Yukari Takeba

Yukari Takeba

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why does she make Yea Forums seethe?

She's a bitch and a retard


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The same reason so many people think Yosuke is best bro. They're retarded.

Pulls a gun on you the moment you enter a dorm. Doesn't acknowledge any of the dorm members at school except for Akihiko, whom she is obsessed with...when she can literally stalk him at home.

Why does she wear the choker?

for you

Because she wants to look like a slave or a dog?

Puts the world at risk so just she can see Emo Jesus one more time


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More known as my wife.

Fuck off OP


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People can't handle the Stacy

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She's the only girl in the entirety of nusona that doesn't throw herself at your dick until The Answer

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>will end the world just to have you back
>this is a bad thing

The ultimate waifu

P3 has the best girls

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this, I couldn't possibly imagine being a megafaggot like that other guy is.

She's the most emotionally unstable, and she's a bitch to the infinitely better Junpei.

because she's doesn't instantly suck the MC's dick

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