Which house will be you be picking?
Which students will you be stealing?
Who is currently you waifu/husbando?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Other urls found in this thread:
Golden Deers
Not sure who I'll grab from other houses, I'll see after I play some more.
Anna is my waifu, even if we never get back to Awakening tier Anna design
None, because this game looks like shit and has shit combat animations.
Blue Lions
Don't know yet
Don't care about that stuff
Blue Lions.
I'll also be recruiting Marianne.
Some more gameplay stuff from yesterday
Golden Lions.
Won't steal anyone unless the game literally forces me to.
Nice to know that Mercedes has a big rack.
>Which house will be you be picking?
>Which students will you be stealing?
Not sure desu, I like everyone in my house by default. Maybe the qt blonde
>Who is currently you waifu?
Dorothea’s hat
Blue Lions
Golden Deer
Ingrid and Ferdinand
Tough choice between Ingrid, Hilda and Leonie
>wanting the horsefucker
Y tho
Give it like a month and you-know-who will latch onto someone else. No need to call her a horsefucker here.
I forgot the tripspic also lurks Yea Forums, why can’t he stay in his containment general
>Which house will be you be picking?
Golden Chads
>Which students will you be stealing?
None. Unless I really end up loving a character, I'm going to try and stick with what I've got since I'm just going to do a playthrough of the other two houses anyways. 3 playthroughs with 3 completely different armies sounds like fun to me. Bernadette, Caspar, Ashe, and Annette are the most likely candidates to be taken in during my first playthrough though.
>Who is currently you waifu/husbando?
Need to see the teachers to determine which girl I'm going after. Shamir, Leonie and Anna are currently the frontrunners, but who knows, maybe I'll end up liking someone completely different when the game comes out. Going to try and be a lesbo on my FemByleth run, but if I had to pick a guy, I guess I'd go with Raphael.
>cant make a cute fem byleth with purple hair
Goddamn,ill probably go with golden deers,but i may get the game on a sale.
Why does every game now must have a time skip? That shit only happened once in the first eight or so games of the series.
When does the next famitsu come out? I want to see more timeskip characters.
FE8-12 didn’t have a timeskip unless you count the SD prologue and awakening’s is like 9 months, what are you on about?
Meant for
I'm talking about genealogy of the holy war, that's the only game from the classic saga to have time skip. Now every fucking game must have that shit for some goddamn reason, it pisses me off.
Black Eagles
Newer FEs have child units like 4 does, but not time skips, it's all pocket plane time traveling children bullshit. The new game has a timeskip but doesn't have child units.
Yes, none of 9-12/Fates had one and Echoes/Awakenings were small. What’s your point?
meant for
My point is that you can't stop sucking dicks. Go see a doctor, mister pole shiner.
You best protect her smile at all costs.
I'm going to kill her. She should've joined the right team.
>wanting child units within a 5 year time skip
seethe harder (lol
I didn't say that I did, I only meant that FE4 is the only one that did it in a non-contrived way.
Will the taken students have supports with everyone or only within their own house?
I want to kiss Marianne
Came here to say I'm not playing this shit game and fuck niggers and trannies
Remember me?
I hope she burns that fucking hat during the timeskip.
>june 27th ... I am forgotten
I wish I could fast-forward a month
We don't want him, he fits in more with you Yea Forumsedditors.
just turn your mila's turnwheel backwards bro everyone is doing it
Why did they give her this stupid fucking hat?!
I can't wait to pick the boycott house. You faggots are really going to give your money to them after Fates? I thought Yea Forums was against censorship in japanese games?
Dunno about this Yea Forums person, but I just like good gameplay and 3H's seems to be shaping up well.
You gacha bugmen do nothing but repost reddit and twitter content.
I am digging their names
You know what i mean don't play with words. When Fates came out it's not only Yea Forums that was mad for all the cut content and censorship. Western version of FE games are scam.
What's up with all the Golden Queers here? Is it because half of Yea Forums is trannies and so is Claude?
Pic related is best girl.
>Which house will be you be picking?
Maybe Black Eagles. Most of the students I like are either here or in Golden Queers but I can't stand the aussie gaynigger. Blue Lions' students have better personal skills though, also Ingrid, so they're not out of the running just yet
>Which students will you be stealing?
>Who is currently you waifu/husbando?
telenovela lady
she looks like shit after the time skip
She looks like shit before the timeskip.
Golden Deer would have been the best house if it was led by anyone but Claude. He has the best selection of weirdos and misfits that are the bread and butter of your average FE army.
This. I want to pick Blue Lions because I like timeskipped Dimitri, but his selection really pales in comparison imo.
from what we've been shown so far the localization is pretty alright mostly 1:1 with the original if thats your biggest concern
Fuck you pal.
My biggest concern is giving my money to the SJW working at Nintendo America.
ah you're a shitposter , got it pal
What's wrong with Claude?
Great tits, grest ass.
Blue Lions
Lysithea and Marianne
looks and talks like a faggot
tired of "let's resolve this war peacefully! friendship is magic!" protagonists
Dimitri looks like he’s just done with everything and wants to go home
There's a small chance that he's not just a friendshipfag. What with the """peace""" carts and all the King Lear references of his house.
Exploding carts can be equipped by any character from any house, it's just a gambit
She loses her hat if she changes class
Ah, nevermind that then.
>a series known for being censored in the west
>be worried about the new game
fuck off
i'll give him some credit if and when i see him doing something more than just filling the niche of your standard FE protag
i don't trust IS to be that subversive and clever though
in the 3D model but not in the art
All I really care about is getting her. The rest isn't too important.
>game is shown to have an at least decent translation
>not a shitposter
Put them out of their misery by turning them into giant pincushions? If you say so!
I've been wanting to find a good three houses wallpaper(preferably Dimitri). I haven't found one yet.
I will! I'll kill every last one of them!
Blue Lions.
Dunno the limit on stealing. Wishlist is Marianne, Lyswhateverthefuck, Linhardt, Hubert and basically everyone because Blue Lion's students suck ass.
I am true to my real waifu, but my Byleth will S-Rank Marianne because she is best girl with no competitors.
I'll destroy everything they hold dear because they have unreasonable ideals of justice.
sorry but, Mariannas gonna die
Black Eagles
Mercie and Ingrid and maybe Leonie
Golden Chads with the power of friendship and burning enemies alive
wot? Only Awakening had a timeskip and it was less than a year.
>Implying that I would even think about recruiting any Blue Losers
They're getting the pike.
I have literally never declared a best girl that didn't die or get molested at some point during the story. Being too perfect to live is part of being best girl. But also kill yourself thoroughly and painfully, that's such a fucked up thing to say because I could have been someone who really cares about spoilers.
You awakening niggers ruined this franchise. Turned it into shitsona
I don't know, blond guy maybe.
I don't know
Who can I be gay with?
Why is yellow the only one that doesn’t look evil
I don't know why but the sleeve is really doing it for me
honestly we dont even know if Marianna dies or not, people only say it because Edelgard has a weapon that has Mariannas crest on it and we havent gotten Mariannas post timeskip design yet
>we are getting costumes as dlc
What costumes do you want?
Because he's the one who's actually evil.
Golden Chads
It would have died otherwise. If you don't like the new ones so much, then nothing has changed at all. Other people get what they want, the extent of what you want that could have reasonably existed still exists.
Looks a bit too much like Chie. She's cute, but I prefer my tomboys buff, brown and with enormous milkers.
Fuck off. The new games are a stain on its memory and every day I see these shit threads and remember how low it has fallen. Make your own shitty franchise instead of hijacking another.
You're free to feel bad about other people enjoying things.
I don't know how people can like her.
In as much a way as one would feel bad for another human "enjoying" eating a piece of shit using a fork they stole from you.
Same here user but for the love of god quit posting that compressed version of the pic
She's top tier cute
She's a loner and looks depressed so people like me want to help her and make her happy.
Golden Deers, I'm 100% marrying Hilda.
She was cute before the time skip, and she was even cuter after.
I'm probably going to steal Petra from Eagles or something like that.
She looks dead inside. Very relatable for desperate waifufags.
I hope she doesnt die, I want to protect her and bring back her smile
Of course I will
Students you don't recruit apparently die in the war phase so maybe she has a more unique death but she is recruitable so you can always save her
somebody post the greentext
I need more on this cutie.
Seteth's little sister who he is overprotective of. Unaffiliated with any house. Starts as a Priestess.
That has me interested indeed.
what happens to thicc hunky stud?
Becomes anorexic
yo why do the characters look like they walked out of a 2005 3D hentai game ran on someones laptop
>pic related
>t.south brazillian
Biggest tits second only to femByleth. Religious girls are cute.
Based Golden Chads, let's do our best to create a country that uses the war caused by the other 2 factions to turn over some good coin
Chads don't call themselves chads.
>Dimitri: "Glad you could make it, Felix."
>Felix: "Watch your tone with me, boar. You may be the prince, but I'm still your childhood friend."
>Dimitri: "As if I could forget. Listen, Felix, there's something about the crests you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These people have all submitted to crests. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into Nightcrawlers."
>Felix: "What?"
>Dimitri: "This entire city must be purged."
>Felix: "How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way."
>Dimitri: "Damn it, Felix. As your future king, I order you to purge this city."
>Felix: "You are not my king yet, boar. Nor would I obey that command if you were!"
>Dimitri: "Then I must consider this an act of treason."
>Felix: "Treason? Have you lost your mind, Dimitri?"
>Dimitri: "Have I? Felix Hugo Fraldarius, by my right of succession and sovereignity of my crown, I hereby relieve you from your command and suspend your battalions from service."
>Ingrid: "Dimitri, you can't just..."
>Dimitri: "It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight."
>Felix: "You've just crossed a terrible threshold, Dimitri."
>Dimitri: "Ingrid?"
>Ingrid: "I'm sorry, Dimitri. I can't watch you do this"
>people meme about dimitri and big boss
>claude is the one that actually seeks profits through war
Mercedes, Hilda, Manuela, Petra Dorothea are all bigger.
y'all think factions are gonna matter when they all join together at the end anyway via the power of friendship.
I can't wait to strike down an empress and her army with my gang of Golden misfits.
a guy confirmed you kill the students you don't recruit
>he doesn't know that friendship is fucking dead
cute hoops!!!
Pray the gay away
every single one of them, there arent going to be some of them that survive but are either wounded are forever changed, they all just die as in we kill them in combat
They are not.
>he believed Claude’s bullshit
From most popular to literally who. Just like her house.
She was only ever popular because she was one of the first girls to be revealed, along with such outstanding designs like a smelly neet, some loli and a black girl with garish facepaint.
Claude because he is delicious brown boy and I'll make him cut that sissy braid because he has to become a man for me.
Will it return?
>preggo Hilda
O-Oh my...
The only thing getting pinned is your brown boypussy, faggot.
Are you that gay user that’s mad he’s straight?
I know fuck all about this FE game
Redpill me on best girl
Not really, and with a face like that there's no way he's straight. Funny that I'm not the only one that thinks he looks like a massive fag.
I hope you like looks over personality
I'll probably do Golden Deers first and leave Black Eagles for last so I can finish the game making a big Edelgard.
>Students Stolen?
I need to read up on everyone as it stands, but Casper, Ashe, and Sylvain for sure.
Debating between Casper and Ashe for husbando. Still need to research for a waif. Also want to mention that Lorenz is based and that Sothis is daughteru.
Mean but based.
>tfw there are slifer slackers on this board
The whole Treehouse getting super wet over Dimitri.
Can't blame them. Especially his timeskip design
I'm not even a girl, but, damn, that post-timeskip design is good stuff.
Well, he’s been confirmed straight. Only gay anons seem fixated on his ‘boypussy’, that’s why I asked.
I intend to recruit both Annette and Mecedes to Golden Deer
Oh yes "confirmed straight" I've heard that story before. I believe what I see not what I hear.
>choosing a house that isnt GOLDEN
You guys are just kidding, right?
Gold is ugly.
good joke
The time skip would actually have been a good way to implement children and not have it be fucking stupid, shame they aren't included this time
>using 5 year old kids in combat
It's a five year timeskip. What the hell would you even do with kids that old?
Just make it longer
Turn them into Jews and proc every lucc based skill at once if fates is any indication.
Solidus and Sundowner know what you do.
If 3 houses had child units but they were all cyborg child soldiers I wouldnt even complain
>Seteth hates you because you're young and "not fit to be a professor"
>Fuck his little sister
can't wait to play the game
i can't
Warriors Anna > Fates Anna > Three Houses Anna > Heroes Anna > Awakening Anna
I want Fire Emblem medieval sundowner commanding literal baby units with weapons.
what if the kids pilot little mechs
>its over Edelgard, your villainy ends here!
Imagine a Fire Emblem with just lolis and shotas in your army
>Which house will be you be picking?
The one with mommy
Her hair color in 3H is really bothering me. Like, a lot. Maybe otome-chan is color-blind?
You can recruit mommy into another house so you don't have to be stuck in the Lions
If you think about it, a fight between two pregnant women is like a mecha battle for the babies.
Ah, a fellow Blue Chad. Please, help yourself to our milk machine, complete with motherly side plait.
Of course, the true mommy gf is Rhea, but she doesn't care which house you picked
nah man im going golden chads and recruiting her and annette
Fuck Nu emblem
Punished Leon is the only choice
Fuck you too
Harsh but fair.
>first Three Houses trailer
>time skip Three Houses trailer
Bless Nu emblem
>Fire Emblem
Better start protecting her from the wyverns.
It's wyverns who need protection from her, if anything.
Can't forget the horses, dogs and any local villagers.
I thought GRRM was working on dark souls 8
why they look like GoT characters?
Edelgard is Black Eagles tho
Enough of this slander