New options arrived!
2019 steam grand prix
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team slow and steady picked up some speed today
slow and steady fellow turtlebro
shit event, only steam shills and retarded whales care about it.
t. salty bacon bitch
thanks for sharing, narcissist
Every attack I have goes into turtle
The hare is winning this story book.
attack someone else you nigger
Tortoisechad always wins
>points cap doesn't actually reset it just keeps incrementing by 100
I want my free games dammit
Uh, that's problematic. Attack the r*ddit dog instead before they take another massive lead
>everyone dumping all of the attacks on the dog
get fucked dogfags
>turtles are actually beating the harey fucks just like aesop's fables
You cant make this shit up
Everyone just needs to put their differences aside. It doesn't matter who wins, as long as we put the reddit dog fuckers in last place.
You have to spend money in increase the cap.
>his account has the dog badge
is there a bigger mark of shame?
the harebinger of zoom is goin to win this boios
I honestly can't think of anything worse. It's like having a VAC ban on your profile. I already unfriended 3 steam friends because of the dog badge
Can anyone explain the Corgi meme though that's not related to the race?
Sure you did turtles
Is Rise of the Tomb Raider a good game?
Reddit believe Shiba Inu is actually a corgi. That's how retarded they are.
It's alright, not as good as the "first" one
>is there a bigger mark of shame?
The hole between your legs where your dick used to be. Faggot
are the games given away based on region?
looks like that on my store page
Added Obra Dinn and DOS2 to this. r8 and h8
Dunno about others, but i am planning to buy some games when new months begins and at that point all redditors already spend all their allowance money so my boosts will probably matter and make a difference.
No fucking way. How do they dare insult Kabosu?
>100 free capacity
This has got to be the most jewish shit ever holy shit
a corgi is a character in cowboy bebop
cowboy bebop is reddit tier anime
corgis are reddit
therefore corgi hate
>He kept shitty games on their wish list during the event
You deserve it you stupid idiot.
What fucking retard
The game isn't even on sale either, fucking vlambeer being jewish cunts
This is a pay2win event.
stay mad drumpfkin
Reminder that picking corgi means you'll be gassed when the bird/rabbit/tortoise triumverate bears judgment upon ye.
it's based on people's wishlist, I think. Maybe that is what you would have won?
how do you fucks keep winning?
>tfw don't even give a shit about this spending shit because it's all autistic at the end of the day
>tfw just enjoying video games
Those games are just to show off what are the most popular games people have been given for free from their wishlist
A lot of people have cyberpunk and sekiro as their rank 1 wishlist game so that's why those show up.
he probably took the screenshot from reddit
I joined team Pig because pigs in cartoons are funny and usually the best fluff characters, and besides he races in a semitruck which is based. I don't know shit about this event except corgi is a giant meme for normalfaggots.
Why won't my tf2 quests register
Do the points reset after some point or are those "11,478 POINTS BOOSTED/16,120 MAX POINTS" for the entire duration? In case of a reset, what happens to the isaac points?
Slow and steady, bros. Slow and steady.
This is the worst event that Steam came up with.
Nobody knows what the fuck is happening or why the rules are as retarded as they are, half of the shit is not working. The event itself is incredibly boring, there is literally no fun in clicking the boost, whereas with Saliens or Clicker game you actually had some incentive or mild fun in doing so.
How come when I take a nap in the middle of the day, I get gay thoughts while waking up and want to suck a dick?
This "capacity" bullshit needs to just be removed. I feel like that's one of the main issues. People want to redeem all the points, but they can't.
fuck turtles
birb team will win
so you think they will make HL3 based on this game model
your fetish is showing
>120€+ for the 5€ discount
what a deal
stop projecting tranny
capacity will get reset to 100 tomorrow if you don't use em today because Gaben is a nonce, either spend more money or kiss those points goodbye
They say it's based on people's wishlists but most likely only people whose top wishlist item contains a publisher-approved giveaway actually qualify for the drawing.
>went corgi just to anger you stupid niggers
My capacity hasn't reset all event.
i'm into fatsos
nice, gabens just taken a massive shit on me then
You mean you didn't use pts and it went up by 100 everyday?
>new race
>still can't get new boost points
C'mon I want to get Downwell for free.
They keep changing the UI, but the "Max Points" number only goes down when I boost.
that's the idea
smelly swamp asses clampin their cheeks right on my face
I want a free game, aaa
>Fuck all points yesterday, game wanted me to spend money to upgrade tiny points cap
>do nothing
>game randomly gives me a few thousand points for some reason, no mention of a cap on these at all
Is this broken or are there rules I don't know about?
These are the same games user
That's the point. It is never on sale by principle. So, pretty good prize.
No it doesn't, that's the point of UI change.
It doesn't change anything about the biggest problem, the fucked capacity design
>event is still centered around spending money instead of money giving you a bonus/advantage
nah that's not fixing things
what the fuck happened to bring the dogfuckers in line with everyone else? Did everyone use their steal on them or something?
They "made some backend changes to mitigate snowball effects"
They're probably just artificially keeping everyone in line so not everyone coming late to the event flocks to the clearly winning team
>still 0 boost charges
>still 0 capacity
I wanted to at least cling to false hope if winning something but they took even that from me.
Valve is literally sandbagging the corgi team. The distance calculation likely factors in team size now.
>We’ve changed some code to help deal with the imbalanced team sizes across the board.
>valve putting reddit on notice
based as fuck
Oh yeah, 14.500 points, almost got my discount, then I will acquire CrossCode
Still shit. At least they rolled back some cheaters.
so corgi is super fucked now, right? A bunch of people joined them late while they were steamrolling making them the most populated and least likely to get free games but now they arent even guaranteed to be in the winning pool anymore
I kind of feel bad for them
oh shit my capacity is 2000 all of a sudden
Did they remove the number limit of boosts you have? Used to say how many left (I started at 7, used 2) but now I don't see it
Don't even know if I was supposed to be saving them or not. This whole thing is fucked
but still the capacity will reset anyway
From 0? Because I'm pretty sure I also gained 2000 points from my original max
yeah from 0
Same here
wtf i just got 2000 capacity?
The fuck? I got the (((free))) 100 capacity when the new race rolled around but now I have another 1k out of nowhere without having bought a thing this sale yet.
Its 1000 capacity, idiot
You get points based on the lunar year sales as well, basically, if you bought games in 2019, you get points
Did they remove the cap? Suddenly I could boost 300
It's games that have pricing, Valve will purchase them for you basically. If the game has no pricing yet they either move onto your next game that does or select a different person to win.
>We’re hoping some of these changes will help make the event more clear and enjoyable. We’ll keep an eye on things and continue to adjust the game as needed. Our goal is to host a fun event where you get to explore and use Steam in new and interesting ways, but it’s clear that this time around we could’ve done better. To help make up for all this, for everyone who was active on day 1 we’re going to increase the max points you can earn by 1000, and further increase this by another 1000 for everyone who was active on day 2 (so if you were active on both days, you’ll be able to earn another 2000 points). This will increase the maximum number of points you can earn through completing quests or achievements in your games, which you’ll then be able to spend at the Pit Stop.
tomorrow reset?
I just got 2k for todays reset so it happened already
i mean do they reset the capacity again tomorrow?
if only I could get all those points at the same time.
i imagine it will go back to 100 a day.
>tfw team hare
I guess this is karma for getting third place
Mine actually went up 1000
I have no idea why.
Maybe if you sucked a little more cock they'd stop attacking you
Hippity Hoppity the fuck away
>had only 100 capacity yesterday
>now have 1000 capacity today
what the fuck is going on
so we'll be able to earn 3k tokens a day and conceivably actually get the $5 discount without burning through over a hundred dollars.
good. would've preferred an immediate-use one if your cart is over $30 value like BASED chinese new year sale held though since I sort of want to buy something but then again this "sale" has pissed me off and I haven't bought shit yet.
turtlebrethren reporting in
What if I get chosen and I have an HTC Vive at the top of my wishlist?
If you're supposed to get 100 capacity every day, why did I get 2100 capacity? And why do now have to claim points when I didn't have to before?
No you smoothbrain, you're still only going to get +100 cap for free each day, the 1k bonuses were just a one-off apology for fucking up days 1 and 2 of the minigame.
Spending my 10k tokens on leveling up my badge brought me up like 20 steam levels
>missed out on an extra 1k capacity because i didn't participate yesterday
this fucking event
Give it to me straight can tortoise win or not?
It really is just insultingly bad, the racing theme would've made for a fun little event with a drag racing minigame or whatever. But no, they just had to make it as weird, unappealing and confusing as possible.
Does the $5 discount stack with itself? Should I start claiming my chievo points?
Pretty sure you cannot stack discounts.
Everyone hit Corgi's as hard as fucking possible. They need to be in last fucking place by the end of this.
all the actual game developers are gone
They are slow as fuck, of course not.
how much is the conversion on token?
with the 2k
how much should i spend to get 10k token for the 5€
yes, 7 time max
How can I check which games have grand prix quests? Is it really just the handful on the page?
We out here senpai
just launch a game with lots of achievments and you'll be bathing in points
any recent game with Steam achievements you've played for at least 30 minutes will have some random-ass formula that'll probably result in you having thousands of points (discard all over-capacity)
the highlighted participating games are just the ones you can earn points in doing activities, without having to download your Steam library and dredge it for points.
They'll be fine as long as they keep giving their money to Valve.
How do I redeem points new to steam.
>Check thread
>Turtles are doing better
>No Jeb bush memes
COME ON Yea Forums, THIS IS PERFECT JEB MEME! I don't have any saved.
It's an incredibly simple event. Everyone not retarded got their discount vouchers first day.
>get daily 100 cap
>idle in a game I have cheevos for and throw away a bunch of points to fill it because fuck spending for more cap
>suddenly an extra 2k
>have to blow another idle
Couldn't they have awarded the extra cap at the same time?
No. user is retarded. You can only buy one discount at a time.
Kek, didn't even know what the grand prix was and picked corgi randomly.
>Everyone not retarded got their discount vouchers first day.
congrats for throwing away your money at gabe, hope you're happy with your 5 bucks discount after having spent a fuckton more
>joined the corgi team since I figured it would be free wins for half the event
>valve moves faster than anticipated so I only get 2 days of chances
>everyone dogpiling attacks on us now
Should've known short term rewards were a bad idea
What do you guys think the games will be?
>C-congrats on s-spendi
Yeah unlike you pleb I began the event with 28k cap. I didn't have to spend a dime to get free games. Enjoy your bottom of the barrel experience.
Top 3 teams get free games but only random members. Not everyone.
>I began the event with 28k cap. I didn't have to spend a dime to get free games.
except you don't win anything
So basically join corgy for the best chance at free shit?
>Facts hurt my feefees
Excuse me, just passing the tortoise :)
what is this shit i dont get why i cant use it all.
They might win 1st place but since everyone bum rushed the team the chances of getting something randomly are way less than say, if you joined the team on 2nd or 3rd place.
Not like you gonna win anything anyways, its like 300 hundred people for first place, 200 hundred second and 100 third.
its games off your wishlist bud
>choosing the discount
>not choosing the badge to grind your profile level
How do you feel about being a casual?
So if I don't claim my 2000 points today it will get reset tomorrow right??
Please respond
My dear Yea Forums. What an unexpected fate, these racers deal with. Dogs run by weak men, birds cheered by lunatics, and turtles begging for thunderous applause. What strange times indeed.
But I'm not here to ponder the meaning of all this, I'm play a game.
The first user to get the number 0, will recieve from me a boon. A chance to view another world, in a different time and place, to skulk the alleys of Dunwall, and to spill the blood of men and women in power...or, not.
tl;dr get a 0 and get Dishonored Definitive from me since I got $5 from the races, GO!
no, you would have to buy games to increase your cap which is only 2k atm
>why i cant use it all
To incentivise buying more shit, duh. It's basic psychological manipulation, people hate the feeling of 'losing' potential gains.
>valve just gives away hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of games to their customers every summer
>incapable of developing an actual game
No wonder they don't go public.
This is what happens when you get too rich. You get really fat and lazy. It's honestly no wonder Epic is stealing business. Not hard to when your competition is sleeping.
shouldve expected some dumb shit like that i guess
It used to be the right pick because even though there were a lot more people you were basically guaranteed a first place finish every day.
Where as not every other team would reliability finish in 2nd or 3rd.
Now, it's a bad choice because Valve made it so no one can just pull ahead and guarantee a win.
>pointless cosmetics vs. free money
I'm not fishing, I'm dead serious. It's just how capitalism works. You need to compete to keep Epic from doing what it does, and if Valve just sits on it's fat, lazy, incompetent ass just working on Dota and nothing else, then I have no sympathy.
So the race winners are now just predetermined with rng running the minute to minute standings?
Team Corgi by the way
>bought a couple icons and backgrounds first day because I didn't realize how OP the badge levels were
>used a bunch of boots on day 2 when they apparently translated to no increase in tokens and just tanked capacity
Taking all bets, how will I fuck up today?
I honestly though Epic might get Valve to make the steam sales more like they used to be in order to compete, but nope.
I think the people in charge of the EGS would need to be competent before that could happen
Is that what happened yesterday? I noticed I didnt any points for my boosts. This is the worst event I've ever seen since the hallowcaust. Valve should just give everyone on steam a free game and end this nightmare
Real talk: does my steam level affect ANYTHING other than my digital dicksize?
Grats. Hopefully I can get my win and get a copy of Destroy all Humans! Remake.
I just wanted to hit level 100 with level cheese and leave. Probably could have done it by now if I didn't buy stupid shit.
Instead I'm stuck in this dystopian nightmare game where the rules change every day and I always do it wrong. I don't even understand if I would be more successful if I just didn't do anything.
Card drops.
But after a certain point more levels doesn't really effect that either.
Card booster packs drop chance each day.
You have more chance to randomly get trading cards with higher levels.
Nope, just dicksize. And something to do with the trading cards you get.
Unless you're into TF2 trading, then you put all that card crap into metal on
You get like 5 friend slots per level. Doesn't matter unless you want to add every spammer for some reason.
Every 10 levels you get slots to put shit on your profile. Just vanity.
Also every 10 levels your chance of getting a card booster pack increases. Chances are still pretty low, and booster packs only drop whenever someone crafts a badge for a game.
Every level increases friend list limit by 5
Every 10 levels lets you put on a showcase
The highest levels are the people shown on top of others' friends lists
I boosted from 26 to 100 just because. Don't think I'll use a showcase.
>All players will begin with at least 100 max points, and for each day that you participate, your maximum will increase by 100 points. Additionally, for every £1 you spend on Steam, you will increase your maximum points that you can earn by 127 points.
Does this mean you can stack them up from now on?
Thanks. Good luck!
no, the real measurement of dick size is your years of service
holy fuck they finaly fixed it, I don't know how but I get 3k tokens per day, I spent
Did they change how you earn tokens? You got 1000 for every boost before, but now it doesn't go up with that. Planned on getting the 5$ discount.
you could always stack, but its worth boosting each day so you can enter the draw for a free game
Because they just gave people a 2k limit increase today.
Tomorrow it will be back to the 100 limit.
How many games had you fuckers bought before the sale to get the points to boost your level with the badge so much? I've only bought like 3 games on Steam since the start of the year.
You've always gotten a token for every point
Hopefully I'll get my free DQXI soon.
as far as I know it's 1:1 transfer
but why
What is this, then? Do I have an allowance of this much +100pts each day?
What team?
Every 50 levels you are guaranteed one booster pack for every game you get.
A majority of cards are worth the same so it is a big deal when people buy a shitload of games for pennies from key sellers or though steam.
So a 3 cent game on steam (before restrictions) could get you 3 free cards if you are level 50 or up to thousands.
Corgi masterrace.
because Valve.
fuuck, hopefuly they will increase it once again before the end
Best of luck.
the left shows how many coins you've already redeemed from previous boosts, the right is the total points you can have redeemed
a bunch of people got 2k capacity for free earlier today after valve updated it, they made an announcement about it on the steam blog
so right now you've got a bonus 2k, and each day forward you'll get 100.
I see. So the right one means that I can redeem that many points from now on instead of getting reset back to 100?
>Rules of the game change every day
Sasuga valve
>feels good man xd
no youre just reddit
The only change since it began is the addition of Steal
So how does the 5 dollars off thing work? Is it automatically deducted from next purchase or can I choose when I want to use it?
I don't think much of the event but it makes a good retard detector with all the confused posts.
Didn't they do some shit yesterday with the capacity thing though?
They stack
You choose when and how in the cart
>All this shit just for 5bucks
>no discovery queue quests for cards or anything
>remember gabe flooded the store with shit
So corgi players purchases and boost don't matter that much due to the shitload of corgis their are.
57% of players are corgis. 4% are pigs.
A 1000 point boost is 14.25x more effective for team pig than team corgi.
Underhogs we have a chance.
They changed name from capacity to max points and added explanations, but it's to reduce retardation, not really a change
>145,013 MAX POINTS
I'm confused, do I get all these points once the Grand Prix ends on July 7?
woah dude look at this deal
Do they only last for today, or can you stack 'em indefinitely?
i actually liked dishonored but i didn't bother with the 2nd one because it seemed bad to me somehow
You can stack as many as you want.
People bought cyberpunk 2077 and even hardware with it.
L O L! 1% discount!! Isn't Devolver so wacky and charming, lol?!?!?!?!
15000 tokens each. Tokens last until the event ends. Stacks up to $45/45€ per purchase.
good question I too also want to know
Fucking sweet. Thanks, user.
They could have changed some stuff though but at the beginning there was no limit.
Did they increase the price of the first Bloodlines game?
I just earned an achievement and LOST 100 points from my tax total. wtf is happening
seems worth it to me since hotline milwaukee is the only hotline miami 3 i'm getting
>got the paltry 100 free capacity
>fuck it, boost it away, I aint buying shit today
>check back 3 hours later
>+1000 capacity from nowhere
what the fuck is even going on in this shit event
To be a bit fair the system is poorly explained and not particularly intuitive due to how manipulative it's trying to be. Also the fact they're making shit up as they go along now doesn't help.
Yep. Usually it's 75% off.
Not really seeing the appeal of this year's game.
Pretty meh so far.
That's because there's effectively nothing you can do to contribute other than buying stuff.
I guess they gave everyone 2000 pity points because people were pissed off.
All of the modern steam sales have been pretty bad so it's not really surprising. It's been a while since we've had stuff like flash sales too.
How much fucking money have you dropped on Steam, that's nearly 1.5k dollarydoos worth of points.
>Gaben cucked the redditdogs
How do you gift it user?
Here is steam account.
I preordered a Valve Index VR Set.
Same here
same here
i have to actually play games to get points? fuck this gay earth
can i idle or something fuck
I got it too.
Hope it's a daily thing, and not just a one-time 2000 points.
>mfw team pig
We're gonna be last place every day, aren't we?
spend all your points to boost, which gives you coins, then use all the coins to buy multiple $5 discounts and get a bunch of free games. if you don't use it before the end of the sale then you lose it.
How do I get points tho
Idle for 30~ min in all games with achievements. More achievements = more points.
Yeah idle games you have achievements in for 30 minutes so you can claim them.
Buy games lmao. The value of the voucher is like 1/25th the value of the games you need to purchase to get enough capacity for the voucher.
Sounds easy enough.
Could I use an achievement unlocker or will that trigger anti-cheat?
team cockatrice reporting in
i am renewing my commitment to do nothing to help us win
We were in 4th but boosts matter 14.25x the amount a corgi player boosts.
If we wait for tommorow or Saturday we could win.
I knew corgis were going to get fucked, stupid of anyone to think valve wasn't going to artificially cut their shit down to keep it competitive.
If you don't wanna take a risk, buy Achievement Clicker for 1000 effortless achievements and finish in one go.
They're still in the lead though.
How many points do I get per achievement?
lol You got killed by a nigger
Still, everybody got 2000 max capacity so you can boost us twice and earn 2000 tokens.
Nobody can be sure when its valve we talk about. They are famous for their lack of swift reactions and communication with anybody.
Varies. Some give 1000+ points each.
Who knows, although the rurus state you get more for achievements the fewer people have that achievement.
Yeah, they're still in the lead. Probably because most people joined the corgis when they were very clearly in the lead, so there's just more of them. Unless they actively hamper team corgi I don't know if it will change
I bet something like Achievement Clicker is only gonna be worth 0.1 point per achievement
Of course not.
Well has anyone checked to see how much its achievements are worth?
>Redeem points for boost
>Get no tokens
Valve give me my tokens reeee
I figured you could do it. I already claimed my 146k points and can't really do more.
Eh, I'll check tomorrow
you'll get it, friend, along with all the virtual cunny you desire
That's equally as gay as the people who disown their family because of who they vote for.
So I found out that with the boost I have and the ability to idle random games I have I could bring up to 280x speed to my team due to lack of people.
I will wait for tommorow to do so, since it will be better used then. It seems I will have to idle a bunch of games which is a little annoying.
Shit it could only be 28x
We will see.
At least reading the butthurt comments and broken english on the steam blog is entertaining.
Valve blog on how they fucked up the sale
>We’ve changed some code to help deal with the imbalanced team sizes across the board.
Reddit dog got nerfed.
Went corgi because all friends were, but I'm still laughing at all the people who are angry that valve fixed something for once.
>basically 4% discount on spends that are multiples of 120 bongdollars
I mean, it's not nothing. How does it work out with USD?
only 100 capacity added a day is bullshit. I'm not spending any money but just doing the "play a game for 30 minutes" thing gives me a shit ton of points, and I have to basically throw 80% of w/e i get for the day away.
they need to at least just reset your capacity on top of adding 100 to each day. so if you had 2000 to start, tomorrow you'd have 2100, not 100.
They gave everyone free capacity due to how bad the event began for everyone.
i joined team hare. i made a mistake didn't I?
It's just there to let everyone put their name in the hat for the prize draw.
turtle are the best team lmao
Tommorow the next race we will strike.
yeah I got that free 2000, but now its just going to be 100 again.
I got 14,129 points from 100% achievement Alien Isolation. I'll only be able to use 100 points tomorrow. that is a whopping .7%. I was wrong about 80% it was astronomically worse at 99.3% wasted points.
It's funny how Valve completely underestimated how upset this would make people. I mean they obviously wanted to make it a bit upsetting because loss aversion is their primary psychological manipulation tool this time around, but they fucked it all up by massively overdoing it.
Bumping le guy
Does this mean I win?
They turned what is technically a carrot into what feels like a stick.
hehehe le funny reddit animal steam game
no, it has to be a reply to the original post. Not a bump.
What does it matter if I get over 100k points in thousands of achievements if I can't use more than 100 at a time though. Am I missing something?
Mine's empty is Gaben jewing me?
did you seriously just delete a post to re-roll again?
Lol your seeing things.
i bet that guy is from corgi team
I've been eyeing dishonored for some time now.
Big gay
what the fuck are you talking about, you're on the wrong tab
Valve botched this sale event bad. I'm only in it for the backgrounds at this point, seeing as how molecular the chance is to win anything.
>Day 3 - Magic Mountain
>Track shaped like a Mushroom, and also appear in the art
How'd they get away with that?
Congrats! You win!
Add me to enter Dunwall!
how's return of the obra Dinn?
is rust worth getting
Before this event even started and there were threads asking "what will be Yea Forums's team", I always said in plural sense "Yea Forums will choose the turtle or the pig"
I know you bros as much as I know myself. Hope you turtlebros win.
I would join you if I didn't pirate literally everything, I would pirate my own mother if I could.
Stay based, Yea Forums
get em bird dudes
If they really wanted this to blow up they'd make the team mascots more fuckable
>We’ve made some back-end changes to help mitigate some of the snowball effects we’ve seen that have led to Team Corgi running away with the first two days of the races despite their tiny legs.
So they've fixed the races. Not surprising, I was expecting it to be fixed from the start.
>Corgi: Cute and bouncy. Love cuddling and holding you close to her. Kink is Gentle Femdom
>Tortoise: Is a total Fujo and NEET. Her room is a fucking mess and she barely does anything. Yet lives comfortable because dumb luck
>Cockatiel: The secret Femanon on Yea Forums. Is one of the people who posts alot in Birb threads. Total tomboy, and Pansexual. Secretly posts on the Cams section
>Hare: Smelly Dyke. I'm not talking regular Lesbian, I mean head shaved, hairy muff, grade a carpet muncher. Total sports nut too, but no gains.
>Pig: Clueless, stumbled onto Yea Forums one afternoon. Has no idea why everyone is so racists. Bullied by Cockateil.
Is CrossCode any good?
>have 2 buttons that say I can slow rivals (two uses) or steal from rival (one use
>press a button
>does nothing
>try other button
>does nothing
>try again a few hours later
>still nothing
nice new mechanic
AYY Thanks Again Happy!
I did some math.
Base speed = Effective Speed + Speed Penalties.
Assuming every team money per person rate is the same, the base speed of every team is definited only by the number of participants.
Which means, in terms of participants:
Turtle team has 1/4 of the corgi team
Cock team has 1/7 of the corgi team
Rabbit team has 1/16 of corgi team
And pig team has 1/26 of the corgi team
The least people in your team, the easier to get the prize, but its harder for your team to win to begin with.
But the penalties are what make or break the race.
For some reason, yesterday during the asian hours, turtle got a -26000x penalty, which reduced its speed to the minimum of 1. They dropped from second to fourth. I guess the chinks hate turtles.
If the trend continues and turtle keeps getting cucked, getting third place with the rabbit team is the best decision possible to get at least one game. But if turtle holds the second place, then cock is the best team to get a free game
>missing only 2000 points for the discount
>Valve just randomly added 2000 to the cap
Also, all that math was done during murican time.
at what time do these daily races end?
Guys I haven't gotten any free games yet, what gives?
can i still get the points bullshit if i just left the Warframe launcher on for 30 minutes? i got hella achievements for it but i can't be fucked playing this shit again
random people on a team get it.
what's the wisest thing to spend these on? just badge levels?
Team Pig always the 5th
even after the fix
Nope, they will be giving you 2000 points, but you will need 2000 cap to use them. So you will still need to buy games to increase your capacity. We got scammed again.
The discount
>Claim 2000/14338 Points Now
>You only have capacity to claim 2000 points
How mad are the level whales now that you can easily get a shit ton of levels
>tfw picked team pig
Da Boss wants a word with youse wise guys. He's offering one moar free game for the day. A game of Strategic Mafioso action. Omerta!
Here's the deal. Strike lucky number 7, and it's all yours paizanno. Otherwise youse be sleepin with da fishes. ...Or rather you won't have the game, but it's just as bad!
but I don't have 15000 tokens, just 1770
That's good news for you, my cap got reset to 100 today.
Ignore this, I misunderstood.
Do these 15k token discounts stack? I wanna get Monster Hunter World for my roommate
I wish Valve would be more transparent with this stuff. Yesterday my cap was 100 as well. I have no idea why I deserve that honor. Generally, I have no idea what's going on.
LMAO bunch of indie loser devs complaining and Valve have to apologize because people are removing indie game from their wishlist.
should I keep my badge at level 99 or just go ham and max it out?
I think 99 looks better.
its in this thread user, they released a blogpost on why.
Team pig got nerfed too, they will always be at the last place now, feels bad pigbros.
But then I have to spend money to increase my capacity to get more tokens to save $5.
can i get a game for free if i use the 15k token discount on a game priced less than 5 dollars?
Wait user so you are saying I can get a free game without spending anything? (29k)
So am I gonna run out of boosts if I keep using them? The display for number of boosts remaining is gone but I want to make sure I have enough to participate each day
I don't see why not
Launch the game and just leave it on the title screen for 30 min. I got points from Monster Hunter World and Sekiro like this
>tfw played csgo
>can claim 4070
reeeee I want all my 26654 points
How do people win games? How does this event work, do I have to join the winning team and just hope I get lucky?
Guys help me, do I claim my 4ks or nah?????
Boosts are limited by your capacity. If your "max points" is 5000, you can boost 5 times.
>All these retarded tortoise and the hare amerilards
You want to know the real tortoise and hare story?
>T&H have a race to see who wins
>H is fast but lazy while the T keeps working at it so T wins (American story ends here)
>T gets crowned as the "fastest runner in the forest"
>One day the forest catches on fire
>Animals pick T to be the one to warn the forest
>T is too slow and everyone dies
So the achievement points make up the difference between the unspent points and the max points. Got it. So are those 1653 points only there today, or will they be there tomorrow? Or is it just a coinflip at this point?
So it's still confusing huh? Well done valve, you fixed nothing.
I'm scared I'll lose my points if I dont
>How does this event work
Play games to earn points
Spend those points afterward to boost your team's score
The number of points you can spend on boosting your team's score is dependent on how much money you've spent on Steam recently and during the event.
The objective of the game is to get your team's score as high as possible, because randomly chosen members of the top 3 scoring teams each day are gifted the game at the top of their wishlists.
>do I have to join the winning team and just hope I get lucky?
It's looking like it won't matter much because they changed it so one team can't just snowball ahead like corgi was previously. Plus, even if your team places you still might not get a free game.
still no cap for 2 days in a row EPIC
So, what team are you faggots on?
Im fucking dying right now user
You should be able to claim and use your points at any moment.
Some people SAY they lose their capacity, but i assume they are retarded because it didn't happen to me
No. user is retarded. They don't stack.
I did not receive my free 100 points today, where can I complain?
I am capped at 2000 currently. If I boost, will the cap stay at 2000, and I can farm points, or will it go back down to zero. I want to keep getting tokens. I feel like the cap is what's messing with people the most. It's inconsistent, and confusing. Don't make it go down and just hardcap it.
I'm a /tort/ but like all the other racingbros except for corgniggers. If we aren't in second I'm rooting for whoever is closest to overtaking those dogfucker redditors.
You will only lose them if it got bugged.
>not joining the winning
How does it feel like to be a loser?
>Still winning
Dogchads, rise up!
Points don't reset. Everyone that claims as much is a dumb shit stirrer.
They're an overused unwanted meme like wh*te "people" are.
>3238 points used out of a 5338 max
>Difference is 2100 capacity
>100 free daily points and 2000 apology points
>Pig players are fucking retarded
Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
I wouldn't know I don't post on reddit and I don't waste hundreds of dollars on games I'll never play just to win a corporate cocksucking contest. I pirate most of my games.
>got SSRs in the first pulls in each of the last two VV events
>haven't gotten a free game
I knew I spent all my luck somehow.
Anybody actually get any free games out of this shit?
One of the best detective games I've ever played, if not the best.
My theory is that the cap doesn't get reset anymore. But I'm not sure.
My max cap says it's 10k. If that doesn't go down by tomorrow, consider it fact.
From what I can tell, if you have 2000 points available, 0 points boosted, and 2000 max, boosting twice will give you 2000 boosted out of 2000 max (Under the old terms, this means your capacity is now zero). This means you would need to buy shit in order to raise that max, which you would then fill with achievement points, which you could use to boost again.
I bet if it was any other team that had the broken lead the first two days Yea Forums would have still said the same shit about them and calling them the Reddit team, it has nothing to do with the animal, ya'll just hate whatever is most popular.
It was never going to be another animal because most normies are more familiar with dogs and all entry level ironic weebs love cowboy bebop and picked dog because "duh it just like my japanese cartoon dog". Ergo corgi was always destined to be the reddit animal and the most plebian choice.
*Hugs pigbro*
>Get to piss off dumb internet contrarians and win free games
Damn it feels good to be a corgi
Was kinda hoping you'd get a percentage of your capped points back every day. Don't have enough time to grind for points.
I hope you like feeling like an idiot, because Baba Is You is going to do that. A lot.
Use your boosts asap, you get a free 100 boost points a day. When you use boosts you get coins to spend in the pit stop. If you can't afford the $5 discount then just dump all your points into leveling your badge as it slightly increases your drop rate for booster packs.
Anyone have a picture of how badly Reddit Dog was blowing everyone out by the end of yesterday?
What game did you win by being on corgi?
t. seething pigfag.
I've seen several games people are looking to buy that I have spare HIB keys for, if anyone wants to trade anything. It's a giant list, and it's largely crap, but there's a lot of things that I've seen anons interested in.
Ideally, if someone wants to trade several of the things in that paste for Kingdom Come Deliverance, that'd be perfect, but I'm open to negotiation.
I could care less about normalfags. While all of you are stuck with losing teams, I'm going to be a winner. Thanks for the free games faggots.
I bet that user doesn't even participate in this event, just a piratefag trolling in this thread.
those will be there until you redeem them, i idled like 20 games on day 1 and have been saving them to grab on each reset
I received free 100 points yesterday dude. Sorry that's not surprising to you dude. Go back to your epic game shill thread dude.
You need to play a game to get quest points. what they gave you is an 2100 increase in "max points" you can spend. You can easily earn hundreds of thousands of points, so you get a daily cap, which is increased by spending money. Basically look at the odometer and if the grey line is at the bottom and the red line is max then you need to play one of the games it lists below to earn points to fill it, which will get you a boost, which when you use will get you coins, which you can by badge levels with. Yes it's confusing as fuck.
Psstt, post Marie Rose to lighten up the thread....
What have you won other than being on the team that wasted the most money on this scam? Is there a massive retard or easy mark badge that you get by being on a team full of sheeple?
I understood what you meant, but I did receive free 100 points yesterday without doing any of the quest. Guess they fixed it, I'm not gonna participate today, gotta increase my cap.
Fuck no, she's the worst fighter.
you don't gain anything by waiting. participating gets you a chance at a free game as well.
>doesn't understand that being part of a larger pool of participants (=all of reddit) decreases your chance of being picked as a winner
As long as you're not 4th or 5th place you're better of with not being on the plebbit team.
Pigfags are pirates themselves. They wait for other people to actually win the race for them so they can get free games; hence, making a loop where nobody do shit.
But team pig will lose again today, why waste the point?
>pick team cockatiel
>guaranteed 2nd/3rd every day
>don't have to play the odds against fifty million redditors
cockbros who are we slowing down? pig or tortoise?
>Settling for anything else other than 1st place
Must suck not knowing what it feels like to be on top
It won't win at all cause your team is retarded. Use the points for free tokens.
Tortoise bro.
Dogshit can't compete its better to climb to the second spot.
>caring about winning gold at the special olympics
Nah I'm not functionally deficient
I'm starting to worry that these people aren't fishing for (you)s
Someone winning gold in the Special Olympics has achieved more than anything you'll ever achieve in your entire life.
neither. if cockatiel and tortoise instead focus on shitting up hare and pig then we're all guaranteed videogames. beyond that we should leave it up to speed.
please go back to /pol/ if you wanna talk polidicks
is this the new pepe turp
They are also legally retarded
i'm a pigbro and not going to put a dime into the sale to protest how this event sucks shit, both the event and discount. maybe gaben will wake up to how timmy tencent is breathing down his neck and actually do something that rewards participants next event--Halloween, I guess? Shit that's a ways off.
And has achieved more than someone who isn't legally retarded. Isn't that sad?
Do you figure the sales aren't as good because they figured more people would be able to get the $5 discounts?
Yeah it must be pretty sad to be retarded and barely able to take care of yourself or understand the world around you. It's nice that they get a little achievement and happiness in their life filled with hardship. I wish you the best.
corgi you dumb fuck
I know three kingdoms is still new but is it good?
how's my friend Pedro?
your friend is doing fine
I don't know, he's your friend, you should know
That's good. Haven't heard from him since he went on a smoke break 5 years ago
why am i not getting points for doing quests anymore? it doesn't even update
Can someone explain me how to maximize the event, I really don't get any of this shit.
Do I just boost everyday four times and that's it? I don't plan on doing quests or that shit.
Pretty good actually. If you like cool slomo and sidescrollers go for it.
is yakuza 0 any good?
>have 100K+ points
>can't claim them
fuck valve
It's great. There's a lot to do if you like minigames and side quests.
Alright, I'll join in. Who do you want me to join?
spend money
It's good but they'll be 30 dlc down the line
congrats, user!
welcome among the cool guys
But that's not Corgi though
>billions of redditors to compete against in getting a game with only 300 guys getting one
>shitty emoji
You have to spend money in order to BE ABLE to receive some fuel points in order to boost in order to get tokens in order to get discounts or badges.
>everything I don't like is reddit
So the 4500 points I have for boosting 4-5 times is all I get unless I buy something?
No it actually was them coming together and all joining Corgi.
Are you a Valve employee? Because you explain like shit.
I have $15 what should I buy?
>joins the biggest team that is in the first place getting ability to get a game but in turn lowers his chance of actually getting the game due to it being a biggest team
I explained it in the most linear way to participate. You try, then.
enjoy losing birdbrain
I'd rather lose to one of my own than to millions of redditors.
Not canon