How are you enjoying the new Hitman update, Yea Forums?
How are you enjoying the new Hitman update, Yea Forums?
Already 100% it except for the fucking discovery challenge since it's bugged
It's pretty fun. Only complaints are it's too easy, and the bank robbers do nothing.
>the bank robbers do nothing.
>he hasn't found out the golden secret
I've laready got 100% map completion.
It was a bit lackng in content or challenge compared to the other maps.
I know about the golden shotgun and it's not that great. You can't even keep it.
Didn't even know it was out. They've done a pretty piss poor job marketing this game.
I might have hit him too hard, guys.
Its 40$ so I don't have it yet.
>He didn't preorder the gold edition
user, look, I love Hitman 2, but if you ever tell me that I should encourage Warner's pre-order "bronze silver gold" bullshit, then I'm going to have to call you a fool.
Don't care, support Hitman.
So Hitman (2016) was my first venture into this franchise, scale of 1-10 how much of an improvement is 2?
I dropped $100 on the Gold edition day 1 and have no regrets about it. IO actually deserve the money.
IO deserves the money but I refuse to support that model. The expansion pass is on sale for 20$, I'll pick it up.
Gameplay-wise it's mostly the same, with some improvements like the briefcases. The new maps are all pretty good though and definitely worth it.
Better viewcones, mirrors actually work, foliage makes Colorado slightly more bareable, the suit case is good.
The downsides are that the UI looks worse and some animations like 47 raising his gun to the height of his head while in cover were removed for no reason.
I do miss that pose.
They fixed it. You just need to finish the map again and it will unlock even if it still said 0/16 before.
Is that... Pitbull?
I have no idea why that dialogue triggers for the Requiem Suit, but not the Italian Suit.
>Want the krugmeir pistol back
>Don't want to redo bankok to level 20 mastery
Fastest way to do it?
Complete all mission stories and try to complete as many other challenges as possible while doing them.
Go for SASO on Master if you want to really rack up those mastery points.
>Kill target one way
>Kill another way
>Repeat for a bunch of challenges
>Complete level
>Get all challenges completed at once
Reminder that the ICA Electrocution Phone should NOT be lethal. It should be a free knockout that doesn't count as a body found.
Shocking people with a phone was a goofy thing to do in Watch_Dogs2 for fuck's sake, it didn't kill them.
The biggest boost of XP you can get in one run without reloading 50 times to do every challenge would be suit only sniper assassin on master but BangCOCK is a shit level for that. You'd probably have to knock out both targets when they are on their own and then shoot them at point blank range with the sniper rifle in the head.
IOI are probably going to nerf it like they did fire extinguishers.
It's way to strong right now.
>39 seconds to kill the target in the Mumbai special mission with new phone SOSA on Master
>most of that time is just waiting for him to actually pick it up
Fair and balanced gadget, won't break elusive targets at all.
This animation?
nu-Hitman is not worth shilling for. You look pathetic defending this.
The standing version of it. 47 doesn’t hold the gun upwards anymore in that animation. I often crouch with a gun held while in cover because it looks better.
Finished all challenges in that new Santa Fortuna mission. Dressing up as the shaman is the only interesting thing you might do and getting into the house for the book is the only difficult part in Suit Only runs. Not a good mission honestly.
How the fuck do I upgrade to the gold edition? Steam store only lists the full game as a gold edition and standard edition, then a bunch of legacy upgrades and expansion passes.
all tasers in game are lethal
Getting Suit Only with no takedowns and no instinct against the new Mumbai mission was great fun.
she has a nice bum
Expansion pass is the gold edition upgrade basically.
It’s a good mission, it’s just not top-tier like Miami and Mumbai. Sgail is the weakest Season 2 mission because of how limited SO runs are there (yes it’s even weaker than Hawke’s Bay).
Yeah, standardfag here. I got Gold when I bought the expass.
I mean the new Special Assignment they released 2 days ago, not the actual story mission.
Nobody is talking about Absolution.
Rainy NYC bank is comfy.
Man I love Sgail. I don't get why everyone hates it.
why is Bob Ross in a security uniform behind you
head of security i guess
>Bank 100% complete on challenges
>somehow missing a trophy
>probably going to be easter egg related
>"Assassinate target with the award and exit the mission via the main entrance, data core in hand"
I'm waiting for Hitman 3 Complete Edition to go on sale
Like the map but it's way way way too easy.
>Dan and Brad's Quick Look of the level
>"Brad when have you ever given a shit about your score in this game, break their necks"
>Door is locked with a cardkey
>You can just walk 10 feet to the left and go through that door to get to the same place
I got the gold edition from 3rd party site for like 40 dollars back before the game came out.
Is there a way to get her to walk over to the award on her own? I had to just lure her to the area with coins and mash the button to kill her as she walked by the award.
It has great atmosphere, but there are just so few ways you can approach it. Zoe in particular has very few ways in which you can take her out without following a scripted opportunity.
Activating the gramophone will cause her to walk over to the award after a while.
Oh, that was actually my first thought but it seemed like nothing happened when I activated it. I'll try it again later.
When I did it I lured her close before turning it on.
jus chillin bro
How does 47's pants not drop with a bunch of gold bars and melee weapons and pistols in his pockets
Didn't notice this until a second ago, could be useful for certain runs.
Does anyone know where the key to the armored car is in the parking lot? Want a quick escape for the hard drive in the vault.
The worst thing about the new hitman games
No cheat codes.
>ywn turn on god mode and infinite ammo and massacre everyone in the map
Under the butt of the sleeping guard in the deposit box area.
Hitman hasn't had cheats since Silent Assassin. I loved playing around with nailgun, low gravity, mega force, and Tyson mode.
Lol forgot all about the nail gun too.
Cheats added so much fun to the game, I hate why they left them out the newer instalments
The bank is good but those special assignments fucking sucked. I thought they would be bonus missions like The Landslide and they're literally the same as elusive targets.
>I am going to distract this NPC!
>NPC turns to coin but doesn't go for it
>try again and again and the same thing happens
>suddenly some other NPC who was in some area above me enters the scene to check out the noise
>Be a wealthy person
>Coin lands on the ground near me
>Command, heard a strange noise, gonna check it out
>Retired KGB spymaster
>Literally everyone in his town knows him by his codename and knows what he did
Some spy.
>Never checks again
I'm sure he's fine.
He has given them just the information he thinks they will think is the whole truth.
Do later games get better?
I only ever played the first 3 and they were all extremely fucking confusing and frustrating to figure out.
He just making sure there aren't any happy little accidents on his watch.
>implying the entire town aren’t Providence spies
Even the guy who died in the murder room was an ex-Providence agent.
If you are referring to the regular missions in HM2 this sounds awful. The hand holding in HM2 story missions is over the top until you adust the settings.
You mean in the house for sale? That was Agent Smith.
Blood Money is great, 2016 and the newest Hitman 2 are even better. Everything else is kind of meh.
Blood Money is the first non-clunky entry. The new games are good too.
The ™ games are pretty easy compared to the older games. There's lots of in-mission assistance for you small brain types.
don't mind me just posting the best part of that Quick Look
you can now lay a trail of breadcrumbs via coins. I think this wasn't possible in HM2016. Also the suitcase gives you more options to carry around sniper rifles and other illegal items or throw them over a wall.
And you can do this.
*walks into restricted area to pick up the coin*
Command, got a situation here, gonna move in to check it out.
*choking noises* Please no, I have a fami-
Sir? I think you dropped something.
>doing that new fish themed escalation
>first 2 levels are super easy, only take a few minutes with basically no real obstacles if you just have a keycard hacker
>can't wait to see what lvl 3 adds
>literally just 3 cameras that can all be taken out without anyone ever hearing it
>no unlock for finishing it
Well that wasn't very good.
>NPC sees me crouch walking around
>"Oh that is some super secret agent shit going on right there"
>Alt tab to check something.
>Tab back in.
>Computer freezes and I have to turn it off by holding down the power button.
>This now happens every time I alt tab
Thanks IOI
This has been happening to be since the bank update, it never happened before then, anyone else having a similar problem?
Why is a lead pipe illegal but a crowbar isn't?
>Job interview
>"He just finished a job, perfectly executed"
>"And who is that man?"
>"It's me."
It bothers me greatly that the guards in the vault/safety box hallway can't see through the gate into the safety box room or through the glass doors into the vault door room.
The windows in the auction room in Paris work the same way. It’s so getting SA is actually doable.
It's massively immersion breaking.
I don’t know why they don’t just make the doors opaque.
What's pretty funny is that they recently patched out one of Rangan's guards being able to spot you doing stuff through the bathroom window while he was on the floor below it. He would often spot you as you tried to stash away a body in the bathroom closet.
Lmao! The first game was massive bullshit and you know it. You literally had to play through every mission like 10-15 times to figure out what you had to do since everything was twisted for no reason.
The 2nd game wasn't that much better.
Where do I get the Fire Exit key, lads?
I used it once but cant fucking remember where I got it from
I got burnt out on 2 on release because I began to fucking hate how trial and errory the South America map was." Compared to the rest.
Annoying layout.
Nope. I've been alt-tabbing to this thread all day.
No, then you'd actually be talking about a decent game and not this overpriced trash.
>not getting it half off on a key site
Nobody is going to fall for this.
NO! This is an objective improvement that doesn't need a "solution". In fact, make both her and Shadow Client shut the fuck up in Mumbai and Whittleton Creek in particular.
>posts I disagree with are bait
Shill for IOI some more.
>Getting the backup drives is harder than just stealing the core from the vault
nigga smith is still alive trough the hantu port snipershit
>not intentionally paying more to fund more Hitman games
Needs to be a little harder but great
>Joke exit is 47 jumping out the window after crashing the stock market
IS Joseph Clarence, AKA The Swing King
Uh... what?
I remember turning on god mode and going on a rampage with the BB gun in the hotel level of Blood Money. Whittleton Creek should've had a BB gun in the treehouse as a reference
try borderless windowed instead of fullscreen?
How come throwing a gold bar at someone's head doesn't kill them
All those codes were for the PC version only and they were patched out of everything beyond the 1.0 release version.
It only seems to happen on the main menu, if I alt tab on missions it's fine.
Weird bug
This is a game where a mace is classified as a non-lethal weapon. Why are you surprised?
Is there even any blunt weapon that's a lethal throw
For the same reason a mace doesn't, it's a video game
Remember when hammers were lethal in Blood Money? That fucking skull cracking sound was brutal.
What settings do you guys use?
Would be cool if the game allowed you to choose between killing someone with a blunt weapon or going for a non-leathal melee takedown. I think the only way to kill someone right now with a blunt weapon is to keep throwing it at the head until the person eventually dies.
I only have an i7 and 970 so I play with everything on either Medium or High with the mirror setting as low as possible since that for some reason is an FPS boost
I had someone on Mumbai come investigate a coin from like two floors above, because of the elevator shaft I guess. Almost caught me hiding the body of the guy I was aiming for because I wasn't expecting someone from that far away to also come
I miss the brutality of some of the weapons in blood money, everything in hitman 2016 and 2 is really clean.
The existing effects look nice, It's a little weird how spaying someone down with an assult rifle only creates a tiny pool of blood.
>tfw done with all the challenges except The Classics
Time to figure out those SA/SO strats with no items in the level.
I'm surprised this game never caught any flak for the goofy way NPCs talk on Mumbai
Hitman 1 caught some flak because every random NPC was voiced by the same 4 british people, with no attempt to even make a more region based dub.
It's been validated as authentic by every Indian poster I've seen.
There's a few things that I'm mildly surprised I never saw hubbub about. Like how Zoe and Sophia Washington are black women, and are thieves, and you only kill them because they're inconvenient to you (have killswitches for the Constant). Successful black women that you kill for not much of a reason. Obviously I don't give a shit, just seems like the kind of thing those people would
I would have preferred it if The Constant was the target. As it stands, it makes no sense why 47 needs to kill the Washingtons. He could have just stole the kill switches and called it a day.
So how's the financial state of the franchise? I heard it's been downhill since Blood Money
Unknown. Seasons 1 and 2 sold poorly initially, but sales improved over time. All we know is that the series is successful enough to stay relevant and keep IO afloat.
IOI has been expanding their studio and done some partnerships, that doesn't seem to indicate that they are doing poorly
Electrocution phone is absolutely fucked, it's way too good. I mean, the explosive phone was a shit item but IOI is over compensating here.
The explosive phone is awesome, what are you talking about?
Just a few hours and absolutely everyone can get an easy silent assassin on the Elusive Target with it.
I wish more maps had something like the safehouse in Sapienza.
I wish more maps were like Sapienza in general
Janitor key, you can find it in a few places
Yes. I'd love to know the design process behind Sapienza, seeing as the town part doesn't have much to do with the main mission, but both The Icon and Landslide don't include the mansion at all and are all about the town. I wonder if they had all that planned out beforehand.
And seeing more maps like that would let us know they more good stuff is coming our way.
I don't know, The Constant is a fun character, I want him to stick around for a little longer. He can be the target in the airport finale mission.
I don't know but I don't think it's a coincidence that most people consider it the best map.
what am i supposed to buy, hitman 1 goty? hitman 2 standard? hitman 2 gold?
i thought you were supposed to be able to play hitman 1 in hitman 2
>Implying the final mission isn't going to be the Ark Society moonbase
Owners of 1 can download its levels and play them within 2's engine, yes. If you want everything, get 2 Gold and the GOTY Legacy Pack.
GOTY Legacy Pack DLC for Hitman 2 lets you play 1 in it.
If you want everything, you get Hitman 2 Gold and buy the Legacy Pack DLC.
What's the difference between Hitman 2 Standard vs Gold?
You need either:
1. Hitman 2 Starter + Hitman 1 GOTY
2. Hitman 2 Standard + Hitman GOTY Legacy
To play Hitman 1 in Hitman 2.
Can get Hitman 2 Gold for $10 where I live at. Already have season 1 goty, finished it again via Hitman 2. Should I pull the trigger? How does it compare to Hitman 1?
It's more of the same. Miami and Mumbai are among the best levels in the entire franchise, just like Paris and Sapienza in 1. Sure as hell worth $10.
ty anons
steam has the terribly unhelpful description of hitman 2 standard comes with himmelstein, miami, santa fortuna, mumbai, wittleton creek, isle of sgail
hitman 2 gold says it comes with expansions 1 and 2 without saying what expansions 1 and 2 or
>buy Hitman 2 Gold Edition with Legacy GOTY
>mfw download size
Huge maps require huge sacrifices
w-what's the damage user
100gb something. I wish my net wasn't shitty a 25mbit connection. I'm going to ask my ISP if I can get it to 100mbit.