suport the anime indestry
save anime
give your money to crunchyroll
they are the only people helping save anime from extincshon
Suport the anime indestry
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Video games, huh?
Aren't they the guys that killed the fansub scene?
>give money to kikeroll
Never, jude.
No, fuck them and fuck trannies
When is Crunchyroll getting into the gacha business
The only way to support the anime industry is by importing from japan. Giving to some american jews supports nothing but said jews.
Yea Forums uses that meme. Funimation literally killed the fansub scene by sending out illegal cease and desist notices on behalf of other companies. Crunchyroll did a similar thing, but they had official HD versions of currently airing anime, while Funimation sent out notices and then would sit on the IPs for years before releasing any subs.
Dude they are bad.
The owner is a full on jew and is using anime to make an easy buck before abandoning it.
He is cheaping out on paying anime creators and they are also overworked.
Also a majority of anime on that service is cut and paste to make it seem like there is more content.
Crunchyroll is the shittiest app. always down and has shitload of problems
>uses your money to fund trannyshit western cartoons
Heh nothin personnel goyim
>support a Japanese industry by giving money to a Western provider
Not videogames, retard.
Terrible thread
If this was posted on Yea Forums you'd get a public ban
>Still runs of flash
>Lots of older anime that have had Hd releases are still in 480p like Gurren lagann
>Subs are flat out inaccurate half the time
>Despite the decrease in quality over the years they recently started asking for more money a month
No thanks
>save anime
>give your money to crunchyroll
>streaming your anime
Don't come back here, Diaz.
don't tell me Yea Forums streams their anime
Literally no money given to crunchyroll goes to the anime industry.
Reminder that they've gradually decreased the quality of their streams and instead invested all their money into shit nobody asks for.
Does Yea Forums still do public bans? Seems like forever since I've seen one, maybe I should visit.
Isn't crunchyroll all SJW now?
Only for really embarrassingly bad threads and posts.
Stuff like frogs and wojaks and 3D/western reaction images in the catalog still gets deleted and banned within minutes.
dont bully please
>>they are the only people helping save anime from extincshon
Let's see
How are they so good at killing BOTH Western AND Eastern society?
Is this what 90's babies spend their parents money on these days?
>Killed the few local sites who had old ass anime with classic dubs
Go fuck yourself crunchyroll, I pirate every single anime I watch.
kek use VRV instead. with premium, you can watch your crunchyroll animes + a whole lot more.
>what people imagine they're doing
Giving 5 dollars to cr 20% of which goes to "anime"
>what people are actually doing
Giving 5 dollars to cr
Foreign licensing is not a royalty in Japan, it's a one time fee.
Why, the money goes to cuntroll, I want them dead.
>suport the anime indestry
That one's a lie, they use business practices that are harmful to the content creators.
Anime is not video games.
>wanting to save anime
Yes, basically why anime is diying and only pandering to retards
Not video games, fuck off.
>save anime
>the can't even make a second season anymore without baiting everybody with garbage animation
Anime is unironically dead
>giving money to someone who censors anime and has horrible translations
>500 ads per show
>literrally go after niche free streaming sites and sue them into oblivion despite the fact they were online before crunchy roll
>run by trannies and fat chicks, spends all sub money on making their own feminist trashime
but muh youtubers said so
Let anime die
>everything i dont like is full of tranies and icky girls
Rent free.
reminder that with the crunchyroll html5 extension you can watch all their shit in HD for free without an account. i still prefer pirating but now the normalfags have a way to fuck them too.
actually muh youtuber said to pirate
Translations are ok, I don't know about censorship.
Fuck giving money to them though.
>uses one shit for the thumbnail
not watching such a pleb
How the fuck is this thread still up?
It sure helps the anime industry, a lot.
Wrong board retard
With that said if I'm going to support the anime industry I'll just buy any blu-ray that I can get my hands on or the occasional merch.
Fuck Crunchyroll and their bullshit
Yea Forums is a containment board
>no tatami galaxy
>no paranoia
>no jellyfish princess
Fuck crunchyroll. It's useless for anything other than naturo.
>anime may go instinct your lifetime
A man can dream I suppose
Fuck Crunchyshit, fuck Funimation and fuck Aniplex USA.
Oh yeah, that title sounds like it comes from a very objective and impartial article.
Just like all the shit I pirate.