Am I the only European who brought this game? I cant find ONE online match. During my play hours. I've even tried late night 23:30-00:30 and nothing.
What the fuck? I would like at least to pick the three online trophy to try to plat this game.
Also SamShow general thread.
Am I the only European who brought this game? I cant find ONE online match. During my play hours...
imagine actually playing fighting games. OP is a faggot
Swords and knives are illegal in Europe
>SNK general
Fixed it for you
i want this game its too expenisve
Unsurprisingly Europe doesn't even know what a samooray is
nugu as fuck fightan
Only spics and huezilians like SNK games
I was dumb enough to order a physical copy online and it hasn't arrived yet. Postal service around here is complete garbage. I hope I can find someone to play with once I finally get this shit.
Should have bought Samsho V Special, bro. Looks better and plays better, too.
>spending money on something you can play for free on fightcade
>not spending money for a solid server structure and to filter out the poorfags
>playing FGs on consoles outside tournaments
lmaoing at your predicament
>playing anything not dive grass or f2p mobas
I thought there was a lot of hype for this in the general fgc (not Yea Forums), but yeah online is dead as fuck for whatever reason.
I think there's a glitch with the online matchmaking and/or it's just poorly designed. I found a ton more players after changing my settings to "all regions" and I was finding people from my region that weren't appearing before.
im atleast 3 quarters white
>playing good games
go back to fifa, Muhammad.
I can constantly find ranked matches but I tried looking for team lobbies for the trophy and couldn't get shit.
Gooks and niggers loved it too you retarded faggots. Only dumbass jew honkies like you refused to play it like dumbasses you are.
>another new SS game
>Garou will never get a sequel
i hate SNK
I'm 100% sure they are going to release a new Fatal Fury game. We'll get a KOF XV announcement at EVO, then their next fighting game released after that will be a Fatal Fury. Now if that will be old fatal fury or a sequel to Mark of the Wolves remains to be scene.
Kys fgt
I've heard the rumor of a Fatal Fury/Garou in production. KOF XV for 2020 and then FF/Garou for 2021.
>SamShow general thread
what is SamShow?
>he fell for the meme and bought this shitty game
Yeah as much as I love samurai shodown I knew it would flop and would be dead in a few months even in NA. The gameplay itself is good but it lacks depth for longevity. Damn shame because I love the series.
A misspelled SamSho probably. But not sure...maybe OP is trying to tell us something more obscure here.
>Underground Snuff movie club is happening
Fighting games are not meant to be played online.
Fighting games are not meant to be played online.
Fighting games are not meant to be played online.
Actually the game is good, if it was a shitty game i'm sure online would be full of normies.
If they stop putting online trophies in it then,I would be glad.
Wu has everything
>thick thighs
>huge tiddies
>ample bottom
>cute face
>full bush
Whats not to love?
Don't forget the glasses. Too bad I suck with her.
When does that music from the trailer plays during the game? I'm searching for it on the soundtrack but I can't find it.
I need to try this because I wasn't finding anyone in "same" region.
Its because people dont wanna play a le randumb 80% dmg simulator with no option and no depth
>no depth
is this a new epic meme?
What did you expect?
Not only is it a fighting game but it's a pretty niche one, most people are going to play it for the next 2 weeks before dropping it.
It's a shame because samsho is a series that deserves some love nut it's just what it is
Play in ranked.
>turns out poorfags were your entire audience
Enjoy your $60 reminder you affiliate yourself with the poor.
I'm waiting on the PC version, already sold my Snoystation.
>ranked match
>all regions
>level 4 signal only
there you go, was that so hard?
>streamers getting btfo on ranked
this game gonna expose several fgc faces
its out already? damn i should've pre-ordered
download the free dlc before its too late senpai
Is she a virgin?
ahhh shit ok. i'll make it a priority when i get home
Its until end of month (30/06) for the free season pass, pre-order is not necessary.
Game should have been 20$. Nobody is gonna pay 60$ for a samsho game. No shit nobody bought it.
The netcode sucks.
Unfortunately this
i'll never get tired of seeing stupid anons.
No you are not german here but I rather play the story mode than get spammed by galford thunder and dog in repeat