What other developers consistently output high quality games like pic related
What other developers consistently output high quality games like pic related
capcom recetly, but that's all
Rockstar, Nintendo
1 new game this gen and it was a 7/10
>they remake the same game over and over
hardly that impressive
You must be insane if you think Rockstar doesn't consistently output high quality games, if so what is " high quality " for you?
no other dev in recent years
back in the 90s there were many devs like that
rockstar makes good games, but its games have terrible gameplay
>you now remember From made that one VR game no one gives a shit about
Capcom. That might be it
yep capcom is on a good run right now
>Dark Souls 2
>Another Century's Episode R
>Ninja Blade
>consistently output high quality games
come on now
Rdr2 and gta5
What games have good gameplay?
last gen remaster
You mean souls clones?
Your point?
Rockstar spends a lot of money on good voice actors and building great visuals, but their worlds are boring, their stories are fucking 5/10 Hollywood shite that they pretend is God’s gift to narrative storytelling, and the gameplay is uniformly horrible in their games. They should just become a 3D animated tv series studio for Netflix and save us all the trouble.
naughty dog
>company has the name of a gay nigger slang
Armored Core and even games people often consider as gems like Lost Kingdom, Kings Field and I could name more especially for the
360. These guys literally just lucked out with Demon Souls and Dark Souls.
>High Quality
>mfw GTA V and RDR2 were both garbage
yes, that is based in fact
You can't be a bad developer if you go extinct before you do a bad game
>terribly designed
Well they have been on a hot streak since DeS. Miyazaki seems to be the reason for this.
which game was terribly designed
no. they are fantastic fun games
that From experimenting with new formulas won't necessarily be successful
Atlus games I like most of em but capcoms been killing it
>Dark Souls 2 is bad
because they haven't developed anything other than Souls games for the past 12 years.
Looking Glass Studios, but you zoomerfags wouldn't have heard of them.
the scaless
Psygnosis were pretty great too
take that ancient shit outta my face. Is looking glass still putting good games??didnt think so
I liked the story, atmosphere, and music, but Miyazaki was probably more focused on Sekiro (for good reason), and/or the SIE Japan resources weren't enough. It had potential to be a fascinating point-and-click adventure game, but there aren't proper puzzles. Just a constant scavenger hunt; looking for items. The fact they introduce the fairy's time abilities early on by having you bloom a flower, yet they don't bother to design any clever puzzles around that, I found it disappointing. Plus the end of the game is full of loading screens as you travel through time, which hurts the immersion.
Likely won't happen, but I hope they try again with PSVR2.
FromSoftware, Retro Studios, Nintendo EPD3, Nintendo EPD9, and Taleworlds.
GOAT; but, op wasn't speaking in past tense
There's no better company for reviving dormant franchises.
Naughty Dog.
Just because the one good game they ever made got a remake last week doesn't make them good.
>has only made two good games
Is this a bait thread?
>>has only made two good games