What was up with the way Travis looked at the start of the trailer? Was it supposed to be a reference to some famous guy? It looked nothing like Travis. I would have been fine with a redesign but I didn't get this at all.
What was up with the way Travis looked at the start of the trailer...
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Kinda reminded me of the guy from Killer is dead.
It's supposed to show he's washed up and hasnt been doing anything with his life
Wwwwwhhhooohn this dey.
Waaaiiiii see clearly.
Wwweeeverthing has. come. to. life.
I actually prefer this look desu.
I'm playing as him the second I unlock that skin/look. Ideally it will be available the second the game starts.
I would be surprised if it wasn't an option, what with how these games love letting you play dressup.
He hasn't bothered to shave or style his hair for a while because he hasn't had a game. It ain't rocket appliances.
But he literally just had a game earlier this year?
Yeah, in some spinoff VR world.
it's obviously what the other anons said
but it is weird how different he looks like that, especially since his hair looks black instead of brown but might just be the lighting
He hasn’t done shit even before the games
He hasn't done shit even IN the games.
I mean he's wearing glasses in just about every appearance you've seen him. Like when you see your friend without glasses and their eyes look wrong.
>getting washed up turns you asian
I don't doubt that was the intention, but the model looks so different from Travis
>He can only play appreciate character designs if they have bangs like his faggot chuuni cartoons
Get a haircut retard, and some taste.
I think you're imagining things. He's just got a beard and no glasses so it looks strange to you. Dunno where you're getting asian from.
Are you insane?
You forgot to delete the word you were replacing to look smarter, user.
woah man that came out of nowhere. kind of screams projection dude, keep your mental outbursts to yourself.
dude, lmao what are you on.
are you okay?
>>getting washed up turns you asian
Technically it does.
His hair isn't styled, he hasn't shaved, and he isn't wearing his signature glasses. Also consider he's canonically almost 40 now.
because zoomers love john wick
>I didn't get this at all.
Why are people so fucking stupid and autistic?
Better question, where the fuck is Lethal League?!
>getting this mad at other people's preference
It's not like I want this as a default, unchangeable look.
He's almost 40
Fucking this.
Is he really? What's the source for this?
the games, he was 27 in NMH, 29 in NMH2, 37 in TSA and this takes 2 years later
Because we're on epic Yea Forums where you have to try your hardest to find reasons to nitpick and be like the cool kids complaining about everything.
NMH3 must have kill the past references. I WANT Smith Syndicate cameos and silver case cameos
is that a Keanu Reeves reference?
like TSA? should be kino
It was just a bait and switch tactic for the trailer. In the beginning you can see a small portion of the No More Heroes hotel sign but it's cut off to keep you guessing. I knew immediately it was NMH3 when I saw the sign
Because you're here.
I kinda realized what was happening when Travis made a shitty pun
He looks 50x more manly than base Travis wtf are you smoking lmao
t. Retarded autist
I knew what was happening then too and I haven't even played any of these games. 1+2 collection WHEN
He hasn’t shaved or styled his hair like usual.
Based. Tell those fucking virgins the truth.
Buy a cheap wii and play his games user, stop begging for ports ffs
since Suda is at the helm, I think that's guaranteed, especially when he isn't finished with Kamui yet
>Neck brace
I mean, it should be obvious who it's referencing.
fucking based.
Shut the frick up samefag, you dumb fuck.
why would I buy something and go through the process of hacking it or whatever when I can just buy a collection of the games?
Because they're not going to make collections.
Fuck off our site. Incels not welcome.
I'll kick you in the balls!
I have had sex. I have had so much sex.
and you know this how?
Dutch rudders don't count virgin.
I am Goichi Suda. Any other questions while I'm here?
I homebrewed my Wii specifically to play NMH 1/2, it took like 20 minutes, just follow YouTube tutorials
what are you doing here bro?
because you have 2 options:
>beg, beg and beg more until NMH3 comes out and you still haven't played 1 or 2
>buy a wii and finish the series within 2 weeks
your call, but i know people like you would rather ask and beg for games than take the time to play them
cannot wait to discuss the series with you in future NMH3 threads, secondary
You don't even need to buy a Wii, Dolphin emulates Wii games.
The prophecy approaches.
Gotta advertise my game.
How do I make my dick bigger?
yeah I think I'll just wait to see what happens. It's not like I'm in any rush. Seems more convenient if I could have all the games in one place.
Jelquing or rape. Either try jelqing at home or crossdress in one of those neighborhoods.
I thought he was trying to lay low or something and pretend to be someone else. That was kinda what he was doing in the last game anyway by hiding out in the woods.
>no Silver Case ports for the Switch
>meanwhile, the PS4 gets to have TSA
Based. Fuck faggot fringes on guys.
Not really. He blithely travelled the world in TSA with a passport bearing his name while introducing himself to strangers with the same.
is that Keanu Reeves?
To be perfectly honest I didn't get it either since Suda released Travis Strikes Again and that leads directly into NMH3, so it doesn't really make sense for him to literally be dead and crippled inside of this own motel room.
Maybe it was supposed to only represent the mainline series or something, I don't fucking know.
Can you be more of a faggot?
probably just outsourced a CG trailer to pajeets and that's it.
why are you so upset about some dumb thing like this
Travis is in hiding at this point since the majority the planet wants him dead, and he wants to protect his wife and two kids. Thus the overgrown look as well.
People really need to play TSA