better than 3 and 5
Better than 3 and 5
Wrong on so many levels
No. Teddie ruins the whole game. What an annoying shit, far worse than Morgana's "go to sleep" thing.
hang yourself
3>2>4>5>Q>Arena Ultimax>Q2>Dance all night and all its subsidiaries.
I didn't play Persona 1
based OP
t. seething catfag
yes, it had laura bailey in it.
if morgana said shit like "it's meow or never" he'd be a million times worse than teddie.
>honeymoon period with 5 is over
>people are now, correctly, shitting on it
Based, desu.
Better than 3? Sure, why not
Better than 5? Literally every game in existence is better than that nigger piece of shit that is Persona 5.
if by "shitting on" you mean "evaluating it as a very good game, but not the best in the series" then sure.
>4: has best persona girl Naoto
>3 and 5: don't have best persona girl Naoto
it's not even a competition, just basic facts.
shin megami tensei 3 is literally the best jrpg ever though.
what about shin mee goo me ten say?
the problem with persona is that you are stuck in the exact same environment through the whole game, and the dungeons are just texture packs, so the game gets extremely repetitive after the first few months
>Mitsuru exists
>Haru exists
Game took the bullshit "power of friendship" stuff and turned it into a physical reality rather than simply a lazy rhetorical device. Makes it a lot harder to argue with.
Lol no. It is debatable if it is better than 5, not 3 though.
Yes. Although I'm not sure I'd come to the conclusion that it's good, let alone very good. But I'd take that over it being called a masterpiece.
If you want to fuck Haru it shows a deeply flawed, bland taste in women that basically have no personality, I judge you for your awful taste and hope you never interact with a real human being again.
Well you should
What you say faggot? I want to marry Haru
My taste is superior
how can anyone waifu this girl when she has no character since Hackshino didn't bother to develop her?
>Jojo arc 4
>but now in video-game form and with absolute garbage characters and villains
You're Emperor Cringe, OP.
>fixes Part 4 by removing the first half
absolutely based! good job P4!
>absolute garbage characters and villains
you're thinking of P5, next to none of the characters in that game are enjoyable outside of fap material.
>putting marie higher than anybody
the first-year trio in P4 singlehandedly puts the game above the other Personas