Should Atlus just make a dating sim and remove everything else with Persona 6?

Should Atlus just make a dating sim and remove everything else with Persona 6?
Be honest, you're favorite part about Persona are the girls and the ability to date them.

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waifufags should be lined up and shot

you first

They should just team up with Illusion and make a porn game

You're fucking retarded.

A man works harder when he has someone to protect

Why are you Nincels so upset about Persona so fucking much?

They finally had a chance to play a game that wasn't bing bing and they blew it. I'd be angry too.

Can't tell if OP is a port begging seething faggot or a a SMT fan throwing a pants shitting fit.

>Be honest, you're favorite part about Persona are the girls and the ability to date them.
I like the fusion mechanics.
Because I can fuse cute personas/demons

I mean it's basically what they've done already. The dungeon crawler has been simplified and shortened down so much you spend more time outside of dungeons than in them now.

Several "leaks" came out about a Persona 5 based game on Switch. Joker was announced as a playable Smash character at The Game Awards, and everyone went nuts. When a website for a Persona 5S game launched, people refreshed day and night. So much so, that it was causing Atlus's servers to have heavy lag. In the weeks leading up to the Persona 5 S announcement, Nintendo fans were absolutely sure they were getting an updated version of Persona 5 for the Nintendo Switch, they taunted and bragged that Sony users were left behind. Then the announcement came out, it was a musou game developed by a third-party. Sony users received an upgraded version of Persona 5. Suddenly, the taunting on the board stopped. The next day, there was a small protest in front of Atlus's Japanese headquarters.

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Pretty much this. Days before Nincels kept posting for months how they were going to get Persona 5 Definitive Edition, and how uber cool the game was and now that isn't the case, they went back to trashing the game for being a waifu dating sim. They can't even be satisfied with the exclusives they do get like SMT5.

Did they really made Joker kiss Ryuji in this ova? fucking faggots ruin everything.

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No idea why people pretend there is some platform war over persona 5, it's literally been emulatable for over a year.

This or no buy.

>story takes place in rural Japan
>you are a transfer student from the States
>you are an average looking White boy, blonde & blue eyed
>your class mates treat you like God becase it's a fucking PERSONA
>your Japanese is awkward at first but becomes native-tier fluent in a month
>your host parents have two daughters and they call you Onii-chan and fight over your dick
>your main weapon is a katana and you can master several martial arts through school activities
>later chapter your ex-bullies are sent to your school and killed by you and your nip friends is the best moment

My favorite part of the game is watching somebody play through the story, and have a higher understanding of why the girls are good. With that new found knowledge, I can enjoy jerking of to their hentai better.

Part 8 of the Sae Greentext is finished. It will be ready to post tomorrow evening around 7PM Central Time Zone. Keep an eye out for it on Yea Forums threads then

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>Anyone: *breathes*

I hope you either die of a brain aneurysm or learn that you can post fanfics on other boards before that happens.


Seeing how a handheld game did fusions much better than p5 4 years earlier

>Be honest, you're favorite part about Persona are the girls and the ability to date them.
kinda of, but I've always preferred the gameplay, which... is slowly declining.

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Fuck off. I liked the original three persona games and started p3 to find out the gameplay took a backseat for the fucking social link horseshit which somehow gets worse with every new mainline entry.

My favorite part is the dungeon crawling and grinding for Personas.

The Dungeon Crawling's pretty fun

Brainlet faggot. It works so well because it's a mix of various things, a Persona game.

I wish they removed social links

It'll never happen, but this is unironically my dream Persona spin-off

>Everything in first person, except maybe a gimmick status effect that would take you out of your body in battle
>Still turn-based and with commands, but also more engaging; physically summoning personas and seeing them manifest before you, tossing healing items to party members, etc.
>Short, 20-30 hours but has replay value and less filler
>Story and character relationships are intimate, doesn't revolve around you saving the world

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>the ability to date them

I wish this was in Persona.

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Yeah who cares about video games anyways

not our fault that we can see your hate boners for Persona, Nincel. Now go preorder Scramble.

>tfw Makoto will never be real

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You can't deny their love.

No, just you

i'm the executioner

you'd freeze up if you help a gun faggot

I personally like the Jungian psychology references in a pop culture fiction.