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Other urls found in this thread:

man cosmetics are lame as shit. you fags ruined every game now its all cosmetic faggotry instead of good gameplay

52 pounds for 6 months ?
Are people retarded

Sales promotions have been a thing since forever. That's why they charge you less per month when you subscribe for a long period of time.

Last time they did this I found a free 12 month pass in a drawer a friend at Blizzard gave me years ago.

>Flying mount
>Flying is locked behind a ridiculous amount of grinding and rep grinding
Ion needs to be fired and flying should be available upon hitting max level.

But I already got a flying mount

>price cut
>gift mount
>new patch
how desesperate blizzard actually is?

>hire a bunch of retards and women that think the "secret" to a MMO is to make it so everyone can do everything and that hardcore players shouldn't have the best gear or make more progress from playing more

>entire playerbase quits because the game is now boring as fuck and you have to wait weeks to just unlock a questline and everything is tied to time gated reputations


Reminder that you can get mythic raid item level from just doing world quests or 5 mans lmao

At this point blizzard's offers sound less like sales and more like an abusive relationship promise.

This. Who cares about collecting mounts when theres like a thousand of them and 50% are reskins. Who gives a fuck anymore. The only mounts that are worthy of showing off these days are ones that are no longer obtainable



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What the hell are you on about? LFR was 10x harder than mythic raiding because random idiots could join and wipe the raid, repeatedly.

Enemy level scaling and lack of tier gear bonuses is what killed raiding

I never understood sunken cost arguments. Whenever anyone talks about it, I always get worried that maybe I've got a few wires crossed. The idea idea of playing a game because of feeling obligated to the purchases you've made in the game just seems so stupid. I honestly believe it's just a buzzword you people use to pretend you have willpower.

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Its an actual addiction

People will say you're wrong, but one trait that's very consistent among women is how much they value equality of outcome over equality of opportunity and meritocracy.

It's a damn shame that Activision owns Blizzard. Any other company would have gone free to play and enjoyed the millions of players that revitalized the game.

But that's not exclusive to the playstore, you can get it in game


No you can't, it's the same as the WoW mount just with half the sub-time.

>b-b-but it's okay when japan does it!
lol, imagine playing either of these garbage themepark simulators

This. It's fucking retarded that flying is so restricted in modern WoW.

Classic can't come soon enough.

Bro whats your fucking point?

>enemy level scaling killed mythic raid
literally what the fuck did he MEAN by this. World mobs were/are trivial in normal raid gear, it was never the reason people raided mythic

>muh flying
>but also classic where there is no flying
you retarded buddy?

That's less than 10 pounds a month, sound pretty good to me.

I wouldn't play that game if they paid me that much.

pathetic really this is also good for investors who only see sub numbers.

Are there any south Africa players waiting to team up for classic?

I don't play modern WoW but hell if I would play meme fantasy instead

The absolute state. Just make this dying piece of garbage f2p already.

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I hate this shit.
But it'll also pay for four months of Classic.
Help me bros, I'm wavering.

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Then you're paying for 2 months you're not gonna use.

Its $30 for 2 months, if youre gonna play, Thats not a bad deal

This is a better deal honestly. Mount looks better too.

>six months for the boat
>six months for the pig
>six months for the dragon

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Maybe it's just me, but I got older with the game and, financially, the monthly sub isn't a problem at all anymore. I can't imagine that teenage newcomers make up a huge part of the WoW population, because let's face it, very few people would jump into Legion or WoD and enjoy it. Most other people, I assume, have grown older and are more financially stable like me. The game is what is putting people off, not the sub fee.

Pretty sure pig was standalone

This doesn't even look like wow graphics anymore. What the fuck is wrong with it? It looks like it's from a different game.

>People will say you're wrong, but one trait that's very consistent among women is how much they value equality of outcome over equality of opportunity and meritocracy.
Ding ding ding you've just discovered the mechanism by which civilizations fall. Well, that and manginas catering to said women because they can't compete in the hierarchy.

>You can just buy the mount separately

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They tried to texture the skin to be as fancy as possible so you don't notice it's just the generic drake skeleton people have been riding around on since TBC.

>wanted to buy Shadowbringer collector for the gunbreaker weapon
>out of stock on most resellers

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More or less, it's only because democracy basically means that every single retard has the right to voice it's opinion.

>paying monthly for playing WoW when you can get pretty much same, if not even better experience for single low payment with GW2, ESO or FFXIV

8.2 is a pretty good patch. I’m having fun.

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I started playing WoW in BFA, so I guess anything from now is an improvement?

Hey, it worked with Tyrael's Charger, they just forgot to pack in a game with this one too.

You can't use the mount on classic servers anyway.

Fuck mounts, user. You already have dozens, if not hundreds, of them. They're worth nothing anymore. Nothing.

>It's not even exclusive to the bundle like Tyrael's charger
Honestly the only thing that'd get me back into the game is more Tyrael themed stuff or a "mount" spell that lets you hover and fly

oh you sweet summer child

Well it's either that or genocide time and i don't think i have the guts to kill millions.


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The account-shared mount system really fucked up the scarcity of the rarer ones, now that someone can just sit there and farm the same npc on his 25 alts it just doesn't mean anything anymore to have that 0.01% drop.

can't read anything

Why do people pay MONTHLY to play this piece of shit?

>ship was 6month sub exclusive before
>now its on the store
>this will be the same
if you really want the mount, just wait half a year

i want to fuck male lili


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Whats the point you can clear heroic raid and do all the 8.2 quests in 2 month max. Theres literally no content to stay subbed for past that

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I swear, WoW isn't losing subs! And if it was, it would definitely not be because of BFA!

I'm not defending Actiblizz or anything but alleged insider source posting on Yea Forums isn't really anything to base your beliefs upon. I just hate Blizzard because they're greedy jews who make bad games, I don't need some larping fanboy to dictate my opinion there.

Yeah but good luck convincing the retarded masses that just because they want to fuck a stinking pussy they shouldn't agree with whatever those overemotional illogical walking holes say.

Is there any point to spending money for subs when you can just get tokens?

I wouldnt care if it were 1 mount every expansion, but this is gonna be the 3rd one and the expansion is not even 1 year old lmao

you're assuming blizzdrones have even the slightest bit of self control

Don't judge me. It is a good looking mount.

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>Whale #283245 has made a purchase
Your overlords are pleased

You can just buy the base expansion upgrade to the digital collectors edition like you can with the previous expansions now.
Not sure if you can do it yet but you should be able to July 2nd.

Well they are still playing wow so yes.

If you're gonna play a dumb MMO might as well play FF XIV.

yes user most of us have jobs and don't want to farm gold like an indonesian whore

Yes, the game is doing bad right now. What's the point of this thread?

MMOfags are not even gamers. they're in the same category as gachfags and mobilefags.

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He means, idiot, that there is no flying in classic. So you dont need to grind for flying, riding is just X level and money.

>I'd literally rather wageslave than play this game, still gonna spend money on it though, thanks blizz
- The WoW payerbase

a lot of people are forgetting that this is a good deal since Classic hits in the end of August

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EU or NA? I'm looking to do the same possibly. How do you farm 200k in a month?

well that's good
if you say so

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what the hell even is that supposed to be? whats a sylverian

You realize that the grind for 100% mount speed is infinitely more frustrating and time consuming than the rep gated stuff that we have in BFA? Most raiders will have flying unlocked this weekend. Most casuals will have it unlocked next week.

what is this, an out of season april fools joke for ants?

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>actually wanting to play INVITE TO ASMONGOLD LAYER

>female employees having to log their ovulation cycles

It's when you get obsessed with Sylvanas to the point you lose all traces of originality

>best looking gear is cosmetic purchases
I fucking hate this shit. Blizzards transmog system allowing them to do Fuck all art wise was bad enough but being able to buy cool looking skins for your shit is fucking stupid. I miss games where you had to earn looking bad ass.

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Blizzard put up a "beta" to "WoW Classic" to trick unsubscribers to sub again and get into BFA's new patch. That's all.

Because it's bullshit.

Who the fuck is saving these in the default theme? Die.

YOU are the reason why Blizzard keeps doing this, kys unironically

I got a Spectral Tiger loot card from some guy at my game store, and I after a few hours of using it in game, I would constantly get harassed by people whispering me about how bad they want it, and a lot of "fuck you you don't deserve that mount". I stopped using it after that. Cosmetics absolutely fucking ruined the experience for me.

>mfw no longer receiving blizzard emails

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>ctrl+f dojo
>0 results


>was correct in multiple things that were already confirmed like SC2 shooter and allied races

Could be to see if anyones getting pregnant.

>subscription in 2k19
no wonder that wow is on a life support at this point


In classic? No flying in classic!
Land speed isnt crucial when your fucking griffoning most places or porting.

>mfw blizzard didn't ask why I decided to cancel my subscription

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Once cattle, always cattle.

>playing MMO's

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>You can also purchase the mount separately for $25.
>You can also purchase the mount separately for $25.
>You can also purchase the mount separately for $25.
Fucking Kek with a side of Bur. Its the exact same thing with the Dreadwake mount. A bunch of people will go into this thinking its a unique mount that you can only get by doing the promotion deal, which they only did for the first instance of this promotion that gave you Tyrael's Charger.

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MMO's existed in the 90's too

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Lmao you're just bad with your money and AH, nothing is timegated about getting your 100% mount either, you can farm gold 16 hours a day if you want to or have your friends give you gold for it

mmos are pretty much a boomer thing

Ultima or zoomer.

try harder

are you retarded
you can grind it at whatever pace you choose because there's no time gating
how can it be more frustrating?

God that's ugly.

>What is meridian 59 and FUCKING tibia?

You probably get turned on by steam punk suppositories.

Well they did it, Blizzard managed to make a store mount rare.

It's rare for anyone to be subscribed to BFA for 6 months.

Attached: Statler and Waldorf.jpg (1199x795, 276K)

Next expansion in 6 months confirmed

joke doesn't work when unlike the boat you can just buy it directly off the store mount

Remember when mounts were a reward for doing hard tasks or rare drops?

Being subscribed to WoW on purpose is a hard task

>saving 10 eurobux
fucking yawn. call me when blizz stops taking the piss. I've played this game since 2005 and BFA is the first time I've truly lost hope with this game

I'm sure most people who are still playing will buy this because they will be playing the game for another few years regardless

>trap people for 6 months
>only need to release a new patch in 6 months
It's genius really.


Been subbed since Vanilla

BFA finally made me unsub

>77 dollar mount
what the fuck bros

WoW western woman boss music

FFXIV japanese woman boss music

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kek, but i mean in-game achievements.
I remember how amazing it was to get that skeleton dragon after you completed the raid achievements on heroic at icecrown citadel. Now if you are a DK you automatically get a skull dragon just by completing the legion questline

Blizz signed WoW's death warrant as soon as they announced Classic.
It will dry up both versions like a prune within a few years.
Had a good run I guess. Better than most Blizz franchises, which they somehow manage to continually fuck up.

I meant people still playing MMO's now, when it's become a shitshow.

Pretty sure you mom also is.

I like the fact that the Horde bias is finally biting blizzard in the ass. BfA being a complete horde centric expansion and flopping hard ain't no coincidence.

lol wtf

both suck

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holy fuck lmao

Them having to actually throw Thrall back onto the roll as warcheif is hilarious, especially since despite losing his shaman powers he is still somehow overpowered

p-please stay and grind longer! PLEASE!!!

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Well, 14 did it with the black chocobo

thank god i stopped playing WoW, going on Wowheads gave my computer AIDS

black chocobo is only $20 and comes free with ANY video game purchase off amazon, not just fucking sub time

I bought the ship when I had hopes for the game and regretted it since. Not falling for it this time, Ion and not resubbing either.

That required you to spend 20 bucks on nearly any video game purchase.

Cry harder WoWfag.

doesn't eso and FFXIV require monthly payments to keep playing?

This faggot doesn't know about Magitek.

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>Subbing for rinse and repeat rep grinds and mounts using the same skeleton since vanilla
Good little pay piggie.

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Resub or else

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>Tfw accidentally got Time-Lost back in Wrath
>Now everyone and their parents have it

Its cumulative time, you dont have to buy 6 months all at once like wow.

>72k for a pandaria mount with different color armor

If they just let me pay to unlock pathfinder and allied races I'd come back. Fuck their grinding shit.

eso used to, not anymore

>yfw blizzard goes bankrupt
Is this a bad thing? They were a pc exclusive company for a decade making nerdy games and then went towards consoles. But something changed recently. I can't put my finger on it.

That's among the things that's been known for months before that post, it's not even insider information, it's just old news that Activision and EA "encourage" their female employees to monitor all kinds of stuff about their reproductive health.

Problem is they go 9-14 months without patches sometimes

Yup, FFXIV is cheaper if you only play one character.

72k for a pandaria mount with different color armor that you now have to wait 3+ weeks for before you can even buy

They started pulling Jewry not long after the Activision merge.

this. the first mount that gave 6 months of time conveniently ended its 6 months just before zandalari and kul tiran were released

FF XIV has tons of cosmetics in the shop

>it's okay when xiv does it

both suck
have a better battle theme that isn't tied to a fucking boss

Morhaine accepted his inner jwery

Why does everything in the modern world get corrupted by money?

Why are you faggots constantly shitting up WoW threads? Both games are awful.


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based retard

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If you were normally subbed for those days you got it. You didn't need to buy a one time 90 days.

And most of it is character bound rather than account bound.

Yea Forums's mantra is "it's ok when Japan does it", why would this be any different?

No talking about... that game... in the Dojo, its bad for morale, blizzdrone.

I think I'm just about done with WoW at this point. I was always an altoholic and no matter what I could find something to do in the game. Haven't bothered with raiding anything but LFR since Pandaria and even dropped that completely in BFA. But I always liked making characters with specific themes and going through zones that fit that theme and so on. Even that kind of self-motivated playstyle isn't fun anymore. Every time I think about leveling some of my characters that I really want to play as, I feel like it's nothing but a chore. Blizzard has sucked every bit of involvement out of leveling and maybe i'm burnt out on this shit too. And I absolutely hate people who are playing right now so even doing dungeons as I level infuriates me.

It's sad because I really do enjoy going through zones I've never explored properly before and just playing as characters I like. It's so hard to just "play" the game because it's just going through the motions at this point. I realized that I play basically just to get another token and then fuck off until I have my next itch to play some lvl 77 dwarf faggot stuck in Storm Peaks or something. I don't even know if I should play classic instead. Feels completely empty inside when I think about it, man.

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I used to boot people from my raids when I would see them with the paid cosmetics, now if I did that I wouldn't be able to get a raid

Just like SWTOR

Going back and playing the cata revamp zones is fantastic- most of them are great. For some reason though they didn't go all the way with level scaling and so I'm forced to play through the BC and Wrath zones that I've done literally 50 times


How would you save WoW, Yea Forums?

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We're not going back Ion.


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Close it down to preserve at least some specter of dignity.




One man to change the world.

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fire everyone currently working there.

It's not so much the money as it is dead server. Illidan and other famous servers don't have a problem, but RPPVE servers have been suffering for multiple expansions.

You cant post my wife without my permission

BFA is irredeemable and the community is dead, there is no fixing shit once the majority of players have moved on. Blizz is hoping they can bring the classic community over to BFA by manipulating patch times but it wont work

the wow audience is like a beaten wife crawling back to her husband, they're gonna buy the next expansion too in hopes that "it'll be different this time"

Make Draenei real so I can marry and impregnate a Draenei.

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>play WoW 8.2
>finish the conent in 3 hours
>my pathetic friends tell me there is plenty of content
>get new mounts, toys, pets, and higher neckpiece for +3% stamina

you know what guys, maybe he is right, there is plenty of content to do.

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The absolute STATE of Blizzard. Was 8.2 a flop? I remember seeing many posts about how it was going to steal Shadowbringers' thunder and all that.

I mean technically if all you do is play that game and not buy any other form of entertainment. It's a pretty cheap deal.

> Was 8.2 a flop?
WoW players forgot it exists because they're shitposting on Yea Forums rather than playing it. Is that a flop? I'd say so

They waited 7 months for a patch that amounts to more daily quests

both suck, what are you trying to prove here?

>get to a resource node
>gather it successfully
>you're not allowed to get that item
>slowly disappears
Fucking tired of this shit for real.

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Wait, nobody was on it? Holy shit.

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its a flop but regular players who aren't on Yea Forums or reddit suck it up and buy everything which means its good for Blizzard and WoW will live on for another 5 yrs at least.

i'm a diehard counter-strike 1.6 fanboy and yeah, skins ruined my favorite franchise. i'd never touch counter-strike again. not in a million years.
filfthy casuals and normies are a pest.
also mmorpgs are dead for me. silkroad online was epic, but the times of actual hardcore mmorpgs are over anyways.

What a fucking scam holy shit

how tho

The only thing I like for cosmetics are the ones that you earn, like the felstead used to be, or the green fire.
The rest is just bloat.

>Opening the floodgates for brazillians, indians and russians
Absolutely not. Subscription based systems are absolutely fine if and only IF the devs deliver on their promise of singificant content updates.

This blizzcon they'll announce that WoW is getting a mobile version so most of of PC players still interested in WoW will be left with Classic while the new expac will focus on mobile whales instead.

Make Naga fucking playable like Blizzard should have ages ago instead of giving us shitty nightborne and fucking fat humans.

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I stayed until the end of MoP. I don't know and didn't follow what they changed after that.

For me the core points would be:
-get rid of the 3 specs for every class but let every class have as many specs and roles as there are actually good concepts that work well to back them up
-fix the PVP vs PVE balance by seperating how skills work on PVE and PVP targets so that each have their individual design that can be balanced instead of having PVE and PVP compete for balance in a completely different context
-a mix of old and modern talent trees: some passive stuff every level, some active stuff every x levels
-competent story writing that doesn't tunnel vision, which also means to develop story in the remaining world and not only just the current addon but continuing everywhere
-never delete / replace / overwrite old content when there are the bronze dragons that could lore-wise preserve anything -> bronze dragon NPC = content choice -> intiial version, updated version, any more recent version or most recent version -> as choice for zones, dungeons, raids
-finally add some unique features to RP and PVP servers that make them work as a concept instead of just putting a sign on it to call them such and having PVP always active on PVP server but a total lack of unique, developing, fun to play with systems that actually makes these servers a considerable choice seperate from PVE servers; unkillable NPCs aside from city bosses and guards on PVE servers
-main and secondary profession overhaul: BoP gear for all crafting professions for all pieces that's a copy from all non-bop gear that they can craft for themselves cheaper and with slightly better stats; able to craft blues and epics from all gear for more material cost -> add (very) rare random drops to regular NPCs and elites all the way from level 1 on
-flying (moving, except down) exhausts the mount -> 2min flying, 15min rest (affects all flying mounts) -> flying still possible but only when actually needed

Or back in the good old days when raid gear had unique models that not everybody could get so you could spot a good raider from a mile away. Those were some good cosmetics

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That´s 52 pounds for just 8 raid bosses worth of content.

thats kind of a terrible example though for people who aren't accustomed to FFXIV's style. Its basically just some dudes ongoing album

Is Ascension worth checking out? I like the premise but I'm worried if it's just spamfest of cookie cutter builds.

>Demon Hunter sitting in front of the Lightforged

Attached: WHY DO YOU BRING ME HERE.jpg (634x410, 40K)

>Jeremy Soule battle themes
nigga.... Literally the only music he's not good at

You're the reason nu-Blizzard is shit. I hope you're proud of yourself.

I play and pay monthly to ESO


>LFR was 10x harder than mythic raid

Are you functionally retarded?

first three words that come to mind

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That's not even a good setting for ERP or RP. It's just a mess of clashing styles and special snowflakes. WoWfags can't even do degeneracy right.

Not wrong. There’s an excerpt from a book that floats around Yea Forums now and then explaining how women in leadership roles led to the collapse of Roman civilization

suck them tiddies

Yeah go free to play and amp the micro transactions up 1000%

Goldshire is server tourists.

Real ERP happens one on one somewhere else.

Most of the bosses have like 3 mechanics each. It's pretty much just a 1 boss raid. Although that one boss is basically just stolen from one of FFXIV's LFR raids (Argath) with FEWER mechanics so I don't really see the raid as anything to write home about

> women in leadership roles led to the collapse of Roman civilization
based but oh so bluepilled

Wait seriously? Resource nodes aren't shard specific?

Holy shit that's garbage design.

Because flying ruined the leveling and questing process, you can just land on your quest mob and skip 99% of the compound

>Want to attract more people to game who aren't weebs.
>Make a song like this.


By adding a quest where you take Chromie out on a date

Attached: 437152637.png (453x500, 167K)

Stop eating bacon.

You guys should be teaming up to save your own lives rather than an online game

Weebs have a copyright on cutesy music for a fairy boss?

The common criticism of FFXIV is that it is a weeb game and music like this doesn't necessarily change that perception.

>a bloo bloo muh weebs
eat shit and die assmongoloid

>Fairy Boss
>Not having a cute and carefree theme
Sorry not everything is about muh donut steel OC undead ranger edge.

I think the boat was 3 and pig standalone

Looks like the got another one. I bet you donate to twitch streamers too.

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Fix titanforging so that lower level content cant beat out higher level content, build it around valor so players have goals of constant progression they can work on without feeling like it's impossible to actually reach BiS.

Lean harder into allowing players to get mythic gear from m+, none of this "if its azerite or warforges" once a week shit. Set it up so that players can choose whether to pvp, dungeon or raid for their gear.

Stop placing timegates on fucking everything, or if you do a timegate set it up like the mage tower where player participation dictates the length of the timegate. Players prefer to feel included in the process this is fucking psych 101.

End CRZ as a fucking thing. Leave it in for maybe LFR and normal dungeons, but it should go and stay gone for proper Raiding and dungeon. At best MAYBE allow the super low pop servers to cross-realm to higher pop ones, but definitely do NOT let higher pop realms cross-realm to mid or low.

Find a way to put merc mode into war mode so that faction imbalance leads to some players choosing be to be mercs for extra rewards and shit. Also fix the supply drops and assassin structure so there's a proper fucking incentive to stay a bounty rather than just getting runover by the 15 players who will form a fuckhuge party to come stomp you.

Put all the island expedition rewards onto the vendors so it's not an RNG fuckfest. Add an endless mode to island expeditions that works like Risk of rain or any other game that features a scaling difficulty over time. With new mobs popping in every so often, buffed up based on how long you've stayed etc. Have each server give the top 3 teams a title like how CM's used to work.

Remove tyrannical/fortified from keystones. Shift the seasonal modifier to +2. Add a new modifier that massively ramps up the damage of avoidable/interruptable mechanics and put it on +10 keys in order to bring m+ difficulty in line with Mythic raiding.

There's more but im out of space.

>another mount no one will give a shit about
Mounts lost their value in Cata.

It's south africa, not north africa

Attached: durban.jpg (810x540, 798K)

You mean selling point? Only Asmongold and his cadre of lilzooms dislike weeb stuff

Is titan-forging even still in the game? For the longest time during that expansion, it was the only saving grace for the shitty secondary stats on tier gear.

>pay 60 brit bucks to play the same game you've been playing every single day for the past 20 years for 6 more months
What the fuck is wrong with people that play fucking MMOs?

i appreciate that you tried user, but this game needs to be put out of its misery

Totally real and not gay at all.

People who say its a "weeb game" usually have no answer as to why they think that, they hear it online and parrot it. It does have some stuff relevant to Japanese things, but its in no way pervasive to the game as a whole, and Stormblood was so far the only expansion that was heavy on it, due to going to Not-China and Not-Japan countries.
That theme (Titania's) is not weeb in the slightest, its more akin to something I'd expect to hear out of Alice in Wonderland. As it should be. As she's a primal (a god of sorts) of the fairies.

So only farmers are getting robbed, mauled and killed?

titanforging is still in BFA yes. But tier gear isnt.

I want to marry a Night Elf and make half-elves with her.

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Holy shit. I remember a few years ago when FF14 was considered a little fish and WoW didn't even care about it. Now they're in full on damage control.

>implying she wouldn't just blow out your asshole with her horsecock

Pig was 6 month for China only.

I think that’s why it looks so off... the skin and everything is great but the skeleton is fucking ancient

True, but it was never advertised everywhere and it never relied on bribing you with mounts. It used to be a matter of course to sign up for a longer period of time and pay less monthly, but this is just to inflate their numbers for 8.2 and Classic

does this retard not realise share price tanked BECAUSE of public reaction to diablo immortal, which is why shareholders were concerned?

No wonder this fucking retard got fired from a company apparently so desperate to keep people on and finish projects

I remember when FFXIV was considered a colossal failure.

I never realized how much of a pleb filter eastern fantasy is. Definitely starting to see the appeal of FFXIV if that's all it takes to keep the failed normalfag twitch dweebs out.

Sub runs out in 12 days, bought FFXIV starter edition last night. Was a good run bros but it’s time to find a lalafell wife.

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It has more than just that. The early leveling experience, basically the entire base game, is more like a slow JRPG than an MMO. Almost all the zoomers and other trash get filtered before they even make it to Heavensward, the first expansion.

i agree with your reasoning and hate the shared mounts because i used to only play 1 character

And now it's the most successful MMO on the market. Wild.

It's a 2 stage filter, the second part is the MSQ. Since lilzoom can barely read they quit the game when they realize how much story there is to go through

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It's not just story. It's a highly linear leveling experience where you can't really just explore and grind wherever you want like you could in WoW. That's for leveling other jobs later. They've got a highly linear leveling experience with dozens of forced dungeons and trials before they can catch up to current content.

Fuck Blizzard.

>The first was a shitty boat that didn't even have waterwalking
>Now it's a hideous dragon that doesn't even fit in
Blizzard sure adds some garbage bait mounts.

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fat hamplanet brapbeast


I really like this insult

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Night Elves are the only reason I still care about WoW.

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>u have to shit through shit before u get the actual fun stuff

tfw no gf

Did you see the last store mount they added?
Looks like it was lifted straight out of some furfag's deviantart.

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Same. They're the perfect females.

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It's till July 26th so wait until July 25th dumb ass

Filtered already. The system works

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There was no change in stocks during or after the le epic april fools joke though. If anything Hearthstone failing was the reason Diablo Immortal got canned.

Keep retail as a cheevo mount grind that it is, make Classic like OSRS.

Square enix store retard

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>i like litteraly eating shit for hours before im given some water that means the water is good

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Be sure to commission porn of her.


nigga, what? it was 'correct' on things that were already said. this was from eight days ago and i read that starcraft shit like a month ago.

I forgot that Lilzoom only cares about rushing to the endgame, because surprise surprise, WoW's story is laughably bad and worth skipping through

>says that while posting a tf2 reaction pic

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how comes being a fat human counts as a different race in WoW?

How long until WoW goes b2p? I can't imagine anyone apart from it's core audience care too much about the game, at this point.

It's more that WoW's expansions become worthless as soon as the next one comes out. Outland and Northrend go from exciting adventures to just a grinding environment to get to the real game.

The remaining WoW playerbase certainly is.

>anime reaction image
big yike
refer to

*nods at you*
MSQ is generic weeb garbage

Because they are in real life too. Same thing with people with prosthetic limbs whenever they get around to adding that race

> highly linear leveling experience where you can't really just explore and grind wherever you want
>highly linear leveling experience with dozens of forced dungeons and trials
wow sure sounds like such a fun time, i dont even play wow but seriously
imagine defending a hall way simulator with forced content because muh lilzoom is btfo

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>I remember how amazing it was to get that skeleton dragon after you completed the raid achievements on heroic at icecrown citadel.

WOTLK started the store mounts thing, wotlk fag, by the way, the frostwyrm was reserved to gladiators until they put 2 in ICC Achies which were considered a joke to get.

Its actually dead isnt it?

But user WoW is already buy2pay

Yeah, the WoW BFA MSQ currently is fucking weeb garbage.

Nobody actually thinks the ARR MSQ is good. But for every good player it filters, it filters at least 5 bad ones. It's worth it in the end. It's a protective barrier.


The absolute best mount they ever put into game was the MoP Imperial Quilen mount.

>mine node
>get a skill level from it
>but it vanishes and you get no loot

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it was buy tew play from the start

omg inv asmon layer!!!

Why would anyone pay 6 months for a flying mount you probably won't be able to use ever, why pay that when you can get the mount at half the price once it ends up in their store, why buy a mount of the store to begin with it dose nothing unique.

xiv's storyline and quests suck ass, even if you read through them. the only good things about xiv are endgame and golden saucer, and if it takes me sixty hours to get to endgame i would rather play a better game because golden saucer isn't good enough on its own. in wow, at least there are semi-interesting zones and you have a choice in which order to tackle them instead of having to put together a titanic tea party.

it's worth the weight

> LFR was 10x harder than mythic raiding
Lmao this is like retards that claim Mercy requires the same amount of skill as every other characters; its just a "different" skill.

exactly what i said imagine eatting shit four hours because muh "lilzoom" is btfo
like why even bother if you have to spend hours for it to get enjoyable?
is it autism?
why not just play something u enjoy all the way throught?

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I was tempted to get it just to play classic, but the sale ends a month before it starts. I guess it'd make the name reservation free.

glad i dropped this shit game

wtf did he lose his leg third time?

>colored wings
they're targeting the landwhale whales so hard. you can literally see the blizzard demographic reports now.

ActiBlizz gotta make that quarterly. The drones will fall for it.

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Have to rush the latest patch to try and get a head start on Shadowbringers now locking another mount behind a 6 month gate because your losing subs.

>because muh "lilzoom" is btfo
I enjoy doing it and am proud to have done it precisely because I know people like you can't do it.

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Lilzoom, not everyone is incapable of sitting and reading/hearing for a couple of minutes between quests.
>why not just play something u enjoy all the way throught?
Just because you couldn't/can't/won't doesn't mean others won't enjoy it.
Oh wait, one of the key signs of autism is forgetting that other people can feel differently than you.

The retail team is so fucking scared of Classic's success.

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have sex nerds

>buy it the 28th
>dick around for a month until classic comes out
>get 5 more months for the price of 3

I don't want to enable this jew behavior dammit.

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A cashshop with cosmetics instead of these shit as rewards (drops, reputations, professions, long quest chains, whatever) is pure cancer.

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Hey, dumbass, if you buy this bundle you get 4 months of Classic!

Your jealously is better than sex.

Excuse me sweetie, but we here at blizzard believe that mercy harder than a widowmaker.

I think this would be better if the third Wojak wasn't angry, just kind of tired.


Blizzard went full retard with a micro transaction shop and sub. The reason f2p sucks ass is the game is built around milking as much money out of the player as possible.They set up arbitrary inconveniences that can be solved with real world money.

With a pure subscription system, the only focus was on getting people to play the game as long as possible. Sure this would result in grindy mechanics and time sinks, but they still had to make sure the game had major play value to maintain subscribers which was overall better for the game.

This is par for the course with Blizzard these days, anybody dumb enough to go for this deserves to lose their money at this point.

he is gonna buy it anyways , or maybe a zoomies makes a gift for him that.

>being proud that your this much of a perma virgin loser
>others won't enjoy it
the poster who explained it literally says no one thinks it's good
just because u can stand eating shit doesn't mean your still not eating shit
>imagine waisting your life doing something you don't like just to "dab" on "lilzoom"
actual high tide nerdism

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That would require actual effort though.

I hope this is still up in August for Classic

>tfw bought the 60 day card for the Black Chocobo in Shadowbringers
>tfw going to have fun in XIV until Classic comes out and switch

I wish retail was more solid endgame I really want to play it but it’s soooo draining compared to XIV.

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He's not upset that he has to pay for it, he's upset that the good mount models are being added to the store while reskins and recolors are earned in-game.

>have a model animated from, like, the very first or second expansion of the game
>it's year 2019
>they make a cash-only mount with the same model and animation from that era
>this is around $60 bucks

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>That's less than 10 pounds a month
He's got a point, Blizzdrones are used to much more pounding than that.

Hey, retard, that's why I said retail team. Imagine being a retail developer right now, lmao.

>everyone hates BFA, even the people that play it
>only WoW related hype anyone has is for Classic, a 15 year old version of the game from before you worked on it
>all the big streamers are switching over to Classic
>sub numbers are lower than ever

Classic will eclipse Retail, and the BFA team will commit mass suicide.

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Classic is retail though. Because it sure as fuck ain't vanilla

More likely the latter. Either way, the money he'd be spending on it if he did buy it on his own would've been a donation from one anyways.


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The base drake model technically goes all the way back to vanilla

Just said that I enjoy doing it, why can't you read? Is it because learning to read wasn't enjoyable all the way through?

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shared sub dude
they don't give a fuck if you want to play a 15 year old version, you're still giving them money

one of his dumb cumguzzling follower will buy it for him despite the fact he has way more than enough money and litteraly just plays games for a living
what a faggot

Why the fuck do you absolute fucking retards want to die on this hill?

It fucking fell directly after the diablo immortal shitfest. It literally fell over $14 dollars and it started falling on the 2nd of november, which was the diablo immortal announcement.

>wow the fans fucking hate this game
>blizzard don't even know how to cater to their own market
>better sell
>value plummets

Why is this so fucking hard for you idiots to understand?

Why do you absolute fucking mongoloid retards not understand that consumers run the market and always fucking have?

Those animations have existed since WoW's launch as I recall.

It has a unique model. It only shares the skeleton.

Imagine paying for any WoW related service in 2019. Imagine giving a company whos more than happy to fuck you in the ass your hard earned money. Or for the neets their parents hard earned money. I cannot think of anything more devoid of logic and intelligence.

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It uses the skeleton of the fatty Wrath drakes not the lithe, muscular nether drakes.

he's paying for the game with a 6month recurring sub
he's going to get it 'automatically'

>Blizzard lost a whole $14
Bros... how will they ever recover...?

Oh, my bad-- holy shit that's even worse.

WoW's business model is called pay to play. A buy to play game is one you only have to buy once.


keep telling urself that

What happens when WoW stops making a profit?

Like, what happens when the player base is too small to cover the costs of keeping the game alive?

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isn't the timelord title the same thing?

Have blizzard starting destroying in-game assets yet, or is that just square enix that destroy your house if you unsub for 2 months?

Mounts ruined the game for me. I knew it was over when I couldn't see my char anymore because of dozens of golden dragons in the BG.
Since then Blizz keeps flooding the game with nonsensical stupid as fuck mounts that rob you of any remaining immersion more than a kick in balls would.

F2P with an even bigger cash shop. Stop asking stupid questions.

>He can't even formulate a proper response

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We don't live in the 90's any more user, server upkeep is very cheap. They can keep going forever if they want to

>he's paying
no he is using donations from his cum guzzling followers what a faggot

I definitely enjoyed the game and story thus far, only reason I'm even entertaining myself here is because the servers are down in preparation for the new expansion.
Enjoy grinding Azerite for the whateverth week. Make sure to trade Asmongold your weekly tithe so you can be on his stream when classic comes out.

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They either stop and close the game, start opening old expansion servers and trying to fish old players or then just go f2p chinkshit and fill the game with cash shop shit.

>What happens when WoW stops making a profit?
That's not happening.

allied race unlocks on the store for $40

Delicious builtfat musclegirl

la luz extinguido (female?)

[citation needed]

Actual answer here:
It's making a profit and will for a long time, the problem is it isn't making ENOUGH profit for activision.
Look at other, older and less popular MMOs for examples of what will happen but my prediction for a worst case scenario is:
New expansion 9.0 sucks as bad as BfA, subscribers do not hold.
Half way through decision to kill WoW is made
Team is fucking slashed hard
WoW team cut to about 5 people
Content for the game will continue, but there will be no future expansions
New patches will take about 2-3 years to arrive
Game will continue to live in this sad state for 20-30 years
People won't fucking unsub because they are addicts
It will remain profitable forever

That's only if the next expansion sucks.

oh. . .oh yeah. I'd probably stick around if i was a cute snek

What's that can't hear you over the sound of Shadowbringers

>post fan art to "prove" his point

cope im sure thats why also i don't play wow and even if i did why would i get assmongoloid any of my stuff no way fag
just because ur retarded enough to doesn't mean others are

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ffs blizzard just put frostmourne on the shop and u get all ur money back.

>play vanilla, absolute scrub
>never got to 60
>TBC comes around, finally get money for a mount because I'm older and less trash
>use skeletal horse and then skeletal warhorse and standard flying mounts
>spend literally weeks farming for black war raptor to use on my belf because horde lost BGs left and right
>proud as fuck of the raptor
>11 years go by
>still using purple warhorse on my undead and war raptor on my belf
The aesthetics are so good.

And then Shadowbringer Wojak takes off the hat and just finds something else to play altogether than MMOs

they'll just put it F2P
if some korean shitfests owned ny NCsoft or Nexon manage to survive, wow will survive just fine

Bitch I quit around Wrath. Not happening.

There are enough people with Stockholm syndrome that it will always be profitable. Even now you have people who defend 6 month sub mounts.
>what a deal!
They say.
>I was planning on playing anyway!
They lie.
There will be enough people with the sunken cost fallacy guiding their wallets to keep WoW alive forever.
That's good though - it'll become (or already has) a containment zone for dumb people.

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>n-nuh uh I don't play WoW
How to out yourself as a summer vacation tourist in one word

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Nothing can save wow at this point. Move on.

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except i dont gaylord maplestory is only mmo i have played in last couple years and even then i haven't played it in like 6 months but keep seething u dumb idort

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And with a little effort they could've solved that issue but they didn't. As the current addon is the only one that matters anyway new characters should by default start at the approriate level to make it through there. At the same time all other content untouched should have it's own level system, downscaling the characters and their gear according to progress made in that content with gear from any other content being unable to scale above initial noob level so that the raid gear from that addon doesn't become obsolete trash that may just look nice but keeps it's functionality.

Tadaa: You can start into the game with others at any time and also level anywhere else with the hamster wheel meaning to it as it matters in that content, if you want to play in that content.

Maybe I overlooked something that's a flaw about this ?

>Like, what happens when the player base is too small to cover the costs of keeping the game alive?

You aren't one of those retards that think the monthly sub is there to pay servers costs, are you?

Any better pics of the mount? I have to know if I'd fuck this thing before i can decide if this is ridiculous or something i could consider

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>everything would've been fine if Activision didn't sink its proboscis in to Blizzard

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They will probably try to get WOW on consoles or mobile first then when that flops they will make it free to play but nerf leveling so badly folks would have no choice but to rely on their cash shop.

just go look at pictures of any of the other hundreds of drake mounts
if you'd fuck any of those you would probably fuck this one too

>default start at appropriate level
wooow i sure do i wana start at lvl 90 haha
retard why would u even touch the older content if ur already max level
dumb faggot

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I didn't think you would out yourself like that, lilzoom
An highly anticipated expansion for my game is about to drop in a day, you play korean free to play "mmos" for fun, who's really seething here?

>the costs of keeping the game alive
They don't do shit and they get away with charging a monthly fee because retards keep paying.

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Can someone explain the cognitive dissonance over Classic to me? The same people calling Blizzard shit and current WoW dead are hyped and singing the praises for something being made and run by the -same fucking people-. Do they really think the ones responsible for the worst expansion in the game's history that's driven it to the brink are capable of not fucking it up?

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FYI even though he is an eceleb and loaded with money and I personally hate him, he never buys any of blizzards store mounts. he doesn't own any of them.

Hey guys, I got a crazy idea. How about we give this as reward for playing the game by having it be a rare drop, crafting reward, or some other form that incentivizes the player to actually play the game? Like make content, pretty rad concept right?

This is as funny and untrue as it was when you people were coping with Blizzard being shit by repeating the "A team B team" myth.

MAPLESTORY IS cooote okay :3 and i play on before big bang servers ya dumb faggot
no ur defenltiy seething over "lilzooms" hardcore parkour

The thing I always hated about WoW and MMO's in general is that they know they can't produce enough content to keep people entertained, so rather than letting players leave for a few weeks or months and come back when there's enough updates and content, they instead add grinding to keep you playing and addicted.

WoW has also always lazily squandered it's monopoly on the MMO industry and it's massive wealth, adding very little content to its game and treating its players like shit, Fortnite in comparison makes about as much money as WoW and releases tons of updates every single week. I remember hearing about WoW making 2 billion dollars a year and wondered why I'm grinding all the time instead of playing fresh, new and exciting content. Blizzard was always too cheap and lazy to increase the size of its development team. I can see why zoomers love Fortnite now, if I had been playing that game as a kid instead of WoW it would have seemed like Jesus, though WoW was always a satanic game that I got addicted to probably partially due to abuse from my family.

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wait for the superior free mount dumb asses. you did farm tokens for classic right? you don't give blizzard money right?

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they're eternal blizzdrones
they have all convinced themselves paying a monthly fee to play an older version of the game you can just play for free anyways is somehow "spiting" blizzard when in reality they're still profiting off of the same horde of retards either way.

>if Activision didn't sink its proboscis in to Blizzard
Morhaime allowed it to happen and then after he made his money he saw that Activision had finally sucked every last drop of value out of Blizz so he bailed.

>that feel when no tall purple wife
why live

He owns the Dreadwake but that's just because he subscribed anyway.

They are desperate for good mmo so its easy for blizzard to manipuate them into eating shit again.

If slavs highschool droputs can set up vanilla servers it shouldn't be hard for people at blizzard to literally copy paste the 1.12 they found and just not doing anything else, though as it current stands layering needs to be removed.

I still can't decide whether I prefer pale or purple Night Elves.

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Are you retarded? They don't even sell gear anymore and the 3 they used to sell were ugly as fuck helmets

You do know that their classic is 7.3.5 client, right? You know difference between 1.12 vanilla client and 7.3.5 "classic" client, right?

Any flavor of Night Elf is perfect, really, though I found that more often than not when I played one I gravitated towards the pale pink skin tone.with either dark blue or dark purple hair.

pure draenei maidens > barbaric elven whores

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Pale>purple. That way you get both nelf and vampire vibes.

>you did farm tokens for classic right?
Forcing yourself to sit through content that you hate to get to the good stuff is for shadowtrannies

>Being contentious about waifus when they're all great
We're all friends here. Through dick unity.

Dranei are the most degenerate sluts ever to exsist

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You know what you are talking about? No? Then shut the fuck up retard, they have a 1.12 original client that was used for tests, they are copy pasting that shit into a legion client for compatibility with modern hardware.

Buy my pig

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Their animalistic savage spirit is the best part you utter fucking pleb.

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Draenei are literal angels.

t. floozy elf that lets herself get railed by random tigers and bears in the woods for fun

This picture's making me want to make half-elves on top of Garithos' unmarked grave.

>you did farm tokens for classic right?
you can't farm tokens without doing bullshit flipping on the AH now
the raids give almost no gold anymore

When you buy tokens you give blizzard the same money as a normal sub + an extra 5$, dumb nu-wow retard.

sub games are literally games as a service. You are paying for a game you already paid the "own forever" license for and cannot basically play the game unless you pay the service.
Once the game goes offline thats it, you lose everything. Unless someone scrapes the official servers and opens a private sandbox you just got conned out of thousands of service dollars at the privileged to use your own game license to play the game.

You are actually retarded, good luck competing with players abused modern autoinvite addons to layerhop speedlevel to 60 in 2 days

why the fuck aren't you playing shadowbringers?

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dude WoW rocks

Maplestory is older than WoW and boomercore as fuck though, it's what I played during Wrath and Cata's content droughts when I didn't want to pay my sub. I have E-friends who are years older than me that've never touched WoW but have asked me to play on a Maplestory private server with them.

I don't like card games

>want to catch up to the story to prepare for ShB
>look up Heavensward movie
>it's 6 hours long

Because otherwise Blizz would need to add the often asked for, long overdue character customization instead of being lazy with that. Eventually they'd even need to add races people asked.

>At the same time all other content untouched should have it's own level system, downscaling the characters and their gear according to progress made in that content

This means:
Level 90 character goes to Classic:
-downscales to level 1 (including gear)
-gear from anywhere but Classic content can't scale above level 1 there - still of value within it's intended content but not there
-the progress the character has made isn't there yet
-> progress still relevant and possible there

Same character goes to BC:
-downscales to level 60 (including gear)
-gear from anywhere but BC content can't scale above level 60 there - still of value within it's intended content but not there
-the progress the character has made isn't there yet
-> progress still relevant and possible there

Same character goes to WotLK:
-downscales to level 70 (including gear)
-gear from anywhere but WotLK content can't scale above level 70 there - still of value within it's intended content but not there
-the progress the character has made isn't there yet
-> progress still relevant and possible there


Why would you touch old content ? Because you can, and with meaning even as progress there is still seperate from progress elsewhere. Unlike current design you don't just show up as overpowered god creature in cheater gear. If you didn't enjoy the content in that addon you're not forced to, it's entirely for people that enjoyed and still enjoy this content, people that want to max out everything and the curious ones. The design makes this content optional, as tedious leveling should be, while still relevant and rewarding instead of being able to solo old raids - in an MMO.

Dude I'm just finishing Heavnsward and moivng to Dragonswar now realizing I still have Stormblood to knock out.

>flying mount
>flying is banned for entire xpacs until the game is basically dead and you’re just waiting for the next xpac
How do retards even justify wasting money like this when you can play FOR FREE with tokens

>but they still had to make sure the game had major play value
Well they've failed at that

>wow i sure do wana level through all the expansions
>wana do something cata have to get to 70 even though u were level 90
>wana do somehing in classic
>lol to bad u gotta go through the whole game have fun playing through it all even tough litteraly no one else is so you can do that one thing you want
its horrible

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It’s weird also that while making the game insanely casualized and easy in every aspect mythic raiding is progressively getting harder with almost every release.
So now you either are playing at a 1/10 or 10/10 level with no in between

Does that mean I gotta make a twink set for each separate level bracket?

Kill yourself imbecile and don't even talk about things you know nothing about.

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>he doesnt know

i didnt give them the money, some other normalfag did. it actually feels pretty good that for each token in my inventory, the money came from some general forums 10,000 posts moron who started WoW in WoD.

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post wow memes. the worse the better.

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>Time is money, friend

Reminder that the Final Fantasy brand is literally 60 times bigger and more profitable than all of blizzards franchises put together.

seethe hard wowfags

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This shit was posted on reddit then MMOChamp and finally on Yea Forums. Fuck off with this shit leak.

when you have 9,999,999+ gold from clicking a board 5 mins a day in WoD, you don't give a shit.

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WoW could have 50,000 subs and still turn a profit via microtransactions and other paid content. People WILL buy this shit its a tried and true method of business. They know how stupid their playerbase is.
>subscribe to WoW for 2 years and buy this reskinned mount to earn another mount!

>classic is great
>classic will save Blizzard
try harder next time zoomer-kun.

This. Garrisons shit out so much gold it's absurd. I had a friend with every class at level cap who would do all their garrison shit every day on all of those characters and by the time they nerfed all the ways to make money she'd made millions.

>5 mins a day
>for 2 years
>hours upon hours, a full RPG's worth of time
>Still acts smug about wasting his time


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hahaha based gookped exterminating those insects so we don't have to.

Is 10$ a month your entertainment budget?
That's fucking miserable.


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kek, you could have just bought the mount separately for a third of the price you mong.

the boat was 6 too you walnut

>complains about waisting 5 mins aday
>is on a mongolian basketpissing board talking about bideo bames

dont kid yourself retard

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cope shill

>has no response
>has to settle for a no u
>doesn't realize how pathetic it makes him sound

mental illness
nobody cares about you or your pay to own mount
fucking kill yourself sincerely
I've never really meant it anymore than I do now
something about your post just really pisses me off

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the response was ur on fucking 4chen on a video game bored and your complaining about waiting 5 mins a day?
your the pathetic one retard, nice compression skills its clearly implied

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So the CEO knows when to give them cummies in their tummies. DUH!

but it will be dead after the first month



You can shit on WoW for practically anything, music is the one thing you cannot. They are the only part of the development team that always produces top tier quality goods.

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>Death knight armor with heels
>heels in wow
>even a female that hot in wow
Don't try too hard, wow still looks like shit and the only thing about the art is the world overall

because normal people are an equal balance of skin muscle bones and healthy fat
being fat is literally a physical imbalance
they are more fat than actual human

I take back all the horrible stuff I said about China. Putting up trillions of cameras to watch their hygincs and crumbling infrustructure was probably the greatest idea of the Chinese Communist Party.

I'd post more funny chink videos, but there are some asshurt Epic shills ready to ban you for insulting their great empire, so have a green apple instead.

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don't interact with weebs. they have terminally shit taste, especially when it comes to soundtracks. nothing good can come from trying to talk to him about which is better

You didn't understand that you don't need to level through all expansions with this but instead the opposite is true, that leveling, except for the current content, is optional, unless you set yourself the goal to do so. It's also entirely only an issue for new characters, not the ones that already played through the content. There's also no difference for new characters compared to the current system: both systems require you to level through the content anyway. The sole difference is the downscaling of high level characters so that group content isn't effortlessly farmable via outleveling and outscaling with gear from the next content or even later - as it should be in a MMO. As profession skill is unaffected by scaling you can just go there and gather you herbs or whatever.

-new character: level equal to entry level of current content
-portal @WotLK: downscaled to 70 - no progress yet; level until 80
-portal @Classic: downscaled to 1 - no progress yet
-portal @Shattrath: downscaled to 60 - no progress yet
-> same character, max level = capped by content you're in, content gear relevant

No. It means whichever content the character visits the gear and character scale according to progress made within that content, with the sole limitation that gear from any other content can't scale above level 1, so the gear you get within that content keeps being relevant, but only in that content.

They could provide proper scenario or world editors for fan made content to fill the gaps, accessible whenever content draught sets in and raid IDs are locked. With a content tag- and rating system fans might come up with some enjoyable content. Devs often only provided the initial design that some used to build something better.

The tag- and rating system could be used to include / exclude depending on personal preference. They just need a sandbox zone portal to load the content without making it super inconvenient to get into that.

Just do your quest bro. You DID pick warlock right?

WoW music is shit.

FFXIV makes better music.

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This is pretty much blizzard admitting that the next expansion will be delayed for at least a year

how comes the wow dev team doesn't play music at their blizzcon?

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That was somewhat tolerable until he opened his mouth.

>fighting Gul'dan, the man who summoned the Burning Legion and started the whole invasion, at the top of Nighthold
>generic legion zone theme playing
wow music is pretty subpar desu

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really nice pic, perfect fat tit sag and thick thighs

Let the poor fucking game die. Maybe get a skeleton crew to at least maintain and add shit that people don't shut up about once a year, work on World of Warcraft 2 or something. Fire all the women in the company and all the niggers too. And anyone with dyed hair or piercings or tattoos.

thats fucking stupid and ur shits all gay

thanks doc

Nah, it will maintain at least a couple populated servers at the very least. There's that many people already playing on private servers.

The only way people would go BACK to private servers is if they fuck up and don't remove the phasing after the initial release period like they've said they will.


Imagine being a blizzcuck

The only good Sub Time deal Blizzard had was the free D3 with a 6 month Sub. And while D3 sucked. The RMAH got me all my money back.

Why would you pay to play a worse version of the same game? Private servers can just grab the values they were missing from classic and have a perfect copy now

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its not the layering, sharding or whatever server bullshit its called. Its not the raid finder or the flying mounts that killed wow, its time gating. I called it back at WoD and its only getting worse and worse, fucking jews


There's no reason to play WoW anymore now that FFXIV has a furry race at last.

Nah. Aside from some numbers being off, there's still lots of little glitches with private servers, and always the concern that the server could shut down whenever.
Plus on private servers you have to deal with loads of Russian/Chinese/etc players.

I only wish WoW raid bosses had their own music instead of just playing the background ambient music on a loop during the fight
I think the only recent boss who had their own theme was Argus the Unmaker

whats wrong with russians and Chinese faggot?

Who looks like we got another boys the lard from this whale will keep Blizz afloat for years.

>you can just land on your quest mob and skip 99% of the compound
Maybe the fact that people would rather skip the game than play it says something about the quality of WoW's gameplay, and maybe forcing them to do something they'd rather skip won't make them happy.

Imagine falling for the WOW scam lmao. A $60 game for which you need to buy several $40 expansions AND keep paying a $15 EVERY MONTH just to be able to keep playing. Even my 14 year old self at the time could tell this was a goddamn trap.
Some of you retards actually paid thousands of dollars to be able to play ONE (1) game. Unbelievable...

1. They often don't speak English and use non-latin alphabets which render as blank text in the game.
2. Lots of them are goldfarmers and annoyingly spam the trade chat with their sketchy urls.

>defending both chinks AND russians in one post
here's your pity (You), you tried really hard

Blizzard is pathetic

People do this all the time

Yeah, I call them "retards"

It's cumulative you retard. You don't have to sign a contract for 6 months.