Yea Forums will defend gacha
Yea Forums will defend gacha
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see the appeal of it but can't get into it. wish they would just make a proper game out of these characters
What's the appeal of a loot box simulator?
>Ah yes mommy EA and activision please sell me more lootboxes!
There is literally nothing wrong with defending free to play games with cute girls in them.
Why yes I love gacha how did you know?
its literally just a casino with anime skins, and those here on Yea Forums who spend thousands on these know that
Nobody said that
>paying for gacha
It's essentially just a stupid tax, like the lottery. Nobody has to pay.
the "appeal" is hot anime characters which you can find literally anywhere else. buy a fucking pillow instead of spending $1000 on a jpg. gacha players are mentally ill, drooling simps.
>spend hundreds to get your virtual girlfriend
>two weeks later, new pretty girl comes out
>old virtual girlfriend is now boring and no one cares
>spend hundreds to get your new virtual girlfriend
They only have one response. "hAHa WhaT ArE you PoOR or SoMEtHiNG" even though they most likely work at a minimum wage job living at their parents house.
>gachashitter is too fucking stupid to realize that there are some who just don't want to pay money to roll a pair of dice at all
Time is money bro
>he says on the forum dedicated to hobbyists who spend most of their time on vidya or shitposting
What is the top left game?
Yea Forums is one of the biggest lootbox supporting gaming platforms on the planet
>living under that large a rock.
idolshitters. Go ask /jp/.
Don't mistake the handful of corporate shills for the rest of the board.
Play king's raid
God I wish you were lying but they really will. I remember when even admitting to playing phone shit got you mocked
I have a gambling addiction
Gacha is for Pakis and Pajeet manlets
point and laugh at him for not knowing.
Mods need to just fucking ban the gacha threads from /vg/
I'm convinced they are what is corrupting the users of 4channel
parting fools with their money
Meanwhile at pokemon
>just vote with your wallet bro
I want this
Play Granblue Fantasy
gbf is shit.
Boring, give me something else
Play Dragalia lost
I am. sharknado event is fun
lol no i didn't get mym and bride eli isn't worth it.
Unironically a dead game.
It's not, fuck you doomposter
Unironically one of the more generous Gachas out there
A shame really. it could have been a decent game if they made it for the switch instead of mobile.
does anyone know if Honkai Impact works with a phone controller?
And thats a bad thing
Gatchas can't be generous if they want to be succesful
No. FEH have more cunny than dragalia
GBF says otherwise
There is nothing wrong with Fate. Its the most generous gacha game and not pay to win.
Any other Gachas that have/getting an anime?
That game is pathetically lame
Didn't GBF jew the hell out of their playerbase for the first few years?
>generous gacha game and not pay to win.
What is the original image supposed to portray?
Is fucking boring. Shit bland character designs, shallow hack and slash gameplay and its huge grindfest. Even Nintendo stopped advertising it
>Play Fate play Granblue play Azure labe muh precious anime jpeg collections
More accurate to real Yea Forums
Madoka just got theirs, Re:stage is getting one, and million arthur is getting a special soon.
Everyone here hates on Dragalia Lost but at the same time the most slurp on Aniplex and FGO cock at the same time
Get better waifus and more lolis
While I agree with shitting on gacha, TakE ThIS rEtarDEd MemE back to twitter you double nigger.
jokes on you, i fucking despise gacha
If only dragalia wasn't such shit game
You've posted this literally over a hundred times but for the very first time, you're actually fucking right. Yea Forums literally is defending gacha in order to shit on Gamefreak.
Are you the user that made the thread about it a few days ago too? Why do you want people to play it so much?
How’s GFL?
It’s all yet another example of how weebs are mentally ill and shouldn’t be taken seriously or listened to
I havn't made a thread myself on Yea Forums for years
Boring as shit.
Customize your dragon loli
>love gambling, hate gacha
>love gacha, hate gambling
They already are though
>Madoka's gacha flopped hard
was it fair?
Please play Epic Seven
>Shitty hack and slash gameplay
Least it's gameplay, Better than recycled turn - based fantasy rpg #11062.
Isn't that a problem all gachas have? That's like complaining about apple pie for having apples in it.
>bland character designs
This isn't even an argument. The game hasn't even been out for over a year yet. If you wanna talk bland then just look at FEH.
Is there actually a gatcha game you autistic fuck like?
Watching FGO, Azur Lane, Girls frontline """""gameplay"""""", how you actually go and say:"yes, i want to spend money on this """"videogame"""""
>reddit spacing
>food analogy
>"at least its better than x"
gachatard: the post
Please don't play Epic Seven, it's literally p2w kusoge, recent update ruined everything again, whalechads dubs on everything.
The fuck are you smoking crap???
A game doesn't have to be making Clash of Clans money to be successful
Dragalia Lost has MMO-lite gameplay. You might as well just play an actual MMO though.
The future is now old man
The game itself is alright, but for the most part it's literally roll good units and use AOE attacks until boss.
Here, i saved you bandwitch, GBs and money
>playing gacha instead of just jerking off to the fanart and playing the infinitely better spinoffs
If you want to jerk off to jpgs just go to pixiv instead of wasting money on games with boring as sin gameplay and snorefest stories.
I hate lootboxes a lot but I love freedom more, and a person should be free to monetize their own creative works however they choose.
that was me.....I just want more people to talk about it
>disgaea gacha killing NIS
>we will never get to see good summer units of cute girls
it all hurts
Please play fire emblem heroes
Fgo is an RPG-lite
AL is a lite-shooter
Gfl is a lite-strategy
Pick your poison /V
It's their own fault for not getting proper servers aka one of the most damn crucial things to running a mobile game.
Bro just don't be a lucklet
They probably thought their game would be somewhat niche like most of their games.
Play Honkai Impact! It has actual gameplay!
user, this thread is literally "Yea Forums will defend Gacha". Everyone hear is gachatard. You must be an autistic tranny looking for a reason to commit suicide if you were dumb enough to come into this thread and complain about a gacha for being a gacha you fukking dumbass.
>not dark tiki
too late i'm now uninstalling.
The fuck is an RPG/shooter/strategy -LITE
Just play actual games for fuck sake
Just bookmark these, now you can unistall
>roll good ML right now
>get fucked by powercreep and literally counter units in 2 months
Yeah, fuck off.
>Just okay real games
I have a gambling addiction and I like to roll without spending
This is why any gacha game with some sort multiplayer versus aspect is horrible. It's nothing but constant power creep and balancing.
>at least is shit gameplay!
Great argument you dumb bitch
Thanks friend, now I can spend my money on lootboxes.
Is there anything worse than a gacha the limits your team to a type of power limit?
Surprise mechanics fren
Gachas that limit the amount of free rolls
You don't have anything better to say seething S O I boy?
Which of these has the better “story”?
>Not shitting on both gatcha and shit companies like Gamefreak.
I can tell you're a patrician for doing that compared to the plebs that don't.
Gachas without really good porn. Dragalia Lost needs top shelf lewds of this qt
You get more mystic summons than FGO "quartz" per month. C.Armin/Ruelle has been a thing for ages now and still dominant in the meta. I agree though the PvP right now is really getting stale but that's what you get for try-harding in a kusoge for some few pulls.
Just be comfy and chill in Masters/Challengers there's not much difference anyway. Fighting through endless tank and whale teams is unhealthy desu.
1.FGO because "muh lore"
2.Girls Frontline
3.Azur Lane
>play normal games
>jump off bridge
Nah not taking that poison.
I can't wait for the gamblepocalypse these games are inevitably gonna cause.
>you have to spend money to enjoy the game
Not following you there.
>4 resource types tied to rolls and “stamina”
Gfl why?
>Be me, local horndog
>Dragalia lost
>check danbooru
>only 237 images show up
What the fuck?! I thought gachas where supposed to have tons of porn???
Gamblepocalypse has already started, get with the times old man.
Play BanG Dream
The people who play these games 90% of the time are playing it because they're addicted. Why do you think the main reason mobage addicts will say "I like X because it's like an mmo". It activates the part of your brain that rewards you for self improvement by your units getting stronger by grinding and it also hooks you through the serotonin rush you get from getting a good roll from gacha, also known as gambling addiction. That's why they play them, not to have fun but because it makes them feel good. It's like a drug the way it effects you.
>tfw you will never get sleep beepo but keeping getting dumb big tit HK416
Life is suffering.
>Yea Forums unironically defending and recommending gacha
Boomer here
Can someone explain to me how these barely video game gambling simulators are popular? I looked at a few to see what it was about and it looks about as engaging as Farmville.
We have gambling addictions for “Waifus” but don’t want to spend money
Pray Arisu Gia-
cute anime girls. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Sorry lad, I'd only get into a gacha if I knew people who played it, I know no one that plays it.
>Boomer here
The hell you are! We've been having "Yea Forums will defend gacha threads" for years now! And it's just more disturbing proof that Yea Forums isn't right in the head.
The irony here is you calling yourself a boomer and not understanding why this is popular. You never owned a sticker album as a child? Same thing. People like collecting stuff. Stickers, coins, stamps. This is an evolved version of that.
>when those boaters started speaking English.
They sounded so wooden; probably because they were nips but it really nailed the B movie feel the event was going for.
Considering the FGO general is Yea Forums2.0 yes I believe it.
i did and unlocked everything from the Code Geass event
Hello Yea Forums, it's your doctor here. You should supplement your daily dose with at least a hour Dokkan Battle.
Only if it's Dragon Ball Legends. And spending money on them is retarded.
>lol you are just collecting jpegs dumbass
No. I am collecting a character that can alter gameplay and improve my party with stats and abilities. I dont see you pulling that stupid argument with digital card games like Yugioh, Magic and Heartstone.
Well, I enjoy Sdorica.
Sure it's not perfect but the gameplay is engaging and it is very free to play friendly too. Devs are also quite responsive to communicating with the community which is nice.
Dosen’t fulfill the gambling part of it. I like getting the “I GOT IT” feel of landing the 1% RNG of that “5 star, SSR, Legendary” drop.
I just started legends, looks nice. Got shafted out of getting vegeta blue, instead got 3 buuhan and 2 cell
Hearthstone is a fucking skinner box garbage and if you play it right now you should kill yourself
t. made the mistake of playing it for 4 years
I'm unironically collecting pictures of cute birds right now for some reason. I can kinda understand the mindset gacha anons have when they get a good pic.
Dragon Ball Legends has good gameplay (for a mobile game (and even then Battle 2.0 took a whole lot of fun out of it)), but a worse everything else. I have never seen another game that so much actively tries to screw you over, if you don't constantly spend money than that.
Thanks doc, I have no idea what the fuck that means but I'm sure I'll feel better.
Post pics of your birds user
Personally i think this genre should get it's own board.
It's not really Yea Forums material.
It's a phenomenon that has been completely eating away any semblance of "normal" video game enthusiasts in japan.
The average japanese audience has shifted from being very gameplay focused, into essentially becoming addicted waifu craving zombies that do not give a single iota of half a fuck about ANYTHING in a game, but the fanservice angle.
Japanese devs still try to make "normal" games but if you've been keeping up with the japanese audience you know all hope is essentially lost, and all they care in their games now is just pure, unfiltered fanservice, they'll pay any price just to get more waifu material.
That's why gacha is so huge.
This is spreading to the west too, the waifufags are slowly but surely taking over.
There's no barrier entry whatsoever, it's inherently designed to welcome anyone that has a big wallet and a small cunny addicted brain.
I STRONGLY suggest you give these people their own board.
They WILL take over the entire fucking hobby if you give them any more space here.
It's been happening extremely consistently in japan, it will influence other games too, not just gacha.
Every single game will sell on fanservice, and not gameplay.
Gameplay will be more and more casualized but you won't notice because you'll be too busy beating your meat raw.
These people are definitely not your friends and are eating away at this hobby as much as SJWs do with their cinematic experiences, they're just on the other side of the spectrum, but equally as braindead and hopelessly casual.
I've warned you all, now make of this what you will.
Years from now you'll look back at this post and weep.
Post more good 3d mobage. Already know of honkai and legends.
Here's a pic I got recently.
But it has its own board, /vg/
Boomer here. Gave up on normal gaming. Easy pick up and put down game on phone on work travel. I don't spend a dime and I could switch games if I got bored for no cost. Meanwhile going to normal gaming you have shit like pre-order sometimes with different tiers, season pass, definitive edition, dlcs and all those shit that tries to drain your wallet. It's hard to get a full complete game nowadays.
What attacks does it have?
I consider myself lucky, I get almost every new unit every time a banner drops and I haven't spent a dime.
Make Noise, Flee, Poo
There are actually retards on this shithole that think the Switch is a viable alternative to phone games when every adult has a smartphone and the switch is is a bulky piece of garbage that can't even fit in your pocket, trying to explain this shit is rocket science to them.
They HONESTLY believe a 300 dollar switch with a 60 dollar game can compete with something you should have already that has tons of free (Albeit not the best games) that can be jumped in and out on commutes and lunch breaks.
That's basically the reason why gacha is so popular in Nipland, considering their lives are going to their 12 hour shift of work on train, and they have no time or energy for regular games and have money to burn.
“Make noise” is a premium skill you lucksack, don’t waste it
You're not wrong, but what people here fail to realize is that this is just the start.
It will become massive in the west and take over everything else, because it has in japan.
There will be a point in the future when most of Yea Forums will just be threads about gacha games.
It seems absurd now but those of us that have been keeping up with japanese trends know it will happen.
Except it's about to die in the west thanks to that lootbox ban bill.
How to get optimal equipment ? I didn't even know there was S and Z tier. This is my roster after about a week.
Each quipment have 3 stats. High rolls are S and near perfect is Z. Is all luck based. Farm equipment and keep rolling, trashing, rolling.
You may not be aware but these lootboxes are literally "Muh children" pearl clutching and anyone claiming they're going to be effected by it should be banned for this site.
They're looking to stop lootboxes from targetting KIDS, and Japs do that already, if you're not a certain age you spending gets limited
It's already big, this data was pulled in app analytics AppAnnie. It shows their active players last month
Can confirm. /an/ convinced me to get out of my house and go for a walk near my local park. While I was walking around, huge army of finches was in the branches of this tree and were chirping like crazy. Should have been annoying but I actually enjoyed it.
Forgot to add that's US only
I play gachas for the story. Completely serious here.
What's the best idol-gacha translated to english?
There is when it's hidden behind the most soulless, corporate riddled bloodsucking monsters of all time. If horse armor dlc is bad for gaming, gacha is the 7th level of hell.
Hahaha what a bold faced lie, everyone knows people only play for the waifu tits
Gacha games all have shit gameplay but great porn; no exceptions. Go masturbate and then delete that shit off your phone before you waste even more time playing kusoge when you could be playing kino.
>translated to english
Enjoy 2d sprite garbage
Bang dream but just learn nip and play im@s ss
At least those are real games.
I thought we came under the consensus like a decade ago that it's okay for a game to have microtransactions if it was free?
Now suddenly it's okay for paid games and not free ones?
Anothing thing that Yea Forums needs to understand is that gacha is for people that have given up, also.
People such as:
That simply don't have the time to play anything else anymore, or people such as
That are out of their elements/too shitty at video games otherwise.
People that orbit video games, rather than being directly involved in video games as a hobby.
They like the idea of video games, a bite sized chemical injection into their withered brains, rather than actually putting the effort to play an actual video game.
And, of course, waifus and fanservice.
>Fagalia Lost
I’ll stick to my idorushit, thanks
I used to be incredibly competitive but since most online games just have cheaters in them and mobage take cheaters very seriously I've taken to E-sports'ing on my idolshit games and playing multiplayer "real" games casually
It’s detto and in desperate need of players or it’s getting canned
I just enjoy the fully voiced events with good art and grinding while I'm browsing shit
Mostly ignore the gacha since you have to save to 300 rolls anyway
Whales already paid for the development of 2 full games so that's nice
Idols are whores
Superman 64, Duke Nukem Forever, and Sonic 06 are also real games.
Jane or I’m out
I like my effort free grinding over in my corner better
There are people still playing that? Hahahaha oh god what a bunch of losers offft hahahaha holy shit
Are there english guides for idolmaster at least? Why there are two different mobile games?
People are still playing Sonic Adventure despite the fact that 2d chads keep BTFOing them in every sonic thread. Anything is possible I guess.
Playerbase still active despite everyone bitching about it.
Long as you keep away from /drag/ the game is fine.
Im playing Abyss Horizon, so far better than Kancolle and Azur Lane. Feels good to actually see your characters properly animated with 3D designs instead of lazy chibi jpgs.
i really enjoyed my time playing King's Raid but GBF is my first love and i won't play both.
The menus are really easy to navigate but if you want guides you might have to actually go on Reddit.
If you get set up post your friend code sometime
I will defend gacha
look at this precious kong
go away dex
You and what army faggot?
Drop gbf. Play king's raid.
My army of anime girl pngs wielding dangerous weapons
C _ _ _ Y
Meant for
His fellow brotherhood of wizards who took on the oath of eternal virgnity.
Play Fate/Grand Order.
Common rolls are worthless
I can take you both
tell vespa to make a better soundtrack and i will.
never, I will most certainly jerk off to it though
Imagine being this retarded and low IQ.
Gachas have more content and gameplay than AAA dogshit games.
I hate how in character this is
Not a hero is the best
Too slow
Try again
getting that one jpg you really want is an amazing feeling, it's like heroin
>rolls 20 sided die
>gets a 20
>cast genderbend spell
>Watch as user's cherry gets ravishd by anime girls
You have already lost.
This can't be happening!
Why are you wasting both on a shitty "game" then?
just bring Lilia to granblue with a collab and no one will care playing King's Raid again.
Reminder that FGO is more popular and making more money than Fortnite.
You wouldn't be wrong.
>Constant stream of new content
>Everything in the game is free, payment for something is of your own volition and can just as easily be acquired with free currency, argument could be made that if your luck was so shit you couldn't get it with free shit to not test your luck on your own money
>Has to stay competitive to keep business or could actually get the plug pulled
As compared too
>We got your 60 bucks, our job is done, cry on twitter all you want it won't unspend that money
Monster Strike is the only decent gacha game and even that one sucks if you don't get lucky with your free rolls
Okay Nero would be sperging out if he touched any woman other than Kyrie on the tummy like that, out of character TRASH
godspeed, ruby
Lilia best girl
>bring Lilia to granblue
Yeah, No
You mean
>Plus day 1 DLC
>Plus exclusive preorder DLC
>Plus the season pass
At least gachas dont hide the fact they are trying to jew you
If you luckshit hard enough gacha costs no money at all
>Got a meta team with free rolls and constantly rank on events with em.
Easiest game ever
But... but.... we just released a new waifu with a .01% chance to get in our seasonal roll selection! Don’t miss this chance!
Tell Vespa to bring back "My Destiny" OG soundtrack
they're too fast and keep knocking everyone down to page 10 fucking FGO has like two generals
I would legit be totally fine with that if the game had a spark system and had ensured reruns yearly.
Which is why I have no idea how F/GO got so popular, the spark system in that game is actually insane
>boot the game few weeks ago
>bgm songs starts
>remember why I uninstalled in the first place
>it's not My Destiny
No gacha
That's exactly why it isn't popular sadly
Stop tempting me you succunnybus
who is the character that won the fan character contest?
As someone who was unfortuately roped into gachas due to friends and lost said friends because apparently I just happen to get beter pulls than them despite me barely throwing away more than 10 bucks every other paycheck, I can say that gacha ruins lives, or at least others lives due to sodium intake.
And for those who bring up the money thing, that literally is all in moderation. If your spending more than you would on a real game on gacha on a weekly, then you honestly need some help. If you got some extra bucks and you honestly enjoy the game, just think with your head first and not your dick. Not all waifus are useful, and just owning them as a trophy isnt worth it. And in the same mindset dont drop a game literally just because you didnt pull your new shiney waifu, especially if you've succeded like 5 times before that. If you do drop at least make it because the game is feeling stale to you, but honestly if thats the case you shouldn't have put money in the first place
owo what is the game
Some catgirl with a sword, they haven't put her in the game yet.
Sounds like you had shitty friends.
Don’t forget about those commons/2* drops that can sometimes outperform the shiny new 5* stuff
>having friends
>not playing comfy co-op splitscreen games on a couch while cracking a cold one
Come on now m8
King's raid
>Rope friend into gacha
>Drop it a few months later because end game is boring as fuck
>He keeps sending me rolls from the game I dropped
I dunno, I drop money on shit but I'm not one of those sunk cost guys, if you're throwing down money you're throwing it away regardless, make peace with that during your purchase of in game goods instead of dying along with the game
post source and i'll install King's Raid
>and i'll install King's Raid
Most kr artwork is on pixiv
I won't defend them. I just play them and have fun with them.
well too bad then, i already found the source, you had your chance.
dumbfuck weeb
It used to be like that but...well long story.
I used to play fighting games with them all the time, and they started playing fgo since they were fate weebs. I only knew about Tsukihime and that's mostly from melty blood so I joined with my little knowledge of fate and we all just enjoyed ourselves. Then one fuck decided to go whale around the time Jeane d'arc alter came to NA, and basicly all of them failed to get it but me on like 0 effort and my best bro. They got all salty despite spending hundred prior that they all left for GBF because ""oh they have sparking so it's better" and proceeded to get dicked there too, leaving me alone in fgo's shit hole and literally spewing flames the moment i mention something about fate. Now they all whale heavy for sparks while barely playing the fucking game.
Moral of the story, don't whale. or at least don't be a whale in saltwater
I live waiting for japan's economy to crash so i can spend less when buying rolls.
Jesus christ this thread makes me glad I never fell for the fate meme
Wow that is fucked.
I dropped F/GO because that shit was getting boring as fuck, I had every iteration of Saber when I dropped it so I considered it mission accomplished.
Fucking Vanilla Saber took me the longest to get LEL
Wait, you don't want to suck Astolfo's big peepee? What are you straight?
post anette instead
How about you don't do either and don't support shitty practices you absolute retard.
You friends are little self conscious bitches.
I have shit luck since day 1 and my friend are luck shitting whles when theyre not whaling.
I just suck it up and keep playing because im capable of understanding my circumstances instead of wishing i was someone else.
I cant get over the fact Sandy wanted to pull Ain Soph Aur on Lucio for trolling him. Or that he went full Paradise Lost on a sharknado, based event, 10/10, hope we are getting more summer next month
LuckCHADs from various ganes, lets dab on lucklets with our TOP limited waifu
Bonus point if got them without touching premium resources
isn't the next actual even a diantha one?
I jerk off to Raikou all the time, and I do it without becoming dependent on a rolling simulator to give me dopamine boosts
Didn't this jew basically stole Kara from the Empire?
>dabs in dupenigger
post her 3d model instead, it is cuter than most fan art, shill anette, lilia, erze, rodina and maybe frey and you might get a sizeable amount of initiates.
your resources......
>annette and rodina
No, they're good but not great.
downloaded, ty
you know nothing about preference samples and audiences, don't even try to contest.
These characters are so boring. I can see why the game is so dead. No sex appeal like Kings Raid.
What’s wrong with them?
Nintendo and cygames both have a blindly loyal fanbase though.
I actually made this but figured it was WAY too mean to post, I don't think the guy who posted his spark browses Yea Forums so I don't feel bad posting it here.
For reference, the guy spent months saving a spark for a limited card, and I ended up getting 2 limiteds, including the one he wanted in 50 rolls compared to the 300 he needed to spark
Only if you're autistic enough to enjoy KMMO-tier grinds. I personally do but you can't recommend it to everyone.
>That one time Erze got 2nd place for a LoH costume
Maybe next time...
But.. but.... they have a whole backstory and everything!
I will not defend gacha but I will defend my king with my life.
The only gacha I play doesn't depend on waifu shit, so yes, I'll defend it.
Pharaoh erze is underrated
not even, maybe the guild wars event, but the rest of the grind is pretty mild.
What the fuck are those numbers
meant for
all hail the king
>Tfw Jannulet Sarisselet and Boarlet
How I COPE?!
Best costume, best girl.
Someone explain to me how resources work in gfl
You‘ll know when the rapeups arrive.
M1 these days, sure, m2 absolutely not. Just spent last magnafest belting out almost 2k water quartz purely from levi selfies because last GW's rewards weren't enough to finish my grid and the whole time I kept thinking to myself how autistic this shit is. Of course I felt a huge wave of satisfaction when I was done but most people value their time more than that.
It's easier to make a tiddie monster to look good than a washboard or loli. Luna a shit for example.
>tfw no Artoria wife
Daki does a lot to ease the pain.
IRL is shit
It‘s basically a logsitics simulator (timed resource auto runs), if you min max. You stockpile a shitton of resources, do dailys and wait until major events happen.
t. lvl 160 latefag
the winning move is to not play GBF though, most of my grind was multi tasked so i can't really say i struggled, it is not for everyone.
>Hah what is this faggot on abo-
>Thread is filled with waifu addicted gamblers that couldn't stop spending money on it even if it would cost them their lives to continue
>/vg/ (which has always been 99%shit anyway) have atleast 3 gacha shit games on the front pages at any given times
>Weebs have probably already joined the addicts because ''KEK! JAPANESE ANIMU TITTIES AM'I'RIGHT?''
>The japanese vidya industry is slowly dying thanks to the fact that the all japanese have breed themselves into gambling addicts and has just stopped breeding at this point
>The west is just not giving a fuck anymore and are all just producing low effort indie trash or ''live service'' shit that has microtransactions out the ass
I guess I'll just pick up kniting or something instead, vidya has no way to survive anymore unless microtransactions gets perma B& across the globe.
Why is Ranko blonde?
I may be a waifu addict, but I refuse to spend money on that garbage.
I spent 0 cents on my account and I can sell it for $700 if I ever decide to quit.
It might be, they are putting the old one in sidestories, but I still hope its more summer stuff since its fucking HILARIOUS
Gonna be that guy and just dump Sabers since the thread is dying, Lancer Arturia bro you're free to continue
>if I ever decide to quit.
Get out now or you never will. Once you start rationalizing like that you are already an addict.
I don't grasp the appeal. If you want hot anime characters, read a doujin or go to /e/ or use any of the websites setup to give you hot anime characters. If you want to feel like you're "working" for something, I'll build an app where you have to pay me money to see another picture on /e/ or /d/ or whatever.
You play any mobage long emough and you start looking like a whale just from collection. Unfortunately, the nature of mobage is constantly forward and thus powercreep. You have to keep getting new shit. I say this while having an NP 5 Jeanne Alter without paying mind you. No maxed out kaledio.
>Nerds start posting again
You're the worst
Rip in peace my beautiful blonde goddess
Granblue has a fallen angel riding a fire-breathing shark and a cute mutilated angel wearing a dolphin suit, it is fucking great and insane.
dragalia... lost...
I tend to hear people say the complete opposite, actually. Basically, gacha games are okay because they're free, while lootboxes tend to be found in paid games, which is not okay. When it's a free game with lootboxes, like Overwatch, then that's fine, too.
i hope they give her summer unit a flb so i won't have to level up my Altair to be my water support.
>when you circlestrafe AT EXTREME SPEEDS to make your enemy queasy but instead you just make yourself queasy
dark souls and quake btf
truly the greatest hero in the skies.
Last Origin is decently fun for now if you can tolerate Korean
Helei bin Sahawhatever, the speaker of the Supreme Being.
Also literal shark shit.
>fgo: shitty flash animation
>gbf: chibi shit
>gfl: chibi shit with shit animation
>al: chibi shit with shittier animation
>kr: good animation but shallow as fuck
why do you even play these games if the visuals are always garbage?
explains why he's brown, but the way he trolls Sandy is great
Despite Sandy being the butt of so many jokes I love how the event ends
>Put my name as "Supreme Primarch"
>But won't people think its...
>Yeah, do it
play XOmega
can i roll this bitch now?
probably at the end of next month
chuuni is right now at the moment
>being proud of how much money gambling addicts are spending
But didn't you just state the kings raid looked good?
i play gacha since it fills my grinding addiction. mmos are a dead genre and unironically more p2w. then again i avoid the greedy gachas so i don't know how bad it gets compared to mmos.
3D animation =/= 2d animation
I am sorry.
Could you explain?
Are you saying Kings Raid moves well but doesnt look good?
I won't
I'm an addict
Mobile games and gacha games should get their own board instead of making Yea Forums, /vg/ and Yea Forums even worse with their waifu wars and wars between each game.
MLP and Pokemon have its own boards, I don't see why this stuff shouldn't get one too.
is this just bait? How are you a gacha slave if you never spend any money on it?
All of those girls suck, I require lolis.
a mobile games board would be funnier and more entertaining than Yea Forums
Too bad. The artist doesn't like them
>Epic Seven: The playable animation
Check out Epic7 if you really want a good mix of Art and Animation that isn't chibitrash. Higher Pvp is whale-infested, so say goodbye to stay competitive
Give me an oppai loli
What a shame
To the trash it goes.
Give me a gacha where I can roll for Husbandos
Gatcha games are free and can be played completely for free if you aren't retarded. Anyone dumb enough to pay for this shit deserves to lose their money.
that's fucking gay dude
I pity those who cannot enjoy superior japan-only gacha games.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but I enjoy this game's style.
ok lady boys, If you were to compare all the games together tell me which one has the..:
>best combat system
>best general visuals
>best character visuals
>best soundtrack
>best story
>most content
>most f2p friendly
i'll pick one game and play it depending on the results.
>thread is literally FGO NA/GFL shilling
And then they say that their generals aren't a Yea Forumsermin nest
Based, dab on em son
Those dance moves are far too lewd user.
>Hip shaking
Same. They're missing out.
>/gbfg/ have the kid on leash instead of the businessman
Yea Forums unironically. Think about it. Users are constantly fighting, any image can be posted, you can collect rare porn and pepes, etc.
imagine getting this mad at a meme about a shitty gatcha game
A lot of people cope with people liking things they don't like by saying those people are just zoomers that love phone games when literally anywhere but america phone games generally tend to lean towards older audiences
To the people who foam at the mouth at the thought of spending money on a gacha game, imagine this scenario: You spend $60 on this steak pictured here and you'll enjoy it for all of 15 minutes before you shit it out 12 hours later.
Meanwhile I spend that $60 rolling for flat chested girls with exposed shoulders and armpits, and I'll be able to enjoy them for years and years until the server one day shuts down. Is it still -that- bad?
The idolmaster rhythm games are really the best gacha games.
>no content locked behind paywalls (except for like two songs in Theater Days)
>production values are high with original songs and each song having unique choreography and sometimes unique stages. New songs are released bi-weekly giving you a constant stream of new content.
>gameplay is very skillbased since it's a rhythm game, only scoring is based on winning the gacha lottery.
I wished more F2P games were designed like this.
What the fuck does those colors mean user?
Blue is male and red is female
for me its granblu
Record keeper is more popular than brave exvius? I should give it a try.
I wonder what a Yea Forums mobage would be like. Would you roll for boards, or overspammed meme jpgs? Not that it matters since reddit would ruin it immediately though.
And the 4 songs behind a paywall are a dollar each.
Shit's great.
Friend code?
Are there cracked version of these apps that remove all the paid shit?
>The majority of people playing these games are in their 40s
I was not expecting that
If only.
Ah, it explains why that mecha game has such small red color.
>>no content locked behind paywalls (except for like two songs in Theater Days)
It's six songs now, and it's because of music licensing bullshit, so it can't be helped. Record companies want to get paid. There's 94 free songs though, and they add four more free songs every month, so it's not so bad.
What was that game advertised on 404 messages and banned messages? the one that offered Yea Forums buxs
2* drops would be “niggerniggerniggerniggerBasedBasedBased” posts
3* drops are your regular image and discussion posts
4* drops are actual content
5* drops are the posts with the most (yous)
All separated into seasonal groups separated by boards and threads
5* limited is "There's literally nothing wrong with being jewish"
There is literally nothing wrong with dumping an entire paycheck into a gacha game for a 60% chance to get a certain cute character.
So in the new outfit shop in gbf why are all skins not in there?
Bandori > Im@s
I don't really follow gacha shit or rhythm games, but did my wife's series ever get a gacha game?
Why the fuck should we care about how others' spend their money?
We're not autistic enough to put emotional value on how others arent adjusted to our values.
Grand summoners, some game that a friend of hiroshimoot made presumably, it's deader than a wasteland.
The majority of japan is in their 40s my dude.
Summer banners would be something else thanks to summerfags.
>Can't even into 3d models or branch out of sameface
At least Love Live's characters were interesting
2 Months Before LLSIFAS Release
wtf 2D is real?!
Don’t forget about the collaboration banners where pleddit and tumblr fags came over here
>he doesn't have 2d living in his very own home
Aren't they png images though?
I legit like gacha games, but only because I'm a F2P player. I like it when games gives you lemons and forces you to make lemonade. It also means that you have to be much more careful with your limited resources. You need to know when it is the best time to roll and when to hold.
I just wish there were more gacha games with good gameplay. Unfortunately, the more skill the game takes, the less valuable the gacha wll be, so it's never in their interest to do anything but number checks.
The only gacha I defend is azur lane because the characters and gear are all 100% free
The only thing you pay for are outfits and marriage to characters. Both of which aren't random
Oh but I am
quit fgo after a year and didn't spend a single dime, get fucked cucks with 0 self-control
That guy is based.
>TFW you keep getting 2*"Put me in the screencap!" posts
It's not really that crazy.
When you get old and a life to schedule, having a nostalgic game to chip away at during the odd minutes of your life is pretty nice.
I play gbf when I'm having a shit.
It's good shit
Do you have the video of Mika dancing on a cat's head?
Every time, both are cancerous dog shit that are only supported by legitimate subhumans.
konichiwa, unko dess
Not actually true honestly, you create periods of lots of generosity each year to keep everyone playing and more willing to spend money on skins and draws in the draught periods. Constant jewing isn't always good
>rare pepes become actually rare
I do not my man
I do have this though if you want to scroll down and find it
Just look at how many gacha generals there are, it's a fucking plague
is there any porn with these 3d models?
Not only that, it's largely females
Play Battle Cats
Can I evolve a 2* based post into a 5* drop?
Not really, there's also the club of playing games a bunch and wanting something relaxing and simple grinding to play on leisure times. I have a job, play mostly shit like monster hunter and fighting games at home but whenever I'm not doing that I'm on gacha
Anyone here got this limited edition m00t?
i'm just here for the blondes, post the blondes
>Got that Takumi on free new years rolls.
My greatest achievement to date.
Just got her frilly dress perm right before her solo dropped too
How do you hide your power level at work?
Ohhhh, what’s the skills on that drop? It looks pretty premium
who? no ecelebs on Yea Forums please
Most people say that's impossible considering that "based" is a fodder post used to boost 5*star posts but if equip the right lewd anime girl image to it then it might happen...
>tfw the character you wanted most from Fate GO was one of the starters
I'm happy. Everything else is just a bonus.
FGO tards have the worst Stockholm syndrome out of all gachafags no contest
But I do.
The funniest ones are the fateniggers. A lot of these retards can't deal with the fact that despite their mc being as generic as every other gacha mc, the only real love interest he has is that shield girl. Instead of just moving on to a gacha where every girl actually is into you, they delude themselves into thinking that they stay for FGO's """""writing""""" despite it being complete horse shit. Sad.
yui is literally perfect
I make myself as unapproachable as possible without being a jerk. Its not that I really have to try for this, for whatever reason people have said they were always scared to approach me casually since high school so I never really have to talk about myself
pretty good friends, i really like this girl, post more please.
I have her doing the same dance in another outfit, but I'll post Shin first
While that is true, the other type of 2* drop “FuckTrannies/niggers/jannies” have been seen to be equipped with many other (Yous), so it seems it is possible to create a 5* drop out of 2*’s
And the other Yui
What’s a good trashy mobile game I can get into and stare at hot chicks while doing simple tasks?
Figured this thread would be a good place to ask. Doesn’t have to be gatcha just need something to pass the time with while I’m on a long boring assignment somewhere remote.
I got it for him, that's pretty much it. But I also really like Cú Chulainn and I'm only missing his alter at this point, which it won't be the end of the world if I don't get it. If I don't give a shit about rolling for the endless bikini or festive versions of characters, I don't see how I lose.
dont forget to play the sarknado event for GBF
Do you not understand how dedicated people are to their waifus? Do you think the jokes and memes are just fluff? There's a reason gacha does this.
I hate the powercreep in this game! Back in the old days, Tritium pepe was the rarest and most useful pepe with his insane luck boost that forced anons to give it (you)'s but he got powercrept by boomer. How does that even make sense!?
I'll play another mobage when it surpasses the music quality of Granblue's, so, never.
How can people play GBF? It sounds garbage.
Im not Yea Forums and I wont defend gacha unless I feel like it has enough love put into it like granblue fantasy, your free to shit on me and disagree but it feels like it has had alot of love and care put into everything with that game
>not knowing a cancerous and shitty pandering gacha
If anything we should laugh at you lot for "loyalty"
So far we have 2 5* drops in this very thread. We really are lucksacks bros
The retarded shitposters here are the biggest irony in gaming incarnate
Anyone who plays and/or defends gacha shit has no say in anything else gaming related
>the sprites and animations are shit
he says while defending fgo
please answer my post here:
>Trying to lionize being ignorant.
I dunno, this place lionizes being poor so if you try hard enough people might line up behind you so they don't look foolish
Are you ready for the 4rth anniversary faggots? surely you have enough stones to roll for both banners.
Played fgo for like 10 months and spent like 50 $. I enjoyed as a time killer while the bus but, at some point, it gets REALLY repetetive. The story is enjoyable, but in order to get pass some of the bosses of the story or big events, you need to do a fuckton of grind just to get a few line of dialogue. That aint worth it, espacially since half of the dialog is garbo anime dialog.
Prefer to play on my switch or read instead. I do wish they would relase a BR game of fate. It kinda fit with unnivers.
Or an rpg, or a fighter. Anything than this really.
Coming from someone who once had a TF2 crate addiction, this post screams denial. There's no shame in reevaluating yourself, user.
bizarro Yea Forums
The sprites and animations in FGO are pretty good for a mobage though. Years ahead of GBF's chibishit.
I got only 500 stones and I'm going all in in the Vegeta banner.
>Gogeta LR
>Transforming Frieza Teq
I can't skip it.
The fuck are you on retard? FGO is shit for multiple reasons but the sprites and animations are one of the few things they got right.
I always ask why "travelling" which is a one time thing that has 0 lasting effects other than facebook points is somehow more "bang for your buck" than anime girl jpegs and they go into cyclical retard arguments about how how the sand in florida is different from the sand in california
Wait really? im not really in denial about it, I do love granbluefantasy and have not spent a dime on the game, never will either
Dude's not wrong, there are gacha like GBF that have more soul than 80% of games coming out now. And I say this as someone who spends most of my time playing console games
438 stones. Am I gonna make it bros?
I have seen yearly 2000s stickman fighting videos with better animations and attacks than the shit FGO does
Those videos unironically have better animation than most if not every gacha
Well shit, if it delivers the goods without wallet picking then I guess I need to shut up. Enjoy your gb, dudes.
I used to play One Piece's gacha. Played that shit for about 2-3 years, was a frequent poster on thr /vg/ thread, I'd play daily in the background of classes and work when I could, would stay up late for Clash raid/new fortnight isles/colosseums to pop up, and for the most part stayed up to date on my stamina so it never went to waste.
I started playing when fortnight Perona was brand new, Rayleigh was the newest legend, and the last new fortnight isle I remember was Brook's Soul King level.
It was fun to play through adventure, farming evo materials and going through the story in the begining. But after a while I stopped playing for fun and more for keeping up to date. I'd save dozens of copies just for a skillup event (which back in those days was once a month/ every 2 months), that was ass. But the biggest thing was, believe it or not, all the new content that they released. There was no way I could max everything and still expect to socket my tip units. There's no way I could beat everything and collect every unit when so many are behind sugofest pulls (plus after what happened Dokken Battle making it impossible to pull certisn units for an account, I wouldn't be suprised if I got shafted like that too.). So many new bosses required broken strats from the new pool of character pulls, and there became too much to do with such little stamina. I had to get out, it was getting too much.
One year later, so glad I did. I dont have to check my phone or do something on it every half an hour. Its great.
Never spent a dime on it btw. All you other fucks who did are still loads worse than me.
Ask him your gacha questions.
Best summer outfit so far.
Gacha is the natural soulless evolution of idle games.
O Sonic Totem, will I get Mym from the next gala banner?
When can i wield the power of a lucksack!
You are either blind or a retarded GBF shill.
I will defend azur lane
the rest are all trash for various reasons
There's literally not one redeeming feature about FGO. I've played a ton of gacha and in every aspect FGO is bottom tier. For example the Madoka gacha, better in every way than fgo as a clone and it's still hot garbage
150 per banner to get the bonus.
300 stones in total for a full roll on both, you will be fine user.
I've played both FGO and GBF and this 100% right. On the other hand FGO has rates so shitty that you could roll like 1000 quartz and still don't get what you want. Just play a real game.
>Yea Forums will defend gacha
No one forces you to play or to pay anything, retard.
If you feel offended and insecure because some people pay for their beloved 2d sprites, then it's your own problem.
Story is ass-tier in comparison to other Gachas
>Play Granblue Fantasy
>Madoka gacha
Gave it a try because I liked the franchise. Never dropped a game so fast on my life. Boring as shit. No wonder it's dead on arrival.
Honestly every story is ass compared to FGO.
God I wish Saber would carry me around on a leash like that
Thanks user. Still not sure which to pull on. If I post my box could you help me out?
Will I get LR SSJ4 Vegeta from the anniversary?
Azur Lane has by far the best monetization model, it's mega friendly, no cancerous gacha for costumes like GFL, you just straight up pay, and they pump out a ton of nice costumes for all characters so if you wait a while your fav will get a costume, it's really nice in every department except story, which it is totally ass in.
I' not even sure myself, but Vegeta banner looks better than the Goku one.