Which alignment has the best demons?
Which alignment has the best demons?
Bump, been wondering this too
Law has semen demons, Chaos has buff dudes, Neutral has nothing.
Chaos, you get to unlock each boss as a demon which helps greatly. NG+ go Law for Demiurge.
Can you realign yourself after the intro or not?
Your alignment can change all the way up to late game.
The answer is always Law, son of man.
Law. But who gives a fuck, in this game it's Neutral or bust. Always.
Neutral is the worst ending, like always. It’s probably the best Neutral ending in the franchise, but that’s still not saying much.
How do you switch allignment? I'm still in the first dungeon.
I'm just about to do Fornax's boss, how much longer do I have?
Make choices that correspond to the alignment you want. You won’t be able to change alignment until the second zone. Just make your choices naturally, it’s not too hard to fuse a new party if you change alignment. There are no bad alignments in SJ, especially in Redux which lets you temper the more radical ones.
There is a G and H sector.
Alignment will lock at the start of H, and if you are too shifted to either side prepare to suffer.
Will do thanks for the info
Redpill me on Mega Ten lore. Does it all boil down to god vs devil or is it more than that? Do the games take place in one timeline or is it split up into the multiverse? Do characters ever show up in each others' game?
It’s basically the normal good vs evil but called “Law” and “Chaos”. Law is being helpful to your fellow man and creating a utopia. Law usually has you be aided by angels and the like. Neutral is restoring status quo and being wishy-washy. Chaos is being a selfish asshole and siding with demons and bringing hell on Earth.
>lawniggers actually believe this
>Law is being helpful to your fellow man and creating a utopia
Oh look a lawcuck
This post seems a bit biased. Also if law is so much better than the other two options why would people chose anything else
People like to do evil playthroughs, and Neutral usually fights more bosses.
Law is ridiculously elitist to the point where they will unironically create a utopia, but only allow a very small amount of people to live there while everyone else fucking dies. Chaos just wants to shit up everywhere under the guise of "freedomz" while neutral are boring fence-sitters.
“Elitist” meaning only people that aren’t corrupted by demons.
>manga readers are corrupted by demons
>being a literal drone
>dude rules of nature xDD
>the only one that doesn't make you feel like a retard
Everything in the old world had been corrupted by demons. They’d had free reign there for decades.
Law is the worst route in every game but SJR and DeSu
>fight againts final boss
>it changes to null atacks from demons aligment
>blocks neutral
>every demon i have is neutral
fuck this shit.
Someone gets it
Wait does that actually fucking happen
Wtf was atlus thinking does it do it for every route then what’s the point of demon co op? Why isn’t this just press turn?
Its not good vs evil you mouthbreathing mongoloid. Its Law VS Chaos in a very literal sense. Do you want peace at the expense of being literally mind controlled to do good by angels, or do you want all living things to be free to do whatever they want, no matter the consequences?
Literal game jounro
Law choices
>Shaking hands with teammates
>Sparing the life of a rival
Chaos choices
>Mugging others
>Refusing to help others
Totally not good vs evil, the demons currently chewing on a human corpse totally has a valid point.
Law is great until it starts with mass brainwashing, it ALWAYS ends up with mass brainwashing.
At least redux law was a literal paradise on earth.
Law choices
>following the rules
Chaos choices
>breaking the rules
No shit dumbass
“Do not murder” and “Help your fellow man” are not rules that should be broken
Im onto you angel. fuck off to YVH already
Choices don't exist in vacuums, the conditions of what is good and what is evil are transitive depending on the condition. I suppose this worldview would make me neutral.
If you honestly think the angels are good then you're either a dribbling retard or a fascist who wants the government to have complete power
SJ was a mess. They fixed that in Redux
>Having a tough final boss is “a mess”
SJ was perfection
it's not good design when that tough final boss is such an obscene difficulty spike that it may as well be an optional superboss.
Wrong. Neutral has Jack Frost. Checkmate law/chaosfags.
Why was he so easy compared to every single other boss the ones before him were harder
Chaos route btw
>help your fellow man
I have no obligation to help anyone I don't owe.
Then you are nothing more than a mere demon
It's the truth. If you say otherwise and you aren't housing as many homeless people you can pay for right now in your own home you're a hypocrite on top of being wrong.
>t. cuck
Alignment doesn't matter because the game has already decided that all of humanity is scum because we like to buy things that we need.
We should all kill ourselves because there were wars in the past.
Is the DS version decent?
Started playing this. Not really feeling the demon coop shit, turn press seems less restrictive.
press turn is more fun, I wish they had stuck with it
But 3ds if you can it has one upside which is the kaneko art
Same I wonder why they didn’t use it maybe it was the engine or maybe it was going for a kinda old school thing
Go suck naoyas dick because he did all the effort
naoya doesn't even fight
>Neutral is the worst ending, like always
I too, like myself being stomped by angels or demons
I'm going with Law and idgaf.
At first I was kinda disappointed, but after you choose an alignment and star making demons with your same alignment it really pays off.
Sure, press turn is better and gives more freedom, but I can enjoy it for one game.
>wanting to get your shit stomped by tuxedo ghost and chaos mother on the first playthrough
>you saved the world
>nope some old hag just stabbed your girlfriend so it's doomed fuck you
Innocent Sin had such a fucking evil ending.
t. White
Other than Kaneko's art, are there any other must have features in the 3DS version?
the white were right
t. Betatron
White was kino, more SMT games should have unique alignment choices. Or even better, let’s go back to Reasons but this time don’t just make them Law/Chaos flipped. Musubi was the best Reason.
Is that why Redux final boss is harder yet more better designed?
It's not
Going to have to agree that the final boss in Strange Journey is way too hard, Redux gave you a lot more opportunities to level up and gain demons, so it helps a lot.
Still a great game, though.
It's just traditional turn based combat.
It is
Based and Musubipilled. Shame he was tied to such a faggot
Neutral has masakados so yeah
>dark areas where literally all you can do to progress is bump into every direction until you can move until you get a visualizer upgrade a sector too late
>hidden walls that are vital to progress that have no visual indicator, have to face the wall to scan them until they added a subapp in SJR so you're forced to walk like a retard or spin around constantly checking for doors
>teleporters with no way to mark the paths until they realized how retarded this was and added a subapp in SJR
>zero visual indicators for pitfalls until you walk into one until SJR, just lol fuck you run back and try again so you can walk into another one five steps later
I still like the game a lot but how did this idiocy get through when something like EO has like none of the same bullshit
Law don't have THE semen demon though
Fat monkey butt
He original SJ was a mess of shitty design choices