM)
>Mina (SMUSUM)
>Sophocles (SMUSUM)
>Kahili (SMUSUM)
Minor Trainers (Unsure if playable or not...)
>FRLG Lass
>XY Swimmer
>ORAS Camper
>ORAS Poke Fan
>ORAS + SMUSUM Ace Trainers
manga characters wen
Ultra Necrozma is so astoundingly ugly that its actually impressive
Never, I hope.
Is dawn already in this thing?
>No hex maniac
Fucking garbage
>mobile games weren't worth a toss compared to consoles.
Economicly they are
Pokemon harem VN when?
WHO /shauna/ HERE?
Considering that game comes this summer, I'm pretty sure they are holding her till halloween.
is the pre-register up yet?
May, Courtney, and Silver.
Lord have mercy
I can't believe they upgraded Misty.
t. spic
My one and only
He'll be back right? He always comes back.