I just marathoned the first level of this game and it's complete shit, how did it ever get popular?
I just marathoned the first level of this game and it's complete shit, how did it ever get popular?
Braindead normalfag casual console shitters.
Retard consoletard 12 year olds didnt know any better
It was a good party game.
It's fun.
Baby's First FPS wasn't a meme.
It's piss easy and slow as fuck, made it palatable for consolebabs and casuals on PC.
>be Yea Forums
>call halo repetive trash for consoletards
>while making hundreds of nintendo threads per day
Posted for almost 2 decades, continues to be valid
>marathoned the first level of this game
>marathoned the first level
A level in one sitting is a marathon to you? Wtf.
Marathoned a single level? What?
>marathoned the first level of this game and it's complete shit
What the fuck does that even mean? You blew through the first level on easy and decided the game was shit? What a retard.
>Not taking into account the time it came out
Did you even exist in 2001?
Halo CE on PC with the right mods is a legitimately great game. I love every kind of shooter from Timesplitters to Quake and there is nothing wrong with this game. Some of the campaign levels are mundane, otherwise a solid experience. Also:
>"marathoning" the first level
The first level takes like 20 minutes, what are you "marathoning" retard?
my first fps was doom etc and i love the first 3 halo games+odst this meme was always dumb as hell.
It only becomes more accurate as time passes.
You mean the time when FPS like Quake and UT were in their prime? That sure helps your case, toddler.
>marathoning the first level
>have an opinion of the entire game
read global rule 2
>released 2001
How would this be a bad first fps
most zoomers started with reach or god forbid 4
>defending halo
Read it yourself.
Even ignoring PC fps games, Rare's FPS titles in the previous generation had far better level design and mission structure
it did suck. i never even really heard of halo until halo 2 when all the shitty kids thought it was so cool. the biggest joke was playing with those kids, they actually sucked at it.
halo will never be one of my top games but i was sure as hell better than the faggots who were raving about it.
Halo and CS were the FPS that were mocked before CoD4.
You can even tell this was made by a tranny by the way its written
Yeh, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were great with their auto aim right. At their core it was basically the same game with minor improvements in Perfect Dark
>Gaming with a ball mouse was still superior
reminder that cs and halo are garbage
>first level
Clever, OP.
Halo is a good game. Good lore, good story, good enemy AI, good visuals, first really good use of vehicles in a first person shooter, the OST is god-tier and it's challenging as fuck on Legendary. Multiplayer was good, 2 and 3 were better in this regard though.
cope. Continue playing your outdated pixelshit.
cs and halo were mocked.
quakefags are externally seething
>marathoned the first level
He's mad he never got to experience Playing Halo 1 on legendary with your real life friend on split screen all night listening to a various assortment of nu metal
what mods user? I haven't touched halo pc in years
imagine not liking quake. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF nu-Yea Forums.
back to your halo, cod, cs, half life, overwatch, fear, serious sam,overwatch,far cry, crysis zoomers
nobody hates quake you retard its just counter shitposting to you hating on halo
also what the fuck is wrong with fear? that game is great
>playing halo for the campaign
Pic makes a good point when it comes to multiplayer, that's why I still just play Quake.
For single-player though, it's still valid. Fortunately, we have some awesome classic style FPS coming out soon, like Ion Maiden, Amid Evil, and Wrath: Aeon of Ruin.
Loads of people think Quake is elitist boomer-core shit that sucks ass though. I don't, but most people don't give a shit about Quake anymore tbqh.
Because the game is way more polished than any FPS before it and it has better AI and animations than any FPS before it. Also it had the best possible controls scheme for an FPS on a console.
maybe it just retards supported quake instead of playing pleb garbage like unreal, tribes, cs and now fortnite.
>lobby stuck at around 10 players
>not playing halo for the campaign
> the game is way more polished than any FPS before it
>and it has better AI and animations
I'll give it that, but the fact that it came out in 2001 is a big advantage, and it definitely didn't carry the game or stand out over time
>Also it had the best possible controls scheme for an FPS on a console.
Means absolutely nothing
Why would you? For the linear hallway levels? Or the generic space opera story?
>taking Yea Forums memes seriously
>Means absolutely nothing
>sells millions of copies based largely on how it completely revolutionized console FPS by not feeling like total ass on a controller while also not requiring Timesplitter/Goldeneye tier levels of autoaim to work
Good functionality absolutely means something, user.
Halo is more polished than Half Life.
CE's campaign is trash and its harder difficulties are a chore, 2's campagin is much better
>2's campaign is much better
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww no
t. aimlet
people who play console fps like timesplitters, goldeneye, halo and perfect dark should be shot.
no, it's Halo
people who play fps games should be shot
It was baby's first fps. It introduced the vast majority of the world to dual analog control and it was slowed down enough to support that perennially terrible control scheme.
Don't underestimate what a big deal the dual analog control was when people's previous experience was goldeneye. It was like going from no-mouse-look doom to quake. It was a big deal to people.
>Marathoned the first level
Wow, the whole 15 minutes?
Top bait, breh.
I dont get how people can handle Dual Analog, even in 2019 I would rather aim with a Dpad than a stick
PCMR redditor absolutely furious at console FPS superiority.
>halo 2 had the strongest aim assist before 5
>t. aimlet
what did he mean by this?
fuck the zoomers who had nostalgia for cs, halo and cod.
Joystick/flightstick aim was a thing in early PC FPS days, you know?
I quadshotted niggers all day in 2's MP. The campaign of 2 is ass and the ending boss fight is one of the least climactic boss fights ever.
I did like Arbiter's levels though, while lots of people use this as why they don't like the campaign, I just don't like it because the ending sucks and you run slow as shit which makes the single player more of a slog.
play real hardcore fps like doom and quake
I was playing NuDOOM and couldn't help but think of Halo CE and how it was so much better. I think it was mostly the level design.
>caring about popularity past age 14
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
You're the one that cares about popularity, bud.
Halo has shit level design too.
>no u
Classic Yea Forums
Depends the game. Battlefield games have mastered analog aim with no auto aim and R6S plays like shit with no auto aim. Guess which game has an auto aim option though? People that claim Siege is a skillful competitive game on console are legitimately retarded
I had already played the ever loving shit out of Doom way before the original Xbox was even a thought and Halo shit all over it
I hate linking to neofag but: neogaf.com
This is a pretty good guide for fixing the majority of issues with the PC version. Adds missing art assets, fixes the atrocious animations, uncaps framerate, etc. Also make a shortcut and use -vidmode,1920,1080,120 to run in 1080p with 120fps. Game looks fucking beautiful. Also with opensauce you can do some cool stuff like adjust the positioning of individual weapons on the screen -- I like making my rocket launcher and sniper take up a little less space, and making my pistol a bit more centered.
It sold millions because it was a highly advertised first-party game with local co-op and multiplayer, and it had the advantage of not feeling totally retarded in its controls like Goldeneye. FPS was a PC genre and those controls aren't an improvement.
fucking based
slow drawn out easy combat + first HD fps on a console for majority of people = goty
3 of those have good level design, halo does not. The problem with these are the controls which can be fixed. Fix Halo's controls though and all you get is a copy pasted hallway simulator
>were great with their auto aim right
yes, because those games focused on level design and missions instead resulting in a better console FPS than halo, which itself had heavy aim assist but unlike the other two has shit tier level design
Just replayed solo legend anniversary.
Why the FUCK don't they give you the shotgun for Truth and Reconciliation?
Most people don't play it just to shitpost about it.
This. I'm a huge nintendofag and I love halo.
its one of the best games i've ever played. this game has a higher rating than any sony game in history so no one else agrees with you
In your humble subjective opinion
You clearly value level design over gameplay where I'm the opposite. I can see how Halo levels are largely copy+paste but when the game was current it never entered my mind.
What in Halo had heavy aim assist? the needler?
level design IS gameplay, one of the most important aspects of it actually
>What in Halo had heavy aim assist?
any weapon barring the close range ones
halo is bretty good. but really, it is only good on legendary difficulty. actually halo on legendary is fucking FANTASTIC
the same thing applies to left 4 dead, anything but expert is boring but expert and (realism) is 10/10 videogamin
Aim assist refers to the mechanic where your aim would slow down when your cross-heir was on an enemy.
Seinfeld effect. Now fuck off from my board zoomer.
It’s a Yea Forums meme
Not OP but I recently played all of the games to join in on Infinite hype and I've got nothing to give but shitpost. Irredeemable garbage outside of multiplayer.
Fuck you Leatherman.
>pop your head out of cover for 2 seconds
>take 1/4 shield off of an elite with perfect accuracy
>go back into cover for 20 seconds
That isn't even good, much less "fucking FANTASTIC".
cs, goldeneye, perfect dark, halo, cod were made fun by real fps gamers
Take your shit Yea Forums meme back to Yea Forums
I watched my dad play halo 1 and then he let me pick up the controller. I must have been 5 or so because I thought the plasma grenade on the ground was a collectible before it nuked me. Years later I think the franchise is still great but yeah it really is baby’s first FPS
This, but unironically.
>Its baby first FPS because I was a baby when I played it
Have sex
Halo 3 had the comfiest split screen but maybe that’s nostalgia. Clearing out rooms in the second level will never get old
>marathoned the first level
Even as an adult the level design is super straightforward, halo doesn’t take a whole lot of skill unless you’re playing on legendary in which case it becomes straight up unfun.
the MP
Oh, that makes it even more retarded.
>marathoned the first level
there are people who have nostalgia for cs 1.6 here, go figure op.
I played it pc on release and it was repetitive shit even back then.
every skirmish plays out in it's own trial and error way. sometimes the slow play works best and other times you can only make it out alive with top tier ballerina shit and perfect accuracy. there are many battles where you have to use your head+finesse instead of patience and strategize the perfect combo of weapons used just right on the right enemies at the right time, and pulling it off felt fucking great.
Git gud, adhd fag
You can use weapons other than the AR, scrub
You have to play in original Xbox
This was from a 2004 IGN article, interesting to see how people thought about these games when they were still new
> Rank 18th - Halo Combat Evolved: It's a game that's synonymous with Xbox, and more than that, it's an experience that has to be lived through to fully understand. The FPS that quickly jumped from promising PC title to Microsoft's flagship Xbox title doesn't turn the genre on its head by any means, but it simply does so many thing so well, that it's hard to fault the game.
> Rank 9th - GTA: SA: San Andreas has soooooo much to offer. If you haven't grabbed it yet, you really need to, as this game is very deserving of all the praise and accolades that it's received so far.
> Rank 8th - SoulCalibur: There is no other fighting game like it. You can control the replays, direct the opening movie, and stage battles…The artwork in this game is truly a sight to behold. Sometimes the art will be attached with new game modes, new stages, etc. The control is flawless. The engine is nothing special but the combo's are a breeze to pull off. The graphics are some of the best on the Dreamcast. The stage and character design are some of the best I've seen.
> Rank 6th - God of War: People, this game is amazing. I read someone else talking about been there done that, that's a bunch of hoogin-flahgin! If anything, God of War takes all the platform games you love, put them into a big pot, cooks it for 4fidy and serves you up with a nice hot plate of kickass.
> Rank 5th - Half-Life 2: To be simple and blunt; the game absolutely kicks ass and will keep you occupied long after you've beaten it. If you don't have fun with this game, you really don't need to be playing games.
> Rank 1st - Resident Evil 4: I've owned every system since NES to now, and not one game touches the utter perfectness of this game. This is the most well rounded, cleverly portrayed, finely polished game I've ever played. Even surpassing Ocarina Of Time & Chrono Trigger
>"Zoom Zoom!" said the zoomer as he shitposted on Yea Forums
>Meawhile Zoomer's mum got ploughed by a boomer
It literally is, I miss the good old days when posting this actually MEANT something, now its used by zoomers.
You’re kind of twenty years late to the party, zoomer.
Of course it hasn’t aged perfectly but it was better than anything else back then.
Yea Forums can't even name one good FPS
This one.
Fuck I hated when it got thrown through their legs.
The real fun was when they would sprint at you after raging out cause it was stuck to them, they knew they were fucked but were going to take your ass with them. Good times
Anti Halofags can't meme.
cs, halo, half life, cod, goldeneye and all 2000's fps are fucking garbage
everything is garbage.
> God of War that high
Explain this you boomer faggots, was it really THAT good?
cope casual
This I started with Metroid and now I'm also a huge Halo fan.
god of war was praised similarly for what nu-GoW is, it tried to be a movie in video game form and did pretty well
This meme was made by seething half-lifefags
What was the rest of the list? Interested to see what you faggots liked back in the day
except hl is garbage too like halo
That's what everyone plays Halo for.
>only half life fags hate halo
>no it's doomfags
>actually quakefags
can you retards make up your minds
it feels good to be a quakechad
coping is garbage, Koikatsu is the only thing worth playing now, I've surpassed all other games.
Why would UTFags hate Halo? Isn't there alot of Halo and UT crossover fan art?
It was fucking great for its time. There's a reason that FPS games today basically still have the same controller scheme.
I started playing it too.
>Can't strafe jump.
>Level design can get repetitive.
>You can only carry 2 weapons.
Those are my only complains so far with this game.
>how did it ever get popular
it was the only game of its type on the system at the time, and Console shooters hadn't blown up yet. It's kind of like how guys who only owned a PS2 say that Timesplitters was the best shooter of all time, or guys who started on N64 say it's Goldeneye.
fuck tf2 too
CODfag here lmaoing at all of you faggots and your dead shooter franchises that were all shit to begin with
consoleniggers should be hanged timesplitters is for retards
>imagine being this mad because bidya gayms
Console FPS' used to be good.
>marathoned a fucking 15 minute level
wow what an insane gamer you are bro
fact is that ce was an awesome console co-op game in 2001-2002
huge step upwards from ps1 era
First cod game is fucking kino.
> 2005 Readers Best Games List
> 1. Resident Evil 4 (2005)
> 2. Ocarina of Time (1998)
> 3. Panzer Dragoon Saga (1998)
> 4. Chrono Trigger (1995)
> 5. Half-Life 2 (2004)
> 6. God of War (2005)
> 7. Metal Gear Solid 3 (2004)
> 8. SoulCalibur (1999)
> 9. GTA: San Andreas (2004)
> 10. A Link To The Past (1991)
> 11. Super Metroid (1994)
> 12. Radiant Silvergun (1998)
> 13. Chaos Theory (2004)
> 14. GoldenEye 007 (1997)
> 15. World of WarCraft (2004)
> 16. Metal Gear Solid (1998)
> 17. R/C: Up Your Arsenal (2004)
> 18. Halo: Combat Evolved (2001)
> 19. Halo 2 (2004)
> 20. Final Fantasy VI (1994)
> 21. Castlevania: SOTN (1997)
> 22. Metroid Prime 2 (2004)
> 23. Perfect Dark (2000)
> 24. Star Wars KOTOR (2003)
> 25. Gran Turismo 4 (2005)
> 26. Devil May Cry 3 (2005)
> 27. Metroid Prime (2002)
> 28. Final Fantasy VII (1997)
> 29. Shenmue II (2001)
> 30. Super Mario 64 (1996)
> 31. Super Mario Bros 3 (1988)
> 32. GTA: Vice City (2004)
> 33. The Wind Waker (2003)
> 34. Super Mario RPG (1996)
> 35. Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001)
> 36. Metal Slug X (1999)
> 37. Ninja Gaiden Black (2005)
> 38. Xenogears (1998)
> 39. R/C: Going Commando (2003)
> 40. Unreal Tournament (2004)
> 41. Rome Total War (2004)
> 42. Super Smash Bros Melee (2001)
> 43. Burnout: Takedown (2004)
> 44. EarthBound (1994)
> 45. Gunstar Heroes (1997)
> 46. SNK vs Capcom (1999)
> 47. Jak & Daxter 3 (2004)
> 48. Shining Force 2 (1993)
> 49. Fire Emblem (2003)
> 50. Tekken 5 (2005)
of course Yea Forums is retarded to understand why id games are the best fps games so they prefer to play garbage like hl, halo, cod, fear, tf2, killing floor, etc.
Terrible list, even as of 2005
> Not a single PC game despite Yea Forums constantly raving about how popular they were back in their day
LOL, Yea Forums BTFO'd yet again
pretty sure the only people who believe this are deluded eastern euros
> Literally everyone has Shadow of the Colossus in their top 10 games now
> Somehow it didn't even appear in the top 50 when it first came out
Explain this boomers
This, Half-Life 2 & World Of WarCraft were pretty much the only PC games that people cared about back then
World of Warcraft, Rome: Total War, Unreal Tournament 2k4, and at the time, Half-life 2.
Half-life 2 being that high just damages the list's credibility though. HL2 is a fucking boring game, especially compared to the first one. All style, no substance.
gold src hldm is the actual worst fps of all time, its just getting spawned through walls by gauss 24/7 and fighting for the fucking gauss.
Name me a "fun" part of HL2 that you would enjoy playing again.
everything now dilate
>I just marathoned the first level of this game
The fuck, do you normally only play games in 5 minute bursts or something before you go back to jerking off?
I have never seen someone use the term "Marathon" unless they play the entire game in one sitting or watch an entire series in one night or something.
Then fuck outta here.
hlniggers should be shot. their game is as bad as halo.
The AoE of the gauss was such a fucking cancer
pc gaming didn't really take off until gen 7
its a zoomer who tries hard to fit in, they usually dont even play video games at all because they only watch others play instead
dumb newfag
Marathon...first level.....wut.
3D accelerator boom is comparable to modern pc gaming boom
maybe play the second level? or finish the game??
Halo 1-3 are some of the best FPS campaigns out there you can't change my mind.
>walk down hallway
>shoot slow enemies with one of 2 weapons
At least try the second level. That's where it opens up. It was considered "revolutionary" at the time and is largely responsible for a decade of FPS evolution. Prior to this game, everything was largely a bunch of ugly identical corridors, like the first level of this game.
It's aged like shit though.
90% of Halo CE is identical corridors.
hlniggers and halobabbies seething
The 10% where it isn't was considered revolutionary
It's aged terribly - anyone who still says that Halo CE has a good campaign is an obvious zoomer who probably never owned a PC
>controller scheme
opinion immediately invalidated
>Anti halobabs are literaly quaking right now
Hey user, what did you think about all this?
You're a fucking nigger
Marathoned eh? You must have the attention span of someone with ADHD.
Watch these if you have the time (about 15-30 mins). If not, read tldr:
tldr: The Gearbox PC port (the basis for all other ports) was botched in several ways. Most of the issues were graphical downgrades but Gearbox's incompetence seeped into parts of the gameplay too (AI behavior). However, the port was just fine enough that most didn't care about the changes. Thankfully, a dedicated group of modders have been toiling away for years on a series of mods to fix the issues of the PC port, leading to mods like Chimera and Halo CE Refined.
this, it sucks, bad AI and boring gunplay
O man I love Yea Forums memes!!! Le Sneed!!!! xD
will MCC coming to PC kill SPV3?
>plays halo for the campaign
The only thing that kept me coming back was the multiplayer. It’s the only FPS on console that truly requires any skill and brain power. Saying the game is shit because of the first mission in the campaign isn’t a valid argument. And if you don’t like classic halo multiplayer then you suck or don’t know how to have fun in multiplayer. I mean seriously name a better arena shooter on console. I’ll wait.
No it hasn't. To this day I haven't found an FPS with more charismatic AI to fight, or a better realized pulpy sci-fi setting than CE.
If you play halo for the campaign you must be an idiot. There’s loads of game types for casual and competitive players alike. Lets not mention the forge and custom game system.
it feels good to not be a halocuck or a cstranny.
Imagine giving a fuck about the campaign
SPv3 killed itself by not being very good.
Co-op Halo is insane amounts of fun. So was glitching out of maps and seeking easter eggs
idk, it was the only thing really good back then that wasn't quake, quake was still popular when it came out but had started to die by the time halo lans were a big thing, also easier for people to get in and get a few kills and have fun
it was fun
but i stopped playing after 2 because it was getting too slow and the commercializing of the events and marketing was giving me a bad feeling (which i guess was on the money, look at the state of gaymurs now)
tl;dr it was fun and accessible but I found it too slow and sluggish, like everything was low gravity
what's the best halo?
fps players made fun of cs and halo
That’s funny coming from someone I would literally 25-0 in a 1v1. Have you even played CE in multiplayer? You’re bitching about a non-issue in that game. If it’s that piss easy to shoot then why do you suck?
Halo 3.
>community gametypes like Fat Kid, Bumper Cars etc.
Halo Reach is the nostalgia free answer.
Lmao literally every game that has ever come out forces you to play slow when you’re going against enemies that can insta kill you. What kind of argument is this? Name any game on a hard difficulty where you can literally run through the whole campaign killing everything.
>inb4 DOOM
Doom is made to be super fast paced
>Imagine using legendary campaign as the metric for skill in Halo
>imagine playing halo for the campaign
Console fps
Literally pick up a covenant weapon to drop their shields you utter brainlet shitkid
>armor abilities
>reticle bloom
You're wrong.
Plebs aren't ready to hear this really. I stopped playing these around the time this sunk in mentally. I was just grinding through shield pops and headshots. Legendary might be more fun if you had limited lives or the enemy actually pushes or something.
Actually fuck it, no it won't, vidya is shit, fuck vidya. Why am I even in this thread I haven't played halo since 2011 lmao.
Reach had the most features and gamemodes but the base game balance was flawed with the weapon sandbox, bloom and spartan abilities and less engaging story mode
3 is more simple than Reach, but far more polished and balanced than Halo 2,
CE will forever hold a special place because it did so many things right straight off the bat and its shortcomings aren't really game-breaking
4 is a very strong 'meh'
5 has no local play, no system link and the campaign is insanely boring. MP is a bit more polished, but I'd say it cannot compete with prime Halo 2 or 3 except in the custom games department.
Should I play the original Halo on PC or wait for the MCC version to come out? Never played a Halo game before.
Of course they would, since Halo is not a pure fps, but since they only play one genre, they don't understand this.
Okay zoomer
>Marathoned the first level
>Base my opinion of the game from that
Only tripfags would fall for this shit
Fuck the multiplayer, it's literally made for fun, campaign is where it's at, that's why Halo 2 and 5 are looked down upon, that have good multiplayers but their campaigns are massive disappointments that have little to no replay value thus they're hated on for years, while the mainline games with good to amazing campaigns are fondly remembered.
Kill yourself
Halo 3
I still liked Reach though
Campaign is fun as shit I agree, but you’re getting your bang for our buck out of multiplayer. Especially since it’s super competitive
>idk, it was the only thing really good back then that wasn't quake
Unreal/tournament, Duke Nukem, Half-life, Serious Sam, Counter-strike, Team Fortress, System Shock 2, Alien vs Predator, Turok, Deus Ex, Tribes 2, etc. Where the fuck were you if you think all there was in the FPS scene was Quake and Halo?
Multiplayer. NO ONE played single-player Halo back in the day. It was almost entirely driven by LAN.
>no one played co-op Halo
uhhhhh, I played lots of it with my friends.
>>playing halo for the campaign
I got into it because of the possibilities.
I went to a party after my brother's sports event and everyone was in the basement playing Halo 1 split screen.
Someone said, "Hey, [name] why don't you go get your xbox and we can system link them."
I was young then so I didn't know much or anything about the internet (we had dial up) and I wasn't allowed to use it since you needed an email to even log on to the internet.
My dad was worried that I would start talking to some stranger online, funny how my dad used to be so computer savvy, but now he comes to me for advice.
Anyways The idea of playing split screen and system link really hooked me and the reason is I wanted to have large parties where everyone was as cheerful and engaged as they were then.
Later on I would go to a friends house who had Halo 2 and would watch his older brother talk with people online and tweak out at the game.
>I played single-player with other players
You laugh, but I'm right.
its like /vr/ doesnt understand the amount of skill quake takes. its literally the best fps. quakechads have the right to judge other fps.
Most of those are good story games my man
i played ut, but not enough to know about its early scene and ofp but that wasn't big enough to mention and never played tribes
but all of those were pretty much done by the time halo was in full swing when 2 came out
weirdly i ended up playing tons of ut2004 and nothing else from like 2005 to 2010
I did those 4 console, 16 guys LAN party events all the time in middle school.
Shit was fucking amazing.
*Yea Forums*
Halo 3, Halo CE is a close second.
He specified Arena Shooter though and TF2 isn't an arena shooter
This, everything changed after two girls one cup though.
That's when it all went down hill.
Halo didn't do anything different in terms of being unique it just simplified systems that already existed for console players. That's why its babby's first fps, because it's just an arena shooter where you took out all skill involved.
>playing video games at all
>any reason
>any year
You’re so out of touch and ignorant it fucking hurts. Halo 2 among halo fans is considered the best halo (this is coming from someone who has played halo religiously for 11 years and competed at a professional level). Also who sai halo 2’s campaign was shit? Halo 5 was an all around disaster and the multiplayer was and is not good that’s why the game is dead. Multiplayer keeps people coming back in regards to FPSs. Can’t tell if this is bait or you’re just a retarded 18 year old
you're retarded as fuck dude
>NO ONE played single-player Halo back in the day
You're so full of shit it's not even funny, if that were the case, Master Chief wouldn't be one of gaming's most iconic characters.
How is it not?
another half-lifecuck BTFO by purple elite
>comparing keyboard and mouse shooting to controller shooting
Try playing a console shooter without aim assist and tell me how that goes idiot.
Depends what you prefer
>but all of those were pretty much done by the time halo was in full swing when 2 came out
Halo 2 came out the same year as Half-life 2, Doom 3, Painkiller, Far Cry, and Unreal Tournament 2k4. There was no point when Halo was the only worthwhile thing to play in the FPS genre.
then keep that gay shit over there senpai
No pick-ups. In an Arena Shooter, map control revolves around taking and guarding armor and weapon spawns.
>no pickups
You should play TF2 again.
>2's face and hair on 3's body. Alternatively 1's hair on that combo.
Perky and youthful
>try using a dogshit system that in no way is a benefit for fpses
Er why? I don't like eating shit so I don't play console shooters.
You spawn with your weapon and don't find any more. You can "pick up" health and ammo but that's not weapons or armor that you compete over.
>marathoning 1 level
What the fuck did you mean by this? Less than an hour does not qualify as a marathon
They’re still pick-ups that you fight over. You know nothing about the game.
>Basicly nude
>Now SJWs censoring Sony games
All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
PCfags always resort to “PC masterrace” when they have nothing else to say about a console game. Utter loser
They're not the sort of pick-ups that define the genre, and I'll be fucked the day a fucking Team Fortress 2 player tells me what a fucking Arena Shooter is.
>35. Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001)
Regenerating health and snail pace movement aren’t part of the genre either, and here you are telling me Halo is an arena shooter.
Halofags are just as bad as bronies
Everyone who isn't a retarded kid hates halo
>Snobbery over a fucking shooting game
This is plenty pathetic.
>he didn’t play past the first level to get out of the hallways
>Shits all over Doombabbies and Quackcucks
Health doesn't regenerate in Halo, your "shield" does which is basically armor. You still have weapon pickups that you compete for.
>TF2 player talking about snail pace
Anything that isn't Scout moves like ass
Actually in every game but CE and Reach, yours (and some enemies) health regenerates slowly over time.
It isn't better than either of the other two games though. I like Marathon tho, the AlephOne source ports are on my PC
>Halo 2 among halo fans is considered the best halo
Like who? Halo 2 was considered a disappointment in 2004 and it's still is today, fans compared Halo 5 to it all the time because they both had terrible campaigns made to shove in a Master Chief replacement that got sidelined to hell in the next games. You're baiting if you think Halo multiplayer is everything, bottom line, if the campaign is shit it doesn't matter how good the mp is, game is still shit, competitive fags don't get a say in which Halo is the best, they need to keep their mouths shut and know their place.
No health regen on ODST either
Regenerating shield is just another name for regenerating health. It doesn’t work like armor in arena shooters.
>anything that isn’t scout moves like ass
You’ve never played the game.
>marathoned the first level
actually a fitting term for halo 1 and it's infinite corridors
>Halo 2 was considered a disappointment
no, it wasn't
the cortana model killed it
Yes, it was, zoomer
Fuck tf2 and halo. Play quake and unreal zoomers.
Quake and Unreal are dead.
>They could have used Halo 3 or 4's model
>They went with this instead
You killed them pcbros
I'm not a zoomer, I'm 29 and I bought the steel case on launch and skipped school the next day. Halo 2 was not a disappointment. It is peak Halo and it sold XBLA. I played the shit out of it, Rainbow Six 3 and Mechassault.
>One of the most critically acclaimed, financially successful and well loved entries in a hugely popular and well known franchise was considered a disappointment
no, only to contrarians.
I played a lot of Quake champions though. I’m sad that it’s dead.
Even the Halo 2 Vista one would've worked better.
>first level
Your problem is here. You have such a small attention span that playing a single level is an exercise in endurance.
>I just marathoned the first level of this game
Are you a "journalist" or just that fucking bad at the game?
Halo 2 is when it actually took off.
Holy shit Yea Forums halo was garbage like goldeneye and half life.
No. It took off immediately upon launch and that's why the second runs and later had all that shit on the cover art about how it was the killer app of the Xbox and literally better than fucking buttholes etc.
Halo 3 for pure gameplay alone
But Reach had the best features
It looks like it's trying to be the Halo 4 one based on the face and textures.
Keyword being "trying".
>based largely on how it completely revolutionized console FPS by not feeling like total ass on a controller
That honor would actually belong to the Alien Resurrection or 1st Medal of Honor on PS1 considering how basically all modern console FPSs use the control layout pioneered by those games.
No one played Alien: Resurrection and MoH didn't have the smoothness down the way Halo got it down but fair play, Underground on PS1 was pretty legit.
Alien: Resurr used the dual stic theme Halo later adopted. MoH, however, didn't from what I remember: left stick was forward/backwards/turn and the right sick was up/down/strafe
I'm 29 too and I got Halo 2 on release, after CE, it was the biggest disappointment I've played in a long time, I felt like I've been lied to, the campaign was short, it felt rushed (I know it was rushed now so you don't need to explain the history of it because I read every interview and saw every video of it), and I wasn't fond in the direction they took the story. Reviews don't mean shit to me, Metroid II's a great game but guess what the original Metroid is still better than it. You have really low standards if you thought Halo 2's campaign was good.
>Shows something that clearly isn't an FPS
I still think it's fun today. The vehicle combat and the ai of friendlies was the first i had seen like that when it came out. Before that i had only really played Quake and Half-life.
>I played the tutorial
play the second level, titled Halo. It's 11 times better.
commit suicide
>the first level
lol wut
The multiplayer > The campaign
I actually hate the ending of 2, user. It's still one of the greatest games ever.
i hope someone rapes the op, whats this thread about anyway?
fuck u nigger
Spv is bloated as fuck.
I managed to get up to the final mission but the lack of checkpoints which began being noticeable during the library made me drop it.
The campaign > The multiplayer
Who gives a fuck how good the mp is if the sp isn't up to par. Halo 2 is just a disappointment one of the worst Halo games in the Halo main series.
I was a huge fan of the writing and overall cinematic production of the campaign with the setpieces, soundtrack, plot twists, voice acting. The plot itself is nothing special, but the delivery was damn good, especially for a game studio who had just made bank on a fluke of a game with Combat Evolved. I know Marathon's writing was also good, but that was limited to actual text on terminals.
>hurr muh quake muh doom
these games don't even have real level design, everything is just some fucking faggot dungeon that has neckbeards wanking over item placements and abstract level geometry
But what about the gameplay, the level design, you know the stuff that actually matters over that movie shit?
Silent Cartographer >>> Halo
Thousands of hours playing CTF on Blood Gulch. I still play Custom Edition on PC.
Back to your half life, cs, cod and halo, zoomer.
I played doom before you were even born you subhuman retard
Zoomer and Incel need to get wordfiltered like soi
Lmao valve drones
The level design is pretty ok save for having to memorize jackal sniper spawns and a damage sponge final boss. All other encounters work well within what they were designed for and still allow varying battle outcomes depending on how you tackle enemy formations. Good mix of open and corridor segments, much less repetitive scenarios than with 1.
I don't see a problem with the gameplay, vehicle boarding, dual wielding, increased weapon sandbox were fine by me. If anything, I'd just complain about how some weapons are now peashooters like the magnum, plasma pistol/rifle and how the shotgun had reduced range. Maybe regen health might also be another issue.
They didn't, Halo 2 was a linear corridor with nothing but monster closets and bad design decisions.
sorry, let me hard on instead about the aim assist in a multiplayer game and the floaty molasses movement
>criticize the level design
>bring up how you could 1v1 me
I just marathoned your mother, dumb zoomer
I love Halo. It’s my favourite game series, but people that unironically call Halo CE a masterpiece are fucking retarded. It may have been when it came out, but it didn’t age well, and it’s repetitive as fuck. The levels themselves are too fucking large for such small combat areas, and some levels are legitimately copy and paste just to span the game out longer. The dialogue and final mission are all that saves it.
Still better than Halo 2.
Correct. The best Halo campaign is Halo 3. Same as multiplayer, music, story, gameplay, intensity and shear greatness. Halo 3 is consolekino.
Halo 2's multiplayer was better than Halo 3. But everything else in Halo 3 was better.
I’d say 3’s multiplayer is just 2’s multiplayer on steroids with a graphics update. Plus Forge Mode, and the community was amazing. File Sharing and Theatre were also great additions.
3 is just 2 in HD with more weapons and special nades/equipment
so what do you play then, retard?
2 is faster is what I'm getting at. It was more competitive too. But everything else about 3 was better.
Just marathoned the first cutscene of this game, do I like it?
I couldn't agree more, god I love Halo 3.
Doom, quake, tribes, unreal, blood, duke, marathon, shadow warrior.
These are good fps Yea Forums.
shit on halo all you want bug magdumping your assault rifle into an elite then beating it to death is satisfying and few games replicate this kind of gameplay.
Who is going to outpost?
The point isn't that everything should die very fast. It's that having to literally sit and wait is a shit and boring gameplay mechanic and cranking up enemy damage only exacerbates the problem.
Marathon 1 kinda sucks though.
I just marathoned the thought of playing this game AMA
>Halo is complete shit, muh baby shooter
No but the devs being lefty niggers will.
It was a different time.
Really you have to imagine walking into Gamestop in 2001 and seeing this shit dropped on you. I remember being completely perplexed at one stick to move one stick to aim for days but the graphics and combat wee so satisfying I couldn't stop.
It hasnt "aged well" and its padded to hell but its success was earned.
I disagree
BR spread and button combos are enough to make the games play way differently alone. Halo 2 is faster, has a totally different spawn system thats closer to CE, and just flat out feels different to play. Part of that is probably halo 3s nauseating field of view.
I like them both but there are substantial differences.
You actually had to play claw in Halo 2 to win.
the closest one to me is 700 miles away and I don't have the time/money to go.
>giant colony of worms
>armor plate thicker than a tank with the firepower to match
>always brings their bond mate to laugh at incels, casually crushes anything dumb enough to stand in their path
>dies in one pistol shot
explain this Mgalekgolobabs
>mfw turning on physics and explosion radius skulls in MCC and using these niggers to launch me to the top of Silent Cartographer
I'm not going but I can look up the news on if they talk about Halo Infinite there.
Was that supposed to be a pun? (;
Let's see you take a .50 shot to the spine and live.
The magnum rounds are explosive and an unblocked shot destroys enough worms to where they can no longer move the suit. Would be cool if they had a few crawling away from the body after they're downed.
>Best gun came back only for worst game
What did they mean by this?
>Muh Half Life
Mine was this one, recommended by my cousin who insisted I buy it