"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

Attached: WCCFfinalfantasy7remake2-740x429.jpg (740x429, 43K)

Imagine blowing your load in her face.

"Yes, I'm fine! You?"

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Why are you covering your monkey ear.

How can Tifafags even compete?

Attached: 543.png (1224x385, 817K)

Yes, thank you for asking.

"hai, daijoubu des"


Best girl 20 years running.

Attached: dxjs1e947p331.jpg (720x720, 35K)

No, I got a booboo on my head. M-maybe you could kiss it to make it feel better?

Imagine licking that load afterwards haha

>"oink oink"
Excuse me?

Attached: 🐷🐷🐷.jpg (651x605, 167K)

Woah! It's the slum drunk!

Did Zack and her ever canon fuck?

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they did a great job using slightly western features for her, but they should have gone with that for everybody

No but Zack canon fucking died.

"Are you ok?"

Attached: Terry_Bogard.png (869x919, 663K)


>has already a boyfriend
>everyone in midgar is ugly or poor
>sees cloud, handsome, goodlooking and hits on him
Bitch deserved the sword in the back.



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she looked hotter in the ps1 version

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someone post the edit

Aerith was pure until she met Cloud

Realism was a mistake


They made her much prettier now.

>FF7R Aerith now more attractive than ever
> FF7R Tifa has a horrific uncanny valley plastic surgery idol face
>Dissidia Tifa looks more attractive than ever

Tifa is so ugly I probably won't ever buy the game now.

To save Cloud...

Attached: istockphoto-153388297-612x612.jpg (612x408, 23K)

Tifa is AYY LMAO tier in that pic.

i'm fine

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both have to bow down, to this fucking angel

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she feels so generic and boring now

based AND waifupilled

Yeah right, roastie

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too anime

Depends on whether the ethics committee allows me to say yes.

Attached: Soul vs Soulless.png (555x532, 266K)

>"What 'cha doin, user?"

Attached: 1560662880141.jpg (1920x1078, 630K)

Dissidia Tifa is so beautiful and hot literally 10/10, it's almost insane

Attached: 1561498146689.gif (540x412, 2.31M)

>the way her tummy stretches

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Post your face when you lived long enough to witness the FF7 remake being made

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Post your face when the PS4 game only covers Midgar and you need the PS5 to play the rest of the game which won't be completed until the mid 2020s.

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I like Midgar

Attached: 64.jpg (358x358, 48K)

>wont live long enough to see it finish

Attached: 526.jpg (680x734, 46K)

FF7 and Cyberpunk 2077 are similar in that both take place entirely in a futuristic city, its going to be an interesting comparison

And to top it off:
>no save transfer between episodes

I will be 40 when this game is complete...

Thats why I just play the original with light mods since most of them clash entirely too much

How old are you now

Too bad thats not true

>save transfer requires active PS+ subscription

I'm ok, but Tifa is not.

Part 2 is going to be a hot mess or really good, its all depends on how they are going to apply the gameplay of part 1 into the open world formula

I fucking hope the vehicles arent boring as sin to travel with

The monster truck and chocobos in XV were fun to use, too bad the world was full of fucking walls everywhere.

I swear if they fuck up the farm I'm going to loose my shit

Am i the only one who feel like the game looks like a handheld game? it feels like a Type-0/ CC game being ported to consoles.

What went wrong?

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Can I drown in your eyes? I'm sorry that was rude of me. Fancy a shag love?



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how do we get the real tifa in the remake?

>getting attached to something thats dead on arrival
Shit caster, shit defense, shit attack, shit backstory, shit life, shit death.

make a petition
that ALWAYS works, right?

Mods when it comes to PC in 30 years on 18 redrays

All it's missing is "has a fetish for feet" in the love and sexuality category, and this describes me quite nicely.

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 81K)

I laugh at people who say that Dissidia NT has the same boob size as the one from 012
Spoiler: 012 ls bustier.
Go and check the game on a psp/emulator/wiki.
Tifa tits are still nerfed

fuuuck. Is there a cure for this?

so DVDs?

Yes, Zack totally fucked her raw dog in a dumpster behind the weapon shop in Wall market and she had an abortion afterwards. Prove me wrong.

Its going to be the collectors edition for the nostalgia audience.

Well anyone can look good in a plastic-y anime style

>Uh, are you, like, okay or something?

Attached: blonde aerith.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

I embrace it. Fuck it. Let the chips fall where they may. It's all about perspective, this life thing, you know?

I wanna glaze her face



Attached: 1557457267054m.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

Top: waifu bait
Bottom: generic trash

with Tifa

with Aerith

with Tifa AND Aerith

Time to fap




With Cloud

Attached: __cloud_strife_final_fantasy_vii_and_etc_drawn_by_asurin__45346ca775e785bb3832f5aebb6857b2.png (650x960, 362K)

1 gil each~

Attached: SJufUvO[1].png (889x742, 632K)

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>all these falseflagging Tifaniggers

39 and 1/2

I'm not seeing much of a difference in tits size.

Nope still got the creepy nomura hapa thing going on, I think it's the japs fetish for tiny mouths. She ain't never gonna look white


She reminds me of Saoirse Ronan

No I'm a depressed virgin with no friends, broke and I'm projecting on a virtual character posted by another dude on an image board...

Wouldn't be the first time.

Attached: No handicapped GF.png (564x649, 703K)

I can see it, with that image anyway

Only thing prettier than Aerith is her VA. Someone get posting, I am blocked.

Why the fuck didn't they just copy/paste THIS model into the remake? This is so fucking absurd. She looks perfect. They could've changed her gloves, kept the battle skirt and thigh-highs and left her tits and shirt intact as they are here.

It was either a direct order from Sony to censor her for the Remake or Square is just THAT fucking retarded and terrible at everything they do to the point where they fuck up the most basic and simple shit.

They clearly wanted a different style from this. Some characters don’t translate as well

The only problem I have with Remake Tifa is that her legs and arms a oddly skinny. A bit more muscle would help.

Attached: final_fantasy_vii_remake_via_square_enix_youtube_2019.jpg (1200x680, 109K)

That is pretty offputting, but her super Chinky face is the worst part of the design.

probably because they're the same
the difference is that NT tifa has her classic hairstyle

Then it's still shit.

It's b-big..

Attached: 1560169588936.jpg (1777x922, 98K)

for you

Y-you too

When Sephiroth kills remake Aerith it's gonna be some shit.

Look at her. This beauty is gonna get a spine full of Masamune, baby, and it's gonna be in HD, surround sound, remastered graphics and all. The last light of the FF7 world, snuffed out because of that freak Jenova.

Attached: ff7-remake-aerith-580x334.jpg (580x334, 17K)

She wins in the end. Mostly hoping they don’t miss various narrative opportunities with her pre- and post-death.

also that Cloud and Seph don’t make the death scene pure cringe

WOOAAH you wanna throw a spoiler tag on that post buddy? Some of us haven't played the game yet you unbelievable jerk.

Remake version looks god damn gorgeous

Is it really possible we can get another age of "AERITH DIES"?

sorry m8. In my old age I forget that there are zoomers here who never played FF7.

You mean the website or...

they'll be able to properly convey the horror on everyone's faces now, so hopefully

But I'm 47. I was in prison during much of the '90s when Playstation was at its peak.


Attached: bestgirl.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Convinced my friend to try the original.

excuse me, then. You should seek out the late 90s classics, you missed a great time in vidya history.

are there any cum edits of remake aerith and tifa?


I am 100% sure her new model will look a lot more like her Dissidia version after all the positive feedback the new look got. Nomura is a huge Tifafag, he seems really invested in her so I'm sure he wants to make sure she looks as good as possible

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>he even drew her original hair and top in this one
i really hope they'll still tweak her

They’re very unlikely to make serious changes at this point

No. If he was a huge tifafag it wouldn't have come this far