Why yes, I'm an Innsmouther. What gave it away?

The Stinking City is unironically the most based game of the decade.

>Filthy Innsmouth refugees come to Oakmont.
>Based Oakmonters raid them, kill entire families of Innsmouther refugees.
>Call them subhumans.
>The game gives you tons of text about how hated the Innsmouth refugees are in Oakmont.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>OMG cthulu!
>tentacles and fish? So lovecraftian!
>I love the cthulhu books!

Attached: images(10).jpg (211x239, 8K)

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>always heard it pronounced Innsmith
>this dumb game decides it's Innsmouth
inb4 hurrrr durrr but that's how it's spelled

had high hopes for the game.
Really sad it turned out to be utter shit

Literally Soros.

It's pronounced as Innsmith, but spelled as Innsmouth. Same as Portsmouth is pronounced as Portsmith

>hurr durr

Absolutely based. I have a recording of myself reading it. The best poem ever written by man.

Portsmouth isn't pronounced Portsmith though

I know that, that's why I specifically inb4ed it and why I'm mildly mad they did this.

Close to that. You don't pronounce 'mouth' as you would normally.

Shit game

Holy fucking reddit.
>recording yourself reading a poem

I have literally every Lovecraft media as e-books + all audio books up to 2016, when i downloaded a mega link from some user.
Where should i start, literally never read/saw one of his story, just know about le squid meme god.

worth pirating?

I liked The Colour from out of Space.

*A poem about niggers, you uncultured nigger.

Star with The Colour Out of Space. If you don't like it then you won't like his other stuff

Attached: 4e2f171.jpg (768x1040, 64K)

He's got maybe 6 or so good stories, the rest you can skip

I enjoy
The dream journeys of kadath (these are a few different stories)
The music of erich zann

Are the controls bad?

Is it call of Cthulu 1st half good or 2nd half bad?

good thing there's a dead octopus every ten feet otherwise I would forget that I'm playing a lovecraft game

Have sex

Everything about it is bad.

The graphics are passable.

The story is a snooze fest.

The 'detective' work is basically going back and forth in places that all look similar.

The optimization is eh.

The animations/sounds for combat are from 2005.

The game overall I would say is a 4/10.

It has no redeemable qualities toward call of cthulu's.

Attached: TSCGame-Win64-Shipping_2019_06_26_20_43_45_497.jpg (1920x1080, 1.5M)

They somehow made fetch quests look better than what they did with this game, sending you on goose chases doing repetitive shit.

There's also only 5 enemies in the game, 4 of which you fight, CONSTANTLY everywhere you go.


Some little spider shits.

Human spewy things.

Crawly thing that jumps at you.

9 foot tall thing that looks like it's from "The Forest" except less scary.

Attached: TSCGame-Win64-Shipping_2019_06_26_14_06_00_764.jpg (1920x1080, 1.41M)

Wow, this guy's so aloof and above it all guys! Liking things is for fags amirite? Now time to post the same wojak image for the eighth time today to show how much of an individual I am, heh, totally showed those losers

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looks like soros

i like how there is a no good ending

>Epic Games exclusive
Fuck off, Chang.

Would be just a waste of bandwidth and time.
Pretty much everything in it is just below mediocre.

came here to post this as well kek

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*tink tink tink*

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Which god do they worship? And why do they look like apes?

Did they mix up Innsmouth with Planet of the Apes?

>never read Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, the only good story Lovecraft ever wrote

Attached: 0d42c59ba6e3d739e5bcdd63cf3c3ba4__SX1280_QL80_TTD_.jpg (1280x1968, 638K)

I hate every ape I see from Chimpan A to Chimpanzee

Attached: Apes.jpg (480x360, 19K)


this is the most eloquent racism i've ever seen

Why is it always Innsmouth and not Mountains of madness or dream journeys of kadath?

>Wow, this guy's so aloof and above it all guys! Liking things is for fags amirite? Now time to post the same wojak image for the eighth time today to show how much of an individual I am, heh, totally showed those losers

Attached: images(11).jpg (211x239, 9K)

>the only good story Lovecraft ever wrote
they all shit.

Muh blasphemous, unspeakable, ungodly, unholy, hideous, unutterable, accursed somethings

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Easier to adapt, probably.

The conversations with NPCs in this game are really poorly stitched together movie clips that vary wildly in tone from one poor transition to the next. The main character looks bored and is fidgeting with his hands constantly like an autist during these conversations as well, it's distracting how retarded and dopey he looks but still has that gruff main character voice that every video game gives their protagonist.

The combat isn't even worth talking about, it's just strictly by the numbers third person shooting, absolutely bare bones with a crappy crafting system and resource management to go along with it.

The detective stuff is the best part but it's really just a game of brute forcing clues together in your mind palace, looking at objects with your cthulhu vision to spot secret clews, and arranging the order of events that transpired at crime scenes which is easy as piss. Sometimes you use your cthulhu vision to follow the trail of some suspect similar to The Witcher. The game is basically a hodge-podge of mechanics and conventions from better games.

extremely obvious shilling

Cause a Mountains of Madness adaptation would probably end up either going the route of the Dante's Inferno game or the first Outlast.

Can't say I heard of this game.

What's wrong with it?

Another problem I have is the pacing of this thing, a lot of these Lovecraft games have no idea how to do build up and this one is the worst for it. It's not even ten minutes into the game and you're already shooting eldritch headcrabs. They don't even try to introduce them in an interesting way either, they just appear and you easily shoot them.


>epic store exclusive
Okay, im buying it on Piratebay.

Attached: 15423837070631.gif (550x550, 214K)

Yep. It's another terrible lovecraftian game.

>snake with legs
I want herpfags to leave.

-mouth is almost always pronounced as "-muth". Both smith and smouth are not the way they're meant to be pronounced.


Reddit posters are like people that shit on the floor and then loudly asks who did it. Everyone knows it was you, nigger. You don't fit in, go back, you're not wanted

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Story, gameplay, atmosphere, everything.

Games like Apha Protocol have a lot of rough edges, but those are still have redeeming features.
This one is just bad.

To think that people wasted their time making this shit....

Dark Corners of the Earth is still the best Chtulhu game.

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I didn't have high hopes and this is pretty much what I expected. I get a sense of insecurity from this game, the way it has to litter the game world with dead octopi and other lovecraftian shit every ten feet like it feels the need to constantly remind you that you are playing a game with lovecraftian themes. I guess it's because this game has nothing else going for it.

Wat game I googled it and no results breh


these people have no idea what lovecraftian horror means. This shit looks like some REALLY fucking generic adventure game, not a horror. Play something like original Call of Cthulhu or The Evil Within 1 if you want lovecraftian atmosphere.

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fuck, even Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4 is better and feels more lovecraftian

Attached: fallout-4-far-harbor.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

I sympathize with this dumb wojak poster. It's not that games are incapable of capturing the lovecraft essence, but that lovecraft was raped by same sort of people who shopped at Hot Topic and Borders.

>call of cthulu
>redeemable qualities

>Dark Corners of the Earth is still the best Chtulhu game.
And was made by devs who went through dev hell.
If only there was an updated version without bugs and AI issues, the game might be legit a great game.

Sucks to hear the game is utter dogshit

>another cthulhu game is dogshit
why do keep fucking it up? truly a cursed premise

For real. I just want a good cthulu mythos game wtf devs. Stop making walking sims and fucking dumpster fires.

play something that's inspired by cthulu mythos, instead of shitty games that rip off the lore.


Fuck off dude I'm not playing fallout 4. Just give me a god damn CRPG based around the tabletop game.

Sunless Sea best game

Is there a single GOOD game that's Epic exclusive?

>Fuck off dude I'm not playing fallout 4

Attached: 1560613702545.png (680x673, 435K)

I'll take a walking sim at this rate over forced action.
It's bad when a porn game I played recently does lovecraft better than AA budget games

Portsmouth is pronounced 'pompey'.

Satisfactory looks good, but it's only a timed exclusive.

Satisfactory is just an objectively worse and simpler factorio, what's even the point?

Heard good things about metro, but i'm not playing it on the walking aids factory that is Epic

reminder the best lovecraft game ever made doesn´t even use his source material and is called eternal darkness.
most of the other lovecraft games are literally just this

I think a big problem with Lovecraft games is that devs tend to treat it as a giant goodie bag and they're just trying to jam everything Lovecraft related in there, whether it fits or not. It just comes across very disjointed and awkward when a game has cthulhu, dagon, innsmouth, cultists, polyps, hastur, shoggoths, etc. all included haphazardly just to hit all the sweet spots. There might be a way to do it in an elegant fashion, Dark Corners was okay about it, but still it always comes across as a 'greatest hits' type thing to me even there. Broad strokes and all that.

What the fuck, he looks like Soros.

Attached: this is not what I paid for.png (300x300, 100K)

>about metro
Also on the MS store. :)

I bet this game is actually pretty good. Yea Forums, for one, doesn't play games, and second, they have no idea how to talk about them, and then third, the loudest opinions are always fucking retarded.


Rothschild puppet number 94

Same. Epic already paid for my copy.

>It's bad when a porn game I played recently does lovecraft better than AA budget games
Now you're going to have to share.

a reanimated corpse

It’s more of an “innsmuth” rather than “innsmith”

But we can agree it isn't "Inns-mouth", right?

I was about to say this.

It doesn't make sense...

I'm curious about the trigger warning at the beginning? Is 'nigger' said a lot in the game or something?

Its pronounced as MUTH. InnsMUTH. Not InnsMOUTH or InnsMITH.

Well, I haven't played many builder games so the 3d aspect seems great to me.

it does not matter

I pronounce it insmooth

The entire point of engineering games is complicated systems that you can master over time to make efficient. It's like a puzzle with multiple layers of depth. Satisfactory's entire design document is based around making things as simple and straight forward as possible so there are no intermediary products. Basically you take ore and make metal and then use that metal to make end products. Compared to factorio where you get ore, make meta plates, use those plates to make a variety of things that need to be combined to make a variety of other things that need to be combined to maker a variety of other things etc etc.

It means that the entire process is important as you develop your systems and every new thing you need to make requires it's own processing location. So you're constantly learning and mastering new concepts and overcoming hurdles that make the game fun. Whereas in Satisfactory once you make metal, that's fucking it kiddo. You just scale up and make more metal and then use that pile of metal to make your product. It's just grinding.

Metro is old as fuck and you can probably find it anywhere else. It is also a poor man's STALKER

The Allure of Wanton Cove. Enjoy, it works both as fap material and a really solid detective romp with good pacing

how was this delayed for a year when it's one of the most unfinished and unpolished game in years? the combat feels like a WIP made by an intern

Threadly Lovecraft thread reminder, ahem,


That is all.

Attached: madmans_knowledge.jpg (408x409, 34K)


>game tries to ape lovecraft
>just throws in some tentacles and name drops
I’m tired of this shit. Only Bloodborne managed to capture the feel of lovecraft without blatantly name dropping.

>No rats in the wall
Shit taste

Yeah, for me it's The Rats in the Walls, The Haunter of the Dark, and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.

>one of the splash screens is the about how racist Lovecraft was
>mentions depictions of racisms are included specifically to not "pretend they never existed"
Not sure what to make of this. Not sure what to make of my inability to screenshot it, either. Should I pirate FRAPS?

> of my inability to screenshot it
ever heard of the print key on your keyboard?
try using it sometimes

sounds smart to me. any Lovecraftian thing that avoids addressing his racism is cowardly imo. I have heard it doesn't do much with it, however.

Fallout 3 is overt with the references, but pulled off some lighter Lovecraftian vibes really well.
The Dunwich building has people being slowly turned to madness by some odd influence older than the bombs in the basement under what was a normal office building
Point Lookout's tribals fit perfectly into the Call of Cthulhu story, with the packs of degenerates in odd corners of the earth worshiping some ancient thing before and even after the end of the world

You think I didn't try using that?

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No reason to use Epic Store

and did you also ctrl+v in paint after you took the screenshot?

Smoke weed.

Yes, smartypants.
Some games that doesn't work, I don't know why.

Is it full screen or borderless Windows


Listen to Wayne June narrate them

Color Out of Space, Erich Zann, The Thing on the Doorstep. Short stories and some of his best, ranging from all around his career. That's how you know he gets good. Then you read from start to finish so you can laugh at all the schlock he wrote. Contrary to popular belief, Lovecraft was a very social guy with a dry sense of humor. Some of his works are subtly hilarious, some of them hilariously bad. Notable entries like The Street, The Trap, and Medusa's Coil still make me laugh out loud. But I love the guy's work, and he definitely deserves his reputation, even if most people think he's the tentacle monsters and crazy people killing themselves author even if that stuff is only a small fraction of what he produced.

Then change to borderless.

No one ever mentions the white ship. I like the white ship. It is good story.

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