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Guess money doesn't buy a penis.
Imagine being so egotistical and conceited you get your dick enlarged even though you’re worth billions
Another victory for palestine
>not wanting a big cock
>not happenis
One job user
Can you imagine being 65 years old and still caring about the size of your willy? Having a small peepee must truly be a VIDEO GAMES
>being insecure about your cock when you're a literal billionaire and could fuck any woman you wanted
well he probably had a 2 inch microdick
Fucking Skyrim. Mods that were 100% guaranteed to work with each other demanded RAM space at all times. The OS seen the game was sucking down too many resources and would kill it.
He was a billionaire. His dick could have looked like a fucking ouroboros and he still would've had the most beautiful women in the world available to him. I just don't get it.
As a 4 incher dicklet, I'd take my chances dying on the table rather than having to live with this shame I carry. If only I had the money, I wouldn't think twice even if it had a 50% chance of killing me.
It's not about getting women, it's about asserting your dominance next to other men when you piss in the urinal
money and beautiful women dont matter if you have a tiny 2 inch dick
He looks normal and not fat, I doubt he had a 2 incher. He was probably average sized and wanted a 9 inch hog
I unironically have a small dick and barely care as a normal dude
If I was a billionaire having a small dick would be the last thing on my mind
If you're having problems getting laid then the problem isn't your peepee.
Man if I were a billionaire I wouldn't care if my dick is small, I'd just buy a whole harem of love dolls and make them look like anime and game waifus
Having a normal sized or smaller dick is better. You can fit in more pants. Your penis is more sensitive and derives more pleasure from sex. Can actually fit into women. You think you would like a large dick but it sucks. It's mostly males that want you to ram it into their asshole and if it's not too painful for the woman it just doesn't fit entirely. It's like sleeping with a blanket that's half your size. The only thing that you can do with it is become a pornstar and hang yourself 10 years later.
He doesn't need a urinal.
He whistles and the hottest 11/10 model next to him opens her mouth to drink his piss directly.
>He looks normal and not fat
are you retarded
that has nothing to do with your dick size
I've got a 6 inch dick, and it was too big when I had sex with a Japanese girl, I could barely even fit in her.
Just stick to 2D or Japs seriously fuck white women
There is a guy on sexually broken with a tiny dick and the women say it's the best they've ever had. Don't think dick size matters unless you have a literal micro penis.
Do you really need a big penis when you're a billionaire? I guess he was doing it just because he could.
Unironically this. My wife and ex gf hurt if I go too deep which really fucking sucks having to worry about that.
Length obession is the stupidest meme
Maybe he has a 3 incher, even 6 inches looks small if you're tall
tell me user, do you know the woes of having the megapenis? Girls want you but your dick constantly touches the inside of toilets
fat rolls covering the base of your dick make it indeed look smaller.
>See ya on the other side!
>*gets put under by anesthesiologist while thinking about his dick and how it's gonna be awesome*
>*never have another conscious thought again*
Funny, they didn't say anything about that when I fucked them last night.
that only makes it look smaller, it doesnt actually make it smaller
do you think that's all there is to dick size
being fat or not being fat
how wide is it?
it does matter, but what matters more is if you're good at sex, and most importantly, if you can even get there
>fat = excessive estrogen
>estrogen = counteracts testosterone
>low testosterone = poor penile development
It is not a coincidence that fat people have small dicks.
Yeah I didn't say mine is small, but you don't need bigger than that and if you're a billionaire you could have the smallest dick on the world and women will love it. They love money
>died thinking about a dick
Kinda gay.
the fuck am I looking at
that only matters if you're fat during puberty
do you think people stay the same weight their whole lives
getting fat as an adult doesnt make your dick smaller
Absolute fucking damn right
Once you have billions why would you ever fucking care about anyone about your dick not satisfying them.
Do you think he's got a big dick in hell now?
My dick is large but that isn't getting me laid either. Either way, dick enlargement is false advertising of your gene quality. So quit your bitching.
Same reason RDJ wears those ridiculous sneaker heels.
>you could have the smallest dick on the world and women will love it.
have you seen that video that gets posted here of the guy with a small dick
it's smaller than a belly button
even if women say they love it, you know it's a lie
and it cant feel good for the guy either, fucking with a tiny dick
what the fuck, what do you do with your arm missing half of it's skinn? Nazis were right to burn all the transgender books. That shit is satanic
To be fair the studios might have him wear that shit, can't have Iron Man showing up to the red carpet a head shorter than Pepper Potts, looks bad for the movies
That's gotta be from a corpse
what the fuck
High-average length here but girthlet. I would as well.
hairy tranny dick(female)
>penis enlargement surgery
do these even work at all?
he got his chopped off and that's replacement or what?
If I was rich, I'd get this surgery plus leg lengthing surgery. I don't care if people would judge me, I would be happy.
>tfw 6.5inch
It's over for me isn't it. The girl I fucked last week said it was big then the next day says it's small.
penis enlargement can mean width, though, too. However neither option comes with the necessary new nerve endings which seems to be the biggest turn-off to me.
sounds like a terrible, terrible accident
it's like it's made of wax, christ almighty trannys are disgusting.
Having another man's skin on your penis is kinda gay.
But no that's a skin graft by the person's own skin.
Its the thought of getting a new Gucci purse that makes them enjoy it
You're a billionaire who cares, you get your dick sucked
female to male
also cut wrists
imagine being a fucking billionaire and still insecure about your manhood
i guess money really doesn't matter
Reminder that diamonds are not actually rare, their prices are merely inflated because they are controlled by a duopoly of Jewish and Indian families in Antwerp, Belgium.
If you google this image, the search results says "girl".
This. Imagine being a billionaire and giving a fuck about the opinion of some low life pleb who you paid to suck you off.
They don't give a shit, he walks around everywhere with his discrete heels on.. Every other star who is short doens't care, like Tom Cruise.
Tranny suicide rate needs to be double the 48% it is now. Or better yet execution rate should be 100%
KEK it looks like bologna
Women are fucking retarded, they don't know size like when some guy who's 5'10 tells her he's 6 foot they can't tell measurements that's why construction workers are always men
>female to male
why would you
Nigga, what? Can he even get it up? His heart was probably at death's door already from all the viagra and stimulants he took to fuck. Why else would he care about dick size?
70-80% of fat adults were fat while in puberty.
>Women are fucking retarded, they don't know size like when some guy who's 5'10 tells her he's 6 foot they can't tell measurements that's why construction workers are always men
Don't listen to these hoes. If a women loves you she'll tell you it's big, if she hates you she'll say it's small. They know what buttons to press, the idea is to ignore it.
it works, but you lose some sensation in your dick and will have issues getting hard ussually.
that's above average, women have retarded standards and expectations. There was a skit on opie and anthony where the hot intern was getting grilled by Patrice and she thought 7.5 inches was average even though that's like .1% of males. Bitches be dumb and entitled.
nigga wants to live life on hard mode.
my first thought, too, but if you look more closely it looks more like they extracted the necessary skin from its arm. Either that or it used broken glass to cut itself, razors don't leave such scars
>women are retarded
true, I'm like 5 inches (below avg) and some girl told me my dick is so big. Women don't fucking know shit unless they've had 100 cocks already
The moderation meme is actually true to life. Everything in extremes suck.
be doctor tasked with enlarging a billionaire dick actually a commie in secret cut that dicklets penis off leave to die
Female, aka retardation.
Imagine being 65 and still self-conscious about your penis size.
>tfw Japs aren't tight, white women are just loose
the real red pill right here, feelsterribleman
>Every other star who is short doens't care, like Tom Cruise.
They consistently use camera angles to make him look taller. That's more likely to be a studio mandate than RDJ's shoes but I'm not so sure you can definitively say he doesn't care. Especially since he is vain considering they use de-aging to make him look as young as his love interests who are half his age.
This, don't listen to anything a woman says they don't understand how to be honest like a man.
One minute they love you then you get into an argument and you're ugly with a small dick.
Becky is her best friend then they get into an argument and she's an ugly fucking slut
Did they say the number? Tiny is vague
Your “penis” looks like shit, badly made Halloween wax lips dick brainlet, I just hope you didn’t spend any gobment money on it
i have a big ass dick and tall, but im literally poor and being evicted and lost my job. fuck id agree to a wish that gave me a 2 inch dick if i'd get $500,000 for it. hell id go as low as $20k. ive had so much sex already that i just dont care about it anymore. i want money x.x
This shit is beautiful. He had to be momentally egotistic to go through with such a surgery, and now this is how everyone will remember him. I hope he is aware of this in the afterlife.
About as long as the dude who had the question
>5'8-5'10 is considered short in 2019
Luckily women are retarded and generally can't tell how tall you are unless you tell them
would you rather be a billionnaire with a 2 inch dick or a normal guy with an 8 inch dick
In the MOVIES yes, not outside the fucking movies you mong. Tom doens't wear stilts or stand on boxes to be eye level, movies always do that. What they DON'T do is mandate you wear retarded accordian shoes to make yourself taller on the red carpet.
it's probably, I don't know, wanting the woman to actually fuck you not just for your money or something?
youre just as fucked in the head as they are. just letting you know my dude
Someone posted a "pic every day" compilation of an adult tranny on hormone treatment last week, the dick visibly retracted into the body or something, it shrunk in any case. I know body matter doesn't just vanish, but I don't find it hard to believe that estrogen affects an adults penis in some way at least.
This. His white skin alone would net him plenty of women, work with what you have.
If I where filthy rich I would just have a mansion full of sexy young maids in cosplay -i wouldn't care for my dick size
Normal guy as in steady job and middle class?
Billionaire with a 2 inch dick, that way I can buy all the video games and anime figures I want plus I could buy a love doll
is it really that bad with jap girls? I always wondered what it would be like to have a jap gf but I go balls deep and if shes gonna be bitchin the whole time, doesn't seem worth it
I just looked up the show thinking it wasn’t a porno. I don’t think the dick really had anything to do with it when they’re also doing bdsm shit
Uh... so who gets his money?
>I unironically have a small dick
As opposed to ironically having a small dick? How does that even work, do you shoot yourself in the crotch with a shrink ray as a joke?
opnly by retards, average height is 5,7-5,9 in most developed countries, less in less developed ones, and 6,2 in that nordic god land.
That's the replacement surgery tho, if your dick gets torn off or some shit. Enlargement is a different procedure.
Relax, tubby.
How small is small, user? I have 4.3 inch dick when hard. Now that's small.
I have a 6" long cock with a girth of 6". Is it a decent sized penis?
if you have billions you can literally pay 10/10s to live at your house and do sexual favors for you at any time you want
Excelent hit 47, nobody suspects a thing
>Didn't try to encrust his penis in diamond
Missed opportunity.
>women now think 7.5 is average
how long before my 8 incher is obsolete? I just can't compete with these new kids on the block and their goddamn 9 inch cocks. should I just kill myself?
my BMI is 19
You're not connecting with somebody because of penetrative sex or having a large dick. That would be like meeting someone during a soccer game and then only ever meeting up for soccer. At best you become aquaintances, but that would be hardly a foundation for a relationship.
"man I can't wait for my new dick Dr. Reiper"
>"oh I assure you sir, it'll be to die for"
Yeah, we had to use lube without it I couldn't physically put it in and honestly it was so tight it didn't even really feel that good
Yeah but 3D women are kinda gross if I had a doll I would never need a 3D woman
>tight snatch
>"Is it that bad?"
lmao hell no. Why do you think the ultimate Muslim dream is to fuck 72 virgins?
I'm living proof that being fat through puberty doesn't make your benis small
t. 7 inches and around the mid 200s while going through puberty
no you mong, it never goes out of style, women just bullshit about standards, 8 inches is fucking huge relative to more than 95% of the population of earth. That's like being worried about being 6,2.
Reminder that nobody is ever gonna see your dick anyway
Reminder that dick size really only matters to women
Reminder that no matter how big your dick is, she's seen bigger. Cause she's fucked everybody.
Reminder that you're a stupid cuck that bought the memes and are insecure about satisfying literal whores who don't give a shit about you
Think Carl with the growth ray from ATHF but in reverse
That carpet is horrible.
Nobody ever expects the penis-implanted-poison
no woman is ever going to love a man with a tiny dick
sure she might be your friend, but she's never going to love you in the way a woman loves a man
>it's probably, I don't know, wanting the woman to actually fuck you not just for your money or something?
that's a goal you'll never achieve, forming a connection with a girl without proper handling is a mistake, they don't get attached like men.
>implying money is more important that having a big dick
that doesnt prove anything
you could have been 8 or 9 inches if you werent fat
>tfw I'm only 5'11"
i guess i'll always be an inch too small.
If you were a billionaire you'd care more. Once you're rich the only way left you can really improve yourself is by bettering your body.
I always thought incels were a meme, but thank you for proving me wrong.
ok, dicklet
well played, user
>Still so bothered that he went for a penis enlargement surgery
How can you be so fucking obsessed with your penis size that much at that point in your life?
He is literally right though.
this unironically minus the first one.
No you mongoloid, 5 11 to 6 2 is the ideal height for men proportionately.
tight isn't the issue. I was asking about depth. she can be tight as hell but if I can't fit half of the damn thing in her, what's the point? might as well fuck a grapefruit
fucking kek
Why does Yea Forums like talking about penis so much?
Probably mgtow, not an incel, which is basically an incel in denial.
Nobody's safe from insecurities
>Blaming for the fact that he made a joky variety to the old beaten phrase.
You sound like fun.
He probably wasn't very egotistical if he was getting penis enlargement surgery. Was probably pretty insecure.
I was fat during puberty and was 7" until my mid twenties when I lost the weight and gained over an inch of length and like half an inch of girth. Could have just been from weight loss and improved blood flow though
because Yea Forums is gay
female to male trannies have to be the biggest meme, voluntairly chosing to live life on ultra hardmode as a short, small-framed, faggy man with a weird voice, with tons of scars and a cheap dildo looking dick
it's absolutely true, you dicklet
i didnt say you need an 8 inch dick
but if you're below 3 inches, you're never going to be loved
I don't get how people can't understand. It's about wanting to be good or the best at something. You don't want someone else to be able to do a better job. You don't want them to want you for your money, you want them to want you because nobody can fuck them better.
I want to put my face in my hands over how you people can't grasp something so simple.
it's never truly hardmode though, they always carry the tranny card for life, no matter how short that is.
>still being insecure about penis size in 2011+8 unless you have a literal medically verified microdick
He isn't. He's insecure and a virgin, which is a massive turn off. You're never going to go steady with a woman if all you think about is having a 8 inch cock. In fact it makes you gay if you fantasize about your dick length all day instead about actually doing anything else with your life or SO.
I'm a woman, cope more, incel.
Cause Yea Forums has always been a gay as fuck board. Despite how hard the zoomer /pol/ kiddies are trying to change that.
True, I can understand the tranny mindset being 'I am an unattractive and depressed man, surely life will be easier as a barely passable unnatractive woman', but theres literally no reason for a woman to wanna become a man
no u
>nobody can fuck them better.
doesnt have that much to do with dick size
>Every Illusions game
The fat of your pubic area went away, which is why you think you gained length.
>You don't want them to want you for your money, you want them to want you because nobody can fuck them better.
well tough shit, you're a billionaire, people will want you for being a success. As for wanting to fuck like no tomorrow and better than any man, you might be able to pull that off with practice if you don't have a imcrodick.
imagine caring what a woman thinks
women can't love anything anyway dumbass
>I'm a woman
So your opinion can be disregarded, thanks. Also, lying here is not necessary, keep that to RL.
>8 inch cock.
i didnt say anything about needing an 8 inch cock, you brainlet
apparently to you tiny = anything below 8 inches
Oh I see. That must be an evolutionary trait for Asian women considering the males are stereotyped to have small pensises. Fascinating.
female btw
idk if I can live knowing she can just find some taller, stronger guy with a bigger dick at any moment
Yeah probably. I've autistically measured since I was like 14, 27 now and it hasn't changed since the weight loss. Although I'm getting slimmer which is making it even look more hilariously large on my frame. Still a KHV tho.
>when you're so big you start spinning her around on the tip of your dick out of boredom and hoping she'll screw on
>when instead she launches off and flies away like one of those dragonfly toys from the 90s.
asian people are smaller in general, they have a smaller bone structure than caucasians
It makes me unironicly happy as fuck when rich and famous people suffer
Fuck them all
i mean like it or not a lot of outcasts including gays tend to be drawn to gaming
they can't always, but if you really want to understand how ot avoid that, just liten to Patrice and James Martial, or rationalmale if you wanna sort through crap. Closest people on the internet who can give actual advice for that.
Do you know how to assert your dominance when you're a billionaire? You say "i'm a billionaire". That's it. You won.
>It's ok when straight people mutilate their dicks
Some girls are size queens and anything under 8 inches isn't enough for them. On the other hand they're also usually "daddy's little princess" which means they won't suck your dick anyway AKA aren't worth your time.
gotta be careful in the modern era when women can take your money because of "rape" but he was a jew so he probably wouldn't have to worry about lawyers.
Probably, Satan is generous to his Jewish servants.
i mean on the bright side, you don't have to move your hand as much when jerking off so you get less tired
People are retarded and have no idea how big dicks really are.
He coulda bought a bunch of boosts on the Steam summer sale to fuck those turtlefaggots, and give us birdbros our free Cyberpunk game. Its not fair
Mine's as tall and as thick as a captain America action figure.
Bezos could be found guilty of chopping up a hooker in 50 pieces and eating 20 parts of her. He would never see the inside of a cell or see his fortune decrease by a single cent.
why we arent blaming woman because of this, its a tragedy a man has to die even if its a blood diamond jewish sonofabitch trader just to impress and give up to woman expectation
you just made me spit out my milk, user. stop it
Maybe he was gay.
Bezos lost half his money to a whore who is divorcing him.
>ha jokes on you
who are you proving faggot
Mine's like a newborn baby dick
3kg and 50cm long