Attached: bro.png (1884x478, 1.81M)

Other urls found in this thread:


t-tortoise bros?


Corgi's can literally not place today and still be at the very worse tied for first.


Attached: SLOW AND STEADY.png (1257x429, 969K)

T-team hare can still do it

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Attached: Steal Progress.png (311x108, 10K)

hahaha you got last place Turtle bitch

What the fuck happened to us paypigs? Why are we still in shambles?

>they got 5th place
Oh so sad turtle bros
Should have joined the real alpha's
Fucking that ass like BUNNIES

>received a five bucks coupon and bought a game with it adding three more bucks with my credit card
>got auto-refunded minutes after the purchase
>sent a ticket to Steam and they said they refunded my purchase because I received the coupon by mistake
>now I have three bucks that I can't use in any game I want
Pro-consumer practices

We should focus on attacking the dogememe

This, but the instant some other team pulls ahead they get attacked into oblivion instead, letting those filthy dogs blast through with their enormous userbase.

All my points are going into ShellScrubs

Anyone but the Corgi winning is worth coming 5th


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you are foolish for letting doge overtaking you later on.

>Steal progress
It won't change anything, now instead of boosting whenever they boost at the last minute

dog is reddit normies
They have the numbers
you're not beating them
But keeping them turtle scrubs in 5th place, now thats a fun time.

Make sure you scream about the TurtleBird alliance when things go to shit later



HAHAHA 2 scrubs thinking they can hang with the BUNNYBACON CONSORTIUM

Which team?

Why are you all so invested in this? There's so much people involved in the game that it doesn't really matter what you do.
Just boost once a day to get a chance of winning free shit and that's it.

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Unironically, I am Corgi the Benevolent

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Saliens was better.

Because corgis are shit and I want to send a message.

Who gives a fuck about free games? I fucking loathe these snug niggers. Especially the bunny cunts.

And last place.
>This Burn was brought to you by BunnyBaconGang

because my animal could beat up your animal

i'm really disappointed that your "capacity" gets drained by boosting.
Whats the point of those 5 bucks coupons if i need to spend like 100 bucks to even have enough capacity to earn them?

Spoken like a true turtlebitch
Go drown in a malaria infested swamp

Attached: Best Team.jpg (485x231, 34K)

Isn't that how it exactly worked back in the chink new year event?

Attached: turtleVSbunny.jpg (479x462, 92K)

That doesn't say much.

Now that Corgis have slowed down I'm starting to feel the shitflinging this one provides. Certainly enjoy sitting back with my birdbros while the two idiots from the fable duke it out.

If only Valve weren't so fucking dumb when it came to explaining the event.

Attached: beastars grand prix.png (1900x900, 640K)

that's the wrong assessment for turtlebros, i picked it because turtles are cool.

>corgi is reddit
How can anything be more reddit than the LOL SLOW AND STEADY AMIRITE???? XDDDD garbage tortoisefags shit out?

You're all delusional.

>he picked corgi

Attached: npc_corgi.png (450x356, 5K)

Yup, I sure did

Attached: 220px-A_Smiling_Corgi_with_two_colors.jpg (220x293, 16K)

It's not reddit as in behaviorally, it's reddit as in r/steam and r/games coordinated onto that team

jack is the best boy

These threads are actually fun. I will take cock posting before tina and smash threads gladly.


Attached: cockthumb.jpg (526x526, 67K)


Attached: file.png (988x193, 24K)

Excuse me, Yea Forums Supports Turtle because Jeb! and His slow and steady ride to last place.

Attached: JEB.jpg (850x850, 185K)


what even is this about? i never pay attention to steam's events

Still waiting for someone to turn the animals into cute girls.


Attached: beautiful-bunny.png (423x600, 470K)

You did join my team right user?

Attached: Yotsuba.jpg (300x403, 37K)

i regret not picking jeb

And what a 5 minutes we had! Let's do it again tomorrow.

However I agree, fuck birds
But turtles suck worse

>fun event that people liked, was entirely free
>garbage pick a team shit, completely unbalanced teams and participation requires spending money. Only activity is pressing a button after paying real money to see numbers change.
I'm not feeling it guys

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It's a digital race where steam users hunt for points by playing games then use those points to throttle their respective team to victory. Victors have a chance of getting the top game in their wishlist as a free game.


>he didn't
Keep coping non-corgi nigger
We run this place

Attached: 1536445218594.png (1469x887, 487K)

What a convoluted event. And it's not even worth it.

>not an actual racing minigame

>reddit runs this place
not that surprising desu

Even the usual sales with some sticker gimmick would have been better than this piece of shit """race""".

winners as in the entire team? would there be any reason to join any other team that isn't the most populated one?

Last race
BadBuns were last place and Tiny Turtles were second
Last 10mins Bunchads roll into 3rd after tearing Turdles to last.
Reptiles, more like RIPtiles

First place has 300 of its race contributors get rewarded. 200 for 2nd. 100 for 1st. This happens everyday.

So basically the bigger the team, the faster they are, but the chances of getting a free game is also smaller.

No I just checked from the site, apparently it's only some members, every day. No definition of what "some" means. Could be 1, could be 10 ...

Anybody else a underhog?



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>No definition of what "some" means.
There's a very clear definition.
Pos 1 gets 300 winners, pos 2 gets 200 winners, pos 3 gets 100 winners, the others don't get anything.

I thought they finally fixed your capacity being reset to 0 along with the points when I saw this.
Turns out it's still the same and the number is just displaying what you could've had daily, taunting you.

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Sekiro or DMC5?

Attached: 1502138718086.gif (600x600, 899K)

>I thought they finally fixed your capacity being reset to 0 along with the points when I saw this.
There's nothing to fix because it's intentional.
You fucking think they're gonna let you get multiple -5 bucks discounts? By giving you 8k points every day? lmao

devil may cry 5. im a from software fag and i don't even like the devil may cry games that much. devil may cry 5 was a fucking blast. i haven't had that much fun with a game in years

This. If they reset it every day I'd literally be getting a -50€ discount every day.

It's bullshit that CAPACITY gets spent and reduced, user. Don't defend their kikery


It's not called capacity anymore.

>its okay, we (((redacted))) it!

How? What else would be reduced?
I have X years worth of games with achievements that I can use to get points, I'd literally be able to get like 500k points if capacity didn't reset.

Salty bitchlord.

you forgot to mention that if you don't spend a shitton of money you can't participate

Attached: A meme 4U Turtlebros.png (442x376, 243K)

So I can't claim these points because I haven't spent hundreds of dollars in the "sale" to increase my capacity?

WHO the fuck designed this event?

Attached: this (((event))) is fucking dogshit.png (650x203, 14K)

Cuck bootlicker

>WHO the fuck designed this event?
Me. Got a problem with that?

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It's like that past april fools Yea Forums competition: It is fun.

I had like 12 boosts last night and was locked out of using them, now I have 0. What happened pigbros? Is it some sorta doggy dog world conspiracy?

Do you really think they made this competition just for the fun of it? Some autists are so crazy about competition they will buy shit they don't need in order to win.

Corgi isnt 10 times ahead of other 4 combined

Guess they have already started to manipulate the result

You can "Participate" but you can't make a difference since you can boost any value, even one as pathetic as 100 "free" daily "raise".

>tortoise was winning
>I boost Corgi speed
>page refreshes and now Corgi is winning

Attached: 1542000067208.gif (600x600, 297K)

Do you not see the "attacks active, -26k" or what
Other teams are sabotaging corgis

i swear to god i have an ARK character like that edit

Even so, Corgi has consistently signifigantly higher multiplier, so i guess people are spamming Steal on Corgi like crazy, or they added Steal to justify artificially holding Corgi "in the crowd."

Dmc5 is very fun even if you are a complete shitter like me. If you get really into it you can go for higher difficulties and face new enemies

>it's nothing

>check email
>no cyberpunk
It's not f-fair.

Attached: 200_DELET_THIS.jpg (633x758, 93K)

bunnies win the cuteness price

Are bunnies cute and funny?

imagine you could fuck one irl

Bro, we have been over this, even the "Small" teams have such minuscule chances you as a individual have bigger chance winning in a actual lottery or getting Cancer. The real thinking mans choice is picking Corgi to just boost once a day and then ignore the whole thing and let the Redditors do the work for you to guarantee Podium Wins instead of needing to keep track of how the race is going. And if you get a game you can feel extra fuzzy because it means you denied a Redditor theirs.


Time for the cocks to rise up to the occasion

I'm a birdbro cause there's a higher chance of winning a game than being in the corgi one where there are at least a million racers. But I never won something in my life so we'll see how this goes.

what team has the best girls?

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>corgi can't win

I didn't say that corgi can't win, I'm saying there's a very small chance of me being picked as winner when there are hundreds of thousands of said corgi users.

Unironically Hare.

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Someone in a thread yesterday did some calculations and mentioned that while the corgi win chance is like 0.0000001%, the other teams are still only at 0.0000005% or so. 90 million users or something.

I was able to collect 2k pts today instead of the usual 100.
Reason? Does anyone know? Does it reset every other day or what, or maybe because my team was on top 3 ?

Attached: 1561573146846.jpg (700x700, 108K)

Did you buy a game today?

I'm still confused about the capacity, does it reset to 100 every time you use it? I bought some games today and used the boost points, will my capacity be back to 100 tomorrow? So you need to spend ~150 to get the $5?

No, my account is limited

It's a viscous race today, but we will come out in first as usual.

Attached: race.png (640x391, 22K)

>bunny fuckers

Attached: 1557233018078.png (480x480, 183K)

There in is the fallacy, it is hundreds of thousands in EVERY TEAM, just because Corgi is the biggest does not mean it is the worst, as said, Corgi is full of retards who are doing it for Memepoints, that means you can just coast on them to have your chance at no effort, while the other teams while "Bigger" chance are riskier because they spent a good amount of time tearing eachother to shreds over scraps before Steal was added, and even then Corgi is doing consistently well enough that it will still probably be on the podium, all without you needing to do fuck all, and spend fuck all to have guaranteed chances to be in basically every draw opportunity even if the chance of being drawn in each one is somewhat smaller it is not actually that much worse then that of the small teams like notes.



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it resets to 0 every day

>So you need to spend ~150 to get the $5?
Not necessary since you can claim points if you played games with achievements for more than 30m.

It subtracts up to a maximum of 1000 from your maximum boost each time you use it.

For example: It says 1,000 points boosted / 1,000 max points, the next day it will say 1,100 max points, and if you buy something it'll go up to something like 2,100 max points, when you boost you have filled up your maximu points again.

You need to increase odometer capacity to use the points. And the only way to increase odometer capacity is by handing over shekels.

I wish I had picked something else that isn't corgi, since there's no emotion knowing we are going to win 100%

Attached: 1560619135250.gif (112x112, 12K)

That feeling as a kid when your parents buy you a game you know you're going to hate.

Why would you hate a guaranteed GOTY?

imagine ACTUALLY being a dumb fat pig

finishes last in real life
finishes last in volvo races

Who else just got a 2000 increase on the odometer for doing nothing? Only bought $6.50 worth of games, and that was yesterday. This happening for Corgi's? Or is it a balancing thing? I'm team slow'n'steady.

I bought nothing and got 1k. Dunno wtf is habbening.

Which team you on bro?


>what is fun?

Attached: 1561528639874.gif (649x472, 2.18M)

Corgi Chads, I'm ready to fire off soon. Should I go for it now or I'll be able to get 1k in abour an hour or so?

Attached: file.png (1164x758, 97K)

Steam new announcement regarding the event
Also i didnt get the 2k points yet which sucks

you should fuck off to reddit at this very moment

>not owning a game where you can cheat to earn points instantly

Attached: lel.png (1344x626, 473K)

Thats fine and all but now youre out of capacity. And all those point are meaningless

Got my $5 off ticket and only wasted 2 minutes of my life booting up a game I already owned.

So 3 questions:

1. If you get multiple $5 discounts can you use them all on a single game?

2. By throwing away points, does that mean that next day you won't be able to use them fucking points for each game for which you have already redeemed points?

3. Do you even get any points from playing shit with achievements for 30 minutes but not get any achievements at all?

So 5x the win chance. A higher win chance is a higher win chance, plain and simple.

>turtle is some yakuza-tier motherfucker
Hmm yes perfect.

>hating reeves kino

It's 50/50 either you win or you don't

Sorry man, but you can't even get to the point where you can get a single $5 discount unless you have an odometer capacity of 15,000, and the only way to get that capacity is by spending $$$ (probably about $100 at the minimum) unless you have a massive carry-over for some reason.

>Grind crops
>No points
>See this

That's not how it works

I have 3,300 max points right now. There's quite a few games in my library that can max that out, so I figure in 5 days I should have at least one of those. Unless after doing this boost it goes back to a lower limit or something?

Did they change the mechanics? Why is it so competitive now?

Attached: 1556499377597.jpg (354x259, 36K)

literally spend half a second looking at the UI and you can instantly tell theres a new element


It's pretty convoluted, but as far as I can figure the number of points you got doesn't matter in the slightest unless you have the odometer capacity to use it. So you can get 15,000 points, but if you only have a 3300 odometer then you'll only be able to get 3300 tokens until you increase the odometer, ever. As far as I can tell once the odometer is filled and used, it's gone forever and never resets back to zero.

There is no way you can get the discount without spending money.

Does anyone know if limited accounts can be selected to win a wishlist game?

But couldn't you just sell some cards, use that and then the discounts anyways? I mean sure, they're discounts, but technically you're using money.